Carpenter . gy or Dantes Inferno) to show thisdoomed victim the beautiful vista of life,hope, health, happiness, a continued lovingsojourn among the quick, and then dash thecup to the ground, shattered in a thousandfragments, and proffer him instead the bit-terness, futility and hopelessness of his lotunder Economic Determinism. For his fate is pre-determined by hiseconomic condition. If he is able to carryout the rules of health laid down for hisguidance, to play the game fairly andsquarely with unstacked cards, the chancesare extremely favorable for complete re-covery and restoration to usef Stock Photo
RM2AM7EJX–Carpenter . gy or Dantes Inferno) to show thisdoomed victim the beautiful vista of life,hope, health, happiness, a continued lovingsojourn among the quick, and then dash thecup to the ground, shattered in a thousandfragments, and proffer him instead the bit-terness, futility and hopelessness of his lotunder Economic Determinism. For his fate is pre-determined by hiseconomic condition. If he is able to carryout the rules of health laid down for hisguidance, to play the game fairly andsquarely with unstacked cards, the chancesare extremely favorable for complete re-covery and restoration to usef