Box drill seeder and farm field landscape at sunrise in autumn Stock Photo
RF2K5TBEN–Box drill seeder and farm field landscape at sunrise in autumn
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RM2GAB4BW–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
Bolt on coulter tips for an agricultural seed drill in a box waiting to be fitted to an Accord drill Stock Photo
RMW2DXDW–Bolt on coulter tips for an agricultural seed drill in a box waiting to be fitted to an Accord drill
Seeder box is full with corn seeds and attached to tractor for sowing in springtime Stock Photo
RF2FNJAYF–Seeder box is full with corn seeds and attached to tractor for sowing in springtime
A vintage pioneer seed drill with a classic truck in the background in Saskatchewan, Canada Stock Photo
RF2BKKCTC–A vintage pioneer seed drill with a classic truck in the background in Saskatchewan, Canada
Gleanings in bee culture . ! Describes over 70 tools including 13 entirely new ones, and improvements/to our Seeders, Wheel-Hoe?, Horse-Hoes, Harrows, and Corn, Potato,Orchard, and Beet Riding-Cultivators. Write for it today ! SLAUen&Co Box 1106S Philadelphia No. 4 Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel-Hoe, Culti-^ vatorand Plow pays for itself in a single season in the family gnrdenas well as in larger acreage. Sows all garden seeds (in drills or hills),plows, opens furrows and covers them, hoes and cultivates easily andthoroughly all through the season.No. II Planet Jr Combined Do Stock Photo!-describes-over-70-tools-including-13-entirely-new-ones-and-improvementsto-our-seeders-wheel-hoe-horse-hoes-harrows-and-corn-potatoorchard-and-beet-riding-cultivators-write-for-it-today-!-slauenco-box-1106s-philadelphia-no-4-planet-jr-combined-hill-and-drill-seeder-wheel-hoe-culti-vatorand-plow-pays-for-itself-in-a-single-season-in-the-family-gnrdenas-well-as-in-larger-acreage-sows-all-garden-seeds-in-drills-or-hillsplows-opens-furrows-and-covers-them-hoes-and-cultivates-easily-andthoroughly-all-through-the-seasonno-ii-planet-jr-combined-do-image343222968.html
RM2AXB4B4–Gleanings in bee culture . ! Describes over 70 tools including 13 entirely new ones, and improvements/to our Seeders, Wheel-Hoe?, Horse-Hoes, Harrows, and Corn, Potato,Orchard, and Beet Riding-Cultivators. Write for it today ! SLAUen&Co Box 1106S Philadelphia No. 4 Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel-Hoe, Culti-^ vatorand Plow pays for itself in a single season in the family gnrdenas well as in larger acreage. Sows all garden seeds (in drills or hills),plows, opens furrows and covers them, hoes and cultivates easily andthoroughly all through the season.No. II Planet Jr Combined Do
Farmland at sunrise with water reflection in pond with box drill seeder and farm machinery in the background Stock Photo
RF2K6816E–Farmland at sunrise with water reflection in pond with box drill seeder and farm machinery in the background
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RM2GAB4BM–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
Close up of seeder box full of corn seeds, ready for sowing in spring Stock Photo
RF2FNJB2Y–Close up of seeder box full of corn seeds, ready for sowing in spring
Gleanings in bee culture . be equipped with all steel wheel, discs and plow attachment, iieiv this year. I No. 25 j Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Double 4 Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow has autmnatic feed-stopping device,valuable seeder index and complete set of cultivator attachments. Indestruc-tible steel fran«e. I^DfTIT f An instructive 64-pagc *? **..i-i*-i • illustrated catalogue t It describes 55 tools for all uses. Write postal for it S L ALLEN & CO Box llOeSPMla, Pa. Professional PoultrymenDont Read This! You will not be interested. This advertisement is for POULTRY AMATEUR Stock Photo!-you-will-not-be-interested-this-advertisement-is-for-poultry-amateur-image339225181.html
RM2AKW151–Gleanings in bee culture . be equipped with all steel wheel, discs and plow attachment, iieiv this year. I No. 25 j Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Double 4 Wheel Hoe, Cultivator and Plow has autmnatic feed-stopping device,valuable seeder index and complete set of cultivator attachments. Indestruc-tible steel fran«e. I^DfTIT f An instructive 64-pagc *? **..i-i*-i • illustrated catalogue t It describes 55 tools for all uses. Write postal for it S L ALLEN & CO Box llOeSPMla, Pa. Professional PoultrymenDont Read This! You will not be interested. This advertisement is for POULTRY AMATEUR
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring, side view. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RM2GAB48F–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring, side view. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
Farmer filling seeder box with corn seeds from sack, preparing tractor for sowing field in spring time Stock Photo
RF2FNJB3D–Farmer filling seeder box with corn seeds from sack, preparing tractor for sowing field in spring time
Gleanings in bee culture . gle season. Invented and made by a practical farmer and manufacturer, with half a centurys .^-^ experience. Planet Jrs are strong and lasting. Every tool fully guaranteed. >j^^72-page Catalog (184 illustrations) free ! /vv::^ Describes over 70 tools, including 12 entirely new ones and improve-ments to our Seeders, Wheel-Hoes, Horse Hoes, Harrows, Orchard- /^^^ and Beet-Cultivators. Write postal lor it! S L Allen & Co Box 1106S Philadelphia No. 25 Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Doubleand Single Wheel-Hoe Cultivator and Plow is a splendidcombination for t Stock Photo!-vv-describes-over-70-tools-including-12-entirely-new-ones-and-improve-ments-to-our-seeders-wheel-hoes-horse-hoes-harrows-orchard-and-beet-cultivators-write-postal-lor-it!-s-l-allen-co-box-1106s-philadelphia-no-25-planet-jr-combined-hill-and-drill-seeder-doubleand-single-wheel-hoe-cultivator-and-plow-is-a-splendidcombination-for-t-image343250140.html
RM2AXCB1G–Gleanings in bee culture . gle season. Invented and made by a practical farmer and manufacturer, with half a centurys .^-^ experience. Planet Jrs are strong and lasting. Every tool fully guaranteed. >j^^72-page Catalog (184 illustrations) free ! /vv::^ Describes over 70 tools, including 12 entirely new ones and improve-ments to our Seeders, Wheel-Hoes, Horse Hoes, Harrows, Orchard- /^^^ and Beet-Cultivators. Write postal lor it! S L Allen & Co Box 1106S Philadelphia No. 25 Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Doubleand Single Wheel-Hoe Cultivator and Plow is a splendidcombination for t
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring.Rear view. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RM2GAB4BE–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring.Rear view. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
Close up of farmer's hand holding corn seeds above seeder box attached to tractor in field, ready for sowing in spring Stock Photo
RF2FNJB69–Close up of farmer's hand holding corn seeds above seeder box attached to tractor in field, ready for sowing in spring
Gleanings in bee culture . cing better crops for overtwo million farmers and gardeners. Planet Jr tools last a life-time. Fully^guaranteed. 72-page Catalog, Free ! Describes over 70 tools including 12 entirely new ones, and improvements^to our Seeders, Wheel-Hoes, Horse-Hoes, Harrows, and Corn, Potato,Orchard, and Beet Riding-Cultivators. Write for it today! L Allen & Co Box 1106S Philadelphia No. 4 Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel-Hoe, Culti-vator and Plow pays for itself in a single season in the family gnrdenaswell as in larger acreage. Sows all garden seeds (in drills or hil Stock Photo!-describes-over-70-tools-including-12-entirely-new-ones-and-improvementsto-our-seeders-wheel-hoes-horse-hoes-harrows-and-corn-potatoorchard-and-beet-riding-cultivators-write-for-it-today!-l-allen-co-box-1106s-philadelphia-no-4-planet-jr-combined-hill-and-drill-seeder-wheel-hoe-culti-vator-and-plow-pays-for-itself-in-a-single-season-in-the-family-gnrdenaswell-as-in-larger-acreage-sows-all-garden-seeds-in-drills-or-hil-image343257322.html
RM2AXCM62–Gleanings in bee culture . cing better crops for overtwo million farmers and gardeners. Planet Jr tools last a life-time. Fully^guaranteed. 72-page Catalog, Free ! Describes over 70 tools including 12 entirely new ones, and improvements^to our Seeders, Wheel-Hoes, Horse-Hoes, Harrows, and Corn, Potato,Orchard, and Beet Riding-Cultivators. Write for it today! L Allen & Co Box 1106S Philadelphia No. 4 Planet Jr Combined Hill and Drill Seeder, Wheel-Hoe, Culti-vator and Plow pays for itself in a single season in the family gnrdenaswell as in larger acreage. Sows all garden seeds (in drills or hil
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring, side view. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RM2GAB48P–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring, side view. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
Farmer checking is tractor equipment ready for sowing in field in spring time Stock Photo
RF2FNJB07–Farmer checking is tractor equipment ready for sowing in field in spring time
. Beckert's garden, flower and lawn seeds. No. 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder This tool possesses all the qualities of a plain, continuous row seedeAge Drill made, Price, $7.50. No. 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cvltivator Remarkable for its exceeding lightness, great strengthand variety of work it will accomplish. Price, complete,$3.50. With landside plow only (as No. 11), $2.50. The Iron Age Combined Barrel Truck,Hand Cart and Leaf RacK Barrel can be easily detached from truck. Truckand trunnions, with 1%-inch wheel, $7-50; 2%-inchwheel. $8.25; 3%-ineh wheel, $9. Extra for barrel,$3; box to fit on tr Stock Photo
RM2AFJDKC–. Beckert's garden, flower and lawn seeds. No. 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder This tool possesses all the qualities of a plain, continuous row seedeAge Drill made, Price, $7.50. No. 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cvltivator Remarkable for its exceeding lightness, great strengthand variety of work it will accomplish. Price, complete,$3.50. With landside plow only (as No. 11), $2.50. The Iron Age Combined Barrel Truck,Hand Cart and Leaf RacK Barrel can be easily detached from truck. Truckand trunnions, with 1%-inch wheel, $7-50; 2%-inchwheel. $8.25; 3%-ineh wheel, $9. Extra for barrel,$3; box to fit on tr
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RF2GGD2YC–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
Beckert's garden, field and flower seeds . No. 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder plain, continuous row seede and is the lowest-priced Iron No. 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cultivator Remarkable for its exceeding lightness, great strength ,y of work it will accomplish. Price, complete, jWith landside plow only (as No. 11 J, $2.25. The Iron Age Combined Barrel TrucK,Hand Cart and Lea! Rack Barrel can easily be detached from truck. Truckand trunnions, with lVinch wheel, $7; 2%-inehsvheel, $7.75 ; 3%-inch wheel, $8.50. Extra for barrel,$2.25 ; box to fit on truck, $3; leaf rack to fit ontruck, $5 ; sprinkler Stock Photo!-rack-barrel-can-easily-be-detached-from-truck-truckand-trunnions-with-lvinch-wheel-7-2-inehsvheel-775-3-inch-wheel-850-extra-for-barrel225-box-to-fit-on-truck-3-leaf-rack-to-fit-ontruck-5-sprinkler-image338407633.html
RM2AJFPAW–Beckert's garden, field and flower seeds . No. 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder plain, continuous row seede and is the lowest-priced Iron No. 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cultivator Remarkable for its exceeding lightness, great strength ,y of work it will accomplish. Price, complete, jWith landside plow only (as No. 11 J, $2.25. The Iron Age Combined Barrel TrucK,Hand Cart and Lea! Rack Barrel can easily be detached from truck. Truckand trunnions, with lVinch wheel, $7; 2%-inehsvheel, $7.75 ; 3%-inch wheel, $8.50. Extra for barrel,$2.25 ; box to fit on truck, $3; leaf rack to fit ontruck, $5 ; sprinkler
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RF2GGD2YE–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
. Beckert's garden, flower and lawn seeds. No. 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder This tool possesses all the qualities of a plain, continuous row seedeAge Drill made, Price, $7.50. No. 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cvltivator Remarkable for its exceeding lightness, great strengthand variety of work it will accomplish. Price, complete,$3.50. With landside plow only (as No. 11), $2.50. The Iron Age Combined Barrel Truck,Hand Cart and Leaf RacK Barrel can be easily detached from truck. Truckand trunnions, with 1%-inch wheel, $7-50; 2%-inchwheel. $8.25; 3%-ineh wheel, $9. Extra for barrel,$3; box to fit on tr Stock Photo
RM2AFJDWH–. Beckert's garden, flower and lawn seeds. No. 18 Iron Age Drill Seeder This tool possesses all the qualities of a plain, continuous row seedeAge Drill made, Price, $7.50. No. 12 Iron Age Wheel Plow and Cvltivator Remarkable for its exceeding lightness, great strengthand variety of work it will accomplish. Price, complete,$3.50. With landside plow only (as No. 11), $2.50. The Iron Age Combined Barrel Truck,Hand Cart and Leaf RacK Barrel can be easily detached from truck. Truckand trunnions, with 1%-inch wheel, $7-50; 2%-inchwheel. $8.25; 3%-ineh wheel, $9. Extra for barrel,$3; box to fit on tr
Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Copy space. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021. Stock Photo
RF2GGD2YD–Red Massey Ferguson 5460 tractor and Vaderstad Rapid 300C seed drill in field on a beautiful day of spring. Copy space. Salo, Finland. May 16, 2021.
. Florists' wholesale catalogue. : seeds, bulbs, plants, &c . imited usefulness aboutlawn, garden, orchard, stable,; built low down, it is easilyoaded and un-loaded withbarrel.cans, baskets,stones, etc. The detachablebox is for vegeta-bles, leaves, fruit,litter, etc. Thecart turns clearover for dumpingload if desired.Wheels 36 incheshigh. Platform.28x32 in. Box-boards 15 in. high. PETER HENDERSON & CO., NEW YORK.—WHOLESALE CATALOGUE—IMPLEMENTS. 35 The New Planet jr. Mil! and Drill Seeders. FOR HAND POWER. A good Seeder is one of the most important of garden and farm implements; with it the see Stock Photo!-and-drill-seeders-for-hand-power-a-good-seeder-is-one-of-the-most-important-of-garden-and-farm-implements-with-it-the-see-image372579483.html
RM2CJ4CX3–. Florists' wholesale catalogue. : seeds, bulbs, plants, &c . imited usefulness aboutlawn, garden, orchard, stable,; built low down, it is easilyoaded and un-loaded withbarrel.cans, baskets,stones, etc. The detachablebox is for vegeta-bles, leaves, fruit,litter, etc. Thecart turns clearover for dumpingload if desired.Wheels 36 incheshigh. Platform.28x32 in. Box-boards 15 in. high. PETER HENDERSON & CO., NEW YORK.—WHOLESALE CATALOGUE—IMPLEMENTS. 35 The New Planet jr. Mil! and Drill Seeders. FOR HAND POWER. A good Seeder is one of the most important of garden and farm implements; with it the see
. Germain : [catalog] . NO. 25 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, DOUBLEWHEEL HOE, CULTIVATOR AND PLOW This combined machine is intended for gardeners who have alarge enough acreage in crops for a double wheel hoe to be used togood advantage, and prefer not to buy separate machines. As awheel hoe it is identical with the Planet Jr. No. 12 DoubleWheel Hoe, the very best machine on the market. Price $23.75.. NO. 28 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, SINGLE WHEELHOE . This machine is the most complete tool for heavy work Ithas a large hopper box the most improved index. The methodof dropping the seed i Stock Photo
RM2CE6KK4–. Germain : [catalog] . NO. 25 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, DOUBLEWHEEL HOE, CULTIVATOR AND PLOW This combined machine is intended for gardeners who have alarge enough acreage in crops for a double wheel hoe to be used togood advantage, and prefer not to buy separate machines. As awheel hoe it is identical with the Planet Jr. No. 12 DoubleWheel Hoe, the very best machine on the market. Price $23.75.. NO. 28 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, SINGLE WHEELHOE . This machine is the most complete tool for heavy work Ithas a large hopper box the most improved index. The methodof dropping the seed i
. Southern planter: devoted to practical and progressive agriculture, horticulture, trucking, live stock and the fireside. For 40 Years The above U. S. Registered Trade-Markhas been a safeguard to the farmer thathe made no mistake in buying Farmers FavoriteGrain Drills For 1903 we offer to the Farmer many-improvements and new devices ofproven merit: Sleel Ribbon Grain Tubes, New Balanced Angle-Steel Frame, Plowiur Single Disc, Extension Chilled Hub, Perfection Crass Seeder, Improved Box and Roller Bearings. Our FREE Grain Drill Literature tellsall about it. Write for it to-day. BICKFORD & HUFF Stock Photo
RM2CEXMY5–. Southern planter: devoted to practical and progressive agriculture, horticulture, trucking, live stock and the fireside. For 40 Years The above U. S. Registered Trade-Markhas been a safeguard to the farmer thathe made no mistake in buying Farmers FavoriteGrain Drills For 1903 we offer to the Farmer many-improvements and new devices ofproven merit: Sleel Ribbon Grain Tubes, New Balanced Angle-Steel Frame, Plowiur Single Disc, Extension Chilled Hub, Perfection Crass Seeder, Improved Box and Roller Bearings. Our FREE Grain Drill Literature tellsall about it. Write for it to-day. BICKFORD & HUFF
. Germain : [catalog] . NO. 3 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, SINGLE WHEELHOE This machine is the most complete tool for heavy work. Ithas a large hopper box the most improved index. The methodof dropping the seed is the latest. The operator can see the seeddrop at all times. Price, as a drill only. $21.00. Send for Planet [115] Junior Tool Catalog LOS ANGELES ^&*2Zk2£& CALIFORNIA FOODS FOR POULTRY PLEASE WRITE FOR PRICES ON FEEDS OF ALL KINDS — SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE. PREMIUM SCRATCH FOOD Premium ScratchFood is an ideal grainmixture making a bal-anced ration, The in-gredients are correctlyb Stock Photo
RM2CHTB60–. Germain : [catalog] . NO. 3 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, SINGLE WHEELHOE This machine is the most complete tool for heavy work. Ithas a large hopper box the most improved index. The methodof dropping the seed is the latest. The operator can see the seeddrop at all times. Price, as a drill only. $21.00. Send for Planet [115] Junior Tool Catalog LOS ANGELES ^&*2Zk2£& CALIFORNIA FOODS FOR POULTRY PLEASE WRITE FOR PRICES ON FEEDS OF ALL KINDS — SEND FOR FREE LITERATURE. PREMIUM SCRATCH FOOD Premium ScratchFood is an ideal grainmixture making a bal-anced ration, The in-gredients are correctlyb
. Germain : [catalog] . NO. 28 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, SINGLE WHEELHOE . This machine is the most complete tool for heavy work Ithas a large hopper box the most improved index. The methodof dropping the seed is the latest. The operator can see the seeddrop at all times. Price complete $26.75. as a drill only $22 75. NO. 17 SINGLE WHEEL HOE, CULTIVATOR AND PLOW For easy gardening, and at the same time clean and perfectgardening, nothing is quite the equal of this No. 17 Wheel HoeIt is suited to all kinds of garden cultivation and all garden crops.The No. 17 has a pair of 6 inch hoes, a Stock Photo
RM2CE6KJC–. Germain : [catalog] . NO. 28 COMBINED HILL AND DRILL SEEDER, SINGLE WHEELHOE . This machine is the most complete tool for heavy work Ithas a large hopper box the most improved index. The methodof dropping the seed is the latest. The operator can see the seeddrop at all times. Price complete $26.75. as a drill only $22 75. NO. 17 SINGLE WHEEL HOE, CULTIVATOR AND PLOW For easy gardening, and at the same time clean and perfectgardening, nothing is quite the equal of this No. 17 Wheel HoeIt is suited to all kinds of garden cultivation and all garden crops.The No. 17 has a pair of 6 inch hoes, a
. 1916 Griffith and Turner Co. : farm and garden supplies. Maithews MewUmversdil and Drill Seeder IVo- 16 Is arranged so as to drop the seed continuously in drills or at a distance of 4,S, 12, 16, 24 and 48 inches apart. The adjustment from drills to hills is made byone screw in attaching a brass cut-off to the agitator. The distance apart is regu-lated by the number of cogs on the driving wheel against which the agitatorstrikes. - The seed cannot drop except when the hole in the bottom of seed-box is ^n the wheel, and it immediately closes again as the agitator drops. This savesseed, as no m Stock Photo
RM2CEHPTT–. 1916 Griffith and Turner Co. : farm and garden supplies. Maithews MewUmversdil and Drill Seeder IVo- 16 Is arranged so as to drop the seed continuously in drills or at a distance of 4,S, 12, 16, 24 and 48 inches apart. The adjustment from drills to hills is made byone screw in attaching a brass cut-off to the agitator. The distance apart is regu-lated by the number of cogs on the driving wheel against which the agitatorstrikes. - The seed cannot drop except when the hole in the bottom of seed-box is ^n the wheel, and it immediately closes again as the agitator drops. This savesseed, as no m
. Southern planter: devoted to practical and progressive agriculture, horticulture, trucking, live stock and the fireside. ^ W<H*4KHWH«H«Ja 1903.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 587. For 40 Years The above U. S. Registered Trade-Markhas been a safeguard to the farmer thathe made no mistake in buying Farmers FavoriteGrain Drills For 1903 we offer to the Farmer many-improvements and new devices ofproven merit: Sleel Ribbon Grain Tubes, New Balanced Angle-Steel Frame, Plowiur Single Disc, Extension Chilled Hub, Perfection Crass Seeder, Improved Box and Roller Bearings. Our FREE Grain Drill Literature t Stock Photo
RM2CEXN09–. Southern planter: devoted to practical and progressive agriculture, horticulture, trucking, live stock and the fireside. ^ W<H*4KHWH«H«Ja 1903.] THE SOUTHERN PLANTER. 587. For 40 Years The above U. S. Registered Trade-Markhas been a safeguard to the farmer thathe made no mistake in buying Farmers FavoriteGrain Drills For 1903 we offer to the Farmer many-improvements and new devices ofproven merit: Sleel Ribbon Grain Tubes, New Balanced Angle-Steel Frame, Plowiur Single Disc, Extension Chilled Hub, Perfection Crass Seeder, Improved Box and Roller Bearings. Our FREE Grain Drill Literature t
. Gleanings in bee culture . EX^sToR ioimimmtfmm LAWN FENCE Many Styles. Sold on trial atwholesale prices. Save 20to 30 per cent. IllustratedCatalOoue free. Write today. KITSELMAN BROS. Box 403 Muncie, Indiana. 26 GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE Feb. 1 HANDY GARDEN TOOL Heres a practical tool lor the farmer orgardener—our No. 6 Combined Double andSingle Wheel Hoe, Hill and Drill Seeder.Four tools for the price of one. It plantsin hills or continuous rows, covers the seed,rolls the soil, marks the next row, hoes,weeds and cultivates. Simple, easy to oper-ate, and does a days work in 60 minutes. Farm a Stock Photo
RM2CDKC2C–. Gleanings in bee culture . EX^sToR ioimimmtfmm LAWN FENCE Many Styles. Sold on trial atwholesale prices. Save 20to 30 per cent. IllustratedCatalOoue free. Write today. KITSELMAN BROS. Box 403 Muncie, Indiana. 26 GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE Feb. 1 HANDY GARDEN TOOL Heres a practical tool lor the farmer orgardener—our No. 6 Combined Double andSingle Wheel Hoe, Hill and Drill Seeder.Four tools for the price of one. It plantsin hills or continuous rows, covers the seed,rolls the soil, marks the next row, hoes,weeds and cultivates. Simple, easy to oper-ate, and does a days work in 60 minutes. Farm a
. Gleanings in bee culture . EX^sToR ioimimmtfmm LAWN FENCE Many Styles. Sold on trial atwholesale prices. Save 20to 30 per cent. IllustratedCatalOoue free. Write today. KITSELMAN BROS. Box 403 Muncie, Indiana. 26 GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE Feb. 1 HANDY GARDEN TOOL Heres a practical tool lor the farmer orgardener—our No. 6 Combined Double andSingle Wheel Hoe, Hill and Drill Seeder.Four tools for the price of one. It plantsin hills or continuous rows, covers the seed,rolls the soil, marks the next row, hoes,weeds and cultivates. Simple, easy to oper-ate, and does a days work in 60 minutes. Farm a Stock Photo
RM2CDKC05–. Gleanings in bee culture . EX^sToR ioimimmtfmm LAWN FENCE Many Styles. Sold on trial atwholesale prices. Save 20to 30 per cent. IllustratedCatalOoue free. Write today. KITSELMAN BROS. Box 403 Muncie, Indiana. 26 GLEANINGS IN BEE CULTURE Feb. 1 HANDY GARDEN TOOL Heres a practical tool lor the farmer orgardener—our No. 6 Combined Double andSingle Wheel Hoe, Hill and Drill Seeder.Four tools for the price of one. It plantsin hills or continuous rows, covers the seed,rolls the soil, marks the next row, hoes,weeds and cultivates. Simple, easy to oper-ate, and does a days work in 60 minutes. Farm a
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