Conifers and other gymnosperms Cut Out Stock Images
Plant-life, with 74 full-page illus., 24 being from photos, by the author and 50 in colour from drawings . cent Period of the Palaeozoic Era—thePermian—we find signs of change; indeed, the PermianPeriod was one of marked transition. Ferns as a groupheld their own, as they have done even to modern times;but the other groups, so dominant in Carboniferoustimes, began and continued to dwindle. The Conifers(p. 180), dominant among modern Gymnosperms, canbe traced back with certainty to Permian times, and itis possible that in Walchia, of which fossils of leafytwigs, with a habit resembling that of Stock Photo
RM2AN0331–Plant-life, with 74 full-page illus., 24 being from photos, by the author and 50 in colour from drawings . cent Period of the Palaeozoic Era—thePermian—we find signs of change; indeed, the PermianPeriod was one of marked transition. Ferns as a groupheld their own, as they have done even to modern times;but the other groups, so dominant in Carboniferoustimes, began and continued to dwindle. The Conifers(p. 180), dominant among modern Gymnosperms, canbe traced back with certainty to Permian times, and itis possible that in Walchia, of which fossils of leafytwigs, with a habit resembling that of
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