. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. when wanted. FLOWERING PLANTS BEGONIAS. One of the best sellers for Xmas. BEGONIA LOBBAINB:. Very heavy and beautifully nowered, 0-inch, $1.50 and $2.00 each. BEGONIAS CINCINNATI and MEMOR. Very fine plants full of nowms, U-inch, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. BEGONIA LUMINOSA. True Xmas Red, fine plants in bloom, and will find ready sale, 4-inch, 25c; C-inch, 60c. PRIMULA OBCONICA. We make a specialty of growing thcao and liave the very best strain and colors, 4-lnch, 25c; 5-inch, 50c. PRIMITLA CHINENSIS. Fine plants and the very best colors; 5-inch Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-when-wanted-flowering-plants-begonias-one-of-the-best-sellers-for-xmas-begonia-lobbainb-very-heavy-and-beautifully-nowered-0-inch-150-and-200-each-begonias-cincinnati-and-memor-very-fine-plants-full-of-nowms-u-inch-100-125-and-150-each-begonia-luminosa-true-xmas-red-fine-plants-in-bloom-and-will-find-ready-sale-4-inch-25c-c-inch-60c-primula-obconica-we-make-a-specialty-of-growing-thcao-and-liave-the-very-best-strain-and-colors-4-lnch-25c-5-inch-50c-primitla-chinensis-fine-plants-and-the-very-best-colors-5-inch-image238060666.html
RMRR8GPJ–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. when wanted. FLOWERING PLANTS BEGONIAS. One of the best sellers for Xmas. BEGONIA LOBBAINB:. Very heavy and beautifully nowered, 0-inch, $1.50 and $2.00 each. BEGONIAS CINCINNATI and MEMOR. Very fine plants full of nowms, U-inch, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 each. BEGONIA LUMINOSA. True Xmas Red, fine plants in bloom, and will find ready sale, 4-inch, 25c; C-inch, 60c. PRIMULA OBCONICA. We make a specialty of growing thcao and liave the very best strain and colors, 4-lnch, 25c; 5-inch, 50c. PRIMITLA CHINENSIS. Fine plants and the very best colors; 5-inch
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Dbcbmbbb 0, 1915. The Florists^ Review 123 Godfrey Aschmann is Prepared Right Now. A bouse fall of Godfrey Aschmnnn's Besronla Glolre de Lorraine in bloom and bad for Christinas, ready for shipment. BEGONIA OLOntE SE I.OBRAINE. We have a large house full, grown cool, making a rich deep color, 3-ln. pots, suitable for basket work, 15c; 6-ln. pots, 50c; 6-ln. pots, 60c and 75c; 7-in. pots, large plants, $1.00 and $1.25. BEGONIA GLORY OF CINCINNATI, 6-ln. pots, 60c and 75c. BEGONIA LUMINOSA, full of bright red flowers, 4-ln. pots, 20c; medium 4-ln., 1 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-dbcbmbbb-0-1915-the-florists-review-123-godfrey-aschmann-is-prepared-right-now-a-bouse-fall-of-godfrey-aschmnnns-besronla-glolre-de-lorraine-in-bloom-and-bad-for-christinas-ready-for-shipment-begonia-olonte-se-iobraine-we-have-a-large-house-full-grown-cool-making-a-rich-deep-color-3-ln-pots-suitable-for-basket-work-15c-6-ln-pots-50c-6-ln-pots-60c-and-75c-7-in-pots-large-plants-100-and-125-begonia-glory-of-cincinnati-6-ln-pots-60c-and-75c-begonia-luminosa-full-of-bright-red-flowers-4-ln-pots-20c-medium-4-ln-1-image238359353.html
RMRRP5P1–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Dbcbmbbb 0, 1915. The Florists^ Review 123 Godfrey Aschmann is Prepared Right Now. A bouse fall of Godfrey Aschmnnn's Besronla Glolre de Lorraine in bloom and bad for Christinas, ready for shipment. BEGONIA OLOntE SE I.OBRAINE. We have a large house full, grown cool, making a rich deep color, 3-ln. pots, suitable for basket work, 15c; 6-ln. pots, 50c; 6-ln. pots, 60c and 75c; 7-in. pots, large plants, $1.00 and $1.25. BEGONIA GLORY OF CINCINNATI, 6-ln. pots, 60c and 75c. BEGONIA LUMINOSA, full of bright red flowers, 4-ln. pots, 20c; medium 4-ln., 1
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 20 The Florists^ Review Mabch ], 1017. BEGONIA ALICE MANNING. The Alice Manning begonia belongs to the tuberous-rooted section and makes a grand basket plant. Kenneth McLean, head gardener for John I. Kane, of Bar Harbor, Me., grows it successfully, as he does many other plants flowering in the Bar Harbor season. By starting tubers in February he has them in full bloom, as shown in the accompanying illustration, early in June, and other tubers started at intervals up to April 1 give a succession of blooms until Sep- tember. The flowers retain their Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-20-the-florists-review-mabch-1017-begonia-alice-manning-the-alice-manning-begonia-belongs-to-the-tuberous-rooted-section-and-makes-a-grand-basket-plant-kenneth-mclean-head-gardener-for-john-i-kane-of-bar-harbor-me-grows-it-successfully-as-he-does-many-other-plants-flowering-in-the-bar-harbor-season-by-starting-tubers-in-february-he-has-them-in-full-bloom-as-shown-in-the-accompanying-illustration-early-in-june-and-other-tubers-started-at-intervals-up-to-april-1-give-a-succession-of-blooms-until-sep-tember-the-flowers-retain-their-image238308422.html
RMRRKTR2–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 20 The Florists^ Review Mabch ], 1017. BEGONIA ALICE MANNING. The Alice Manning begonia belongs to the tuberous-rooted section and makes a grand basket plant. Kenneth McLean, head gardener for John I. Kane, of Bar Harbor, Me., grows it successfully, as he does many other plants flowering in the Bar Harbor season. By starting tubers in February he has them in full bloom, as shown in the accompanying illustration, early in June, and other tubers started at intervals up to April 1 give a succession of blooms until Sep- tember. The flowers retain their
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. DSCBMBXB 17. 1914. The Florists' Review BROTHERS CO. HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA ChicagO) III* '"Rudolph: Send all orders lor Plants to P. O. Box 127, Norton Grove, III. Begonias for Christmas AS FINE AS YOU EVER SAW BEGONIAGLORYofCDfCmAn. No better stock can be found anywhere; these are our special pride and we kno v they will please. In fine bloom and just right for Christmas. 6-inch, in full bloom $1.00 to $1.25 each 7-inch, in full bloom 1.50 to 2.00 each BEGONIA GLOIREde LORRAINE o-inch, in full bloom 60c each tt-inch, in full bloom 75 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-dscbmbxb-17-1914-the-florists-review-brothers-co-house-establishment-in-america-chicago-iii-quotrudolph-send-all-orders-lor-plants-to-p-o-box-127-norton-grove-iii-begonias-for-christmas-as-fine-as-you-ever-saw-begoniagloryofcdfcman-no-better-stock-can-be-found-anywhere-these-are-our-special-pride-and-we-kno-v-they-will-please-in-fine-bloom-and-just-right-for-christmas-6-inch-in-full-bloom-100-to-125-each-7-inch-in-full-bloom-150-to-200-each-begonia-gloirede-lorraine-o-inch-in-full-bloom-60c-each-tt-inch-in-full-bloom-75-image238389574.html
RMRRRG9A–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. DSCBMBXB 17. 1914. The Florists' Review BROTHERS CO. HOUSE ESTABLISHMENT IN AMERICA ChicagO) III* '"Rudolph: Send all orders lor Plants to P. O. Box 127, Norton Grove, III. Begonias for Christmas AS FINE AS YOU EVER SAW BEGONIAGLORYofCDfCmAn. No better stock can be found anywhere; these are our special pride and we kno v they will please. In fine bloom and just right for Christmas. 6-inch, in full bloom $1.00 to $1.25 each 7-inch, in full bloom 1.50 to 2.00 each BEGONIA GLOIREde LORRAINE o-inch, in full bloom 60c each tt-inch, in full bloom 75
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Dracaena Godseffiana 2-inch pots.....' $1.00 per doz. .S-inch pots 1.50 per doz. Dracaena Massangeana 6-inch $1.00 each Bes^onia Glory of Cincinnati No better stock can be found anywhere, these are our special pride and we kno^ they will please. Now in fine bloom and just right for Christmas. 5-inch $0.60 to $0.76 each 6-inch 1.00 to 1.25 each 7-inch 1.50 to 2.00 each Begonia Gloire de Lorraine 6-inch, in full bloom 75c to $1.50 each 7-inch, in full bloom 2.00 each. Poinsettias Choice stock in pans with good bracts (according to value), from 76c to Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-dracaena-godseffiana-2-inch-pots-100-per-doz-s-inch-pots-150-per-doz-dracaena-massangeana-6-inch-100-each-besonia-glory-of-cincinnati-no-better-stock-can-be-found-anywhere-these-are-our-special-pride-and-we-kno-they-will-please-now-in-fine-bloom-and-just-right-for-christmas-5-inch-060-to-076-each-6-inch-100-to-125-each-7-inch-150-to-200-each-begonia-gloire-de-lorraine-6-inch-in-full-bloom-75c-to-150-each-7-inch-in-full-bloom-200-each-poinsettias-choice-stock-in-pans-with-good-bracts-according-to-value-from-76c-to-image238392227.html
RMRRRKM3–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Dracaena Godseffiana 2-inch pots.....' $1.00 per doz. .S-inch pots 1.50 per doz. Dracaena Massangeana 6-inch $1.00 each Bes^onia Glory of Cincinnati No better stock can be found anywhere, these are our special pride and we kno^ they will please. Now in fine bloom and just right for Christmas. 5-inch $0.60 to $0.76 each 6-inch 1.00 to 1.25 each 7-inch 1.50 to 2.00 each Begonia Gloire de Lorraine 6-inch, in full bloom 75c to $1.50 each 7-inch, in full bloom 2.00 each. Poinsettias Choice stock in pans with good bracts (according to value), from 76c to
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Dracaena Godseffiana 2-irich pots $1.00 per doz. 3-inch pots 1.50 per doz. Dracaena Massangeana 6-inch $1.00 each Begonia Glory of Cincinnati No better stock can be found anywhere, these are our special pride and we kno n they will please. Now in fine bloom and just right for Christmas. 6-inch $0.60 to $0.75 each 6-inch 1.00 to 1.2o each 7-inch 1.50 to 2.00 each Begonia Gloire de Lorraine 6-inch, in full bloom 76c to $1.60 each 7-inch, in full bloom 2.00 each. Poinsettias Choice stock in pans with good bracts (according to value), from 76c to $2.60 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-dracaena-godseffiana-2-irich-pots-100-per-doz-3-inch-pots-150-per-doz-dracaena-massangeana-6-inch-100-each-begonia-glory-of-cincinnati-no-better-stock-can-be-found-anywhere-these-are-our-special-pride-and-we-kno-n-they-will-please-now-in-fine-bloom-and-just-right-for-christmas-6-inch-060-to-075-each-6-inch-100-to-12o-each-7-inch-150-to-200-each-begonia-gloire-de-lorraine-6-inch-in-full-bloom-76c-to-160-each-7-inch-in-full-bloom-200-each-poinsettias-choice-stock-in-pans-with-good-bracts-according-to-value-from-76c-to-260-image238391005.html
RMRRRJ4D–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. Dracaena Godseffiana 2-irich pots $1.00 per doz. 3-inch pots 1.50 per doz. Dracaena Massangeana 6-inch $1.00 each Begonia Glory of Cincinnati No better stock can be found anywhere, these are our special pride and we kno n they will please. Now in fine bloom and just right for Christmas. 6-inch $0.60 to $0.75 each 6-inch 1.00 to 1.2o each 7-inch 1.50 to 2.00 each Begonia Gloire de Lorraine 6-inch, in full bloom 76c to $1.60 each 7-inch, in full bloom 2.00 each. Poinsettias Choice stock in pans with good bracts (according to value), from 76c to $2.60
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