Cable railways for new york city Stock Photos and Images
. The Street railway journal . Extra Long 6 D==Designed Expressly for 20 ft. Closed Cars.. Extra Long 6 D X, with Double Extension for 30 ft. Open Cars. The Strongest, Easiest Riding:, and Most Economi Maintained Truck in Use. cally Adopted as Standard by all of the Electric and Cable Railways in New York,Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and Long Island. OYER 1,000 IN USE IN BROOKLYN ALONE. Price List, Blue Print, Testimonials and Descriptive CatalogueFurnished upon Application. THE PECKHAM MOTOR TRUCK & WHEEL CO., GENERAL SALES OFFICE: Havemeyer Building, 26 Cortlandt St., New Y Stock Photo
RM2CR5G4F–. The Street railway journal . Extra Long 6 D==Designed Expressly for 20 ft. Closed Cars.. Extra Long 6 D X, with Double Extension for 30 ft. Open Cars. The Strongest, Easiest Riding:, and Most Economi Maintained Truck in Use. cally Adopted as Standard by all of the Electric and Cable Railways in New York,Brooklyn, Jersey City, Hoboken and Long Island. OYER 1,000 IN USE IN BROOKLYN ALONE. Price List, Blue Print, Testimonials and Descriptive CatalogueFurnished upon Application. THE PECKHAM MOTOR TRUCK & WHEEL CO., GENERAL SALES OFFICE: Havemeyer Building, 26 Cortlandt St., New Y
PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT No. 261 BROADWAY NEW YORK. 0. D. MUNN. A. E. BEACH. TERMS FOR THE SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. ll'he Scientific American Supplement Scientific American Export Edition. Contents. N. 4219 THE PLOT AGAINST PATENTS. CABLE RAILWAYS FOR NEW YORK CITY. MALARIAL FEVERS., 1884-03-22 Stock Photo
. Railways and other ways: being reminiscences of canal and railway life during a period of sixty-seven years; with characteristic sketches of canal and railway men, early tram roads and railways, steamboats and ocean steamships, the electric telegraph and Atlantic cable, Canada and its railways, trade and commerce . theCentral Traffic Association at Chicago, on the death of Thos. Tandy, the ClevelandPlain Dealer says : They were written by INIr. George B. Spriggs, of this city.General Freight Agent of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Koad. As the eulo-gist of his Canadian friend, Mr. Spriggs Stock Photo
RM2CH2FWT–. Railways and other ways: being reminiscences of canal and railway life during a period of sixty-seven years; with characteristic sketches of canal and railway men, early tram roads and railways, steamboats and ocean steamships, the electric telegraph and Atlantic cable, Canada and its railways, trade and commerce . theCentral Traffic Association at Chicago, on the death of Thos. Tandy, the ClevelandPlain Dealer says : They were written by INIr. George B. Spriggs, of this city.General Freight Agent of the New York, Chicago & St. Louis Koad. As the eulo-gist of his Canadian friend, Mr. Spriggs
USE ADAMANT WALL PLASTER The Remington Standard Typewriter. TO BUSINESS MEN C:0M ' rchitectural Books The Modern Geometrical Stair Builders' The Architects' and Builders' Pocket Compan The Principles of Ventilation and Heating Log Cabins; How to Build and Furnish Them. LEFFEL TURBINE WATER WHEELS. Shafting Pulleys and Hangers. Mixers and General Outfit for Fertilizer Works GATES ROCK & ORE BREAKER CATES IRON WORKS Edco System. The Sebastian-May Co. SIDNEY OHIO. How to Use Loose Pulleys. VANNZEN&TIFTCincinnati3Ohio. STENCILS STEEL NAME STAMPS STEEL NASH Gas Engine GAS or GASOLINE NEW YORK Stock Photo
RM2ABX73J–USE ADAMANT WALL PLASTER The Remington Standard Typewriter. TO BUSINESS MEN C:0M ' rchitectural Books The Modern Geometrical Stair Builders' The Architects' and Builders' Pocket Compan The Principles of Ventilation and Heating Log Cabins; How to Build and Furnish Them. LEFFEL TURBINE WATER WHEELS. Shafting Pulleys and Hangers. Mixers and General Outfit for Fertilizer Works GATES ROCK & ORE BREAKER CATES IRON WORKS Edco System. The Sebastian-May Co. SIDNEY OHIO. How to Use Loose Pulleys. VANNZEN&TIFTCincinnati3Ohio. STENCILS STEEL NAME STAMPS STEEL NASH Gas Engine GAS or GASOLINE NEW YORK
. Street and electric railways, 1902 .. . t is done on Broadway,New York city, with the electric cars, and at times theheadway is even shorter than that. The success in thecrowded city streets of Chicago of the four-car trainhas probably been due to the fact that, as a generalthing, the streets in Chicago are unusually wide andstraight, so that the other vehicular trafBc is not so fre-quently congested. Whether trains take longer to loadand unload than single cars is a disputed question. Following tlie example of the cable railways, the ele-vated railroads of Chicago introduced the multiple un Stock Photo
RM2CH3WEG–. Street and electric railways, 1902 .. . t is done on Broadway,New York city, with the electric cars, and at times theheadway is even shorter than that. The success in thecrowded city streets of Chicago of the four-car trainhas probably been due to the fact that, as a generalthing, the streets in Chicago are unusually wide andstraight, so that the other vehicular trafBc is not so fre-quently congested. Whether trains take longer to loadand unload than single cars is a disputed question. Following tlie example of the cable railways, the ele-vated railroads of Chicago introduced the multiple un
. The Street railway journal . 1 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES t 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 94 Prumm Street, San Francisco, Ca|. H, L, SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 11*9 Liberty Street, New York, THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 1093 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes. Stock Photo
RM2CJB708–. The Street railway journal . 1 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES t 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 94 Prumm Street, San Francisco, Ca|. H, L, SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 11*9 Liberty Street, New York, THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 1093 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes.
. The Street railway journal . WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINCS SONS CO., Works : Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES: 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. J4 Drumm Street. San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. June, 1881. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 553 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes. Stock Photo
RM2CGR238–. The Street railway journal . WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINCS SONS CO., Works : Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES: 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. J4 Drumm Street. San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. June, 1881. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 553 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes.
. The Street railway journal . Pintsch Gas Lighting System Has been adopted as the STANDARD LIGHT by the Broadway and Third Avenue CableLines of New York; the North and West Chicago Cable Lines; the Columbus Central Elec-tric Line of Columbus, O., and Denver City Cable Co., also by eighty-five of the most promi-nent railways and by the Pullman and Wagner Palace Car Companies in the United States. It has been the standard lighting system in Europe for many years, and is applied to70,000 cars in Europe, the United States, South America, India and Australia.For particulars address The Safety Car Stock Photo
RM2CGPKMB–. The Street railway journal . Pintsch Gas Lighting System Has been adopted as the STANDARD LIGHT by the Broadway and Third Avenue CableLines of New York; the North and West Chicago Cable Lines; the Columbus Central Elec-tric Line of Columbus, O., and Denver City Cable Co., also by eighty-five of the most promi-nent railways and by the Pullman and Wagner Palace Car Companies in the United States. It has been the standard lighting system in Europe for many years, and is applied to70,000 cars in Europe, the United States, South America, India and Australia.For particulars address The Safety Car
. The Street railway journal . r HJ j Street Railway Journal FIG. 1.—PLAN OF MACHINERY—LEXINGTON AVENUE CABLE POWER STATION, NEW YORK CITY. the company to install an underground electric system onone of its uptown lines have already been published inthese columns. While awaiting the results of this trialthe company is completing its projected cable railways onColumbus and Lexington Avenues. The Lexington Avenue railway will be operated froma power station 130 ft. east of Lexington Avenue, andextending from 25th Street to 26th Street. This part ofthe city is devoted to residences, and owing to Stock Photo
RM2CRBHT2–. The Street railway journal . r HJ j Street Railway Journal FIG. 1.—PLAN OF MACHINERY—LEXINGTON AVENUE CABLE POWER STATION, NEW YORK CITY. the company to install an underground electric system onone of its uptown lines have already been published inthese columns. While awaiting the results of this trialthe company is completing its projected cable railways onColumbus and Lexington Avenues. The Lexington Avenue railway will be operated froma power station 130 ft. east of Lexington Avenue, andextending from 25th Street to 26th Street. This part ofthe city is devoted to residences, and owing to
. The Street railway journal . 3 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS, SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES s 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 14 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cat. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. TITE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 129 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE Stock Photo
RM2CGPFF5–. The Street railway journal . 3 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS, SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES s 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 14 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cat. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. TITE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 129 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE
. The Street railway journal . t—< WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO, Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES : 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 14 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, HI and 119 Liberty Street, New York. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 9V5 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes. Stock Photo
RM2CJB98G–. The Street railway journal . t—< WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO, Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES : 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 14 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, HI and 119 Liberty Street, New York. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 9V5 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes.
. The Street railway journal . e Yerkes system of street railways inChicago from the earliest organization of the first horse railway tothe present development of cable, electric and elevated railwaysof the North and West sides of that city. Trade Catalogues Electric Motors in the Art of Printing. Published by the SpragueElectric Company, of New York. Illustrated. Lundell Fan Motors. Published by the Sprague Electric Com-pany, of New York. 18 pages. Illustrated. Gormans Amusement Attractions. Published by J. W. Gorman,of Boston, Mass. 16 pages. Illustrated. Modern Switchboards. Published by th Stock Photo
RM2CGXARJ–. The Street railway journal . e Yerkes system of street railways inChicago from the earliest organization of the first horse railway tothe present development of cable, electric and elevated railwaysof the North and West sides of that city. Trade Catalogues Electric Motors in the Art of Printing. Published by the SpragueElectric Company, of New York. Illustrated. Lundell Fan Motors. Published by the Sprague Electric Com-pany, of New York. 18 pages. Illustrated. Gormans Amusement Attractions. Published by J. W. Gorman,of Boston, Mass. 16 pages. Illustrated. Modern Switchboards. Published by th
. The Street railway journal . 3 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works : Trenton, N. J BRANCH OFFICES : 2i5 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 114 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York.* THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL 641 Washburn h Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes. Stock Photo
RM2CGPM7H–. The Street railway journal . 3 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works : Trenton, N. J BRANCH OFFICES : 2i5 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 114 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York.* THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL 641 Washburn h Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes.
. The Street railway journal . WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES: 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 14 Drumm Street. San Francisco, Cat. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 907 Washburn & ffloen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes. Stock Photo
RM2CGP8M5–. The Street railway journal . WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES: 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 14 Drumm Street. San Francisco, Cat. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 907 Washburn & ffloen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes.
. The Street railway journal . 704 and 706 No. Main St, St. Louis, Mo. ENVELOPES For Railroad Companies and City Street Railways. The subscribers are largely in the Envelope ManufacturingBusiness, making every kind used by Railroad and ExpressCompanies, including the small size used by the City Railroadsfar change or tickets, and printed in different colors for the vari-ous denominations of 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, and one dollar.All well made and gummed, and sold in any quantity. Samplessent when requested. SAMUEL RAYNOR & CO.,117 William Street, New York.. CABLE BOAHDS- Am. System Tract Stock Photo
RM2CGW73T–. The Street railway journal . 704 and 706 No. Main St, St. Louis, Mo. ENVELOPES For Railroad Companies and City Street Railways. The subscribers are largely in the Envelope ManufacturingBusiness, making every kind used by Railroad and ExpressCompanies, including the small size used by the City Railroadsfar change or tickets, and printed in different colors for the vari-ous denominations of 10 cents, 25 cents, 50 cents, and one dollar.All well made and gummed, and sold in any quantity. Samplessent when requested. SAMUEL RAYNOR & CO.,117 William Street, New York.. CABLE BOAHDS- Am. System Tract
. The Street railway journal . 5^5 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works : Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES: 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 114 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. Apbil, 188*1. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 383 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes. Stock Photo
RM2CGRRX3–. The Street railway journal . 5^5 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works : Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES: 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 114 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Cal. H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. Apbil, 188*1. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 383 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.. Every Variety of WIRE For all Purposes.
. The Street railway journal . 3 FULTONST. NEW YORK. N.Y. THE BROOKLYN RAILWAY SUPPLY CO. STAMFORD, COiXX. Formerly of Brooklyn. ALL KINDS SWEEPING MACHINERY For Horse, Cable ana Electric Railways. TRACK SWEEPERS. RAIL SWEEPERS. TWO-HORSE SWEEPERS.Revolving Rail Sweepers for Street Car Attachment. The Walkaway Snow Plow, for Removing Heavy Snow, Excelsany Plow Ever Made. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WRECKING WAGON FOR STR66T RKILWKYS,. Here is just the thing for any Electricor Cable road. The cut shows fac-simile of wagons recently built for theCable System, New York City. We alsobuild one hundre Stock Photo
RM2CR4E80–. The Street railway journal . 3 FULTONST. NEW YORK. N.Y. THE BROOKLYN RAILWAY SUPPLY CO. STAMFORD, COiXX. Formerly of Brooklyn. ALL KINDS SWEEPING MACHINERY For Horse, Cable ana Electric Railways. TRACK SWEEPERS. RAIL SWEEPERS. TWO-HORSE SWEEPERS.Revolving Rail Sweepers for Street Car Attachment. The Walkaway Snow Plow, for Removing Heavy Snow, Excelsany Plow Ever Made. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WRECKING WAGON FOR STR66T RKILWKYS,. Here is just the thing for any Electricor Cable road. The cut shows fac-simile of wagons recently built for theCable System, New York City. We alsobuild one hundre
. The Street railway journal . Construction In Cincinnati 217 TrackLaying 168 Traction on Tramways, Resistance to 56 TrackSilting 51 Transportation Facilities In New York City, Additional 146 Tramway, The Derivation of 10 Tramways, Resistance to Traction on 27 Tramways, Cost of Working English Steam.... 35 Tramway, Origin of the Word 26 Track Salting 30 Track Cleaning, and Removal of Snow and Ice. 2 Turntable, Hydraulic 89 Uptown Cable Road 217 Value of Street Railways 143 Varnish, Cracks in, D. F. Tieman & Co 35 Varnish, Cracking of y Varnishing 35 Varnish, Failing of 74 Varnish, Demon 124 Ve Stock Photo
RM2CH4HR2–. The Street railway journal . Construction In Cincinnati 217 TrackLaying 168 Traction on Tramways, Resistance to 56 TrackSilting 51 Transportation Facilities In New York City, Additional 146 Tramway, The Derivation of 10 Tramways, Resistance to Traction on 27 Tramways, Cost of Working English Steam.... 35 Tramway, Origin of the Word 26 Track Salting 30 Track Cleaning, and Removal of Snow and Ice. 2 Turntable, Hydraulic 89 Uptown Cable Road 217 Value of Street Railways 143 Varnish, Cracks in, D. F. Tieman & Co 35 Varnish, Cracking of y Varnishing 35 Varnish, Failing of 74 Varnish, Demon 124 Ve
. The Street railway journal . JOHN A, ROEBLINGS SONS CO., C&3 E— - 55 P=i MANUFACTURERS OF Iron and Steel. 1 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES t 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 94 Prumm Street, San Francisco, Ca|. H, L, SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 11*9 Liberty Street, New York, THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 1093 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago. Stock Photo
RM2CJB70D–. The Street railway journal . JOHN A, ROEBLINGS SONS CO., C&3 E— - 55 P=i MANUFACTURERS OF Iron and Steel. 1 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS. SWITCH ROPES. PLOUGH ROPES. TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES t 215 Lake Street, Chicago, III. 94 Prumm Street, San Francisco, Ca|. H, L, SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 11*9 Liberty Street, New York, THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 1093 Washburn & Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago.
. Races for the America's cup . ANY DESIRED LENGTH CUT TO ORDER.WIRE ROPE FOR CABLE RAILWAYS A SPECIALTY. 87 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. -y,. NORWICH LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, BOSTON,WORCESTER AND ALL POINTS EAST. STEAMERS: City of Worcester and City of Boston, Leave Pier 40, North River, N. Y., alternatedays, at 6 p. M. (Sundays excepted). Steamboat Express Train leaves New London 5.35 A. m. following morning.Passengers afforded full nights rest. <A ^Delightful Blend of St. James Parish, Louisiana,Perique, Genuine Imported Turkish, Extra BrightTlug Cut, Extra Bright Long Cut, and {MarburgBros. Stock Photo
RM2CDERX4–. Races for the America's cup . ANY DESIRED LENGTH CUT TO ORDER.WIRE ROPE FOR CABLE RAILWAYS A SPECIALTY. 87 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. -y,. NORWICH LINE BETWEEN NEW YORK, BOSTON,WORCESTER AND ALL POINTS EAST. STEAMERS: City of Worcester and City of Boston, Leave Pier 40, North River, N. Y., alternatedays, at 6 p. M. (Sundays excepted). Steamboat Express Train leaves New London 5.35 A. m. following morning.Passengers afforded full nights rest. <A ^Delightful Blend of St. James Parish, Louisiana,Perique, Genuine Imported Turkish, Extra BrightTlug Cut, Extra Bright Long Cut, and {MarburgBros.
. The Street railway journal . s t?3 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS, SWITCH ROPES PLOUGH ROPES, TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES s 215 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. f!4 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Calc H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 509 Washburn $ Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago. Every Variety of. aiKgf W IRE -:[^f*< ^^pui j?or all Purposes. NORTIl WORKS. SOUTH. WORKS. MAKERS OF IRON AND STEEL. The Largest Wire Drawers in the Un Stock Photo!4-drumm-street-san-francisco-calc-h-l-shippy-manager-new-york-warehouse-117-and-119-liberty-street-new-york-the-street-railway-journal-509-washburn-moen-manufacturing-company-worcester-mass-new-york-city-chicago-every-variety-of-aikgf-w-ire-flt-pui-jor-all-purposes-nortil-works-south-works-makers-of-iron-and-steel-the-largest-wire-drawers-in-the-un-image371744712.html
RM2CGPC4T–. The Street railway journal . s t?3 WIRE ROPE FOR STREET CABLE RAILWAYS, SWITCH ROPES PLOUGH ROPES, TELEGRAPH WIRE. JOHN A. ROEBLINGS SONS CO., Works: Trenton, N. J. BRANCH OFFICES s 215 Lake Street, Chicago, 111. f!4 Drumm Street, San Francisco, Calc H. L. SHIPPY, Manager, New York Warehouse, 117 and 119 Liberty Street, New York. THE STREET RAILWAY JOURNAL. 509 Washburn $ Moen Manufacturing Company, Worcester, Mass. New York City. Chicago. Every Variety of. aiKgf W IRE -:[^f*< ^^pui j?or all Purposes. NORTIl WORKS. SOUTH. WORKS. MAKERS OF IRON AND STEEL. The Largest Wire Drawers in the Un
. The street railway review . , Troy, N. Y.; motortruck for electric and cable railways, L. s. 18. Tilden B. E. Company, Chicago; car replacer, wreck-ing frogs and switches, X. n. 9. Trenton Iron Works, Trenton, N.J.; wire ropes andcables of every kind both steel and copper exhibits, bjCooper, Hewitt & Company, New York; Y. n. & Z.s. 4-5. Valley, John N., Jersey City, N. J.; model of elevatedrailway, W. s. lo-ii. (^io^d^llxcuWay-j^A^^ •273 Wheeler, Harris A., Chicago; street car seats, D. 8-17. Whitney, A. & Sons Car Wheel Works, Philadelphia;boxes and pedestals for street cars, K. n. 3-4. Wha Stock Photo
RM2CR5DBP–. The street railway review . , Troy, N. Y.; motortruck for electric and cable railways, L. s. 18. Tilden B. E. Company, Chicago; car replacer, wreck-ing frogs and switches, X. n. 9. Trenton Iron Works, Trenton, N.J.; wire ropes andcables of every kind both steel and copper exhibits, bjCooper, Hewitt & Company, New York; Y. n. & Z.s. 4-5. Valley, John N., Jersey City, N. J.; model of elevatedrailway, W. s. lo-ii. (^io^d^llxcuWay-j^A^^ •273 Wheeler, Harris A., Chicago; street car seats, D. 8-17. Whitney, A. & Sons Car Wheel Works, Philadelphia;boxes and pedestals for street cars, K. n. 3-4. Wha
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