Callander Ontario Canada shown on a road map or Geography map Stock Photo
RM2GEAT8T–Callander Ontario Canada shown on a road map or Geography map
Callander, Nipissing District, Canada, Ontario, N 46 13' 0'', W 79 21' 58'', map, Timeless Map published in 2021. Travelers, explorers and adventurers like Florence Nightingale, David Livingstone, Ernest Shackleton, Lewis and Clark and Sherlock Holmes relied on maps to plan travels to the world's most remote corners, Timeless Maps is mapping most locations on the globe, showing the achievement of great dreams Stock Photo
RM2HGW18J–Callander, Nipissing District, Canada, Ontario, N 46 13' 0'', W 79 21' 58'', map, Timeless Map published in 2021. Travelers, explorers and adventurers like Florence Nightingale, David Livingstone, Ernest Shackleton, Lewis and Clark and Sherlock Holmes relied on maps to plan travels to the world's most remote corners, Timeless Maps is mapping most locations on the globe, showing the achievement of great dreams
House where Dionne Quintuplets were born, Callander Ontario, old postcard. Stock Photo
RMWCXD68–House where Dionne Quintuplets were born, Callander Ontario, old postcard.
Quins at home. Two of the Dionne quintuplets in a peaceful 'fireside'seen in the nursery at Callander, Ontario. Annette has found an interesting picture book, but lively, Yvonne is finding possibilities in her rocking chair. 12 December 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPT3E–Quins at home. Two of the Dionne quintuplets in a peaceful 'fireside'seen in the nursery at Callander, Ontario. Annette has found an interesting picture book, but lively, Yvonne is finding possibilities in her rocking chair. 12 December 1937
The Dionne quintuplets of Callander, Ontario, and their little brother Claude, wait at North Bay to greet Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh Stock Photo
RMG4T0W9–The Dionne quintuplets of Callander, Ontario, and their little brother Claude, wait at North Bay to greet Princess Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh
The king and queen may visit the Dionne's quintuplets at their nursery at Callander (Ontario) during their Canadian tour next year. An invitation to visit the famous babies has been sent through Lord Tweedamuir, Canadian Governor - General. Photo shows the most recent picture of the Dionne - riding their cycles round the nursery playground. Left to right; Annattel, Cecile, Emilie, Yvonne and Marie. 18 October 1938 Stock Photo
RM2BW2DE9–The king and queen may visit the Dionne's quintuplets at their nursery at Callander (Ontario) during their Canadian tour next year. An invitation to visit the famous babies has been sent through Lord Tweedamuir, Canadian Governor - General. Photo shows the most recent picture of the Dionne - riding their cycles round the nursery playground. Left to right; Annattel, Cecile, Emilie, Yvonne and Marie. 18 October 1938
. Canadian forest industries July-December 1923. Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp industry; Wood-using industries. Ontario Cullers' Examination Examinations of candidates desiring to be licensed as saw log cullers will be held at Callander, Thessalon and Kenora on Wednes- day, the 29th day of August, 1923. Only British subjects and bona-fide residents of Canada will be examined for licenses. Candidates will require to pay a fee of four dollars to the presiding Examiner before the examination. JAMES LYONS, Minister of Lands and Forests. Toronto, August 4th, 1923. N.B' Stock Photo
RMRFW9NM–. Canadian forest industries July-December 1923. Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp industry; Wood-using industries. Ontario Cullers' Examination Examinations of candidates desiring to be licensed as saw log cullers will be held at Callander, Thessalon and Kenora on Wednes- day, the 29th day of August, 1923. Only British subjects and bona-fide residents of Canada will be examined for licenses. Candidates will require to pay a fee of four dollars to the presiding Examiner before the examination. JAMES LYONS, Minister of Lands and Forests. Toronto, August 4th, 1923. N.B'
Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: Dionne quintuplets talking to their own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPNF1–Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: Dionne quintuplets talking to their own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937
Callander Ontario Canada shown on a road map or Geography map Stock Photo
RM2GEAT6T–Callander Ontario Canada shown on a road map or Geography map
. Canadian forest industries July-December 1919. Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp industry; Wood-using industries. J' uly 1, 1919 CANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOODWORKER 7. 4 BAND MILLS With a capacity of a quarter of a million a day sawing on our stock all the time. This makes it possible for us to handle your White Pine, Red Pine, Jack Pine or Spruce orders promptly and to your entire satisfaction. Dry Stock at Milnet - Ontario Trout Mills Callander " L'Orignal Let us quote on your next order. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED 701 DOMINION BANK BUILDING TORONTO CANADA. Pl Stock Photo
RMRFXW5A–. Canadian forest industries July-December 1919. Lumbering; Forests and forestry; Forest products; Wood-pulp industry; Wood-using industries. J' uly 1, 1919 CANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOODWORKER 7. 4 BAND MILLS With a capacity of a quarter of a million a day sawing on our stock all the time. This makes it possible for us to handle your White Pine, Red Pine, Jack Pine or Spruce orders promptly and to your entire satisfaction. Dry Stock at Milnet - Ontario Trout Mills Callander " L'Orignal Let us quote on your next order. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED 701 DOMINION BANK BUILDING TORONTO CANADA. Pl
Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: Dionne quintuplets talking to their own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPNCX–Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: Dionne quintuplets talking to their own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937
Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: Dionne quintuplet talking to their own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPNCD–Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: Dionne quintuplet talking to their own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937
Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: With a shy smile she listens intently to the voice of the Dionne quintuplets' own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPN95–Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: With a shy smile she listens intently to the voice of the Dionne quintuplets' own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937
Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: dark haired Emilie, with a shy smile, listens intently to the voice of the Dionne quintuplets' own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPN9C–Quin makes a good listener. Photo shows: dark haired Emilie, with a shy smile, listens intently to the voice of the Dionne quintuplets' own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario. Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937
Flowers for the Quins . Babies now nearing second birthday . Dark - haired , sturdy youngsters now , the Dionne quintuplets are looking forward for their second birthday at their Callander , Ontario, nursery . Preparations for the great day - May 28 - are already well advanced and Dr . Dafoe , quins ' own doctor , was received with rapturous delight when he visited the babies and let them into part of the secret, bringing some flowers as an advance gift . Cécile took the lead and gave the genial doctor a hearty kiss of thanks . Photo shows : Seated on Dr . Dafoe ' s lap Annette ( left ) , Emil Stock Photo
RM2BTPKT8–Flowers for the Quins . Babies now nearing second birthday . Dark - haired , sturdy youngsters now , the Dionne quintuplets are looking forward for their second birthday at their Callander , Ontario, nursery . Preparations for the great day - May 28 - are already well advanced and Dr . Dafoe , quins ' own doctor , was received with rapturous delight when he visited the babies and let them into part of the secret, bringing some flowers as an advance gift . Cécile took the lead and gave the genial doctor a hearty kiss of thanks . Photo shows : Seated on Dr . Dafoe ' s lap Annette ( left ) , Emil
Quin ' s Cares for The Doctor Babies now nearing second birthday . Dark - haired , sturdy youngsters now , the Dionne quintuplets are looking forward for their second birthday at their Callander, Ontario, nursery . Preparations for the great day - May 28 - are already well advanced and Dr . Dafoe , quins ' own doctor , was received with rapturous delight when he visited the babies and let them into part of the secret, bringing some flowers as an advance gift . Cécile took the lead and gave the genial doctor a hearty kiss of thanks . Photo shows : Cecile thanks Dr . Dafoe with a kiss , but Émil Stock Photo
RM2BW3M45–Quin ' s Cares for The Doctor Babies now nearing second birthday . Dark - haired , sturdy youngsters now , the Dionne quintuplets are looking forward for their second birthday at their Callander, Ontario, nursery . Preparations for the great day - May 28 - are already well advanced and Dr . Dafoe , quins ' own doctor , was received with rapturous delight when he visited the babies and let them into part of the secret, bringing some flowers as an advance gift . Cécile took the lead and gave the genial doctor a hearty kiss of thanks . Photo shows : Cecile thanks Dr . Dafoe with a kiss , but Émil
The quins as Beauty Queens . Coquettish Miss Yvonne gives a sidelong glance as she poses in her sash at the Quins nursery at Callander , Ontario . 16 October 1935 Stock Photo
RM2BW3DG2–The quins as Beauty Queens . Coquettish Miss Yvonne gives a sidelong glance as she poses in her sash at the Quins nursery at Callander , Ontario . 16 October 1935
Little Madonna . Quins as Beauty Queen . Miss Marie , whose grave and gentle manner has earned her the title of the Little Madonna of the famous Dionne quintuplets , ponders seriously on the new honour awarded her at the Quins Callander , Ontario . 16 October 1935 Stock Photo
RM2BTPJRY–Little Madonna . Quins as Beauty Queen . Miss Marie , whose grave and gentle manner has earned her the title of the Little Madonna of the famous Dionne quintuplets , ponders seriously on the new honour awarded her at the Quins Callander , Ontario . 16 October 1935
quins at play. Hand-in-hand the curly haired, sturdy Dionne quintuplets form up in joyous anticipation of a romp in the grounds of the nursery at Callander, Ontario. Left-to-right, Cecile, Annette, Yvonne, Marie and Emilie. 3 November 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPRRR–quins at play. Hand-in-hand the curly haired, sturdy Dionne quintuplets form up in joyous anticipation of a romp in the grounds of the nursery at Callander, Ontario. Left-to-right, Cecile, Annette, Yvonne, Marie and Emilie. 3 November 1937
Quins are allowed ice cream now. the Dioone quintuplets with busy tounges and smiling faces, demonstrate their liking for ice cream, a novelty for them at their Callander, Ontario, nursery. The five girls, Emilie, Annette, Marie, Cecile and Yvonne, were allowed ice cream for the first timeat their fourth birthday. 5 July 1938 Stock Photo
RM2BW25KR–Quins are allowed ice cream now. the Dioone quintuplets with busy tounges and smiling faces, demonstrate their liking for ice cream, a novelty for them at their Callander, Ontario, nursery. The five girls, Emilie, Annette, Marie, Cecile and Yvonne, were allowed ice cream for the first timeat their fourth birthday. 5 July 1938
Quin makes a good listener. Dark haired Emilie, with a shy smile, listens intently to the voice of the Dionne quintuplets' own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario, Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937 Stock Photo
RM2BTPN9F–Quin makes a good listener. Dark haired Emilie, with a shy smile, listens intently to the voice of the Dionne quintuplets' own doctor, Allan Defoe, on the nursery phone at Callander, Ontario, Dr Defoe makes a special point of calling the quintuplets each day by telephone. 13 June 1937
Quins , first writing lesson . Grasping her fountain pen with determined hand Emilie , under the gentle guidance of Dr Dafoe , had her first writing lesson at the Dionne Quintuplets ' nursery in Callander , Ontario. But as she seemed rather more interested in the working of the doctor ' s fountain pen than in the writing , the lesson wasn ' t quite a success . Photo shows , Emilie takes her first writing lesson under the guidance of Dr Dafoe . 15 March 1936 Stock Photo
RM2BW3F81–Quins , first writing lesson . Grasping her fountain pen with determined hand Emilie , under the gentle guidance of Dr Dafoe , had her first writing lesson at the Dionne Quintuplets ' nursery in Callander , Ontario. But as she seemed rather more interested in the working of the doctor ' s fountain pen than in the writing , the lesson wasn ' t quite a success . Photo shows , Emilie takes her first writing lesson under the guidance of Dr Dafoe . 15 March 1936
Emilie puzzles it out . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although Stock Photo
RM2BW3MM1–Emilie puzzles it out . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although
Marie ' Tunes Up ' for her birthday . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nurse Stock Photo
RM2BW3TJC–Marie ' Tunes Up ' for her birthday . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nurse
The Quins are two . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although they Stock Photo
RM2BW3KN5–The Quins are two . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although they
The Quins are two . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although they Stock Photo
RM2BW3W30–The Quins are two . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Although they
Emelie can walk . Quins take their first steps unaided . Emelie and Yvonne are the first of the famous Dionne quintuplets to walk without help ! . In a breathless hush watched by the anxious Dr Dafoe and thei admiring nurses , Emelie and Yvonne made their first few baby steps across the nursery floor . Uncertain at first , but gaining confidence with every stride they successfully negotiated the difficult course across their spacious playground at Callander , Ontario . Photo shows , Emelie , her small hands outstretched , makes her first steps unaided across the nursery flloor at Callander , w Stock Photo!-in-a-breathless-hush-watched-by-the-anxious-dr-dafoe-and-thei-admiring-nurses-emelie-and-yvonne-made-their-first-few-baby-steps-across-the-nursery-floor-uncertain-at-first-but-gaining-confidence-with-every-stride-they-successfully-negotiated-the-difficult-course-across-their-spacious-playground-at-callander-ontario-photo-shows-emelie-her-small-hands-outstretched-makes-her-first-steps-unaided-across-the-nursery-flloor-at-callander-w-image359456838.html
RM2BTPJT6–Emelie can walk . Quins take their first steps unaided . Emelie and Yvonne are the first of the famous Dionne quintuplets to walk without help ! . In a breathless hush watched by the anxious Dr Dafoe and thei admiring nurses , Emelie and Yvonne made their first few baby steps across the nursery floor . Uncertain at first , but gaining confidence with every stride they successfully negotiated the difficult course across their spacious playground at Callander , Ontario . Photo shows , Emelie , her small hands outstretched , makes her first steps unaided across the nursery flloor at Callander , w
Yvonne ' s birthday kiss . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Althou Stock Photo
RM2BW3K8T–Yvonne ' s birthday kiss . Sturdy , dark haired and bright eyed , the five baby girls whose birth two years ago in a French Canadian cottage near Callander , Ontario , startled the world , are celebrating their second birthday on Thursday , May 28 . The most famous babies of all time , the Dionne quintuplets , birthday will be celebrated not merely as their second birthday but as a further triumph for modern medicine and nursing skill . The world , which has shown such unparalleled interest in the babies , is to hear the Quins for they will make a birthday broadcast from their nursery . Althou
The quins as Beauty Queens . Miss Annette , the pettiest but most mischievous of the quins laughs gaily at the Callander nursery . 16 October 1935 Stock Photo
RM2BW3DH2–The quins as Beauty Queens . Miss Annette , the pettiest but most mischievous of the quins laughs gaily at the Callander nursery . 16 October 1935