The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . ful hands to build forTemperance a living, fragrant bower under theM 19 290 VIRTUE AND TEMPERANCE, shadow of the tree of life. Her distinguishingbadge shall be a crystal Fountain in ceaselessplay, surrounded with trees of various fruits andperennial flowers. And the name of Temper-ance shall be changed to Bliss. conclusion. Such is Divine Religion, the Mother of all theVirtues; and such the offspring of divine ma-ternity. But however pleasing the ideal image-ry, however beautiful the plumage and draperyof thought, pure Re Stock Photo
RM2AWNTT2–The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . ful hands to build forTemperance a living, fragrant bower under theM 19 290 VIRTUE AND TEMPERANCE, shadow of the tree of life. Her distinguishingbadge shall be a crystal Fountain in ceaselessplay, surrounded with trees of various fruits andperennial flowers. And the name of Temper-ance shall be changed to Bliss. conclusion. Such is Divine Religion, the Mother of all theVirtues; and such the offspring of divine ma-ternity. But however pleasing the ideal image-ry, however beautiful the plumage and draperyof thought, pure Re
The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . 0 017 052 371 4. THE CHRISTIAN VIRTUES, PERSONIFIED AND EXHIBITED AS A DIYIWE FAMILY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS, ASSOCIATIONS, MISSIONS, LABORS, TRANS-FORMATIONS, AND ULTIMATE REWARDS. ILLUSTRATED ALLEGORY BY EEV. D. D.BUCK Instruction and Amusement may combine,As Heat is blended with the beams that shine. NEW YORK AND AUBURN:MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN. New York: 25 Park Kow—Auburn: 107 Genesee-st 1856.christianvirtues00buck Stock Photo
RM2AWP1YP–The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . 0 017 052 371 4. THE CHRISTIAN VIRTUES, PERSONIFIED AND EXHIBITED AS A DIYIWE FAMILY DISTINCTIVE CHARACTERS, ASSOCIATIONS, MISSIONS, LABORS, TRANS-FORMATIONS, AND ULTIMATE REWARDS. ILLUSTRATED ALLEGORY BY EEV. D. D.BUCK Instruction and Amusement may combine,As Heat is blended with the beams that shine. NEW YORK AND AUBURN:MILLER, ORTON & MULLIGAN. New York: 25 Park Kow—Auburn: 107 Genesee-st 1856.christianvirtues00buck
The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . ion—Nature andRange of Instruction—Particular Themes—Character and Manner—Best Dependences—Truth in Disguise—Reasons—Recognized byhis Friends—The Tessera and its Use—Prospect of Success—Timesand Seasons — Specific Duties—Truth a Witness—Truth beforeHeathen Temples—Truth under the Palm Tree—Truth in the Pa-gan Hut—More Methods than One—Influence upon Himself—Eulosrium. TRUTH. As gleams the Orient with dawning light,When Morn begins his triumph over Xight;As glows the zenith with meridian ray,When Sol resplendent rules the Stock Photo
RM2AWP16Y–The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . ion—Nature andRange of Instruction—Particular Themes—Character and Manner—Best Dependences—Truth in Disguise—Reasons—Recognized byhis Friends—The Tessera and its Use—Prospect of Success—Timesand Seasons — Specific Duties—Truth a Witness—Truth beforeHeathen Temples—Truth under the Palm Tree—Truth in the Pa-gan Hut—More Methods than One—Influence upon Himself—Eulosrium. TRUTH. As gleams the Orient with dawning light,When Morn begins his triumph over Xight;As glows the zenith with meridian ray,When Sol resplendent rules the
The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . 131 PILGRIMS PROGRESS. Portrait and Illustrations, 475 pp. 12mo. Price $1 00. Of this immortal work, the Publishers need only say, thatthey Lave printed it on new, large, and beautiful type, on fine paper,illustrated it with beautiful engravings, and furnish it at the lowprice of One Dollar. MILLER, ORTOff & MULLIGAN, Publishers,25 Park Row, New York, and 107 Genesee-st., Auburn. A GEM FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS!In every Home and Sabbath School! THE BEAUTIFUL GATE, A COLLECTION OF JUVENILE STORIES: COMPRISING A STORY OF THE CRO Stock Photo!in-every-home-and-sabbath-school!-the-beautiful-gate-a-collection-of-juvenile-stories-comprising-a-story-of-the-cro-image342840829.html
RM2AWNMY9–The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . 131 PILGRIMS PROGRESS. Portrait and Illustrations, 475 pp. 12mo. Price $1 00. Of this immortal work, the Publishers need only say, thatthey Lave printed it on new, large, and beautiful type, on fine paper,illustrated it with beautiful engravings, and furnish it at the lowprice of One Dollar. MILLER, ORTOff & MULLIGAN, Publishers,25 Park Row, New York, and 107 Genesee-st., Auburn. A GEM FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS!In every Home and Sabbath School! THE BEAUTIFUL GATE, A COLLECTION OF JUVENILE STORIES: COMPRISING A STORY OF THE CRO
The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . rge, and of Dr. Olin. While, therefore, much groundhas been gone over, the author hopes that this attempt to embody, ina convenient form, the leading events in the history of the GreatLights of Methodism, will not be unappreciated by a candid and libe-ral minded public. One object the author has had in view—to make the work interest-ing and profitable. To accomplish this object, variety was thoughtto be necessary ; hence, the reader who deigns to peruse this work, willfind many interesting and instructive anecdotes inters Stock Photo
RM2AWNMPX–The Christian virtues, personified and exhibited as a divine family .. . rge, and of Dr. Olin. While, therefore, much groundhas been gone over, the author hopes that this attempt to embody, ina convenient form, the leading events in the history of the GreatLights of Methodism, will not be unappreciated by a candid and libe-ral minded public. One object the author has had in view—to make the work interest-ing and profitable. To accomplish this object, variety was thoughtto be necessary ; hence, the reader who deigns to peruse this work, willfind many interesting and instructive anecdotes inters
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