Stack of new drill pipe on racks Stock Photo
RF2CCTXWT–Stack of new drill pipe on racks
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DMRM–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.
Heavy duty drill pipe on a pipe rack for drilling an oil well. Stock Photo
RM2GYMFT2–Heavy duty drill pipe on a pipe rack for drilling an oil well.
The boys' book of engine-building; . —ELBOW *P/PE f p/pETO THE WATER B SUPPLY Fig. 50. A Steam Force Pump which are threaded at both ends; also get a pieceof pipe 2 inches long and thread it on one end. Cut out two disks Me inch thick and let thembe of the exact diameter of the inside of the el-bows; drill a %-inch hole in the middle of eachone and solder it in one end of the elbow justbelow the threads; this can be done by putting Fittings for Model Engines 125 some soldering fluid around the edge of the diskinside the elbow, heating it in the flame of analcohol lamp or a Bunsen burner and t Stock Photo
RM2AJ2F6F–The boys' book of engine-building; . —ELBOW *P/PE f p/pETO THE WATER B SUPPLY Fig. 50. A Steam Force Pump which are threaded at both ends; also get a pieceof pipe 2 inches long and thread it on one end. Cut out two disks Me inch thick and let thembe of the exact diameter of the inside of the el-bows; drill a %-inch hole in the middle of eachone and solder it in one end of the elbow justbelow the threads; this can be done by putting Fittings for Model Engines 125 some soldering fluid around the edge of the diskinside the elbow, heating it in the flame of analcohol lamp or a Bunsen burner and t
Large slotted plastic pipes used in methane gas wells for collection, laid out parallel to each other on the ground in an active landfill. Stock Photo
RM2PHRBY6–Large slotted plastic pipes used in methane gas wells for collection, laid out parallel to each other on the ground in an active landfill.
oe The Scientific American oe Coclopogia of Receipts Mies and Queries. 15000 RECEIPTS. 734 PAGES. Price $5.00 in Cloth. $6.00 in Sheep. $6.50 in Half Morocco. Post Free. PHONOGRAPH IN DIVIDENDS. Receiving these Enormous Dividends Over 2000 were Paid by Us NEW YANK EE DRILL GRINDER. WILMARTII & 31ORM A N N PERFECT PUMP - POWER. YOU MAKE $52 A DAY EASY Gold Silver Nickel and Metal Plating. NICKEL AND Electra- Plating Newark. N. .1. IGNITER DRIVING A PLEASURE MACHINES FOR ROLLINC SCREW THREADS. BLAKE & JOHNSON Williams' Shaving Stick 25c. Genuine Yankee Shaving Soap 10c. Luxury Shaving Tablet Stock Photo
RM2ABXMCP–oe The Scientific American oe Coclopogia of Receipts Mies and Queries. 15000 RECEIPTS. 734 PAGES. Price $5.00 in Cloth. $6.00 in Sheep. $6.50 in Half Morocco. Post Free. PHONOGRAPH IN DIVIDENDS. Receiving these Enormous Dividends Over 2000 were Paid by Us NEW YANK EE DRILL GRINDER. WILMARTII & 31ORM A N N PERFECT PUMP - POWER. YOU MAKE $52 A DAY EASY Gold Silver Nickel and Metal Plating. NICKEL AND Electra- Plating Newark. N. .1. IGNITER DRIVING A PLEASURE MACHINES FOR ROLLINC SCREW THREADS. BLAKE & JOHNSON Williams' Shaving Stick 25c. Genuine Yankee Shaving Soap 10c. Luxury Shaving Tablet
Stack of new drill pipe on racks Stock Photo
RF2CCTXWB–Stack of new drill pipe on racks
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DMRY–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.
Heavy duty drill pipe on a pipe rack for drilling an oil well. Stock Photo
RM2GYMFW1–Heavy duty drill pipe on a pipe rack for drilling an oil well.
. Railway mechanical engineer . in which stem iioS is en-gaged. This stem is threaded at one end with /-in. and -j^-in. pipe threads re.spectively. For the small sized drill, aclamp with a ^s-in. pipe thread is used in connection witha special clamp support. Pneumatic drills are used very extensively in railway shopsand the question of keeping them in repair is always a press-ing one. The universal repair vise illustrated will facilitate in making quick repairs and for this reason is of interest torailway men. The vise is made by the Independent Pneu-matic Tool Company, Chicago, 111. II06-, % Stock Photo
RM2CH0NBE–. Railway mechanical engineer . in which stem iioS is en-gaged. This stem is threaded at one end with /-in. and -j^-in. pipe threads re.spectively. For the small sized drill, aclamp with a ^s-in. pipe thread is used in connection witha special clamp support. Pneumatic drills are used very extensively in railway shopsand the question of keeping them in repair is always a press-ing one. The universal repair vise illustrated will facilitate in making quick repairs and for this reason is of interest torailway men. The vise is made by the Independent Pneu-matic Tool Company, Chicago, 111. II06-, %
SENECA FALLS MFG. COMPANY. 695 Water St. Seneca Falls N.Y. 00 oi IRETRL WORKERS Starrett's Combination Bevel e Will lie flat. Stock 4 41 Pricein. long. Catalogue 4 $2.00. shows many uses of Box 13. Athol Mass. For Planing Mills Carpenters Builders Furniture Chair Vehicle Wheel and Spoke Makers etc. Illustrated 312-page Catalogue free to manufacturers and foremen. THE ECAN CO. 327 to 347 West Front Street CINCINNATI OHIO. WOODWORKING MACHINERY.4v Water Emery Tool Grinder W. F. & MO. BARNES CO. 1999 Ruby St. Rockford Ill. Pipe Threading Machines COMBINATION BENCH and PIPE VISES. Bignall Stock Photo
RM2ABXHYB–SENECA FALLS MFG. COMPANY. 695 Water St. Seneca Falls N.Y. 00 oi IRETRL WORKERS Starrett's Combination Bevel e Will lie flat. Stock 4 41 Pricein. long. Catalogue 4 $2.00. shows many uses of Box 13. Athol Mass. For Planing Mills Carpenters Builders Furniture Chair Vehicle Wheel and Spoke Makers etc. Illustrated 312-page Catalogue free to manufacturers and foremen. THE ECAN CO. 327 to 347 West Front Street CINCINNATI OHIO. WOODWORKING MACHINERY.4v Water Emery Tool Grinder W. F. & MO. BARNES CO. 1999 Ruby St. Rockford Ill. Pipe Threading Machines COMBINATION BENCH and PIPE VISES. Bignall
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DMRX–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.
. Bulletin . B. DRILLED BUSHING. C. DRILLED BUSHING, ANOTHER VIEW.. D. DRILLED BUSHING, DRILL REMOVED. LUBRICANTS FOR TOOL JOINTS AXD CASING THREADS. 45 AN UNUSUAL FISHING JOB. A rotary table bushing was dropped in a rotary hole on the Amalga-mated lease in California. A hole about 4 inches in diameter wasdrilled through the bushing by rotating upon it a steel drill. Afterthe drill had cut a hole, the thread near the top of the drill enteredthe hole. The thread, being tapered slightly, tightened enough as itscrewed up to warn the driller when to stop rotating the pipe. Thepipe was then pulled Stock Photo
RM2CDE1GM–. Bulletin . B. DRILLED BUSHING. C. DRILLED BUSHING, ANOTHER VIEW.. D. DRILLED BUSHING, DRILL REMOVED. LUBRICANTS FOR TOOL JOINTS AXD CASING THREADS. 45 AN UNUSUAL FISHING JOB. A rotary table bushing was dropped in a rotary hole on the Amalga-mated lease in California. A hole about 4 inches in diameter wasdrilled through the bushing by rotating upon it a steel drill. Afterthe drill had cut a hole, the thread near the top of the drill enteredthe hole. The thread, being tapered slightly, tightened enough as itscrewed up to warn the driller when to stop rotating the pipe. Thepipe was then pulled
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DMRB–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DTYJ–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DTYH–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.
Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads. Stock Photo
RFR4DTYF–Pipe thread close-up, old rusty metal part of pipe threads.