Black and white photograph showing the interior of Pier 35, with a metal roof supported by iron trusswork, and crates and sandbags stacked on either side, located in San Francisco, California, January 8, 1917. Courtesy Internet Archive. () Stock Photo
RMPGMT7W–Black and white photograph showing the interior of Pier 35, with a metal roof supported by iron trusswork, and crates and sandbags stacked on either side, located in San Francisco, California, January 8, 1917. Courtesy Internet Archive. ()
Revue de l'art chrétien . AD-^^ Henriette Mendelsohn a con-son s- sacre[ig: érudition etses patien-tes recher-îçw5S5PWwS§ ches à uncharmant sujet, bien dignede tenter une dame cliré-tienne: /es atiges dans lart () ;et nous la félicitons davoirdonné un livre dun très vif. Fig. I. — Diptyque du Xh- siècle à lacathédrale de Tournai. intérêt et dune charmanteprésentation (^).Nous traiterons sommaire-ment cette même jolie ques-tion, en puisant dans son étudede quoi rafraîchir les notesque nous avions depuis long-temps recueillies. Nos lecteursseront, espérons-nous, tentésde recourir, pour la docume Stock Photo
RM2ANEYWA–Revue de l'art chrétien . AD-^^ Henriette Mendelsohn a con-son s- sacre[ig: érudition etses patien-tes recher-îçw5S5PWwS§ ches à uncharmant sujet, bien dignede tenter une dame cliré-tienne: /es atiges dans lart () ;et nous la félicitons davoirdonné un livre dun très vif. Fig. I. — Diptyque du Xh- siècle à lacathédrale de Tournai. intérêt et dune charmanteprésentation (^).Nous traiterons sommaire-ment cette même jolie ques-tion, en puisant dans son étudede quoi rafraîchir les notesque nous avions depuis long-temps recueillies. Nos lecteursseront, espérons-nous, tentésde recourir, pour la docume
Black and white photograph showing a man standing next to a two-story, fire station, with a barrel tile roof, and a fire engine parked in the open doorway, located between Piers 24 and 26, in San Francisco, California, USA, 1853. Courtesy Internet Archive. () Stock Photo
RMPGMT79–Black and white photograph showing a man standing next to a two-story, fire station, with a barrel tile roof, and a fire engine parked in the open doorway, located between Piers 24 and 26, in San Francisco, California, USA, 1853. Courtesy Internet Archive. ()
Revue de l'art chrétien . Palais de Sargon, daprès une restitution de ViolIet-le-Duc. de larchitecture, ne pouvaient être oubliées. M.C. nous en donne un aperçu très suffisant.. Stock Photo
RM2AJ69TR–Revue de l'art chrétien . Palais de Sargon, daprès une restitution de ViolIet-le-Duc. de larchitecture, ne pouvaient être oubliées. M.C. nous en donne un aperçu très suffisant..
Black and white exterior photograph of a Wells Fargo, 1853. Courtesy Internet Archive. Note: Image has been digitally colorized using a modern process. Colors may not be period-accurate. () Stock Photo
RMMD255Y–Black and white exterior photograph of a Wells Fargo, 1853. Courtesy Internet Archive. Note: Image has been digitally colorized using a modern process. Colors may not be period-accurate. ()
Harper's weekly . Cod-Liver Oil Jelly, .i American Guano. ? ii so J„.i-v Island, In the I /?IliEAIl LliltlMTV- Iarlieuluis sent,/,,,. J)l SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT harpirs. mm £OFiliHWi Stock Photo
RM2ANCFX4–Harper's weekly . Cod-Liver Oil Jelly, .i American Guano. ? ii so J„.i-v Island, In the I /?IliEAIl LliltlMTV- Iarlieuluis sent,/,,,. J)l SWEETS INFALLIBLE LINIMENT harpirs. mm £OFiliHWi
. Harper's weekly. Sheets of Typo, Cuts, dteyc A MONTH I I wai d Pens and Holders, pi •, . ;?? !il Li n |i ?? ? !?.. |.iv.],:[i.l LJ BAKERS VKVKH tliOTJ-U, DAK1 ! i Ul ill M1XT1 1:1%HAKI.I.S UliOI I AU KVIATOR, I | li 1 Uk each. BAKERS KIDNEY AND GRAVEL REMEDIES, * ivHiii-. SM l.y lli..- i.virK]!...! l.nuci-L--. CARPET WARP. WOOL TWINE. Twines and Paper. H. A. HAl{Vliv, 34 Maiden LTo Compositors.—Wanted, three strictly I WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SILVER WATCHES. r 1-.ukIi.Ii Pau-utl.-v.:.:..! .,:>. .. I,, :-7.M,n , EARRINGS AND PINS, NEW STYLES. twenty, t.venty-tive, thnty-fire, lorty, fitly, to Stock Photo!il-li-n-i-!-iv-il-lj-bakers-vkvkh-tliotj-u-dak1-!-i-ul-ill-m1xt1-11hakiis-ulioi-i-au-kviator-i-li-1-uk-each-bakers-kidney-and-gravel-remedies-ivhiii-sm-ly-lli-ivirk-!!-lnuci-l-carpet-warp-wool-twine-twines-and-paper-h-a-halvliv-34-maiden-lto-compositorswanted-three-strictly-i-watches-and-jewelry-silver-watches-r-1-ukiiii-pau-utl-v!-gt-i-7mn-earrings-and-pins-new-styles-twenty-tventy-tive-thnty-fire-lorty-fitly-to-image336609265.html
RM2AFHTFD–. Harper's weekly. Sheets of Typo, Cuts, dteyc A MONTH I I wai d Pens and Holders, pi •, . ;?? !il Li n |i ?? ? !?.. |.iv.],:[i.l LJ BAKERS VKVKH tliOTJ-U, DAK1 ! i Ul ill M1XT1 1:1%HAKI.I.S UliOI I AU KVIATOR, I | li 1 Uk each. BAKERS KIDNEY AND GRAVEL REMEDIES, * ivHiii-. SM l.y lli..- i.virK]!...! l.nuci-L--. CARPET WARP. WOOL TWINE. Twines and Paper. H. A. HAl{Vliv, 34 Maiden LTo Compositors.—Wanted, three strictly I WATCHES AND JEWELRY. SILVER WATCHES. r 1-.ukIi.Ii Pau-utl.-v.:.:..! .,:>. .. I,, :-7.M,n , EARRINGS AND PINS, NEW STYLES. twenty, t.venty-tive, thnty-fire, lorty, fitly, to
Revue de l'art chrétien . , si cest toi qui las enlevé, dis-moi oià tu las mis, et je lemporterai, » —Jésus lui dit «Marie!» A ce nom prononcédune voix si connue et si aimée, elle se « Maître!... s> Et le retourna, s écriant I. Sauf peut-être sur quelques chapiteaux romans deCatalogne, que nous navons pi» examiner que sur dinexac-tes reproductions. REVUB DB lart CHRÉTISN.1907. — 6° LIVRAISON 378 3Rebue X)t V^vt cj^rctien. Christ reprit : « Ne me touchez pas {JVohme tangere). Ces derniers mots ont souventservi, dans la littérature iconographique, àdésigner toute la scène, si poétique, delapp Stock Photo!-a-ce-nom-prononcdune-voix-si-connue-et-si-aime-elle-se-matre!-sgt-et-le-retourna-s-criant-i-sauf-peut-tre-sur-quelques-chapiteaux-romans-decatalogne-que-nous-navons-pi-examiner-que-sur-dinexac-tes-reproductions-revub-db-lart-chrtisn1907-6-livraison-378-3rebue-xt-vvt-cjrctien-christ-reprit-ne-me-touchez-pas-jvohme-tangere-ces-derniers-mots-ont-souventservi-dans-la-littrature-iconographique-dsigner-toute-la-scne-si-potique-delapp-image340178422.html
RM2ANCD1A–Revue de l'art chrétien . , si cest toi qui las enlevé, dis-moi oià tu las mis, et je lemporterai, » —Jésus lui dit «Marie!» A ce nom prononcédune voix si connue et si aimée, elle se « Maître!... s> Et le retourna, s écriant I. Sauf peut-être sur quelques chapiteaux romans deCatalogne, que nous navons pi» examiner que sur dinexac-tes reproductions. REVUB DB lart CHRÉTISN.1907. — 6° LIVRAISON 378 3Rebue X)t V^vt cj^rctien. Christ reprit : « Ne me touchez pas {JVohme tangere). Ces derniers mots ont souventservi, dans la littérature iconographique, àdésigner toute la scène, si poétique, delapp
Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . lid, Bamwood, Gloucestershire. Stone Coffin-lid, Elford, Staffordshire. Dorchester Abbey slab : here are four circles so arranged witha lozenge-shaped figure, that the points of the lozenge form thefour extremities of the cross-head. In some specimens the fourcircles are themselves set towards the cardinal points, and thusproduce the requisite cruciform f Stock Photo
RM2AJDTPC–Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . lid, Bamwood, Gloucestershire. Stone Coffin-lid, Elford, Staffordshire. Dorchester Abbey slab : here are four circles so arranged witha lozenge-shaped figure, that the points of the lozenge form thefour extremities of the cross-head. In some specimens the fourcircles are themselves set towards the cardinal points, and thusproduce the requisite cruciform f
Revue de l'art chrétien . % Fig. 6. Is-Sanamén. — Coupe A B du Tychaion. et les basiliques syriennes du IV™«, V>e etVlme siècle est autrement suggestif. Le Tychaionen question (fig.5) est un édifice à peu près carrémesurant environ 23 mètres de côté. Il souvreà la façade par une large porte centrale et deuxautres plus étroites.Une abside logée dans lépais-seur des maçonneries fait face à la porte centraleet a son pavement surélevé. Elle est flanquée dedeux salles rectangulaires à étages. Les deuxétages (fig. 6) souvrent par des portes sur les. Fig. 7. — Is-Saiiamên. — Coupe C D du Tychaion. Stock Photo
RM2ANCNC3–Revue de l'art chrétien . % Fig. 6. Is-Sanamén. — Coupe A B du Tychaion. et les basiliques syriennes du IV™«, V>e etVlme siècle est autrement suggestif. Le Tychaionen question (fig.5) est un édifice à peu près carrémesurant environ 23 mètres de côté. Il souvreà la façade par une large porte centrale et deuxautres plus étroites.Une abside logée dans lépais-seur des maçonneries fait face à la porte centraleet a son pavement surélevé. Elle est flanquée dedeux salles rectangulaires à étages. Les deuxétages (fig. 6) souvrent par des portes sur les. Fig. 7. — Is-Saiiamên. — Coupe C D du Tychaion.
Revue de l'art chrétien . Autel des holocaustes, daprès les traditions rabbiniquesdans Surenhusey.. Le roi Assurbanipal. lî;*?;-rclief du Mus<:e du Louvre. 2i5tbliograpl)ie, 2=;i Assyrie. — Cette rubrique traite de la géogra-phie, de lethnographie, de la religion et de lhis-toire de la Mésopotamie; les lignes consacrées auxsépultures assyriennes, intéresseront vivement lesarchéologues (E. Pannierj. Broderie. — Quétait louvrage nommé en hé-breu riçuâ/i? Un tissage, une peinture sur étoffe,une application ou une vraie broderie? M. Le-vesque opine pour cette dernière version. Cet artest connu Stock Photo
RM2AJ5HF6–Revue de l'art chrétien . Autel des holocaustes, daprès les traditions rabbiniquesdans Surenhusey.. Le roi Assurbanipal. lî;*?;-rclief du Mus<:e du Louvre. 2i5tbliograpl)ie, 2=;i Assyrie. — Cette rubrique traite de la géogra-phie, de lethnographie, de la religion et de lhis-toire de la Mésopotamie; les lignes consacrées auxsépultures assyriennes, intéresseront vivement lesarchéologues (E. Pannierj. Broderie. — Quétait louvrage nommé en hé-breu riçuâ/i? Un tissage, une peinture sur étoffe,une application ou une vraie broderie? M. Le-vesque opine pour cette dernière version. Cet artest connu
Revue de l'art chrétien . s doigts dirigés vers un paral-lélogramme également réservé, où le sigleI H 8 {sic) est inscrit. La figure en ronde-bosse a disparu ; la silhouette, qui porteencore des traces de dorure, est assez cor-rectement dessinée ; des trous percent lesmains et les pieds, collection de M. le cha-noine Van Drivai, à Arras. N° 2. Croix auréolée et potencée. Elleest presque complète face et revers ; man-quent seulement la potence inférieure en-tière et deux plaquettes démail aux appen-dices restants. Largeur : o30 ; la hauteurprimitive devait atteindre o45. Lâme, enbois, est recou Stock Photo
RM2AJ8H9R–Revue de l'art chrétien . s doigts dirigés vers un paral-lélogramme également réservé, où le sigleI H 8 {sic) est inscrit. La figure en ronde-bosse a disparu ; la silhouette, qui porteencore des traces de dorure, est assez cor-rectement dessinée ; des trous percent lesmains et les pieds, collection de M. le cha-noine Van Drivai, à Arras. N° 2. Croix auréolée et potencée. Elleest presque complète face et revers ; man-quent seulement la potence inférieure en-tière et deux plaquettes démail aux appen-dices restants. Largeur : o30 ; la hauteurprimitive devait atteindre o45. Lâme, enbois, est recou
. Tallis's history and description of the Crystal palace, and the Exhibition of the world's industry in 1851;. MAriTir pirr.F of oak carving. STOVE, DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED BY MESS«. CARR < ROBERTSON . SHEFFIELD . r i Stock Photo
RM2AFT4BT–. Tallis's history and description of the Crystal palace, and the Exhibition of the world's industry in 1851;. MAriTir pirr.F of oak carving. STOVE, DESIGNED AND MANUFACTURED BY MESS«. CARR < ROBERTSON . SHEFFIELD . r i
. Harper's weekly. aTO SOLDIERS. ,r, ,-n Ch.l.ii-. n-. i >,?--. ud 11 v. l-lyj- ??; ? The bright blnck lOye, the melting blue, II , . .;, f r „ (I f ( vn.ll , :.ui;nu, Im- Mah.-ii, n-.-, r. ;.,iv, ,,nly K- . in . ? The &rmy Lantern. The Convex Reflector Lantern, 3§ iVli.Ti. SSVu*SSl r 11 llOKN, U|,li,,i:,n,.JVJ lb rtbrK A MONTH! I want to biiv A-o,i|, v., v 5p / O county at Sib a i, lb, oxi,.,,,,, ,,ai,l. i., o.Ii am, y rains- ™^ni =—l- im >l V hi JBtt-Ti MIRROR( EMPLOYMENT Magic Time Observers, The Perfection of Mechanism! Being a Hunting or Open Pace, or Ladys or^Gentlemans W Stock Photo!-i-want-to-biiv-a-oi-v-v-5p-o-county-at-sib-a-i-lb-oxi-ail-i-oii-am-y-rains-ni-=l-im-gtl-v-hi-jbtt-ti-mirror-employment-magic-time-observers-the-perfection-of-mechanism!-being-a-hunting-or-open-pace-or-ladys-orgentlemans-w-image336617384.html
RM2AFJ6WC–. Harper's weekly. aTO SOLDIERS. ,r, ,-n Ch.l.ii-. n-. i >,?--. ud 11 v. l-lyj- ??; ? The bright blnck lOye, the melting blue, II , . .;, f r „ (I f ( vn.ll , :.ui;nu, Im- Mah.-ii, n-.-, r. ;.,iv, ,,nly K- . in . ? The &rmy Lantern. The Convex Reflector Lantern, 3§ iVli.Ti. SSVu*SSl r 11 llOKN, U|,li,,i:,n,.JVJ lb rtbrK A MONTH! I want to biiv A-o,i|, v., v 5p / O county at Sib a i, lb, oxi,.,,,,, ,,ai,l. i., o.Ii am, y rains- ™^ni =—l- im >l V hi JBtt-Ti MIRROR( EMPLOYMENT Magic Time Observers, The Perfection of Mechanism! Being a Hunting or Open Pace, or Ladys or^Gentlemans W
Popular pathology : Pancoast on the curability of consumption : medicated inhalation . Health; Chest. CTi8uiM|itlve Chest. Another pernicious practice is keeping late hours—duringthe winter season in particular—attending balls thinlyclothed, partaking of hot suppers, stimulating viands, andindulging in dancing and other excitements of the hilariousoccasions; and then leaving the heated atmosphere of thesaloon, or theatre, and going out into the storm and wintry-blasts. I am far from wishing to proscribe rational and in-nocent enjoyment, but the blessings of good health should 156 DISEASES OF T Stock Photo
RM2AJ6D4A–Popular pathology : Pancoast on the curability of consumption : medicated inhalation . Health; Chest. CTi8uiM|itlve Chest. Another pernicious practice is keeping late hours—duringthe winter season in particular—attending balls thinlyclothed, partaking of hot suppers, stimulating viands, andindulging in dancing and other excitements of the hilariousoccasions; and then leaving the heated atmosphere of thesaloon, or theatre, and going out into the storm and wintry-blasts. I am far from wishing to proscribe rational and in-nocent enjoyment, but the blessings of good health should 156 DISEASES OF T
Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . ed in the parkat Baron Hill, near Beaumaris, theseat of Sir R. Bulkeley, where theslab again lies upon the stone-cof-fin.1 In the church of St. John inthe city of Chester is another slab,which is partly flat, and coveredwith flowing foliage, executed inlow relief, and in part is cut awayin order to disclose to the view asculptured semi-effigy. The upperpo Stock Photo
RM2AJC8E3–Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . ed in the parkat Baron Hill, near Beaumaris, theseat of Sir R. Bulkeley, where theslab again lies upon the stone-cof-fin.1 In the church of St. John inthe city of Chester is another slab,which is partly flat, and coveredwith flowing foliage, executed inlow relief, and in part is cut awayin order to disclose to the view asculptured semi-effigy. The upperpo
Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . V.1TTINC S stances a small hollow has been observedto have been cut in the stone coffin, inorder to admit the chalice by the side ofthe remains. See Carters Architecture,plate lix.; and Gouges Monuments, vol. i.p. lxix., and vol. ii. introduction, p. lxviii.In the monumental effigies of priests, the chalice is commonly introduced, and it isgenerally repre Stock Photo
RM2AJDFXA–Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . V.1TTINC S stances a small hollow has been observedto have been cut in the stone coffin, inorder to admit the chalice by the side ofthe remains. See Carters Architecture,plate lix.; and Gouges Monuments, vol. i.p. lxix., and vol. ii. introduction, p. lxviii.In the monumental effigies of priests, the chalice is commonly introduced, and it isgenerally repre
Revue de l'art chrétien . •r*- i«rTO«TWiprJOi»***r Miracle du livre. — Épreuve du feu, daprès un bas.relief du tuinbciu de S. Duniiuiquc, c^ilise .St.Duiuiiiique, . liclognc. Arnolfo, etc. Avant Giotto et Cimabue, ilsaffranchit du style byzantin, et « ce monu-ment, au dire du marquis Davia, sera la preuve éternelle et éloquente du génie deNicolo, qui le place au premier rang... »[Metuorie intorno ailA ira di S. Domenico, 458 Withm lie rart cljrétien. pp. 12-13, édit. 1838). Et Cicognara ajoute:« Lobjet de notre stupeur sera toujourslœuvre que Nicolo réalisa à Bologne. »(S/orm délia sculttira, Stock Photo
RM2AJ4GY9–Revue de l'art chrétien . •r*- i«rTO«TWiprJOi»***r Miracle du livre. — Épreuve du feu, daprès un bas.relief du tuinbciu de S. Duniiuiquc, c^ilise .St.Duiuiiiique, . liclognc. Arnolfo, etc. Avant Giotto et Cimabue, ilsaffranchit du style byzantin, et « ce monu-ment, au dire du marquis Davia, sera la preuve éternelle et éloquente du génie deNicolo, qui le place au premier rang... »[Metuorie intorno ailA ira di S. Domenico, 458 Withm lie rart cljrétien. pp. 12-13, édit. 1838). Et Cicognara ajoute:« Lobjet de notre stupeur sera toujourslœuvre que Nicolo réalisa à Bologne. »(S/orm délia sculttira,
. Harper's weekly. dmirably to-ward a smile, they nlso looked as though theywere capable on occasion of biting.At the end of the lane—not that by which the dandy had appro; nearly dari^ BPigott lifted Lily thing Itv could obsennh di-eovn. one oc-cupant, and that a man. The child was by thistime half asleep and wholly tired. The dandycondescendingly gave Nurse Pigott a couple offingers, dextrously hustled hev on one side, nudin another minute she found herself crying inthe middle; of the road, quite alone.But not so lonely as poor little Lily, albeit she told her that he was her papa. CHAPTER I Stock Photo
RM2AFK5C9–. Harper's weekly. dmirably to-ward a smile, they nlso looked as though theywere capable on occasion of biting.At the end of the lane—not that by which the dandy had appro; nearly dari^ BPigott lifted Lily thing Itv could obsennh di-eovn. one oc-cupant, and that a man. The child was by thistime half asleep and wholly tired. The dandycondescendingly gave Nurse Pigott a couple offingers, dextrously hustled hev on one side, nudin another minute she found herself crying inthe middle; of the road, quite alone.But not so lonely as poor little Lily, albeit she told her that he was her papa. CHAPTER I
Saturday review of politics, literature, science and art . MIXTURE AND NO OTHER! J. J. CARRE RAS, 7 Wardour Street, liondon, W. Or any Tobacconist. 5 o ED5 OF riNE5T5ELECTED;3TRAINS AND Tested Growth ARRS S£t:.i> IjU1D£. contains a Select Li-t ot the Debt Vegetables and themost beautiful Flowers for Garden and Greenhouse. It is full of PracticalHints, and will be found invaluable to Gardeners, Amateurs and Exhibitors. SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. ARR & SONS, 11,12 & 13 King St., Covent Garden, London. RED, DELICIOUS COFFEE & BLUE For Breakfast and after Dinner. POOLE & LORD INDIAN AND GENERAL Stock Photo!-j-j-carre-ras-7-wardour-street-liondon-w-or-any-tobacconist-5-o-ed5-of-rine5t5elected3trains-and-tested-growth-arrs-stigt-iju1d-contains-a-select-li-t-ot-the-debt-vegetables-and-themost-beautiful-flowers-for-garden-and-greenhouse-it-is-full-of-practicalhints-and-will-be-found-invaluable-to-gardeners-amateurs-and-exhibitors-sent-free-on-application-arr-sons-1112-13-king-st-covent-garden-london-red-delicious-coffee-blue-for-breakfast-and-after-dinner-poole-lord-indian-and-general-image342681545.html
RM2AWEDPH–Saturday review of politics, literature, science and art . MIXTURE AND NO OTHER! J. J. CARRE RAS, 7 Wardour Street, liondon, W. Or any Tobacconist. 5 o ED5 OF riNE5T5ELECTED;3TRAINS AND Tested Growth ARRS S£t:.i> IjU1D£. contains a Select Li-t ot the Debt Vegetables and themost beautiful Flowers for Garden and Greenhouse. It is full of PracticalHints, and will be found invaluable to Gardeners, Amateurs and Exhibitors. SENT FREE ON APPLICATION. ARR & SONS, 11,12 & 13 King St., Covent Garden, London. RED, DELICIOUS COFFEE & BLUE For Breakfast and after Dinner. POOLE & LORD INDIAN AND GENERAL
The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . ^ drespmakers, andfor light manufacturing, quilting linings, binding hats, embroidering cloth hats, umbrellas, &c. Price $68.. Stock Photo
RM2AX8TRX–The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . ^ drespmakers, andfor light manufacturing, quilting linings, binding hats, embroidering cloth hats, umbrellas, &c. Price $68..
A book of the United StatesExhibiting its geography, divisions, constitution, and government ..and presenting a view of the Republic generally, and of the individual states; together with a condensed history of the land, from its first discovery to the present timeThe biography of about two hundred of the leading men: a description of the principal cities and towns; with statistical tables .. . Interior of the Home of Representatives. The treasury, navy, war, and land offices arc all in the vicinity of thepresidents house; as, also, are the residences of the foreign ministers.The patent office Stock Photo
RM2ANFBBG–A book of the United StatesExhibiting its geography, divisions, constitution, and government ..and presenting a view of the Republic generally, and of the individual states; together with a condensed history of the land, from its first discovery to the present timeThe biography of about two hundred of the leading men: a description of the principal cities and towns; with statistical tables .. . Interior of the Home of Representatives. The treasury, navy, war, and land offices arc all in the vicinity of thepresidents house; as, also, are the residences of the foreign ministers.The patent office
Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires . Archives de. nitsstoiis .srii Uli/u/ius, Toniv //: SAMOTHRACE PLAN D1 .^ ml u I #x«: ,V^^ 1 — Tu^ i %//,/, 1 <% % ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ W XM mm^ mimm iflf* !^ ^5. 1.. Tcniplt ii(jiK tl.u .Il ..5- Z Ccqiian i866. .lAt/s ttnfi(iiuv. .Uiiry anUt^uc.s- t/c mcmstiiu/u/c iilion TUAIRE ETAT ACTUEL. Stock Photo!-5-1-tcniplt-iijik-tlu-il-5-z-ccqiian-i866-lats-ttnfiiiuv-uiiry-anutucs-tc-mcmstiiuuc-iilion-tuaire-etat-actuel-image340116203.html
RM2AN9HK7–Archives des missions scientifiques et littéraires . Archives de. nitsstoiis .srii Uli/u/ius, Toniv //: SAMOTHRACE PLAN D1 .^ ml u I #x«: ,V^^ 1 — Tu^ i %//,/, 1 <% % ^ ^^^ ^^^^^^ W XM mm^ mimm iflf* !^ ^5. 1.. Tcniplt ii(jiK tl.u .Il ..5- Z Ccqiian i866. .lAt/s ttnfi(iiuv. .Uiiry anUt^uc.s- t/c mcmstiiu/u/c iilion TUAIRE ETAT ACTUEL.
The New York glee and chorus book: containing a variety of glees and part songs, arrangements from operas, and a selection of the most useful choruses, adapted especially to musical conventions and associations, and advanced singing classes . y, their glo - ry Cres. and their strength. Bless - ed is thewi/ 1 3= 32: S 3ff 22 ± i Cres. ff mf •p fe^ 221 ± ± plo - ry, their glo - ry, s> their glo - ry and their strength.-ffcf Bless - ed is the m4- * ± ez. ry and their strength, He is their glo- ry and their strength. U3 J>J-« Cres. s US 22: jg as 25: 1 5£# fcfr-f-J J ir J r r i rr r r 1 r • Stock Photo
RM2AXCNJJ–The New York glee and chorus book: containing a variety of glees and part songs, arrangements from operas, and a selection of the most useful choruses, adapted especially to musical conventions and associations, and advanced singing classes . y, their glo - ry Cres. and their strength. Bless - ed is thewi/ 1 3= 32: S 3ff 22 ± i Cres. ff mf •p fe^ 221 ± ± plo - ry, their glo - ry, s> their glo - ry and their strength.-ffcf Bless - ed is the m4- * ± ez. ry and their strength, He is their glo- ry and their strength. U3 J>J-« Cres. s US 22: jg as 25: 1 5£# fcfr-f-J J ir J r r i rr r r 1 r •
Harper's weekly . UT.irs WKKK1A. ? IM-. Ml S|,:MV. I I Ti:,r.- ., HuMi; ami l(i:i.|[. cossii. Jerry Sliaw, preceded by Lingo, la. I to I. f-r. Alf.i-l 1..-...ri «:k ,.j.,m- r [„IK.- [Miflnal in -tuh pcr«>Ji;il luxuries. Hut .-LI .Icrrv nrifh.Tknew nor tared am thinj; nkmt that. 1rc.HHtkived at Corda spoke again. HARPERS WEEKLY. [Octobek 2fi, 1S6?.. Mm. LINCOLNS WAKhkolil; ON INHIBITION IN NEW YORK, October 26, 1867.] HARPERS WEEKLY. Stock Photo
RM2AJDTWX–Harper's weekly . UT.irs WKKK1A. ? IM-. Ml S|,:MV. I I Ti:,r.- ., HuMi; ami l(i:i.|[. cossii. Jerry Sliaw, preceded by Lingo, la. I to I. f-r. Alf.i-l 1..-...ri «:k ,.j.,m- r [„IK.- [Miflnal in -tuh pcr«>Ji;il luxuries. Hut .-LI .Icrrv nrifh.Tknew nor tared am thinj; nkmt that. 1rc.HHtkived at Corda spoke again. HARPERS WEEKLY. [Octobek 2fi, 1S6?.. Mm. LINCOLNS WAKhkolil; ON INHIBITION IN NEW YORK, October 26, 1867.] HARPERS WEEKLY.
Harper's weekly . Vol. XI.—No. 529.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1867. • [ffZa^nc?l. EYADING THE EXCISE LAW-LAYING IN BUM FOE SUNDAY HARPERS WEEKLY. [February 16, HARPERS WEEKLY. Sim i:i.m. 1- I l:l;t Ml 10, It. CONSTITUTIONAL GUANOES. WHETHER a mitten or unwritten Consitucion be more desirable may l.o a que , by Securing opcli,* oi |„,lit- by amending it accordin if the Committee shall show byleded or paralyzed by the uncon- je; but it adapts itself perfectly to the natural exasperation of the Le^isl-itur hild. To protest against Constitutional ndment is to insist that the skin shall be Stock Photo
RM2AKG89F–Harper's weekly . Vol. XI.—No. 529.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1867. • [ffZa^nc?l. EYADING THE EXCISE LAW-LAYING IN BUM FOE SUNDAY HARPERS WEEKLY. [February 16, HARPERS WEEKLY. Sim i:i.m. 1- I l:l;t Ml 10, It. CONSTITUTIONAL GUANOES. WHETHER a mitten or unwritten Consitucion be more desirable may l.o a que , by Securing opcli,* oi |„,lit- by amending it accordin if the Committee shall show byleded or paralyzed by the uncon- je; but it adapts itself perfectly to the natural exasperation of the Le^isl-itur hild. To protest against Constitutional ndment is to insist that the skin shall be
Revue de l'art chrétien . Le crucifix dit de Corvin mérite une attention encore plus grande,peut-être. Le nom de ce Mécène royal (1437-1490) nous reporte ausiècle de la renaissance des arts en Italie et il témoigne éloquem-ment de linfluence que ce pays a exercé sur les arts en Hongrie. Lacour servait de rendez-vous aux artistes en tout genre. Il suffira denommer Chimenti Camicia, architecte de Florence, Baccio Cellini,II* série, tome XV, 13 194 LE TRÉSOR DE GRAN cousin de Benvenuto Cellini et ébéniste éminent, Benedetto de Ma-jano, architecte et statuaire, et André de Fiesole, celui qui a fai Stock Photo
RM2AKAW8C–Revue de l'art chrétien . Le crucifix dit de Corvin mérite une attention encore plus grande,peut-être. Le nom de ce Mécène royal (1437-1490) nous reporte ausiècle de la renaissance des arts en Italie et il témoigne éloquem-ment de linfluence que ce pays a exercé sur les arts en Hongrie. Lacour servait de rendez-vous aux artistes en tout genre. Il suffira denommer Chimenti Camicia, architecte de Florence, Baccio Cellini,II* série, tome XV, 13 194 LE TRÉSOR DE GRAN cousin de Benvenuto Cellini et ébéniste éminent, Benedetto de Ma-jano, architecte et statuaire, et André de Fiesole, celui qui a fai
Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . MoQj.meatal Stone, rftoke, Lincolnshire. chester, died at Paris a.d. 1261, the forty-sixth year of the reignof King Henry III. The heart only of the deceased prelate wassent home for burial in his cathedral church, where this slab wasplaced above it.1 A pointed oval encloses a semi-efflgy of a knight ? See cut opposite p. see also Holliss Monumental Effiy Stock Photo
RM2AJC5X8–Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . MoQj.meatal Stone, rftoke, Lincolnshire. chester, died at Paris a.d. 1261, the forty-sixth year of the reignof King Henry III. The heart only of the deceased prelate wassent home for burial in his cathedral church, where this slab wasplaced above it.1 A pointed oval encloses a semi-efflgy of a knight ? See cut opposite p. see also Holliss Monumental Effiy
Revue de l'art chrétien . Fig. 53- - Trône dans les roues de la vision dEzéchiel.On lesfigure en conséquence par des roues ailéeset ocellées, cest-à-dire parsemées dyeux[fis;. 5^) , ils ont deux ou quatre ailes {fig.5j), et parfois ils reposent sur des flammesou sur des roues. Le chan. Van Drivai a proposé de fairereposer les Séraphins sur des flammes, les I. Abbé J. Corblel, Vocab. des Symboles. Chérubins sur des livres, les Trônesdes roues, quand ces esprits célestesreprésentés par des figures humaines. sursont. Trônes. ** * Deuxième Ordre. Les Dominations [ftg. 55), daprès saintBernard, com Stock Photo
RM2ANDD64–Revue de l'art chrétien . Fig. 53- - Trône dans les roues de la vision dEzéchiel.On lesfigure en conséquence par des roues ailéeset ocellées, cest-à-dire parsemées dyeux[fis;. 5^) , ils ont deux ou quatre ailes {fig.5j), et parfois ils reposent sur des flammesou sur des roues. Le chan. Van Drivai a proposé de fairereposer les Séraphins sur des flammes, les I. Abbé J. Corblel, Vocab. des Symboles. Chérubins sur des livres, les Trônesdes roues, quand ces esprits célestesreprésentés par des figures humaines. sursont. Trônes. ** * Deuxième Ordre. Les Dominations [ftg. 55), daprès saintBernard, com
. Narrative of the United States' expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea. UNDER THE COAfMAND OF CHARLES WILKES, ESQ., U. S. NAVY.BY HORATIO HAL.K, PHILOLOGIST TO THE EXPEDITION. In one large imperial octavo volume of nearly seven hundred pages. With two Maps, printed tomatch the copies of the Tvarrative. Price TEN dollars, in beautiful extra cloth, done up with great strength. ?,* This IS the only edition printed, and but few are offered for sale. Tlic remainder of the scientific works of the Expedition are in a state of rapid progress. Thevolume on Corals, by J. D. Dana. Es Stock Photo
RM2AFNM9D–. Narrative of the United States' expedition to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea. UNDER THE COAfMAND OF CHARLES WILKES, ESQ., U. S. NAVY.BY HORATIO HAL.K, PHILOLOGIST TO THE EXPEDITION. In one large imperial octavo volume of nearly seven hundred pages. With two Maps, printed tomatch the copies of the Tvarrative. Price TEN dollars, in beautiful extra cloth, done up with great strength. ?,* This IS the only edition printed, and but few are offered for sale. Tlic remainder of the scientific works of the Expedition are in a state of rapid progress. Thevolume on Corals, by J. D. Dana. Es
. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. EPIMEDIUM PINNATUM. Epimedium pinnatum, Fischer (pinnate-leaved Epimedium) — Berberidaceae § Nan-dineas. The Epimediums form a small family ofAlpine plants, interesting partly on accountof the neat manner of their growth, but chieflyattractive to cultivators in consequence oftheir being hardy, and thus within the meansof every possessor of a garden. Some of thekinds are decidedly ornamental, as is the casewith the subject of the present remarks, aspecies with brilliant yellow flowers originally named E. pinnatum, Stock Photo
RM2AG0P8C–. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. EPIMEDIUM PINNATUM. Epimedium pinnatum, Fischer (pinnate-leaved Epimedium) — Berberidaceae § Nan-dineas. The Epimediums form a small family ofAlpine plants, interesting partly on accountof the neat manner of their growth, but chieflyattractive to cultivators in consequence oftheir being hardy, and thus within the meansof every possessor of a garden. Some of thekinds are decidedly ornamental, as is the casewith the subject of the present remarks, aspecies with brilliant yellow flowers originally named E. pinnatum,
. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. of course will be, as the trunk lies, the upperside ; then turn it over and cut the oppositeside flat, and see that it is of the same thickness. all along. Prepare as many as you will re-quire, of the same thickness the whole length.But although we say, do this with an adze, itwould be done better with a saw, if you choseto make a saw-pit. These logs so cut, andlaid upon one another, form a strong, thickwooden wall, and when clamped together,and stuffed with tow, or any other material,as warm as bricks and mortar Stock Photo
RM2AG1AN2–. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. of course will be, as the trunk lies, the upperside ; then turn it over and cut the oppositeside flat, and see that it is of the same thickness. all along. Prepare as many as you will re-quire, of the same thickness the whole length.But although we say, do this with an adze, itwould be done better with a saw, if you choseto make a saw-pit. These logs so cut, andlaid upon one another, form a strong, thickwooden wall, and when clamped together,and stuffed with tow, or any other material,as warm as bricks and mortar
The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . A large aasortment of Gas Fixtures in Bronze, Artistic,French and Fine Gilt, at New Yorli and Philadel-phia prices. Vorl£ done in any part of thecountry and warranted. 41. THOS. WAREiNG, Practical PLUMBEE AND ROOFER. Licensed Plumber to the Alhy City Water Works. 63 Beaver Street, up stairs, Alban7. House, Factory and Hotel work executed In the mostsubstantial manner. PRACTICAL HYDRAULIC EHGIHEER. B. B. BRETT, [LATE CUTTER WITH WICKES.J YOUTHS, BOYS AND Stock Photo
RM2AX7R2H–The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . A large aasortment of Gas Fixtures in Bronze, Artistic,French and Fine Gilt, at New Yorli and Philadel-phia prices. Vorl£ done in any part of thecountry and warranted. 41. THOS. WAREiNG, Practical PLUMBEE AND ROOFER. Licensed Plumber to the Alhy City Water Works. 63 Beaver Street, up stairs, Alban7. House, Factory and Hotel work executed In the mostsubstantial manner. PRACTICAL HYDRAULIC EHGIHEER. B. B. BRETT, [LATE CUTTER WITH WICKES.J YOUTHS, BOYS AND
Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins . and an ugly-looking pit near at hand is JacobsIce-house. By a peculiar twinkle of Porte Crayons eye, any onewho knew him might perceive that he was about to indulge insome comments on this whimsical collection of property accreditedto the Patriarch ; but what he intended to say was lost forever tothe world by a sudden signal from the guide. Hist! be silent for a moment. I hear an unusual noise be-hind us. There must be some one in the cave besides ourselves.Listen! Yes! yes! Stock Photo!-be-silent-for-a-moment-i-hear-an-unusual-noise-be-hind-us-there-must-be-some-one-in-the-cave-besides-ourselveslisten!-yes!-yes!-image339966278.html
RM2AN2PCP–Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins . and an ugly-looking pit near at hand is JacobsIce-house. By a peculiar twinkle of Porte Crayons eye, any onewho knew him might perceive that he was about to indulge insome comments on this whimsical collection of property accreditedto the Patriarch ; but what he intended to say was lost forever tothe world by a sudden signal from the guide. Hist! be silent for a moment. I hear an unusual noise be-hind us. There must be some one in the cave besides ourselves.Listen! Yes! yes!
Revue de l'art chrétien . u Louvre, unvolet à Toulouse, un autre à Ajaccio. Ce fut,comme a dit M. S. Reinach, une sottise, unevengeance mesquine de Reiset,qui navait vouluen retenir que 97 tableaux pour le Louvre. Aussiparvint-il en 1872 et en 1876 à opérer de nou-veaux démembrements, qui dispersèrent des ta-bleaux dune valeur plus grande que ceux de 1863. Il résulte des recherches de MM. P. Perdrizetet R.Jean, que nous résumons ici, que le Louvrene garde plus quune centaine de numéros decette vaste galerie Campana, qui contenait desdocuments sans pareils pour létude de la pein-ture archaïque Stock Photo
RM2ANG78F–Revue de l'art chrétien . u Louvre, unvolet à Toulouse, un autre à Ajaccio. Ce fut,comme a dit M. S. Reinach, une sottise, unevengeance mesquine de Reiset,qui navait vouluen retenir que 97 tableaux pour le Louvre. Aussiparvint-il en 1872 et en 1876 à opérer de nou-veaux démembrements, qui dispersèrent des ta-bleaux dune valeur plus grande que ceux de 1863. Il résulte des recherches de MM. P. Perdrizetet R.Jean, que nous résumons ici, que le Louvrene garde plus quune centaine de numéros decette vaste galerie Campana, qui contenait desdocuments sans pareils pour létude de la pein-ture archaïque
Revue de l'art chrétien . nonts ïif tndjrstrr.. Jilûuts îjc ^irijtrrtiflîir. 5@élangts. ;i I teau se traduit dans des cannelures en spiralesqui enlacent encore deux des colonnettes, tandisque deux autres, sans doute renouvelées, sontlisses. Mais, chose nouvelle, la griffe végétale despetites bases sélargit et sétale sur les moulures,à linstar du chapiteau, sans reproduire encorelimitation de celui-ci. Cest une troisième étapedans révolution qui nous occupe. Lincoln.— Un dernier pas est fait dans les fontsde Lincoln, souvent reproduits par la gravure,notamment dans le Cours iVantiquités ino)iuu Stock Photo
RM2AJ546J–Revue de l'art chrétien . nonts ïif tndjrstrr.. Jilûuts îjc ^irijtrrtiflîir. 5@élangts. ;i I teau se traduit dans des cannelures en spiralesqui enlacent encore deux des colonnettes, tandisque deux autres, sans doute renouvelées, sontlisses. Mais, chose nouvelle, la griffe végétale despetites bases sélargit et sétale sur les moulures,à linstar du chapiteau, sans reproduire encorelimitation de celui-ci. Cest une troisième étapedans révolution qui nous occupe. Lincoln.— Un dernier pas est fait dans les fontsde Lincoln, souvent reproduits par la gravure,notamment dans le Cours iVantiquités ino)iuu
. Harper's weekly. Meeks Cabinet and Furniture Warehouse, No. 699 BROADWAY, and 333 and 335 Fourth Street. A New Magazine for the Ladies. The Ladys Faiead. i Monthly Magazine of Literature and Fashion. Hi.. |.|i.-.| ].ill. in, ..iri...,1.;-.I ..|... TV.mi- I-. II. i.l THE JANUARY NUMBER. After Long Yeaks. By Julia Eugenia ifott Mabt Darley. By .rginla F. Townsend. Song. By Sara J A Mqiobt. By , Twilight. ByC roline A. Bell. Br ,-ariii. Teller The End OF thf. Evn. Days. By C Marion Hai t Randolph. Tiie Work-Table IHu-tratedidtli gravings. QAGENTS WANTED,-G MPORTANT to the PENNSYLVANIA RE- :i! Stock Photo!-image336724202.html
RM2AFR34A–. Harper's weekly. Meeks Cabinet and Furniture Warehouse, No. 699 BROADWAY, and 333 and 335 Fourth Street. A New Magazine for the Ladies. The Ladys Faiead. i Monthly Magazine of Literature and Fashion. Hi.. |.|i.-.| ].ill. in, ..iri...,1.;-.I ..|... TV.mi- I-. II. i.l THE JANUARY NUMBER. After Long Yeaks. By Julia Eugenia ifott Mabt Darley. By .rginla F. Townsend. Song. By Sara J A Mqiobt. By , Twilight. ByC roline A. Bell. Br ,-ariii. Teller The End OF thf. Evn. Days. By C Marion Hai t Randolph. Tiie Work-Table IHu-tratedidtli gravings. QAGENTS WANTED,-G MPORTANT to the PENNSYLVANIA RE- :i!
The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . Also, a large assortment of DOMESTIC CORSETS,of every sii;e and shape. HOOF SKIRTS and CORSETS MADE TO ORDER, AND EVERY VARIKTV ON HAND, AT 670 BROADWAY, between Clinton Avenue and Orange Street, FHILIF FREDERICK, General Furnisliing. UNDERTAKER, WAKEROOMS AND RESIDENCE 118 WASHINGTOl^ AVE., COF-F-IKTS Of all kinds and sixes kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS, HEARSES, CARRIAGES, And all articles requisite, furnished at sliort notice. FUNERALS Conducted and Stock Photo
RM2AX5W6P–The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . Also, a large assortment of DOMESTIC CORSETS,of every sii;e and shape. HOOF SKIRTS and CORSETS MADE TO ORDER, AND EVERY VARIKTV ON HAND, AT 670 BROADWAY, between Clinton Avenue and Orange Street, FHILIF FREDERICK, General Furnisliing. UNDERTAKER, WAKEROOMS AND RESIDENCE 118 WASHINGTOl^ AVE., COF-F-IKTS Of all kinds and sixes kept constantly on hand. SHROUDS, HEARSES, CARRIAGES, And all articles requisite, furnished at sliort notice. FUNERALS Conducted and
Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . a.d. 1463. 3rd Edward IV.Chalice to William Lanoion, Rector. St. Michaels Church, York. mental slabs of ecclesiastics, accompanied by inscriptions only,occur in the church of St. Peter in the city ofNorwich, and in the churches at South Bur-lingham, Catfield, Scottow, Taverham, NorthWalsham, Old Buckenham, Colney, Heden-ham, Salthouse, Colby, and Surlingh Stock Photo
RM2AJCK7R–Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . a.d. 1463. 3rd Edward IV.Chalice to William Lanoion, Rector. St. Michaels Church, York. mental slabs of ecclesiastics, accompanied by inscriptions only,occur in the church of St. Peter in the city ofNorwich, and in the churches at South Bur-lingham, Catfield, Scottow, Taverham, NorthWalsham, Old Buckenham, Colney, Heden-ham, Salthouse, Colby, and Surlingh
. Briggs' banjo instructor [music] : containing the elementary principles of music, together with examples and lessons, ... to which is added a choice collection of pieces, numbering over fifty popular dances, polkas, melodies, &c. &c., many of which have never before been published. Composed and arranged expressly for this work.. p *? x i x--t 18 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BANJO. EPHRIAMS LAMENT. J* -N r**—r—j^5——Pii. WALK ALONG JOHN. Stock Photo
RM2AFYDR2–. Briggs' banjo instructor [music] : containing the elementary principles of music, together with examples and lessons, ... to which is added a choice collection of pieces, numbering over fifty popular dances, polkas, melodies, &c. &c., many of which have never before been published. Composed and arranged expressly for this work.. p *? x i x--t 18 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE BANJO. EPHRIAMS LAMENT. J* -N r**—r—j^5——Pii. WALK ALONG JOHN.
Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins . SOUTH PEAK OF OTTEB, FROM THE HOTEL. 216 POKTE CEAYON AND HIS COUSINS.. ASCENT OF THE PEAK. As the fallen leaves had entirely obliterated the path, a negroboy was detailed to lead the way. Porte Crayon followed next, with his rifle slung,and knapsack stuftedwith sliawls and com-forts, to protect the la-dies from the keen airof the summit. The girls straggled after inIndian file, with flyingbonnets, each holdinga light, springy stafi^^ to steady her in climb-?^ ing. Mice, arm Stock Photo
RM2AN1AC0–Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins . SOUTH PEAK OF OTTEB, FROM THE HOTEL. 216 POKTE CEAYON AND HIS COUSINS.. ASCENT OF THE PEAK. As the fallen leaves had entirely obliterated the path, a negroboy was detailed to lead the way. Porte Crayon followed next, with his rifle slung,and knapsack stuftedwith sliawls and com-forts, to protect the la-dies from the keen airof the summit. The girls straggled after inIndian file, with flyingbonnets, each holdinga light, springy stafi^^ to steady her in climb-?^ ing. Mice, arm
Revue de l'art chrétien . N 10, type E. quatre pavés longs à six pans, avec undécor en forme dS. Le pavé carré est sensiblement le mêmeque celui de St-Maur de Glanfeuil, VoirRevue de rArt chrétien, mars 1905.. N° II, type H. Il reproduit le pavé long à six pans.Tous ces pavés portent un décor blancjaune sur fond terre cuite. Carrelage De Tabbape t>;^smère0. 295 Le même type existe à Asnières, aveccette variante que le pavé carré du centre est uni, vert foncé noir, au lieu dêtredécoré. Type H, n 11. En H sur le plan, est un somptueux motif; le dessin complet est fourni par Stock Photo
RM2ANDNPR–Revue de l'art chrétien . N 10, type E. quatre pavés longs à six pans, avec undécor en forme dS. Le pavé carré est sensiblement le mêmeque celui de St-Maur de Glanfeuil, VoirRevue de rArt chrétien, mars 1905.. N° II, type H. Il reproduit le pavé long à six pans.Tous ces pavés portent un décor blancjaune sur fond terre cuite. Carrelage De Tabbape t>;^smère0. 295 Le même type existe à Asnières, aveccette variante que le pavé carré du centre est uni, vert foncé noir, au lieu dêtredécoré. Type H, n 11. En H sur le plan, est un somptueux motif; le dessin complet est fourni par
Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia : embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 . T«kJ Importer and Manufacturer of. Stock Photo
RM2AX76RC–Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia : embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 . T«kJ Importer and Manufacturer of.
Revue de l'art chrétien . Détails du revêtement en ivoire. (Premier registre.) Avant daller chez les païens, il se rendità Moscou, où il désirait obtenir la bénédic-tion du métropolite. Le métropolite Alexis I. Les Permiaques sont des Finnois divisés en deuxbrandies, les Permiaques et les Zyrianes. Ce sont,commeles Ostiaks, des Finnois, ou mieux, des Finno-Ougriens. étant mort, son remplaçant Gérasime, évê-que de Colomna, le fit moine, prêtre, et lebénit en 1379, avant quil ne partît prêcheren Biarmie (). Après avoir reçu des mains I. La Biarmie comprenait le territoire constituantmaintenant l Stock Photo
RM2AJ50HG–Revue de l'art chrétien . Détails du revêtement en ivoire. (Premier registre.) Avant daller chez les païens, il se rendità Moscou, où il désirait obtenir la bénédic-tion du métropolite. Le métropolite Alexis I. Les Permiaques sont des Finnois divisés en deuxbrandies, les Permiaques et les Zyrianes. Ce sont,commeles Ostiaks, des Finnois, ou mieux, des Finno-Ougriens. étant mort, son remplaçant Gérasime, évê-que de Colomna, le fit moine, prêtre, et lebénit en 1379, avant quil ne partît prêcheren Biarmie (). Après avoir reçu des mains I. La Biarmie comprenait le territoire constituantmaintenant l
Harper's weekly . SHE LETS HER LOVELY SHAPE BE CLASPED. WHERE IS THE OTHER? fQi. My dear Jenny, you dont un-rstand tliese things. When ain has once chosen his pmiWn or trade, he had better stickit; hell have so much to learnhis new culling; so many eom- lOH, >YILL1AM, YOUVE KILLED ME. t by tlic gathering ii He spoke hurriedly, as though alone together more than was to prevent her speaking. customary; his last dav, she said, and called to mind her own George ? Not see you for three experience of some five-and-twen- years ! Its very cruel—its very ty years ago. Jenny bore her No, Jenny, not c Stock Photo!-its-very-cruelits-very-ty-years-ago-jenny-bore-her-no-jenny-not-c-image340172907.html
RM2ANC60B–Harper's weekly . SHE LETS HER LOVELY SHAPE BE CLASPED. WHERE IS THE OTHER? fQi. My dear Jenny, you dont un-rstand tliese things. When ain has once chosen his pmiWn or trade, he had better stickit; hell have so much to learnhis new culling; so many eom- lOH, >YILL1AM, YOUVE KILLED ME. t by tlic gathering ii He spoke hurriedly, as though alone together more than was to prevent her speaking. customary; his last dav, she said, and called to mind her own George ? Not see you for three experience of some five-and-twen- years ! Its very cruel—its very ty years ago. Jenny bore her No, Jenny, not c
A book of the United StatesExhibiting its geography, divisions, constitution, and government ..and presenting a view of the Republic generally, and of the individual states; together with a condensed history of the land, from its first discovery to the present timeThe biography of about two hundred of the leading men: a description of the principal cities and towns; with statistical tables .. . merica; andwhile it excited the highest joy among the Americans, it could not but have amost auspicious influence on their affairs in the cabinet and in the field.The thanks of congress were voted to ge Stock Photo
RM2ANF0TC–A book of the United StatesExhibiting its geography, divisions, constitution, and government ..and presenting a view of the Republic generally, and of the individual states; together with a condensed history of the land, from its first discovery to the present timeThe biography of about two hundred of the leading men: a description of the principal cities and towns; with statistical tables .. . merica; andwhile it excited the highest joy among the Americans, it could not but have amost auspicious influence on their affairs in the cabinet and in the field.The thanks of congress were voted to ge
. Incidents of western travel [electronic resource]: in a series of letters. ust and firm administration was about to INCIDENTS OF WESTERN TRAVEL. 191 be inaugurated, fled, carrying with, them the spoilsof their guerilla warfare. These facts explain the troubles in Kansas, showthe temper and designs of the parties, and confutefor ever all the partisan misrepresentations of the[Northern press. Their flight was confession, andconfession proved their previous hypocrisy—theirtreasonable betrayal of ,the peace of the country.If ever the secret history of this Kansas warshould be written, it will ap Stock Photo
RM2AFJYCH–. Incidents of western travel [electronic resource]: in a series of letters. ust and firm administration was about to INCIDENTS OF WESTERN TRAVEL. 191 be inaugurated, fled, carrying with, them the spoilsof their guerilla warfare. These facts explain the troubles in Kansas, showthe temper and designs of the parties, and confutefor ever all the partisan misrepresentations of the[Northern press. Their flight was confession, andconfession proved their previous hypocrisy—theirtreasonable betrayal of ,the peace of the country.If ever the secret history of this Kansas warshould be written, it will ap
Revue de l'art chrétien . s par son âge. Car ceplat est antique à nen pas douter et du 11« ou 11Vsiècle. Il est antique et en voici les raisons : 1° Il aété trouvé dans la vase dune rivière, sous un pont à proximité de lancienne Solimanîaca, aupassage dune voie romaine. 2 Un plat, exacte-ment semblable à celui dont je parle, a ététrouvé à Grand, dans un puits romain, avectoutes sortes de débris dobjets romains ou gallo-romains. Ce plat de Grand avait les mêmes dimensionsque celui, ici reproduit ; il était également encuivre plaqué dargent. Un dessin gravé ornait REVUE DE lAKT CHRÉTIEN.Ï907, — Stock Photo
RM2ANE4G1–Revue de l'art chrétien . s par son âge. Car ceplat est antique à nen pas douter et du 11« ou 11Vsiècle. Il est antique et en voici les raisons : 1° Il aété trouvé dans la vase dune rivière, sous un pont à proximité de lancienne Solimanîaca, aupassage dune voie romaine. 2 Un plat, exacte-ment semblable à celui dont je parle, a ététrouvé à Grand, dans un puits romain, avectoutes sortes de débris dobjets romains ou gallo-romains. Ce plat de Grand avait les mêmes dimensionsque celui, ici reproduit ; il était également encuivre plaqué dargent. Un dessin gravé ornait REVUE DE lAKT CHRÉTIEN.Ï907, —
Harper's weekly . haste, but Im anxious to know the message that has caused so much labor on your part. Little rilkins |,:d by ibis time divested him-self of all of his disguise but the ponderous stom-ach ; and while there was still enough in hi.-.general appearance that was very ludicrous, diedesire to laugh at the little man and his deepsense of rcspor=.ibiIitv Csen-c of responsibility /.-killing!;,- luiou- in :t linlc man], was cheeked inErnest by his perceiving, with sincercst gladness, that now rosy, healthy face of his, which hadshortly ago so mottled and haggard ; andhow deep a pl Stock Photo!-luiou-in-t-linlc-man-was-cheeked-inernest-by-his-perceiving-with-sincercst-gladness-that-now-rosy-healthy-face-of-his-which-hadshortly-ago-hscn-so-mottled-and-haggard-andhow-deep-a-pl-image340160069.html
RM2ANBHHW–Harper's weekly . haste, but Im anxious to know the message that has caused so much labor on your part. Little rilkins |,:d by ibis time divested him-self of all of his disguise but the ponderous stom-ach ; and while there was still enough in hi.-.general appearance that was very ludicrous, diedesire to laugh at the little man and his deepsense of rcspor=.ibiIitv Csen-c of responsibility /.-killing!;,- luiou- in :t linlc man], was cheeked inErnest by his perceiving, with sincercst gladness, that now rosy, healthy face of his, which hadshortly ago so mottled and haggard ; andhow deep a pl
Harper's weekly . EXPOSITION UNIVERSAL, The Howe Machine Co.—Eiia.s Howe, Jr.—CM Brondwnv, Ken York, awarded, UVEliEIGIITY-TWU COMPETITORS, the t Only Grand Cross of the Legion ofHonor, and Gold Medal, given to American Sewing Machines, as per Im-perial Decree, j.ubli.-lietl in tlie Monitenr Uni-vcr-cl (oflicittl ,1 mil nf die Ercncli Empire!. PETER COOPERS GELATINE DELICIOUS .TELLIES RHEUMATISM CURED The Great New England Remedy. WHITE PINE COMPOUND I- cue erVereil n> th. -iillicr, ,! rhi ,.ii -l.,,u! He- imm- veil- la llic N-:.> iMiclatal SSli , where its its XIig YVhite Fine Compound Stock Photo!-peter-coopers-gelatine-delicious-tellies-rheumatism-cured-the-great-new-england-remedy-white-pine-compound-i-cue-ervereil-ngt-th-iillicr-!-rhi-ii-lu!-he-imm-veil-la-llic-n-gt-imiclatal-ssli-where-its-its-xiig-yvhite-fine-compound-image338377017.html
RM2AJEB9D–Harper's weekly . EXPOSITION UNIVERSAL, The Howe Machine Co.—Eiia.s Howe, Jr.—CM Brondwnv, Ken York, awarded, UVEliEIGIITY-TWU COMPETITORS, the t Only Grand Cross of the Legion ofHonor, and Gold Medal, given to American Sewing Machines, as per Im-perial Decree, j.ubli.-lietl in tlie Monitenr Uni-vcr-cl (oflicittl ,1 mil nf die Ercncli Empire!. PETER COOPERS GELATINE DELICIOUS .TELLIES RHEUMATISM CURED The Great New England Remedy. WHITE PINE COMPOUND I- cue erVereil n> th. -iillicr, ,! rhi ,.ii -l.,,u! He- imm- veil- la llic N-:.> iMiclatal SSli , where its its XIig YVhite Fine Compound
Revue de l'art chrétien . >^HAkhh HrTr •/ ^ ^NP ^^^ ^^^^ p? i5^ :.i^^ ,.t%p^jy^ - .*-. —- 3-, Fig. 41. — Baptem-: uu Christ. Tympan de 5. Maiia délia Pieve dArrezzo. avant le V^ siècle {). Elle apparaît dans r. Voir les articles précédents, pp. 165 et 226.JV. B. Les figures 39 à 47 ont trait à larticle précédent.2. Labbé Pascal en signale un exemple mentionnédans les actes du martyre de Saint Procope (303). les mosaïques de Sainte-Marie Majeure àRome. On trouve les neuf chœurs repré- I. V. Saiji/ Michel et les saiti/s Anges, par labbéE. Soyer, Coutances. 1870. 298 Bebue tjc V^xt cbrctien.. Stock Photo
RM2ANDHKX–Revue de l'art chrétien . >^HAkhh HrTr •/ ^ ^NP ^^^ ^^^^ p? i5^ :.i^^ ,.t%p^jy^ - .*-. —- 3-, Fig. 41. — Baptem-: uu Christ. Tympan de 5. Maiia délia Pieve dArrezzo. avant le V^ siècle {). Elle apparaît dans r. Voir les articles précédents, pp. 165 et 226.JV. B. Les figures 39 à 47 ont trait à larticle précédent.2. Labbé Pascal en signale un exemple mentionnédans les actes du martyre de Saint Procope (303). les mosaïques de Sainte-Marie Majeure àRome. On trouve les neuf chœurs repré- I. V. Saiji/ Michel et les saiti/s Anges, par labbéE. Soyer, Coutances. 1870. 298 Bebue tjc V^xt cbrctien..
Revue de l'art chrétien . Stalles do la Chaise-Dieu. quun insecte semblerait devoir les briser. Et cependant les fibres de cpchêne résistent sous une forte main, comme sous laction incessante do Stock Photo
RM2AXJ2HM–Revue de l'art chrétien . Stalles do la Chaise-Dieu. quun insecte semblerait devoir les briser. Et cependant les fibres de cpchêne résistent sous une forte main, comme sous laction incessante do
. Harper's weekly. EVACUATION OF BROWNSVILLE I tant- We P™* ,l,r,vr l,av •-??-<? <<? I f 1 J. HI, OUivrj^LltAXJiB. ber 2 lsa The ooeasion „f Ihi- sml.lon llidit l.ntl, I..,nk. were piled, in o.mfn.-e.l heap.. 1..-.1. , I tr,„,|,s nmipie.l Brownsville, will; lies on I lie T.-xa., side of the Rio «;is lie ainiei|.ated in rival of our Meet of I tan ports em ton l.ales. liiLL-aoo, . Iiii lo-. end line. of (lenoial Hcrron. It was G Grande opposite Malanioia^, v. hi. h is two mile- .lis- | oli Blazon Santiago, l-or two days every means | every description. Tile garrison Stock Photo
RM2AFN539–. Harper's weekly. EVACUATION OF BROWNSVILLE I tant- We P™* ,l,r,vr l,av •-??-<? <<? I f 1 J. HI, OUivrj^LltAXJiB. ber 2 lsa The ooeasion „f Ihi- sml.lon llidit l.ntl, I..,nk. were piled, in o.mfn.-e.l heap.. 1..-.1. , I tr,„,|,s nmipie.l Brownsville, will; lies on I lie T.-xa., side of the Rio «;is lie ainiei|.ated in rival of our Meet of I tan ports em ton l.ales. liiLL-aoo, . Iiii lo-. end line. of (lenoial Hcrron. It was G Grande opposite Malanioia^, v. hi. h is two mile- .lis- | oli Blazon Santiago, l-or two days every means | every description. Tile garrison
Revue de l'art chrétien . es croyances fondamentales de notre reli-gion. Ce moven était, en outre, commandéaux chrétiens par une sage prudence ; carautant ils étaient disposés à confesser leurfoi devant les juges qui leur demandaientde la renier, autant ils évitaient de lafficherinutilement. Un païen pouvait parcourir lesgaleries des catacombes sans y rencontrer I. M. de Rossi divise les peintures des catacombes ensi. classes : i les symboles idéographiques ; 2^ les allé-gories ou paraboles ; 3 les faits historiques tirés de laBible et des Evangiles ; 4 les traits historiques de la viedes sai Stock Photo
RM2AJ66MA–Revue de l'art chrétien . es croyances fondamentales de notre reli-gion. Ce moven était, en outre, commandéaux chrétiens par une sage prudence ; carautant ils étaient disposés à confesser leurfoi devant les juges qui leur demandaientde la renier, autant ils évitaient de lafficherinutilement. Un païen pouvait parcourir lesgaleries des catacombes sans y rencontrer I. M. de Rossi divise les peintures des catacombes ensi. classes : i les symboles idéographiques ; 2^ les allé-gories ou paraboles ; 3 les faits historiques tirés de laBible et des Evangiles ; 4 les traits historiques de la viedes sai
Revue de l'art chrétien . 1310 la délivrance du roiHenri II. Cette épitaphe et le dessin dufragment de sarcophage ont été publiés parM. le major Tankerville Chamberlayne ().Le monument semble appartenir au Xl^siècle et à un style aussi italien que français. . Laciyiiiic i^icoiiicnscs, p. 109 cl lI. .1.. 434 3Rel)uc tir rSit djrcttea. Un fragment de sarcophage, retrouvé parmoi dans le bazarde Nicosie (fig. 9). mavaitparu au premier abord avoir appartenu àla sépulture du roi Henri 11 en personne :une effigie couronnée accompagnée de lécude Chypre y est figurée à genoux sous unearcature ornée Stock Photo
RM2AJ42WA–Revue de l'art chrétien . 1310 la délivrance du roiHenri II. Cette épitaphe et le dessin dufragment de sarcophage ont été publiés parM. le major Tankerville Chamberlayne ().Le monument semble appartenir au Xl^siècle et à un style aussi italien que français. . Laciyiiiic i^icoiiicnscs, p. 109 cl lI. .1.. 434 3Rel)uc tir rSit djrcttea. Un fragment de sarcophage, retrouvé parmoi dans le bazarde Nicosie (fig. 9). mavaitparu au premier abord avoir appartenu àla sépulture du roi Henri 11 en personne :une effigie couronnée accompagnée de lécude Chypre y est figurée à genoux sous unearcature ornée
. Harper's weekly. rits of,e fort by assault, theirgeneral assault. At eaih d over the Blope in front of the fort, asseen in the illustration on page 21. This slopewas covered with stumps, among which was wovena net-work of wire. This and a galling fire fromour rifle-pits, into which the men were crowded, truggled r > within easy 3illus-i-atimTon |.ages 24 and 25. The enemy, staggered by the lire, stumblinghrough the wires, at hist reached this ditch, andprang for the parapet. Unseen wires caught andbrew them. The ditch was full of them. Shells,vith fuses cut short, and lighted, were thrown Stock Photo
RM2AFPYCJ–. Harper's weekly. rits of,e fort by assault, theirgeneral assault. At eaih d over the Blope in front of the fort, asseen in the illustration on page 21. This slopewas covered with stumps, among which was wovena net-work of wire. This and a galling fire fromour rifle-pits, into which the men were crowded, truggled r > within easy 3illus-i-atimTon |.ages 24 and 25. The enemy, staggered by the lire, stumblinghrough the wires, at hist reached this ditch, andprang for the parapet. Unseen wires caught andbrew them. The ditch was full of them. Shells,vith fuses cut short, and lighted, were thrown
Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins . vening, the 22d of October. Althoughthe hotel here was closed for the season, the proprietor gave thema hospitable welcome, and they soon found themselves installed incomfortable quarters. This place, to the scientific traveler, is one of the most curiousand interesting in the mountains. The Hot Springs, about twentyin number, issue from the base of a hill or spur of the WarmSpring Mountain, and range in temperature from 98° to 106°, but,owing to the proximity of fountains of Stock Photo
RM2AN286N–Virginia illustrated : containing a visit to the Virginian Canaan, and the adventures of Porte Crayon and his cousins . vening, the 22d of October. Althoughthe hotel here was closed for the season, the proprietor gave thema hospitable welcome, and they soon found themselves installed incomfortable quarters. This place, to the scientific traveler, is one of the most curiousand interesting in the mountains. The Hot Springs, about twentyin number, issue from the base of a hill or spur of the WarmSpring Mountain, and range in temperature from 98° to 106°, but,owing to the proximity of fountains of
The Historical magazine and notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history and biography of America . BERTSON, Mott Haven, N. Y. AUGUSTUS T. CHUR, 24 Cliff Street, EDWARD A. STANSBURY, 231 Broadway. D. D. T. MARSHALL, President.JAMES CUSHING, Jr., Vice-President.ELIZUR WRIGHT, Consulting Aetuary. B. A. STANSBURY, Secretary. A. HALSEY PLUMMER, Assistant Secretary. STEWART L. WOODFORD, Counsel.EDWIN M. KELLOGG, M. D., JOHN W. MITCHELL, M. D., Medical Examiner*.it office daily from 12, M. to 2, P. M. Agents and Solicitors wanted. GENERAL AGENTS.RBYNALL k CLEVELAND, Ml Broadway. New York an Stock Photo
RM2AX7TDG–The Historical magazine and notes and queries concerning the antiquities, history and biography of America . BERTSON, Mott Haven, N. Y. AUGUSTUS T. CHUR, 24 Cliff Street, EDWARD A. STANSBURY, 231 Broadway. D. D. T. MARSHALL, President.JAMES CUSHING, Jr., Vice-President.ELIZUR WRIGHT, Consulting Aetuary. B. A. STANSBURY, Secretary. A. HALSEY PLUMMER, Assistant Secretary. STEWART L. WOODFORD, Counsel.EDWIN M. KELLOGG, M. D., JOHN W. MITCHELL, M. D., Medical Examiner*.it office daily from 12, M. to 2, P. M. Agents and Solicitors wanted. GENERAL AGENTS.RBYNALL k CLEVELAND, Ml Broadway. New York an
Revue de l'art chrétien . t universipulveris pigmentarii () . > 1. Cant., 111, 6. 124 2Rebue ïie T^rt rbrétien. Son compagnon nest revêtu que dune peau,qui, retombant de lépaule gauche, laisse nu lebras, le côté droit et les jambes ; il tient unbâton de la main droite; ses traits expressifsindiquent quil est profondément impressionnéde la scène sacrée à laquelle il a le privilège deprendre part. Dans cette figure le peintre évi-demment H voulu représenter Adam. Le saintdu Nouveau Testament, distingué par sa hautetaille, ses traits différents de ceux des saints de lAncien Testament, et son n Stock Photo
RM2AJ5P5X–Revue de l'art chrétien . t universipulveris pigmentarii () . > 1. Cant., 111, 6. 124 2Rebue ïie T^rt rbrétien. Son compagnon nest revêtu que dune peau,qui, retombant de lépaule gauche, laisse nu lebras, le côté droit et les jambes ; il tient unbâton de la main droite; ses traits expressifsindiquent quil est profondément impressionnéde la scène sacrée à laquelle il a le privilège deprendre part. Dans cette figure le peintre évi-demment H voulu représenter Adam. Le saintdu Nouveau Testament, distingué par sa hautetaille, ses traits différents de ceux des saints de lAncien Testament, et son n
. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. delightful and healthfulrecreation. The little volume before us takesnearly the same view of the subject. Thissecond edition is greatly improved in the ar-rangement of its contents ; and we observea considerable addition to the number of illus-trations. The text has also evidently under-gone revision, and not without advantage.We shall borrow a few illustrative extracts,with the cuts that accompany them :— DWARF LUPINE. This is one of the prettiest of the lupines,bearing leaves cut so as to somewhat resem-ble one Stock Photo
RM2AG0WP8–. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. delightful and healthfulrecreation. The little volume before us takesnearly the same view of the subject. Thissecond edition is greatly improved in the ar-rangement of its contents ; and we observea considerable addition to the number of illus-trations. The text has also evidently under-gone revision, and not without advantage.We shall borrow a few illustrative extracts,with the cuts that accompany them :— DWARF LUPINE. This is one of the prettiest of the lupines,bearing leaves cut so as to somewhat resem-ble one
. Dearborn's guide through Mount Auburn : with seventy-six engravings for the benefit of strangers desirous of seeing the clusters of monuments with the least trouble ; with the established rules for the preservation of the cemetery, purchase of lots, and other concerns ... HENRY ANDREWS. LOT 939. AMARANTH PATH. Not lost, but gone before.•For scarce upon our infant eyes, The sprinkled dew of baptism dries,Eer the thick frost of manhoods care.And deaths strong icy seal is there.. 30 JOHN THORNTON KIRKLAND, LL. D. HARVARD HILL. John Thornton Kirklaud was President of Harvard University, from1810 Stock Photo
RM2AFTF7E–. Dearborn's guide through Mount Auburn : with seventy-six engravings for the benefit of strangers desirous of seeing the clusters of monuments with the least trouble ; with the established rules for the preservation of the cemetery, purchase of lots, and other concerns ... HENRY ANDREWS. LOT 939. AMARANTH PATH. Not lost, but gone before.•For scarce upon our infant eyes, The sprinkled dew of baptism dries,Eer the thick frost of manhoods care.And deaths strong icy seal is there.. 30 JOHN THORNTON KIRKLAND, LL. D. HARVARD HILL. John Thornton Kirklaud was President of Harvard University, from1810
Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . XlVth Century. XlVth Century. Stone Coffin-lid, Brandon, Suffolk. Stone Coffin lid. Dorchester Abbey, Ottou. and Rhuddlan in Denbighshire.1 The coffin-lid at Laughten-en-le-Morthen requires no comments upon the graceful richness ofits sculptured decorations: it will be observed, that with thesketch of the coffin-lid is given a section of the stone coffin Stock Photo
RM2AJDW71–Christian monuments in England and Wales : an historical and descriptive sketch of the various classes of sepulchral monuments which have been in use in this country from about the era of the Norman conquest to the time of Edward the Fourth . XlVth Century. XlVth Century. Stone Coffin-lid, Brandon, Suffolk. Stone Coffin lid. Dorchester Abbey, Ottou. and Rhuddlan in Denbighshire.1 The coffin-lid at Laughten-en-le-Morthen requires no comments upon the graceful richness ofits sculptured decorations: it will be observed, that with thesketch of the coffin-lid is given a section of the stone coffin
Poems . he old clock on the stair,— Forever—never ! Never—forever! All are scattered now and fled,Some are married, some are dead;And when I ask, with throbs of pain, Ah! when shall they all meet again ?As in the days long since gone by,The ancient timepiece makes reply,— Forever—never ! Never—forever! Never here, forever there,Where all parting, pain, and care,And death, and time shall disappear,-Forever there, but never here ! THE ARROW AND THE SONG. 227 The horologe of EternitySayeth this incessantly,— Forever—never! Never—forever! THE ABEOW AND THE SONG. I shot an arrow into the air,It fel Stock Photo!-neverforever!-all-are-scattered-now-and-fledsome-are-married-some-are-deadand-when-i-ask-with-throbs-of-pain-ah!-when-shall-they-all-meet-again-as-in-the-days-long-since-gone-bythe-ancient-timepiece-makes-reply-forevernever-!-neverforever!-never-here-forever-therewhere-all-parting-pain-and-careand-death-and-time-shall-disappear-forever-there-but-never-here-!-the-arrow-and-the-song-227-the-horologe-of-eternitysayeth-this-incessantly-forevernever!-neverforever!-the-abeow-and-the-song-i-shot-an-arrow-into-the-airit-fel-image339148994.html
RM2AKNG02–Poems . he old clock on the stair,— Forever—never ! Never—forever! All are scattered now and fled,Some are married, some are dead;And when I ask, with throbs of pain, Ah! when shall they all meet again ?As in the days long since gone by,The ancient timepiece makes reply,— Forever—never ! Never—forever! Never here, forever there,Where all parting, pain, and care,And death, and time shall disappear,-Forever there, but never here ! THE ARROW AND THE SONG. 227 The horologe of EternitySayeth this incessantly,— Forever—never! Never—forever! THE ABEOW AND THE SONG. I shot an arrow into the air,It fel
Revue de l'art chrétien . sanglier de (même) année d(argent). Léglise de Rouvres renferme en outreplusieurs morceaux intéressants de diffé-rentes époques ; des fonts baptismaux duXIV siècle, des sculptures en pierre, desboiseries et deux torchères en bois doré duXVI1, sans compter quelques bons détailsdimagerie et dornementation faisant corpsavec lédifice même ; enfin le plus beaumorceau dorfèvrerie médiévale quaitconservé la Bourgogne. Cest une croixreliquaire à deux croisillons, de o6i dehauteur totale, y compris le pied destiné àla transformer en crqix processionnelle etqui est du temps, ce Stock Photo
RM2AJ5T6N–Revue de l'art chrétien . sanglier de (même) année d(argent). Léglise de Rouvres renferme en outreplusieurs morceaux intéressants de diffé-rentes époques ; des fonts baptismaux duXIV siècle, des sculptures en pierre, desboiseries et deux torchères en bois doré duXVI1, sans compter quelques bons détailsdimagerie et dornementation faisant corpsavec lédifice même ; enfin le plus beaumorceau dorfèvrerie médiévale quaitconservé la Bourgogne. Cest une croixreliquaire à deux croisillons, de o6i dehauteur totale, y compris le pied destiné àla transformer en crqix processionnelle etqui est du temps, ce
. Harper's weekly. Vol. VIII— No. 372.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,.1864. 1,00 FOR FOUR MONTHS.0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.. Stock Photo
RM2AFN7F4–. Harper's weekly. Vol. VIII— No. 372.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13,.1864. 1,00 FOR FOUR MONTHS.0 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE..
. Harper's weekly. January 16, 18(54.] HARPERS WEEKLY.. THE WRECK OF THE ?? .UJLII.A, AT SAN ERA: CISCO. En-rineers on General llClellans staff, and in April, lsilj, teas appointed,-i-- Oen.oal irnn.l. 1 a dici-inn of ilm Tliiv.l Corps. ivl,o-e i:,,Uc of Volunteers. In September- bo was placed in con.lnot need, no fresh mention. Since that time conini.m.l of tht Third Uiei-nni. Fiftb Corps —a (IciktjI linn,pi,1,-1.- has a,.le,l n.s Chief of Staff to writ! Earlvvestert tliatthc.-loi.i7n, having ami <l 51 (lelh.n carle on t nomine after sunk in the night at tlio haul.- of Ai Stock Photo!-earlvvestert-tliatthc-loii7n-having-ami-ltl-51-lelhn-carle-on-t-nomine-after-sunk-in-the-night-at-tlio-haul-of-ai-image336716123.html
RM2AFPMRR–. Harper's weekly. January 16, 18(54.] HARPERS WEEKLY.. THE WRECK OF THE ?? .UJLII.A, AT SAN ERA: CISCO. En-rineers on General llClellans staff, and in April, lsilj, teas appointed,-i-- Oen.oal irnn.l. 1 a dici-inn of ilm Tliiv.l Corps. ivl,o-e i:,,Uc of Volunteers. In September- bo was placed in con.lnot need, no fresh mention. Since that time conini.m.l of tht Third Uiei-nni. Fiftb Corps —a (IciktjI linn,pi,1,-1.- has a,.le,l n.s Chief of Staff to writ! Earlvvestert tliatthc.-loi.i7n, having ami <l 51 (lelh.n carle on t nomine after sunk in the night at tlio haul.- of Ai
Harper's weekly . instincts of his nature. (inr wonderful, our glo-rious science is still in its infancy. I have nodoubt but what a method will yet bo discoveredhv which the head can, in ebildhood. be s,, mould-. HARPERS WEEKLY. alter. Excuse me tor reminding yon illtime is not my own ; it belong? to the great pub-Thank yon, Sir. Hope even- tiling will he ar-range.! to your satisfaction. Snooks iliwn stairs into the sfreone in a div-im : hut before In: rca.hed ho Ho> duty he owed posterity, him-elf. :md thein ?.?.-?maul diotild demand. i|,e sundering o It was baldug-day at the Tadp Stock Photo!-to-your-satisfaction-snooks-walkeil-iliwn-stairs-into-the-sfreone-in-a-div-im-hut-before-in-rcahed-ho-hogt-duty-he-owed-posterity-him-elf-md-thein-maul-diotild-demand-ie-sundering-o-it-was-baldug-day-at-the-tadp-image338380009.html
RM2AJEF49–Harper's weekly . instincts of his nature. (inr wonderful, our glo-rious science is still in its infancy. I have nodoubt but what a method will yet bo discoveredhv which the head can, in ebildhood. be s,, mould-. HARPERS WEEKLY. alter. Excuse me tor reminding yon illtime is not my own ; it belong? to the great pub-Thank yon, Sir. Hope even- tiling will he ar-range.! to your satisfaction. Snooks iliwn stairs into the sfreone in a div-im : hut before In: rca.hed ho Ho> duty he owed posterity, him-elf. :md thein ?.?.-?maul diotild demand. i|,e sundering o It was baldug-day at the Tadp
Harper's weekly . responsibility.In fact, I dont feel as if I could sit still! Well,what do von think of the nights work? Prettygood, heh? If a fellow, to quote Mr. Green,could make a great fool out of a great rascal thou never—I put 7, 0 brother Bce-Linc, do thyself; but hnst• thy candor—felt thyt undetectable sympa- h draw iq> relaxed by a somewrishness nt the corners, as thot Gem-sis, cup. xx., of one J; w oild ty-ring sticakcd, the -hen Jacob ha-hi.::, with it ; chip the hands at tjatiianb acro^ the gait . i a l.u lien-or so, and cry •Ilnn.di .ac. .Jacob1i iiiic, thou tininp and lath Stock Photo!-wellwhat-do-von-think-of-the-nights-work-prettygood-heh-if-a-fellow-to-quote-mr-greencould-make-a-great-fool-out-of-a-great-rascal-thou-neveri-put-7-0-brother-bce-linc-do-thyself-but-hnst-thy-candorfelt-thyt-undetectable-sympa-h-draw-iqgt-relaxed-by-a-somewrishness-nt-the-corners-as-thot-gem-sis-cup-xx-of-one-j-w-oild-ty-ring-sticakcd-the-hen-jacob-ha-hi-with-it-chip-the-hands-at-tjatiianb-acro-the-gait-i-a-lu-lien-or-so-and-cry-ilnndi-ac-jacob1i-iiiic-thou-tininp-and-lath-image340138842.html
RM2ANAJFP–Harper's weekly . responsibility.In fact, I dont feel as if I could sit still! Well,what do von think of the nights work? Prettygood, heh? If a fellow, to quote Mr. Green,could make a great fool out of a great rascal thou never—I put 7, 0 brother Bce-Linc, do thyself; but hnst• thy candor—felt thyt undetectable sympa- h draw iq> relaxed by a somewrishness nt the corners, as thot Gem-sis, cup. xx., of one J; w oild ty-ring sticakcd, the -hen Jacob ha-hi.::, with it ; chip the hands at tjatiianb acro^ the gait . i a l.u lien-or so, and cry •Ilnn.di .ac. .Jacob1i iiiic, thou tininp and lath
. Incidents of western travel [electronic resource]: in a series of letters. ced to change Sunshine* for Shadydale,or some other more accessible place. Early next morning we set out to reach home,and relieve the anxiety of those who watched forour coming the last night. The light revealed thefact that we acted wisely in not braving the flood.We should have been swamped in the swollenwaters. Our team, refreshed by a nights repose,and urged by the appliances for such cases madeand provided, trotted along right merrily, and erelong our glad eyes looked upon loved faces andscenes familiar. We were Stock Photo
RM2AFK2BF–. Incidents of western travel [electronic resource]: in a series of letters. ced to change Sunshine* for Shadydale,or some other more accessible place. Early next morning we set out to reach home,and relieve the anxiety of those who watched forour coming the last night. The light revealed thefact that we acted wisely in not braving the flood.We should have been swamped in the swollenwaters. Our team, refreshed by a nights repose,and urged by the appliances for such cases madeand provided, trotted along right merrily, and erelong our glad eyes looked upon loved faces andscenes familiar. We were
Histoire de la vie politique et privée de Louis-Philippe . sommes ar-rivés au 15 lévrier 1848, suivre les évcuemenls jour par jour. 1 o février. — Cent sept députés se sont lait inscrire pour prendrepart au liainpiet. On assure (pie M. Sallandrouze a été délégué par le commerceà S. M. Louis-Philippe pour la sup[ilier, au nom de linduslrie pa-risienne, de ne point attacher une importance désastreuse à la iiiani-leslation qui doit avoir lieu le dimanche 20 lévrier. Le roi lavait arrêté, dit-on, au milieu de son discours, pour luidemander si les tissus se vendaient bien. On parle, dans la crainte Stock Photo
RM2AJ56CA–Histoire de la vie politique et privée de Louis-Philippe . sommes ar-rivés au 15 lévrier 1848, suivre les évcuemenls jour par jour. 1 o février. — Cent sept députés se sont lait inscrire pour prendrepart au liainpiet. On assure (pie M. Sallandrouze a été délégué par le commerceà S. M. Louis-Philippe pour la sup[ilier, au nom de linduslrie pa-risienne, de ne point attacher une importance désastreuse à la iiiani-leslation qui doit avoir lieu le dimanche 20 lévrier. Le roi lavait arrêté, dit-on, au milieu de son discours, pour luidemander si les tissus se vendaient bien. On parle, dans la crainte
. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. is obtained into this mode of manuring,and the knowledge thus acquired will be anunerring guide. It is best to err on the safeside; and this is, to make it weak enough.Strong liquid manure poisons instead of nou-rishing. In general, a very considerablequantity of pure water will be required tomix with the liquid from the tank. Colourwill scarcely be a guide, though, if the manureliquid be nearly black, it should be diluted soas to do little more than colour the water ;probably about six times as much pure wateras Stock Photo
RM2AG0MNT–. The Annals of Horticulture and Year-Book of Information on Practical Gardening. is obtained into this mode of manuring,and the knowledge thus acquired will be anunerring guide. It is best to err on the safeside; and this is, to make it weak enough.Strong liquid manure poisons instead of nou-rishing. In general, a very considerablequantity of pure water will be required tomix with the liquid from the tank. Colourwill scarcely be a guide, though, if the manureliquid be nearly black, it should be diluted soas to do little more than colour the water ;probably about six times as much pure wateras
Harper's weekly . ill.- Ah> r - M.. lUi !?? I >V » ..he lm, t-.iic, awl «iili a quiet smile upon . 1I..111 I i.-ll .offaceshundredsofmilesiiwiiy. I tliuugl.i1 win returning 10 these I hud left veins hehne,i,ml us 1 elivled idoilt, us dre.uncrs do, 1 suvv well- HARPERS WEEKLY. [Mat 18, 1867.. May 18, 1867.] HARPERS WEEKLY. Stock Photo!-i-gtv-he-lm-t-iic-awl-iili-a-quiet-smile-upon-1i111-i-i-ll-offaceshundredsofmilesiiwiiy-i-tliuugli1-win-returning-10-these-i-hud-left-veins-hehneiml-us-1-elivled-idoilt-us-dreuncrs-do-1-suvv-well-harpers-weekly-mat-18-1867-may-18-1867-harpers-weekly-image338495986.html
RM2AJKR2A–Harper's weekly . ill.- Ah> r - M.. lUi !?? I >V » ..he lm, t-.iic, awl «iili a quiet smile upon . 1I..111 I i.-ll .offaceshundredsofmilesiiwiiy. I tliuugl.i1 win returning 10 these I hud left veins hehne,i,ml us 1 elivled idoilt, us dre.uncrs do, 1 suvv well- HARPERS WEEKLY. [Mat 18, 1867.. May 18, 1867.] HARPERS WEEKLY.
Revue de l'art chrétien . ire réminiscence de la scène desSaintes Femmes.quils avaient si longtempssculptée aux mêmes places, les imagiers,surtout dans les plus anciens exemples dunouveau type, ont fait figurer les anges : I. Retables champenois de Géraudot, de Lhuître, desNoés, de Pouan, etc. ; retables allemands du musée deBàle, de Kaysersberg; retable dAirion (Jîj^. Sj), etc. 374 jRebue ïie V^vt cf)véticn. tantôt, comme sur le chandelier de Gaëte (),ceux-ci jouent un rôle actif et ouvrent eux-mêmes le couvercle du sarcophage {), doùse lève Jésus ; tantôt, comme à Sainte-Anastasie de Vérone Stock Photo
RM2ANCDTD–Revue de l'art chrétien . ire réminiscence de la scène desSaintes Femmes.quils avaient si longtempssculptée aux mêmes places, les imagiers,surtout dans les plus anciens exemples dunouveau type, ont fait figurer les anges : I. Retables champenois de Géraudot, de Lhuître, desNoés, de Pouan, etc. ; retables allemands du musée deBàle, de Kaysersberg; retable dAirion (Jîj^. Sj), etc. 374 jRebue ïie V^vt cf)véticn. tantôt, comme sur le chandelier de Gaëte (),ceux-ci jouent un rôle actif et ouvrent eux-mêmes le couvercle du sarcophage {), doùse lève Jésus ; tantôt, comme à Sainte-Anastasie de Vérone
Harper's weekly . air. ?Well, of all the coincidences that ever I tmeda 1. Your presentiment bad .;,i,. ii,-!iKMv» hH ir-ls with him. I believe he1 out West. What he doe,-in faet, li„h, Im in doubt. u-h, and perhaps— By George ! I iv does It happen that Mrs. Granger- it was you who had engaged hera left our card, you know, this morn- 3 back out of this: nr and ..ll ccssivcly iincomiortnblo 1iuV.I 1. be ?,!.!.? i. i ,I„e. i r. bii.-k .in tlio deposit ns mv only r confusedly; a deposit tenls of your pockel-boo some else if ivo In.d not You—renlly—you dont bt, MOldd see tlie thing in n dlllcrc Mv Stock Photo!ikmv-hh-ir-ls-with-him-i-believe-he1-out-west-what-he-doe-in-faet-lih-im-in-doubt-u-h-and-perhaps-by-george-!-i-iv-does-it-happen-that-mrs-granger-it-was-you-who-had-engaged-hera-left-our-card-you-know-this-morn-3-back-out-of-this-nr-and-ll-ccssivcly-iincomiortnblo-1iuvi-1-be-!!-i-i-ie-i-r-bii-k-in-tlio-deposit-ns-mv-only-r-confusedly-a-deposit-tenls-of-your-pockel-boo-some-else-if-ivo-ind-not-yourenllyyou-dont-bt-moldd-see-tlie-thing-in-n-dlllcrc-mv-image339031555.html
RM2AKG65R–Harper's weekly . air. ?Well, of all the coincidences that ever I tmeda 1. Your presentiment bad .;,i,. ii,-!iKMv» hH ir-ls with him. I believe he1 out West. What he doe,-in faet, li„h, Im in doubt. u-h, and perhaps— By George ! I iv does It happen that Mrs. Granger- it was you who had engaged hera left our card, you know, this morn- 3 back out of this: nr and ..ll ccssivcly iincomiortnblo 1iuV.I 1. be ?,!.!.? i. i ,I„e. i r. bii.-k .in tlio deposit ns mv only r confusedly; a deposit tenls of your pockel-boo some else if ivo In.d not You—renlly—you dont bt, MOldd see tlie thing in n dlllcrc Mv
. Dearborn's guide through Mount Auburn : with seventy-six engravings for the benefit of strangers desirous of seeing the clusters of monuments with the least trouble ; with the established rules for the preservation of the cemetery, purchase of lots, and other concerns ... ENOCH PATTERSON, LOT 438, INDIAN RIDGE PATH.Jbr this mortal must put on immortality. TO THE MEMORT OF DAVID PATTERSON. He sleeps beneath the blue lone sea,He lies where pearls the deep,He was the loved of all; yet noneOer his low bed may weep.. 46 ALEXANDER WADSWORTH. LOT 431. INDIAN RIDGE PATH. An infant son, born March 25 Stock Photo
RM2AFT626–. Dearborn's guide through Mount Auburn : with seventy-six engravings for the benefit of strangers desirous of seeing the clusters of monuments with the least trouble ; with the established rules for the preservation of the cemetery, purchase of lots, and other concerns ... ENOCH PATTERSON, LOT 438, INDIAN RIDGE PATH.Jbr this mortal must put on immortality. TO THE MEMORT OF DAVID PATTERSON. He sleeps beneath the blue lone sea,He lies where pearls the deep,He was the loved of all; yet noneOer his low bed may weep.. 46 ALEXANDER WADSWORTH. LOT 431. INDIAN RIDGE PATH. An infant son, born March 25
The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . s machine is a new invention, and a mostimportant advance upon all machines heretofore knownfor sewing with tho Lock-Stitch. It is of great powerand strength, especially adapted for tailors, shoemakers,harness-makers, carriage-trimmers, and for all descrip-tions of work to which^the lock-stitch is applicable. Itworks with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread.and will sew the finest muslin as well as the thickestleather. Price $ 75; with Hemmers, $ Stock Photo
RM2AX8JPT–The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . s machine is a new invention, and a mostimportant advance upon all machines heretofore knownfor sewing with tho Lock-Stitch. It is of great powerand strength, especially adapted for tailors, shoemakers,harness-makers, carriage-trimmers, and for all descrip-tions of work to which^the lock-stitch is applicable. Itworks with equal facility silk, cotton, or linen thread.and will sew the finest muslin as well as the thickestleather. Price $ 75; with Hemmers, $
Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia : embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 . Works. GEORGE G. CURLE, I*EOI>RIETOIl. Stock Photo
RM2AX7K2C–Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia : embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 . Works. GEORGE G. CURLE, I*EOI>RIETOIl.
Revue de l'art chrétien . e nu du mur, au-dessus du portail, comme à Ducy, près de Caen, à Saint-Leu dEsserent (Oise). Telle fut la véritable origine du gable des portails gothiques.... « Ce qui appartient en propre aux architectes du XIIIsiècle, ce fut lidée de les ajourer. Robert de Luzarche sétait contenté de découper un trèfle en creux sur lespoints des gables des portes de la façade de 1 i cathédraledAmiens. Jean Langlois décore de même la pointe desgables des porches latéraux de Saint-Urbain de Troyes.Jean de Chelles, qui fit construire les portes des croisil-lons de Notre-Dame de Paris, Stock Photo
RM2ANCKEH–Revue de l'art chrétien . e nu du mur, au-dessus du portail, comme à Ducy, près de Caen, à Saint-Leu dEsserent (Oise). Telle fut la véritable origine du gable des portails gothiques.... « Ce qui appartient en propre aux architectes du XIIIsiècle, ce fut lidée de les ajourer. Robert de Luzarche sétait contenté de découper un trèfle en creux sur lespoints des gables des portes de la façade de 1 i cathédraledAmiens. Jean Langlois décore de même la pointe desgables des porches latéraux de Saint-Urbain de Troyes.Jean de Chelles, qui fit construire les portes des croisil-lons de Notre-Dame de Paris,
Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia : embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 . Rockingham county, Virginia. Mercer, a county in the S. W. part of Virginia, has an area of440 square miles. It is intersected by the Blue Stone river, boundedon the E. by the Kanawha or New river, and also drained by Brushand other creeks. Indian corn, wheat, oats, hay, and live stock arethe staples. In 1850 this county produced 105,946 bushels of corn;12,284 of wheat; 3 Stock Photo
RM2AX73K6–Statistical gazetteer of the state of Virginia : embracing important topographical and historical information from recent and original sources, together with the results of the last census population, in most cases, to 1854 . Rockingham county, Virginia. Mercer, a county in the S. W. part of Virginia, has an area of440 square miles. It is intersected by the Blue Stone river, boundedon the E. by the Kanawha or New river, and also drained by Brushand other creeks. Indian corn, wheat, oats, hay, and live stock arethe staples. In 1850 this county produced 105,946 bushels of corn;12,284 of wheat; 3
Harper's weekly . THE LINDLEY MURDER.. WHOLE SALE.MUR0EROFTRt .iMc,i . HARPERS WEEKLY. [March J3, 1867. Tw !?> I ;.;; ?„[-i,ificfLirri i old futtorc, heaping abukp mu illi-truet tiltn. Tli« j •::,.:,!.,,.;;!..,..,;! nSaK™ ma««,, ?H..1 in -;t.u:.- /..hit. .1 f.iv.Ti. I.r:: In- 1.1. 1. .?;.?.:nlii li-nl looked iiusiou. 1 -•i.iicl I..r Kr/hirn! ? ?? !:ii is. HOME AND FOREIGN flQSSIP. ( keep Uicm In repair. March 23, 1SG7.] HARPERS WEEKLY. Stock Photo!gt-i-iificflirri-i-old-futtorc-heaping-abukp-mu-illi-truet-tiltn-tli-j-!!!-nsak-ma-h1-in-tu-hit-1-fivti-ir-in-11-1-nlii-li-nl-looked-iiusiou-1-iiicl-ir-krhirn!-!ii-is-home-and-foreign-flqssip-keep-uicm-in-repair-march-23-1sg7-harpers-weekly-image338929737.html
RM2AKBG9D–Harper's weekly . THE LINDLEY MURDER.. WHOLE SALE.MUR0EROFTRt .iMc,i . HARPERS WEEKLY. [March J3, 1867. Tw !?> I ;.;; ?„[-i,ificfLirri i old futtorc, heaping abukp mu illi-truet tiltn. Tli« j •::,.:,!.,,.;;!..,..,;! nSaK™ ma««,, ?H..1 in -;t.u:.- /..hit. .1 f.iv.Ti. I.r:: In- 1.1. 1. .?;.?.:nlii li-nl looked iiusiou. 1 -•i.iicl I..r Kr/hirn! ? ?? !:ii is. HOME AND FOREIGN flQSSIP. ( keep Uicm In repair. March 23, 1SG7.] HARPERS WEEKLY.
Harper's weekly . a good dea.1 ol hm lime with her before she died,which she did while I was in pinafores; hut young people wore pinafores much lunger in my lo, t her 1 years when I was bom. .She was very fond ofhim, and lie of Iter, Ive heard her say- and slitscd often to tell me how hands-uine he was iiis youth, and how well he used to look in clocohne and gold-hieed riding-coat just nfreiic victory of Cullodeti, when he came To filer lendly terms with his father. .1 a.-ked Mi- dudsoii if slie had ever read Matlew JhivgarthV letter-. No. she .-aid; I look at them Mimetiine:hen Im tidying the Stock Photo
RM2AJKT3R–Harper's weekly . a good dea.1 ol hm lime with her before she died,which she did while I was in pinafores; hut young people wore pinafores much lunger in my lo, t her 1 years when I was bom. .She was very fond ofhim, and lie of Iter, Ive heard her say- and slitscd often to tell me how hands-uine he was iiis youth, and how well he used to look in clocohne and gold-hieed riding-coat just nfreiic victory of Cullodeti, when he came To filer lendly terms with his father. .1 a.-ked Mi- dudsoii if slie had ever read Matlew JhivgarthV letter-. No. she .-aid; I look at them Mimetiine:hen Im tidying the
The antiquities of Wisconsin : as surveyed and described . s rapids, of one hundred and seventy feet. The public surveys not having all been completed, the area drained by this rivercannot be exactly stated; but it is estimated at about 6,700 square miles. At a place on the east side of Green bay, called the Bed Banks (townshiptwenty-five, range twenty-two), as we are informed by Hon. Morgan L. Martin, inhis annual discourse before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, delivered in1851, there are traces of ancient cultivation, still distinct, over a tract of severalhundred acres, now over Stock Photo
RM2AX8KNE–The antiquities of Wisconsin : as surveyed and described . s rapids, of one hundred and seventy feet. The public surveys not having all been completed, the area drained by this rivercannot be exactly stated; but it is estimated at about 6,700 square miles. At a place on the east side of Green bay, called the Bed Banks (townshiptwenty-five, range twenty-two), as we are informed by Hon. Morgan L. Martin, inhis annual discourse before the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, delivered in1851, there are traces of ancient cultivation, still distinct, over a tract of severalhundred acres, now over
Harper's weekly . THE SEAT, ROCKS AND CLIFF HOUSE N8AR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IIARPERS WEEKLY. [October 2G, 1867. latuxe John Jon-ice, written by the <?,„m/u,c4 <=SW. WHAT PEOPLE USE FOR FOOD. !•? hum; iliini lur li,.,„ , II.1111. II -Itll.1, 1,-11 111^ .Is ;, | llll- III, l M.U 1 Extract is »=cd for invalid- ;;.in for tbu Blind, with um-cII,.,^ ™ York iLSHSM^K! ?,.,., K s Mall Extract.0 Deputsw rSu -,., hiiHbfcn cured ofDycpetKlu ?;,;,?? ;^; «,ca11ad Moth ond Freckles,S. Y. Sold by oil Dnigglsts! ADVERTISEMENTS.The Climax of Human Ills :. It { Kl.-i:.|.!„,l [1ms tohUfin ;,:i::;;;n Stock Photo!-hum-iliini-lur-li-ii1111-ii-itll1-1-11-111-is-llll-iii-l-mu-1-extract-is-=cd-for-invalid-in-for-tbu-blind-with-um-cii-york-ilshsmk!-k-s-mall-extract0-deputsw-rsu-hiihbfcn-cured-ofdycpetklu-ca11ad-moth-ond-freckless-y-sold-by-oil-dnigglsts!-advertisementsthe-climax-of-human-ills-it-kl-i!l-1ms-tohufin-in-image338365247.html
RM2AJDT93–Harper's weekly . THE SEAT, ROCKS AND CLIFF HOUSE N8AR SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA IIARPERS WEEKLY. [October 2G, 1867. latuxe John Jon-ice, written by the <?,„m/u,c4 <=SW. WHAT PEOPLE USE FOR FOOD. !•? hum; iliini lur li,.,„ , II.1111. II -Itll.1, 1,-11 111^ .Is ;, | llll- III, l M.U 1 Extract is »=cd for invalid- ;;.in for tbu Blind, with um-cII,.,^ ™ York iLSHSM^K! ?,.,., K s Mall Extract.0 Deputsw rSu -,., hiiHbfcn cured ofDycpetKlu ?;,;,?? ;^; «,ca11ad Moth ond Freckles,S. Y. Sold by oil Dnigglsts! ADVERTISEMENTS.The Climax of Human Ills :. It { Kl.-i:.|.!„,l [1ms tohUfin ;,:i::;;;n
Harper's weekly . M {HI 111! IKY? I Th, mmm m Pil ?^ i^jjSBfc.^ ^ jjf |, |fl|||§ In Bfll ^^*^ Oiffli.l 1 ; y |H ^^MJ^iPilPIPf1 IfIf nWwB May 25, 1867.] HAllPERS WEEKLY. TTATITERS WEEKLY. [Mat 25, 1867. AujriLig. cd Clement, short- Madf.i. 1 e into the neighborhood of Fit/benrvi.l 1 would call myself utid impure. M.^.iMmiimvi hi.ii.i/.litiNrn^!ihmakii.^M.(-,,l..ilymqiuiie8. Im . v.:n,-!. is ii r th.-ll-ll impelled I s white, said Dooley, as cmovf tlic tca-thine-. :uni J;a.t lnoii^ht with i railed for mo At Mr. Trcscotts. But I could not hue gone uilhout their aid. certainly. .Mis; Fook, mu Stock Photo!-iky-i-th-mmm-m-pil-ijjsbfc-jjf-fl-in-bfll-oifflil-1-y-h-mjipilpipf1-ifif-nwwb-may-25-1867-hallpers-weekly-ttatiters-weekly-mat-25-1867-aujrilig-cd-clement-short-madfi-1-e-into-the-neighborhood-of-fitbenrvil-1-would-call-myself-utid-impure-mimmiimvi-hiiiilitinrniil!ihmakiim-lilymqiuiie8-im-vn-!-is-ii-r-th-ll-ll-impelled-i-s-white-said-dooley-as-cmovf-tlic-tca-thine-uni-jat-lnoiiht-with-i-railed-for-mo-at-mr-trcscotts-but-i-could-not-hue-gone-uilhout-their-aid-certainly-mis-fook-mu-image338490519.html
RM2AJKG33–Harper's weekly . M {HI 111! IKY? I Th, mmm m Pil ?^ i^jjSBfc.^ ^ jjf |, |fl|||§ In Bfll ^^*^ Oiffli.l 1 ; y |H ^^MJ^iPilPIPf1 IfIf nWwB May 25, 1867.] HAllPERS WEEKLY. TTATITERS WEEKLY. [Mat 25, 1867. AujriLig. cd Clement, short- Madf.i. 1 e into the neighborhood of Fit/benrvi.l 1 would call myself utid impure. M.^.iMmiimvi hi.ii.i/.litiNrn^!ihmakii.^M.(-,,l..ilymqiuiie8. Im . v.:n,-!. is ii r th.-ll-ll impelled I s white, said Dooley, as cmovf tlic tca-thine-. :uni J;a.t lnoii^ht with i railed for mo At Mr. Trcscotts. But I could not hue gone uilhout their aid. certainly. .Mis; Fook, mu
. The Albany directory for the year ... : containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter. 57 & 59 SOUTH PEARL. ST., ALBAJVY, N. Y. Curled Hair, Palm Leaf, Husk and Straw Mattresses, Spring Bed Bottoms,Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters and Fillows. 0. S. RICE & E. MIGKEL, INTERIOR DECORATORS IN FRESCO & OIL.B A^ INT N E H, SIGN im HOUSE PAINTERS, No. 547 BROADWAY, ALBANY, N. Y. H. & R. COLEMAN, UNDERTAKING AND Stock Photo
RM2AGA1KD–. The Albany directory for the year ... : containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter. 57 & 59 SOUTH PEARL. ST., ALBAJVY, N. Y. Curled Hair, Palm Leaf, Husk and Straw Mattresses, Spring Bed Bottoms,Feathers, Feather Beds, Bolsters and Fillows. 0. S. RICE & E. MIGKEL, INTERIOR DECORATORS IN FRESCO & OIL.B A^ INT N E H, SIGN im HOUSE PAINTERS, No. 547 BROADWAY, ALBANY, N. Y. H. & R. COLEMAN, UNDERTAKING AND
Revue de l'art chrétien . Padoue. — Église des Ermites. retourné. » Les peintures qui décorent actuelle- Giotto, comprennent trois cent dix-neuf sujets,ment ce vaisseau, et qui ont effacé celles de Cest un poème dédié à lastrologie.. Vérone. — Pont délia Pietra. M. Peyre fait remarquer, que la charpente re-produit le système Philibert Delorme avant lalettre ; le rapprochement nest pas exact ; les berceaux en bois sont bien antérieurs au M^ char-pentier de Louis XIV; dès le Xlll^ siècle depareilsvoûtes lambrissées couvraient en France 46 ÎRctoue îie rart cbvctien. des vaisseaux déglises par cen Stock Photo
RM2ANG2JR–Revue de l'art chrétien . Padoue. — Église des Ermites. retourné. » Les peintures qui décorent actuelle- Giotto, comprennent trois cent dix-neuf sujets,ment ce vaisseau, et qui ont effacé celles de Cest un poème dédié à lastrologie.. Vérone. — Pont délia Pietra. M. Peyre fait remarquer, que la charpente re-produit le système Philibert Delorme avant lalettre ; le rapprochement nest pas exact ; les berceaux en bois sont bien antérieurs au M^ char-pentier de Louis XIV; dès le Xlll^ siècle depareilsvoûtes lambrissées couvraient en France 46 ÎRctoue îie rart cbvctien. des vaisseaux déglises par cen
The New York glee and chorus book: containing a variety of glees and part songs, arrangements from operas, and a selection of the most useful choruses, adapted especially to musical conventions and associations, and advanced singing classes . —, ,P- wav, ?+—fr V— - 0-*—0^ wav, dark - - ness flies a - way, dark - 313. ness flics a - way, At whose bright presence0^0 Stock Photo
RM2AXDCER–The New York glee and chorus book: containing a variety of glees and part songs, arrangements from operas, and a selection of the most useful choruses, adapted especially to musical conventions and associations, and advanced singing classes . —, ,P- wav, ?+—fr V— - 0-*—0^ wav, dark - - ness flies a - way, dark - 313. ness flics a - way, At whose bright presence0^0
The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lyfo. 80 state St.^ Albany^ ly, Y. CATALOGUE SALES ATTENDED TO IN ANY PART OP THE CITY. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stocks and Real Estate at Auction and Private,Sale. Regular sales of Furniture, Groceries, Horses, Wagons, &c., TUESDAY and FRIDAYof each week, in front of Salesroom. Also Sole Agents for Thomas Dolans Improved Iron King SALAIAITDEII SAFE. J ACOB Simmons. Isaac N. Lansino. W. J. Simmons. 372 ALBANY DI Stock Photo
RM2AX6GNC–The Albany directory for the year ..: containing a general directory of the citizens, a business directory, and other miscellaneous matter . S AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lyfo. 80 state St.^ Albany^ ly, Y. CATALOGUE SALES ATTENDED TO IN ANY PART OP THE CITY. Particular attention paid to the sale of Stocks and Real Estate at Auction and Private,Sale. Regular sales of Furniture, Groceries, Horses, Wagons, &c., TUESDAY and FRIDAYof each week, in front of Salesroom. Also Sole Agents for Thomas Dolans Improved Iron King SALAIAITDEII SAFE. J ACOB Simmons. Isaac N. Lansino. W. J. Simmons. 372 ALBANY DI
Revue de l'art chrétien . o-maines sont encore assez nombreusesen France;mais les mosaïqueschrétien-^ - trznii j^gg ^jgg premiers siècles et celles dumoyen âge y sont extrêmement rares, aussi est-ceune bonne fortune den rencontrer ; cest pour-quoi je crois vous être agréable en vous parlantdune mosaïque du commencement du XII^ siècleque nous avons trouvée récemment dans labside de léglise de notre ancien prieuré bénédictin deGanagobie.Cette mosaïque était autrefois connueet réputée fort belle, mais léglise ayant été dé-molie systématiquement pendant la Révolution,à lexception de la nef, cette Stock Photo
RM2AJ4JM7–Revue de l'art chrétien . o-maines sont encore assez nombreusesen France;mais les mosaïqueschrétien-^ - trznii j^gg ^jgg premiers siècles et celles dumoyen âge y sont extrêmement rares, aussi est-ceune bonne fortune den rencontrer ; cest pour-quoi je crois vous être agréable en vous parlantdune mosaïque du commencement du XII^ siècleque nous avons trouvée récemment dans labside de léglise de notre ancien prieuré bénédictin deGanagobie.Cette mosaïque était autrefois connueet réputée fort belle, mais léglise ayant été dé-molie systématiquement pendant la Révolution,à lexception de la nef, cette
Harper's weekly . HAMPERS WEEKLY. [February 23,1867. r., although sincerelythe President was guilty of im-ses, was not so fully furnishedevidence as to satisfy!. a provision is contemplated. 1 .? ill I.. pn.po^d, I.m it -houLl be includedthe bill, under the form of a inoihod to base 1 la- debate waili-i-ies of [he ease, all show that Mr. I Jon wellspokconlythc truth in saying that the. loyal peo- Voices pitched to every keyand tinged by every foreign enrh other. I)i> Me buss vies withfalsetto, Jew with (ientiie, (.reck with Jiurbu- At such a time nothing Stock Photo!-a-provision-is-contemplated-1-ill-i-pnpod-im-it-houll-be-includedthe-bill-under-the-form-of-a-inoihod-to-base-1-la-debate-waili-i-ies-of-he-ease-all-show-that-mr-i-jon-wellspokconlythc-truth-in-saying-that-the-loyal-peo-voices-pitched-to-every-keyand-tinged-by-every-foreign-enrh-other-iigt-me-buss-vies-withfalsetto-jew-with-ientiie-reck-with-jiurbu-at-such-a-time-nothing-image339022244.html
RM2AKFP98–Harper's weekly . HAMPERS WEEKLY. [February 23,1867. r., although sincerelythe President was guilty of im-ses, was not so fully furnishedevidence as to satisfy!. a provision is contemplated. 1 .? ill I.. pn.po^d, I.m it -houLl be includedthe bill, under the form of a inoihod to base 1 la- debate waili-i-ies of [he ease, all show that Mr. I Jon wellspokconlythc truth in saying that the. loyal peo- Voices pitched to every keyand tinged by every foreign enrh other. I)i> Me buss vies withfalsetto, Jew with (ientiie, (.reck with Jiurbu- At such a time nothing
. Tallis's history and description of the Crystal palace, and the Exhibition of the world's industry in 1851;. ?M> A?t. Stock Photo
RM2AFTCP7–. Tallis's history and description of the Crystal palace, and the Exhibition of the world's industry in 1851;. ?M> A?t.
. Incidents of western travel [electronic resource]: in a series of letters. ful in the visionbefore me. The white tents, the particolored cos-tumes, red and gray predominating; the tetheredhorses, the patient oxen, half buried in grass; lifein various forms, all eager and in motion; thesoftened hum of the camp, as it came floating onthe prairie wind—all made a life-picture, to copywhich would make an artists fortune. We turnedour eyes away to look upon more quiet scenes, therolling prairies, the yellow flowers, the wavinggrass, and the silent sky. From what I heard and from all I saw, I musts Stock Photo
RM2AFK09D–. Incidents of western travel [electronic resource]: in a series of letters. ful in the visionbefore me. The white tents, the particolored cos-tumes, red and gray predominating; the tetheredhorses, the patient oxen, half buried in grass; lifein various forms, all eager and in motion; thesoftened hum of the camp, as it came floating onthe prairie wind—all made a life-picture, to copywhich would make an artists fortune. We turnedour eyes away to look upon more quiet scenes, therolling prairies, the yellow flowers, the wavinggrass, and the silent sky. From what I heard and from all I saw, I musts
Revue de l'art chrétien . de Pampelune, du XI11= siècle (^) ; sur un 1. Sur le linteau de Saint-Lazare dAvallon, la seulepartie à peu près conservée montre des portes renver-sées parmi un amas de décombres ; à notre avis, il fauty voir une représentation des Limbes, la seule peut-être de type byzantin que possède la sculpture française. 2. Voir louvrage du R. P. Beissel, Die ErzthUren unddie Passade von St-Zeno zu Verona. 3. Le bas-relief du XII^ siècle de la façade de Lincoln(fis- 91) constituerait peut-être en Occident le plus an-cien exemple lapidaire de ce type ; mais on ne peutaffirmer av Stock Photo
RM2AND34B–Revue de l'art chrétien . de Pampelune, du XI11= siècle (^) ; sur un 1. Sur le linteau de Saint-Lazare dAvallon, la seulepartie à peu près conservée montre des portes renver-sées parmi un amas de décombres ; à notre avis, il fauty voir une représentation des Limbes, la seule peut-être de type byzantin que possède la sculpture française. 2. Voir louvrage du R. P. Beissel, Die ErzthUren unddie Passade von St-Zeno zu Verona. 3. Le bas-relief du XII^ siècle de la façade de Lincoln(fis- 91) constituerait peut-être en Occident le plus an-cien exemple lapidaire de ce type ; mais on ne peutaffirmer av
Thrilling adventures by land and seaBeing remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources . , consequently, weredriven nearer, every moment, toward the awfulstrand of rocks. The scene was now terrific; manyvessels were in sight, two of which we saw dashedon the rocks; with the tremendous roar of thebreakers, and the howling of the tempest, and theheavy sea, which broke as high as the fore-yard,death appeared inevitable. There was only onehope left, and that was, that, should the tide changeand take us under our lee-beam, it might possiblyset us off on the Nine-fathom bank, which i Stock Photo
RM2ANFR8P–Thrilling adventures by land and seaBeing remarkable historical facts, gathered from authentic sources . , consequently, weredriven nearer, every moment, toward the awfulstrand of rocks. The scene was now terrific; manyvessels were in sight, two of which we saw dashedon the rocks; with the tremendous roar of thebreakers, and the howling of the tempest, and theheavy sea, which broke as high as the fore-yard,death appeared inevitable. There was only onehope left, and that was, that, should the tide changeand take us under our lee-beam, it might possiblyset us off on the Nine-fathom bank, which i
Revue de l'art chrétien . T - URG ? EV1 1 DE L [RÉTIE I T. 1. PI. IV - luin 1857. îaroi t Lamberî - , i I ABSIDE EE LEGLISE DE LIMBOURG ? in ! M En est Breton ) REVUE DE LART CHRÉTIEN ÉGLISE SAINT-GEORGES, A LIMBOURG. ( DUCHÉ DE NASSAU ) A un quart dheure au-dessus de Coblentz, en face du délicieux châteaugothique de Stolzenfels, se jette dans le Rhin une charmante petite rivièrequi nest guère connue que par les dernières opérations de Marceau en1795, la Lahn, et que peu de voyageurs remontent au delà dEms, un desplus célèbres bains de lAllemagne, situé à 7 ou 8 kilom. seulement de sonembouchu Stock Photo!-m-en-est-breton-revue-de-lart-chrtien-glise-saint-georges-a-limbourg-duch-de-nassau-a-un-quart-dheure-au-dessus-de-coblentz-en-face-du-dlicieux-chteaugothique-de-stolzenfels-se-jette-dans-le-rhin-une-charmante-petite-rivirequi-nest-gure-connue-que-par-les-dernires-oprations-de-marceau-en1795-la-lahn-et-que-peu-de-voyageurs-remontent-au-del-dems-un-desplus-clbres-bains-de-lallemagne-situ-7-ou-8-kilom-seulement-de-sonembouchu-image343388360.html
RM2AXJKA0–Revue de l'art chrétien . T - URG ? EV1 1 DE L [RÉTIE I T. 1. PI. IV - luin 1857. îaroi t Lamberî - , i I ABSIDE EE LEGLISE DE LIMBOURG ? in ! M En est Breton ) REVUE DE LART CHRÉTIEN ÉGLISE SAINT-GEORGES, A LIMBOURG. ( DUCHÉ DE NASSAU ) A un quart dheure au-dessus de Coblentz, en face du délicieux châteaugothique de Stolzenfels, se jette dans le Rhin une charmante petite rivièrequi nest guère connue que par les dernières opérations de Marceau en1795, la Lahn, et que peu de voyageurs remontent au delà dEms, un desplus célèbres bains de lAllemagne, situé à 7 ou 8 kilom. seulement de sonembouchu
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