. Callionymus sagitta . between 1700 and 1880 47 Callionymus sagitta - 1700-1880 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ13600133 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/callionymus-sagitta-between-1700-and-1880-47-callionymus-sagitta-1700-1880-print-iconographia-zoologica-special-collections-university-of-amsterdam-uba01-iz13600133-image207744394.html
RMP1YG2J–. Callionymus sagitta . between 1700 and 1880 47 Callionymus sagitta - 1700-1880 - Print - Iconographia Zoologica - Special Collections University of Amsterdam - UBA01 IZ13600133
Callionymus sagitta, Print, Arrow dragonet (Callionymus sagitta), also known as the arrow-headed darter dragonet, is a species of dragonet widespread in the Indo-West Pacific from Arabian Peninsula to the Philippines. Occurs in the Mekong delta of Viet Nam and probably also in Cambodia. This species grows to a length of 11 centimetres (4.3 in) TL. The arrow dragonet is a demersal species, which occurs on sandy substrates along coastlines, in estuaries, and in the lower courses of rivers where it feeds on worms, zooplankton and phytoplankton., 1700-1880 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/callionymus-sagitta-print-arrow-dragonet-callionymus-sagitta-also-known-as-the-arrow-headed-darter-dragonet-is-a-species-of-dragonet-widespread-in-the-indo-west-pacific-from-arabian-peninsula-to-the-philippines-occurs-in-the-mekong-delta-of-viet-nam-and-probably-also-in-cambodia-this-species-grows-to-a-length-of-11-centimetres-43-in-tl-the-arrow-dragonet-is-a-demersal-species-which-occurs-on-sandy-substrates-along-coastlines-in-estuaries-and-in-the-lower-courses-of-rivers-where-it-feeds-on-worms-zooplankton-and-phytoplankton-1700-1880-image328669235.html
RM2A2M4XY–Callionymus sagitta, Print, Arrow dragonet (Callionymus sagitta), also known as the arrow-headed darter dragonet, is a species of dragonet widespread in the Indo-West Pacific from Arabian Peninsula to the Philippines. Occurs in the Mekong delta of Viet Nam and probably also in Cambodia. This species grows to a length of 11 centimetres (4.3 in) TL. The arrow dragonet is a demersal species, which occurs on sandy substrates along coastlines, in estuaries, and in the lower courses of rivers where it feeds on worms, zooplankton and phytoplankton., 1700-1880
Callionymus sagitta f Ford 68 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-callionymus-sagitta-f-ford-68-142553793.html
RMJ7WTPW–Callionymus sagitta f Ford 68
N/A. The species names / identity need verification. The original plates showed the fishes facing right and have been flipped here. Callionymus sagitta (female) . 1878. George Henry Ford (1808–1876) Alternative names G. H. Ford Description artist Date of birth/death 20 May 1808 1876 Location of birth/death Cape Colony London Authority control : Q17105498 VIAF:317102730 LCCN:n2015185868 WorldCat 264 Callionymus sagitta f Ford 68 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-the-species-names-identity-need-verification-the-original-plates-showed-the-fishes-facing-right-and-have-been-flipped-here-callionymus-sagitta-female-1878-george-henry-ford-18081876-alternative-names-g-h-ford-description-artist-date-of-birthdeath-20-may-1808-1876-location-of-birthdeath-cape-colony-london-authority-control-q17105498-viaf317102730-lccnn2015185868-worldcat-264-callionymus-sagitta-f-ford-68-image210113621.html
RMP5RE1W–N/A. The species names / identity need verification. The original plates showed the fishes facing right and have been flipped here. Callionymus sagitta (female) . 1878. George Henry Ford (1808–1876) Alternative names G. H. Ford Description artist Date of birth/death 20 May 1808 1876 Location of birth/death Cape Colony London Authority control : Q17105498 VIAF:317102730 LCCN:n2015185868 WorldCat 264 Callionymus sagitta f Ford 68
Callionymus sagitta f Ford 68. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/callionymus-sagitta-f-ford-68-image223199220.html