Musée Bonnat - Don Francisco de Borja Tellez Giron, duc d’Osu Don Francisco de Borja Tellez Giron, duc d’Osuna ). circa 1816. Francisco de Goya - Don Francisco de Borja Tellez Giron Stock Photo
RMMMJRAE–Musée Bonnat - Don Francisco de Borja Tellez Giron, duc d’Osu Don Francisco de Borja Tellez Giron, duc d’Osuna ). circa 1816. Francisco de Goya - Don Francisco de Borja Tellez Giron
Close up of couple hands holding fire sparkler in the night at New Year's Eve Party 2022. Party event people and celebration. New year holiday celebra Stock Photo
RF2H4YYN3–Close up of couple hands holding fire sparkler in the night at New Year's Eve Party 2022. Party event people and celebration. New year holiday celebra
The deposits of the useful minerals & rocks; their origin, form, and content . dosu, Ingustosa, Gennamari, etc. A point worthy ofnotice is that this lode contains but very little sphalerite. To the southof this granite another lode-system occurs, the members of which strikesouth-east to east-south-east. As will be seen from Fig. 349, these twosystems form together a surround to the granite. In the neighbourhoodof Iglesias are found the lead lodes of San Giovanni to the south, and SanBenedetto and Malacalzetta to the north ; while to the west the importantmetasomatic deposits worked in the Nebi Stock Photo
RM2ANF2H5–The deposits of the useful minerals & rocks; their origin, form, and content . dosu, Ingustosa, Gennamari, etc. A point worthy ofnotice is that this lode contains but very little sphalerite. To the southof this granite another lode-system occurs, the members of which strikesouth-east to east-south-east. As will be seen from Fig. 349, these twosystems form together a surround to the granite. In the neighbourhoodof Iglesias are found the lead lodes of San Giovanni to the south, and SanBenedetto and Malacalzetta to the north ; while to the west the importantmetasomatic deposits worked in the Nebi
Cheerful woman searching direction on location map while traveling. Back view Stock Photo
RF2HJ33FX–Cheerful woman searching direction on location map while traveling. Back view
The bulletin of the Alumni Association of Rush Medical College. . r King Nicoll 4. Address Dean Dodson 5. Quartette 6. Class Essay John E. Eckstrom 7. Class History Edward Allen Oliver 8. Class Prophesv Mary Shutan 9. Quartette 10. Valedictory Address Harold Everett Eggers 11. Benediction Dosu Doseff 8 P. M.—Annual theater party for the Graduating class, alumniand faculty, The Golden Girl, LaSalle Theater. Tickets, $1.00. 4 THE BULLETIN. Tuesday, June 1. 9 A. M.—Clinic: General medicine, Dr. James B. Herriek. 11 A. M.—Clinic: General surgery, Dr. Dean D. Lewis. 1 P. M.—Luncheon, Class 84, The Stock Photo
RM2AJBT0D–The bulletin of the Alumni Association of Rush Medical College. . r King Nicoll 4. Address Dean Dodson 5. Quartette 6. Class Essay John E. Eckstrom 7. Class History Edward Allen Oliver 8. Class Prophesv Mary Shutan 9. Quartette 10. Valedictory Address Harold Everett Eggers 11. Benediction Dosu Doseff 8 P. M.—Annual theater party for the Graduating class, alumniand faculty, The Golden Girl, LaSalle Theater. Tickets, $1.00. 4 THE BULLETIN. Tuesday, June 1. 9 A. M.—Clinic: General medicine, Dr. James B. Herriek. 11 A. M.—Clinic: General surgery, Dr. Dean D. Lewis. 1 P. M.—Luncheon, Class 84, The
Happy young woman using a city map on city street in summer vacation, traveling in Europe, freedom and active lifestyle Stock Photo
RF2H5BKF2–Happy young woman using a city map on city street in summer vacation, traveling in Europe, freedom and active lifestyle
Series de los más importantes docvmentos del archivo y biblioteca del exmoseñor dvqve de Medinaceli . que es cerca delCastillo e fortaleza desta dicha villa, por cuanto el ilustre e muy magnífico SeñorDon Luys de la Cerda, Conde de Medinaceli, nuestro Señor, al tiempo que Su Se-ñoría desta su villa partió ovo mandado y mando que oviesen de yr Andrés Fer-nandez e Johan Jiménez, Regidores desta su villa, a la su villa de Medinaceli, o dosu Señoría estoviese, a ber de obedescer e jurar por nuestra Señora a la magnificaSeñora Doña Leonor de la Cerda, su fija legitima; por ende, nos los sobre dicho Stock Photo
RM2AMY2BY–Series de los más importantes docvmentos del archivo y biblioteca del exmoseñor dvqve de Medinaceli . que es cerca delCastillo e fortaleza desta dicha villa, por cuanto el ilustre e muy magnífico SeñorDon Luys de la Cerda, Conde de Medinaceli, nuestro Señor, al tiempo que Su Se-ñoría desta su villa partió ovo mandado y mando que oviesen de yr Andrés Fer-nandez e Johan Jiménez, Regidores desta su villa, a la su villa de Medinaceli, o dosu Señoría estoviese, a ber de obedescer e jurar por nuestra Señora a la magnificaSeñora Doña Leonor de la Cerda, su fija legitima; por ende, nos los sobre dicho
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. AUGVST 18. lOL'l The Rorists^ Review 29. In the Plants Section of the Washington Show, with Exhibits of Henry A. Dreer and Robert Craig Co. iiiili pots adorned tlu' dosU wIhmo A. Ili'uilerson presided. Henshaw Floral Co., New York. Strikingly attractive in tlie exhibit of the Henshaw Floral Co. was an assorl- Mient of glassware in a wide variety of lints and shapes, for use as flower eoii- IMiners. Goldfish stands were a uni(|U(' offering. Baskets and other florists' suji- |ilies of standard cliaracter were sliowii ill flood assortment. Hitchings & Stock Photo
RMRRC8YB–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. AUGVST 18. lOL'l The Rorists^ Review 29. In the Plants Section of the Washington Show, with Exhibits of Henry A. Dreer and Robert Craig Co. iiiili pots adorned tlu' dosU wIhmo A. Ili'uilerson presided. Henshaw Floral Co., New York. Strikingly attractive in tlie exhibit of the Henshaw Floral Co. was an assorl- Mient of glassware in a wide variety of lints and shapes, for use as flower eoii- IMiners. Goldfish stands were a uni(|U(' offering. Baskets and other florists' suji- |ilies of standard cliaracter were sliowii ill flood assortment. Hitchings &
. Buletinul Societatii de Stiinte din Cluj. Science. - 468 — b. Subsp. Affila Csiki, 1912, Rovart. Lap, XIX, p. 156; types: grotte du mont Tatârhegy c. Subsp. leptoderum Frivaldszky, 1857 Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, VII, p. 44; types: Funaczâi barlang. — leannel, 1911. Rsv. Bathysc, p. 485, pi. XVIII. îig. 500 â 507. d. Subsp. Biroi Csiki, 1912, Rovart. Lap., XIX, p. 157; types: Ripp-Ripp barlang. e. Subsp. janitor, nov.; types: por?ile Bihorului. /. Subsp. Winkleri, nov.; types: pe?terea de la dosu Broscoiului.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may hav Stock Photo
RMRH1XKH–. Buletinul Societatii de Stiinte din Cluj. Science. - 468 — b. Subsp. Affila Csiki, 1912, Rovart. Lap, XIX, p. 156; types: grotte du mont Tatârhegy c. Subsp. leptoderum Frivaldszky, 1857 Verh. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien, VII, p. 44; types: Funaczâi barlang. — leannel, 1911. Rsv. Bathysc, p. 485, pi. XVIII. îig. 500 â 507. d. Subsp. Biroi Csiki, 1912, Rovart. Lap., XIX, p. 157; types: Ripp-Ripp barlang. e. Subsp. janitor, nov.; types: por?ile Bihorului. /. Subsp. Winkleri, nov.; types: pe?terea de la dosu Broscoiului.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may hav
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