Albany medical annals . which the drug hasbeen given; although asthmatics, as a rule, will bear largerdoses of strychnine than most other patients. Begin, as arule, with 1-30 of a grain subcutaneously once a day, andgradually to 1-20 or to i-io of a grain, or more ifnecessary, to impress the system with its full stimulant effects.Do not waste your time with small doses. To these amountsof strychnine, small doses of from 1-400 to 1-600 of a grain ofatropine may be added. It is best to administer these drugsin the evening, because asthma is nocturnal in its attacks, andyour patient sho Stock Photo
RM2AWKMR6–Albany medical annals . which the drug hasbeen given; although asthmatics, as a rule, will bear largerdoses of strychnine than most other patients. Begin, as arule, with 1-30 of a grain subcutaneously once a day, andgradually to 1-20 or to i-io of a grain, or more ifnecessary, to impress the system with its full stimulant effects.Do not waste your time with small doses. To these amountsof strychnine, small doses of from 1-400 to 1-600 of a grain ofatropine may be added. It is best to administer these drugsin the evening, because asthma is nocturnal in its attacks, andyour patient sho
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Fig. I, '''-n-J Another cow will begin fairly well and hang on a long time—fluctuating a little and descending gradually after she has been milking seven to eight months. See Fig. 2 :. Fig. 2.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co Stock Photo
RMPFK4YJ–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Fig. I, '''-n-J Another cow will begin fairly well and hang on a long time—fluctuating a little and descending gradually after she has been milking seven to eight months. See Fig. 2 :. Fig. 2.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7RCM–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
. Epitome of the history of medicine : based upon a course of lectures delivered in the University of Buffalo. ases where ithad a happy issue for both mother and child. He evenreported the most remarkable case of all,—that of a womanwho was six times delivered by this operation, and whoperished in the seventh confinement, because, as he states,the surgeon who had been accustomed to operate on herwas absent. Unfortunately, this case is not authenticated. Nothing shows better how the art of observation andaccurate description of phenomena had progressed at thetime of the revival of letters than Stock Photo
RM2AFMY6K–. Epitome of the history of medicine : based upon a course of lectures delivered in the University of Buffalo. ases where ithad a happy issue for both mother and child. He evenreported the most remarkable case of all,—that of a womanwho was six times delivered by this operation, and whoperished in the seventh confinement, because, as he states,the surgeon who had been accustomed to operate on herwas absent. Unfortunately, this case is not authenticated. Nothing shows better how the art of observation andaccurate description of phenomena had progressed at thetime of the revival of letters than
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. ^5S greeable odors and souring too quickly. The cooling and warming can be applied to this system also. I can see no occasion for the " shot gun " cans, as the Cooley cans are so much better and as cheap. It is impossible to get anything nearly all the cream from pans set in a room. Conical Skimmer. Refrigerator Box, filled witli Bottles, closed with Wood Fiber Cap. where the temperature is <o to 60 degrees or higher, un- less the milk is permitted to remain thirty-six to forty- eight hours before being skimed. Remember that milk should Stock Photo
RMPFJY2Y–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. ^5S greeable odors and souring too quickly. The cooling and warming can be applied to this system also. I can see no occasion for the " shot gun " cans, as the Cooley cans are so much better and as cheap. It is impossible to get anything nearly all the cream from pans set in a room. Conical Skimmer. Refrigerator Box, filled witli Bottles, closed with Wood Fiber Cap. where the temperature is <o to 60 degrees or higher, un- less the milk is permitted to remain thirty-six to forty- eight hours before being skimed. Remember that milk should
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . w i Lith Anstv AugKürth, Leipzig Stock Photo
RMMABGN7–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . w i Lith Anstv AugKürth, Leipzig
Introduction à l'étude des mollusques . nageoire, porte, au moins chez le mâle, uneventouse sur larête ventrale. Le sac viscéral (nucléus) et le manteaune forment quune petite partie de la masse du corps. Les ganglions cérébraux sont joints et les pleuraux leur sont accolés(visibles dans les Atlanta et Pterotrachea); deux connectifs pédieux dechaque côté, partiellement libres proximalement dans les Atlantidœ(fig. 64). Les ganglions pédieux sont situés à la base de la nageoire(fig. 64, 67). La commissure viscérale est assez longue, croisée etpourvue de plusieurs ganglions, mais sans dialyneurie Stock Photo
RM2AJE51G–Introduction à l'étude des mollusques . nageoire, porte, au moins chez le mâle, uneventouse sur larête ventrale. Le sac viscéral (nucléus) et le manteaune forment quune petite partie de la masse du corps. Les ganglions cérébraux sont joints et les pleuraux leur sont accolés(visibles dans les Atlanta et Pterotrachea); deux connectifs pédieux dechaque côté, partiellement libres proximalement dans les Atlantidœ(fig. 64). Les ganglions pédieux sont situés à la base de la nageoire(fig. 64, 67). La commissure viscérale est assez longue, croisée etpourvue de plusieurs ganglions, mais sans dialyneurie
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. IT PAYS! To Grind Year FEED. THE EXPORT. D^^Bs it Vdds Fully 30 per cent- to its Value. We make Grinding" Mills of every description, French Buhr Mills, Iron and Steel Grinders, Crushers and SAveep Mills. ESTABLISHED 1844. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Straub Macliinery Company, 1945-55 West Sixth Street CINCINNATi, 0. The 0. Armleder Co. CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers Of FINE DAIRY WAGONS.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may Stock Photo!-to-grind-year-feed-the-export-dbs-it-vdds-fully-30-per-cent-to-its-value-we-make-grindingquot-mills-of-every-description-french-buhr-mills-iron-and-steel-grinders-crushers-and-saveep-mills-established-1844-correspondence-solicited-straub-macliinery-company-1945-55-west-sixth-street-cincinnati-0-the-0-armleder-co-cincinnati-o-manufacturers-of-fine-dairy-wagons-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-image216160606.html
RMPFJY1J–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. IT PAYS! To Grind Year FEED. THE EXPORT. D^^Bs it Vdds Fully 30 per cent- to its Value. We make Grinding" Mills of every description, French Buhr Mills, Iron and Steel Grinders, Crushers and SAveep Mills. ESTABLISHED 1844. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Straub Macliinery Company, 1945-55 West Sixth Street CINCINNATi, 0. The 0. Armleder Co. CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers Of FINE DAIRY WAGONS.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may
. Die levantinische Molluskenfauna der Insel Rhodus . A.Swobodan d.Nat.gez.u lith l.ilh. Allst V Hl. BaniTO-arllbWleu- Denkschriften d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. math.-naturw. Classe, Bd. LX. Stock Photo
RMME7Y85–. Die levantinische Molluskenfauna der Insel Rhodus . A.Swobodan d.Nat.gez.u lith l.ilh. Allst V Hl. BaniTO-arllbWleu- Denkschriften d. kais. Akad. d. Wiss. math.-naturw. Classe, Bd. LX.
An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . THE EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE AURICLE. (aPTBR bSrAUD.)a, spction of the skin ; b. cellular fatty tissue of the lol)ule, d, external opening of theauditory canal; e, the concha; /, the tragus; g, the antitragus; A, the. helix; t, the cavityof the he]iz;7, the antbelix; «,the two hranches of the antheliz ; /, the fossa of the anthe-1iz; m, the traincus muscle; n, the antitragicus mnscle; o, the great mu Stock Photo
RM2AN5NCX–An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . THE EXTERNAL SURFACE OF THE AURICLE. (aPTBR bSrAUD.)a, spction of the skin ; b. cellular fatty tissue of the lol)ule, d, external opening of theauditory canal; e, the concha; /, the tragus; g, the antitragus; A, the. helix; t, the cavityof the he]iz;7, the antbelix; «,the two hranches of the antheliz ; /, the fossa of the anthe-1iz; m, the traincus muscle; n, the antitragicus mnscle; o, the great mu
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 164 DAIRY FORTUNES. to proper temperature. Decide upon the temperature at which you expect to churn, then heat or cool the cream to that point; in doing this be careful to stir cream fre- quently. Have churn ready so as to put the cream in it when temperature gets where you want it. Cream should not be exposed to any disagreeable odors at any time. Churning. Four important things are to be considered in churn. ing: 1. Condition of cream. 2. Temperature. 3. Washing. 4. Salting and working.. The Barrel Churn. Always Can be Recommended. Condition of Cream should be as Stock Photo
RMPFJY30–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 164 DAIRY FORTUNES. to proper temperature. Decide upon the temperature at which you expect to churn, then heat or cool the cream to that point; in doing this be careful to stir cream fre- quently. Have churn ready so as to put the cream in it when temperature gets where you want it. Cream should not be exposed to any disagreeable odors at any time. Churning. Four important things are to be considered in churn. ing: 1. Condition of cream. 2. Temperature. 3. Washing. 4. Salting and working.. The Barrel Churn. Always Can be Recommended. Condition of Cream should be as
. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . Ew. H. Rübsaamcn del. Stock Photo
RMME82RA–. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . Ew. H. Rübsaamcn del.
Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions . founded at Frere Town, opposite Mombasa, a freed-slave settlement, with a home where rescued slaves are cared for by the agents of the Settlements and homes Society. This asylum was established in 1874, at Africa. the recommendation of Sir Bartle Frere, after his visit to Zanzibar, in 1872, for the purpose of negotiating a treaty prohibiting the slave-trade. The Annual Report of the Church Missionary Society for 1897 records the interesting fact that Bishop Tucker had ordained at Frere Town the first liberated s Stock Photo
RM2ANHXW0–Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions . founded at Frere Town, opposite Mombasa, a freed-slave settlement, with a home where rescued slaves are cared for by the agents of the Settlements and homes Society. This asylum was established in 1874, at Africa. the recommendation of Sir Bartle Frere, after his visit to Zanzibar, in 1872, for the purpose of negotiating a treaty prohibiting the slave-trade. The Annual Report of the Church Missionary Society for 1897 records the interesting fact that Bishop Tucker had ordained at Frere Town the first liberated s
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTl'NES. 17 must work both ways. JManifest as much good sense in buying a cow as you do in buying a horse and you will find the right breed. If you want beef cows, buy cows shaped like a box—if you want milk cows, buy cows shaped like a wedge. There is as much difference in. Landseer's Fancy. Splendid Dairy Form. shape between the ideal milk and beef cows as between the ideal race horse and draft horse. Many farmers keeping a few cows for private use, selling a little sur- plus milk or butter now and then, keep beef cows, be- cause they want beef calves. Som Stock Photo
RMPFK50D–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTl'NES. 17 must work both ways. JManifest as much good sense in buying a cow as you do in buying a horse and you will find the right breed. If you want beef cows, buy cows shaped like a box—if you want milk cows, buy cows shaped like a wedge. There is as much difference in. Landseer's Fancy. Splendid Dairy Form. shape between the ideal milk and beef cows as between the ideal race horse and draft horse. Many farmers keeping a few cows for private use, selling a little sur- plus milk or butter now and then, keep beef cows, be- cause they want beef calves. Som
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . â Stock Photo
RMMABGNF–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . â
Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species . •-•*** -,;,, 1^tete.. 33. Stock Photo
RM2AJD1BM–Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species . •-•*** -,;,, 1^tete.. 33.
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 27 home and permits her and the calf to get into the high- way, she will most likely go back where the calf was born. Monthly Yield of Milk.—Frequently you hear of cows that make 15, 20 and 35 pounds of butter in a week —nothing is said of how many weeks. I know of a cow that will average 17 to 18 pounds a week for five weeks, and will not make more than 250 a year, A large yield at any time shows capacity, but not continuity. Many cows will begin the year with four or five gallons of milk a day, and two months afterward will be down to one to two ga Stock Photo
RMPFK4YH–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 27 home and permits her and the calf to get into the high- way, she will most likely go back where the calf was born. Monthly Yield of Milk.—Frequently you hear of cows that make 15, 20 and 35 pounds of butter in a week —nothing is said of how many weeks. I know of a cow that will average 17 to 18 pounds a week for five weeks, and will not make more than 250 a year, A large yield at any time shows capacity, but not continuity. Many cows will begin the year with four or five gallons of milk a day, and two months afterward will be down to one to two ga
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Ja r'tZr-, -! <" , â * i Lith.Kunrt-Anft.v.Aug. Kütth, Leipzig. Stock Photo!-ltquot-i-lithkunrt-anftvaug-ktth-leipzig-image178504802.html
RMMABGKE–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Ja r'tZr-, -! <" , â * i Lith.Kunrt-Anft.v.Aug. Kütth, Leipzig.
. Expédition de Bonaparte en Égypte. NEW YORKHENRY HOLT AND COMPANY F, W. CHRISTERNBOSTON : CARL SCHOENHOF V ^ Copyright, 1894, BY HENRY HOLT & CO. V ROBERT DRUMMOND, ELECTROTYPER AND PRINTER, NEW YORK. PREFACE. The following text contains selected portions ofthe interesting description of Napoleon^s EgyptianCampaign by Thiers, in his monumental work His^toire de la Eévolution française/ The simple narra-tive style of the author, which is well adapted for earlyreading, présents few structural or idiomatic difficul-ties. Hence the notes are confined chiefly to shorthistorical elucidations. No r Stock Photo
RM2AGC0M5–. Expédition de Bonaparte en Égypte. NEW YORKHENRY HOLT AND COMPANY F, W. CHRISTERNBOSTON : CARL SCHOENHOF V ^ Copyright, 1894, BY HENRY HOLT & CO. V ROBERT DRUMMOND, ELECTROTYPER AND PRINTER, NEW YORK. PREFACE. The following text contains selected portions ofthe interesting description of Napoleon^s EgyptianCampaign by Thiers, in his monumental work His^toire de la Eévolution française/ The simple narra-tive style of the author, which is well adapted for earlyreading, présents few structural or idiomatic difficul-ties. Hence the notes are confined chiefly to shorthistorical elucidations. No r
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 20 DAIRY FORTUNES. stein for large quantities of milk, I have a cow, half Jersey and half Holstein, that has produced 460 pounds of butter in a year, but she eats about 25 per cent, more than pure Jerseys producing as much butter. Butter fat is wliat cows should produce, not water.. Primrose, 21 lbs. 10 02, in Seven Days. Thoroughbreds.—Is it best to keep thoroughbreds? Yes, if they are good ones. Many persons claim that they can not afford to keep thoroughbreds, because they cost too much. Thousands and thousands of thorough- breds are not worth $20.00 ahead, becau Stock Photo
RMPFK50C–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 20 DAIRY FORTUNES. stein for large quantities of milk, I have a cow, half Jersey and half Holstein, that has produced 460 pounds of butter in a year, but she eats about 25 per cent, more than pure Jerseys producing as much butter. Butter fat is wliat cows should produce, not water.. Primrose, 21 lbs. 10 02, in Seven Days. Thoroughbreds.—Is it best to keep thoroughbreds? Yes, if they are good ones. Many persons claim that they can not afford to keep thoroughbreds, because they cost too much. Thousands and thousands of thorough- breds are not worth $20.00 ahead, becau
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7RBD–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species . Stock Photo
RM2AJCY5A–Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species .
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 39 on, are born, not made. How many cows in the United States will produce four hundred pounds of biitter a year? Probably one out of five can be made to yield that much. No amouiit of feeding, care and training can make anything but scrubs out of the other four. Four- hundred-pound cows are born, not made. Do you sup- pose men greatly differ from cows in respect to capac- ity? There is good stock and poor stock in men as well. Dairying Don't Pay. as in cow^s—thoroughbreds and scrubs. You can not make a man strong mentally unless he has the prenatal Stock Photo
RMPFK4Y1–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 39 on, are born, not made. How many cows in the United States will produce four hundred pounds of biitter a year? Probably one out of five can be made to yield that much. No amouiit of feeding, care and training can make anything but scrubs out of the other four. Four- hundred-pound cows are born, not made. Do you sup- pose men greatly differ from cows in respect to capac- ity? There is good stock and poor stock in men as well. Dairying Don't Pay. as in cow^s—thoroughbreds and scrubs. You can not make a man strong mentally unless he has the prenatal
. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . â¢n â Stock Photo
RMME830J–. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . â¢n â
. The rulers of the Mediterranean. ver been shaded from thesun, and at the spring and swing of legs that hadnever worn civilized trousers, I recalled severalnotable battles of past history, and the more re-cent lines of Mr. Rudyard Kipling where he payshis compliments to the Russian on the frontier: Im sorry for Mr. Bluebeard,Id be sorry to cause him pain;But a hell of a spreeThere is sure to beWhen he comes back again. The Oriental is one of those people who dothings by halves. He has a fine army, but thebulk of his navy has not left the Golden Hornfor many years, and it is doubtful if it cou Stock Photo
RM2AFMGJE–. The rulers of the Mediterranean. ver been shaded from thesun, and at the spring and swing of legs that hadnever worn civilized trousers, I recalled severalnotable battles of past history, and the more re-cent lines of Mr. Rudyard Kipling where he payshis compliments to the Russian on the frontier: Im sorry for Mr. Bluebeard,Id be sorry to cause him pain;But a hell of a spreeThere is sure to beWhen he comes back again. The Oriental is one of those people who dothings by halves. He has a fine army, but thebulk of his navy has not left the Golden Hornfor many years, and it is doubtful if it cou
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. yo DAIRY FORTUNES. Test Bottles.—The accompanying test bottles are necessary, to successful and simple testing : / n.6tx. Pipet. I MSet -Z Milk. Cream. Skim Milk. Acid Measure* The milk bottle is scaled from one to ten per cent. The cream bottle is scaled from one to thirty per cent. The skim milk bottle is scaled from one-tenth to six- tenths per cent. The Sample.—To get a good sample of milk for testing, it is necessary to have the milk from which you. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced fo Stock Photo
RMPFJY4E–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. yo DAIRY FORTUNES. Test Bottles.—The accompanying test bottles are necessary, to successful and simple testing : / n.6tx. Pipet. I MSet -Z Milk. Cream. Skim Milk. Acid Measure* The milk bottle is scaled from one to ten per cent. The cream bottle is scaled from one to thirty per cent. The skim milk bottle is scaled from one-tenth to six- tenths per cent. The Sample.—To get a good sample of milk for testing, it is necessary to have the milk from which you. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced fo
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7R9G–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . e used ;3 and 4 are the lenses.These are so ground thatwhenasmall diaphragmis used, parallel rays willbe brought to a focus ata short distance aboutthe upper lens. When,however, no diaphragmis used, the rays are re-fracted so that the ob-ject is illuminated fromall sides. All of the im-age which is producedby shadow is thus oblit-erated. Those parts, however, which are colored still show, for thecol Stock Photo
RM2AN6Y8N–An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . e used ;3 and 4 are the lenses.These are so ground thatwhenasmall diaphragmis used, parallel rays willbe brought to a focus ata short distance aboutthe upper lens. When,however, no diaphragmis used, the rays are re-fracted so that the ob-ject is illuminated fromall sides. All of the im-age which is producedby shadow is thus oblit-erated. Those parts, however, which are colored still show, for thecol
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 124 DAIRY FORTUNES. Round Silo.—The round silo is best, because there are no angles and corners for mold centers. The round silo can be made by using two inch staves and hoop with iron rods I to f inch in diameter, with proper tightening nuts on the ends of the rods. Hoops should be about two and one-half feet apart. Staves should be four to eight feet long and four to eight inches wide. Doors can be put in where needed. The round silo is not costly. White lead can be Ube<] at the end of staves to make the joint air tight, or ends of staves can be groved and narr Stock Photo
RMPFJY3W–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 124 DAIRY FORTUNES. Round Silo.—The round silo is best, because there are no angles and corners for mold centers. The round silo can be made by using two inch staves and hoop with iron rods I to f inch in diameter, with proper tightening nuts on the ends of the rods. Hoops should be about two and one-half feet apart. Staves should be four to eight feet long and four to eight inches wide. Doors can be put in where needed. The round silo is not costly. White lead can be Ube<] at the end of staves to make the joint air tight, or ends of staves can be groved and narr
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith KunPt-Anft.v. Aug Kürth,Leipzig. Stock Photo
RMMABGM0–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith KunPt-Anft.v. Aug Kürth,Leipzig.
Peeps into China . 90 CHAPTEE XVI. A VISIT TO THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA.. ERY few visitors to the city of Peking havethe humility or courage to abstain fromvisiting the Great Wall. Not to do asothers do would be an eccentricity. Themissionary, not altogether free from innate pride,listens to the call of his worldly ambition, and aftermany an inward struggle makes one desperate resolve,and goes to the wall/ Happy the man who can finda guide, not from among the covetous Chinamen orfrom the ranks of easy-going men of the world, butfrom those cool-headed men of experience who formthe missionary body Stock Photo
RM2AX2Y0C–Peeps into China . 90 CHAPTEE XVI. A VISIT TO THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA.. ERY few visitors to the city of Peking havethe humility or courage to abstain fromvisiting the Great Wall. Not to do asothers do would be an eccentricity. Themissionary, not altogether free from innate pride,listens to the call of his worldly ambition, and aftermany an inward struggle makes one desperate resolve,and goes to the wall/ Happy the man who can finda guide, not from among the covetous Chinamen orfrom the ranks of easy-going men of the world, butfrom those cool-headed men of experience who formthe missionary body
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 71 take the sample thoroughly mixed. The best time to get the sample is when the milk is fresh—just from the cow. The milk should be poured from one vessel to another, two or three times. Then put the end of pipet in your mouth, and draw it nearly full of milk; place your finger over the upper end, quickly, and by admiting a little air, let the milk run down, gently, until the A mark is reached; empty the milk in pipet into milk bottle; blow in the pipet to expel all the milk adhering to the sides. Sulphuric acid should be used. Many dairymen use the Stock Photo
RMPFJY4A–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 71 take the sample thoroughly mixed. The best time to get the sample is when the milk is fresh—just from the cow. The milk should be poured from one vessel to another, two or three times. Then put the end of pipet in your mouth, and draw it nearly full of milk; place your finger over the upper end, quickly, and by admiting a little air, let the milk run down, gently, until the A mark is reached; empty the milk in pipet into milk bottle; blow in the pipet to expel all the milk adhering to the sides. Sulphuric acid should be used. Many dairymen use the
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . tith.Kunft-Anft.v.Aug.Miirth, Leipz 5 Stock Photo
RMMABGKD–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . tith.Kunft-Anft.v.Aug.Miirth, Leipz 5
An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . ers is facilitated by placing a piece of tinted glass inthe path of the rays from the drawmg surface. This form ofc. lucida is designed for use with a vertical microscope, and is veryefficient and easily employed in drawing with both low and highpowers. [B, 21 ; J.]—C. medullaris [Wiuslow]. See Centrumovale.—C. obscura. Fr., chambre noire, Ger., dunkle Kam-mer. An apparatus invented by Porta for obt Stock Photo
RM2AN9B17–An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . ers is facilitated by placing a piece of tinted glass inthe path of the rays from the drawmg surface. This form ofc. lucida is designed for use with a vertical microscope, and is veryefficient and easily employed in drawing with both low and highpowers. [B, 21 ; J.]—C. medullaris [Wiuslow]. See Centrumovale.—C. obscura. Fr., chambre noire, Ger., dunkle Kam-mer. An apparatus invented by Porta for obt
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR! CHE De Laval Cream Separators have revolutionized the Cream- ery and Dairy methods of the world since their introduction fifteen years ago. They have increased the productiveness of the Dairy industry luliy One Hundred Millions of Dollars a year in that time, and practically earned that much in a year for their users. They have been the ''keynote" of modern dairjing. They are now used in every countrj' of the globe, and the total number in use is nearly 125,0(30, or more than ten times that of all the one hundred or more Stock Photo!-che-de-laval-cream-separators-have-revolutionized-the-cream-ery-and-dairy-methods-of-the-world-since-their-introduction-fifteen-years-ago-they-have-increased-the-productiveness-of-the-dairy-industry-luliy-one-hundred-millions-of-dollars-a-year-in-that-time-and-practically-earned-that-much-in-a-year-for-their-users-they-have-been-the-keynotequot-of-modern-dairjing-they-are-now-used-in-every-countrj-of-the-globe-and-the-total-number-in-use-is-nearly-125030-or-more-than-ten-times-that-of-all-the-one-hundred-or-more-image216160617.html
RMPFJY21–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS A YEAR! CHE De Laval Cream Separators have revolutionized the Cream- ery and Dairy methods of the world since their introduction fifteen years ago. They have increased the productiveness of the Dairy industry luliy One Hundred Millions of Dollars a year in that time, and practically earned that much in a year for their users. They have been the ''keynote" of modern dairjing. They are now used in every countrj' of the globe, and the total number in use is nearly 125,0(30, or more than ten times that of all the one hundred or more
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Stock Photo
RMMABGNH–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild .
Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions . first Protestant orphanageestablished in Argentine was founded at Buenos Ayres by Mr. W. C. K.Torre, in 1894, and is still conducted by him. The Orphan Home ofthe Anglican Church in Trinidad has igo inmates. The Rev. W. D.Powell has opened an institution at Toluca, Mexico, and the Moraviansone for Indian children at New Fairfield, Canada. 14. Promoting Cleanliness and Sanitation. —Cleanliness is a social virtue, and Christian missions foster it in many lands where dirt is domesticated in the homes of the people, Stock Photo
RM2ANH2HH–Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions . first Protestant orphanageestablished in Argentine was founded at Buenos Ayres by Mr. W. C. K.Torre, in 1894, and is still conducted by him. The Orphan Home ofthe Anglican Church in Trinidad has igo inmates. The Rev. W. D.Powell has opened an institution at Toluca, Mexico, and the Moraviansone for Indian children at New Fairfield, Canada. 14. Promoting Cleanliness and Sanitation. —Cleanliness is a social virtue, and Christian missions foster it in many lands where dirt is domesticated in the homes of the people,
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 167 Salting and Working.—If you desire to salt in the churn, let the water drain ofY thoroughly and then sift into the churn the salt, which should be the best and fin- est, and free from disagreeable odors—three-fourths to one ounce to every pound of butter will be sufficient. Turn slowly a few^ minutes, let the butter remain in the churn one to three hours, so that the salt will be thoroughly dissolved; drain off the water if there is any and turn again several minutes. If churned at a low temperature it will be ready to print or pack. If churned a Stock Photo
RMPFJY2M–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 167 Salting and Working.—If you desire to salt in the churn, let the water drain ofY thoroughly and then sift into the churn the salt, which should be the best and fin- est, and free from disagreeable odors—three-fourths to one ounce to every pound of butter will be sufficient. Turn slowly a few^ minutes, let the butter remain in the churn one to three hours, so that the salt will be thoroughly dissolved; drain off the water if there is any and turn again several minutes. If churned at a low temperature it will be ready to print or pack. If churned a
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Stock Photo
RMMABGK5–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild .
The cave dwellers of southern Tunisia; recollections of a sojourn with the khalifa of Matmata; . a touron horseback over the greater part of SouthernTunisia; he was therefore acquainted, not only with WITH DRUMMOND HAY IN TUNIS the loc-alitic«, but also with several of the nativechiefs who wouhi l)c able to assist me. He under-stands the people and their country thoroughly, forhe speaks Arabic like a native, and is quite con-versant with the life, . opinions, manners, andcustoms of the in-habitants. His wifehad travelled far andwide with him inMorocco when he wasserving under hisfather, and ac Stock Photo
RM2AX7FC8–The cave dwellers of southern Tunisia; recollections of a sojourn with the khalifa of Matmata; . a touron horseback over the greater part of SouthernTunisia; he was therefore acquainted, not only with WITH DRUMMOND HAY IN TUNIS the loc-alitic«, but also with several of the nativechiefs who wouhi l)c able to assist me. He under-stands the people and their country thoroughly, forhe speaks Arabic like a native, and is quite con-versant with the life, . opinions, manners, andcustoms of the in-habitants. His wifehad travelled far andwide with him inMorocco when he wasserving under hisfather, and ac
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 22 DAIRY FORTUNES. When a cow is fresh, her milk is low in fat and highest when stripping. It may vary as much as 40 per cent. Test her carefully, when she has been in milk about three, five and six months, for several days and the average for the three tests will be about the per cent, your cow will test. In testing, always take the sample from the entire milking after it has been mixed thor- oughly. The first milk of a milking is very poor in fat, and the last very rich, the last half being about 2^ times as rich as the first half.. Never Tested. When is a Cow's M Stock Photo
RMPFK502–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 22 DAIRY FORTUNES. When a cow is fresh, her milk is low in fat and highest when stripping. It may vary as much as 40 per cent. Test her carefully, when she has been in milk about three, five and six months, for several days and the average for the three tests will be about the per cent, your cow will test. In testing, always take the sample from the entire milking after it has been mixed thor- oughly. The first milk of a milking is very poor in fat, and the last very rich, the last half being about 2^ times as rich as the first half.. Never Tested. When is a Cow's M
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . — oo oooog Stock Photo
RMMABGND–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . — oo oooog
Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species . Stock Photo
RM2AJCYA2–Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species .
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 38 DAIRY FORTUNES.. This is a fair engraving of my cow, Carmena, that produced 10,741 pounds of milk in one year, which churned 859^ pounds of butter, that averaged fully 85 per cent. fat. No churning was done at a tem- perature above 57 degrees. Another year's record in de- tail of this cow is given on opposite page—No. i. Her milk was tested regularly and carefully and the test cor- responded very closely to the product of the churn. I have been offered $1,000 for her and $150 for one of her calves when it was six weeks old. She had only ordi- nary care when she p Stock Photo
RMPFK4YC–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 38 DAIRY FORTUNES.. This is a fair engraving of my cow, Carmena, that produced 10,741 pounds of milk in one year, which churned 859^ pounds of butter, that averaged fully 85 per cent. fat. No churning was done at a tem- perature above 57 degrees. Another year's record in de- tail of this cow is given on opposite page—No. i. Her milk was tested regularly and carefully and the test cor- responded very closely to the product of the churn. I have been offered $1,000 for her and $150 for one of her calves when it was six weeks old. She had only ordi- nary care when she p
. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . so 56 Stock Photo
RMME82X5–. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . so 56
Julius Cahn's official theatrical guide. . ketAgenr, Cleveland, Ohio. F. M. Byron, Southern Calif. Passenger Agt.,Los Angeles, Cal. J. W. Dalv, Gen. Eastern Passenger Agent,Buffalo, N. Y. C. C. Crane, Pacific Coast Agent, San Fran-cisco, Cal. W. B. Hutter. Northwestern Passenger Agent,St. Paul, Minn. J. E. Gunckel, Passenger Agent, Toledo, Ohio. M. E. Gaul, City Passenger Agent, Cleveland,Ohio. LEHIGH VALLEY R. R.Charles S. Lee, Gen. Passenger Agent, New York.A. W. Nonnemacher, Division Passenger Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa.A. A. Heard, Gen. Eastern Passenger Agent, 355 Broadway, New York.W. B. Stock Photo
RM2AM78DW–Julius Cahn's official theatrical guide. . ketAgenr, Cleveland, Ohio. F. M. Byron, Southern Calif. Passenger Agt.,Los Angeles, Cal. J. W. Dalv, Gen. Eastern Passenger Agent,Buffalo, N. Y. C. C. Crane, Pacific Coast Agent, San Fran-cisco, Cal. W. B. Hutter. Northwestern Passenger Agent,St. Paul, Minn. J. E. Gunckel, Passenger Agent, Toledo, Ohio. M. E. Gaul, City Passenger Agent, Cleveland,Ohio. LEHIGH VALLEY R. R.Charles S. Lee, Gen. Passenger Agent, New York.A. W. Nonnemacher, Division Passenger Agt., South Bethlehem, Pa.A. A. Heard, Gen. Eastern Passenger Agent, 355 Broadway, New York.W. B.
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Neat Milk Test riachine. Opened and closed. Shows inclination of bottles when in motion. They incline I0 prevent milk from be- ing thrown out when in motion.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co Stock Photo
RMPFJY47–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Neat Milk Test riachine. Opened and closed. Shows inclination of bottles when in motion. They incline I0 prevent milk from be- ing thrown out when in motion.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . JJth Anft i Stock Photo
RMMABGNW–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . JJth Anft i
An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . 4).]—D. ceratocaula.Fr., d. comu. A. West Indian species having similar propertiesto those of C. .?stramonium. [B, 173,180 (a, 24).]—D. cigars. SeeCigaret(B stramonii.—D. en arbre (Fr.). See D. arborea.—D.fastuosa. Fr.. d.fasteux, manieau dit Christ, frompette dujuge-ment. A. species considered more poisonous than D. alba. Theroot is prescribed by Mohammedan physicians in epilepsy, and theHindoo doc Stock Photo
RM2AN6AY6–An illustrated encyclopædic medical dictionaryBeing a dictionary of the technical terms used by writers on medicine and the collateral sciences, in the Latin, English, French and German languages . 4).]—D. ceratocaula.Fr., d. comu. A. West Indian species having similar propertiesto those of C. .?stramonium. [B, 173,180 (a, 24).]—D. cigars. SeeCigaret(B stramonii.—D. en arbre (Fr.). See D. arborea.—D.fastuosa. Fr.. d.fasteux, manieau dit Christ, frompette dujuge-ment. A. species considered more poisonous than D. alba. Theroot is prescribed by Mohammedan physicians in epilepsy, and theHindoo doc
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Twenty Cows AND A r Sharpies Farm Separator WILL MAKE MORE BUTTER THAN TWENTY-FIVE COWS AND NO SEPARATOR.... The Separator will make finer butter; also finer color, finer grain, finer flavor and finer keeping. The St-parator will give fresh, warm skim milk worth more than double, cold sour milk for calf feed- ing. The sale of two out of tliefive cows will make the price of the Separator, and money from the other three goes into bank. There is one-fifth less feed to buy, lesswork to do, less stable room needed, and while cows do die Sep- arators don't. We have lots o Stock Photo
RMPFJY0R–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Twenty Cows AND A r Sharpies Farm Separator WILL MAKE MORE BUTTER THAN TWENTY-FIVE COWS AND NO SEPARATOR.... The Separator will make finer butter; also finer color, finer grain, finer flavor and finer keeping. The St-parator will give fresh, warm skim milk worth more than double, cold sour milk for calf feed- ing. The sale of two out of tliefive cows will make the price of the Separator, and money from the other three goes into bank. There is one-fifth less feed to buy, lesswork to do, less stable room needed, and while cows do die Sep- arators don't. We have lots o
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith Kunft-Antt.v Aug.Künth,Leipzig. Stock Photo
RMMABGMK–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith Kunft-Antt.v Aug.Künth,Leipzig.
Peeps into China . right, for nohigh towers, church spires, or colossal residences appearin sight. But Peking is not Paris, Constantinople, orNew York. When only a mile distant you may seerising up from the plain a high wall crowned withwarlike buttresses—but, besides, nothing more to tellthat thinking, feeling people dwell within. Yourfancy is running wild until you pass through acity gate over a hideous stone road, your head jerkedin all directions at well-nigh the same moment oftime. Entering the city, you see a fairyland in openday, not magnificent, but only novel. On and on youride, and a Stock Photo
RM2AX2WE2–Peeps into China . right, for nohigh towers, church spires, or colossal residences appearin sight. But Peking is not Paris, Constantinople, orNew York. When only a mile distant you may seerising up from the plain a high wall crowned withwarlike buttresses—but, besides, nothing more to tellthat thinking, feeling people dwell within. Yourfancy is running wild until you pass through acity gate over a hideous stone road, your head jerkedin all directions at well-nigh the same moment oftime. Entering the city, you see a fairyland in openday, not magnificent, but only novel. On and on youride, and a
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. COPYRIGHTED BY SPECIALTY PUBLISHING COMPANY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. JUN 2 9; ). â yvCv ^^ ^^<p A '^9?. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co Stock Photo
RMPFK50P–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. COPYRIGHTED BY SPECIALTY PUBLISHING COMPANY, CINCINNATI, OHIO. JUN 2 9; ). â yvCv ^^ ^^<p A '^9?. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Gehörknöchelchen der rechten Seite von Hatteria (Sphenodon pundatus). Viermal vergr., nach Peters (78). st Stapes (Columella). m Malleus, hy Zungenbeinhorn. o Occipitale basilare. o1 Occipitale superius. o2 Occipitale laterale, o3 Occipitale externum (Opisthoticum). /Foramen magnum. p Petrosum (Prooticum). ms Mastoideum (Squainosum). q Quadratum. md Man- dibula (Unterkiefer). Bindegewebe verbunden, theilweise vielleicht auch an ihn angewachsen st. Dieses Verhalten lässt sich nach Peters a Stock Photo
RMMABGPE–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Gehörknöchelchen der rechten Seite von Hatteria (Sphenodon pundatus). Viermal vergr., nach Peters (78). st Stapes (Columella). m Malleus, hy Zungenbeinhorn. o Occipitale basilare. o1 Occipitale superius. o2 Occipitale laterale, o3 Occipitale externum (Opisthoticum). /Foramen magnum. p Petrosum (Prooticum). ms Mastoideum (Squainosum). q Quadratum. md Man- dibula (Unterkiefer). Bindegewebe verbunden, theilweise vielleicht auch an ihn angewachsen st. Dieses Verhalten lässt sich nach Peters a
Autobiography and personal reminiscences of Major-General BenjFButler : Butler's book : a review of his legal, political, and military career . i^lliZ>m%Amil!? ill^^^ Stock Photo!-ill-image340024112.html
RM2AN5C68–Autobiography and personal reminiscences of Major-General BenjFButler : Butler's book : a review of his legal, political, and military career . i^lliZ>m%Amil!? ill^^^
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 122 DAIRY FORTUNES. begin with the second coat of boards—if you paper the entire side before putting on boards it will be difficult to hit the joist with nails used in boards. It is important that all board nails should be driven into joists, to pre- vent making air holes. Never keep more than two widths of paper ahead of weatherboarding. Begin in a corner with second coat of boards—begin with a board six inches wide, so as to "break joint" with first coat of boards. You also want to "break joint" at ends of boards also. Use no knotty boards. It Stock Photo
RMPFJY3X–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 122 DAIRY FORTUNES. begin with the second coat of boards—if you paper the entire side before putting on boards it will be difficult to hit the joist with nails used in boards. It is important that all board nails should be driven into joists, to pre- vent making air holes. Never keep more than two widths of paper ahead of weatherboarding. Begin in a corner with second coat of boards—begin with a board six inches wide, so as to "break joint" with first coat of boards. You also want to "break joint" at ends of boards also. Use no knotty boards. It
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7RF7–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
. Clinical medicine. Atophan, made in U. S. A., is available every-where through the Drug Trade, or direct from SCHERING & GLATZ, INC., 150 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK When writing Advertisers please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine DEPARTMENT OF PROGRESSIVE ADVERTISERS 13 DICHLORAMINE-T. Stock Photo
RM2AG16X5–. Clinical medicine. Atophan, made in U. S. A., is available every-where through the Drug Trade, or direct from SCHERING & GLATZ, INC., 150 Maiden Lane, NEW YORK When writing Advertisers please mention The American Journal of Clinical Medicine DEPARTMENT OF PROGRESSIVE ADVERTISERS 13 DICHLORAMINE-T.
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 41 and their children " brats.'' Successful dairying depends as much upon thoroughbred dairymen as it does upon thoroughbred cows. There are millions of intelligent, capable dairymen who simply need the necessary infor- mation to make them successful. The books that have been written have done much, but about three-fourths of the dairymen are without dairy literature of. There's No Money in Cows. any kind. Books are good, but the dairy paper is indis- pensible, as it always is up-to-date, or ought to be. This article is written in a spirit of ki Stock Photo
RMPFK4XP–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 41 and their children " brats.'' Successful dairying depends as much upon thoroughbred dairymen as it does upon thoroughbred cows. There are millions of intelligent, capable dairymen who simply need the necessary infor- mation to make them successful. The books that have been written have done much, but about three-fourths of the dairymen are without dairy literature of. There's No Money in Cows. any kind. Books are good, but the dairy paper is indis- pensible, as it always is up-to-date, or ought to be. This article is written in a spirit of ki
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7RCX–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
Julius Cahn's official theatrical guide. . -^--r.-ri-- -ril? 506 JUUJMBftSllft NEBRASKA.—Continued. Railroads—Union Pacific, W. H. -Ben-ham, agt. B. & M., J. T. Cox, agt. Publisher of programme—Huburt Bur-russ. CONZAD—Pop., 795. Hannas Hall.Mrs. Robt. Hanna, mgr. S. c, 200. Il-ium., lamps. Width prose, opening, 18ft. Height, 11 ft. Depth footlights toback wall, 20 ft. Dist. curtain line tofootlights, 2 ft. Theatre on second floor.Dr. J. H. Fochtman, physician. W. W.Smith, lawyer. Newspapers—Two weeklies. Hotels—Hendee, $1 to $2. Commer-cial, $1 to $2. Railroad—Union Pacific, C. E. Spear,agt. * Stock Photo
RM2AM7TRX–Julius Cahn's official theatrical guide. . -^--r.-ri-- -ril? 506 JUUJMBftSllft NEBRASKA.—Continued. Railroads—Union Pacific, W. H. -Ben-ham, agt. B. & M., J. T. Cox, agt. Publisher of programme—Huburt Bur-russ. CONZAD—Pop., 795. Hannas Hall.Mrs. Robt. Hanna, mgr. S. c, 200. Il-ium., lamps. Width prose, opening, 18ft. Height, 11 ft. Depth footlights toback wall, 20 ft. Dist. curtain line tofootlights, 2 ft. Theatre on second floor.Dr. J. H. Fochtman, physician. W. W.Smith, lawyer. Newspapers—Two weeklies. Hotels—Hendee, $1 to $2. Commer-cial, $1 to $2. Railroad—Union Pacific, C. E. Spear,agt. *
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. I20 DAIRY FORTUNES. Cut a hole in the floor a little larger than the silo to give you room to put in the joists without being cramped. You can start on top of the ground or can make an ex- cavation as deep as desired. I prefer to have the bottom of silo about five feet below the barn floor, as the height above floor will be less. If you build a silo twenty-four feet above floor much more power will be necessary to carry the cut corn over the top than if five feet of the silo are below floor and only nineteen feet above. When you have the excavation the desired depth Stock Photo
RMPFJY3Y–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. I20 DAIRY FORTUNES. Cut a hole in the floor a little larger than the silo to give you room to put in the joists without being cramped. You can start on top of the ground or can make an ex- cavation as deep as desired. I prefer to have the bottom of silo about five feet below the barn floor, as the height above floor will be less. If you build a silo twenty-four feet above floor much more power will be necessary to carry the cut corn over the top than if five feet of the silo are below floor and only nineteen feet above. When you have the excavation the desired depth
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . ?â Stock Photo
RMMABGMF–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . ?â
. Around and about South America. teamers, we wended our way to the harbors mouth.Passing between the grand old Sugar-Loaf and the grim, grayfort of Santa Cruz, with our ensign lowered and raised, asthough in recognition of both, we signaled good-by, oursalutation being slowly returned from the fortress. Weturned from the south to the east, and, passing between twosmall, rocky islands, I took my last view of Eio de Janeiro—strange, dreamy, charming Eio. The shore along which weskirted presented the same odd jumble of hills as those tothe westward of the entrance to the famous bay. We car-ried Stock Photo
RM2AG28YT–. Around and about South America. teamers, we wended our way to the harbors mouth.Passing between the grand old Sugar-Loaf and the grim, grayfort of Santa Cruz, with our ensign lowered and raised, asthough in recognition of both, we signaled good-by, oursalutation being slowly returned from the fortress. Weturned from the south to the east, and, passing between twosmall, rocky islands, I took my last view of Eio de Janeiro—strange, dreamy, charming Eio. The shore along which weskirted presented the same odd jumble of hills as those tothe westward of the entrance to the famous bay. We car-ried
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. Coolers. i8i To get first-class milk and cream it is necessary to cool and aerate them thoroughly. If you use a separa- tor a cooler an aerator can be used while the cream is passing from separator to cream can, or any time within an hour after cream is separated. There are many good ones. Any tinner can make you one if you are not sat- isfied with such as you can buy. I use one like engraving. Aerator. and find it satisfactory for all practical purposes. Ice is indispensable to successful dairying, unless you live in the arctic regions. As soon as c Stock Photo
RMPFJY29–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. Coolers. i8i To get first-class milk and cream it is necessary to cool and aerate them thoroughly. If you use a separa- tor a cooler an aerator can be used while the cream is passing from separator to cream can, or any time within an hour after cream is separated. There are many good ones. Any tinner can make you one if you are not sat- isfied with such as you can buy. I use one like engraving. Aerator. and find it satisfactory for all practical purposes. Ice is indispensable to successful dairying, unless you live in the arctic regions. As soon as c
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7REJ–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
Autobiography and personal reminiscences of Major-General BenjFButler : Butler's book : a review of his legal, political, and military career . or a flax seed, which is in someparts of the country used for the same purpose. Notwithstanding all my unfortunate delays I found that I wasquite in season in my arrival at Ship Island. Indeed, I had to waitthere not only for the admirals fleet to get to the mouth of theMississippi, but some fourteen days more, while the ships were beingworked over the bar. When I contemplated my position at Ship Island it seemed as ifI had an herculean task before me. Stock Photo
RM2AN621X–Autobiography and personal reminiscences of Major-General BenjFButler : Butler's book : a review of his legal, political, and military career . or a flax seed, which is in someparts of the country used for the same purpose. Notwithstanding all my unfortunate delays I found that I wasquite in season in my arrival at Ship Island. Indeed, I had to waitthere not only for the admirals fleet to get to the mouth of theMississippi, but some fourteen days more, while the ships were beingworked over the bar. When I contemplated my position at Ship Island it seemed as ifI had an herculean task before me.
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES.. Dairy Fortunes v/ill as^^ist dairymen, and will en- able them to make dimes instead of cents. I have at- tempted to give the reader the most important points about successful dairying—just enough to enable him to act intelligently and to improve his condition with less labor. I have placed 300 pound cows where they belong —in the butcher's hands. To read, every week, in our dairy papers, that such and such dairymen are proud of the fact that their cows have reached the 300 pound mark, discourages the intelligent, enterprising dairyman. These so-call Stock Photo
RMPFK51E–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES.. Dairy Fortunes v/ill as^^ist dairymen, and will en- able them to make dimes instead of cents. I have at- tempted to give the reader the most important points about successful dairying—just enough to enable him to act intelligently and to improve his condition with less labor. I have placed 300 pound cows where they belong —in the butcher's hands. To read, every week, in our dairy papers, that such and such dairymen are proud of the fact that their cows have reached the 300 pound mark, discourages the intelligent, enterprising dairyman. These so-call
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith Kunftflnft.v.Aug. Kürth, Leipzig. Stock Photo
RMMABGKC–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith Kunftflnft.v.Aug. Kürth, Leipzig.
Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions . thers, was sent out to SierraLeone by the Church Missionary Society in 1816, and was busy duringthe seven years of his life there in receiving the rescued slaves as theywere landed by cruisers, and bringing them under Christian instruction,by which they were trained for usefulness.^ In 1822 there were twothousand freed slaves in the mission schools, and thousands more werereached by Christian teaching. The Governor of the colony, in com-menting upon the fact, remarked: The hand of Heaven is on this.Dr. Cust, in Stock Photo
RM2ANJ0TD–Christian missions and social progress; a sociological study of foreign missions . thers, was sent out to SierraLeone by the Church Missionary Society in 1816, and was busy duringthe seven years of his life there in receiving the rescued slaves as theywere landed by cruisers, and bringing them under Christian instruction,by which they were trained for usefulness.^ In 1822 there were twothousand freed slaves in the mission schools, and thousands more werereached by Christian teaching. The Governor of the colony, in com-menting upon the fact, remarked: The hand of Heaven is on this.Dr. Cust, in
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Deep-setting Can.. Cooley Can, with Adjustable Cream Spout. creaming. All milk that is set in Cooley or "shotgun'* cans should be cooled and aerated first, to prevent disa-. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co Stock Photo
RMPFJY35–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. Deep-setting Can.. Cooley Can, with Adjustable Cream Spout. creaming. All milk that is set in Cooley or "shotgun'* cans should be cooled and aerated first, to prevent disa-. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . â liH>.Anft.v.Aug.Xiirth,Leipii'q Stock Photo
RMMABGNC–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . â liH>.Anft.v.Aug.Xiirth,Leipii'q
. Around and about South America. e in Lima visit this church to worshipon an occasion believed to be especially favorable for remis-sion of sin and admission of salvation. The convent inclos-ure was filled with a motley crowd of mendicants and poorpeople, who were mostly women. They carried tin cups andbasins, and what appeared very like discarded tomato-cans, tobe filled with food by the friars. In the street before thechurch were the stands of a dozen or so sellers of chicha andother native drinks, fruits, candies, etc. Hacks and tram-carswere continually bringing new arrivals, all clad in Stock Photo
RM2AG2WPM–. Around and about South America. e in Lima visit this church to worshipon an occasion believed to be especially favorable for remis-sion of sin and admission of salvation. The convent inclos-ure was filled with a motley crowd of mendicants and poorpeople, who were mostly women. They carried tin cups andbasins, and what appeared very like discarded tomato-cans, tobe filled with food by the friars. In the street before thechurch were the stands of a dozen or so sellers of chicha andother native drinks, fruits, candies, etc. Hacks and tram-carswere continually bringing new arrivals, all clad in
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. We mal<e many otlier styles, and will be pleased to mail you our Catalogue on application.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co Stock Photo
RMPFJY14–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. We mal<e many otlier styles, and will be pleased to mail you our Catalogue on application.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . 2» ' - Vn- - ||p 4. A " "' f H": Stock Photo
RMMABGMG–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . 2» ' - Vn- - ||p 4. A " "' f H":
Peeps into China . CHAPTER XXXIV. CHRISTIANITY THE GREAT NEED OF CHINA.. N the contact of foreigners with China,certain distinct views are held concerningthe best method for securing the develop-ment of the nation. One class of personsadvocates, first and last, mere material prosperity, asindicated by commerce, railroads, mining, naval andmilitary equipments and training, and alterations inthe management of the government. Another classpleads for education, scientific and secular. A thirdclass, as represented by the Eoman Catholic Missions,aims always for the supremacy of the visible Church,wh Stock Photo
RM2AX27MF–Peeps into China . CHAPTER XXXIV. CHRISTIANITY THE GREAT NEED OF CHINA.. N the contact of foreigners with China,certain distinct views are held concerningthe best method for securing the develop-ment of the nation. One class of personsadvocates, first and last, mere material prosperity, asindicated by commerce, railroads, mining, naval andmilitary equipments and training, and alterations inthe management of the government. Another classpleads for education, scientific and secular. A thirdclass, as represented by the Eoman Catholic Missions,aims always for the supremacy of the visible Church,wh
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 143 DAIRY FORTUNES. The opening should be about ten inches. One of the rods can be drawn back at top to enable cow to enter. The rods can be made of iron pipe.. Cow Stanchion. The opening into manger is ten inches wide and boarded up nine inches from the platform on which the cow stands. This tie gives the cow freedom of the head and neck, and is roomy and comfortable when she is lying. The uprights on each side of her neck should be one and one-fourth inch iron rods, and the iron rings around them should be about two and one-half inches in diameter, to enable them Stock Photo
RMPFJY3D–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 143 DAIRY FORTUNES. The opening should be about ten inches. One of the rods can be drawn back at top to enable cow to enter. The rods can be made of iron pipe.. Cow Stanchion. The opening into manger is ten inches wide and boarded up nine inches from the platform on which the cow stands. This tie gives the cow freedom of the head and neck, and is roomy and comfortable when she is lying. The uprights on each side of her neck should be one and one-fourth inch iron rods, and the iron rings around them should be about two and one-half inches in diameter, to enable them
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . (i. Surbeck. -Mollusken. Stock Photo
RMME7RBY–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . (i. Surbeck. -Mollusken.
The fables of Æsop, selected, told anew and their history traced . i-lililp Stock Photo
RM2ANERT3–The fables of Æsop, selected, told anew and their history traced . i-lililp
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. ERRORS. Just before printing the last form we discovered several errors in spelling— a few words subsiiluted and some other slight mistakes not found in the author's manuscript. As not many of these errors are of nuieh importance we shall refer to but few ot them : Page 37—5th line from bottom, 8% should be 2— Pajic 46.—6th line of reading matter, nearly should be more than. Page 67.—14th line from bottom,/n^.v should be/ny. Page 192.—13th line frrni bottom, vionths should be much. Page 201.—4th line from bottom, require should be requires. Errors in spelling are th Stock Photo
RMPFJY10–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. ERRORS. Just before printing the last form we discovered several errors in spelling— a few words subsiiluted and some other slight mistakes not found in the author's manuscript. As not many of these errors are of nuieh importance we shall refer to but few ot them : Page 37—5th line from bottom, 8% should be 2— Pajic 46.—6th line of reading matter, nearly should be more than. Page 67.—14th line from bottom,/n^.v should be/ny. Page 192.—13th line frrni bottom, vionths should be much. Page 201.—4th line from bottom, require should be requires. Errors in spelling are th
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith. Kunft-AnPt. v. Aug. Kü'rth, Leipzig Stock Photo
RMMABGM4–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith. Kunft-AnPt. v. Aug. Kü'rth, Leipzig
Haddock's directory of Manchester, Va., and suburbs which is appended a business directory of Chesterfield County .. . 13th ANJD CAHY STS.,RICHMOND, VA. Inge Angeliue H wid Lucius D. r 1113 HullIngram John H Hon, judge Hustings Court r 1201 PorterIngram Lawrence, physician r 1201 PorterIngram Page YV, liremau r 920 McDonoughIn man Shadraeb. upholsterer r 409 w 7thTNSURANCS COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (Phila-i delphia), A J Bradley & Co agts 1004H ail*Irvin Charles lab r loth nr Decatur*Irvin David, lab r loth nr DecaturIrvin John H, carpenter r 1114 McDonoughLsemau H Mrs, agt Julius Sycle & Stock Photo
RM2AKFRMY–Haddock's directory of Manchester, Va., and suburbs which is appended a business directory of Chesterfield County .. . 13th ANJD CAHY STS.,RICHMOND, VA. Inge Angeliue H wid Lucius D. r 1113 HullIngram John H Hon, judge Hustings Court r 1201 PorterIngram Lawrence, physician r 1201 PorterIngram Page YV, liremau r 920 McDonoughIn man Shadraeb. upholsterer r 409 w 7thTNSURANCS COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA (Phila-i delphia), A J Bradley & Co agts 1004H ail*Irvin Charles lab r loth nr Decatur*Irvin David, lab r loth nr DecaturIrvin John H, carpenter r 1114 McDonoughLsemau H Mrs, agt Julius Sycle &
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 125 capacity of fifteen to twenty tons a day, without strain- ing the machine is a good size—you can buy such a one, to cut one-half inch or longer, for about $30. Power is an important factor—a small engine is best. You can get a four horse power gasoline engine at a moderate price, and it can be used for so many things about a farm and will be so safe that you would not do without one after using it a few months. Before purchas- ing one figure on having to use about three times as much. gasoline as the manufacturer claims it is necessary to use in Stock Photo
RMPFJY3K–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. DAIRY FORTUNES. 125 capacity of fifteen to twenty tons a day, without strain- ing the machine is a good size—you can buy such a one, to cut one-half inch or longer, for about $30. Power is an important factor—a small engine is best. You can get a four horse power gasoline engine at a moderate price, and it can be used for so many things about a farm and will be so safe that you would not do without one after using it a few months. Before purchas- ing one figure on having to use about three times as much. gasoline as the manufacturer claims it is necessary to use in
. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; . Stock Photo
RMME82XG–. Die Kriechthiere Deutsche-Ost-Afrikas: beiträge zur Systematik und Descendenzlehre; .
Introduction à l'étude des mollusques . t;( Gymnosomes «), dune branchiecténidiale (à lexception de quelques « Gymnosomes ») et dun osphra-dium. — Ce sous-ordre renferme trois groupes : Bulléens, Aplysienset Pleurobranchiens. — 109 A. Bulléens. Chez ces Tectibranches, la coquille est bien développée, externeou interne (nulle seulement chez Run-cina); la tête est ordinairement sanstentacules apparents (sauf Aplustrum etles « Thécosomes »), et sa face dorsaleconstitue un disque ou bouclier fouis-seur, à bords plus ou moins découpés(fig. 69, I) ; les bords du pied sont con-tinus avec sa face vent Stock Photo
RM2AJE46E–Introduction à l'étude des mollusques . t;( Gymnosomes «), dune branchiecténidiale (à lexception de quelques « Gymnosomes ») et dun osphra-dium. — Ce sous-ordre renferme trois groupes : Bulléens, Aplysienset Pleurobranchiens. — 109 A. Bulléens. Chez ces Tectibranches, la coquille est bien développée, externeou interne (nulle seulement chez Run-cina); la tête est ordinairement sanstentacules apparents (sauf Aplustrum etles « Thécosomes »), et sa face dorsaleconstitue un disque ou bouclier fouis-seur, à bords plus ou moins découpés(fig. 69, I) ; les bords du pied sont con-tinus avec sa face vent
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 198 DAIRY FORTUNES. inite rule can be laid down governing the quantity to be used, as it depends somewhat upon the condition of the milk and atmosphere, the degree of ripeness, etc. The rennet should be diluted with several times its bulk of water before adding it to the milk. Mix it thoroughly with the milk in the vat and stir frequently, until within a few minutes of coagulation. Keep the vat covered when not stirring. Coagulation should begin in about eighteen to twenty minutes, and should be ready to cut in forty to fifty minutes. Watch your curd closely. Whenev Stock Photo
RMPFJY28–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 198 DAIRY FORTUNES. inite rule can be laid down governing the quantity to be used, as it depends somewhat upon the condition of the milk and atmosphere, the degree of ripeness, etc. The rennet should be diluted with several times its bulk of water before adding it to the milk. Mix it thoroughly with the milk in the vat and stir frequently, until within a few minutes of coagulation. Keep the vat covered when not stirring. Coagulation should begin in about eighteen to twenty minutes, and should be ready to cut in forty to fifty minutes. Watch your curd closely. Whenev
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . Stock Photo
RMME7RF4–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees .
DrH.GBronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . V i £. Stock Photo
RM2AM2B96–DrH.GBronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . V i £.
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. IT PAYS! To Grind Year FEED. THE EXPORT. D^^Bs it Vdds Fully 30 per cent- to its Value. We make Grinding" Mills of every description, French Buhr Mills, Iron and Steel Grinders, Crushers and SAveep Mills. ESTABLISHED 1844. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Straub Macliinery Company, 1945-55 West Sixth Street CINCINNATi, 0. The 0. Armleder Co. CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers Of FINE DAIRY WAGONS.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may Stock Photo!-to-grind-year-feed-the-export-dbs-it-vdds-fully-30-per-cent-to-its-value-we-make-grindingquot-mills-of-every-description-french-buhr-mills-iron-and-steel-grinders-crushers-and-saveep-mills-established-1844-correspondence-solicited-straub-macliinery-company-1945-55-west-sixth-street-cincinnati-0-the-0-armleder-co-cincinnati-o-manufacturers-of-fine-dairy-wagons-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-have-been-digitally-enhanced-for-readability-coloration-and-appearance-of-these-illustrations-may-image216160600.html
RMPFJY1C–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. IT PAYS! To Grind Year FEED. THE EXPORT. D^^Bs it Vdds Fully 30 per cent- to its Value. We make Grinding" Mills of every description, French Buhr Mills, Iron and Steel Grinders, Crushers and SAveep Mills. ESTABLISHED 1844. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Straub Macliinery Company, 1945-55 West Sixth Street CINCINNATi, 0. The 0. Armleder Co. CINCINNATI, O. Manufacturers Of FINE DAIRY WAGONS.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may
. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . ollusken. Stock Photo
RMME7RAT–. Die Molluskenfauna des Vierwaldstättersees . ollusken.
Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species . Stock Photo
RM2AJCN0Y–Manual of conchology, structural and systematic : with illustrations of the species .
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 172 DAIRY FORTUNES. whatever vessel used to hold the milk), in the cow sta- ble ; if you have no adjacent room suitable, better keep the can several rods from the stable rather than keep it in an offensive stable. If milk is to be separated at once,. Cream Can, with Plunger Cover and Jacket. the cream can be cooled and aerated ; if the gravity sys- is to be used, milk should be aerated—cooling is not necessary; if the milk is to be sold it should be cooled and aerated—it will be sweeter, better flavored, and will keep from twelve to twenty-four hours longer, without Stock Photo
RMPFJY2F–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 172 DAIRY FORTUNES. whatever vessel used to hold the milk), in the cow sta- ble ; if you have no adjacent room suitable, better keep the can several rods from the stable rather than keep it in an offensive stable. If milk is to be separated at once,. Cream Can, with Plunger Cover and Jacket. the cream can be cooled and aerated ; if the gravity sys- is to be used, milk should be aerated—cooling is not necessary; if the milk is to be sold it should be cooled and aerated—it will be sweeter, better flavored, and will keep from twelve to twenty-four hours longer, without
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . x V"' Stock Photo
RMMABGP7–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . x V"'
Clinical medicine . when used habitually—twice daily—as a den-tifrice prevents the formation of deposits—bothmucoid and salivary (tartar). As an auxiliaryin the treatment of pyorrhea, it cleans andpolishes the teeth, and repairs soft, bleeding,spongy, receding gums—manifestations of inter-mediate and advanced PYORRHEA Pyorrhocide Powder is medicated (3 per cent)with Dentinol. The therapeutic efficiencyof Dentinol in the treatment of pyorrhea at thechair is recognized by dental practitioners theworld over. Ifrite foy free copy TyORRHnA ^.Rtsgs disease) The Dentinol & Pyorrhocide Co. Incorporate Stock Photo
RM2AN2ERA–Clinical medicine . when used habitually—twice daily—as a den-tifrice prevents the formation of deposits—bothmucoid and salivary (tartar). As an auxiliaryin the treatment of pyorrhea, it cleans andpolishes the teeth, and repairs soft, bleeding,spongy, receding gums—manifestations of inter-mediate and advanced PYORRHEA Pyorrhocide Powder is medicated (3 per cent)with Dentinol. The therapeutic efficiencyof Dentinol in the treatment of pyorrhea at thechair is recognized by dental practitioners theworld over. Ifrite foy free copy TyORRHnA ^.Rtsgs disease) The Dentinol & Pyorrhocide Co. Incorporate
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. ZZEZIZI-^Z- ^ ^ :^^ ^^^ ^jg^. Fig. I—Horizontal Curd Knife. Fig. 2—Perpendicular Curd Knife.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co Stock Photo
RMPFJY27–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. ZZEZIZI-^Z- ^ ^ :^^ ^^^ ^jg^. Fig. I—Horizontal Curd Knife. Fig. 2—Perpendicular Curd Knife.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Larkin, Landy. Cincinnati, O. , Specialty publishing co
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . fti Anft v Aug Kürth,Ln'pzii Stock Photo
RMMABGP2–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . fti Anft v Aug Kürth,Ln'pzii
DrH.GBronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . , i ^hs Zweiter Kopfsomit. 3ks Dritter Kopfsomit. |Iht Erste Kiementasche.2kt Zweite Kiementasche. l Linseneinstülpung. j mes Mesoblast. , -n .? f t Pigmentschicht der Eetina. r Andere Schichten der Eetina. j r.g Riechgrübchen. i r.n.c Eamus naso-ciliaris. som Somatopleura, spl Splanchnopleura. III Nervus oculomotorius; T^.^ Ganglien des Eamus supra- et inframaxillaris inervi trigemini. ; 1, 2. Zwei vertikale Längsschnitte durch einen Embryo von Lacerta agilis. Yergr. ^Yi. j 3. Quers Stock Photo
RM2AM1KYY–DrH.GBronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . , i ^hs Zweiter Kopfsomit. 3ks Dritter Kopfsomit. |Iht Erste Kiementasche.2kt Zweite Kiementasche. l Linseneinstülpung. j mes Mesoblast. , -n .? f t Pigmentschicht der Eetina. r Andere Schichten der Eetina. j r.g Riechgrübchen. i r.n.c Eamus naso-ciliaris. som Somatopleura, spl Splanchnopleura. III Nervus oculomotorius; T^.^ Ganglien des Eamus supra- et inframaxillaris inervi trigemini. ; 1, 2. Zwei vertikale Längsschnitte durch einen Embryo von Lacerta agilis. Yergr. ^Yi. j 3. Quers
. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 154 DAIRY FORTUNES. The crock or shallow pan system is poorest, although very thorough creaming can be done by this system. Milk should be set as soon as it comes from the cow, as cream rises best and more readily while milk is cooling. For shallow pans, the temperature of the milk room rhould be below 60 degrees, and milk should stand until the cream is all up. It is far better to have your pans in ice water, and after milk hns stood ten or twelve hours warm it up to 60 or 65 degrees and cool the second time, allowing it to remain 13 to 15 hours, or longer, if the Stock Photo
RMPFJY39–. Dairy fortunes. Dairying. 154 DAIRY FORTUNES. The crock or shallow pan system is poorest, although very thorough creaming can be done by this system. Milk should be set as soon as it comes from the cow, as cream rises best and more readily while milk is cooling. For shallow pans, the temperature of the milk room rhould be below 60 degrees, and milk should stand until the cream is all up. It is far better to have your pans in ice water, and after milk hns stood ten or twelve hours warm it up to 60 or 65 degrees and cool the second time, allowing it to remain 13 to 15 hours, or longer, if the
. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith KunCt-Anft.v Aug Kürth, Leipzig. Stock Photo
RMMABGM9–. Dr. H.G. Bronn's Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs : wissenchaftlich dargestellt in Wort und Bild . Lith KunCt-Anft.v Aug Kürth, Leipzig.
The fables of Æsop, selected, told anew and their history traced . GAUNT Wolf was almost deadwith hunger when he happenedW T] to meet a House-dog who was Is- ==J passing by. u Ah, Cousin, said the Dog, I knew how it would be ; yourirregular life will soon be the ruin of you.Why do you not work steadily as I do, andget your food regularly given to you ? I would have no objection, said theWolf, if I could only get a place. I will easily arrange that for you, saidthe Dog; come with me to my master andyou shall share my work. So the Wolf and the Dog went towards thetown together. On the way there Stock Photo
RM2ANHCEW–The fables of Æsop, selected, told anew and their history traced . GAUNT Wolf was almost deadwith hunger when he happenedW T] to meet a House-dog who was Is- ==J passing by. u Ah, Cousin, said the Dog, I knew how it would be ; yourirregular life will soon be the ruin of you.Why do you not work steadily as I do, andget your food regularly given to you ? I would have no objection, said theWolf, if I could only get a place. I will easily arrange that for you, saidthe Dog; come with me to my master andyou shall share my work. So the Wolf and the Dog went towards thetown together. On the way there
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