Attractive auburn haired woman on her cell phone at Earlham college, Indiana Stock Photo
RMBDBN3P–Attractive auburn haired woman on her cell phone at Earlham college, Indiana
Earlham College Dormitory. Richmond. 1907 Stock Photo
RMMM2XFW–Earlham College Dormitory. Richmond. 1907
Epitome . W. O. WISSLER, Superintendent, History. Earlham College,Indiana State Normal,Wisconsin University. LOUISE WILLIS PENNING-TON, Spanish. Earlham College. W. J. STAHR,Principal, Science.Indiana University. LAURA Mccracken, Domestic Science.Central Normal College. WALTER M. PITTS;MathematicsEarlham College. ELIZABETH ROUNDS, Commercial. George Washington University.Earlham College. Stock Photo
RM2AM3325–Epitome . W. O. WISSLER, Superintendent, History. Earlham College,Indiana State Normal,Wisconsin University. LOUISE WILLIS PENNING-TON, Spanish. Earlham College. W. J. STAHR,Principal, Science.Indiana University. LAURA Mccracken, Domestic Science.Central Normal College. WALTER M. PITTS;MathematicsEarlham College. ELIZABETH ROUNDS, Commercial. George Washington University.Earlham College.
Epitome . W. O. WISSLER, Superintendent, History. Earlham College,Indiana State Normal,Wisconsin University. LOUISE WILLIS PENNING-TON, Spanish. Earlham College. W. J. STAHR,Principal, Science.Indiana University. LAURA Mccracken, Domestic Science.Central Normal College. WALTER M. PITTS;MathematicsEarlham College. ELIZABETH ROUNDS, Commercial. George Washington University.Earlham College.. Stock Photo
RM2AM32P4–Epitome . W. O. WISSLER, Superintendent, History. Earlham College,Indiana State Normal,Wisconsin University. LOUISE WILLIS PENNING-TON, Spanish. Earlham College. W. J. STAHR,Principal, Science.Indiana University. LAURA Mccracken, Domestic Science.Central Normal College. WALTER M. PITTS;MathematicsEarlham College. ELIZABETH ROUNDS, Commercial. George Washington University.Earlham College..
A history of the Hole family in England and America . ug. 4, 1856. 5 Linda Hannah, born Jan. 2, 1861. 6 Ella Mary, born Apr. 10, 1863. 7 and 8. Two children died in infancy. •Prof. Allen D. Hole of Earlham College. Indiana, (»ee portrait) aftwrsome work in common schools, taneht in high schools as follows: Krie ds-wood Academy, Wisconsin. 1KC5-1K*7: Maryville Normal and PreparatorySchool Maryville. Tennessee 1894-9.^: Union Hieh School. Westfleld. Ind.. 1898:Sand Creek Seminary, Azalia. Indiana. lh^S-l^iO. Received his degree ofBachelor of Science from Karlham College. Richmond. Ind.. in 1*97, Stock Photo
RM2AX7C8C–A history of the Hole family in England and America . ug. 4, 1856. 5 Linda Hannah, born Jan. 2, 1861. 6 Ella Mary, born Apr. 10, 1863. 7 and 8. Two children died in infancy. •Prof. Allen D. Hole of Earlham College. Indiana, (»ee portrait) aftwrsome work in common schools, taneht in high schools as follows: Krie ds-wood Academy, Wisconsin. 1KC5-1K*7: Maryville Normal and PreparatorySchool Maryville. Tennessee 1894-9.^: Union Hieh School. Westfleld. Ind.. 1898:Sand Creek Seminary, Azalia. Indiana. lh^S-l^iO. Received his degree ofBachelor of Science from Karlham College. Richmond. Ind.. in 1*97,
. History of the University of Michigan . J(3HN STRONG PERRY J-AILOCK lished articles in iNIodern Language Notes andin Modern Philology. 1897 he was appointed Professor of Modern Lan-guages in Earlham College, Indiana. At the end ofone year he became Instructor in French at theLlniversity of Michigan, from which position he was. HUGO PAUL THIElMK promoted to be Assistant Professor in 1905. Hehas published the following ; La Littt^rature Fran-Qaise du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle (1S96); TheTechnique of the French Alexandrine (1898);and an edition of Malots Sans Famille, with Intro-duction, Notes, and V Stock Photo
RM2CHW0J3–. History of the University of Michigan . J(3HN STRONG PERRY J-AILOCK lished articles in iNIodern Language Notes andin Modern Philology. 1897 he was appointed Professor of Modern Lan-guages in Earlham College, Indiana. At the end ofone year he became Instructor in French at theLlniversity of Michigan, from which position he was. HUGO PAUL THIElMK promoted to be Assistant Professor in 1905. Hehas published the following ; La Littt^rature Fran-Qaise du Dix-Neuvieme Siecle (1S96); TheTechnique of the French Alexandrine (1898);and an edition of Malots Sans Famille, with Intro-duction, Notes, and V
Epitome . CLEMENT L. POSTON, English. Wabash College. FLOSSIE M. NEFF, Music Supervisor. Muncie Normal,Earlham College. IVAN HANEN, Junior High. Indiana State Normal.. Stock Photo
RM2AM31T2–Epitome . CLEMENT L. POSTON, English. Wabash College. FLOSSIE M. NEFF, Music Supervisor. Muncie Normal,Earlham College. IVAN HANEN, Junior High. Indiana State Normal..
Epitome . CLEMENT L. POSTON, English. Wabash College. FLOSSIE M. NEFF, Music Supervisor. Muncie Normal,Earlham College. IVAN HANEN, Junior High. Indiana State Normal. Stock Photo
RM2AM3291–Epitome . CLEMENT L. POSTON, English. Wabash College. FLOSSIE M. NEFF, Music Supervisor. Muncie Normal,Earlham College. IVAN HANEN, Junior High. Indiana State Normal.
. Ohio archæological and historical quarterly. y at Spiegel Grove State Park,Fremont, Ohio, was born in Sylvania, Parke County,Indiana, May 31, 1875. He was educated in the publicschools, at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, andfor brief periods in the University of Wisconsin andthe University of Chicago. He received the degree of A. M. from Earlham Col-lege, in 1899, and the degree of Litt. D. from HanoverCollege, Hanover, Indiana, in 1923. From 1899 to the beginning of the present year, hewas librarian at Earlham College and Professor of His-tory and Political Science in that institution f Stock Photo
RM2AG2A7P–. Ohio archæological and historical quarterly. y at Spiegel Grove State Park,Fremont, Ohio, was born in Sylvania, Parke County,Indiana, May 31, 1875. He was educated in the publicschools, at Earlham College, Richmond, Indiana, andfor brief periods in the University of Wisconsin andthe University of Chicago. He received the degree of A. M. from Earlham Col-lege, in 1899, and the degree of Litt. D. from HanoverCollege, Hanover, Indiana, in 1923. From 1899 to the beginning of the present year, hewas librarian at Earlham College and Professor of His-tory and Political Science in that institution f
History of the One hundred and sixty-first regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry . Captain Paul Comstock is the son of Judge D. W.Comstock, of the Appellate Bench of Indiana. He wasborn at Richmond, Indiana, in the year 1873. After hisearly training he spent one year in the Oxford MilitaryNaval Academy, at the close of which he entered the Rich-mond high school, graduating in 1891; his education wasthen finished in the Earlham College and the Ohio Wes-leyan University. Mr. Comstock was then tendered a posi-tion in the general superintendents office of the Pennsyl-vania Railroad Company at Colum Stock Photo
RM2ANG8FE–History of the One hundred and sixty-first regiment, Indiana volunteer infantry . Captain Paul Comstock is the son of Judge D. W.Comstock, of the Appellate Bench of Indiana. He wasborn at Richmond, Indiana, in the year 1873. After hisearly training he spent one year in the Oxford MilitaryNaval Academy, at the close of which he entered the Rich-mond high school, graduating in 1891; his education wasthen finished in the Earlham College and the Ohio Wes-leyan University. Mr. Comstock was then tendered a posi-tion in the general superintendents office of the Pennsyl-vania Railroad Company at Colum
Atelier [1916] . J. ELWOOD COX J, eitooob Cox MR. J. ELWOOD COX was born in NorthamptonCounty November 1, 1856. He was educated atGuilford College, the Business College of Baltimore,and the famous Friends School of Indiana, Earlham College.He moved to High Point in his early life, taught school fora short while and later entered the arena of business. In 1883Mr. Cox entered the manufacturing world in which he hascontinued to the present time. Then, he owns extensive acresof hardwood and timber mills in North and South Carolina,Alabama and Tennessee. He is president of the CommercialNational Ba Stock Photo
RM2AX9XB2–Atelier [1916] . J. ELWOOD COX J, eitooob Cox MR. J. ELWOOD COX was born in NorthamptonCounty November 1, 1856. He was educated atGuilford College, the Business College of Baltimore,and the famous Friends School of Indiana, Earlham College.He moved to High Point in his early life, taught school fora short while and later entered the arena of business. In 1883Mr. Cox entered the manufacturing world in which he hascontinued to the present time. Then, he owns extensive acresof hardwood and timber mills in North and South Carolina,Alabama and Tennessee. He is president of the CommercialNational Ba
The Official National Collegiate Athletic Association football guideThe official rules book and record book of college football . ckle Ford Dickinson Tackle Parvis Doane Tackle Sloniger Earlham End.. .Thistlethwaite Exeter Tackle White College. Position. Name. Frankn&Marl..Half-back Lentz Georgetown .. Full-back Dutcher Gettysburg Tackle Swartz Grinnell Half-back.. .Bleamaste/ ? Hamilton Quarter-back HoWe r Hampden-Sidy. End Joynis Harvard Center Parker Haverford Full-back Brown Hillsdale End Watkins Holy Cross End ODonnell Idaho Half-back. ...Armstrong Illinois Tackle Burroughs Indiana Tackle Stock Photo
RM2AWT3MM–The Official National Collegiate Athletic Association football guideThe official rules book and record book of college football . ckle Ford Dickinson Tackle Parvis Doane Tackle Sloniger Earlham End.. .Thistlethwaite Exeter Tackle White College. Position. Name. Frankn&Marl..Half-back Lentz Georgetown .. Full-back Dutcher Gettysburg Tackle Swartz Grinnell Half-back.. .Bleamaste/ ? Hamilton Quarter-back HoWe r Hampden-Sidy. End Joynis Harvard Center Parker Haverford Full-back Brown Hillsdale End Watkins Holy Cross End ODonnell Idaho Half-back. ...Armstrong Illinois Tackle Burroughs Indiana Tackle
. Aurora. A0 I vJ ?l i n ^^^m^^^fcs^^m^ ^M^^m^^mk^^M^^M^^^^m^M^mmmsMm i^imim^^^^m^s^^trmm^^mM^^^m^M^^^ 1-^.. >?? ;-:r ^% Skill manifested in the Interclass and Intercollegiate Debates attests tothe practical value of debate as training for efifective diction. In the Intercollegiate Debates Manchester College entered the newIntercollegiate Debate League of Indiana comprising twelve colleges of4^^ Indiana State, Purdue, DePauw, Butler, Franklin, Wabash, Notre Dame, j^ Valparaiso, Goshen, Earlham, Indiana Central and Manchester. The chief regulations were that there were to be four triangles a Stock Photo
RM2AFN4XK–. Aurora. A0 I vJ ?l i n ^^^m^^^fcs^^m^ ^M^^m^^mk^^M^^M^^^^m^M^mmmsMm i^imim^^^^m^s^^trmm^^mM^^^m^M^^^ 1-^.. >?? ;-:r ^% Skill manifested in the Interclass and Intercollegiate Debates attests tothe practical value of debate as training for efifective diction. In the Intercollegiate Debates Manchester College entered the newIntercollegiate Debate League of Indiana comprising twelve colleges of4^^ Indiana State, Purdue, DePauw, Butler, Franklin, Wabash, Notre Dame, j^ Valparaiso, Goshen, Earlham, Indiana Central and Manchester. The chief regulations were that there were to be four triangles a
Arbutus . ing Officer, Prof. T. A. Clark, of Illinois Che Judges and their Decision .Judge Francis M. Wright, of Urbana, Illinois Judge WooDFiN D. Robinson, of Princeton, Indiana Judge Shelden D. Spencer, of St. Louis, Missouri Tndiana 2-Tllinois i J)cbatc with earlbam College Richmond, Indiana, April 26, 1901 w Question. Resolved, That the United States should subsidizeher merchant marine. Affirmative, Earlham negative, Tndiana Luther M. Feeger Charles M. Lawrence Albert L. Copeland Hrrbert E. Hutton Byram C. Eobbins Dudley O. McGovney Presiding Officer, Hon. John L. Griffith, Indianapolis,In Stock Photo
RM2AJ0Y6X–Arbutus . ing Officer, Prof. T. A. Clark, of Illinois Che Judges and their Decision .Judge Francis M. Wright, of Urbana, Illinois Judge WooDFiN D. Robinson, of Princeton, Indiana Judge Shelden D. Spencer, of St. Louis, Missouri Tndiana 2-Tllinois i J)cbatc with earlbam College Richmond, Indiana, April 26, 1901 w Question. Resolved, That the United States should subsidizeher merchant marine. Affirmative, Earlham negative, Tndiana Luther M. Feeger Charles M. Lawrence Albert L. Copeland Hrrbert E. Hutton Byram C. Eobbins Dudley O. McGovney Presiding Officer, Hon. John L. Griffith, Indianapolis,In
. The Forester. , 1889-90.Student in Paris. 1890-91 ; in Cassel. Ger-many, 1891-92; in Leipsig, Summer of1894; in Paris, Summer of 1897; GraduateStudent, Chicago University, Summer of[899. Instructor in Modern Languages,Grinnell College, 1892-1905; Instructor inGerman, Indiana University, 1905-06. Deanof Women and Assistant Professor of Ger-man, Lake Forest College since 1906. WARDER CLYDE ALLEE, TA, 2H, BK. S.B., Earlham College, 1908; S7M., Uni-versity of Chicago, 1910; Ph.D. ibid., 1912.Assistant in Zoologv, ibid., 1010-12. Incharge oDEcology summer 1912 ; Instructorin Botany, Univ. of Illi Stock Photo
RM2AG5HYK–. The Forester. , 1889-90.Student in Paris. 1890-91 ; in Cassel. Ger-many, 1891-92; in Leipsig, Summer of1894; in Paris, Summer of 1897; GraduateStudent, Chicago University, Summer of[899. Instructor in Modern Languages,Grinnell College, 1892-1905; Instructor inGerman, Indiana University, 1905-06. Deanof Women and Assistant Professor of Ger-man, Lake Forest College since 1906. WARDER CLYDE ALLEE, TA, 2H, BK. S.B., Earlham College, 1908; S7M., Uni-versity of Chicago, 1910; Ph.D. ibid., 1912.Assistant in Zoologv, ibid., 1010-12. Incharge oDEcology summer 1912 ; Instructorin Botany, Univ. of Illi
Arbutus . B., Indiana University, 96 Theodore W. Garrison, A. B., Indiana University, 96Willis L. Gard, A. B., Indiana University, 96Abagail Gilbert, A. B., Earlham College, 94 Edwin P. Hammond, A. B., Indiana University, 95Ulysses Hanna, A. B., Indiana University, 95M. L. Hoffman, A. B., Indiana University, 85Otto P. Klopsch, A. B., Indiana University, 96Andrew C. Life, A. B., Indiana University, 96 Daniel K. Miers, A. B., Indiana University, 96Catherine B. Mills, A. B., Indiana University, 95Dora Mitchell, A. B., Indiana University, 96 Charles A. Mosemiller, A. B., Indiana University, 90Jame Stock Photo
RM2AWDC0X–Arbutus . B., Indiana University, 96 Theodore W. Garrison, A. B., Indiana University, 96Willis L. Gard, A. B., Indiana University, 96Abagail Gilbert, A. B., Earlham College, 94 Edwin P. Hammond, A. B., Indiana University, 95Ulysses Hanna, A. B., Indiana University, 95M. L. Hoffman, A. B., Indiana University, 85Otto P. Klopsch, A. B., Indiana University, 96Andrew C. Life, A. B., Indiana University, 96 Daniel K. Miers, A. B., Indiana University, 96Catherine B. Mills, A. B., Indiana University, 95Dora Mitchell, A. B., Indiana University, 96 Charles A. Mosemiller, A. B., Indiana University, 90Jame
Arbutus . flfcavrieb folks Club 1, 2—Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Fitzgibbon 4, 3—Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Raines 5, 6—Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smart 8, 7—Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mellette 9, 10—Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Warren 12, 11—Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Coate 13, 14—Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Whitenack 16, 15—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knotts 17, 18—Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Deist 20, 19—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sparks 21, 22—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stone 24, 23—Mrs. and Mrs. A. L. Baldwin 128. Zhe <3rabuate Club Alpheus Lindley Baldwin, B. S., Earlham College, 96Harvey A. Bordner, A. B., Indiana University, 96Morris E. Dailey, B. S., Drake University, 87 Pr Stock Photo
RM2AWDCCM–Arbutus . flfcavrieb folks Club 1, 2—Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Fitzgibbon 4, 3—Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Raines 5, 6—Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smart 8, 7—Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Mellette 9, 10—Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Warren 12, 11—Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Coate 13, 14—Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0. Whitenack 16, 15—Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Knotts 17, 18—Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Deist 20, 19—Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Sparks 21, 22—Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stone 24, 23—Mrs. and Mrs. A. L. Baldwin 128. Zhe <3rabuate Club Alpheus Lindley Baldwin, B. S., Earlham College, 96Harvey A. Bordner, A. B., Indiana University, 96Morris E. Dailey, B. S., Drake University, 87 Pr
. Sargasso . PENNINGTON, MARY ESTHER, Richmond, Indiana A.B.—English and Philosophy Y. W. C. A. 4; State Oratorical 4; Pacific College 1, 2, 3. A refreshing breeze from the western coast. We have found her very likable and regret the three years she did not spend with us. The public speaking department quickly made place for her and sent her as our representative to the state oratorical contest where she won second place for Earlham. NICHOLSON, RALPH W., Richmond, IndianaA.B.—Political Science and History Y. M. C. A. 1-4, Cabinet 2, 4; Press Club 2-4, Advertising Manager3, President 4, Busines Stock Photo
RM2CJ3G8K–. Sargasso . PENNINGTON, MARY ESTHER, Richmond, Indiana A.B.—English and Philosophy Y. W. C. A. 4; State Oratorical 4; Pacific College 1, 2, 3. A refreshing breeze from the western coast. We have found her very likable and regret the three years she did not spend with us. The public speaking department quickly made place for her and sent her as our representative to the state oratorical contest where she won second place for Earlham. NICHOLSON, RALPH W., Richmond, IndianaA.B.—Political Science and History Y. M. C. A. 1-4, Cabinet 2, 4; Press Club 2-4, Advertising Manager3, President 4, Busines
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