Grand Prix der Low Countries Winner, the horse Quand Meme J, ridden by Pierre Arson Annotation: Name of the horse changed; style taken from National Draf- and Racing Museum/Archive; address: Date: 25 June 1967 Location: Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland Keywords: horses, equestrian, awards, races, sports prizes Personal name: Arson, P. Stock Photo
RM2ARH6H0–Grand Prix der Low Countries Winner, the horse Quand Meme J, ridden by Pierre Arson Annotation: Name of the horse changed; style taken from National Draf- and Racing Museum/Archive; address: Date: 25 June 1967 Location: Wassenaar, Zuid-Holland Keywords: horses, equestrian, awards, races, sports prizes Personal name: Arson, P.
Poultry culture sanitation and hygiene . he draf c, and a bird with a cold will not-produce eggs. Plentyof fresh air is essential to health of the birds. Proper ventila-tion so as to ensure an exchange of air. Pure air means plentyof oxygen, and foul air means a lack of the proper amount ofoxygen and an excessive amount of carbon dioxid or poisonousgas that must not be allowed to accumulate. In Figs. 58, 59,and 60 will be seen illustrated three principles of ventilation. 176 POULTRY CULTURE The laying hen must have exercise. Exercise is essential togood health and egg production, as well as fo Stock Photo
RM2AXGXJC–Poultry culture sanitation and hygiene . he draf c, and a bird with a cold will not-produce eggs. Plentyof fresh air is essential to health of the birds. Proper ventila-tion so as to ensure an exchange of air. Pure air means plentyof oxygen, and foul air means a lack of the proper amount ofoxygen and an excessive amount of carbon dioxid or poisonousgas that must not be allowed to accumulate. In Figs. 58, 59,and 60 will be seen illustrated three principles of ventilation. 176 POULTRY CULTURE The laying hen must have exercise. Exercise is essential togood health and egg production, as well as fo
1.00 one copy of engraving ' Men of Progress ' 10.00 One copy of Scientific American for one year and Remit by postal order draf or express. quarter payable at the office where received. CanadA subscribers must remit with subscription 23 cents Wrn to pay postage. Address all letters and make all Post Office orders or PRESSURE BLOWERS & EXHAUST FANS, 1873-06-14 Stock Photo
RM2ABWAG9–1.00 one copy of engraving ' Men of Progress ' 10.00 One copy of Scientific American for one year and Remit by postal order draf or express. quarter payable at the office where received. CanadA subscribers must remit with subscription 23 cents Wrn to pay postage. Address all letters and make all Post Office orders or PRESSURE BLOWERS & EXHAUST FANS, 1873-06-14
3d bike model Stock Photo
RFE1Y4YY–3d bike model
. The fundamentals of live stock judging and selection . Livestock. 114 JUDGING DRAFT HORSES short back, which is characteristic of a typical draft animal. The back should be short, broad, and deeply muscled. The loin should be broad, level, heavily muscled, and should be indicative of a close, short coupling. The ribs should be well arched, closely placed, and the chest should be deep and broad on the floor. The flank should be full and low. The hindquarters should be broad, deep, the croup level, well muscled, and the thighs deep and compact. The bone. Fig. 30.—Characteristics of a good draf Stock Photo
RMRDXYP2–. The fundamentals of live stock judging and selection . Livestock. 114 JUDGING DRAFT HORSES short back, which is characteristic of a typical draft animal. The back should be short, broad, and deeply muscled. The loin should be broad, level, heavily muscled, and should be indicative of a close, short coupling. The ribs should be well arched, closely placed, and the chest should be deep and broad on the floor. The flank should be full and low. The hindquarters should be broad, deep, the croup level, well muscled, and the thighs deep and compact. The bone. Fig. 30.—Characteristics of a good draf
HARLAN'S PATENT ANIMAL TRAP. improvement for Equalizing the Draft of Teams. BRUCE'S AMERICAN FOOT STOVE. Death of DI. Claudet. MAKING CHAINS WITHOUT WELDING. AVERILL & PITCH'S PATENT DRAF T EQUALIZER., scientific american, 1868-02-29 Stock Photo
RM2ABW2KH–HARLAN'S PATENT ANIMAL TRAP. improvement for Equalizing the Draft of Teams. BRUCE'S AMERICAN FOOT STOVE. Death of DI. Claudet. MAKING CHAINS WITHOUT WELDING. AVERILL & PITCH'S PATENT DRAF T EQUALIZER., scientific american, 1868-02-29
. Our edible toadstools and mushrooms and how to distinguish them; a selection of thirty native food varieties, easily recognizable by their marked individualities, with simple rules for the identification of poisonous species. Mushrooms; Cookery (Mushrooms); cbk. MUSHROOM SPORE-PRINTS 293 served when lifting the pasteboard box which had been placed above the mushroom to absolutely ex- clude the air. The explanation was simple when I discerned that the tapering elongation pointed direct- ly to a tiny hole in the box barely Affected larger than a knitting-needle. by a pin°hoIe ° .° ^ i • i draf Stock Photo
RMRDW8FA–. Our edible toadstools and mushrooms and how to distinguish them; a selection of thirty native food varieties, easily recognizable by their marked individualities, with simple rules for the identification of poisonous species. Mushrooms; Cookery (Mushrooms); cbk. MUSHROOM SPORE-PRINTS 293 served when lifting the pasteboard box which had been placed above the mushroom to absolutely ex- clude the air. The explanation was simple when I discerned that the tapering elongation pointed direct- ly to a tiny hole in the box barely Affected larger than a knitting-needle. by a pin°hoIe ° .° ^ i • i draf
. A text-book of agricultural zoology. Zoology, Agricultural; Zoology, Economic. DEAGON-FLIES. 259 Dragon-flies (Odonata). The Dragon-flies are all carnivorous, feeding off butterflies and moths when adult, and upon various water insects when in the larval stage. The adults have large eyes, these often occupy- ing the greater part of the head. They are provided with very. Fro. 134.—Dkaoon-flies. A, A Draf;on-fly (^Esckna grandis), partly dissected ; b Li^ellula depressa, h, He-id ; t to t", thoracic segments ; e, e, eyes ; m, jaws ; /, upper lip. (Nicholson.) Inrva , c, impa; n, head of a Stock Photo
RMRE066M–. A text-book of agricultural zoology. Zoology, Agricultural; Zoology, Economic. DEAGON-FLIES. 259 Dragon-flies (Odonata). The Dragon-flies are all carnivorous, feeding off butterflies and moths when adult, and upon various water insects when in the larval stage. The adults have large eyes, these often occupy- ing the greater part of the head. They are provided with very. Fro. 134.—Dkaoon-flies. A, A Draf;on-fly (^Esckna grandis), partly dissected ; b Li^ellula depressa, h, He-id ; t to t", thoracic segments ; e, e, eyes ; m, jaws ; /, upper lip. (Nicholson.) Inrva , c, impa; n, head of a
. Studies in horse breeding [microform] : an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding. Chevaux; Horses; Horses; Chevaux. Kiiiiii' I,". Ain.rior iir.!..-nti.tion. with lor.. iV.-t !,».â, nnd.-r. v.t 1 the srass after the foal is a week 0^. None of the grasses n the corn belt contain cnui-h nutriment to grow a good draf horse w.thout gram. No grain will equal goodSlean. h^eavy oats! 110. Flooding Occasionally the uterus fails to contract on it.sell after parturition and flooding or bleeding is the resâ?t About all that can be done in such ?ases it to relieve the m Stock Photo!-ntition-with-lor-iv-t-!-nnd-r-vt-1-the-srass-after-the-foal-is-a-week-0-none-of-the-grasses-n-the-corn-belt-contain-cnui-h-nutriment-to-grow-a-good-draf-horse-wthout-gram-no-grain-will-equal-goodslean-heavy-oats!-110-flooding-occasionally-the-uterus-fails-to-contract-on-itsell-after-parturition-and-flooding-or-bleeding-is-the-rest-about-all-that-can-be-done-in-such-ases-it-to-relieve-the-m-image232808654.html
RMREN9PP–. Studies in horse breeding [microform] : an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding. Chevaux; Horses; Horses; Chevaux. Kiiiiii' I,". Ain.rior iir.!..-nti.tion. with lor.. iV.-t !,».â, nnd.-r. v.t 1 the srass after the foal is a week 0^. None of the grasses n the corn belt contain cnui-h nutriment to grow a good draf horse w.thout gram. No grain will equal goodSlean. h^eavy oats! 110. Flooding Occasionally the uterus fails to contract on it.sell after parturition and flooding or bleeding is the resâ?t About all that can be done in such ?ases it to relieve the m
. Reize door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amerika [microform]. Indians of North America; Natural history; Indiens; Sciences naturelles. / J j 14 Van ds huwelijks - pUgtigheden der jreftrengheid gcftraft. Als dit geval gebeurt, bijt de man de vrouw den neus af, en daarop volgt cene onmiddelijke echtfcheiding. Ik heb eens het voorbeeld gezien dat deeze draf geoefend wierd, terwijl ik onder hen was. De kinderen worden dan verdeeld gelijk bij andere natieea plaats heeft, dat is, elk krijgt de helft. Onder de Indiaanen zijn , zoo wel als onder Europifche natieën , veele, die zig aan de min- vermaaken Stock Photo
RMRJ1NN0–. Reize door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amerika [microform]. Indians of North America; Natural history; Indiens; Sciences naturelles. / J j 14 Van ds huwelijks - pUgtigheden der jreftrengheid gcftraft. Als dit geval gebeurt, bijt de man de vrouw den neus af, en daarop volgt cene onmiddelijke echtfcheiding. Ik heb eens het voorbeeld gezien dat deeze draf geoefend wierd, terwijl ik onder hen was. De kinderen worden dan verdeeld gelijk bij andere natieea plaats heeft, dat is, elk krijgt de helft. Onder de Indiaanen zijn , zoo wel als onder Europifche natieën , veele, die zig aan de min- vermaaken
. Studies in horse breeding [microform] : an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding. Chevaux; Horses; Horses; Chevaux. 68 STUDIES IN HORSE BREKDING and the ^^rass good she w.ll do better upon the grass than anv other feed. If t^,e mare .s of draft breeding, she will need graiJ.. Kiiiiii' I,". Ain.rior iir.!..-nti.tion. with lor.. iV.-t !,».â, nnd.-r. v.t 1 the srass after the foal is a week 0^. None of the grasses n the corn belt contain cnui-h nutriment to grow a good draf horse w.thout gram. No grain will equal goodSlean. h^eavy oats! 110. Flooding Occasiona Stock Photo!-ntition-with-lor-iv-t-!-nnd-r-vt-1-the-srass-after-the-foal-is-a-week-0-none-of-the-grasses-n-the-corn-belt-contain-cnui-h-nutriment-to-grow-a-good-draf-horse-wthout-gram-no-grain-will-equal-goodslean-heavy-oats!-110-flooding-occasiona-image232808661.html
RMREN9R1–. Studies in horse breeding [microform] : an illustrated treatise on the science and practice of horse breeding. Chevaux; Horses; Horses; Chevaux. 68 STUDIES IN HORSE BREKDING and the ^^rass good she w.ll do better upon the grass than anv other feed. If t^,e mare .s of draft breeding, she will need graiJ.. Kiiiiii' I,". Ain.rior iir.!..-nti.tion. with lor.. iV.-t !,».â, nnd.-r. v.t 1 the srass after the foal is a week 0^. None of the grasses n the corn belt contain cnui-h nutriment to grow a good draf horse w.thout gram. No grain will equal goodSlean. h^eavy oats! 110. Flooding Occasiona