Peaceful Summers on Assonet River Stock Photo
RFRRFEP0–Peaceful Summers on Assonet River
Assonet River View Stock Photo
RMKTJ3H3–Assonet River View
Assonet River View. Stock Photo
RMRDYGC9–Assonet River View.
An exact plan of the sea coast of the continent from Paucatuck River eastwards to Point Judith and from thence northwards to the town of Providence and from thence southerly or the easterly shore round Bristol and from thence north easterly to assonet and from thence southerly to Seaconet Point and from thence easterly to Slocum's Harbour : and by the assistance of other plans and drafts is described the several islands ponds rivers and divisions of towns with the dividing line between the colonys of Connecticutt and Rhode Island as also the south line of the Massachusetts Bay. Facsimile. Orie Stock Photo
RM2M5TY00–An exact plan of the sea coast of the continent from Paucatuck River eastwards to Point Judith and from thence northwards to the town of Providence and from thence southerly or the easterly shore round Bristol and from thence north easterly to assonet and from thence southerly to Seaconet Point and from thence easterly to Slocum's Harbour : and by the assistance of other plans and drafts is described the several islands ponds rivers and divisions of towns with the dividing line between the colonys of Connecticutt and Rhode Island as also the south line of the Massachusetts Bay. Facsimile. Orie
. Norwich University, 1819-1911; her history, her graduates, her roll of honor . oard of investment,Iall River Saings Bank, 1847-95;engaged extensively in settling estates;practiced survejdng 1825-78. Hetook an active interest in schoolmatters; was a member of the Free-toNvn School Committee, 1837, 1838,1844 and 1845. He was a Republican in politicsand held many offices; was towntreasurer of Freetown, 1834—37;Hon. Guilford H. Hathaway. represented that town in the Mass- achusetts Legislature in 183G; collector of taxes, Freetown, four years; post-master, Assonet Village, 1841—45; was assessor Stock Photo
RM2CDHR87–. Norwich University, 1819-1911; her history, her graduates, her roll of honor . oard of investment,Iall River Saings Bank, 1847-95;engaged extensively in settling estates;practiced survejdng 1825-78. Hetook an active interest in schoolmatters; was a member of the Free-toNvn School Committee, 1837, 1838,1844 and 1845. He was a Republican in politicsand held many offices; was towntreasurer of Freetown, 1834—37;Hon. Guilford H. Hathaway. represented that town in the Mass- achusetts Legislature in 183G; collector of taxes, Freetown, four years; post-master, Assonet Village, 1841—45; was assessor
Still Water Stock Photo
RFRMPFTF–Still Water
An exact plan of the sea coast of the continent from Paucatuck River eastwards to Point Judith and from thence northwards to the town of Providence and from thence southerly or the easterly shore round Bristol and from thence north easterly to assonet and from thence southerly to Seaconet Point and from thence easterly to Slocum's Harbour : and by the assistance of other plans and drafts is described the several islands ponds rivers and divisions of towns with the dividing line between the colonys of Connecticutt and Rhode Island as also the south line of the Massachusetts Bay , Rhode Island, Stock Photo
RM2M2TKTC–An exact plan of the sea coast of the continent from Paucatuck River eastwards to Point Judith and from thence northwards to the town of Providence and from thence southerly or the easterly shore round Bristol and from thence north easterly to assonet and from thence southerly to Seaconet Point and from thence easterly to Slocum's Harbour : and by the assistance of other plans and drafts is described the several islands ponds rivers and divisions of towns with the dividing line between the colonys of Connecticutt and Rhode Island as also the south line of the Massachusetts Bay , Rhode Island,
. The Civilian Conservation Corps : shaping the forests and parks of Massachusetts : a statewide survey of Civilian Conservation Corps resources. Civilian Conservation Corps (U. S. ); Forest reserves; Public lands; Parks. Stone chimney. Stone oven Hathaway Ledge to connect with the Assonet-Fall River highway. A key aspect of the effort was the natural treatment of the landscape so that man-made effects would not be noticeable. Camp SP-16 also improved truck trails, built water holes, cleared roadsides and planted over 100 acres with white pine. Camp S-77 began with truck trail construction, fi Stock Photo
RMREKRKH–. The Civilian Conservation Corps : shaping the forests and parks of Massachusetts : a statewide survey of Civilian Conservation Corps resources. Civilian Conservation Corps (U. S. ); Forest reserves; Public lands; Parks. Stone chimney. Stone oven Hathaway Ledge to connect with the Assonet-Fall River highway. A key aspect of the effort was the natural treatment of the landscape so that man-made effects would not be noticeable. Camp SP-16 also improved truck trails, built water holes, cleared roadsides and planted over 100 acres with white pine. Camp S-77 began with truck trail construction, fi
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