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The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . icate lace, the pattern of which Miss Abbott especiallyadmired, and which Miss Ellerington was making for a newMartha dress. Only a few days prior to her last illness MissAbbott surprised the lace-maker industriously plying herneedle and affectionately said, For me. isnt it. dear?thenturned to one of the girls present saying: Alice is alwaysworking, always doing something nice for me. She was almost child-like in her appreciation of gilts or fa-vors from those who loved her, and prized the simple souvenirof affection more than the richest -ift Stock Photo
RM2AWPF0C–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . icate lace, the pattern of which Miss Abbott especiallyadmired, and which Miss Ellerington was making for a newMartha dress. Only a few days prior to her last illness MissAbbott surprised the lace-maker industriously plying herneedle and affectionately said, For me. isnt it. dear?thenturned to one of the girls present saying: Alice is alwaysworking, always doing something nice for me. She was almost child-like in her appreciation of gilts or fa-vors from those who loved her, and prized the simple souvenirof affection more than the richest -ift
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . eral chapters, but that being impracticable, aI few tributes of love from those she claimed asher coterie of dear friends, who always findsomething good to say of me and generally forgive my short-comings, are given. Mr. W. S. B. Matthews, a prominent journalist, writes:< Personally she was always cordial. Even when she had beenhardly treated, and had had her little cry in private, sherarely or never allowed the slightest sign of the fact to appearwhen next she met the writer, who thoughtlessly, or even mali-ciously, had wounded her sensibil Stock Photo
RM2AWP858–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . eral chapters, but that being impracticable, aI few tributes of love from those she claimed asher coterie of dear friends, who always findsomething good to say of me and generally forgive my short-comings, are given. Mr. W. S. B. Matthews, a prominent journalist, writes:< Personally she was always cordial. Even when she had beenhardly treated, and had had her little cry in private, sherarely or never allowed the slightest sign of the fact to appearwhen next she met the writer, who thoughtlessly, or even mali-ciously, had wounded her sensibil
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . r of voice, and dramatic power.. Leon Abbott. Tht Author* TrJmi, to Her Memory. lvl Then came telegrams announcing her indisposition, her serious illness; and all day on Sunday, January 4, I trembled Les1 Ihear that she was gone. Monday morning, soon after I arose, the sad message came,and I realized that a friendship which was more than friendship, a sentiment which partook of sisterly love, which was character-ized by implicit trust and confidence on both sides, was broken.That the assurance which she never failed to express when wemet, My de Stock Photo
RM2AWP6FG–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . r of voice, and dramatic power.. Leon Abbott. Tht Author* TrJmi, to Her Memory. lvl Then came telegrams announcing her indisposition, her serious illness; and all day on Sunday, January 4, I trembled Les1 Ihear that she was gone. Monday morning, soon after I arose, the sad message came,and I realized that a friendship which was more than friendship, a sentiment which partook of sisterly love, which was character-ized by implicit trust and confidence on both sides, was broken.That the assurance which she never failed to express when wemet, My de
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Tacinths, and pink roses, thebroken strings being in purple. The great base was disposedpillow-wise and was made of pure white flowers. Upon thissurface in deep purple was designed a musical staff with the. Emma Abbott a losephine, the 1 rench Empress. 77/ /•** neral < notes E, A, followed by a full rest and with UFinale written above. On black draped tablets, Inwere bunches of loose rosea On were great mounds of growing [minis and longiflora Liliesin blossom. High above each mound towered a beautiful lau-rel tret. Many beautiful floral desi Stock Photo
RM2AWP9HB–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Tacinths, and pink roses, thebroken strings being in purple. The great base was disposedpillow-wise and was made of pure white flowers. Upon thissurface in deep purple was designed a musical staff with the. Emma Abbott a losephine, the 1 rench Empress. 77/ /•** neral < notes E, A, followed by a full rest and with UFinale written above. On black draped tablets, Inwere bunches of loose rosea On were great mounds of growing [minis and longiflora Liliesin blossom. High above each mound towered a beautiful lau-rel tret. Many beautiful floral desi
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . of Castle, Tom Karl,| Fabrini, Appleby, Richard Karl and SignorMichelena, tenors ; Broderick, Conley, Tagliepie-tra, Campebello and Walter Allen, bassos ; Wil-liam Praette, baritone ; Zelda Seguin, Myrell, and Lizzie Annan-dale, contraltos ; Madame Rosewald, Marie Hindel, Laura Bel-ini. Nina Bertini, Helene Bertram and Myra Mirella, sopranos.Of those serving longest, and becoming most popular on ac-count of association with the prima donna in her most brilliantperformances aad favorite roles are Castle, Tom Karl, Pruette,Broderick, Michelena an Stock Photo
RM2AWPFRX–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . of Castle, Tom Karl,| Fabrini, Appleby, Richard Karl and SignorMichelena, tenors ; Broderick, Conley, Tagliepie-tra, Campebello and Walter Allen, bassos ; Wil-liam Praette, baritone ; Zelda Seguin, Myrell, and Lizzie Annan-dale, contraltos ; Madame Rosewald, Marie Hindel, Laura Bel-ini. Nina Bertini, Helene Bertram and Myra Mirella, sopranos.Of those serving longest, and becoming most popular on ac-count of association with the prima donna in her most brilliantperformances aad favorite roles are Castle, Tom Karl, Pruette,Broderick, Michelena an
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . e, take these as my thank-offerings, said Patti, andtook from her ears a pair of exquisite diamonds. Then takingher pen in a different spirit from that which inspired her auto-graph, she wrote a letter to Mapleson heartily commending thestranger, asserting that her voice possessed extraordinary possi-bilities, and urged the impressario to find a place for herwonderful talent. The letter concluded and placed in her visitors hand, shequestioned her in a kindly way regarding her past, her plansfor the future, and urged her if at any time she neede Stock Photo
RM2AWPJEJ–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . e, take these as my thank-offerings, said Patti, andtook from her ears a pair of exquisite diamonds. Then takingher pen in a different spirit from that which inspired her auto-graph, she wrote a letter to Mapleson heartily commending thestranger, asserting that her voice possessed extraordinary possi-bilities, and urged the impressario to find a place for herwonderful talent. The letter concluded and placed in her visitors hand, shequestioned her in a kindly way regarding her past, her plansfor the future, and urged her if at any time she neede
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Ts, when from the rising to thesetting of the sun winds moan and sigh, and the rain beatspitilessly upon the wrecks of beautiful Summer, that lie every-where in view. So there are hearts and hearts. Some like the April day,that smile through tears, and weep through smiles ; some socold that no phase of suffering or woe can penetrate their frigiddepths ; and yet others, who weep and sigh their lives away,complaining that their burden is heavier than they can bear.And there are hearts like a day in June ; whose sunshine pene-trates the nooks and Stock Photo
RM2AWP6YA–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Ts, when from the rising to thesetting of the sun winds moan and sigh, and the rain beatspitilessly upon the wrecks of beautiful Summer, that lie every-where in view. So there are hearts and hearts. Some like the April day,that smile through tears, and weep through smiles ; some socold that no phase of suffering or woe can penetrate their frigiddepths ; and yet others, who weep and sigh their lives away,complaining that their burden is heavier than they can bear.And there are hearts like a day in June ; whose sunshine pene-trates the nooks and
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . -our ambition, nor for your virtue; but Ido fear that 3*0 ur ambition exceeds your strength, and thatwhen 3ou reach the goal of your hearts desires, you will findyourself broken down. CHAPTER 111.. HE few days before she sailed for Europewere made pleasant by a round of tails andvisits, in which she alternated as giver andrecipient. There were many tributes paidto her talent, heartfelt kindnesses, andwishes for a pleasant voyage, assurances oia bright future, souvenirs of love, and keepsakes, which wereuseful, and would at the same time serve a Stock Photo
RM2AWPJPM–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . -our ambition, nor for your virtue; but Ido fear that 3*0 ur ambition exceeds your strength, and thatwhen 3ou reach the goal of your hearts desires, you will findyourself broken down. CHAPTER 111.. HE few days before she sailed for Europewere made pleasant by a round of tails andvisits, in which she alternated as giver andrecipient. There were many tributes paidto her talent, heartfelt kindnesses, andwishes for a pleasant voyage, assurances oia bright future, souvenirs of love, and keepsakes, which wereuseful, and would at the same time serve a
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . ic voice being especially adapted to thatline of concert work, Her voice and general appearance passedmuster, and she became a member of the Abbott chorus. Alice Elleringtons life had its turned down page, and in hercase sorrow had softened the nature, subdued in a degree thewill, and developed her graces. Miss Abbott soon noted hergentleness of disposition, her patience under criticism, her lady-like demeanor, and little by little reached out her arms to her,taking her into her confidence and love, until when the sadblow came which left her a Stock Photo
RM2AWPAGR–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . ic voice being especially adapted to thatline of concert work, Her voice and general appearance passedmuster, and she became a member of the Abbott chorus. Alice Elleringtons life had its turned down page, and in hercase sorrow had softened the nature, subdued in a degree thewill, and developed her graces. Miss Abbott soon noted hergentleness of disposition, her patience under criticism, her lady-like demeanor, and little by little reached out her arms to her,taking her into her confidence and love, until when the sadblow came which left her a
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . dingly interesting, and the recollec-tions of that little journey and the brief stay among thosehonest, simple minded people were among her happiest ones. Many of the days of their sojourn in the French capital werespent by Miss Abbott and her companion in driving about theparks, on the boulevards, and in the vicinity of famous build-ings. Abbott loved Paris with something of the devotion shebore the metropolis of her native country, and almost everystreet, every building, hall of art or place of public entertain-ment, was to her a landmark, by Stock Photo
RM2AWPCDC–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . dingly interesting, and the recollec-tions of that little journey and the brief stay among thosehonest, simple minded people were among her happiest ones. Many of the days of their sojourn in the French capital werespent by Miss Abbott and her companion in driving about theparks, on the boulevards, and in the vicinity of famous build-ings. Abbott loved Paris with something of the devotion shebore the metropolis of her native country, and almost everystreet, every building, hall of art or place of public entertain-ment, was to her a landmark, by
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . in the GrandOpera House, betokened her hold upon the sympathies of herlisteners. Cheered by the applause and enthused by the recall,she responded in the sweetest tones she ever sang in Minneapo-lis, and it was a fitting adieu to the people she loved well. Her reception on that evening was grateful to her. Theweek had not been in all respects what it should have been, andthe vacant seats on two evenings had served to dispirit even theplucky little woman that she was. Worn with frequent andlong rehearsals, and the responsibility which she always Stock Photo
RM2AWPBB7–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . in the GrandOpera House, betokened her hold upon the sympathies of herlisteners. Cheered by the applause and enthused by the recall,she responded in the sweetest tones she ever sang in Minneapo-lis, and it was a fitting adieu to the people she loved well. Her reception on that evening was grateful to her. Theweek had not been in all respects what it should have been, andthe vacant seats on two evenings had served to dispirit even theplucky little woman that she was. Worn with frequent andlong rehearsals, and the responsibility which she always
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . n iny exclusive possession, which would if recorded for the public,prove so helpful to girls and women struggliug to win for themselves aposition in the world—but for this, I would have collected the scatteringpages I had prepared and placed them with other souvenirs of my cher-ished friend, among my treasures of the past. I decided, however, after consultation with members of her family tocomplete the biography, and give it to the public ; not as I would awork exclusively my own, but as my record of incidents in the life of oneof the purest, n Stock Photo
RM2AWPMW0–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . n iny exclusive possession, which would if recorded for the public,prove so helpful to girls and women struggliug to win for themselves aposition in the world—but for this, I would have collected the scatteringpages I had prepared and placed them with other souvenirs of my cher-ished friend, among my treasures of the past. I decided, however, after consultation with members of her family tocomplete the biography, and give it to the public ; not as I would awork exclusively my own, but as my record of incidents in the life of oneof the purest, n
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . emost elegant and costly ever bought by her,but exceeded both in cost and beauty anyever seen on any stage. To Worth andFelix for costumes and accessories she paidover one hundred thousand dollars, and at times she hesitatedin her orders, saying, It seems almost wicked to spend somuch on a wardrobe. Her ends in this matter were not selfishones. She costumed her operas elegantly, because the publicliked them, and had learned to look for them when her companyappeared. As has been said elsewhere, she abhorred sham,and whereas somber effects may be Stock Photo
RM2AWPBWH–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . emost elegant and costly ever bought by her,but exceeded both in cost and beauty anyever seen on any stage. To Worth andFelix for costumes and accessories she paidover one hundred thousand dollars, and at times she hesitatedin her orders, saying, It seems almost wicked to spend somuch on a wardrobe. Her ends in this matter were not selfishones. She costumed her operas elegantly, because the publicliked them, and had learned to look for them when her companyappeared. As has been said elsewhere, she abhorred sham,and whereas somber effects may be
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . erful change. To his inquiry concerning thepain, she replied. -It is all gone—all gone. Slowly but BUrelyshe sank, rousing Only when some one called her nam. M 38Elleringtonand Mrs. Pratt 1 m>tli said to her. ? Don1 yon knowme; can you see me? to which there was do response MrsPratt saiil. ••Its A.ddie, dont you knOw Addie? Oh!Addie. replied the dying woman, and smiled ?• Mice and Addie were the last names she ever uttered. On being asked if she wished the company called. Bhe an-swered. •• The company—all—all— Every member responded,and as t Stock Photo!addie-replied-the-dying-woman-and-smiled-mice-and-addie-were-the-last-names-she-ever-uttered-on-being-asked-if-she-wished-the-company-called-bhe-an-swered-the-companyallall-every-member-respondedand-as-t-image342854017.html
RM2AWP9P9–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . erful change. To his inquiry concerning thepain, she replied. -It is all gone—all gone. Slowly but BUrelyshe sank, rousing Only when some one called her nam. M 38Elleringtonand Mrs. Pratt 1 m>tli said to her. ? Don1 yon knowme; can you see me? to which there was do response MrsPratt saiil. ••Its A.ddie, dont you knOw Addie? Oh!Addie. replied the dying woman, and smiled ?• Mice and Addie were the last names she ever uttered. On being asked if she wished the company called. Bhe an-swered. •• The company—all—all— Every member responded,and as t
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Abbott and Castle as Romeo and Juliet. - Balcom Scene CHAPTEB V.. BE story that the firsl Mapleson-Abbotttilt was because the latter refused to wear tights upon which her manager insisted,is untrue. She did nol especially object totights. During an interview with the Btaron the occasion of her last presentation ofher double bill, Masked Ball and Mad Scene from Hamlet.she said, I never would have worn tights had my husbandobjected, but he did not, except on accountof their tendency toimpede circulation. Mr. Wetherell always maintained that awoma Stock Photo
RM2AWPGA1–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Abbott and Castle as Romeo and Juliet. - Balcom Scene CHAPTEB V.. BE story that the firsl Mapleson-Abbotttilt was because the latter refused to wear tights upon which her manager insisted,is untrue. She did nol especially object totights. During an interview with the Btaron the occasion of her last presentation ofher double bill, Masked Ball and Mad Scene from Hamlet.she said, I never would have worn tights had my husbandobjected, but he did not, except on accountof their tendency toimpede circulation. Mr. Wetherell always maintained that awoma
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . nature Emma never lost heart. Of this affliction she said, I believe my Heavenly Father in-tended me to sing my way through the world, and I have faithin His purpose to restore my voice. Piestoration came soon,under skillful treatment, although reports place this interval ofsilence at months.. Abbott and Castle as Romeo and Juliet. - Balcom Scene CHAPTEB V. Stock Photo
RM2AWPHF4–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . nature Emma never lost heart. Of this affliction she said, I believe my Heavenly Father in-tended me to sing my way through the world, and I have faithin His purpose to restore my voice. Piestoration came soon,under skillful treatment, although reports place this interval ofsilence at months.. Abbott and Castle as Romeo and Juliet. - Balcom Scene CHAPTEB V.
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . e under a cloud : •• Yon must do as 1do; trust Him where you cannot see the way. assured that 11>will lead you into light. Another little incident which shows how lasting was hergratitude is as follows. In 1SS0 the Abbott Opera Companywas for a fortnight in financial straits, and while in Peoria thetreasury, after paying the weeks salaries and Betting aside thehotel bills, was without a dollar. The receipts of the week would.of course, be good, but there was the transportation of the com-pany to Chicago to be deducted. An advertising bill of Stock Photo
RM2AWPDFR–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . e under a cloud : •• Yon must do as 1do; trust Him where you cannot see the way. assured that 11>will lead you into light. Another little incident which shows how lasting was hergratitude is as follows. In 1SS0 the Abbott Opera Companywas for a fortnight in financial straits, and while in Peoria thetreasury, after paying the weeks salaries and Betting aside thehotel bills, was without a dollar. The receipts of the week would.of course, be good, but there was the transportation of the com-pany to Chicago to be deducted. An advertising bill of
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . , inevitably surrounded by all sorts of tempta-tions, she always preserved her innocence and cheerfulness, andsteadily pursued the upward path which ultimately led to fame andfortune. That a girl so thrown upon the world and destituteof means, should have finally become one of the most popularand attractive of opera singers; that she should have devel-oped and strengthened her character into a noble womanhood,and acquired the manners and accomplishments of a lady offashion, these facts are calculated to encourage the most lowlyand unfortunate o Stock Photo
RM2AWP8JC–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . , inevitably surrounded by all sorts of tempta-tions, she always preserved her innocence and cheerfulness, andsteadily pursued the upward path which ultimately led to fame andfortune. That a girl so thrown upon the world and destituteof means, should have finally become one of the most popularand attractive of opera singers; that she should have devel-oped and strengthened her character into a noble womanhood,and acquired the manners and accomplishments of a lady offashion, these facts are calculated to encourage the most lowlyand unfortunate o
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . rward, hoping her fears might provegroundless, the patient noted the movement and inquired thecause. Now and then she would turn to the patient watcherat her side and say, Alice, dear, pray , pray that I—may— live through this day and this night; Alice—this—day—and this night. At noon on Sunday Miss Ellerington was sent to her room for a little rest, the physician saying, You willbe needed to-night. She remained absent only a few hours,her watch at the invalids side being replaced by Mrs. Pratt,Miss Vernon and Miss Franklin. At night Dr. Pinker Stock Photo
RM2AWPA5G–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . rward, hoping her fears might provegroundless, the patient noted the movement and inquired thecause. Now and then she would turn to the patient watcherat her side and say, Alice, dear, pray , pray that I—may— live through this day and this night; Alice—this—day—and this night. At noon on Sunday Miss Ellerington was sent to her room for a little rest, the physician saying, You willbe needed to-night. She remained absent only a few hours,her watch at the invalids side being replaced by Mrs. Pratt,Miss Vernon and Miss Franklin. At night Dr. Pinker
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . ging andacting, and said, I must have you for a season, and thesooner the better. Vert, of London, visited Paris on purpose to hear her sing,and he, too, was delighted at prospect of a season with Abbottas star. Had she fulfilled her plan of a European tour with hercompany, it is probable that Vert would have been her manager. //- r X • • Op< /?(. .l M. Audran, of Paris, said. Abbotts Binging is beyond any-thing I had expected to hear, and she should, with her company,make a tour of the continent M. Audran is the composerof the score for Mis Stock Photo
RM2AWPC5C–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . ging andacting, and said, I must have you for a season, and thesooner the better. Vert, of London, visited Paris on purpose to hear her sing,and he, too, was delighted at prospect of a season with Abbottas star. Had she fulfilled her plan of a European tour with hercompany, it is probable that Vert would have been her manager. //- r X • • Op< /?(. .l M. Audran, of Paris, said. Abbotts Binging is beyond any-thing I had expected to hear, and she should, with her company,make a tour of the continent M. Audran is the composerof the score for Mis
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . f the crowds, and longed for retirement, seclusion, andrest, had said : I will not think of myself, but of these people;they must not be east adrift in mid-winter. would never have al-lowed the very event to occur for which she made that heart-breaking sacrifice, had not disease rendered her powerless The members of the company know this, and it is safe to as-sert that not one has harbored an unkind thought or spoken anungenerous word of their loved leader. They realized, as theoutside world will never realize, that the end began thai .VTears A Stock Photo
RM2AWP75Y–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . f the crowds, and longed for retirement, seclusion, andrest, had said : I will not think of myself, but of these people;they must not be east adrift in mid-winter. would never have al-lowed the very event to occur for which she made that heart-breaking sacrifice, had not disease rendered her powerless The members of the company know this, and it is safe to as-sert that not one has harbored an unkind thought or spoken anungenerous word of their loved leader. They realized, as theoutside world will never realize, that the end began thai .VTears A
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . on her for somany years, was repaid by fidelity in word, thought and deed. In hours of adversity she cheered him, his prosperity she joy-fully shared, and stood ever ready to second his efforts in anyenterprise he might undertake. So blended were their aims,their tastes, their interests, their souls and lives, that when thesad blow fell which took him from her side she forgot fame,fortune and friends; and only remembered that in this greatworld she was left alone. Less than six months before her death she received an offerof marriage from a gen Stock Photo
RM2AWPCKN–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . on her for somany years, was repaid by fidelity in word, thought and deed. In hours of adversity she cheered him, his prosperity she joy-fully shared, and stood ever ready to second his efforts in anyenterprise he might undertake. So blended were their aims,their tastes, their interests, their souls and lives, that when thesad blow fell which took him from her side she forgot fame,fortune and friends; and only remembered that in this greatworld she was left alone. Less than six months before her death she received an offerof marriage from a gen
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . exercises of the spelling school at Hen-niker, and Seths geographical pun was given much prominence. In 1829 Gen. Andrew Jacksou visited Concord, and young Abbottwith six associates, who were admirers of the heros reputation, de-cided to visit the state capital on that occasion, even though com-pelled to walk the entire distance of sixteen miles. They startedlong before daylight, and on arriving there met Col. Woods of theirown town. This gentleman took young Abbott to the sanctum ofthe Patriot, which was presided over by Governor Isaac Hill, a Stock Photo
RM2AWP65R–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . exercises of the spelling school at Hen-niker, and Seths geographical pun was given much prominence. In 1829 Gen. Andrew Jacksou visited Concord, and young Abbottwith six associates, who were admirers of the heros reputation, de-cided to visit the state capital on that occasion, even though com-pelled to walk the entire distance of sixteen miles. They startedlong before daylight, and on arriving there met Col. Woods of theirown town. This gentleman took young Abbott to the sanctum ofthe Patriot, which was presided over by Governor Isaac Hill, a
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . quietly and unassumingly bestowed,she acquired the name of being so selfish. But I happen to knowthat such criticisms were unjust, and that she did acts of gener-ous benevolence of which no one ever heard, except a few ofber trusted friends. The last article that appeared about MissAbbott in these columns, was the refutation of a cruel slanderof an afternoon paper accusing her of filial ingratitude. < Everyone will concede that the dead prima donna did muchfor musical art and education in the United States. She dedi-cated more temples of son Stock Photo
RM2AWP8WW–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . quietly and unassumingly bestowed,she acquired the name of being so selfish. But I happen to knowthat such criticisms were unjust, and that she did acts of gener-ous benevolence of which no one ever heard, except a few ofber trusted friends. The last article that appeared about MissAbbott in these columns, was the refutation of a cruel slanderof an afternoon paper accusing her of filial ingratitude. < Everyone will concede that the dead prima donna did muchfor musical art and education in the United States. She dedi-cated more temples of son
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . of dear friends, and may blossoms as beautifulas those you sent us, be placed about your couch to cheer vmi. In the winter of 90 Uncle Ben Baker died, and friendsset at work to raise means to place a life-size painting of thedear old gentleman in the reception room of the Actors Association. Just before Christmas Miss Abbott sent the last hun-dred dollars required to pay for the picture, and at the sametime, an equal sum to --Aunt Louisa Eldridge for the chil-drens Christmas. In remembrance of these generous derds. Harrison GreyFisk. editor of Stock Photo
RM2AWPAR3–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . of dear friends, and may blossoms as beautifulas those you sent us, be placed about your couch to cheer vmi. In the winter of 90 Uncle Ben Baker died, and friendsset at work to raise means to place a life-size painting of thedear old gentleman in the reception room of the Actors Association. Just before Christmas Miss Abbott sent the last hun-dred dollars required to pay for the picture, and at the sametime, an equal sum to --Aunt Louisa Eldridge for the chil-drens Christmas. In remembrance of these generous derds. Harrison GreyFisk. editor of
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . people had for her and for the much loved song. * * * Miss Abbott sang with excellent voice, and thesweetness of her tone was a surprise even to her friends. Shewas warmly encored. At Tuesdays matinee the opera Martha was given, and asMiss Abbott made her appearance on the stage she was greetedwith rapturous applause. From first to last she charmed herlisteners with her volumes of heavenly music. As Martha MissAbbott appeared at her best, and from the opening solo to herwonderful flights of vocalism. held her audience almost spell-bound, and on Stock Photo
RM2AWPAC4–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . people had for her and for the much loved song. * * * Miss Abbott sang with excellent voice, and thesweetness of her tone was a surprise even to her friends. Shewas warmly encored. At Tuesdays matinee the opera Martha was given, and asMiss Abbott made her appearance on the stage she was greetedwith rapturous applause. From first to last she charmed herlisteners with her volumes of heavenly music. As Martha MissAbbott appeared at her best, and from the opening solo to herwonderful flights of vocalism. held her audience almost spell-bound, and on
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . t truly 1never have heard music that sounded bo grand u> me as themelodies he used to play on his violin. Two of the dresses worn on that occasion were particularlybeautiful, one the character, or Queen Anne . the other a charm-ing bit of drapery in which she went to the guillotine. Thefirst was of moss-green velvet and shrimp-pink satin This is in colors and design an exacl copy of the Queen i Iress on exhibition in the Louvre, but its cost is many times that ..! theroyal garment. The body of the dress is of the moss-colored velvet, and th Stock Photo!-theroyal-garment-the-body-of-the-dress-is-of-the-moss-colored-velvet-and-th-image342855071.html
RM2AWPB3Y–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . t truly 1never have heard music that sounded bo grand u> me as themelodies he used to play on his violin. Two of the dresses worn on that occasion were particularlybeautiful, one the character, or Queen Anne . the other a charm-ing bit of drapery in which she went to the guillotine. Thefirst was of moss-green velvet and shrimp-pink satin This is in colors and design an exacl copy of the Queen i Iress on exhibition in the Louvre, but its cost is many times that ..! theroyal garment. The body of the dress is of the moss-colored velvet, and th
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . *. On the same nightin the same city, in a modest little house on Kinzie Street,Emma Abbott was born, and although heartily welcome wasshe, the first daughter of the Abbott household, the parents andbrothers little dreamed that the tiny stranger was destined tobring them wealth and luxuries during their later years, and tobecome one of the most famous singers of her time. Almost as soon as she began to lisp the simplest words, herparents discovered evidence of unusual musical talent, whichcontinually became more apparent, and the father spared Stock Photo
RM2AWPMDR–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . *. On the same nightin the same city, in a modest little house on Kinzie Street,Emma Abbott was born, and although heartily welcome wasshe, the first daughter of the Abbott household, the parents andbrothers little dreamed that the tiny stranger was destined tobring them wealth and luxuries during their later years, and tobecome one of the most famous singers of her time. Almost as soon as she began to lisp the simplest words, herparents discovered evidence of unusual musical talent, whichcontinually became more apparent, and the father spared
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . r met his death by drowning, at the seashore, leaving des-titute an aged mother who for years had been dependent uponhim. The sad event and the circumstances attendant upon hisdeath, the loneliness and dependent condition of the mother,were uppermost in Miss Abbotts mind; and forgetting thebroken contract, and the expense and annoyance it had costher, remembering only that for two years Conley had servedher faithfully and well; she headed a paper with a munificentsubscription, and calling a carriage visited her personal friendsin the city, aski Stock Photo
RM2AWPKDP–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . r met his death by drowning, at the seashore, leaving des-titute an aged mother who for years had been dependent uponhim. The sad event and the circumstances attendant upon hisdeath, the loneliness and dependent condition of the mother,were uppermost in Miss Abbotts mind; and forgetting thebroken contract, and the expense and annoyance it had costher, remembering only that for two years Conley had servedher faithfully and well; she headed a paper with a munificentsubscription, and calling a carriage visited her personal friendsin the city, aski
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . heart, supplemented by no endof ambition, gave her simple, yet enjoyable concerts wherevershe could gain an audience. Her earnings she carefully hoarded for future advancement.Her first appearance outside of Illinois was at Grand Rapids,Michigan, in the dining-room of the old Rathbun hotel. Theroom was filled, twenty-five cents being the admission fee. A. vih Abbott. Walter Allens Tribute of 1. 161 few years ago. Miss Abbott in response to a second encore, atthe Grand Rapids theater, made a speech as full of gratitudeas it was of remembrance of Stock Photo
RM2AWP7PH–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . heart, supplemented by no endof ambition, gave her simple, yet enjoyable concerts wherevershe could gain an audience. Her earnings she carefully hoarded for future advancement.Her first appearance outside of Illinois was at Grand Rapids,Michigan, in the dining-room of the old Rathbun hotel. Theroom was filled, twenty-five cents being the admission fee. A. vih Abbott. Walter Allens Tribute of 1. 161 few years ago. Miss Abbott in response to a second encore, atthe Grand Rapids theater, made a speech as full of gratitudeas it was of remembrance of
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . you sing, even thoughthey fail to accord perfectly with what goes before and comesafter. On one occasion in Paris after the curtain had been rung Sings in Paris. down on the first act of ••Linda di Chamouni, the primadonna was called before the curtain and the audience calledloudly for a song. She responded with Tin Marseillaise. TheAmerican minister with a party of friends being presenl in abox. an influential French politician suggested as a tribute t«them. -The Red, White and Blue, and at its close there wasa universal call for Star Spangled Stock Photo
RM2AWPHY3–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . you sing, even thoughthey fail to accord perfectly with what goes before and comesafter. On one occasion in Paris after the curtain had been rung Sings in Paris. down on the first act of ••Linda di Chamouni, the primadonna was called before the curtain and the audience calledloudly for a song. She responded with Tin Marseillaise. TheAmerican minister with a party of friends being presenl in abox. an influential French politician suggested as a tribute t«them. -The Red, White and Blue, and at its close there wasa universal call for Star Spangled
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . nature seemed to respond tothe warmth and affection of the stranger, and its great blueeyes and rosebud mouth were kissed by her again and again.The father entered a few moments later, and was introduced byher companion to Mrs. Wetherell, an old friend of Doras,and seemed grateful for the sympathy and attention bestowedupon his bereaved little ones. The singer bade the lonely fam-ily adieu, promising to attend the funeral on the followingmorning, and to see them again before she left the city. The Mikado was on the bills for the evening perform Stock Photo
RM2AWPEEG–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . nature seemed to respond tothe warmth and affection of the stranger, and its great blueeyes and rosebud mouth were kissed by her again and again.The father entered a few moments later, and was introduced byher companion to Mrs. Wetherell, an old friend of Doras,and seemed grateful for the sympathy and attention bestowedupon his bereaved little ones. The singer bade the lonely fam-ily adieu, promising to attend the funeral on the followingmorning, and to see them again before she left the city. The Mikado was on the bills for the evening perform
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . t family andEmmas shabby attire are without a shadow of foundation.Her father was not during Emmas girlhood or childhood awealthy man, neither was he able to send her abroad or even toNew York to pursue her musical studies. But the family never knew discomfort as her father earnedsufficient by teaching music, giving concerts, and some smallinvestments to provide the family with a comfortable home, Falsehood* Corrected. 21 good food and ordinary attire. Indeed there were compara-tively few in those days in the West who did more. Mi-Abbott was a Stock Photo
RM2AWPKWJ–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . t family andEmmas shabby attire are without a shadow of foundation.Her father was not during Emmas girlhood or childhood awealthy man, neither was he able to send her abroad or even toNew York to pursue her musical studies. But the family never knew discomfort as her father earnedsufficient by teaching music, giving concerts, and some smallinvestments to provide the family with a comfortable home, Falsehood* Corrected. 21 good food and ordinary attire. Indeed there were compara-tively few in those days in the West who did more. Mi-Abbott was a
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Opposite Pa Abbott in73, 74 and75 •• 16 Mad Scene prom Hamlet, .... •• 24 Abbott as Yum Yum in Mikado Abbott and Castle, as Romeo and Juliet, < on* Scene, •• 40 Abbott and Castle, as Paul and Virginia, . 48 Abbott as Violetta •• •? :,i: Tis the Last Rose op Summer, . ?• 00 Abbott as Marguerite in Faust •? •• 7a Abbott as Queen op Spain, A( i I, Hi v I!r,as, . - BO Emma Abbott as Queen Anne, ?• 88 Lucia Bridal Gown, •• •• gg Emma Abbott as Violetta, •• DO Emma Abbott as Anne Boleyn, Last A<t, etc., . in I Last Act Ruy Blas 112 Emma Ab Stock Photo!ras-bo-emma-abbott-as-queen-anne-88-lucia-bridal-gown-gg-emma-abbott-as-violetta-do-emma-abbott-as-anne-boleyn-last-altt-etc-in-i-last-act-ruy-blas-112-emma-ab-image342864037.html
RM2AWPPG5–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . Opposite Pa Abbott in73, 74 and75 •• 16 Mad Scene prom Hamlet, .... •• 24 Abbott as Yum Yum in Mikado Abbott and Castle, as Romeo and Juliet, < on* Scene, •• 40 Abbott and Castle, as Paul and Virginia, . 48 Abbott as Violetta •• •? :,i: Tis the Last Rose op Summer, . ?• 00 Abbott as Marguerite in Faust •? •• 7a Abbott as Queen op Spain, A( i I, Hi v I!r,as, . - BO Emma Abbott as Queen Anne, ?• 88 Lucia Bridal Gown, •• •• gg Emma Abbott as Violetta, •• DO Emma Abbott as Anne Boleyn, Last A<t, etc., . in I Last Act Ruy Blas 112 Emma Ab
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . 7 Miss Abbott dur-ing that journey gave her much pleasure, indicating as they dida degree of popularity and esteem of which she did not dream.Scores of telegrams sent while she was en route were followedby letters of condolence when she returned West, all expressinglove and esteem ; and heartfelt sympathy in her great affliction. As soon as the sad rites were over, and the wife had biddena temporary adieu to Gloucester, the memory of the lonelinessof the place seemed to depress her ; and the determination wasat once formed to remove her husband Stock Photo
RM2AWPD2N–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . 7 Miss Abbott dur-ing that journey gave her much pleasure, indicating as they dida degree of popularity and esteem of which she did not dream.Scores of telegrams sent while she was en route were followedby letters of condolence when she returned West, all expressinglove and esteem ; and heartfelt sympathy in her great affliction. As soon as the sad rites were over, and the wife had biddena temporary adieu to Gloucester, the memory of the lonelinessof the place seemed to depress her ; and the determination wasat once formed to remove her husband
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . tu-pathy in this their sorrow. < I heard a voice from heaven saying, write, for these wordsare true and faithful, and God shall wipe away all tears fromtheir eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrownor crying, neither shall there be any raore pain. • Forasmuch as this spirit has returned to the God that sentit, the body will be committed,to the grave, earth to earth, dustto dust, ashes to ashes, awaiting the final resurrection, and maythe blessing of God rest among you, the peace that passeth un-derstanding abide among you, an Stock Photo
RM2AWP97E–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . tu-pathy in this their sorrow. < I heard a voice from heaven saying, write, for these wordsare true and faithful, and God shall wipe away all tears fromtheir eyes ; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrownor crying, neither shall there be any raore pain. • Forasmuch as this spirit has returned to the God that sentit, the body will be committed,to the grave, earth to earth, dustto dust, ashes to ashes, awaiting the final resurrection, and maythe blessing of God rest among you, the peace that passeth un-derstanding abide among you, an
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . kably gifted woman in many ways. Shefelt that she was destined for the stage, and after repeated misfort-unes, finally won her way to a fame vouchsafed to no other Ameri-can singer. Her success was due to her quick intelligence, thepossession of a warm and impulsive nature, that won and heldfriends, unbounded energy, faith in her ability to accomplishanything she undertook, a mastery of details, aud a will powerthat bent all opposition, while her earnest enthusiasm and never-failing pluck won for her the admiration of the public. She was one of Stock Photo
RM2AWP7BH–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . kably gifted woman in many ways. Shefelt that she was destined for the stage, and after repeated misfort-unes, finally won her way to a fame vouchsafed to no other Ameri-can singer. Her success was due to her quick intelligence, thepossession of a warm and impulsive nature, that won and heldfriends, unbounded energy, faith in her ability to accomplishanything she undertook, a mastery of details, aud a will powerthat bent all opposition, while her earnest enthusiasm and never-failing pluck won for her the admiration of the public. She was one of
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . rour tendollars, which, by the way is a most extravagant charge; butthe child is not to blame for the blizzard. I have paid threedollars for tickets. That will cover your expense, and pay foryour trouble, but you will get no more. Then turned to thegirl who had greeted him with Oh, Elward! you have comejust in time; saying Come, Emma, well go now. Arriving at the hotel he ordered a nice lunch for her, andwhile she partook of that, related the event just described to acompany of railroad men who were gathered in the hotel office.Among these was Stock Photo!-you-have-comejust-in-time-saying-come-emma-well-go-now-arriving-at-the-hotel-he-ordered-a-nice-lunch-for-her-andwhile-she-partook-of-that-related-the-event-just-described-to-acompany-of-railroad-men-who-were-gathered-in-the-hotel-officeamong-these-was-image342857270.html
RM2AWPDXE–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . rour tendollars, which, by the way is a most extravagant charge; butthe child is not to blame for the blizzard. I have paid threedollars for tickets. That will cover your expense, and pay foryour trouble, but you will get no more. Then turned to thegirl who had greeted him with Oh, Elward! you have comejust in time; saying Come, Emma, well go now. Arriving at the hotel he ordered a nice lunch for her, andwhile she partook of that, related the event just described to acompany of railroad men who were gathered in the hotel office.Among these was
The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . odsblessing on the truths (?) just spoken, etc., he took hishymn-book and made ready to announce the closing hymn,when, to his astonishment, a lady near the center aisle aroseand said I cannot refrain from expressing my indignationthat a minister ordained to preach Christ should so far forgethis mission, and so far depart from truth as to make the asser-tions to which I have listened, regarding the profession ofwhich I am, I trust, an honored member. There are amongus men and woman who have sinned, as there are men in everycalling of life who h Stock Photo
RM2AWPDAC–The life and professional career of Emma Abbott . odsblessing on the truths (?) just spoken, etc., he took hishymn-book and made ready to announce the closing hymn,when, to his astonishment, a lady near the center aisle aroseand said I cannot refrain from expressing my indignationthat a minister ordained to preach Christ should so far forgethis mission, and so far depart from truth as to make the asser-tions to which I have listened, regarding the profession ofwhich I am, I trust, an honored member. There are amongus men and woman who have sinned, as there are men in everycalling of life who h
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