Public Library in downtown Brantford, Ontario, Canada. Stock Photo
RM2T3J86H–Public Library in downtown Brantford, Ontario, Canada.
Canada, Ontario, Brantford, Public Library spring 2004 Stock Photo
RMAMR4XJ–Canada, Ontario, Brantford, Public Library spring 2004
Six Nations Public Library building located on the Grand River Reservation, Ohsweken Ontario Canada Stock Photo
RMJ2D589–Six Nations Public Library building located on the Grand River Reservation, Ohsweken Ontario Canada
. REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, ONTARIO, 1909 . ation and its Inspectorof Public Libraries, the Department practically paying the entire expenses of con-ducting the meetings, as defined by the Act of 1909, subject to the Regulations.The origin of these Institutes is the consequence of an additional grant voted bythe Legislature to the 0. L. A. in 1907, who, upon the strength of the increasedamount, decided to hold a Library Institute at Brantford, the first of the nowsplendid series. The business relations between the 0. L. A. and the DistrictLibrary Institutes require re-adjustment. (1 Stock Photo
RM2CDGH4A–. REPORT OF THE MINISTER OF EDUCATION, ONTARIO, 1909 . ation and its Inspectorof Public Libraries, the Department practically paying the entire expenses of con-ducting the meetings, as defined by the Act of 1909, subject to the Regulations.The origin of these Institutes is the consequence of an additional grant voted bythe Legislature to the 0. L. A. in 1907, who, upon the strength of the increasedamount, decided to hold a Library Institute at Brantford, the first of the nowsplendid series. The business relations between the 0. L. A. and the DistrictLibrary Institutes require re-adjustment. (1