Economic entomology for the farmer and fruit-grower : and for use as a text-book in agricultural schools and colleges . Canker-worm, larva of Anisoptcryxpometaria.—a, b, &%%, enlarged ; e, patch of eggs; c, d, bodysegments of/, lar-a ; g, pupa of female. a, larva of Paleacrita vernata;b, an ^SS^ much enlarged; c, d,body segments of lara. trunk below any obstruction that it cannot pass. The younglarvae will attempt to get to the leaves, and will, if they find animpassable barrier, starve to death. The best materials, allthings considered, are raupenleim, or dendrolene, prefer-ably the latter, Stock Photo
RM2AWRC57–Economic entomology for the farmer and fruit-grower : and for use as a text-book in agricultural schools and colleges . Canker-worm, larva of Anisoptcryxpometaria.—a, b, &%%, enlarged ; e, patch of eggs; c, d, bodysegments of/, lar-a ; g, pupa of female. a, larva of Paleacrita vernata;b, an ^SS^ much enlarged; c, d,body segments of lara. trunk below any obstruction that it cannot pass. The younglarvae will attempt to get to the leaves, and will, if they find animpassable barrier, starve to death. The best materials, allthings considered, are raupenleim, or dendrolene, prefer-ably the latter,
. Manual of vegetable-garden insects. Fig. 213. — a car-rot injured byslugs and milli-pedes. 344 MANUAL OF VEGETABLE-GARDEN INSECTS the adults in size and in haing a smaller number of bodysegments and fewer legs. In New York a common and troublesome species is Juluscceruleocinctus Wood. It is nearly an inch in length and has been found in-jurious to peas,beans, tomatoes,melons and manyother vegetables(Fig. 214). No satisfactorymethod for thecontrol of milli-pedes under fieldor garden condi-tions has beendevised. In thegarden they maybe trapped under pieces of boards or slices of vegetableslai Stock Photo
RM2AGE2XJ–. Manual of vegetable-garden insects. Fig. 213. — a car-rot injured byslugs and milli-pedes. 344 MANUAL OF VEGETABLE-GARDEN INSECTS the adults in size and in haing a smaller number of bodysegments and fewer legs. In New York a common and troublesome species is Juluscceruleocinctus Wood. It is nearly an inch in length and has been found in-jurious to peas,beans, tomatoes,melons and manyother vegetables(Fig. 214). No satisfactorymethod for thecontrol of milli-pedes under fieldor garden condi-tions has beendevised. In thegarden they maybe trapped under pieces of boards or slices of vegetableslai
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