'The submarine ''Hai'' of the Bundesmarine' Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-the-submarine-hai-of-the-bundesmarine-139752269.html
RMJ3A7CD–'The submarine ''Hai'' of the Bundesmarine'
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 22+22 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-federal-german-navy-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-2222-image610166802.html
RM2XCKDYE–Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 22+22
Standard of the Bundesmarine, 1957 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-standard-of-the-bundesmarine-1957-139752387.html
RMJ3A7GK–Standard of the Bundesmarine, 1957
USA, Massachusetts, Marinesoldaten, Gorch Fock II Amerika, Neu England, Segelschulschiff, Männer, jung, deutsch, Soldaten, Marine, Bundesmarine, Seefahrt, Angestellte, Uniform, Einheitskleidung, Marinesoldaten Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-usa-massachusetts-marinesoldaten-gorch-fock-ii-amerika-neu-england-149512822.html
Ships of the Bundesmarine during an exercise in the North Sea, around 1960 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-ships-of-the-bundesmarine-during-an-exercise-in-the-north-sea-around-139752386.html
RMJ3A7GJ–Ships of the Bundesmarine during an exercise in the North Sea, around 1960
AJAXNETPHOTO. 1ST MAY, 2015. PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. - COLD WAR VETERANS VISIT - GERMAN NAVY GEPARD FAST ATTACK CRAFT TYPE 143A WIESAL (P6129) OF THE 7TH FAST PATROL BOAT SQUADRON ENTERING PNB. VESSELS WERE LAST OF THE TYPE BUILT IN THE 1990S ARMED WITH EXOCET ANTI-SHIP MISSILES DUE FOR DECOMISSION IN 2020. PHOTO:TONY HOLLAND/AJAX REF:DTH150105 37920 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ajaxnetphoto-1st-may-2015-portsmouth-england-cold-war-veterans-visit-image159498992.html
In Kiel Wik befindet sich der Marinehafen mit Kriegsschiffen der Bundesmarine und anderer NATO-Einheiten Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/in-kiel-wik-befindet-sich-der-marinehafen-mit-kriegsschiffen-der-bundesmarine-und-anderer-nato-einheiten-image434853075.html
RF2G7D7EY–In Kiel Wik befindet sich der Marinehafen mit Kriegsschiffen der Bundesmarine und anderer NATO-Einheiten
Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. A military band plays as the frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy moores at its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-wilhelmshaven-germany-26th-apr-2015-a-military-band-plays-as-the-frigate-81806719.html
RMEN2H8F–Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. A military band plays as the frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy moores at its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News
Naval Arsenal Gate 1 in Wilhelmshaven Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/naval-arsenal-gate-1-in-wilhelmshaven-image480355386.html
RM2JWE25E–Naval Arsenal Gate 1 in Wilhelmshaven
The German frigate Bremen in company with USS Barry and HMS Edinburgh. FGS Bremen served with the Bundesmarine/Deutsche Marine from 1982 until decommissioning in 2014. The eight F122 Bremen-class frigates of the German Navy were/are a series of frigates commissioned between 1982 and 1990. Only one remains in service Lübeck which is planned to decommission in 2021. Based on the Dutch Kortenaer class. The ships were built for anti-submarine warfare as a primary task even though they are not fitted with towed array sonars. They are also have an anti-aircraft warfare and anti-surface warfare role. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-german-frigate-bremen-in-company-with-uss-barry-and-hms-edinburgh-fgs-bremen-served-with-the-bundesmarinedeutsche-marine-from-1982-until-decommissioning-in-2014-the-eight-f122-bremen-class-frigates-of-the-german-navy-wereare-a-series-of-frigates-commissioned-between-1982-and-1990-only-one-remains-in-service-lbeck-which-is-planned-to-decommission-in-2021-based-on-the-dutch-kortenaer-class-the-ships-were-built-for-anti-submarine-warfare-as-a-primary-task-even-though-they-are-not-fitted-with-towed-array-sonars-they-are-also-have-an-anti-aircraft-warfare-and-anti-surface-warfare-role-image331775200.html
RM2A7NJJ8–The German frigate Bremen in company with USS Barry and HMS Edinburgh. FGS Bremen served with the Bundesmarine/Deutsche Marine from 1982 until decommissioning in 2014. The eight F122 Bremen-class frigates of the German Navy were/are a series of frigates commissioned between 1982 and 1990. Only one remains in service Lübeck which is planned to decommission in 2021. Based on the Dutch Kortenaer class. The ships were built for anti-submarine warfare as a primary task even though they are not fitted with towed array sonars. They are also have an anti-aircraft warfare and anti-surface warfare role.
closeup U boat with torpedo, Fehmarn island, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/closeup-u-boat-with-torpedo-fehmarn-island-germany-image458985072.html
RF2HJMG40–closeup U boat with torpedo, Fehmarn island, Germany
Warship Arcona-Klasse, SMS Elisabeth. The Norddeutsche Bundesmarine (North German Federal Navy). Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/warship-arcona-klasse-sms-elisabeth-the-norddeutsche-bundesmarine-image68291669.html
RFDY2XM5–Warship Arcona-Klasse, SMS Elisabeth. The Norddeutsche Bundesmarine (North German Federal Navy).
Die Mannschaft des Zerstörers 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-die-mannschaft-des-zerstrers-172-der-klasse-119-der-bundesmarine-ist-82464302.html
RMEP4G1J–Die Mannschaft des Zerstörers 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er
Wilhelmshaven, Deutsches Marinemuseum, am Südstrand, Geschichte der Deutschen Marine, Kriegsschiffe der Bundesmarine und der ehemaligen NVA, Starfight Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/wilhelmshaven-deutsches-marinemuseum-am-sdstrand-geschichte-der-deutschen-marine-kriegsschiffe-der-bundesmarine-und-der-ehemaligen-nva-starfight-image241596824.html
RMT11K60–Wilhelmshaven, Deutsches Marinemuseum, am Südstrand, Geschichte der Deutschen Marine, Kriegsschiffe der Bundesmarine und der ehemaligen NVA, Starfight
Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera (P) z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹. uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer (right) and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga. uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/winoujcie-13101993-spotkanie-dowdcy-floty-bundesmarine-wiceadmiraa-hansa-rudolfa-boehmera-p-z-dowdc-marynarki-wojennej-rp-wiceadmiraem-romualdem-andrzejem-wag-uu-papjerzy-undro-swinoujscie-13-october-1993-meeting-between-bundesmarine-commander-rear-admiral-hans-rudolf-boehmer-right-and-polish-navy-commander-rear-admiral-romuald-andrzej-waga-uu-papjerzy-undro-image453917936.html
RM2HADMXT–Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera (P) z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹. uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer (right) and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga. uu PAP/Jerzy Undro
Bundesmarine training ship Gorch Fock in Rotterdam, November 29, 1961, ships, The Netherlands, 20th century press agency photo, news to remember, documentary, historic photography 1945-1990, visual stories, human history of the Twentieth Century, capturing moments in time Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bundesmarine-training-ship-gorch-fock-in-rotterdam-november-29-1961-ships-the-netherlands-20th-century-press-agency-photo-news-to-remember-documentary-historic-photography-1945-1990-visual-stories-human-history-of-the-twentieth-century-capturing-moments-in-time-image429180841.html
RM2FX6TF5–Bundesmarine training ship Gorch Fock in Rotterdam, November 29, 1961, ships, The Netherlands, 20th century press agency photo, news to remember, documentary, historic photography 1945-1990, visual stories, human history of the Twentieth Century, capturing moments in time
Emblem des Kontingentes der Bundesmarine bei der UNIFIL Mission zur †berwachung der KŸsten des Libanon. | Emblem of the contingent of the Bundesmarine Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/emblem-des-kontingentes-der-bundesmarine-bei-der-unifil-mission-zur-berwachung-der-ksten-des-libanon-emblem-of-the-contingent-of-the-bundesmarine-image628019991.html
RF2YDMNWB–Emblem des Kontingentes der Bundesmarine bei der UNIFIL Mission zur †berwachung der KŸsten des Libanon. | Emblem of the contingent of the Bundesmarine
Innenaufnahmen des Segelschulschiffes der Deutschen Marine der Gorch Fock nach der Generalüberholung Herbst 2021 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/innenaufnahmen-des-segelschulschiffes-der-deutschen-marine-der-gorch-fock-nach-der-generalberholung-herbst-2021-image451800629.html
RF2H7188N–Innenaufnahmen des Segelschulschiffes der Deutschen Marine der Gorch Fock nach der Generalüberholung Herbst 2021
Steuerrad der Gorch Fock, Segelschulschiff der Bundesmarine, Deutschland, restauriert in 2022, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/steuerrad-der-gorch-fock-segelschulschiff-der-bundesmarine-deutschland-restauriert-in-2022-image491206942.html
RM2KF4BD2–Steuerrad der Gorch Fock, Segelschulschiff der Bundesmarine, Deutschland, restauriert in 2022,
Hamburg, Germany. 21st Apr, 2022. Naval officers participate with civilians in a bundesmarine ship naming ceremony. Credit: Markus Scholz/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hamburg-germany-21st-apr-2022-naval-officers-participate-with-civilians-in-a-bundesmarine-ship-naming-ceremony-credit-markus-scholzdpaalamy-live-news-image468161842.html
RM2J5JH5P–Hamburg, Germany. 21st Apr, 2022. Naval officers participate with civilians in a bundesmarine ship naming ceremony. Credit: Markus Scholz/dpa/Alamy Live News
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 26+65 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-federal-german-navy-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-2665-image610167393.html
RM2XCKEMH–Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 26+65
Nordholz, Germany. 16th Apr, 2014. A restored Sikorsky H34 from the 1960's sits at the main gate of the naval air wing MFG3 in Nordholz, Germany, 16 April 2014. This helicopter was previously used around 50 years ago in the then Bundesmarine and was stationed in Kiel. Photo: INGO WAGNER/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/nordholz-germany-16th-apr-2014-a-restored-sikorsky-h34-from-the-1960s-image68580984.html
RMDYG3MT–Nordholz, Germany. 16th Apr, 2014. A restored Sikorsky H34 from the 1960's sits at the main gate of the naval air wing MFG3 in Nordholz, Germany, 16 April 2014. This helicopter was previously used around 50 years ago in the then Bundesmarine and was stationed in Kiel. Photo: INGO WAGNER/dpa/Alamy Live News
Ship of the Bundesmarine during an exercise in the North Sea, around 1960 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-ship-of-the-bundesmarine-during-an-exercise-in-the-north-sea-around-139752385.html
RMJ3A7GH–Ship of the Bundesmarine during an exercise in the North Sea, around 1960
AJAXNETPHOTO. 1ST MAY, 2015. PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. - COLD WAR VETERANS VISIT - GERMAN NAVY GEPARD FAST ATTACK CRAFT TYPE 143A HYAENE (P6130) OF THE 7TH FAST PATROL BOAT SQUADRON ENTERING PNB. VESSELS WERE LAST OF THE TYPE BUILT IN THE 1990S ARMED WITH EXOCET ANTI-SHIP MISSILES DUE FOR DECOMISSION IN 2020. PHOTO:TONY HOLLAND/AJAX REF:DTH150105 37877 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ajaxnetphoto-1st-may-2015-portsmouth-england-cold-war-veterans-visit-image159498946.html
Warships of the German Navy in the port of Bremerhaven. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/warships-of-the-german-navy-in-the-port-of-bremerhaven-image328467249.html
RM2A2AY95–Warships of the German Navy in the port of Bremerhaven.
Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. The frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy approaches its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-wilhelmshaven-germany-26th-apr-2015-the-frigate-f215-brandenburg-of-81806709.html
RMEN2H85–Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. The frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy approaches its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News
Minesweepers in the port. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/minesweepers-in-the-port-image328467407.html
RM2A2AYER–Minesweepers in the port.
Naval arsenal and military research institute in Wilhelmshaven, military security area Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/naval-arsenal-and-military-research-institute-in-wilhelmshaven-military-security-area-image480355480.html
RM2JWE28T–Naval arsenal and military research institute in Wilhelmshaven, military security area
closeup Propeller and rudder of a submarine, Fehmarn, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/closeup-propeller-and-rudder-of-a-submarine-fehmarn-germany-image458984314.html
RF2HJMF4X–closeup Propeller and rudder of a submarine, Fehmarn, Germany
Airplane - Bristol type 171 Mk52 Sycamores at Weston-super-Mare in 1958 awaiting delivery to Germany's Bundesmarine (R A Scholefield) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/airplane-bristol-type-171-mk52-sycamores-at-weston-super-mare-in-1958-awaiting-delivery-to-germanys-bundesmarine-r-a-scholefield-image574469326.html
RM2TAH9DJ–Airplane - Bristol type 171 Mk52 Sycamores at Weston-super-Mare in 1958 awaiting delivery to Germany's Bundesmarine (R A Scholefield)
Die Mannschaft des Zerstörers 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-die-mannschaft-des-zerstrers-172-der-klasse-119-der-bundesmarine-ist-82464305.html
RMEP4G1N–Die Mannschaft des Zerstörers 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er
Hamburger Hafen, Schiffswerft Blohm Voss, Baggerschiff OSTERIFF und Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, F267, im Bau, Hamburg, Deutschland Blohm Voss Werft *** Port of Hamburg, Blohm Voss shipyard, dredger OSTERIFF and corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, F267, under construction, Hamburg, Germany Blohm Voss shipyard Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hamburger-hafen-schiffswerft-blohm-voss-baggerschiff-osteriff-und-korvette-der-bundesmarine-karlsruhe-f267-im-bau-hamburg-deutschland-blohm-voss-werft-port-of-hamburg-blohm-voss-shipyard-dredger-osteriff-and-corvette-of-the-german-navy-karlsruhe-f267-under-construction-hamburg-germany-blohm-voss-shipyard-image599430695.html
RM2WR6BY3–Hamburger Hafen, Schiffswerft Blohm Voss, Baggerschiff OSTERIFF und Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, F267, im Bau, Hamburg, Deutschland Blohm Voss Werft *** Port of Hamburg, Blohm Voss shipyard, dredger OSTERIFF and corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, F267, under construction, Hamburg, Germany Blohm Voss shipyard
Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera (4L) z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹ (2L). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer (4th left) and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga (2nd left). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/winoujcie-13101993-spotkanie-dowdcy-floty-bundesmarine-wiceadmiraa-hansa-rudolfa-boehmera-4l-z-dowdc-marynarki-wojennej-rp-wiceadmiraem-romualdem-andrzejem-wag-2l-uu-papjerzy-undro-swinoujscie-13-october-1993-meeting-between-bundesmarine-commander-rear-admiral-hans-rudolf-boehmer-4th-left-and-polish-navy-commander-rear-admiral-romuald-andrzej-waga-2nd-left-uu-papjerzy-undro-image453918012.html
RM2HADN1G–Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera (4L) z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹ (2L). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer (4th left) and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga (2nd left). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro
Training ship Gorch Fock of the Bundesmarine in Rotterdam, November 29, 1961, Ships, The Netherlands, 20th century press agency photo, news to remember, documentary, historic photography 1945-1990, visual stories, human history of the Twentieth Century, capturing moments in time Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/training-ship-gorch-fock-of-the-bundesmarine-in-rotterdam-november-29-1961-ships-the-netherlands-20th-century-press-agency-photo-news-to-remember-documentary-historic-photography-1945-1990-visual-stories-human-history-of-the-twentieth-century-capturing-moments-in-time-image429179508.html
RM2FX6PRG–Training ship Gorch Fock of the Bundesmarine in Rotterdam, November 29, 1961, Ships, The Netherlands, 20th century press agency photo, news to remember, documentary, historic photography 1945-1990, visual stories, human history of the Twentieth Century, capturing moments in time
Emblem des Kontingentes der Bundesmarine bei der UNIFIL Mission zur †berwachung der KŸsten des Libanon. | Emblem of the contingent of the Bundesmarine Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/emblem-des-kontingentes-der-bundesmarine-bei-der-unifil-mission-zur-berwachung-der-ksten-des-libanon-emblem-of-the-contingent-of-the-bundesmarine-image628019990.html
RF2YDMNWA–Emblem des Kontingentes der Bundesmarine bei der UNIFIL Mission zur †berwachung der KŸsten des Libanon. | Emblem of the contingent of the Bundesmarine
Blaues Schild mit der Aufschrift Marinestützpunkt Kiel-Wik im Marinehafen Kiel Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/blaues-schild-mit-der-aufschrift-marinesttzpunkt-kiel-wik-im-marinehafen-kiel-image451800482.html
RF2H7183E–Blaues Schild mit der Aufschrift Marinestützpunkt Kiel-Wik im Marinehafen Kiel
Steuerrad der Gorch Fock, Segelschulschiff der Bundesmarine, Deutschland, restauriert in 2022, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/steuerrad-der-gorch-fock-segelschulschiff-der-bundesmarine-deutschland-restauriert-in-2022-image491206927.html
RM2KF4BCF–Steuerrad der Gorch Fock, Segelschulschiff der Bundesmarine, Deutschland, restauriert in 2022,
Blohm Voss Schiffswerft, neue Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, bei der Fertigstellung, eingerüstetes Schiff, Hafenrundfahrt Barkasse auf der Elbe, Hamburg, Deutschland Hamburg Hafen *** Blohm Voss shipyard, new corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, at completion, scaffolded ship, harbor tour launch on the Elbe, Hamburg, Germany Hamburg Hafen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/blohm-voss-schiffswerft-neue-korvette-der-bundesmarine-karlsruhe-bei-der-fertigstellung-eingerstetes-schiff-hafenrundfahrt-barkasse-auf-der-elbe-hamburg-deutschland-hamburg-hafen-blohm-voss-shipyard-new-corvette-of-the-german-navy-karlsruhe-at-completion-scaffolded-ship-harbor-tour-launch-on-the-elbe-hamburg-germany-hamburg-hafen-image599514063.html
RM2WRA68F–Blohm Voss Schiffswerft, neue Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, bei der Fertigstellung, eingerüstetes Schiff, Hafenrundfahrt Barkasse auf der Elbe, Hamburg, Deutschland Hamburg Hafen *** Blohm Voss shipyard, new corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, at completion, scaffolded ship, harbor tour launch on the Elbe, Hamburg, Germany Hamburg Hafen
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 22+86 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-federal-german-navy-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-2286-image610166983.html
RM2XCKE5Y–Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 22+86
Nordholz, Germany. 16th Apr, 2014. A restored Sikorsky H34 from the 1960's sits at the main gate of the naval air wing MFG3 in Nordholz, Germany, 16 April 2014. This helicopter was previously used around 50 years ago in the then Bundesmarine and was stationed in Kiel. Photo: INGO WAGNER/dpa/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/nordholz-germany-16th-apr-2014-a-restored-sikorsky-h34-from-the-1960s-image68580986.html
RMDYG3MX–Nordholz, Germany. 16th Apr, 2014. A restored Sikorsky H34 from the 1960's sits at the main gate of the naval air wing MFG3 in Nordholz, Germany, 16 April 2014. This helicopter was previously used around 50 years ago in the then Bundesmarine and was stationed in Kiel. Photo: INGO WAGNER/dpa/Alamy Live News
Hamburger Hafen, Schiffswerft Blohm Voss, Baggerschiff OSTERIFF und Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, F267, im Bau, HADAG Hafenfähre, Hamburg, Deutschland Blohm Voss Werft *** Port of Hamburg, Blohm Voss shipyard, dredger OSTERIFF and corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, F267, under construction, HADAG harbor ferry, Hamburg, Germany Blohm Voss shipyard Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hamburger-hafen-schiffswerft-blohm-voss-baggerschiff-osteriff-und-korvette-der-bundesmarine-karlsruhe-f267-im-bau-hadag-hafenfhre-hamburg-deutschland-blohm-voss-werft-port-of-hamburg-blohm-voss-shipyard-dredger-osteriff-and-corvette-of-the-german-navy-karlsruhe-f267-under-construction-hadag-harbor-ferry-hamburg-germany-blohm-voss-shipyard-image599430679.html
RM2WR6BXF–Hamburger Hafen, Schiffswerft Blohm Voss, Baggerschiff OSTERIFF und Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, F267, im Bau, HADAG Hafenfähre, Hamburg, Deutschland Blohm Voss Werft *** Port of Hamburg, Blohm Voss shipyard, dredger OSTERIFF and corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, F267, under construction, HADAG harbor ferry, Hamburg, Germany Blohm Voss shipyard
AJAXNETPHOTO. 1ST MAY, 2015. PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. - COLD WAR VETERANS VISIT - GERMAN NAVY GEPARD FAST ATTACK CRAFT TYPE 143A HERMELIN (P6123) OF THE 7TH FAST PATROL BOAT SQUADRON ENTERING PNB. VESSELS WERE LAST OF THE TYPE BUILT IN THE 1990S ARMED WITH EXOCET ANTI-SHIP MISSILES DUE FOR DECOMISSION IN 2020. PHOTO:TONY HOLLAND/AJAX REF:DTH150105 37849 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ajaxnetphoto-1st-may-2015-portsmouth-england-cold-war-veterans-visit-image159498920.html
1980 - Windjammer-Meeting In Kiel/West-Germany Form 13th to 16th of July 1980 Only less days after the ''Kieler Woche'' there is for the capital-city of Schleswig-Holstien/West-Germany a second event, which is solitary in the world for friends of sailing and clippers: To the till now greatest windjammer-meeting in the fjord of Kiel from July 13th to 16th, 1980, about 800 sailing-ships are awaited. Among them are eleven clippers from seven countries. The first event for the visitors is the landing of the ''Gorch Fock'' (picture). The sailing-school-ship of the West-German Bundesmarine, is at th Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-1980-windjammer-meeting-in-kielwest-germany-form-13th-to-16th-of-july-92926268.html
RMFB54B8–1980 - Windjammer-Meeting In Kiel/West-Germany Form 13th to 16th of July 1980 Only less days after the ''Kieler Woche'' there is for the capital-city of Schleswig-Holstien/West-Germany a second event, which is solitary in the world for friends of sailing and clippers: To the till now greatest windjammer-meeting in the fjord of Kiel from July 13th to 16th, 1980, about 800 sailing-ships are awaited. Among them are eleven clippers from seven countries. The first event for the visitors is the landing of the ''Gorch Fock'' (picture). The sailing-school-ship of the West-German Bundesmarine, is at th
Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. A military band plays as the frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy moores at its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-wilhelmshaven-germany-26th-apr-2015-a-military-band-plays-as-the-frigate-81806716.html
RMEN2H8C–Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. A military band plays as the frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy moores at its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News
Minesweepers during their first exercise in the summer of 1957 in the Baltic Sea. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/minesweepers-during-their-first-exercise-in-the-summer-of-1957-in-the-baltic-sea-image328467414.html
RM2A2AYF2–Minesweepers during their first exercise in the summer of 1957 in the Baltic Sea.
Marinearsenal und Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut, ehemals Werfttor 1 als Haupteingang und Hauptverwaltung der Kaiserlichen Werft in Wilhelmshaven Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/marinearsenal-und-wehrwissenschaftliches-institut-ehemals-werfttor-1-als-haupteingang-und-hauptverwaltung-der-kaiserlichen-werft-in-wilhelmshaven-image480355303.html
RM2JWE22F–Marinearsenal und Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut, ehemals Werfttor 1 als Haupteingang und Hauptverwaltung der Kaiserlichen Werft in Wilhelmshaven
Gdynia, Poland 20th, Nov. 2015 German Navy U34 type U212A submarine visits Gdynia port on 20th of November. Visit is officially part of the combat - training cruise at the Baltic Sea. The vessel crew will take part in a seminar at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The entrance to the port is also connected with announced by Defense Ministry plans of purchase of submarines. Credit: Michal Fludra/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gdynia-poland-20th-nov-2015-german-navy-u34-type-u212a-submarine-visits-90302489.html
RMF6WHMW–Gdynia, Poland 20th, Nov. 2015 German Navy U34 type U212A submarine visits Gdynia port on 20th of November. Visit is officially part of the combat - training cruise at the Baltic Sea. The vessel crew will take part in a seminar at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The entrance to the port is also connected with announced by Defense Ministry plans of purchase of submarines. Credit: Michal Fludra/Alamy Live News
Fast roping from a Bundesmarine Westland Sea Lynx Mk-88 helicopter in the Gulf of Aden, a German Marine Regiment boards the FGS KOLN (Bremen Class Frigate F 211) for some underway ship boarding tactics. The German frigate deployed to the gulf in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. German soldiers fast rope from Sea Lynx on frigate Koeln (F211) 2002 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-fast-roping-from-a-bundesmarine-westland-sea-lynx-mk-88-helicopter-129956120.html
RMHFC0A0–Fast roping from a Bundesmarine Westland Sea Lynx Mk-88 helicopter in the Gulf of Aden, a German Marine Regiment boards the FGS KOLN (Bremen Class Frigate F 211) for some underway ship boarding tactics. The German frigate deployed to the gulf in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM. German soldiers fast rope from Sea Lynx on frigate Koeln (F211) 2002
Die Mannschaft des Zerstörers 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-die-mannschaft-des-zerstrers-172-der-klasse-119-der-bundesmarine-ist-82464301.html
RMEP4G1H–Die Mannschaft des Zerstörers 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er
Open day, Julius-Leber-Kaserne, Berlin Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/open-day-julius-leber-kaserne-berlin-image262809383.html
RMW7G01B–Open day, Julius-Leber-Kaserne, Berlin
Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹. Nz. dowódca VIII Flotylli Obrony Wybrze¿a komandor Stanis³aw Kasperkowiak (L), H.R. Boehmer (2P), dowódca Dywizjonu Okrêtów Podwodnych S³awomir Wiœniewski (P). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga. Pictured: Commander of the Coast Defence Fleet Commandor Stanislaw Kasperkowiak (le Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/winoujcie-13101993-spotkanie-dowdcy-floty-bundesmarine-wiceadmiraa-hansa-rudolfa-boehmera-z-dowdc-marynarki-wojennej-rp-wiceadmiraem-romualdem-andrzejem-wag-nz-dowdca-viii-flotylli-obrony-wybrzea-komandor-stanisaw-kasperkowiak-l-hr-boehmer-2p-dowdca-dywizjonu-okrtw-podwodnych-sawomir-winiewski-p-uu-papjerzy-undro-swinoujscie-13-october-1993-meeting-between-bundesmarine-commander-rear-admiral-hans-rudolf-boehmer-and-polish-navy-commander-rear-admiral-romuald-andrzej-waga-pictured-commander-of-the-coast-defence-fleet-commandor-stanislaw-kasperkowiak-le-image453917899.html
RM2HADMWF–Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹. Nz. dowódca VIII Flotylli Obrony Wybrze¿a komandor Stanis³aw Kasperkowiak (L), H.R. Boehmer (2P), dowódca Dywizjonu Okrêtów Podwodnych S³awomir Wiœniewski (P). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga. Pictured: Commander of the Coast Defence Fleet Commandor Stanislaw Kasperkowiak (le
- Breguet Alantic, aereo da pattugliamento marittimo ed antisommergibili della Marina Militare Tedesca - Breguet Atlantic, maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft of German Navy Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/breguet-alantic-aereo-da-pattugliamento-marittimo-ed-antisommergibili-della-marina-militare-tedesca-breguet-atlantic-maritime-patrol-and-anti-submarine-aircraft-of-german-navy-image354710246.html
RM2BH2CF2–- Breguet Alantic, aereo da pattugliamento marittimo ed antisommergibili della Marina Militare Tedesca - Breguet Atlantic, maritime patrol and anti-submarine aircraft of German Navy
Die Bundesmarine ist im Rahmen des UNIFIL Einsatzes zur Überwachung der Küste des Libanon im Hafen von Limassol stationiert. | Within the Framework of Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/die-bundesmarine-ist-im-rahmen-des-unifil-einsatzes-zur-berwachung-der-kste-des-libanon-im-hafen-von-limassol-stationiert-within-the-framework-of-image628020012.html
RF2YDMNX4–Die Bundesmarine ist im Rahmen des UNIFIL Einsatzes zur Überwachung der Küste des Libanon im Hafen von Limassol stationiert. | Within the Framework of
Kommandant des Segelschulschiffes Gorch Fock der Deutschen Marine an Bord bei einem Pressetermin zur Wiederindienstellung des Schiffes nach einer läng Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/kommandant-des-segelschulschiffes-gorch-fock-der-deutschen-marine-an-bord-bei-einem-pressetermin-zur-wiederindienstellung-des-schiffes-nach-einer-lng-image451800569.html
RF2H7186H–Kommandant des Segelschulschiffes Gorch Fock der Deutschen Marine an Bord bei einem Pressetermin zur Wiederindienstellung des Schiffes nach einer läng
SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 22, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/sar-helicopter-of-the-german-navy-in-a-practice-flight-august-22-1981-borkum-navy-base-lower-saxony-germany-image354950109.html
RM2BHDADH–SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 22, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 26+69 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-federal-german-navy-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-2669-image610166985.html
RM2XCKE61–Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 26+69
Destroyer 5 of the German Navy at the harbour, February 03, 1982, Lisbon, Portugal Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/destroyer-5-of-the-german-navy-at-the-harbour-february-03-1982-lisbon-portugal-image356941670.html
RM2BMM2MP–Destroyer 5 of the German Navy at the harbour, February 03, 1982, Lisbon, Portugal
Hamburger Hafen, Schiffswerft Blohm Voss, Baggerschiff OSTERIFF und Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, F267, im Bau, Hafenrundfahrt Barkasse, Hamburg, Deutschland Blohm Voss Werft *** Port of Hamburg, Blohm Voss shipyard, dredger OSTERIFF and corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, F267, under construction, harbor tour launch, Hamburg, Germany Blohm Voss shipyard Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/hamburger-hafen-schiffswerft-blohm-voss-baggerschiff-osteriff-und-korvette-der-bundesmarine-karlsruhe-f267-im-bau-hafenrundfahrt-barkasse-hamburg-deutschland-blohm-voss-werft-port-of-hamburg-blohm-voss-shipyard-dredger-osteriff-and-corvette-of-the-german-navy-karlsruhe-f267-under-construction-harbor-tour-launch-hamburg-germany-blohm-voss-shipyard-image599430566.html
RM2WR6BPE–Hamburger Hafen, Schiffswerft Blohm Voss, Baggerschiff OSTERIFF und Korvette der Bundesmarine, Karlsruhe, F267, im Bau, Hafenrundfahrt Barkasse, Hamburg, Deutschland Blohm Voss Werft *** Port of Hamburg, Blohm Voss shipyard, dredger OSTERIFF and corvette of the German Navy, Karlsruhe, F267, under construction, harbor tour launch, Hamburg, Germany Blohm Voss shipyard
AJAXNETPHOTO. 1ST MAY, 2015. PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. - COLD WAR VETERANS VISIT - GERMAN NAVY GEPARD FAST ATTACK CRAFT TYPE 143A FRETTCHEN (P6126) OF THE 7TH FAST PATROL BOAT SQUADRON ENTERING PNB. VESSELS WERE LAST OF THE TYPE BUILT IN THE 1990S ARMED WITH EXOCET ANTI-SHIP MISSILES DUE FOR DECOMISSION IN 2020. PHOTO:TONY HOLLAND/AJAX REF:DTH150105 37863 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ajaxnetphoto-1st-may-2015-portsmouth-england-cold-war-veterans-visit-image159498907.html
Kiel-Schleswig Holstein. Fotorundgang im Hafengebiet von Kiel im Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein in Deutschland. Marine, Bundeswehr, Bundesmarine, Fregatte, Kiel - Schleswig-Holstein *** Kiel Schleswig Holstein Photo tour in the harbor area of Kiel in the federal state of Schleswig Holstein in Germany Navy, German Armed Forces, German Navy, Frigate, Kiel Schleswig Holstein Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/kiel-schleswig-holstein-fotorundgang-im-hafengebiet-von-kiel-im-bundesland-schleswig-holstein-in-deutschland-marine-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-fregatte-kiel-schleswig-holstein-kiel-schleswig-holstein-photo-tour-in-the-harbor-area-of-kiel-in-the-federal-state-of-schleswig-holstein-in-germany-navy-german-armed-forces-german-navy-frigate-kiel-schleswig-holstein-credit-imagoalamy-live-news-image571581204.html
RM2T5WNJC–Kiel-Schleswig Holstein. Fotorundgang im Hafengebiet von Kiel im Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein in Deutschland. Marine, Bundeswehr, Bundesmarine, Fregatte, Kiel - Schleswig-Holstein *** Kiel Schleswig Holstein Photo tour in the harbor area of Kiel in the federal state of Schleswig Holstein in Germany Navy, German Armed Forces, German Navy, Frigate, Kiel Schleswig Holstein Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News
Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. The frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy approaches its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-wilhelmshaven-germany-26th-apr-2015-the-frigate-f215-brandenburg-of-81806700.html
RMEN2H7T–Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. The frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy approaches its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News
Minesweepers during their first exercise in the summer of 1957. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/minesweepers-during-their-first-exercise-in-the-summer-of-1957-image328467344.html
RM2A2AYCG–Minesweepers during their first exercise in the summer of 1957.
Marinearsenal und Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut, ehemals Werfttor 1 als Haupteingang und Hauptverwaltung der Kaiserlichen Werft in Wilhelmshaven Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/marinearsenal-und-wehrwissenschaftliches-institut-ehemals-werfttor-1-als-haupteingang-und-hauptverwaltung-der-kaiserlichen-werft-in-wilhelmshaven-image480355394.html
RM2JWE25P–Marinearsenal und Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut, ehemals Werfttor 1 als Haupteingang und Hauptverwaltung der Kaiserlichen Werft in Wilhelmshaven
Gdynia, Poland 20th, Nov. 2015 German Navy U34 type U212A submarine visits Gdynia port on 20th of November. Visit is officially part of the combat - training cruise at the Baltic Sea. The vessel crew will take part in a seminar at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The entrance to the port is also connected with announced by Defense Ministry plans of purchase of submarines. Credit: Michal Fludra/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gdynia-poland-20th-nov-2015-german-navy-u34-type-u212a-submarine-visits-90302471.html
RMF6WHM7–Gdynia, Poland 20th, Nov. 2015 German Navy U34 type U212A submarine visits Gdynia port on 20th of November. Visit is officially part of the combat - training cruise at the Baltic Sea. The vessel crew will take part in a seminar at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The entrance to the port is also connected with announced by Defense Ministry plans of purchase of submarines. Credit: Michal Fludra/Alamy Live News
SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 23, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/sar-helicopter-of-the-german-navy-in-a-practice-flight-august-23-1981-borkum-navy-base-lower-saxony-germany-image354950441.html
RM2BHDAWD–SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 23, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany
Der Zerstörer D 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er Jahre. Destroy Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-der-zerstrer-d-172-der-klasse-119-der-bundesmarine-ist-auf-deck-angetreten-82464303.html
RMEP4G1K–Der Zerstörer D 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er Jahre. Destroy
Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹. Nz. m.in. komandor podporucznik Bania (L), H.R. Boehmer (2L), dowódca Dywizjonu Okrêtów Podwodnych S³awomir Wiœniewski (4L). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga. Pictured: Lieutenant Commander Bania (left), H.R. Boehmer (2nd left), Commander of Polish Submarine ships Slawomir W Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/winoujcie-13101993-spotkanie-dowdcy-floty-bundesmarine-wiceadmiraa-hansa-rudolfa-boehmera-z-dowdc-marynarki-wojennej-rp-wiceadmiraem-romualdem-andrzejem-wag-nz-min-komandor-podporucznik-bania-l-hr-boehmer-2l-dowdca-dywizjonu-okrtw-podwodnych-sawomir-winiewski-4l-uu-papjerzy-undro-swinoujscie-13-october-1993-meeting-between-bundesmarine-commander-rear-admiral-hans-rudolf-boehmer-and-polish-navy-commander-rear-admiral-romuald-andrzej-waga-pictured-lieutenant-commander-bania-left-hr-boehmer-2nd-left-commander-of-polish-submarine-ships-slawomir-w-image453918044.html
RM2HADN2M–Œwinoujœcie 13.10.1993. Spotkanie dowódcy Floty Bundesmarine wiceadmira³a Hansa Rudolfa Boehmera z dowódc¹ Marynarki Wojennej RP wiceadmira³em Romualdem Andrzejem Wag¹. Nz. m.in. komandor podporucznik Bania (L), H.R. Boehmer (2L), dowódca Dywizjonu Okrêtów Podwodnych S³awomir Wiœniewski (4L). uu PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie 13 October 1993. Meeting between Bundesmarine Commander Rear Admiral Hans Rudolf Boehmer and Polish Navy Commander Rear Admiral Romuald Andrzej Waga. Pictured: Lieutenant Commander Bania (left), H.R. Boehmer (2nd left), Commander of Polish Submarine ships Slawomir W
FGS Karlsruhe, Fregatte F 212 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-fgs-karlsruhe-fregatte-f-212-111755469.html
RMGDPW6N–FGS Karlsruhe, Fregatte F 212
Œwinoujœcie, 19.11.1999. Do portu w Œwinoujœciu wp³ynê³o 17 okrêtów Bundesmarine, nale¿¹cych do Flotylli Tra³owo-Minowej w Olpenitz i Flotylli Kutrów Rakietowych w Warnemuende. Jest to najwiêksza wizyta niemieckich okrêtów w Œwinoujœciu. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie, 19.11.1999. 17 battleships of German Navy entered harbour in Swinujscie. It is the biggest visit of German Navy to Poland ever. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/winoujcie-19111999-do-portu-w-winoujciu-wpyno-17-okrtw-bundesmarine-nalecych-do-flotylli-traowo-minowej-w-olpenitz-i-flotylli-kutrw-rakietowych-w-warnemuende-jest-to-najwiksza-wizyta-niemieckich-okrtw-w-winoujciu-mr-papjerzy-undro-swinoujscie-19111999-17-battleships-of-german-navy-entered-harbour-in-swinujscie-it-is-the-biggest-visit-of-german-navy-to-poland-ever-mr-papjerzy-undro-image453931683.html
RM2HAEADR–Œwinoujœcie, 19.11.1999. Do portu w Œwinoujœciu wp³ynê³o 17 okrêtów Bundesmarine, nale¿¹cych do Flotylli Tra³owo-Minowej w Olpenitz i Flotylli Kutrów Rakietowych w Warnemuende. Jest to najwiêksza wizyta niemieckich okrêtów w Œwinoujœciu. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie, 19.11.1999. 17 battleships of German Navy entered harbour in Swinujscie. It is the biggest visit of German Navy to Poland ever. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro
Zwei Besatzungsmitglieder des Segelschulschiffes Gorch Fock der Deutschen Marine an Bord der Bark Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/zwei-besatzungsmitglieder-des-segelschulschiffes-gorch-fock-der-deutschen-marine-an-bord-der-bark-image451800494.html
RF2H7183X–Zwei Besatzungsmitglieder des Segelschulschiffes Gorch Fock der Deutschen Marine an Bord der Bark
RM2DR41PP–Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 20th Dec, 2020. Credit: Hauke-Christian Dittrich/dpa/Alamy Live News
Submarine museum Wilhelm Baur in Bremerhaven, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-submarine-museum-wilhelm-baur-in-bremerhaven-germany-126972878.html
RMHAG35J–Submarine museum Wilhelm Baur in Bremerhaven, Germany
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 26+76 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-federal-german-navy-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-2676-image610166988.html
RM2XCKE64–Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter - 26+76
homecoming ii Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-homecoming-ii-141048777.html
RFJ5D949–homecoming ii
AJAXNETPHOTO. 1ST MAY, 2015. PORTSMOUTH, ENGLAND. - COLD WAR VETERANS VISIT - GERMAN NAVY GEPARD FAST ATTACK CRAFT TYPE 143A ZOBEL (P6125) OF THE 7TH FAST PATROL BOAT SQUADRON ENTERING PNB. VESSELS WERE LAST OF THE TYPE BUILT IN THE 1990S ARMED WITH EXOCET ANTI-SHIP MISSILES DUE FOR DECOMISSION IN 2020. PHOTO:TONY HOLLAND/AJAX REF:DTH150105 37890 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/ajaxnetphoto-1st-may-2015-portsmouth-england-cold-war-veterans-visit-image159498997.html
Kiel-Schleswig Holstein. Fotorundgang im Hafengebiet von Kiel im Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein in Deutschland. Marine, Bundeswehr, Bundesmarine, Fregatte, Kriegsschiff, Kiel - Schleswig-Holstein *** Kiel Schleswig Holstein Photo tour in the harbor area of Kiel in the federal state of Schleswig Holstein in Germany Navy, Bundeswehr, German Navy, frigate, warship, Kiel Schleswig Holstein Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/kiel-schleswig-holstein-fotorundgang-im-hafengebiet-von-kiel-im-bundesland-schleswig-holstein-in-deutschland-marine-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-fregatte-kriegsschiff-kiel-schleswig-holstein-kiel-schleswig-holstein-photo-tour-in-the-harbor-area-of-kiel-in-the-federal-state-of-schleswig-holstein-in-germany-navy-bundeswehr-german-navy-frigate-warship-kiel-schleswig-holstein-credit-imagoalamy-live-news-image571581418.html
RM2T5WNX2–Kiel-Schleswig Holstein. Fotorundgang im Hafengebiet von Kiel im Bundesland Schleswig-Holstein in Deutschland. Marine, Bundeswehr, Bundesmarine, Fregatte, Kriegsschiff, Kiel - Schleswig-Holstein *** Kiel Schleswig Holstein Photo tour in the harbor area of Kiel in the federal state of Schleswig Holstein in Germany Navy, Bundeswehr, German Navy, frigate, warship, Kiel Schleswig Holstein Credit: Imago/Alamy Live News
Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. A woman watches as the frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy approaches its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-wilhelmshaven-germany-26th-apr-2015-a-woman-watches-as-the-frigate-81806324.html
RMEN2GPC–Wilhelmshaven, Germany. 26th Apr, 2015. A woman watches as the frigate F215 'Brandenburg' of the German Navy approaches its home port Wilhelmshaven, Northern Germany, on Sunday April 26, 2015. The vessels returns from a three-month journey during which it took part in the Obangame Express 2015 operation at the Gulf of Guinea. Credit: Focke Strangmann/Alamy Live News
A sailor of a German minesweeper with his wife and child. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/a-sailor-of-a-german-minesweeper-with-his-wife-and-child-image328467337.html
RM2A2AYC9–A sailor of a German minesweeper with his wife and child.
Marinearsenal und Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut, ehemals Werfttor 1 als Haupteingang und Hauptverwaltung der Kaiserlichen Werft in Wilhelmshaven Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/marinearsenal-und-wehrwissenschaftliches-institut-ehemals-werfttor-1-als-haupteingang-und-hauptverwaltung-der-kaiserlichen-werft-in-wilhelmshaven-image480355421.html
RM2JWE26N–Marinearsenal und Wehrwissenschaftliches Institut, ehemals Werfttor 1 als Haupteingang und Hauptverwaltung der Kaiserlichen Werft in Wilhelmshaven
Soldiers of the German Navy are standing at a canteen van. They belonged to the crew of Lindau class coastal minehunters during an exercise of the 6th Minesweeper Squadron in the North Sea. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/soldiers-of-the-german-navy-are-standing-at-a-canteen-van-they-belonged-to-the-crew-of-lindau-class-coastal-minehunters-during-an-exercise-of-the-6th-minesweeper-squadron-in-the-north-sea-image328469828.html
RM2A2B2H8–Soldiers of the German Navy are standing at a canteen van. They belonged to the crew of Lindau class coastal minehunters during an exercise of the 6th Minesweeper Squadron in the North Sea.
Gdynia, Poland 20th, Nov. 2015 German Navy U34 type U212A submarine visits Gdynia port on 20th of November. Visit is officially part of the combat - training cruise at the Baltic Sea. The vessel crew will take part in a seminar at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The entrance to the port is also connected with announced by Defense Ministry plans of purchase of submarines. Credit: Michal Fludra/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-gdynia-poland-20th-nov-2015-german-navy-u34-type-u212a-submarine-visits-90302477.html
RMF6WHMD–Gdynia, Poland 20th, Nov. 2015 German Navy U34 type U212A submarine visits Gdynia port on 20th of November. Visit is officially part of the combat - training cruise at the Baltic Sea. The vessel crew will take part in a seminar at the Naval Academy in Gdynia. The entrance to the port is also connected with announced by Defense Ministry plans of purchase of submarines. Credit: Michal Fludra/Alamy Live News
Auf der Brücke von Zerstörer D 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-auf-der-brcke-von-zerstrer-d-172-der-klasse-119-der-bundesmarine-ist-82464304.html
RMEP4G1M–Auf der Brücke von Zerstörer D 172 der Klasse 119 der Bundesmarine ist auf Deck angetreten im Hafen von Kiel, Deutschland 1960er
SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 23, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/sar-helicopter-of-the-german-navy-in-a-practice-flight-august-23-1981-borkum-navy-base-lower-saxony-germany-image354950219.html
RM2BHDAHF–SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 23, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany
Original-Bildunterschrift: Großes Flottenmanöver der Bundesmarine - Mit 40 Einheiten und 3000 Mann begannen von Kiel aus am Morgen des 11. August 1958 die diesjährigen Flottenmanöver, die bis zum 30. August durch Ost- und Nordsee führen. Den jungen Matrosen wird dabei Gelegenheit gegeben, ihre Arbeit im größeren Verband zu erproben. Flotillenadmiral Johannesson (rechts) leitet das Manöver, hier beim Appell vor dem Auslaufen am Heck des Zerstörers Z1, im Hintergrunde Einheiten des 2. Minensuchgeschwaders an der Tirpitzmole in Kiel, Deutschland 1958. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/original-bildunterschrift-groes-flottenmanver-der-bundesmarine-mit-40-einheiten-und-3000-mann-begannen-von-kiel-aus-am-morgen-des-11-august-1958-die-diesjhrigen-flottenmanver-die-bis-zum-30-august-durch-ost-und-nordsee-fhren-den-jungen-matrosen-wird-dabei-gelegenheit-gegeben-ihre-arbeit-im-greren-verband-zu-erproben-flotillenadmiral-johannesson-rechts-leitet-das-manver-hier-beim-appell-vor-dem-auslaufen-am-heck-des-zerstrers-z1-im-hintergrunde-einheiten-des-2-minensuchgeschwaders-an-der-tirpitzmole-in-kiel-deutschland-1958-image556917961.html
RM2RA1PF5–Original-Bildunterschrift: Großes Flottenmanöver der Bundesmarine - Mit 40 Einheiten und 3000 Mann begannen von Kiel aus am Morgen des 11. August 1958 die diesjährigen Flottenmanöver, die bis zum 30. August durch Ost- und Nordsee führen. Den jungen Matrosen wird dabei Gelegenheit gegeben, ihre Arbeit im größeren Verband zu erproben. Flotillenadmiral Johannesson (rechts) leitet das Manöver, hier beim Appell vor dem Auslaufen am Heck des Zerstörers Z1, im Hintergrunde Einheiten des 2. Minensuchgeschwaders an der Tirpitzmole in Kiel, Deutschland 1958.
name plate, training ship Deutschland, April 26, 1982, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/name-plate-training-ship-deutschland-april-26-1982-guayaquil-ecuador-south-america-image358749553.html
RM2BRJCM1–name plate, training ship Deutschland, April 26, 1982, Guayaquil, Ecuador, South America
Das Versorgungsschiff 'Neckar' der Bundesmarine auf hoher See, 1987 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/das-versorgungsschiff-neckar-der-bundesmarine-auf-hoher-see-1987-image471353155.html
RM2JARYN7–Das Versorgungsschiff 'Neckar' der Bundesmarine auf hoher See, 1987
Das Segelschulschiff Gorch Fock der Deutschen Marine in der Kieler Bucht Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/das-segelschulschiff-gorch-fock-der-deutschen-marine-in-der-kieler-bucht-image451800485.html
RF2H7183H–Das Segelschulschiff Gorch Fock der Deutschen Marine in der Kieler Bucht
Die Abbildung zeigt das Segelschulschiff 'Gorch Fock' der Bundesmarine auf dem Wasser. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/die-abbildung-zeigt-das-segelschulschiff-gorch-fock-der-bundesmarine-auf-dem-wasser-image471353119.html
RM2JARYKY–Die Abbildung zeigt das Segelschulschiff 'Gorch Fock' der Bundesmarine auf dem Wasser.
Œwinoujœcie, 19.11.1999. Do portu w Œwinoujœciu wp³ynê³o 17 okrêtów Bundesmarine, nale¿¹cych do Flotylli Tra³owo-Minowej w Olpenitz i Flotylli Kutrów Rakietowych w Warnemuende. Jest to najwiêksza wizyta niemieckich okrêtów w Œwinoujœciu. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie, 19.11.1999. 17 battleships of German Navy entered harbour in Swinujscie. It is the biggest visit of German Navy to Poland ever. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/winoujcie-19111999-do-portu-w-winoujciu-wpyno-17-okrtw-bundesmarine-nalecych-do-flotylli-traowo-minowej-w-olpenitz-i-flotylli-kutrw-rakietowych-w-warnemuende-jest-to-najwiksza-wizyta-niemieckich-okrtw-w-winoujciu-mr-papjerzy-undro-swinoujscie-19111999-17-battleships-of-german-navy-entered-harbour-in-swinujscie-it-is-the-biggest-visit-of-german-navy-to-poland-ever-mr-papjerzy-undro-image453931707.html
RM2HAEAEK–Œwinoujœcie, 19.11.1999. Do portu w Œwinoujœciu wp³ynê³o 17 okrêtów Bundesmarine, nale¿¹cych do Flotylli Tra³owo-Minowej w Olpenitz i Flotylli Kutrów Rakietowych w Warnemuende. Jest to najwiêksza wizyta niemieckich okrêtów w Œwinoujœciu. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro Swinoujscie, 19.11.1999. 17 battleships of German Navy entered harbour in Swinujscie. It is the biggest visit of German Navy to Poland ever. (mr) PAP/Jerzy Undro
Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter- 26+89 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-federal-german-navy-bundeswehr-bundesmarine-lockheed-f-104g-starfighter-2689-image610166981.html
RM2XCKE5W–Lockheed F-104G Starfighter Federal German Navy - Bundeswehr Bundesmarine Lockheed - F 104G Starfighter- 26+89
Kapitän zur See Immo von Schnurbein, Kommandant der 'Gorch Fock', Segelschulschiff der Bundesmarine in Kiel, Deutschland um 1991. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/kapitn-zur-see-immo-von-schnurbein-kommandant-der-gorch-fock-segelschulschiff-der-bundesmarine-in-kiel-deutschland-um-1991-image565271311.html
RM2RRJ993–Kapitän zur See Immo von Schnurbein, Kommandant der 'Gorch Fock', Segelschulschiff der Bundesmarine in Kiel, Deutschland um 1991.
SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 22, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/sar-helicopter-of-the-german-navy-in-a-practice-flight-august-22-1981-borkum-navy-base-lower-saxony-germany-image354950005.html
RM2BHDA9W–SAR Helicopter of the German Navy in a practice flight, August 22, 1981, Borkum Navy Base, Lower Saxony, Germany
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