The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . , vSe])teml)er, 1SS9. 7. J.XK AiDii.DX, /. iS Februar-, 1849, d. 21 April, 183;,. 8. Fl.ORKXCK AiDinox, /. 18 February, 1833. g. Bexjamix Piiii.i.rrs Arnnsox, /. 7 Se])tem].)er, 18^^, d. i^ March,1886. III. Licv .riirni)x; died in intancy.I. R()S. .riiii,(ix ; died -oun <;.. MRS. WILL Stock Photo
RM2AM2A5T–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . , vSe])teml)er, 1SS9. 7. J.XK AiDii.DX, /. iS Februar-, 1849, d. 21 April, 183;,. 8. Fl.ORKXCK AiDinox, /. 18 February, 1833. g. Bexjamix Piiii.i.rrs Arnnsox, /. 7 Se])tem].)er, 18^^, d. i^ March,1886. III. Licv .riirni)x; died in intancy.I. R()S. .riiii,(ix ; died -oun <;.. MRS. WILL
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . on, X. Y., ih August, 1.S5.S. W. Thomas Baki-avki.i. AttkriuRV, A. 23 Januar-, i 7N5 ; died withinthe -ear. . Thomas ATTl-.Ri.rRV,/>. 13 Febrnary, 17SS; drowned, while skating,at Middletown, Conn., in iSoi. l. Wn.i.iA.M I!i,XjAMlx AtthR1iir, h. 27 I)ecend)er, 1790, in theparish of Lier Stock Photo!ixjamlx-atthr1iir-h-27-iecender-1790-in-theparish-of-lier-image339343377.html
RM2AM2BX9–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . on, X. Y., ih August, 1.S5.S. W. Thomas Baki-avki.i. AttkriuRV, A. 23 Januar-, i 7N5 ; died withinthe -ear. . Thomas ATTl-.Ri.rRV,/>. 13 Febrnary, 17SS; drowned, while skating,at Middletown, Conn., in iSoi. l. Wn.i.iA.M I!i,XjAMlx AtthR1iir, h. 27 I)ecend)er, 1790, in theparish of Lier
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . torates werealways in connection with churches struggling into living, needing hisstrong faith, his unsparing and energetic eiforts to 1)uikl them up. Hischosen work was eer where need was greatest, and the .Second ReformedChurch of Xew Brunswick, een as the Fourth, owes much to his selt-sacr Stock Photo
RM2AM26XB–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . torates werealways in connection with churches struggling into living, needing hisstrong faith, his unsparing and energetic eiforts to 1)uikl them up. Hischosen work was eer where need was greatest, and the .Second ReformedChurch of Xew Brunswick, een as the Fourth, owes much to his selt-sacr
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . , Mass., Maria Dillingham,born in Pittsfield, c) Xoyend^er, 1S31. They had fi)ur daughters— I. Lrc Anui.ox, /. 23 [ Ch..mi;i:rs, h. 10 April, 1800. W. Wllj.v Dll.Lixc.HAM B.AKKWEi.l., /. 30 Juh, 1S71 ; married, 28( )ctober, i8c)o, Harr- Todd Crittenden, of Frankfort, K- Stock Photo
RM2AM29GT–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . , Mass., Maria Dillingham,born in Pittsfield, c) Xoyend^er, 1S31. They had fi)ur daughters— I. Lrc Anui.ox, /. 23 [ Ch..mi;i:rs, h. 10 April, 1800. W. Wllj.v Dll.Lixc.HAM B.AKKWEi.l., /. 30 Juh, 1S71 ; married, 28( )ctober, i8c)o, Harr- Todd Crittenden, of Frankfort, K-
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . 7... ? »$(; :^;;r5yv^. r.AKi;vi:i,L ciirkci From vSoutheast. CONTENTS. PACK. I Introduction -----. Origin of the Bakewhi.i. Family - - - 4 The Family oe Bakewell of Castle Donixgton - - 10 The Atterbury Family - - - . j^ Lewis AtterburY - - - - - - i S Thomas Wright - - - - - ig William Benja Stock Photo
RM2AM2CG8–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . 7... ? »$(; :^;;r5yv^. r.AKi;vi:i,L ciirkci From vSoutheast. CONTENTS. PACK. I Introduction -----. Origin of the Bakewhi.i. Family - - - 4 The Family oe Bakewell of Castle Donixgton - - 10 The Atterbury Family - - - . j^ Lewis AtterburY - - - - - - i S Thomas Wright - - - - - ig William Benja
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . dCf^. V V. 7... ? »$(; :^;;r5yv^ Stock Photo
RM2AM25KW–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . dCf^. V V. 7... ? »$(; :^;;r5yv^
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . h. 4 Xoenil)er, 1S91. 7. /.rzcis Altcrhiiry, h. 30 ALav, i<S94. 3. JoHX TfRXilR Attkriiury, broker, Xew York Citv, /. 19 October, 1S47 ; married, 2 June, 1S80, Anne Car- Randolph Jones, /. 29Xovember, 1.S34, daughter ot William Strother Jones, of Xirginia.Children— 1. ///i)i( /iinirr AUti/ Stock Photo
RM2AM2BCF–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . h. 4 Xoenil)er, 1S91. 7. /.rzcis Altcrhiiry, h. 30 ALav, i<S94. 3. JoHX TfRXilR Attkriiury, broker, Xew York Citv, /. 19 October, 1S47 ; married, 2 June, 1S80, Anne Car- Randolph Jones, /. 29Xovember, 1.S34, daughter ot William Strother Jones, of Xirginia.Children— 1. ///i)i( /iinirr AUti/
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . afternoon, Jan. H, at 2:30 o clock.^Jnterment private. Please amit liowers. KING—On Tuesday, April 9, 1918. atB-30 n m.. Dr. Cyrus Black King, in nissdth year. JMneral services at hi,s late resi-dence, S44 Ridge avenue Northside onThursday afternoon, April 11, at 2 o clocH.Interment private.. ^ Stock Photo
RM2AM26A7–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . afternoon, Jan. H, at 2:30 o clock.^Jnterment private. Please amit liowers. KING—On Tuesday, April 9, 1918. atB-30 n m.. Dr. Cyrus Black King, in nissdth year. JMneral services at hi,s late resi-dence, S44 Ridge avenue Northside onThursday afternoon, April 11, at 2 o clocH.Interment private.. ^
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . ings, Mich.; mar-ried, in 1884, vShirley Mathews— 1. I.cilic A. Malfirics^ b. i Jnly, 1883, d. — March, 1889. 2. /•)(iii(is /:. MiU/iras, b. 23 September, 1887, d. 12 May, t888. 4. vShirlev (r. ATTi.Ri.rRV, b. in 1870, at Berrien Springs, Mich.III. vS.rah Axx Atterburv,/^ 7 Feb., 1833,111 New Stock Photo
RM2AM2AG8–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . ings, Mich.; mar-ried, in 1884, vShirley Mathews— 1. I.cilic A. Malfirics^ b. i Jnly, 1883, d. — March, 1889. 2. /•)(iii(is /:. MiU/iras, b. 23 September, 1887, d. 12 May, t888. 4. vShirlev (r. ATTi.Ri.rRV, b. in 1870, at Berrien Springs, Mich.III. vS.rah Axx Atterburv,/^ 7 Feb., 1833,111 New
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . 7... ? »$(; :^;;r5yv^. bake: WE LL. THE FAMILY BOOK -OF- BAKEWELL*PAGE*CAMPBELL, BEING SOME ACCOUNT OF THE DESCENDANTS OF John Bakewell, of Castle Doninoton,Leicestershire, Hnoiand, born in i();;(S. Benjamin Page, born in 1705, at Norwich, Iinghmd. William Campbell, born Jnly, i, j()(),at Mauc Stock Photo
RM2AM2DB3–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . 7... ? »$(; :^;;r5yv^. bake: WE LL. THE FAMILY BOOK -OF- BAKEWELL*PAGE*CAMPBELL, BEING SOME ACCOUNT OF THE DESCENDANTS OF John Bakewell, of Castle Doninoton,Leicestershire, Hnoiand, born in i();;(S. Benjamin Page, born in 1705, at Norwich, Iinghmd. William Campbell, born Jnly, i, j()(),at Mauc
The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . - the duties of his position as generalagent, and instructor in Church Government and Discipline, until hisofficial relations terminated, in 1840, and to the end of his life lie wasthe untiring advocate of what he deemed for the best interest of theinstitution. For some years after 1840 Dr. Cam Stock Photo
RM2AM2775–The family book of Bakewell, Page, Campbell: being some account of the descendants of John Bakewell, of Castle Donington, Leicestershire, England, born in 1638Benjamin Page, born in 1765, at Norwich, EnglandWilliam Campbell, born July 1, 1766, at Mauchline, Ayrshire, ScotlandJohn Harding, of Leicester . - the duties of his position as generalagent, and instructor in Church Government and Discipline, until hisofficial relations terminated, in 1840, and to the end of his life lie wasthe untiring advocate of what he deemed for the best interest of theinstitution. For some years after 1840 Dr. Cam