The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams (left) and President of the Methodist Conference Dr Neil Richardson (right) sign an Anglican-Methodist Covenant, at the Methodist Central Hall in London. The agreement comes more than two centuries after the two churches separated in a dispute about Episcopal authority and ordinations. Stock Photo
RMG6J95T–The Archbishop of Canterbury Dr Rowan Williams (left) and President of the Methodist Conference Dr Neil Richardson (right) sign an Anglican-Methodist Covenant, at the Methodist Central Hall in London. The agreement comes more than two centuries after the two churches separated in a dispute about Episcopal authority and ordinations.
The new Shadow Cabinet in the Shadow Cabinet Room at the House of Commons. From left, Back row: Michael Meacher, Dr David Clarke, Donald Dewar, Bryan Gould, Barry Jones, Tony Blair and Frank Dobson. Front: Dr John Cunningham, Derek Foster, Jo Richardson, Stan Orme, Gerald Kaufman, Neil Kinnock, Roy Hattersley, Robin Cook, John Prescott, Gordon Brown and Jack Straw. Stock Photo
RMG9GBNH–The new Shadow Cabinet in the Shadow Cabinet Room at the House of Commons. From left, Back row: Michael Meacher, Dr David Clarke, Donald Dewar, Bryan Gould, Barry Jones, Tony Blair and Frank Dobson. Front: Dr John Cunningham, Derek Foster, Jo Richardson, Stan Orme, Gerald Kaufman, Neil Kinnock, Roy Hattersley, Robin Cook, John Prescott, Gordon Brown and Jack Straw.