First lesson in zoology : adapted for use in schools . store up a supply of water inits stomach for its march over deserts.The toes have very large, thick pads,while the hoofs are reduced to nail-like proportions. In the camel thefoot-pad is common to all the toes,but in the llama {Auclieyiia) of theFio.256.-Head of Giraffe Eastern Andes each toe has a distinctpad, besides the claw. The llama in a wild state keeps to-gether in herds; from early times it has been also domesti-cated and used as a beast of burden, and for its wool,chiefly in Peru and Chili. It is rather larger than a sheep,with t Stock Photo
RM2AKPX5A–First lesson in zoology : adapted for use in schools . store up a supply of water inits stomach for its march over deserts.The toes have very large, thick pads,while the hoofs are reduced to nail-like proportions. In the camel thefoot-pad is common to all the toes,but in the llama {Auclieyiia) of theFio.256.-Head of Giraffe Eastern Andes each toe has a distinctpad, besides the claw. The llama in a wild state keeps to-gether in herds; from early times it has been also domesti-cated and used as a beast of burden, and for its wool,chiefly in Peru and Chili. It is rather larger than a sheep,with t