DAVID BERGIN JOCKEY PONTEFRACT RACECOURSE PONTEFRACT ENGLAND 08 August 2012 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-david-bergin-jockey-pontefract-racecourse-pontefract-england-08-august-47116611.html
Horse Racing - Nottingham Races. David Bergin, jockey Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-horse-racing-nottingham-races-david-bergin-jockey-106745528.html
RMG5JK08–Horse Racing - Nottingham Races. David Bergin, jockey
David Bergin, jockey Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/david-bergin-jockey-image350683568.html
RM2BAF0D4–David Bergin, jockey
Michael Bergin and Kelly Packard during David Hasselhoff's 60th Birthday celebrations at Greystone Manor Nightclub, California Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/michael-bergin-and-kelly-packard-during-david-hasselhoffs-60th-birthday-celebrations-at-greystone-manor-nightclub-california-image464054672.html
RM2HXYED4–Michael Bergin and Kelly Packard during David Hasselhoff's 60th Birthday celebrations at Greystone Manor Nightclub, California
PATRICK BERGIN, FRANKENSTEIN, 1992 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/patrick-bergin-frankenstein-1992-image472854443.html
David Shannon (John) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/david-shannon-john-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183523.html
RM2R2A3M3–David Shannon (John) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
Bergin, Politischer Bezirk Schärding, Austria, Upper Austria, N 48 31' 50'', E 13 35' 31'', map, Timeless Map published in 2021. Travelers, explorers and adventurers like Florence Nightingale, David Livingstone, Ernest Shackleton, Lewis and Clark and Sherlock Holmes relied on maps to plan travels to the world's most remote corners, Timeless Maps is mapping most locations on the globe, showing the achievement of great dreams Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/bergin-politischer-bezirk-schrding-austria-upper-austria-n-48-31-50-e-13-35-31-map-timeless-map-published-in-2021-travelers-explorers-and-adventurers-like-florence-nightingale-david-livingstone-ernest-shackleton-lewis-and-clark-and-sherlock-holmes-relied-on-maps-to-plan-travels-to-the-worlds-most-remote-corners-timeless-maps-is-mapping-most-locations-on-the-globe-showing-the-achievement-of-great-dreams-image439232347.html
RM2GEGN9F–Bergin, Politischer Bezirk Schärding, Austria, Upper Austria, N 48 31' 50'', E 13 35' 31'', map, Timeless Map published in 2021. Travelers, explorers and adventurers like Florence Nightingale, David Livingstone, Ernest Shackleton, Lewis and Clark and Sherlock Holmes relied on maps to plan travels to the world's most remote corners, Timeless Maps is mapping most locations on the globe, showing the achievement of great dreams
Josie Walker (Mary), David Shannon (John) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/josie-walker-mary-david-shannon-john-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183515.html
RM2R2A3KR–Josie Walker (Mary), David Shannon (John) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
Emmet Bergin The funeral of David Kelly held at the Church of the Miraculous Medal in Clonskeagh Dublin, Ireland - 16.02.12 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-emmet-bergin-the-funeral-of-david-kelly-held-at-the-church-of-the-56607757.html
RMD82KNH–Emmet Bergin The funeral of David Kelly held at the Church of the Miraculous Medal in Clonskeagh Dublin, Ireland - 16.02.12
front right: David Shannon (John) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/front-right-david-shannon-john-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183522.html
RM2R2A3M2–front right: David Shannon (John) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
Das Gnadenlose Auge Love Crimes Patrick Bergin, Sean Young Dana (Sean Young) ist fest entschlossen, den Modefotografen David Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-das-gnadenlose-auge-love-crimes-patrick-bergin-sean-young-dana-sean-52864685.html
RMD205CD–Das Gnadenlose Auge Love Crimes Patrick Bergin, Sean Young Dana (Sean Young) ist fest entschlossen, den Modefotografen David
left centre: David Shannon (John) rear centre: Michael Shaeffer (Thomas) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/left-centre-david-shannon-john-rear-centre-michael-shaeffer-thomas-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183517.html
RM2R2A3KW–left centre: David Shannon (John) rear centre: Michael Shaeffer (Thomas) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
David Hanover (PATRICK BERGIN) ist Modefotograf - zumindest gibt er sich dafür aus, wenn er die Damen seiner Wünsche kennenlernen will. Dana Greenway (SEAN YOUNG) dagegen ist Staatsanwältin und schlägt sich mit Schwerverbrechern herum. Und so kommt es, wie es kommen muß: Die beiden lernen sich kennen... Regie: Lizzy Borden aka. LOVE CRIMES Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-david-hanover-patrick-bergin-ist-modefotograf-zumindest-gibt-er-sich-114148452.html
RMGHKWEC–David Hanover (PATRICK BERGIN) ist Modefotograf - zumindest gibt er sich dafür aus, wenn er die Damen seiner Wünsche kennenlernen will. Dana Greenway (SEAN YOUNG) dagegen ist Staatsanwältin und schlägt sich mit Schwerverbrechern herum. Und so kommt es, wie es kommen muß: Die beiden lernen sich kennen... Regie: Lizzy Borden aka. LOVE CRIMES
Patrick Bergin Film Frankenstein (1994) Characters: Dr. Victor Frankenstein Director: David Wickes 29 December 1992 **WARNING** This Photograph is for editorial use only and is the copyright of TURNER and/or the Photographer assigned by the Film or Production Company and can only be reproduced by publications in conjunction with the promotion of the above Film. A Mandatory Credit To TURNER is required. The Photographer should also be credited when known. No commercial use can be granted without written authority from the Film Company. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/patrick-bergin-film-frankenstein-1994-characters-dr-victor-frankenstein-director-david-wickes-29-december-1992-warning-this-photograph-is-for-editorial-use-only-and-is-the-copyright-of-turner-andor-the-photographer-assigned-by-the-film-or-production-company-and-can-only-be-reproduced-by-publications-in-conjunction-with-the-promotion-of-the-above-film-a-mandatory-credit-to-turner-is-required-the-photographer-should-also-be-credited-when-known-no-commercial-use-can-be-granted-without-written-authority-from-the-film-company-image476549272.html
RM2JK8KCT–Patrick Bergin Film Frankenstein (1994) Characters: Dr. Victor Frankenstein Director: David Wickes 29 December 1992 **WARNING** This Photograph is for editorial use only and is the copyright of TURNER and/or the Photographer assigned by the Film or Production Company and can only be reproduced by publications in conjunction with the promotion of the above Film. A Mandatory Credit To TURNER is required. The Photographer should also be credited when known. No commercial use can be granted without written authority from the Film Company.
London, UK. 07th Apr, 2023. Jesus performed by Peter Bergin poses for photso with the crowds afrer the noon performance. The Wintershall players based in Surry have for 11 years taken the Passion of Christ to thousands of people in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday. (Photo by David Mbiyu/SOPA Images/Sipa USA) Credit: Sipa USA/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/london-uk-07th-apr-2023-jesus-performed-by-peter-bergin-poses-for-photso-with-the-crowds-afrer-the-noon-performance-the-wintershall-players-based-in-surry-have-for-11-years-taken-the-passion-of-christ-to-thousands-of-people-in-trafalgar-square-on-good-friday-photo-by-david-mbiyusopa-imagessipa-usa-credit-sipa-usaalamy-live-news-image545562672.html
RM2PKGEN4–London, UK. 07th Apr, 2023. Jesus performed by Peter Bergin poses for photso with the crowds afrer the noon performance. The Wintershall players based in Surry have for 11 years taken the Passion of Christ to thousands of people in Trafalgar Square on Good Friday. (Photo by David Mbiyu/SOPA Images/Sipa USA) Credit: Sipa USA/Alamy Live News
LOS ANGELES, CA - August 24, 1998: Baywatch stars MICHAEL BERGIN (right) & DAVID CHOKACHI at the world premiere, in Hollywood, of '54.' The movie is based on New York's Studio 54 Disco. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/los-angeles-ca-august-24-1998-baywatch-stars-michael-bergin-right-david-chokachi-at-the-world-premiere-in-hollywood-of-54-the-movie-is-based-on-new-yorks-studio-54-disco-image241769641.html
RMT19FJ1–LOS ANGELES, CA - August 24, 1998: Baywatch stars MICHAEL BERGIN (right) & DAVID CHOKACHI at the world premiere, in Hollywood, of '54.' The movie is based on New York's Studio 54 Disco.
David Chokachi, Michael Bergin ÉÉ.. Event in Hollywood Life - California, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix Celebrities fashion, Best of, Hollywood Life, Red Carpet and backstage, movie celebrities, TV celebrities, Music celebrities, Topix, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, vertical, one person, Photography, #Celebrity #Hollywood #RedCarpet #Actor #Actress #famousCelebrity #HollywoodEvent #TsuniUSA #CelebrityPhotography, Fashion inquiry tsuni@Gamma-USA.com , Credit Tsuni / USA, Fashion, From the Year 1993 to 1999, Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/david-chokachi-michael-bergin-event-in-hollywood-life-california-usa-film-industry-celebrities-photography-bestof-arts-culture-and-entertainment-topix-celebrities-fashion-best-of-hollywood-life-red-carpet-and-backstage-movie-celebrities-tv-celebrities-music-celebrities-topix-bestof-arts-culture-and-entertainment-vertical-one-person-photography-celebrity-hollywood-redcarpet-actor-actress-famouscelebrity-hollywoodevent-tsuniusa-celebrityphotography-fashion-inquiry-tsuni@gamma-usacom-credit-tsuni-usa-fashion-from-the-year-1993-to-1999-image224178203.html
RMR0M5GB–David Chokachi, Michael Bergin ÉÉ.. Event in Hollywood Life - California, USA, Film Industry, Celebrities, Photography, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, Topix Celebrities fashion, Best of, Hollywood Life, Red Carpet and backstage, movie celebrities, TV celebrities, Music celebrities, Topix, Bestof, Arts Culture and Entertainment, vertical, one person, Photography, #Celebrity #Hollywood #RedCarpet #Actor #Actress #famousCelebrity #HollywoodEvent #TsuniUSA #CelebrityPhotography, Fashion inquiry tsuni@Gamma-USA.com , Credit Tsuni / USA, Fashion, From the Year 1993 to 1999,
Badbury Rings, Dorset, UK. 9th Apr, 2017. Race winner Spooner Street (L) and Tucks Bergin (R) jumping during The Trethowans Solicitors Open Maiden Race, at The Portman Hunt Point-to-Point Race meeting. Credit: David Partridge/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-badbury-rings-dorset-uk-9th-apr-2017-race-winner-spooner-street-l-137744488.html
RMJ02PE0–Badbury Rings, Dorset, UK. 9th Apr, 2017. Race winner Spooner Street (L) and Tucks Bergin (R) jumping during The Trethowans Solicitors Open Maiden Race, at The Portman Hunt Point-to-Point Race meeting. Credit: David Partridge/Alamy Live News
DAVID BERGIN JOCKEY PONTEFRACT RACECOURSE PONTEFRACT ENGLAND 08 August 2012 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-david-bergin-jockey-pontefract-racecourse-pontefract-england-08-august-47116613.html
Horse Racing - Nottingham Races. Aubrietia ridden by David Bergin goes to post in The Trojan Horse handicap stakes Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-horse-racing-nottingham-races-aubrietia-ridden-by-david-bergin-goes-106745521.html
RMG5JK01–Horse Racing - Nottingham Races. Aubrietia ridden by David Bergin goes to post in The Trojan Horse handicap stakes
David Bergin, jockey Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/david-bergin-jockey-image350683638.html
RM2BAF0FJ–David Bergin, jockey
Jockey David Bergin at Nottingham Racecourse, Nottingham. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-jockey-david-bergin-at-nottingham-racecourse-nottingham-106733636.html
RMG5J3RG–Jockey David Bergin at Nottingham Racecourse, Nottingham.
Jeremy Jackson, Gena Lee Nolin, Michael Bergin and Kelly Packard during David Hasselhoff's 60th Birthday celebrations at Greystone Manor Nightclub, California Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/jeremy-jackson-gena-lee-nolin-michael-bergin-and-kelly-packard-during-david-hasselhoffs-60th-birthday-celebrations-at-greystone-manor-nightclub-california-image464054683.html
RM2HXYEDF–Jeremy Jackson, Gena Lee Nolin, Michael Bergin and Kelly Packard during David Hasselhoff's 60th Birthday celebrations at Greystone Manor Nightclub, California
(left to right) Arashi ridden by Dale Swift, Mr Burbidge ridden by Luke Morris, Scribe ridden by Graham Gibbons and Song of the Siren ridden by David Bergin break out the stalls for the 32Red Handicap at Wolverhampton Racecourse, Wolverhampton. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-left-to-right-arashi-ridden-by-dale-swift-mr-burbidge-ridden-by-luke-107365070.html
RMG6JW6P–(left to right) Arashi ridden by Dale Swift, Mr Burbidge ridden by Luke Morris, Scribe ridden by Graham Gibbons and Song of the Siren ridden by David Bergin break out the stalls for the 32Red Handicap at Wolverhampton Racecourse, Wolverhampton.
Albaqaa ridden by Robert Tart (right) get back up to beat Classic Colori ridden by David Bergin to win the Betfred Still Treble Odds Handicap Stakes during Betfred Temple Stakes Day at Haydock Racecourse, Newton-Le-Willows. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-albaqaa-ridden-by-robert-tart-right-get-back-up-to-beat-classic-colori-107061704.html
RMG65288–Albaqaa ridden by Robert Tart (right) get back up to beat Classic Colori ridden by David Bergin to win the Betfred Still Treble Odds Handicap Stakes during Betfred Temple Stakes Day at Haydock Racecourse, Newton-Le-Willows.
Emmet Bergin The funeral of David Kelly held at the Church of the Miraculous Medal in Clonskeagh Dublin, Ireland - 16.02.12 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-emmet-bergin-the-funeral-of-david-kelly-held-at-the-church-of-the-56607812.html
RMD82KRG–Emmet Bergin The funeral of David Kelly held at the Church of the Miraculous Medal in Clonskeagh Dublin, Ireland - 16.02.12
centre David Shannon (John - held aloft), Frank Grimes (Father O'Donnell) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/centre-david-shannon-john-held-aloft-frank-grimes-father-odonnell-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183537.html
RM2R2A3MH–centre David Shannon (John - held aloft), Frank Grimes (Father O'Donnell) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
David Hanover (PATRICK BERGIN) ist Modefotograf - zumindest gibt er sich dafür aus, wenn er die Damen seiner Wünsche kennenlernen will. Dana Greenway (SEAN YOUNG) dagegen ist Staatsanwältin und schlägt sich mit Schwerverbrechern herum. Und so kommt es, wie es kommen muß: Die beiden lernen sich kennen... Regie: Lizzy Borden aka. LOVE CRIMES Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-david-hanover-patrick-bergin-ist-modefotograf-zumindest-gibt-er-sich-114148446.html
RMGHKWE6–David Hanover (PATRICK BERGIN) ist Modefotograf - zumindest gibt er sich dafür aus, wenn er die Damen seiner Wünsche kennenlernen will. Dana Greenway (SEAN YOUNG) dagegen ist Staatsanwältin und schlägt sich mit Schwerverbrechern herum. Und so kommt es, wie es kommen muß: Die beiden lernen sich kennen... Regie: Lizzy Borden aka. LOVE CRIMES
Aubrietia ridden by David Bergin goes to post in The Trojan Horse handicap stakes Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aubrietia-ridden-by-david-bergin-goes-to-post-in-the-trojan-horse-handicap-stakes-image350683580.html
RM2BAF0DG–Aubrietia ridden by David Bergin goes to post in The Trojan Horse handicap stakes
Jeremy Jackson, Gena Lee Nolin, Michael Bergin and Kelly Packard during David Hasselhoff's 60th Birthday celebrations at Greystone Manor Nightclub, California Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/jeremy-jackson-gena-lee-nolin-michael-bergin-and-kelly-packard-during-david-hasselhoffs-60th-birthday-celebrations-at-greystone-manor-nightclub-california-image464054689.html
RM2HXYEDN–Jeremy Jackson, Gena Lee Nolin, Michael Bergin and Kelly Packard during David Hasselhoff's 60th Birthday celebrations at Greystone Manor Nightclub, California
Albaqaa ridden by Robert Tart (right) get back up to beat Classic Colori ridden by David Bergin to win the Betfred Still Treble Odds Handicap Stakes during Betfred Temple Stakes Day at Haydock Racecourse, Newton-Le-Willows. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-albaqaa-ridden-by-robert-tart-right-get-back-up-to-beat-classic-colori-107061697.html
RMG65281–Albaqaa ridden by Robert Tart (right) get back up to beat Classic Colori ridden by David Bergin to win the Betfred Still Treble Odds Handicap Stakes during Betfred Temple Stakes Day at Haydock Racecourse, Newton-Le-Willows.
David Bergin takes Father Christmas from Coolmore Stud on a post race gallop at Curragh Racecourse, County Kildare. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday March 20, 2016. See PA story RACING Curragh. Photo credit should read: Niall Carson/PA Wire. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-david-bergin-takes-father-christmas-from-coolmore-stud-on-a-post-race-108709458.html
RMG8T40J–David Bergin takes Father Christmas from Coolmore Stud on a post race gallop at Curragh Racecourse, County Kildare. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Sunday March 20, 2016. See PA story RACING Curragh. Photo credit should read: Niall Carson/PA Wire.
Director of UK Programmes at Unicef UK Teresa Bergin (second left), Sport Secretary Shona Robison (third left) Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 chief executive David Grevemberg (fourth left) and Olympian Lee McConnell (fourth right) help unveil Unicef's new interactive website which teaches children about their rights, launched through the partnership between Unicef and the Commonwealth Games at a press conference in Glasgow. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-director-of-uk-programmes-at-unicef-uk-teresa-bergin-second-left-sport-107735042.html
RMG77N42–Director of UK Programmes at Unicef UK Teresa Bergin (second left), Sport Secretary Shona Robison (third left) Commonwealth Games Glasgow 2014 chief executive David Grevemberg (fourth left) and Olympian Lee McConnell (fourth right) help unveil Unicef's new interactive website which teaches children about their rights, launched through the partnership between Unicef and the Commonwealth Games at a press conference in Glasgow.
centre David Shannon (John - held aloft), Frank Grimes (Father O'Donnell) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/centre-david-shannon-john-held-aloft-frank-grimes-father-odonnell-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183521.html
RM2R2A3M1–centre David Shannon (John - held aloft), Frank Grimes (Father O'Donnell) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
Horse Racing - Nottingham Races Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-horse-racing-nottingham-races-106745730.html
RMG5JK7E–Horse Racing - Nottingham Races
Michael Shaeffer (Thomas - front right) gets a red card, with Dale Meeks (Ginger - rear centre), David Shannon (John - rear right) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/michael-shaeffer-thomas-front-right-gets-a-red-card-with-dale-meeks-ginger-rear-centre-david-shannon-john-rear-right-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183520.html
RM2R2A3M0–Michael Shaeffer (Thomas - front right) gets a red card, with Dale Meeks (Ginger - rear centre), David Shannon (John - rear right) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
Horse Racing - 2013 Yorkshire Ebor Festival - Darley Yorkshire Oaks Day - York Racecourse Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-horse-racing-2013-yorkshire-ebor-festival-darley-yorkshire-oaks-day-107220789.html
RMG6C95W–Horse Racing - 2013 Yorkshire Ebor Festival - Darley Yorkshire Oaks Day - York Racecourse
centre David Shannon (John - held aloft), Frank Grimes (Father O'Donnell) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/centre-david-shannon-john-held-aloft-frank-grimes-father-odonnell-in-the-beautiful-game-at-the-cambridge-theatre-london-wc2-26092000-music-andrew-lloyd-webber-book-lyrics-ben-elton-set-design-michael-levine-costumes-joan-bergin-lighting-jean-kalman-choreography-meryl-tankard-director-robert-carsen-image552183516.html
RM2R2A3KT–centre David Shannon (John - held aloft), Frank Grimes (Father O'Donnell) in THE BEAUTIFUL GAME at the Cambridge Theatre, London WC2 26/09/2000 music: Andrew Lloyd Webber book & lyrics: Ben Elton set design: Michael Levine costumes: Joan Bergin lighting: Jean Kalman choreography: Meryl Tankard director: Robert Carsen
Horse Racing - 2013 Yorkshire Ebor Festival - Darley Yorkshire Oaks Day - York Racecourse Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-horse-racing-2013-yorkshire-ebor-festival-darley-yorkshire-oaks-day-107220788.html
RMG6C95T–Horse Racing - 2013 Yorkshire Ebor Festival - Darley Yorkshire Oaks Day - York Racecourse