Closeup of long arching straw like leaves of the ornamental grass Carex festucacea or fescue sedge. Stock Photo
RF2NK6F1P–Closeup of long arching straw like leaves of the ornamental grass Carex festucacea or fescue sedge.
Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd. Stock Photo
RM2C1CD8E–Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd.
. Rocky Mountain flowers : an illustrated guide for plant-lovers and plant-users. een, 2-5 cm. long;perigynia often separate, round-ish, abruptly narrowed into aslender beak longer than thebody C. longirostris (y) Beak none up to one-third as longas body; stigmas 2 as a rulem. Perigynia inflated; beak about as long as body C.saxdtilis Plate 45 SEDGES—GRASSESSEDGE FAMILY 1. Carex tenella : Sedge 2. Carex muricata 3. Carex stenophylla 4. Carex festiva 5. Carex siccata6-7. Carex atrata 8. Carex alpina 9. Carex festucacea 10. Carex aquatilis 11. Carex aurea 12. Carex rupestris 13- Carex pennsilvan Stock Photo
RM2AFN6CM–. Rocky Mountain flowers : an illustrated guide for plant-lovers and plant-users. een, 2-5 cm. long;perigynia often separate, round-ish, abruptly narrowed into aslender beak longer than thebody C. longirostris (y) Beak none up to one-third as longas body; stigmas 2 as a rulem. Perigynia inflated; beak about as long as body C.saxdtilis Plate 45 SEDGES—GRASSESSEDGE FAMILY 1. Carex tenella : Sedge 2. Carex muricata 3. Carex stenophylla 4. Carex festiva 5. Carex siccata6-7. Carex atrata 8. Carex alpina 9. Carex festucacea 10. Carex aquatilis 11. Carex aurea 12. Carex rupestris 13- Carex pennsilvan
Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd. Stock Photo
RM2BXCD26–Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd Carex festucacea Schkuhr ex Willd.
. The plants of southern New Jersey; with especial reference to the flora of the pine barrens and the geographic distribution of the species. Original Iliuti.. Nat. size. SEDGES.1. Carex scoparia; 2. C. tribuloides; 3. C. silicia; 4. C. hormathodes;5. C. alata; 6. C. albolutescens; 7. C. straminea; 8. C. festucacea brevior;9. C. varia emmonsii; 10. C. interior; 11. C. atlantica; 12. C. pennsyl-vanica; 13. C. exilis; 14. C. leptalea harperi; 15. C. umbellata.. Stock Photo
RM2AG338K–. The plants of southern New Jersey; with especial reference to the flora of the pine barrens and the geographic distribution of the species. Original Iliuti.. Nat. size. SEDGES.1. Carex scoparia; 2. C. tribuloides; 3. C. silicia; 4. C. hormathodes;5. C. alata; 6. C. albolutescens; 7. C. straminea; 8. C. festucacea brevior;9. C. varia emmonsii; 10. C. interior; 11. C. atlantica; 12. C. pennsyl-vanica; 13. C. exilis; 14. C. leptalea harperi; 15. C. umbellata..
. The plants of southern New Jersey; with especial reference to the flora of the pine barrens and the geographic distribution of the species. Original Ilioto 1. Carex stricta. 2. C. triceps. 3. C. oblita. SEDGES. 4. C. buxbaumii. 5. C. trichocarpa. 6. C. swanii Xat. size. 7. C. vestita. N. J. Plants. PLATE XXVI.. Original Iliuti.. Nat. size. SEDGES.1. Carex scoparia; 2. C. tribuloides; 3. C. silicia; 4. C. hormathodes;5. C. alata; 6. C. albolutescens; 7. C. straminea; 8. C. festucacea brevior;9. C. varia emmonsii; 10. C. interior; 11. C. atlantica; 12. C. pennsyl-vanica; 13. C. exilis; 14. C. Stock Photo
RM2AG33NC–. The plants of southern New Jersey; with especial reference to the flora of the pine barrens and the geographic distribution of the species. Original Ilioto 1. Carex stricta. 2. C. triceps. 3. C. oblita. SEDGES. 4. C. buxbaumii. 5. C. trichocarpa. 6. C. swanii Xat. size. 7. C. vestita. N. J. Plants. PLATE XXVI.. Original Iliuti.. Nat. size. SEDGES.1. Carex scoparia; 2. C. tribuloides; 3. C. silicia; 4. C. hormathodes;5. C. alata; 6. C. albolutescens; 7. C. straminea; 8. C. festucacea brevior;9. C. varia emmonsii; 10. C. interior; 11. C. atlantica; 12. C. pennsyl-vanica; 13. C. exilis; 14. C.
. The plants of Southern New Jersey with especial reference to the flora of the pine barrens and the geographic distribution of the species. Botany. N. J. Plants. PLATE XXVI.. Original Plioto. ^'at- size. SEDGES. 1. Carex scoparia; 2. C. tribuloides; 3. C. silicia; 4. C. hormathodes; 5. C. alata; 6. C. albolutescens; 7. C. straminea; 8. C. festucacea brevior; 9. C. varia emmonsii; 10. C. interior; 11. C. atlantica; 12. C. pennsyl- vanica; 13- C. exilis; 14. C. leptalea harperi; 15. C. umbellata.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally Stock Photo
RMRE1GTP–. The plants of Southern New Jersey with especial reference to the flora of the pine barrens and the geographic distribution of the species. Botany. N. J. Plants. PLATE XXVI.. Original Plioto. ^'at- size. SEDGES. 1. Carex scoparia; 2. C. tribuloides; 3. C. silicia; 4. C. hormathodes; 5. C. alata; 6. C. albolutescens; 7. C. straminea; 8. C. festucacea brevior; 9. C. varia emmonsii; 10. C. interior; 11. C. atlantica; 12. C. pennsyl- vanica; 13- C. exilis; 14. C. leptalea harperi; 15. C. umbellata.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally