Interim civil defense instructions for schools and colleges (1951) Stock Photo
RMD61C5X–Interim civil defense instructions for schools and colleges (1951)
. QST . p of the power supply and adjustthe slider for 22 volts bias. The slider should beset at 166 ohms. Make the adjustment with thetransmitter on, as it takes the full current in thetransmit position to cause the 22-volt drop acrossthe resistor. The voltage will be less during re- iContintied on page 114) WHILE NEW YORK CITY SLEEPS Amperex® vhf tubes STAND GUARD I mMlM^^^ u ... end over 70,000 Amperex 5894 or6252 VHF transmitting tubes are nowin use all over the country, in approvedequipment by Fire Departments, CivilDefense, Police and other MunicipalEmergency Services . . because Amperex Stock Photo
RM2CREW8N–. QST . p of the power supply and adjustthe slider for 22 volts bias. The slider should beset at 166 ohms. Make the adjustment with thetransmitter on, as it takes the full current in thetransmit position to cause the 22-volt drop acrossthe resistor. The voltage will be less during re- iContintied on page 114) WHILE NEW YORK CITY SLEEPS Amperex® vhf tubes STAND GUARD I mMlM^^^ u ... end over 70,000 Amperex 5894 or6252 VHF transmitting tubes are nowin use all over the country, in approvedequipment by Fire Departments, CivilDefense, Police and other MunicipalEmergency Services . . because Amperex
Richmond Rescue Service truck Stock Photo
RMD6Y9XE–Richmond Rescue Service truck
. QST . radio communications dedicated to civildefense purposes is planned to accompany thecoming June 14th-15th general c.d. alert. Ama-teurs not identified in RACES or AREC shouldmake local inquiry of Radio Officers and ARRLECs to register facilities and ask where theymay serve in connection with this and future callsfor civil defense emergency or natural disasterradio circuits. Directory of School Amateur Radio Clubs.A new 1955 directory lists detailed informationon 109 high school clubs with active stations, 26additional stations identified with schools andcollege stations identified with Stock Photo
RM2CRMP09–. QST . radio communications dedicated to civildefense purposes is planned to accompany thecoming June 14th-15th general c.d. alert. Ama-teurs not identified in RACES or AREC shouldmake local inquiry of Radio Officers and ARRLECs to register facilities and ask where theymay serve in connection with this and future callsfor civil defense emergency or natural disasterradio circuits. Directory of School Amateur Radio Clubs.A new 1955 directory lists detailed informationon 109 high school clubs with active stations, 26additional stations identified with schools andcollege stations identified with
. QST . whas 55 members, all .RRL members. FCV is a new hamat Fhiid and fliglit surgeon at Vance AFB. GVS reports in-creased activity on OLZ, the Oklahoma c.w. net, whicliexpects to continue operation all summer. An attempt isbeing made to better the present auto license plate bill to (Continued on page 112) 110 WHILE HEW YORK CITY SLEEPS mper ex* vhf tubes TAHD GUARD Jl^fiiSftlll and over 70,000 Amperex 5894 or6252 VHF transmitting tubes are nowin use all over the country, In approvedequipment by Fire Departments, CivilDefense, Police and other MunicipalEmergency Services . . because Amperex Stock Photo
RM2CRHYNJ–. QST . whas 55 members, all .RRL members. FCV is a new hamat Fhiid and fliglit surgeon at Vance AFB. GVS reports in-creased activity on OLZ, the Oklahoma c.w. net, whicliexpects to continue operation all summer. An attempt isbeing made to better the present auto license plate bill to (Continued on page 112) 110 WHILE HEW YORK CITY SLEEPS mper ex* vhf tubes TAHD GUARD Jl^fiiSftlll and over 70,000 Amperex 5894 or6252 VHF transmitting tubes are nowin use all over the country, In approvedequipment by Fire Departments, CivilDefense, Police and other MunicipalEmergency Services . . because Amperex
. QST . prices omotear net If your jobber cant supply you, write COLUMBIA PRODUCTS CO. c p. 0. Box 5207, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, SUBSIDIARY OF SHAKESPEARE CO. BUY ^3 DIRECTFROM-FACTORY SAVE MIDDLEMANPROFITS. MASTER MECHANIC PORTABLELIGHT PLANTS, PUSH BUTTON START Item 24 AC Plant 600-700 Watts — 115 v. 60 eye.Powered by a rugged 2 hp. easy startingBriggs gas engine. No wiring necessary;just plug in and operate. Plenty of currentfor receivers, transmitters, antenna motors,emergency lights, etc. which require up to700 Watts. Ideal for radio amateurs. CivilDefense, trailers and camps. Complet Stock Photo
RM2CREKGJ–. QST . prices omotear net If your jobber cant supply you, write COLUMBIA PRODUCTS CO. c p. 0. Box 5207, COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA, SUBSIDIARY OF SHAKESPEARE CO. BUY ^3 DIRECTFROM-FACTORY SAVE MIDDLEMANPROFITS. MASTER MECHANIC PORTABLELIGHT PLANTS, PUSH BUTTON START Item 24 AC Plant 600-700 Watts — 115 v. 60 eye.Powered by a rugged 2 hp. easy startingBriggs gas engine. No wiring necessary;just plug in and operate. Plenty of currentfor receivers, transmitters, antenna motors,emergency lights, etc. which require up to700 Watts. Ideal for radio amateurs. CivilDefense, trailers and camps. Complet
. QST . MASTER MECHANIC PORTABLELIGHT PLANTS, PUSH BUTTON START Item 24 AC Plant 600-700 Watts — 115 v. 60 eye.Powered by a rugged 2 hp. easy startingBriggs gas engine. No wiring necessary;just plug in and operate. Plenty of currentfor receivers, transmitters, antenna motors,emergency lights, etc. which require up to700 Watts. Ideal for radio amateurs. CivilDefense, trailers and camps. Complete withVoltmeter and built-in winding to charge 6V. auto batteries.Item 24. Wt. 75 lbs. Be prepared if war or storms knockout power lines 700-800 Watt Plant (Item 44) same as above but with larger engine a Stock Photo
RM2CREKGP–. QST . MASTER MECHANIC PORTABLELIGHT PLANTS, PUSH BUTTON START Item 24 AC Plant 600-700 Watts — 115 v. 60 eye.Powered by a rugged 2 hp. easy startingBriggs gas engine. No wiring necessary;just plug in and operate. Plenty of currentfor receivers, transmitters, antenna motors,emergency lights, etc. which require up to700 Watts. Ideal for radio amateurs. CivilDefense, trailers and camps. Complete withVoltmeter and built-in winding to charge 6V. auto batteries.Item 24. Wt. 75 lbs. Be prepared if war or storms knockout power lines 700-800 Watt Plant (Item 44) same as above but with larger engine a