Decorative sea silk, woven from the spun byssus threads produced by the large bivalve mollusc, the Noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis). Calasetta, Island of Sant'Antioco, Sardinia, Italy. Mediterranean Sea. Stock Photo
RMW7REGC–Decorative sea silk, woven from the spun byssus threads produced by the large bivalve mollusc, the Noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis). Calasetta, Island of Sant'Antioco, Sardinia, Italy. Mediterranean Sea.
Glove knitted from the 'beard' threads of the pen shell (Pinna nobilis) Stock Photo
RMDTG5CT–Glove knitted from the 'beard' threads of the pen shell (Pinna nobilis)
Zebra Mussels on a Mytilus Bivalvia Dreissena polymorpha Stock Photo
RMAE2918–Zebra Mussels on a Mytilus Bivalvia Dreissena polymorpha
. History of lace. 5elgian nuns,which in whiteness rivals tlie snow, intexture satin, and in price the sea-silk—Byssus, or beard of the Pinna. o si). To face page 114. FLANDERS 115 And I believe this way of ordering the young women inGermany (Flanders) is one great cause that the Germanwomen have so little twit-twat/^ and I am sure it will be aswell were it so in England. There the children emulate thefather—here they beggar him. Child, he winds up, Icharge you tell this to thy wyfe in bed, and it may be thatshe, understandinsc the benefit it will be to her and herchildren, will turn Dutchwoma Stock Photo
RM2CEJ051–. History of lace. 5elgian nuns,which in whiteness rivals tlie snow, intexture satin, and in price the sea-silk—Byssus, or beard of the Pinna. o si). To face page 114. FLANDERS 115 And I believe this way of ordering the young women inGermany (Flanders) is one great cause that the Germanwomen have so little twit-twat/^ and I am sure it will be aswell were it so in England. There the children emulate thefather—here they beggar him. Child, he winds up, Icharge you tell this to thy wyfe in bed, and it may be thatshe, understandinsc the benefit it will be to her and herchildren, will turn Dutchwoma
Elements of conchology Prepared Elements of conchology / Prepared for the use of schools and colleges elementsofconcho00rusc Year: 1844 78 PINNA.—ARCA.—PECTUNCULUS. The annual revenue from the pearl fishery of Ceylon is esti- mated at about $80,000. 18, The PiNN^ have two equal valves in form of a half-open fan, gaping and united by a ligament along one of their sides. A very large species is found in the Mediterranean, which lives half-buried in the sand, and anchored by its byssus, the fila- ments of which, being very strong, fine, and brilliant as silk, are employed by the inhabitants of Stock Photo
RMRWNNM6–Elements of conchology Prepared Elements of conchology / Prepared for the use of schools and colleges elementsofconcho00rusc Year: 1844 78 PINNA.—ARCA.—PECTUNCULUS. The annual revenue from the pearl fishery of Ceylon is esti- mated at about $80,000. 18, The PiNN^ have two equal valves in form of a half-open fan, gaping and united by a ligament along one of their sides. A very large species is found in the Mediterranean, which lives half-buried in the sand, and anchored by its byssus, the fila- ments of which, being very strong, fine, and brilliant as silk, are employed by the inhabitants of
. The sea-beach at ebb-tide : a guide to the study of the seaweeds and the lower animal life found between tidemarks . to u pieoe ofof genera the foot contains w: *• ft: *• txt-iuiTt-»t *ipi>». ti,,. branchial si,,i,,,,, being below it and not closed. a gland for the secretion of long silk-like or horn-like fibers, which are collectively calledThe use of a byssus is for attachment to any object to effect a temporary or per-manent lodgment. Theaccompanying cut showsMi/filns c<h<lin, a commoneast-coast pelecypod, at-tached by its bjrssus to apiece of wood. Most bi-valves having a strong Stock Photo
RM2CNNMEP–. The sea-beach at ebb-tide : a guide to the study of the seaweeds and the lower animal life found between tidemarks . to u pieoe ofof genera the foot contains w: *• ft: *• txt-iuiTt-»t *ipi>». ti,,. branchial si,,i,,,,, being below it and not closed. a gland for the secretion of long silk-like or horn-like fibers, which are collectively calledThe use of a byssus is for attachment to any object to effect a temporary or per-manent lodgment. Theaccompanying cut showsMi/filns c<h<lin, a commoneast-coast pelecypod, at-tached by its bjrssus to apiece of wood. Most bi-valves having a strong
. Elements of conchology / Prepared for the use of schools and colleges. Mollusks. 78 PINNA.—ARCA.—PECTUNCULUS. The annual revenue from the pearl fishery of Ceylon is esti- mated at about $80,000. 18, The PiNN^ have two equal valves in form of a half-open fan, gaping and united by a ligament along one of their sides. A very large species is found in the Mediterranean, which lives half-buried in the sand, and anchored by its byssus, the fila- ments of which, being very strong, fine, and brilliant as silk, are employed by the inhabitants of some parts of Calabria and Sicily in the manufacture of Stock Photo
RMRCM92Y–. Elements of conchology / Prepared for the use of schools and colleges. Mollusks. 78 PINNA.—ARCA.—PECTUNCULUS. The annual revenue from the pearl fishery of Ceylon is esti- mated at about $80,000. 18, The PiNN^ have two equal valves in form of a half-open fan, gaping and united by a ligament along one of their sides. A very large species is found in the Mediterranean, which lives half-buried in the sand, and anchored by its byssus, the fila- ments of which, being very strong, fine, and brilliant as silk, are employed by the inhabitants of some parts of Calabria and Sicily in the manufacture of
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