Assorted Medieval Medical Instruments Stock Photo
RM2RNMGNT–Assorted Medieval Medical Instruments
Operative surgery . pening quicklyhealed. Excision of the Tonsil.—The excision of the tonsil can be done with anordinary bistoury or with curved scissors, aided by a tenaculum. Thevarious forms of tonsillotomes, while they simplify the operation by givingthe operator a perfect control over the cutting edge, are not necessary to itsexecution. The Removal of the tvith the Knife or Sri.<.sors.—If the patient beyoung or unable to exercise self-control, give an anaesthetic, or apply to thetonsil a strong solution of cocaine. Cause a bright light to shine into theopen mouth; depress the to Stock Photo
RM2AWKGC4–Operative surgery . pening quicklyhealed. Excision of the Tonsil.—The excision of the tonsil can be done with anordinary bistoury or with curved scissors, aided by a tenaculum. Thevarious forms of tonsillotomes, while they simplify the operation by givingthe operator a perfect control over the cutting edge, are not necessary to itsexecution. The Removal of the tvith the Knife or Sri.<.sors.—If the patient beyoung or unable to exercise self-control, give an anaesthetic, or apply to thetonsil a strong solution of cocaine. Cause a bright light to shine into theopen mouth; depress the to
. Animal castration. Castration. ANIMAL dASTRATlON. 137 Fia. 30. quently by another (Fig 30), of supe • rior form and easier of application, and now in general use; second, a bistoury cache (Fig. 31), sliding on its handles, Fig. 31.. BISTOURY CACHE which is a true embryotomy knife, mod- ified by Colin (Fig. 32); third, a pair of Fig. 32. colin's bistotjet cache. long, sharp scissors (Fig. 33), with guarded blades, curved on its flat sur- face ; fourth, a torsion forceps (Fig. 34), closed by a peculiar thread arrange- ment, moved by the handle; and fifth, a steel thimble (Fig. 35), which has b Stock Photo
RMPG2P62–. Animal castration. Castration. ANIMAL dASTRATlON. 137 Fia. 30. quently by another (Fig 30), of supe • rior form and easier of application, and now in general use; second, a bistoury cache (Fig. 31), sliding on its handles, Fig. 31.. BISTOURY CACHE which is a true embryotomy knife, mod- ified by Colin (Fig. 32); third, a pair of Fig. 32. colin's bistotjet cache. long, sharp scissors (Fig. 33), with guarded blades, curved on its flat sur- face ; fourth, a torsion forceps (Fig. 34), closed by a peculiar thread arrange- ment, moved by the handle; and fifth, a steel thimble (Fig. 35), which has b
Assorted Medieval Medical Instruments Stock Photo
RM2RNMGNX–Assorted Medieval Medical Instruments
A complete handbook for the sanitary troops of the U S army and navy . R XI INSTKUMENTS AXD AllLIANCES The following is a brief description of those instruments andappliances which require explanation: Explanation of Figs. i2y to 135. Atomizer, hand: An instrument for producing a fine spray(Fig. 127). Bistoury: A long, narrow knife, which is either straight or curved,sharp or blunt pointed (Fig. 128). Bougie: An instrument used fordilating strictures (Fig. 129). Bougie a boule: An instrumentused to locate strictures (Fig. 130)- Bougie, filiform: A hairlikebougie for passing through tightstrict Stock Photo
RM2AJ3PAP–A complete handbook for the sanitary troops of the U S army and navy . R XI INSTKUMENTS AXD AllLIANCES The following is a brief description of those instruments andappliances which require explanation: Explanation of Figs. i2y to 135. Atomizer, hand: An instrument for producing a fine spray(Fig. 127). Bistoury: A long, narrow knife, which is either straight or curved,sharp or blunt pointed (Fig. 128). Bougie: An instrument used fordilating strictures (Fig. 129). Bougie a boule: An instrumentused to locate strictures (Fig. 130)- Bougie, filiform: A hairlikebougie for passing through tightstrict
Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . le Aneurism Straight Sharp Bistoury Sharp and Blunt Exploring Needle Probe Curved Bistoury Aneurism Needle Tenotome Exploring Needle Sharp Curved Bistoury Straight Aneurism Needle Probe Curved Bistoury Hernia Knife Probe Straight Bistoury Straight and Curved Bistoury Blunt Bistoury.... Curved Bistoury Stock Photo
RM2AJCPWG–Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . le Aneurism Straight Sharp Bistoury Sharp and Blunt Exploring Needle Probe Curved Bistoury Aneurism Needle Tenotome Exploring Needle Sharp Curved Bistoury Straight Aneurism Needle Probe Curved Bistoury Hernia Knife Probe Straight Bistoury Straight and Curved Bistoury Blunt Bistoury.... Curved Bistoury
Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . rman Silver Wire Eye Speculum. I Keys Saw. I Trephining Elevator and Raspatory I Gaits Trephine and Handle. I Finger Knife. I Curved Probe Pointed Bistoury. I Curved Sharp Pointed P)istoury. I Coopers Hernia Knife. 3 Scalpels, assorted. I Cataract Knife. I Parkers Lachrymal Needle. I Exploring Trocar. Stock Photo
RM2AJEDF8–Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . rman Silver Wire Eye Speculum. I Keys Saw. I Trephining Elevator and Raspatory I Gaits Trephine and Handle. I Finger Knife. I Curved Probe Pointed Bistoury. I Curved Sharp Pointed P)istoury. I Coopers Hernia Knife. 3 Scalpels, assorted. I Cataract Knife. I Parkers Lachrymal Needle. I Exploring Trocar.
Applied anatomy and oral surgery for dental students . Fig. 28.—I, Scalpel; 2, bistoury (Gibbon). A bistoury (Fig. 28) is a narrow^ sharp-pointed knife foropening abscesses and making small incisions.. Fig. 2g.—A, S( issors curvcJ on the flat; B, straight scissors; C, angular scissors(Fowler). Scissors (Fig. 29), which may be straight or curved, areused ior cutting tissue, sutures, ligatures., dressings, etc. 150 ORAL SURGERY Dressing forceps are used to grasp the tissue while dis-secting it during the operation, to handle dressings, etc. Hemostatic forceps (Fig. 30) are instruments used tocla Stock Photo
RM2AXBGYN–Applied anatomy and oral surgery for dental students . Fig. 28.—I, Scalpel; 2, bistoury (Gibbon). A bistoury (Fig. 28) is a narrow^ sharp-pointed knife foropening abscesses and making small incisions.. Fig. 2g.—A, S( issors curvcJ on the flat; B, straight scissors; C, angular scissors(Fowler). Scissors (Fig. 29), which may be straight or curved, areused ior cutting tissue, sutures, ligatures., dressings, etc. 150 ORAL SURGERY Dressing forceps are used to grasp the tissue while dis-secting it during the operation, to handle dressings, etc. Hemostatic forceps (Fig. 30) are instruments used tocla
Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . CONTENTS / I Straight Sharp Bistoury. I Curved I Blunt I Exploring Needle. I Tenotomy Knife. I Metacarpal Saw. I Large Scalpel. I Medium I Tenaculum. I Gum Lancet. Two Aseptic handlesto fit any of the aboveblades.I Pair Plain Artery Forceps.I Fenestrated Artery andNeedle, Forceps com-bined.I Pair Peans Stock Photo
RM2AJD2YR–Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . CONTENTS / I Straight Sharp Bistoury. I Curved I Blunt I Exploring Needle. I Tenotomy Knife. I Metacarpal Saw. I Large Scalpel. I Medium I Tenaculum. I Gum Lancet. Two Aseptic handlesto fit any of the aboveblades.I Pair Plain Artery Forceps.I Fenestrated Artery andNeedle, Forceps com-bined.I Pair Peans
Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . eedles and Silk. Fig. 1509-A. Aseptic Patent Knife Case No. 4, contains: I Exploring Needle. i Curved Sharp Bistoury. I Curved Blunt Bistoury.I Straight Sharp Bistoury.I Small Scalpel.I Gum Lancet. I Large Scalpel. I Tenotomy Knife. I Tenaculum. I Metacarpal Saw. The above knives all fit in two patent Stock Photo
RM2AJD2C8–Catalogue of Sharp & Smith : importers, manufacturers, wholesale and retail dealers in surgical instruments, deformity apparatus, artificial limbs, artificial eyes, elastic stockings, trusses, crutches, supporters, galvanic and faradic batteries, etc., surgeons' appliances of every description . eedles and Silk. Fig. 1509-A. Aseptic Patent Knife Case No. 4, contains: I Exploring Needle. i Curved Sharp Bistoury. I Curved Blunt Bistoury.I Straight Sharp Bistoury.I Small Scalpel.I Gum Lancet. I Large Scalpel. I Tenotomy Knife. I Tenaculum. I Metacarpal Saw. The above knives all fit in two patent
. Catalogue of dental materials, furniture, instruments, etc., for sale . THREE-BLADE POCKET LANCET. POCKET LANCETS. Shell Handle, one Blade without Spring a u u u with Spring a a tt a with Stop . a a two with Spring u a three a n a a two one in each enc $ Curved Bistoury and Tenotome Knife, Shell Handle . $3.50 Stock Photo
RM2CDE08C–. Catalogue of dental materials, furniture, instruments, etc., for sale . THREE-BLADE POCKET LANCET. POCKET LANCETS. Shell Handle, one Blade without Spring a u u u with Spring a a tt a with Stop . a a two with Spring u a three a n a a two one in each enc $ Curved Bistoury and Tenotome Knife, Shell Handle . $3.50
. The principles of surgery . s Fig- 32- calmed down; as tooth-extractionis wisely postponed, until the highexcitement of gum-boil shall havepassed away. The opening may be effectedcither by knife or by potassa fusa.In the great majority of cases theformer is preferred, as less pain-ful ; more expeditious; entailingno loss of substance; and lesslikely to excite and maintain in-flammatory action, which mightextend and aggravate the originalmischief. The preferable form ofcutting instrument is the bistoury,sharp-pointed, with a fine edge,and either curved or straight.The curved is used when an a Stock Photo
RM2CJ6HEB–. The principles of surgery . s Fig- 32- calmed down; as tooth-extractionis wisely postponed, until the highexcitement of gum-boil shall havepassed away. The opening may be effectedcither by knife or by potassa fusa.In the great majority of cases theformer is preferred, as less pain-ful ; more expeditious; entailingno loss of substance; and lesslikely to excite and maintain in-flammatory action, which mightextend and aggravate the originalmischief. The preferable form ofcutting instrument is the bistoury,sharp-pointed, with a fine edge,and either curved or straight.The curved is used when an a
. Illustrated alphabetical register of veterinary instruments, anatomical models, books, &c.. ged, with upward and laterally curved projection. Left 2 00 cvirved, probe pointed dehcate bistoury 2 00 Flemings, with eye near the point. Fig 208 2 00 Knives, Nicking 1 50 Knives, Periostotomy 1 50 Knives, Pricking, with spring backs: 1 blade, $2 50 ; 2 blades, $4 00; 3 blades 4 50 Knives, Pocket, Veterinary Sirrgeons, containing: 1 probe, 1 fleam, 1 drawing-knife and 1 straight edged scalpel. Plate 20. Fig. 232. 7 50Knives, Sage, single-edged, right and left, in ebony handles, French model Each 1 5 Stock Photo
RM2CETFD8–. Illustrated alphabetical register of veterinary instruments, anatomical models, books, &c.. ged, with upward and laterally curved projection. Left 2 00 cvirved, probe pointed dehcate bistoury 2 00 Flemings, with eye near the point. Fig 208 2 00 Knives, Nicking 1 50 Knives, Periostotomy 1 50 Knives, Pricking, with spring backs: 1 blade, $2 50 ; 2 blades, $4 00; 3 blades 4 50 Knives, Pocket, Veterinary Sirrgeons, containing: 1 probe, 1 fleam, 1 drawing-knife and 1 straight edged scalpel. Plate 20. Fig. 232. 7 50Knives, Sage, single-edged, right and left, in ebony handles, French model Each 1 5
. Manual for farriers, horseshoers, saddlers, and wagoners or teamsters : 1914 . DITTIES OF THE FARRIER. 41. 42 DUTIES OF THE FARRIER. farriers instrument rocKET CASE (in canvas roll). (See n. VII, p. 40.) Contents: ^k- 1 bistoury, curved, blunt 1 1 director 2 1 scissors, curved 3 1 forceps, artery 4 1 probe 5 1 clinical thermometer 6 1 scalpel 7 1 hoof knife 8 1 forceps, dressing 9 6 needles, curved.1 silk, skein. Uses—(a) Bistoury, curved, blunt, for opening of absces es; use scalpel,making small opening at lowest point of abscess, and whenpus (matter) shows enlarge opening with probe-pointe Stock Photo
RM2CE5T5C–. Manual for farriers, horseshoers, saddlers, and wagoners or teamsters : 1914 . DITTIES OF THE FARRIER. 41. 42 DUTIES OF THE FARRIER. farriers instrument rocKET CASE (in canvas roll). (See n. VII, p. 40.) Contents: ^k- 1 bistoury, curved, blunt 1 1 director 2 1 scissors, curved 3 1 forceps, artery 4 1 probe 5 1 clinical thermometer 6 1 scalpel 7 1 hoof knife 8 1 forceps, dressing 9 6 needles, curved.1 silk, skein. Uses—(a) Bistoury, curved, blunt, for opening of absces es; use scalpel,making small opening at lowest point of abscess, and whenpus (matter) shows enlarge opening with probe-pointe
. The Medical and surgical reporter . PROVIDENT CHEMICAL WORKS, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A, E. C RICH CO., Limited, New York City, Eastern Agents,. LENTZS NEW COMPACT OPERATING SET No. 10. One Amputating Knife (Leg and Arm).One Finger Knife. One Hernia Knife.One Sharp Curved Bistoury. Two Scal-pels. One Tenotome. One Tenaculum.One pair Scissors, curved or flat. One-Saw, 9-inch hlade. One Listons Spring.Bone Forceps. One Artery and NeedleForceps, improved. One Dressing For-ceps. One Esmarchs Flat Bubber Tourn-iquets, with Chain. One Director, withAneurism Needle. Two Silver Probes..Silk, Wire, Wax Stock Photo
RM2CE56NX–. The Medical and surgical reporter . PROVIDENT CHEMICAL WORKS, ST. LOUIS, MO., U. S. A, E. C RICH CO., Limited, New York City, Eastern Agents,. LENTZS NEW COMPACT OPERATING SET No. 10. One Amputating Knife (Leg and Arm).One Finger Knife. One Hernia Knife.One Sharp Curved Bistoury. Two Scal-pels. One Tenotome. One Tenaculum.One pair Scissors, curved or flat. One-Saw, 9-inch hlade. One Listons Spring.Bone Forceps. One Artery and NeedleForceps, improved. One Dressing For-ceps. One Esmarchs Flat Bubber Tourn-iquets, with Chain. One Director, withAneurism Needle. Two Silver Probes..Silk, Wire, Wax
. Manual of operative veterinary surgery. Veterinary surgery. OPERATIONS UPON FIBKOUS TISSUES. 325 which aids its movements, which it produces, point with certainty to the cause of the lameness. The instruments necessary are scissors, a straight and a con- vex bistoury, a dissecting forceps, a curved director, and perhaps a curved tenotomy knife. The animal is cast on the side of the leg to be operated upon, the upper leg carried forward and secured on the upper forearm, and the hair cHpped over the tract of the tendon, which can be readily identified by an oblique groove generally found runni Stock Photo
RMRDYY36–. Manual of operative veterinary surgery. Veterinary surgery. OPERATIONS UPON FIBKOUS TISSUES. 325 which aids its movements, which it produces, point with certainty to the cause of the lameness. The instruments necessary are scissors, a straight and a con- vex bistoury, a dissecting forceps, a curved director, and perhaps a curved tenotomy knife. The animal is cast on the side of the leg to be operated upon, the upper leg carried forward and secured on the upper forearm, and the hair cHpped over the tract of the tendon, which can be readily identified by an oblique groove generally found runni
. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. Fig. 10272. Truax. Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Straight Bis- toury and Tenaculum, $2.00. Handle and single blade $1.25. Fig. 10273. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Scalpel and Curved Sharp Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and single blade.. $1.25 Interchangeable blades. All combinations furnished at the same price. This is the most perfect and satisfactory double pocket case knife yet devised. It is perfectly aseptible, strongly made, and having no springs or small parts, it is Stock Photo
RMRJG6TK–. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. Fig. 10272. Truax. Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Straight Bis- toury and Tenaculum, $2.00. Handle and single blade $1.25. Fig. 10273. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Scalpel and Curved Sharp Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and single blade.. $1.25 Interchangeable blades. All combinations furnished at the same price. This is the most perfect and satisfactory double pocket case knife yet devised. It is perfectly aseptible, strongly made, and having no springs or small parts, it is
. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. 40 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS.. Tig. 10270. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Curved Sharp Point and Curved Probe Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and sin- gle blade $1.25. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Truax, firm, manuf. of surgical instruments, Chicago. (1894. Chas. Truax, Greene &am Stock Photo
RMRJG6W8–. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. 40 CHAS. TRUAX, GREENE & CO. POCKET CASE INSTRUMENTS.. Tig. 10270. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Curved Sharp Point and Curved Probe Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and sin- gle blade $1.25. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Truax, firm, manuf. of surgical instruments, Chicago. (1894. Chas. Truax, Greene &am
. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. Tig. 10270. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Curved Sharp Point and Curved Probe Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and sin- gle blade $1.25. Fig. 10271. Truax, Greene & Co.*s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Scalpel and Tenotome, $2.00. Handle and single blade $1.25. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Truax, firm, man Stock Photo
RMRJG6W4–. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. Tig. 10270. Truax, Greene & Co.'s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Curved Sharp Point and Curved Probe Point Bistoury, $2.00. Handle and sin- gle blade $1.25. Fig. 10271. Truax, Greene & Co.*s Aseptible Pocket Case Knife, Scalpel and Tenotome, $2.00. Handle and single blade $1.25. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Truax, firm, man
. Animal castration. Castration. ANIMAL CASTRATION. 137 Fig. 30. quently by another (Fig 30), of supe- rior form and easier of application, and now in general use; second, a bistoury cache (Fig. 31 j, sliding on its handles, Fig. 3L. BISTOURY CACHE which is a true embryotomy knife, mod- ified by Colin (Fig. 32); third, a pair of Fig. 32. colin's bistoury cache. J M W long, sharp scissors (Fig. 33), with ^?^ guarded blades, curved on its flat sur- face ; fourth, a torsion forceps (Fig. 31), closed by a peculiar thread arrange- ment, moved by the handle ; and fifth, a steel thimble (Fig. 35), Stock Photo
RMRN5WMP–. Animal castration. Castration. ANIMAL CASTRATION. 137 Fig. 30. quently by another (Fig 30), of supe- rior form and easier of application, and now in general use; second, a bistoury cache (Fig. 31 j, sliding on its handles, Fig. 3L. BISTOURY CACHE which is a true embryotomy knife, mod- ified by Colin (Fig. 32); third, a pair of Fig. 32. colin's bistoury cache. J M W long, sharp scissors (Fig. 33), with ^?^ guarded blades, curved on its flat sur- face ; fourth, a torsion forceps (Fig. 31), closed by a peculiar thread arrange- ment, moved by the handle ; and fifth, a steel thimble (Fig. 35),
. Animal castration. Castration. ANIMAL dASTRATlON. 137 Fia. 30. quently by another (Fig 30), of supe • rior form and easier of application, and now in general use; second, a bistoury cache (Fig. 31), sliding on its handles, Fig. 31.. BISTOURY CACHE which is a true embryotomy knife, mod- ified by Colin (Fig. 32); third, a pair of Fig. 32. colin's bistotjet cache. long, sharp scissors (Fig. 33), with guarded blades, curved on its flat sur- face ; fourth, a torsion forceps (Fig. 34), closed by a peculiar thread arrange- ment, moved by the handle; and fifth, a steel thimble (Fig. 35), which has b Stock Photo
RMRDFYE7–. Animal castration. Castration. ANIMAL dASTRATlON. 137 Fia. 30. quently by another (Fig 30), of supe • rior form and easier of application, and now in general use; second, a bistoury cache (Fig. 31), sliding on its handles, Fig. 31.. BISTOURY CACHE which is a true embryotomy knife, mod- ified by Colin (Fig. 32); third, a pair of Fig. 32. colin's bistotjet cache. long, sharp scissors (Fig. 33), with guarded blades, curved on its flat sur- face ; fourth, a torsion forceps (Fig. 34), closed by a peculiar thread arrange- ment, moved by the handle; and fifth, a steel thimble (Fig. 35), which has b
. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. Dr. N. Senn's Pocket Operating Case COMPRISING 2 Kocher's Artery Forceps I Spring Dressing Forcep, slide catch, 3 teeth I " " " slide catch, 5 teeth I Straight Scissors 1 Exploring Trocar 2 Double Retractors, sharp and blunt 1 Gouge for operating on the skull 2 Serresfins 1 Bulldog ArteryForcep & Needle Holder 1 Director and Tongue Tie 1 Little's Saw 1 Scalpel 1 Straight Sharp Point Bistoury 1 Curved " " « 1 Curved Blunt " " 1 Tenotomy Knife 1 An Stock Photo
RMRJF9NX–. Catalogue of veterinary instruments. Veterinary instruments and apparatus. 75 & 77 WABASH AVE., CHICAGO. Dr. N. Senn's Pocket Operating Case COMPRISING 2 Kocher's Artery Forceps I Spring Dressing Forcep, slide catch, 3 teeth I " " " slide catch, 5 teeth I Straight Scissors 1 Exploring Trocar 2 Double Retractors, sharp and blunt 1 Gouge for operating on the skull 2 Serresfins 1 Bulldog ArteryForcep & Needle Holder 1 Director and Tongue Tie 1 Little's Saw 1 Scalpel 1 Straight Sharp Point Bistoury 1 Curved " " « 1 Curved Blunt " " 1 Tenotomy Knife 1 An