. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. r '?^ ,>-'-,•/o:^^:! April 1, 1915. The Florists' Review 73 NURSERY STOCK for Horists' Trade Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Small Fruits, Roses, Clematis, Peonies, Herbaceous Plants Extra nn« Selection of RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS, KALMIA, DAPHNE, TREE ROSES, CHINESE MAGNOLIAS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, KOSTER'S SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, RETINOSPORAS, JUNIPER, MUQHO PINE, NORDMAN'S FIR, ARBOR VITAE PYRAMIDALIS and HOVEY'S GOLDEN. AmpelopsisVeitchii, California Privet, Barberry Thunbergii and Rosa Setigera, Clematis Jackmanli. Write for our wholesale trade li Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-r-gt-o!-april-1-1915-the-florists-review-73-nursery-stock-for-horists-trade-fruit-trees-ornamental-trees-shrubs-small-fruits-roses-clematis-peonies-herbaceous-plants-extra-nn-selection-of-rhododendrons-azaleas-kalmia-daphne-tree-roses-chinese-magnolias-english-walnuts-kosters-spruce-hemlock-retinosporas-juniper-muqho-pine-nordmans-fir-arbor-vitae-pyramidalis-and-hoveys-golden-ampelopsisveitchii-california-privet-barberry-thunbergii-and-rosa-setigera-clematis-jackmanli-write-for-our-wholesale-trade-li-image238352331.html
RMRRNTR7–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. r '?^ ,>-'-,•/o:^^:! April 1, 1915. The Florists' Review 73 NURSERY STOCK for Horists' Trade Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Small Fruits, Roses, Clematis, Peonies, Herbaceous Plants Extra nn« Selection of RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS, KALMIA, DAPHNE, TREE ROSES, CHINESE MAGNOLIAS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, KOSTER'S SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, RETINOSPORAS, JUNIPER, MUQHO PINE, NORDMAN'S FIR, ARBOR VITAE PYRAMIDALIS and HOVEY'S GOLDEN. AmpelopsisVeitchii, California Privet, Barberry Thunbergii and Rosa Setigera, Clematis Jackmanli. Write for our wholesale trade li
. The bee-keeper's guide : or Manual of the apiary . Bee culture; Bees. Barberry, Chinese Wistaria, rectly Trechostema lanatum (there are two other species less common), with its most beautiful and delicious honey, and the more common, and hardly loss excellent, white sage, Audibertia polystachia (Fig. 152), keep the bees roaring with activity, in favorable seasons, from April even unto June. In the South, as I learn from that able apiarist, Dr. J. H. P. Brown, they are no less favored. The Japan privet, the varnish tree, the acacia, the black gum and the per-. Please note that these images ar Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-bee-keepers-guide-or-manual-of-the-apiary-bee-culture-bees-barberry-chinese-wistaria-rectly-trechostema-lanatum-there-are-two-other-species-less-common-with-its-most-beautiful-and-delicious-honey-and-the-more-common-and-hardly-loss-excellent-white-sage-audibertia-polystachia-fig-152-keep-the-bees-roaring-with-activity-in-favorable-seasons-from-april-even-unto-june-in-the-south-as-i-learn-from-that-able-apiarist-dr-j-h-p-brown-they-are-no-less-favored-the-japan-privet-the-varnish-tree-the-acacia-the-black-gum-and-the-per-please-note-that-these-images-ar-image216412227.html
RMPG2C03–. The bee-keeper's guide : or Manual of the apiary . Bee culture; Bees. Barberry, Chinese Wistaria, rectly Trechostema lanatum (there are two other species less common), with its most beautiful and delicious honey, and the more common, and hardly loss excellent, white sage, Audibertia polystachia (Fig. 152), keep the bees roaring with activity, in favorable seasons, from April even unto June. In the South, as I learn from that able apiarist, Dr. J. H. P. Brown, they are no less favored. The Japan privet, the varnish tree, the acacia, the black gum and the per-. Please note that these images ar
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 70 The Florists' Review Afbil 22, 1915. NURSERY STOCK for norists' Trade Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Small Fruits, Roses, Clematis, Peonies, Herbaceous Plants Extra Fli m off RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS, KALMIA, DAPHNE, TREE ROSES, CHINESE MAGNOLIAS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, KOSTER'S SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, RETINOSPORAS, JUNIPER, MUGHO PINE, NORDMAN'S FIR, ARBOR VITAE PYRAMIDALIS and HOVEY»S GOLDEN. Ampelopsis Veitchli, California Privet, Barberry Thunbergii and Rosa Setigera, Clematis Jackmanii. 68 YEARS Write for our wholosalo trado list. W. & T. SMIT Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/florists-review-microform-floriculture-70-the-florists-review-afbil-22-1915-nursery-stock-for-norists-trade-fruit-trees-ornamental-trees-shrubs-small-fruits-roses-clematis-peonies-herbaceous-plants-extra-fli-m-off-rhododendrons-azaleas-kalmia-daphne-tree-roses-chinese-magnolias-english-walnuts-kosters-spruce-hemlock-retinosporas-juniper-mugho-pine-nordmans-fir-arbor-vitae-pyramidalis-and-hoveys-golden-ampelopsis-veitchli-california-privet-barberry-thunbergii-and-rosa-setigera-clematis-jackmanii-68-years-write-for-our-wholosalo-trado-list-w-amp-t-smit-image238348470.html
RMRRNKWA–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 70 The Florists' Review Afbil 22, 1915. NURSERY STOCK for norists' Trade Fruit Trees, Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, Small Fruits, Roses, Clematis, Peonies, Herbaceous Plants Extra Fli m off RHODODENDRONS, AZALEAS, KALMIA, DAPHNE, TREE ROSES, CHINESE MAGNOLIAS, ENGLISH WALNUTS, KOSTER'S SPRUCE, HEMLOCK, RETINOSPORAS, JUNIPER, MUGHO PINE, NORDMAN'S FIR, ARBOR VITAE PYRAMIDALIS and HOVEY»S GOLDEN. Ampelopsis Veitchli, California Privet, Barberry Thunbergii and Rosa Setigera, Clematis Jackmanii. 68 YEARS Write for our wholosalo trado list. W. & T. SMIT
. The bee-keeper's guide : or Manual of the apiary . Bee culture; Bees. Barberry, Chinese Wistaria, rectly Trechostema lanatum (there are two other species less common), with its most beautiful and delicious honey, and the more common, and hardly loss excellent, white sage, Audibertia polystachia (Fig. 152), keep the bees roaring with activity, in favorable seasons, from April even unto June. In the South, as I learn from that able apiarist, Dr. J. H. P. Brown, they are no less favored. The Japan privet, the varnish tree, the acacia, the black gum and the per-. Please note that these images ar Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-bee-keepers-guide-or-manual-of-the-apiary-bee-culture-bees-barberry-chinese-wistaria-rectly-trechostema-lanatum-there-are-two-other-species-less-common-with-its-most-beautiful-and-delicious-honey-and-the-more-common-and-hardly-loss-excellent-white-sage-audibertia-polystachia-fig-152-keep-the-bees-roaring-with-activity-in-favorable-seasons-from-april-even-unto-june-in-the-south-as-i-learn-from-that-able-apiarist-dr-j-h-p-brown-they-are-no-less-favored-the-japan-privet-the-varnish-tree-the-acacia-the-black-gum-and-the-per-please-note-that-these-images-ar-image232040166.html
RMRDE9GP–. The bee-keeper's guide : or Manual of the apiary . Bee culture; Bees. Barberry, Chinese Wistaria, rectly Trechostema lanatum (there are two other species less common), with its most beautiful and delicious honey, and the more common, and hardly loss excellent, white sage, Audibertia polystachia (Fig. 152), keep the bees roaring with activity, in favorable seasons, from April even unto June. In the South, as I learn from that able apiarist, Dr. J. H. P. Brown, they are no less favored. The Japan privet, the varnish tree, the acacia, the black gum and the per-. Please note that these images ar
. The commonly occuring wild plants of Canada [microform] : a flora for the use of beginners. Botany; Plants; Botanique; Plantes. 288 COMMON CULTIVATED PLANTS.. il I I Popular Name. Portulaca. Potato. Primrose(Chinese). Princes' Feather. Privet (Common). Pumpkin. Badish. Raspberry (Red or Yellow). Red Pepper. Red-hot-poker. Rhododendron. Rhubarb. Rice. Rocket Rose. Rose-Mallow. Rosemary. Rowan-Tree. Rutabaga. Rye. Sage (Common). Salsify. Salvia. Savory (Summer). Scabiosa. Scarlet Lychnis. Scarlet-Runner. Sensitive-plant. Shell-Flower. Smilax. Scientific Name. Portulaca grandi/lora. Solanum tub Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-commonly-occuring-wild-plants-of-canada-microform-a-flora-for-the-use-of-beginners-botany-plants-botanique-plantes-288-common-cultivated-plants-il-i-i-popular-name-portulaca-potato-primrosechinese-princes-feather-privet-common-pumpkin-badish-raspberry-red-or-yellow-red-pepper-red-hot-poker-rhododendron-rhubarb-rice-rocket-rose-rose-mallow-rosemary-rowan-tree-rutabaga-rye-sage-common-salsify-salvia-savory-summer-scabiosa-scarlet-lychnis-scarlet-runner-sensitive-plant-shell-flower-smilax-scientific-name-portulaca-grandilora-solanum-tub-image234827773.html
RMRJ1965–. The commonly occuring wild plants of Canada [microform] : a flora for the use of beginners. Botany; Plants; Botanique; Plantes. 288 COMMON CULTIVATED PLANTS.. il I I Popular Name. Portulaca. Potato. Primrose(Chinese). Princes' Feather. Privet (Common). Pumpkin. Badish. Raspberry (Red or Yellow). Red Pepper. Red-hot-poker. Rhododendron. Rhubarb. Rice. Rocket Rose. Rose-Mallow. Rosemary. Rowan-Tree. Rutabaga. Rye. Sage (Common). Salsify. Salvia. Savory (Summer). Scabiosa. Scarlet Lychnis. Scarlet-Runner. Sensitive-plant. Shell-Flower. Smilax. Scientific Name. Portulaca grandi/lora. Solanum tub