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. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . one continuous roar of musketry, and the carnageis appalling. The woods are full of wounded going to therear, the badly hurt being assisted by their comrades, whilethose absolutely disabled are carried away on stretchers. Thedead lie everywhere, the Blue and the Gray side by side. At last there came a lull, as if the fury of the storm thathad been raging since early morn had spent itself. Our bri-gade, which had been badly cut up, was now re-formed, andseveral Stock Photo
RM2CJ30B1–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . one continuous roar of musketry, and the carnageis appalling. The woods are full of wounded going to therear, the badly hurt being assisted by their comrades, whilethose absolutely disabled are carried away on stretchers. Thedead lie everywhere, the Blue and the Gray side by side. At last there came a lull, as if the fury of the storm thathad been raging since early morn had spent itself. Our bri-gade, which had been badly cut up, was now re-formed, andseveral
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . and Rowley, who with portions of their staffs satupon their horses at that point, addressed a few words of en-couragement to the several regiments, reminding them thatthey were upon their own soil, that the eye of the common-wealth was upon them, and that there was every reason tobelieve they would do their duty to the uttermost in defence oftheir State. Meanwhile, shells were flying overhead fromrebel batteries beyond the ridge to the west, and there was nolon Stock Photo
RM2CJ4PBX–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . and Rowley, who with portions of their staffs satupon their horses at that point, addressed a few words of en-couragement to the several regiments, reminding them thatthey were upon their own soil, that the eye of the common-wealth was upon them, and that there was every reason tobelieve they would do their duty to the uttermost in defence oftheir State. Meanwhile, shells were flying overhead fromrebel batteries beyond the ridge to the west, and there was nolon
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Lieutenant-ColonelC. C. WTDDIS. Captain ALFRED J. RORER.Company TL. Stock Photo
RM2CJ4AKM–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Lieutenant-ColonelC. C. WTDDIS. Captain ALFRED J. RORER.Company TL.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Fl RST I AEUTKNANT EDWARD IS. FOWLER.(Company F. |-i kst Fn.ii en Ni nios. M. LVOX. (onipanv F. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2H53–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Fl RST I AEUTKNANT EDWARD IS. FOWLER.(Company F. |-i kst Fn.ii en Ni nios. M. LVOX. (onipanv F.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . the thousands who hadhere been maimed and lacerated in their gallant stand againstthe invader. Multitudes of citizens from every loyal Statehurried to the scene to look after the welfare of friends whohad been disabled, or lend a helping hand in the hospitals,and the spectacle of so much affectionate zeal did much totone down the actual horrors of the struggle. As early as the 4th of July a large portion of the Unioncavalry, including Bufords division, was in m Stock Photo
RM2CJ37MK–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . the thousands who hadhere been maimed and lacerated in their gallant stand againstthe invader. Multitudes of citizens from every loyal Statehurried to the scene to look after the welfare of friends whohad been disabled, or lend a helping hand in the hospitals,and the spectacle of so much affectionate zeal did much totone down the actual horrors of the struggle. As early as the 4th of July a large portion of the Unioncavalry, including Bufords division, was in m
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Quartermaster A. S. VOORHIS. Adjutant WILLIAM WRIGHT.. Assistant Surgeon I. 1.. MOKKI: PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 205 demerit of the three regiments in which the arms and equipmentsare in the best condition, and the three in which they have beenmost neglected. This report will be made as soon as possible, and will be pub-lished throughout the command. From the circular which was soon after published, it will beseen that the 150th continued to maintain its well-ear Stock Photo
RM2CJ326J–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Quartermaster A. S. VOORHIS. Adjutant WILLIAM WRIGHT.. Assistant Surgeon I. 1.. MOKKI: PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 205 demerit of the three regiments in which the arms and equipmentsare in the best condition, and the three in which they have beenmost neglected. This report will be made as soon as possible, and will be pub-lished throughout the command. From the circular which was soon after published, it will beseen that the 150th continued to maintain its well-ear
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . WILLIAM T. STRICKLAND.Company (I. ORREN II. EDGETT. Com] anv I. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3TXP–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . WILLIAM T. STRICKLAND.Company (I. ORREN II. EDGETT. Com] anv I.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Major-General JOHN NEW TON. Major-General103111A L. CHAMBERLAIN.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ35T4–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Major-General JOHN NEW TON. Major-General103111A L. CHAMBERLAIN..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Brigadier-GeneralLANGHORNE W1 STER.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ51DG–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Brigadier-GeneralLANGHORNE W1 STER..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Colonel IT. S. IIUIOEKOIER LlEUTENANT-CoLONEL T1IOS. CIIAMIJERLIN. Stock Photo
RM2CJ5203–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Colonel IT. S. IIUIOEKOIER LlEUTENANT-CoLONEL T1IOS. CIIAMIJERLIN.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant HENRY C. 1IOVD.Company A. Corporal JOHN HAUSMAN.Company A.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3G7J–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant HENRY C. 1IOVD.Company A. Corporal JOHN HAUSMAN.Company A..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Captain GKORGK- HELLCompany H. Captain JOHN H. IIARTER.Company I). Stock Photo
RM2CJ4GP3–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Captain GKORGK- HELLCompany H. Captain JOHN H. IIARTER.Company I).
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant WM. S. McGINLEY,Company E. First Sergeant GEORGE II. CRAGER C< mi pany E.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2N1W–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant WM. S. McGINLEY,Company E. First Sergeant GEORGE II. CRAGER C< mi pany E..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ad been gained, and not push forward troops exhausted and 148 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH necessarily disordered probably to encounter fresh troops ofthe enemy ? ******** Besides the important results of saving and securing theposition on Cemetery Hill and giving the army by their pro-longed resistance time for concentration, the portion of ourarmy engaged on the first day practically disabled or disor-ganized so large a part of the enemys force that they weremost Stock Photo
RM2CJ3F18–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ad been gained, and not push forward troops exhausted and 148 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH necessarily disordered probably to encounter fresh troops ofthe enemy ? ******** Besides the important results of saving and securing theposition on Cemetery Hill and giving the army by their pro-longed resistance time for concentration, the portion of ourarmy engaged on the first day practically disabled or disor-ganized so large a part of the enemys force that they weremost
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . FRANK II. ELVIDGE.Company A. GEORGE 1. RY.X.Company C.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3MX9–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . FRANK II. ELVIDGE.Company A. GEORGE 1. RY.X.Company C..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Lieutenant HENRY CHANCELLOR. Company 11. (Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, July1, 186,3.). Second l.i eutena xt (HAS. ]. KEVSER. Company A. (Killed at (iettysbnrg, July 1, 1863.) Stock Photo
RM2CJ4J8R–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Lieutenant HENRY CHANCELLOR. Company 11. (Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, July1, 186,3.). Second l.i eutena xt (HAS. ]. KEVSER. Company A. (Killed at (iettysbnrg, July 1, 1863.)
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . FRANK II. ELVIDGE.Company A. GEORGE 1. RY.X.Company C. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3NGY–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . FRANK II. ELVIDGE.Company A. GEORGE 1. RY.X.Company C.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Maioh k. L. AS1IIIUKST. M ECU EI. OHARA. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 31 been mustered as surgeon, but Assistant Surgeon James Fultonwas present to relieve such pains and aches as fell to the lot ofthe men from the miscellaneous food and indifferent shelter ofCamp Curtin. Marching orders speedily followed the distri-bution of arms, and the command was promptly in motion,overjoyed to learn that its destination was Washington. 32 OXE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH CH Stock Photo
RM2CJ50PY–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Maioh k. L. AS1IIIUKST. M ECU EI. OHARA. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 31 been mustered as surgeon, but Assistant Surgeon James Fultonwas present to relieve such pains and aches as fell to the lot ofthe men from the miscellaneous food and indifferent shelter ofCamp Curtin. Marching orders speedily followed the distri-bution of arms, and the command was promptly in motion,overjoyed to learn that its destination was Washington. 32 OXE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH CH
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . m. a general assault was ordered, in which the 150thparticipated. Warrens troops, in advancing, were obliged totraverse a ravine thickly covered with heavy timber on thesides, and with a tangle of underbrush at the bottom whichproved well-nigh impenetrable. Necessarily the ranks weremuch disordered in forcing their way through. To mount thefarther slope through the dense forest and dislodge an enemynumerous and well posted, with protecting breastworks, was noho Stock Photo
RM2CJ2RJH–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . m. a general assault was ordered, in which the 150thparticipated. Warrens troops, in advancing, were obliged totraverse a ravine thickly covered with heavy timber on thesides, and with a tangle of underbrush at the bottom whichproved well-nigh impenetrable. Necessarily the ranks weremuch disordered in forcing their way through. To mount thefarther slope through the dense forest and dislodge an enemynumerous and well posted, with protecting breastworks, was noho
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Mator-General S. V. CRAWFORD. Major-General JOHN R. KENLY Stock Photo
RM2CJ4NRE–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Mator-General S. V. CRAWFORD. Major-General JOHN R. KENLY
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . I.iiiGAniEH-GiNEUAL TIKIS. A. ROWLEY. l.RKiuiiER ( Ikxekal 1-: 1 )N A KI > S. liRAGG PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 119 not have been entirely successful, it would certainly have beenmore brilliant in achievement. On receiving instructions where to post his regiment, ColonelAVister ordered knapsacks to be unslung and piled on theground, and then gave the command, Forward!, forgettingthat the muskets were not loaded. Instantly a score of voicesreminded him of the o Stock Photo!-forgettingthat-the-muskets-were-not-loaded-instantly-a-score-of-voicesreminded-him-of-the-o-image372585521.html
RM2CJ4MHN–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . I.iiiGAniEH-GiNEUAL TIKIS. A. ROWLEY. l.RKiuiiER ( Ikxekal 1-: 1 )N A KI > S. liRAGG PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 119 not have been entirely successful, it would certainly have beenmore brilliant in achievement. On receiving instructions where to post his regiment, ColonelAVister ordered knapsacks to be unslung and piled on theground, and then gave the command, Forward!, forgettingthat the muskets were not loaded. Instantly a score of voicesreminded him of the o
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ort that the MotherSuperior of the convent in the outskirts of the town had in- n6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH vited all the commissioned officers to a reception, with suitablerefreshments, to be held in the main building of the institutionthat evening. Most of those who heard the story instantlyrecognized its absurdity: but not a few were foolish enough togo back to the town and prowl around the convent, which ofcourse they found shrouded in darkness. On the 30th Stock Photo
RM2CJ4R0N–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ort that the MotherSuperior of the convent in the outskirts of the town had in- n6 ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTIETH vited all the commissioned officers to a reception, with suitablerefreshments, to be held in the main building of the institutionthat evening. Most of those who heard the story instantlyrecognized its absurdity: but not a few were foolish enough togo back to the town and prowl around the convent, which ofcourse they found shrouded in darkness. On the 30th
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . on the pontoons. GeneralBenham, chief of the pontoons, has replied, vindicating hispontoons. In this last report General Benham makes two orthree misstatements, maintaining, among other things, that hispontoniers put up eight pontoons in thirty minutes. In thefirst place, but sis pontoons were put together. Secondly, thiswas done mainly by our men, the pontoniers proving useless.Third, this could be done only by fastening them with ropesborrowed from the houses Stock Photo
RM2CJ4X07–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . on the pontoons. GeneralBenham, chief of the pontoons, has replied, vindicating hispontoons. In this last report General Benham makes two orthree misstatements, maintaining, among other things, that hispontoniers put up eight pontoons in thirty minutes. In thefirst place, but sis pontoons were put together. Secondly, thiswas done mainly by our men, the pontoniers proving useless.Third, this could be done only by fastening them with ropesborrowed from the houses
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . V . RST Ll EUTEN ANT JOHN !). HARRIS.Company F. r- ec< ind l.ii iti:n t <;F< IRGE HE V. SELDEX. Company II.. Stock Photo!-harriscompany-f-r-eclt-ind-lii-itin-t-ltflt-irge-he-v-seldex-company-ii-image372537967.html
RM2CJ2FYB–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . V . RST Ll EUTEN ANT JOHN !). HARRIS.Company F. r- ec< ind l.ii iti:n t <;F< IRGE HE V. SELDEX. Company II..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Corporal ALl.F.RT KOOKER.Company A. Corporal FRANK V. CLARK.Company A. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 145 junction with me in my advance, which request they, for somecause, failed to comply with This force was a portion ofHeths division, perhaps Daviss brigade, who had been thor-oughly fought out. The regiment of Daniels who made thisattack probably was Brabbles 32d North Carolina, whowere repulsed as above mentioned. Thus through the longhours of the morning and aft Stock Photo
RM2CJ3FJ5–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Corporal ALl.F.RT KOOKER.Company A. Corporal FRANK V. CLARK.Company A. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 145 junction with me in my advance, which request they, for somecause, failed to comply with This force was a portion ofHeths division, perhaps Daviss brigade, who had been thor-oughly fought out. The regiment of Daniels who made thisattack probably was Brabbles 32d North Carolina, whowere repulsed as above mentioned. Thus through the longhours of the morning and aft
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant WILLIAM ADAMS.Company II. Musician DANEY STRICKLAND.Company (,. Stock Photo
RM2CJ431Y–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant WILLIAM ADAMS.Company II. Musician DANEY STRICKLAND.Company (,.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . t, as they came up, rent the air withhurrahs in acknowledgment of this friendly disposition.Reaching Middletown after an easy march of seven miles, the•corps rested in the fields for the remainder of the day, andmany a poor farmer in the neighborhood witnessed with dis-may the rapid disappearance of his fences. At this period the regiment was very short of line-officers.Captains Fay, Reisinger, Bell and Pine, and Lieutenants Fisherand Beckwith were sick, and ei Stock Photo
RM2CJ4RJ2–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . t, as they came up, rent the air withhurrahs in acknowledgment of this friendly disposition.Reaching Middletown after an easy march of seven miles, the•corps rested in the fields for the remainder of the day, andmany a poor farmer in the neighborhood witnessed with dis-may the rapid disappearance of his fences. At this period the regiment was very short of line-officers.Captains Fay, Reisinger, Bell and Pine, and Lieutenants Fisherand Beckwith were sick, and ei
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Maiuu-Ci :xi ■hi, LYSAXDHR CGTLER Maior-Gi.xkral IAMES S. WADSWOKTIl PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 167 casualties in the regiment, most of the companies were com-manded by sergeants, and in one or two instances by corporals. Breaking camp at five a. m. on the 7th, the corps marched allday, bivouacking a little after sunset within two miles of Mid-dletown. The march continued on the 8th, with a halt of somehours at Middletown, and the troops rested that night at South Stock Photo
RM2CJ34NY–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Maiuu-Ci :xi ■hi, LYSAXDHR CGTLER Maior-Gi.xkral IAMES S. WADSWOKTIl PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 167 casualties in the regiment, most of the companies were com-manded by sergeants, and in one or two instances by corporals. Breaking camp at five a. m. on the 7th, the corps marched allday, bivouacking a little after sunset within two miles of Mid-dletown. The march continued on the 8th, with a halt of somehours at Middletown, and the troops rested that night at South
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Captain HORATIO BELL. Company <,. (Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864.). First Lieutenant HENRY CHANCELLOR. Company 11. (Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, July1, 186,3.) Stock Photo
RM2CJ4JA3–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Captain HORATIO BELL. Company <,. (Killed at Wilderness, May 6, 1864.). First Lieutenant HENRY CHANCELLOR. Company 11. (Mortally wounded at Gettysburg, July1, 186,3.)
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Colonel GEORGE W. TONES.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ33E7–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Colonel GEORGE W. TONES..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Lieutenant-ColonelC. C. WTDDIS. Captain ALFRED J. RORER.Company TL Stock Photo
RM2CJ4BPX–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Lieutenant-ColonelC. C. WTDDIS. Captain ALFRED J. RORER.Company TL
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ormation in retiring. Probablybecause his services were needed in that quarter, CaptainWiddis seems to have been in the neighborhood of the barnwhen the retreat was ordered, and to have fallen back with aportion of those engaged at that point. Adjutant Ashhurst, to whom the men naturally looked forleadership in the absence of field- and the scarcity of line-officers, quickly grasping the situation, and, ignoring his pain-ful wound, succeeded in holding together Stock Photo
RM2CJ4H7K–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ormation in retiring. Probablybecause his services were needed in that quarter, CaptainWiddis seems to have been in the neighborhood of the barnwhen the retreat was ordered, and to have fallen back with aportion of those engaged at that point. Adjutant Ashhurst, to whom the men naturally looked forleadership in the absence of field- and the scarcity of line-officers, quickly grasping the situation, and, ignoring his pain-ful wound, succeeded in holding together
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant W. F. HARPST.Company C. Sergeant CHARLES A. FREY. Company I ).. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3P5P–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant W. F. HARPST.Company C. Sergeant CHARLES A. FREY. Company I )..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Caitain JOIIX (J. CARPEXTKR.Company H. Captain- PEX.T. W. TOPPIXG.Company II. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 133 Companies A, F and D were mostly engaged in the vicinityof the barn, struggling in conjunction with the 149th againstthe increasing pressure from the northwest and north. ColonelWister, although prevented by the lacerated and swollen con-dition of his mouth and face from again taking active com-mand, had remained on the field, doing what he could by hispres Stock Photo
RM2CJ458Y–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Caitain JOIIX (J. CARPEXTKR.Company H. Captain- PEX.T. W. TOPPIXG.Company II. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 133 Companies A, F and D were mostly engaged in the vicinityof the barn, struggling in conjunction with the 149th againstthe increasing pressure from the northwest and north. ColonelWister, although prevented by the lacerated and swollen con-dition of his mouth and face from again taking active com-mand, had remained on the field, doing what he could by hispres
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . UDi: EII.IAIAX.Comran I). J i. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 139 Gilmore refused to give them up, but finally did sounder protest.Later on Conner was captured, also our colors This stand of colors was duly transmitted by GovernorVance, of North Carolina, to the President of the Confederacy,accompanied by a letter in which the governor stated that ithad been captured from a Pennsylvania regiment, which Lieu-tenant (the name is no longer recalled) had put to flight w Stock Photo
RM2CJ3MC2–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . UDi: EII.IAIAX.Comran I). J i. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 139 Gilmore refused to give them up, but finally did sounder protest.Later on Conner was captured, also our colors This stand of colors was duly transmitted by GovernorVance, of North Carolina, to the President of the Confederacy,accompanied by a letter in which the governor stated that ithad been captured from a Pennsylvania regiment, which Lieu-tenant (the name is no longer recalled) had put to flight w
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . JOHN S. WEF.ER.Company l AMIS STEVENS* X.C< mipany 1-. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 241 ninety-three. As only an insignificant number had been laidoff by sickness, and comparatively few fell into the hands ofthe enemy, death and wounds were the main factors in thisnotable reduction. Colonel Fox, in Regimental Losses, fixes the number ofthe killed and mortally wounded of the 150th, in this period ofsix days, at fifteen,—viz., May 8th, five; on the 10th, six; onth Stock Photo
RM2CJ2K1C–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . JOHN S. WEF.ER.Company l AMIS STEVENS* X.C< mipany 1-. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 241 ninety-three. As only an insignificant number had been laidoff by sickness, and comparatively few fell into the hands ofthe enemy, death and wounds were the main factors in thisnotable reduction. Colonel Fox, in Regimental Losses, fixes the number ofthe killed and mortally wounded of the 150th, in this period ofsix days, at fifteen,—viz., May 8th, five; on the 10th, six; onth
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . rees and underbrush, made it desirable that the pickets shouldhave some mark by which they might distinguish one another,and accordingly those of the 150th (who volunteered for thisdangerous duty) were instructed to roll up one sleeve of theblouse, displaying the white of the shirt as far as the elbow.In placing the line, Major Chamberlin, who was designated forthis purpose, gathered up a score or two of the stampededmen of the Eleventh Corps, who were sleeping Stock Photo
RM2CJ4TW0–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . rees and underbrush, made it desirable that the pickets shouldhave some mark by which they might distinguish one another,and accordingly those of the 150th (who volunteered for thisdangerous duty) were instructed to roll up one sleeve of theblouse, displaying the white of the shirt as far as the elbow.In placing the line, Major Chamberlin, who was designated forthis purpose, gathered up a score or two of the stampededmen of the Eleventh Corps, who were sleeping
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . V . RST Ll EUTEN ANT JOHN !). HARRIS.Company F. r- ec< ind l.ii iti:n t <;F< IRGE HE V. SELDEX. Company II. Stock Photo!-harriscompany-f-r-eclt-ind-lii-itin-t-ltflt-irge-he-v-seldex-company-ii-image372538010.html
RM2CJ2G0X–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . V . RST Ll EUTEN ANT JOHN !). HARRIS.Company F. r- ec< ind l.ii iti:n t <;F< IRGE HE V. SELDEX. Company II.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ernment, from its illustrious head to thehumblest in public station, to the end that peace might bespeedily restored and the country, reunited, go forward in acareer of prosperity. A few hours later President Lincoln sent for Captain Crotzerand, grasping him warmly by the hand, assured him that hewas more than gratified to learn of the incident of themorning, adding that when he heard of it he said to Mrs.Lincoln that zvith a good God and Father above and a pro Stock Photo
RM2CJ4XHY–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ernment, from its illustrious head to thehumblest in public station, to the end that peace might bespeedily restored and the country, reunited, go forward in acareer of prosperity. A few hours later President Lincoln sent for Captain Crotzerand, grasping him warmly by the hand, assured him that hewas more than gratified to learn of the incident of themorning, adding that when he heard of it he said to Mrs.Lincoln that zvith a good God and Father above and a pro
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . $. k | H ! c 5 W < - i 2 0 S HI ■- 1 fih «7 ? 0 -p. O S ^ o 4- §.? * £ S £ (D p = 2 2 ** o > c (H >> - in cc IB Q. lil Z: on tf 0) rh PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 149 CHAPTER XV GETTYSBURG, TO A FINISH. On the morning of the 2d, which opened with a drizzlingrain, several missing men came in, and George A. Dixon, ofCompany A, and three or four others having arrived fromCamp Convalescent the evening before, the aggregate for dutywas increased to one hundre Stock Photo!-c-5-w-lt-i-2-0-s-hi-1-fih-7-0-p-o-s-o-4-s-d-p-=-2-2-o-gt-c-h-gtgt-in-cc-ib-q-lil-z-on-tf-0-rh-pennsylvania-volunteers-149-chapter-xv-gettysburg-to-a-finish-on-the-morning-of-the-2d-which-opened-with-a-drizzlingrain-several-missing-men-came-in-and-george-a-dixon-ofcompany-a-and-three-or-four-others-having-arrived-fromcamp-convalescent-the-evening-before-the-aggregate-for-dutywas-increased-to-one-hundre-image372553839.html
RM2CJ3867–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . $. k | H ! c 5 W < - i 2 0 S HI ■- 1 fih «7 ? 0 -p. O S ^ o 4- §.? * £ S £ (D p = 2 2 ** o > c (H >> - in cc IB Q. lil Z: on tf 0) rh PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 149 CHAPTER XV GETTYSBURG, TO A FINISH. On the morning of the 2d, which opened with a drizzlingrain, several missing men came in, and George A. Dixon, ofCompany A, and three or four others having arrived fromCamp Convalescent the evening before, the aggregate for dutywas increased to one hundre
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . s change the Fifth Corps was much strengthened, andconsisted thenceforward of four divisions, commanded in theirnumerical order by Generals Griffin, Robinson, Crawford andWadsworth. Stones brigade became the Third in Wads-worths (Fourth) division. The army continued its encampment in the vicinity of Cul-peper, and until the beginning of May every portion of it waskept astir, drilling almost daily—frequently in heavy marchingorder—in preparation for the severe d Stock Photo
RM2CJ344M–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . s change the Fifth Corps was much strengthened, andconsisted thenceforward of four divisions, commanded in theirnumerical order by Generals Griffin, Robinson, Crawford andWadsworth. Stones brigade became the Third in Wads-worths (Fourth) division. The army continued its encampment in the vicinity of Cul-peper, and until the beginning of May every portion of it waskept astir, drilling almost daily—frequently in heavy marchingorder—in preparation for the severe d
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Colonel IT. S. IIUIOEKOIER LlEUTENANT-CoLONEL T1IOS. CIIAMIJERLIN.. Brigadier-GeneralLANGHORNE W1 STER. Stock Photo
RM2CJ5217–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Colonel IT. S. IIUIOEKOIER LlEUTENANT-CoLONEL T1IOS. CIIAMIJERLIN.. Brigadier-GeneralLANGHORNE W1 STER.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . EDWARD GHARET.Company J >. GARRETT C. KEAX. Company 1. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2MCD–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . EDWARD GHARET.Company J >. GARRETT C. KEAX. Company 1.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . f whose brigades were still arrivingand moving in plain view into position south of the Chambers-burg road. While the Union line was but a skeleton, withnoticeable gaps between the several brigades as well as betweenthe regiments, the enemy was formed in continuous doublelines of battle, extending southward as far as the accidents ofthe ground permitted the eye to reach, with heavy supportingcolumns in the rear. It was a beautiful spectacle, but theirprepondera Stock Photo
RM2CJ4M1W–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . f whose brigades were still arrivingand moving in plain view into position south of the Chambers-burg road. While the Union line was but a skeleton, withnoticeable gaps between the several brigades as well as betweenthe regiments, the enemy was formed in continuous doublelines of battle, extending southward as far as the accidents ofthe ground permitted the eye to reach, with heavy supportingcolumns in the rear. It was a beautiful spectacle, but theirprepondera
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sekgkaxt EDWARD K. HESS. Company 1. Skk(ii-at JOHN C. KEXSILE. C< impanv l- Stock Photo
RM2CJ2X1C–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sekgkaxt EDWARD K. HESS. Company 1. Skk(ii-at JOHN C. KEXSILE. C< impanv l-
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant HENRY C. 1IOVD.Company A. Corporal JOHN HAUSMAN.Company A. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3GNM–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant HENRY C. 1IOVD.Company A. Corporal JOHN HAUSMAN.Company A.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ed a distance of twenty miles. The march was very trying on account of the intense heat,the dust, and want of water, the column sometimes makingfour or five miles without encountering even a mud-puddlefrom which to allay its thirst. On the following morning, be-fore day, the Third Corps took the lead, and the First, fallingin behind it, moved rapidly towards Bealeton, passing detach-ments of the Fifth Corps (which at that time was guarding thefords on the Rappa Stock Photo
RM2CJ4T7M–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . ed a distance of twenty miles. The march was very trying on account of the intense heat,the dust, and want of water, the column sometimes makingfour or five miles without encountering even a mud-puddlefrom which to allay its thirst. On the following morning, be-fore day, the Third Corps took the lead, and the First, fallingin behind it, moved rapidly towards Bealeton, passing detach-ments of the Fifth Corps (which at that time was guarding thefords on the Rappa
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Captain GKORGK- HELLCompany H. Captain JOHN H. IIARTER.Company I).. Stock Photo
RM2CJ4GP4–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Captain GKORGK- HELLCompany H. Captain JOHN H. IIARTER.Company I)..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Second l.i eutena xt (HAS. ]. KEVSER. Company A. (Killed at (iettysbnrg, July 1, 1863.). PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 129 much less advantageous about two hundred yards farther back.By this change, of which the 150th was not immediately cogni-zant, the gap between its left flank and the Iron Brigade wasgreatly widened and its exposure correspondingly increased. The lull in the fighting in the neighborhood of the McPher-son buildings was very brief. The rebel batteri Stock Photo
RM2CJ4HN6–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Second l.i eutena xt (HAS. ]. KEVSER. Company A. (Killed at (iettysbnrg, July 1, 1863.). PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 129 much less advantageous about two hundred yards farther back.By this change, of which the 150th was not immediately cogni-zant, the gap between its left flank and the Iron Brigade wasgreatly widened and its exposure correspondingly increased. The lull in the fighting in the neighborhood of the McPher-son buildings was very brief. The rebel batteri
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . portions ofthe field, and by the time it came within musket reach the150th was well established in its new position. By the advanceof Heths troops, Captain Jones was forced back from the skir-mish line and borne considerably to the left, into the woods,where his company fought for a time as an independent com-mand, but eventually joined the ranks of the Iron Brigade.Suddenly—as if elsewhere something decisive, for which theyhad been waiting, had occurred—a larg Stock Photo
RM2CJ4JXJ–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . portions ofthe field, and by the time it came within musket reach the150th was well established in its new position. By the advanceof Heths troops, Captain Jones was forced back from the skir-mish line and borne considerably to the left, into the woods,where his company fought for a time as an independent com-mand, but eventually joined the ranks of the Iron Brigade.Suddenly—as if elsewhere something decisive, for which theyhad been waiting, had occurred—a larg
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . EDWARD GHARET.Company J >. GARRETT C. KEAX. Company 1.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2KR6–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . EDWARD GHARET.Company J >. GARRETT C. KEAX. Company 1..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . WILLIAM T. STRICKLAND.Company (I. ORREN II. EDGETT. Com] anv I.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3TD6–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . WILLIAM T. STRICKLAND.Company (I. ORREN II. EDGETT. Com] anv I..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . set in. As the inclement weather and muddy condi-tion of the roads made active field operations impossible, leavesof absence and furloughs were now granted quite freely, and anumber of officers and men of the 150th were permitted to visittheir homes, fifteen days being the longest absence approved.Among those favored may be mentioned Major Jones, Lieu-tenants Fisher, Rorer, Gordon and Fowler, Sergeant-MajorHall, Sergeant Fink, of Company I, and Corporal Lister Stock Photo
RM2CJ2JF0–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . set in. As the inclement weather and muddy condi-tion of the roads made active field operations impossible, leavesof absence and furloughs were now granted quite freely, and anumber of officers and men of the 150th were permitted to visittheir homes, fifteen days being the longest absence approved.Among those favored may be mentioned Major Jones, Lieu-tenants Fisher, Rorer, Gordon and Fowler, Sergeant-MajorHall, Sergeant Fink, of Company I, and Corporal Lister
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . r,.kp(.KAi. JOHN K. 111 ME Wtl.UAM A. )I,C.V.Company 11. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 217 more or less fighting all the time, but no sharp renewal of thebattle is brought on until about 3 p. m., when General Long-street makes a desperate attack. Part of the Second Corps,on the left of the plank road, receives it first. The firing re-commences with dread earnestness, and the crash of small armsrolling along the line is like the echoing thunder of a mid-summer storm. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2T85–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . r,.kp(.KAi. JOHN K. 111 ME Wtl.UAM A. )I,C.V.Company 11. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 217 more or less fighting all the time, but no sharp renewal of thebattle is brought on until about 3 p. m., when General Long-street makes a desperate attack. Part of the Second Corps,on the left of the plank road, receives it first. The firing re-commences with dread earnestness, and the crash of small armsrolling along the line is like the echoing thunder of a mid-summer storm.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . eralof volunteers), whose aim to succeed Colonel Charles J Biddlein the command of the 1st Pennsylvania Rifles (Bucktails)had been thwarted by the election of Captain Hugh W McNeilto the colonelcy, in the winter of 1861-1862, on hearing ofMajor Stones movement, bestirred himself to prevent the latterfrom obtaining what he (Kane) had heard, or dreamed, wasto be an independent command, and also to deprive it of theuse of the distinguishing badge adopted by his ow Stock Photo
RM2CJ4YM9–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . eralof volunteers), whose aim to succeed Colonel Charles J Biddlein the command of the 1st Pennsylvania Rifles (Bucktails)had been thwarted by the election of Captain Hugh W McNeilto the colonelcy, in the winter of 1861-1862, on hearing ofMajor Stones movement, bestirred himself to prevent the latterfrom obtaining what he (Kane) had heard, or dreamed, wasto be an independent command, and also to deprive it of theuse of the distinguishing badge adopted by his ow
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Quartermaster A. S. VOORHIS. Adjutant WILLIAM WRIGHT. Stock Photo
RM2CJ32TJ–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Quartermaster A. S. VOORHIS. Adjutant WILLIAM WRIGHT.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Mator-General S. V. CRAWFORD. Major-General JOHN R. KENLY. Stock Photo
RM2CJ4N76–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Mator-General S. V. CRAWFORD. Major-General JOHN R. KENLY.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . n. C. M., 245, 276.Wilder, Thomas J., 242.Williams, Gen. Alpheus S., 93, 147.Williams, Jonathan, 161.Williamsport, 167.Williams, William F., 242, 286.Willoughby Run, 119, 127.Wilson, Captain, 212.Wilson, General, 252, 256.Wilson, George T., 242.Wilson, Tames, 160, 245.Wilson, Lieut. W. L., 184.Windmill Point, 259.Winings, Sergt. James H., 164.Winslow, Captain, 268.Wister, Col. Langhorne, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, 36, 38, 39, 46, 49, 50, 52, 63, 64, 70, 75 Stock Photo
RM2CJ298Y–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . n. C. M., 245, 276.Wilder, Thomas J., 242.Williams, Gen. Alpheus S., 93, 147.Williams, Jonathan, 161.Williamsport, 167.Williams, William F., 242, 286.Willoughby Run, 119, 127.Wilson, Captain, 212.Wilson, General, 252, 256.Wilson, George T., 242.Wilson, Tames, 160, 245.Wilson, Lieut. W. L., 184.Windmill Point, 259.Winings, Sergt. James H., 164.Winslow, Captain, 268.Wister, Col. Langhorne, 17, 19, 21, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, 36, 38, 39, 46, 49, 50, 52, 63, 64, 70, 75
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . d manyof his men, being surrounded, were captured (See also Iver-sons and McNeals reports pages 579 and 591). GeneralRodes noticed, as shown in his official report, some of thesechanges of front, by which judicious dispositions our compara-tively small force was enabled for the time to produce the effectof much greater numbers, and to repulse alternately the attacksmade more or less disconnectedly upon them. General Daniels, in his account of the movement of th Stock Photo
RM2CJ3KNB–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . d manyof his men, being surrounded, were captured (See also Iver-sons and McNeals reports pages 579 and 591). GeneralRodes noticed, as shown in his official report, some of thesechanges of front, by which judicious dispositions our compara-tively small force was enabled for the time to produce the effectof much greater numbers, and to repulse alternately the attacksmade more or less disconnectedly upon them. General Daniels, in his account of the movement of th
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . n of the 18th, Hancock and Wright, who inthe night had returned to their old positions on Burnsidesright, attacked Lees left flank in the hope of dislodging it; butLee seems to have anticipated the undertaking, and they en-countered the enemy in such strength that the assault failed.This practically ended operations at Spottsylvania. The Union army, although in no large measure successful,was everywhere the aggressor, and Lee stood strictly on thedefensive. Thi Stock Photo
RM2CJ2R29–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . n of the 18th, Hancock and Wright, who inthe night had returned to their old positions on Burnsidesright, attacked Lees left flank in the hope of dislodging it; butLee seems to have anticipated the undertaking, and they en-countered the enemy in such strength that the assault failed.This practically ended operations at Spottsylvania. The Union army, although in no large measure successful,was everywhere the aggressor, and Lee stood strictly on thedefensive. Thi
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sekgkaxt EDWARD K. HESS. Company 1. Skk(ii-at JOHN C. KEXSILE. C< impanv l-. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2W9F–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sekgkaxt EDWARD K. HESS. Company 1. Skk(ii-at JOHN C. KEXSILE. C< impanv l-.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant WILLIAM ADAMS.Company II. Musician DANEY STRICKLAND.Company (,.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ42DB–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant WILLIAM ADAMS.Company II. Musician DANEY STRICKLAND.Company (,..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . y I, carried the colorsin front of the regiment until nearly all of those around himwere struck down by bullets and shells. The color-guards wereall wounded, one of them killed. Sergeant Peiffer remainedalmost alone at that place. At last orders were received tofall back from our advanced position at the McPherson farm.Comrade Samuel P Gilmore, of Company C, was near thecolors, and had gone only a short distance when he saw Ser-geant Peiffer fall. Comrade Gilmo Stock Photo
RM2CJ3R6F–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . y I, carried the colorsin front of the regiment until nearly all of those around himwere struck down by bullets and shells. The color-guards wereall wounded, one of them killed. Sergeant Peiffer remainedalmost alone at that place. At last orders were received tofall back from our advanced position at the McPherson farm.Comrade Samuel P Gilmore, of Company C, was near thecolors, and had gone only a short distance when he saw Ser-geant Peiffer fall. Comrade Gilmo
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant CHARLES P. IIAUPT.Company A. Sergeant HENRY LAUT.Company A. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3JG6–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant CHARLES P. IIAUPT.Company A. Sergeant HENRY LAUT.Company A.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant W. F. HARPST.Company C. Sergeant CHARLES A. FREY. Company I ). Stock Photo
RM2CJ3PKW–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant W. F. HARPST.Company C. Sergeant CHARLES A. FREY. Company I ).
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant WM. S. McGINLEY,Company E. First Sergeant GEORGE II. CRAGER C< mi pany E. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2PBP–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Sergeant WM. S. McGINLEY,Company E. First Sergeant GEORGE II. CRAGER C< mi pany E.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . e north upon us, went too far over to gain theshelter of the railway embankment, and were thus captured.When I reached the houses the enemy was so close upon usthat I found it my only chance of escape to climb over fencesand cross private grounds, so as to get into another street.Here I found the Second Division retreating up the street, andwas fortunate enough to get into an ambulance, which was thelast representative of our troops coming from that direction.F Stock Photo
RM2CJ445A–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . e north upon us, went too far over to gain theshelter of the railway embankment, and were thus captured.When I reached the houses the enemy was so close upon usthat I found it my only chance of escape to climb over fencesand cross private grounds, so as to get into another street.Here I found the Second Division retreating up the street, andwas fortunate enough to get into an ambulance, which was thelast representative of our troops coming from that direction.F
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Skrckant HENRY I.. KA.S.Company I. Skkukaxt V.I. K. RAMSEY. Company F.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2Y7E–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Skrckant HENRY I.. KA.S.Company I. Skkukaxt V.I. K. RAMSEY. Company F..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Fl RST I AEUTKNANT EDWARD IS. FOWLER.(Company F. |-i kst Fn.ii en Ni nios. M. LVOX. (onipanv F.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2H5J–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Fl RST I AEUTKNANT EDWARD IS. FOWLER.(Company F. |-i kst Fn.ii en Ni nios. M. LVOX. (onipanv F..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . he camp was in thoroughly good condition andthe snow had disappeared from the ground, as it did in lessthan a week, the drills of the 150th became almost incessant.The mornings were usually devoted to company exercises,superintended by one of the field-officers. These werefollowed by skirmish movements, in which several companiesparticipated, every movement being regulated first by verbalcommand and then by the corresponding bugle notes, until themen were suffi Stock Photo
RM2CJ4X24–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . he camp was in thoroughly good condition andthe snow had disappeared from the ground, as it did in lessthan a week, the drills of the 150th became almost incessant.The mornings were usually devoted to company exercises,superintended by one of the field-officers. These werefollowed by skirmish movements, in which several companiesparticipated, every movement being regulated first by verbalcommand and then by the corresponding bugle notes, until themen were suffi
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant CHARLES P. IIAUPT.Company A. Sergeant HENRY LAUT.Company A.. Stock Photo
RM2CJ3HCC–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Sergeant CHARLES P. IIAUPT.Company A. Sergeant HENRY LAUT.Company A..
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . TKIAI X IT. TRV( i..( i in| any I. ROBERT J. EDMONDSCompany I. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 137 provised field hospital, where my wound was dressed, afterwhich I obtained his permission to go to the rear Captain Jones, who, by following the more southerly route,where the Hagerstown road forks, had been able to keep hiscompany in column, relates that in hurrying through the townhe received a peremptory order to halt from a rebel field-officerriding at the head of a Stock Photo
RM2CJ3RRF–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . TKIAI X IT. TRV( i..( i in| any I. ROBERT J. EDMONDSCompany I. PENNSYLVANIA VOLUNTEERS 137 provised field hospital, where my wound was dressed, afterwhich I obtained his permission to go to the rear Captain Jones, who, by following the more southerly route,where the Hagerstown road forks, had been able to keep hiscompany in column, relates that in hurrying through the townhe received a peremptory order to halt from a rebel field-officerriding at the head of a
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Major-General JOHN NEW TON. Major-General103111A L. CHAMBERLAIN. Stock Photo
RM2CJ372B–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . Major-General JOHN NEW TON. Major-General103111A L. CHAMBERLAIN.
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . nd was put in the care of Sergeant Adams at theclose of the war. A choice of several numbers for the command was offeredto Lieutenant-Colonel Huidekoper, who selected 150 (as hehimself states) because it was a good round number Theold designation, 143, under which uniforms and rations hadbeen issued to the Philadelphia companies, naturally fell awayon their arrival at Camp Curtin; but its use for even so shorta time was not without troublesome consequences. Ano Stock Photo
RM2CJ52HP–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . nd was put in the care of Sergeant Adams at theclose of the war. A choice of several numbers for the command was offeredto Lieutenant-Colonel Huidekoper, who selected 150 (as hehimself states) because it was a good round number Theold designation, 143, under which uniforms and rations hadbeen issued to the Philadelphia companies, naturally fell awayon their arrival at Camp Curtin; but its use for even so shorta time was not without troublesome consequences. Ano
. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Skrckant HENRY I.. KA.S.Company I. Skkukaxt V.I. K. RAMSEY. Company F. Stock Photo
RM2CJ2YNP–. History of the One hundred and fiftieth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteers, Second regiment, Bucktail brigade [electronic resource] . First Skrckant HENRY I.. KA.S.Company I. Skkukaxt V.I. K. RAMSEY. Company F.
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