Growing Sweet Corn - variety 'Mini Pop' in raised bed in a polythene tunnel Stock Photo
RMC3N8M9–Growing Sweet Corn - variety 'Mini Pop' in raised bed in a polythene tunnel
Indian corn (calico corn, flint corn) with variety of colors in Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers Market, Calgary, Canada Stock Photo
RMH2HW91–Indian corn (calico corn, flint corn) with variety of colors in Hillhurst Sunnyside Farmers Market, Calgary, Canada
Field of immature corn plants Stock Photo
RF2GJF1GY–Field of immature corn plants
cereal field of barley Histon Cambridgeshire Stock Photo
RFP58P8D–cereal field of barley Histon Cambridgeshire
Early morning shot of the jungle and mist surrounding rice paddies in Bali. Stock Photo
RM2G40BH4–Early morning shot of the jungle and mist surrounding rice paddies in Bali.
an agricultural field with an oak tree and haystacks after the wheat harvest, the wheat was left with Golden haystacks of prickly straw, haystacks of Stock Photo
RF2RF29K4–an agricultural field with an oak tree and haystacks after the wheat harvest, the wheat was left with Golden haystacks of prickly straw, haystacks of
Young couple at greengrocer's shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables Stock Photo
RFE5Y5BH–Young couple at greengrocer's shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables
Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield Stock Photo
RFKPGRKW–Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield
Landis Valley farm museum major historical collection late 1800 early 1900's American equipment antiques small town lifestyle Stock Photo
RMCBYXC4–Landis Valley farm museum major historical collection late 1800 early 1900's American equipment antiques small town lifestyle
Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield Stock Photo
RMHP9BD3–Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield
Our early morning harvest -- flowers fruit vegetables gathered together by flower garden Missouri Stock Photo
RMADH173–Our early morning harvest -- flowers fruit vegetables gathered together by flower garden Missouri
colourful meadow full of flowers of camomile and corn flowers during early summer Stock Photo
RFARB82E–colourful meadow full of flowers of camomile and corn flowers during early summer
An old engraving of dressed millstones showing the variety of patterned grooves in the stones – each was best in grinding a specific grain. It is from a Victorian book of the 1880s. Some of the stones are ‘quarter dress’ (where the face is divided into various sectors – top stones) whilst others (towards the bottom) are ‘circular dress’ stones. Millstones (mill stones) are stones used in gristmills, for grinding wheat or other grains into flour. The furrows (grooves) and lands (flat areas) are arranged in repeating patterns called ‘harps’. A typical millstone will have six, eight or ten harps. Stock Photo
RM2E192AJ–An old engraving of dressed millstones showing the variety of patterned grooves in the stones – each was best in grinding a specific grain. It is from a Victorian book of the 1880s. Some of the stones are ‘quarter dress’ (where the face is divided into various sectors – top stones) whilst others (towards the bottom) are ‘circular dress’ stones. Millstones (mill stones) are stones used in gristmills, for grinding wheat or other grains into flour. The furrows (grooves) and lands (flat areas) are arranged in repeating patterns called ‘harps’. A typical millstone will have six, eight or ten harps.
Archive image from page 17 of DeJong Floral and Seed Co. DeJong Floral and Seed Co dejongfloralseed1928dejo Year: 1928 No wonder this man looks happy. He is sure of the first Sweet Corn of the MAMMOTH WHITE CORY. This strain is as early as the original Cory. The ears are 12- rowed, much larger in size, white cobbed. No other Sweet Corn will find ready sale, as this is king of the market, for no other variety can compete with it as an extra early, and thus the market gardener who raises it monopolizes the cream of the early trade. Per pkt. 5 cts., M> pt. 15 cts., 2 for 2 5 cts., postpaid, Stock Photo
RMW22HDD–Archive image from page 17 of DeJong Floral and Seed Co. DeJong Floral and Seed Co dejongfloralseed1928dejo Year: 1928 No wonder this man looks happy. He is sure of the first Sweet Corn of the MAMMOTH WHITE CORY. This strain is as early as the original Cory. The ears are 12- rowed, much larger in size, white cobbed. No other Sweet Corn will find ready sale, as this is king of the market, for no other variety can compete with it as an extra early, and thus the market gardener who raises it monopolizes the cream of the early trade. Per pkt. 5 cts., M> pt. 15 cts., 2 for 2 5 cts., postpaid,
D M Ferry & Co's seed annual 1875 . CORN.—Crosbys Estra Early Sugar. sweet, rich and delicate. A justly popular market sort.. CORN—Early Sweet, or Sugar. use quite early. An excellent table variety. Early Sweet, orSugar. — This vari-ety is used for gardenpurposes, and is ear-ly, very tender andsugary; ears, goodsize, and comes into Stock Photo
RM2AJ63DP–D M Ferry & Co's seed annual 1875 . CORN.—Crosbys Estra Early Sugar. sweet, rich and delicate. A justly popular market sort.. CORN—Early Sweet, or Sugar. use quite early. An excellent table variety. Early Sweet, orSugar. — This vari-ety is used for gardenpurposes, and is ear-ly, very tender andsugary; ears, goodsize, and comes into
Bowl of breakfast cereal with blueberries Stock Photo
RFC9D2K0–Bowl of breakfast cereal with blueberries
. Descriptive catalogue, new and standard fruits : seed corn, potatoes, oats, garden roots, and other farm seed. Nursery stock Ohio Catalogs; Fruit trees Seedlings Catalogs; Fruit Seedlings Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Ohio New Carlisle. if W. N. Scarff, New Carlisle, Ohio. Greenville (P). Perhaps this variety has received more favorable reports than any strawberry ever introduced. Its record at our experiment station.' is of the very highest order. It ripens early and holds out well to the enc of the season. Bgrries are large, conical, color bright crimson, plant anof them. The foliage is he Stock Photo
RMPFE71D–. Descriptive catalogue, new and standard fruits : seed corn, potatoes, oats, garden roots, and other farm seed. Nursery stock Ohio Catalogs; Fruit trees Seedlings Catalogs; Fruit Seedlings Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Ohio New Carlisle. if W. N. Scarff, New Carlisle, Ohio. Greenville (P). Perhaps this variety has received more favorable reports than any strawberry ever introduced. Its record at our experiment station.' is of the very highest order. It ripens early and holds out well to the enc of the season. Bgrries are large, conical, color bright crimson, plant anof them. The foliage is he
. ^^^^1 L ue bearing postage 25 until cts. pe killed by rqt. frost. A new extra early Sogar Corn, from five to ten days earlier than the Marblehead. In richness of flavor it excels that variety and owing to its extreme earliiiess is worthy of a trial by everj' market gardener. Per pkt., 10 cts. CORY SWEET CORN. Stock Photo
RMMCH17E–. ^^^^1 L ue bearing postage 25 until cts. pe killed by rqt. frost. A new extra early Sogar Corn, from five to ten days earlier than the Marblehead. In richness of flavor it excels that variety and owing to its extreme earliiiess is worthy of a trial by everj' market gardener. Per pkt., 10 cts. CORY SWEET CORN.
cereal field of barley Histon Cambridgeshire Stock Photo
RFP58P96–cereal field of barley Histon Cambridgeshire
Young couple at greengrocer's shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables Stock Photo
RFE5Y5X4–Young couple at greengrocer's shopping for fresh fruits and vegetables
Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield Stock Photo
RFKPGRKP–Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield
Landis Valley museum, historical collection of early American farm life style, equipment, crafts Stock Photo
RMBRB4AY–Landis Valley museum, historical collection of early American farm life style, equipment, crafts
Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield Stock Photo
RMHP9BEX–Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield
Archive image from page 5 of Currie's 65th year garden annual. Currie's 65th year garden annual curries65thyearg19curr Year: 1940 ( Fordhook Pepper FORDHOOK PEPPER—This is a very large, early ond prolific variety of rich green color, turning crimson. It is earlier than the California Wonder, bearing upright fruit in clusters of 5 to 7, with thick meat. A garden and commercial variety. Pkt., 15c. loana Hybrid Sweet Corn lOANA HYBRID SWEET CORN—This is a 1 to 14 row light yellow corn. It is rather similar to Bantam Evergreen and designed to reploce that variety, loana is a first generotion Stock Photo
RMW9F03F–Archive image from page 5 of Currie's 65th year garden annual. Currie's 65th year garden annual curries65thyearg19curr Year: 1940 ( Fordhook Pepper FORDHOOK PEPPER—This is a very large, early ond prolific variety of rich green color, turning crimson. It is earlier than the California Wonder, bearing upright fruit in clusters of 5 to 7, with thick meat. A garden and commercial variety. Pkt., 15c. loana Hybrid Sweet Corn lOANA HYBRID SWEET CORN—This is a 1 to 14 row light yellow corn. It is rather similar to Bantam Evergreen and designed to reploce that variety, loana is a first generotion
H.W Buckbee seed and plant guide : 1905 . THOROUGHBRED FIELD SEEDS. BROOM CORN. Backbees ImprovedSuperior Evergreen.—The best variety for generalcultivation, on acconnt ofcolor and quality of brush.Ripens early. Grows about8 to 10 ft. high. Brush goodlength, fine and straight.Postpaid, Hlb. 15c.; lb.25c. By express or freightat purchasers expense, lOlbs. 60c; 25 lb8. $1.25;100 lbs. 83.75.. Stock Photo
RM2AJEMB9–H.W Buckbee seed and plant guide : 1905 . THOROUGHBRED FIELD SEEDS. BROOM CORN. Backbees ImprovedSuperior Evergreen.—The best variety for generalcultivation, on acconnt ofcolor and quality of brush.Ripens early. Grows about8 to 10 ft. high. Brush goodlength, fine and straight.Postpaid, Hlb. 15c.; lb.25c. By express or freightat purchasers expense, lOlbs. 60c; 25 lb8. $1.25;100 lbs. 83.75..
Bowl of breakfast cereal with strawberries Stock Photo
RFC9D2HN–Bowl of breakfast cereal with strawberries
. DeJong Floral and Seed Co. Nurseries (Horticulture) Iowa Catalogs; Nursery stock Iowa Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Iowa Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Iowa Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Iowa Catalogs; Grasses Seeds Iowa Catalogs; Gardening Iowa Equipment and supplies Catalogs. No wonder this man looks happy. He is sure of the first Sweet Corn of the MAMMOTH WHITE CORY. This strain is as early as the original Cory. The ears are 12- rowed, much larger in size, white cobbed. No other Sweet Corn will find ready sale, as this is king of the market, for no other variety can compete with it as an extra early, an Stock Photo
RMPFNXNF–. DeJong Floral and Seed Co. Nurseries (Horticulture) Iowa Catalogs; Nursery stock Iowa Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Iowa Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Iowa Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Iowa Catalogs; Grasses Seeds Iowa Catalogs; Gardening Iowa Equipment and supplies Catalogs. No wonder this man looks happy. He is sure of the first Sweet Corn of the MAMMOTH WHITE CORY. This strain is as early as the original Cory. The ears are 12- rowed, much larger in size, white cobbed. No other Sweet Corn will find ready sale, as this is king of the market, for no other variety can compete with it as an extra early, an
. DREKR'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn, first introduced by us a few years ago, has become a standard in those sections which de- mand an early maturing and sweet flavored corn. It is a re- liable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is an extra early variety, ripe Stock Photo
RMMCHM37–. DREKR'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn, first introduced by us a few years ago, has become a standard in those sections which de- mand an early maturing and sweet flavored corn. It is a re- liable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is an extra early variety, ripe
cereal field of barley Histon Cambridgeshire Stock Photo
RFP58P95–cereal field of barley Histon Cambridgeshire
Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield Stock Photo
RFKPGRM6–Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield
Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield Stock Photo
RMHP9BE3–Gruenes Getreidefeld, Fruehsommer - green cornfield
Archive image from page 25 of Currie's farm and garden annual. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1914 curriesfarmgarde19curr 11 Year: 1914 ( 20 CURRIE BROTHERS COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WIS. One quart to 200 liills; 8 to 10 quarts to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET. If vrante<l by Mail, add 5c per pint, 10c per quart, to cover postage. FIRST EARLY SORTS. EARLY MAYFLOWERâA new variety in the West, said by the Connecticut introducers to be by ten days the earliest Sweet Corn grown. It is six inches to a foot dwarfer than Eirly Cory, very much larger in the ear, running 8, 10 and 12-rowed, an Stock Photo
RMW9FA58–Archive image from page 25 of Currie's farm and garden annual. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1914 curriesfarmgarde19curr 11 Year: 1914 ( 20 CURRIE BROTHERS COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WIS. One quart to 200 liills; 8 to 10 quarts to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET. If vrante<l by Mail, add 5c per pint, 10c per quart, to cover postage. FIRST EARLY SORTS. EARLY MAYFLOWERâA new variety in the West, said by the Connecticut introducers to be by ten days the earliest Sweet Corn grown. It is six inches to a foot dwarfer than Eirly Cory, very much larger in the ear, running 8, 10 and 12-rowed, an
Steckler's seed catalogue and garden manual for the southern states : 1902 . to eight seeds. When wellup thin them out to three of the strongest plants. For a succession they can be planted aslate as June. Some who protect by boxes, plant as soon as the first of February, but it isbest to wait until the ground gets warm. When it is time to plant Corn it is also time toplant Squash. Orange Marrow Sqnash. This is quite a distinct variety, very early, of runninghabit, and of most delicate flavor and of an orange color. At the Last Flower Show we were awarded 23 First Prizes for bestChrysanthemnms Stock Photo
RM2AXBY3K–Steckler's seed catalogue and garden manual for the southern states : 1902 . to eight seeds. When wellup thin them out to three of the strongest plants. For a succession they can be planted aslate as June. Some who protect by boxes, plant as soon as the first of February, but it isbest to wait until the ground gets warm. When it is time to plant Corn it is also time toplant Squash. Orange Marrow Sqnash. This is quite a distinct variety, very early, of runninghabit, and of most delicate flavor and of an orange color. At the Last Flower Show we were awarded 23 First Prizes for bestChrysanthemnms
Bowl of breakfast cereal with blueberries and strawberries Stock Photo
RFC9D2GT–Bowl of breakfast cereal with blueberries and strawberries
. Descriptive catalogue, new and standard fruits : seed corn, potatoes, oats, garden roots, and other farm seed. Nursery stock Ohio Catalogs; Fruit trees Seedlings Catalogs; Fruit Seedlings Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Ohio New Carlisle. W. N. Scanff, New Carlisle, Ohio. 23 AUTUMN. Duchess of Oldenburg. Yellow, striped with red; very good; a profit- able variety on account of its productiveness. Autumn. Fall Pippin. Very large; rich flesh, creamy white. Not as productive as some varieties, but desirable for its extra quality. Early Autumn. Fameuse. Size, medium; roundish; striped with deep re Stock Photo
RMPFDRJB–. Descriptive catalogue, new and standard fruits : seed corn, potatoes, oats, garden roots, and other farm seed. Nursery stock Ohio Catalogs; Fruit trees Seedlings Catalogs; Fruit Seedlings Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Ohio New Carlisle. W. N. Scanff, New Carlisle, Ohio. 23 AUTUMN. Duchess of Oldenburg. Yellow, striped with red; very good; a profit- able variety on account of its productiveness. Autumn. Fall Pippin. Very large; rich flesh, creamy white. Not as productive as some varieties, but desirable for its extra quality. Early Autumn. Fameuse. Size, medium; roundish; striped with deep re
. FARM SEEDS ARE SENT BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS at customer's expense. We pack carefully and deliver to transportation company here, and always make shipment via best and quickest route PRICES ON ALL FARM SEEDS ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES YELLOW FIELD CORN Sow 8 quarts to the acre early in May Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. (See cut.) At the Chester County, Pa., Corn Show, Mr. Pusey Cloud, the originator, was awarded the prize for this variety; also prizes at both the National and Pennsylvania Corn Shows. It matures in 100 to 110 days, and has yielded 75 to 100 bushels of shelled Corn to an acre. The Stock Photo
RMMCHT8M–. FARM SEEDS ARE SENT BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS at customer's expense. We pack carefully and deliver to transportation company here, and always make shipment via best and quickest route PRICES ON ALL FARM SEEDS ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES YELLOW FIELD CORN Sow 8 quarts to the acre early in May Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. (See cut.) At the Chester County, Pa., Corn Show, Mr. Pusey Cloud, the originator, was awarded the prize for this variety; also prizes at both the National and Pennsylvania Corn Shows. It matures in 100 to 110 days, and has yielded 75 to 100 bushels of shelled Corn to an acre. The
Archive image from page 10 of Delano Bros' seed catalogue of. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894 delanobrosseedca1894dela Year: 1894 CORN. 1 cmart for 300 hills. A rich, warm, alluvial soil is the best, and immediat., ing this should be as deeply and thoroughly woi-k( Plant for a succession of crops every three weeks frtV July, in hills three feet apart each way. IMI'KOVED WHITE SPINE. Early Ku.s.sian—The earliest variety; it .sets in pair.s. Pkt., 5c; o/.., lOc; i lb., '2oc; lb., 75c. Early Frame, or Short Green—A popular variety of med Stock Photo
RMW22D8F–Archive image from page 10 of Delano Bros' seed catalogue of. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894 delanobrosseedca1894dela Year: 1894 CORN. 1 cmart for 300 hills. A rich, warm, alluvial soil is the best, and immediat., ing this should be as deeply and thoroughly woi-k( Plant for a succession of crops every three weeks frtV July, in hills three feet apart each way. IMI'KOVED WHITE SPINE. Early Ku.s.sian—The earliest variety; it .sets in pair.s. Pkt., 5c; o/.., lOc; i lb., '2oc; lb., 75c. Early Frame, or Short Green—A popular variety of med
Cole's garden annual . Early Evergreen Sweet Corn This variety is a selectionfrom the Stowells Evergreen. AMichigan grower, has for yearsrepeatedly made selections forearliness and the result is theEarly Evergreen. It possess-es every good quality of Stow-ells Evergreen and resemblingit in every respect, except thatthe stalk is about one footshorter, more closely joined,and that it will mature fully 10days earlier. It is a splendidvariety to come in between theearly and late sorts. There is no better variety than the Early Evergreen for the market gardener whowishes to get the cream of the tra Stock Photo
RM2AX822D–Cole's garden annual . Early Evergreen Sweet Corn This variety is a selectionfrom the Stowells Evergreen. AMichigan grower, has for yearsrepeatedly made selections forearliness and the result is theEarly Evergreen. It possess-es every good quality of Stow-ells Evergreen and resemblingit in every respect, except thatthe stalk is about one footshorter, more closely joined,and that it will mature fully 10days earlier. It is a splendidvariety to come in between theearly and late sorts. There is no better variety than the Early Evergreen for the market gardener whowishes to get the cream of the tra
Bowl of breakfast cereal with raspberries Stock Photo
RFC9D2HX–Bowl of breakfast cereal with raspberries
. Currie's 65th year garden annual. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Fordhook Pepper FORDHOOK PEPPER—This is a very large, early ond prolific variety of rich green color, turning crimson. It is earlier than the California Wonder, bearing upright fruit in clusters of 5 to 7, with thick meat. A garden and commercial variety. Pkt., 15c.. loana Hybrid Sweet Corn lOANA HYBRID SWEET CORN—This is a 1 to 14 row light yellow corn. It is rather simi Stock Photo
RMPFYD8D–. Currie's 65th year garden annual. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Fordhook Pepper FORDHOOK PEPPER—This is a very large, early ond prolific variety of rich green color, turning crimson. It is earlier than the California Wonder, bearing upright fruit in clusters of 5 to 7, with thick meat. A garden and commercial variety. Pkt., 15c.. loana Hybrid Sweet Corn lOANA HYBRID SWEET CORN—This is a 1 to 14 row light yellow corn. It is rather simi
. CORN—Sweet or Sugar. (Ger, Maiz,) Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of early Sweet Corn has been grown for some years past by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. 1. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest sweet corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is an extra early variety, ripening with the Cory ; stalks grow four to six feet high and ears are of large size, measuring eight to ten inches in length. Qt., 35 cts.; 4 qts., ^I.oo; pec Stock Photo
RMMCF8TA–. CORN—Sweet or Sugar. (Ger, Maiz,) Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of early Sweet Corn has been grown for some years past by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. 1. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest sweet corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is an extra early variety, ripening with the Cory ; stalks grow four to six feet high and ears are of large size, measuring eight to ten inches in length. Qt., 35 cts.; 4 qts., ^I.oo; pec
Archive image from page 29 of Delano Bros' seed catalogue of. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894 delanobrosseedca1894dela Year: 1894 BROOM CORN. Evergreen — The best variety for general culti- vation, on account of color and quali- ty of brush; rip- ens very early, 7 to 9 'feet liigh. Brush of good length, fine and st-aight. and al- ways of green ap- pearance w li e n ripe. It never gets red under any circumstances and without center stalk, which is a most desirable point to broom corn raisers and m a n u f a cturers. Large pkt., lOcts; lb,, Stock Photo
RMW270M2–Archive image from page 29 of Delano Bros' seed catalogue of. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894 delanobrosseedca1894dela Year: 1894 BROOM CORN. Evergreen — The best variety for general culti- vation, on account of color and quali- ty of brush; rip- ens very early, 7 to 9 'feet liigh. Brush of good length, fine and st-aight. and al- ways of green ap- pearance w li e n ripe. It never gets red under any circumstances and without center stalk, which is a most desirable point to broom corn raisers and m a n u f a cturers. Large pkt., lOcts; lb,,
Steckler's seeds : 1915 . the ears aresomewhat larger and the kernel of a pale,pinkish color, some of the ears run entirelywhite, while others again are of a deeppink. The stalks grow larger than theCrosbys, almost as tall as Stowells Ever-green, and produce two ears each. ADAMS EXTRA EARLY.—The earliestkind, but ears are small and not as desir-able as the Adams Early, which followsthis variety closely in maturity. OKLAHOMA WHITE WONDER.— The king of all corn. It grows under conditionsthat kill all other varieties. It is, as itsname implies, a white variety. Its goodpoints are so numerous that Stock Photo
RM2ANCFGD–Steckler's seeds : 1915 . the ears aresomewhat larger and the kernel of a pale,pinkish color, some of the ears run entirelywhite, while others again are of a deeppink. The stalks grow larger than theCrosbys, almost as tall as Stowells Ever-green, and produce two ears each. ADAMS EXTRA EARLY.—The earliestkind, but ears are small and not as desir-able as the Adams Early, which followsthis variety closely in maturity. OKLAHOMA WHITE WONDER.— The king of all corn. It grows under conditionsthat kill all other varieties. It is, as itsname implies, a white variety. Its goodpoints are so numerous that
. Currie Bros.' horticultural guide : spring 1888. Nursery stock Wisconsin Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. 30 Qjrri(^ Bros.' J^ortieultural Quide.-. CORN—Continued. Perry's Hybrid—The largest early Sweet Corn we know of, coming into use a few clays later than Marblehead. It is a twelve-rowed variety, with very large and tender kernels. The stalk grows about six feet high and each etalk pro- duces two perfect ears. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 15 cts.; quart, 30 cts.; peck, Stock Photo
RMPFW9WJ–. Currie Bros.' horticultural guide : spring 1888. Nursery stock Wisconsin Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. 30 Qjrri(^ Bros.' J^ortieultural Quide.-. CORN—Continued. Perry's Hybrid—The largest early Sweet Corn we know of, coming into use a few clays later than Marblehead. It is a twelve-rowed variety, with very large and tender kernels. The stalk grows about six feet high and each etalk pro- duces two perfect ears. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 15 cts.; quart, 30 cts.; peck,
. New Egg Plant, Early Black Beauty. SWEET CORN, EARLY CHAMPION. This is a comparatively new variety, only having been on the market for a few years, and has proved to be a valuable early variety. It is medium early in ripening, and produces large ears, generally having about twelve rows of beautiful white, milky grains, which are very tender and sweet, and remain so for quite a period. This is a splendid variety for planting in the home garden, as it is a strong, healthy grower and very pro- ductive. These qualities also make it a profitable Sweet Corn for the market gardener to plant. Our se Stock Photo
RMMCFA8W–. New Egg Plant, Early Black Beauty. SWEET CORN, EARLY CHAMPION. This is a comparatively new variety, only having been on the market for a few years, and has proved to be a valuable early variety. It is medium early in ripening, and produces large ears, generally having about twelve rows of beautiful white, milky grains, which are very tender and sweet, and remain so for quite a period. This is a splendid variety for planting in the home garden, as it is a strong, healthy grower and very pro- ductive. These qualities also make it a profitable Sweet Corn for the market gardener to plant. Our se
Archive image from page 75 of Currie's farm and garden annual. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1930 curriesfarmgarde19curr Year: 1930 ( Golden Bantam. CURRIE'S SELECTED SUGAR CORN 1 lb. will plant 100 hills; 12-15 lbs. to the acre. If Sugar Corn is wanted by parcel post, add for postage as follows : 20c for 5 lbs.; 30c for 10 lbs.; larger quantities by express or freight. CURRIE'S EARLY MARKET Early Mayflower. Page S. i tnty-tu o The earliest white variety of sweet corn in existence, maturing in sixty days. It has a good, large ear and of very good quality. Height 3 ft. ears to 12 Stock Photo
RMW9FWNM–Archive image from page 75 of Currie's farm and garden annual. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1930 curriesfarmgarde19curr Year: 1930 ( Golden Bantam. CURRIE'S SELECTED SUGAR CORN 1 lb. will plant 100 hills; 12-15 lbs. to the acre. If Sugar Corn is wanted by parcel post, add for postage as follows : 20c for 5 lbs.; 30c for 10 lbs.; larger quantities by express or freight. CURRIE'S EARLY MARKET Early Mayflower. Page S. i tnty-tu o The earliest white variety of sweet corn in existence, maturing in sixty days. It has a good, large ear and of very good quality. Height 3 ft. ears to 12
Seed annual . Mammoth PoddedHorticultural Pole Bean. Mammotb QClhite CorySweet Corn... THE LARGEST AND BESTEXTRA EARLY SWEET CORN. We have devoted a great deal of thought and labor to theImprovement of sweet corn, and we feel well rewarded inbeing able to offer such a real improvement as this MammothWhite Cory Corn. The ears are twelve-rowed, and very much larger than theold Cory, white cobbed, and covered with very large, whitegrains of good quality. No other sweet corn will find readysale in a market which is supplied with this splendid variety,and the gardener who wishes to get the cream of Stock Photo
RM2AJE470–Seed annual . Mammoth PoddedHorticultural Pole Bean. Mammotb QClhite CorySweet Corn... THE LARGEST AND BESTEXTRA EARLY SWEET CORN. We have devoted a great deal of thought and labor to theImprovement of sweet corn, and we feel well rewarded inbeing able to offer such a real improvement as this MammothWhite Cory Corn. The ears are twelve-rowed, and very much larger than theold Cory, white cobbed, and covered with very large, whitegrains of good quality. No other sweet corn will find readysale in a market which is supplied with this splendid variety,and the gardener who wishes to get the cream of
. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1914. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. 20 CURRIE BROTHERS COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WIS. One quart to 200 liills; 8 to 10 quarts to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET. If vrante<l by Mail, add 5c per pint, 10c per quart, to cover postage. FIRST EARLY SORTS. EARLY MAYFLOWERâA new variety in the West, said by the Connecticut introducers to be by ten days the earliest Sweet Corn grown. It is six inches to a Stock Photo
RMPFY3ME–. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1914. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. 20 CURRIE BROTHERS COMPANY, MILWAUKEE, WIS. One quart to 200 liills; 8 to 10 quarts to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET. If vrante<l by Mail, add 5c per pint, 10c per quart, to cover postage. FIRST EARLY SORTS. EARLY MAYFLOWERâA new variety in the West, said by the Connecticut introducers to be by ten days the earliest Sweet Corn grown. It is six inches to a
. Nichols' Medium Green Cucumber. Cory Sugar Corn. mame*^ &m&£M&>E@m owsmm'w. A variety of the Boston market. It is fully four weeks earlier, of much larger growth, does not blight as badly, nor run to seed. We consider it the very best variety for early growing, as it blanches very easily and much quicker than other sorts. We especially recommend it to those who U9e only small quantities, and find trouble in growing other kinds. It is crisp, solid, and has an exquisitely nutty flavor. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 50 cts.; £ lb., $1.50. Stock Photo
RMMCH097–. Nichols' Medium Green Cucumber. Cory Sugar Corn. mame*^ &m&£M&>E@m owsmm'w. A variety of the Boston market. It is fully four weeks earlier, of much larger growth, does not blight as badly, nor run to seed. We consider it the very best variety for early growing, as it blanches very easily and much quicker than other sorts. We especially recommend it to those who U9e only small quantities, and find trouble in growing other kinds. It is crisp, solid, and has an exquisitely nutty flavor. Per pkt., 10 cts.; oz., 50 cts.; £ lb., $1.50.
Archive image from page 33 of Currie Bros' horticultural guide . Currie Bros.' horticultural guide : spring 1888 curriebroshortic1888curr Year: 1888 ( CORN—Continued. Perry's Hybrid—The largest early Sweet Corn we know of, coming into use a few clays later than Marblehead. It is a twelve-rowed variety, with very large and tender kernels. The stalk grows about six feet high and each etalk pro- duces two perfect ears. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 15 cts.; quart, 30 cts.; peck, $1.50; bushel 6.00 Crosby's Early—A favorite market variety; ears of medium size. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 10 cts.; quart, 20 cts.; p Stock Photo
RMW9FDPE–Archive image from page 33 of Currie Bros' horticultural guide . Currie Bros.' horticultural guide : spring 1888 curriebroshortic1888curr Year: 1888 ( CORN—Continued. Perry's Hybrid—The largest early Sweet Corn we know of, coming into use a few clays later than Marblehead. It is a twelve-rowed variety, with very large and tender kernels. The stalk grows about six feet high and each etalk pro- duces two perfect ears. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 15 cts.; quart, 30 cts.; peck, $1.50; bushel 6.00 Crosby's Early—A favorite market variety; ears of medium size. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 10 cts.; quart, 20 cts.; p
Garden and farm manual : 1905 . w Sweet CornPEEP 0 DAY The two points of this remarkable corn areits extraordinary earliness and unparalleledsweetness, surpassing in these particulars anyother known variety, early or late, so that withthis corn the usual practice of planting severalvarieties in succession is unnecessary, as youcan now plant the PEEP 0 DAY exclusively,arranging the plantings a week or two apart, soas to have this delicious corn throughout theentire season. It is also wonderfully productive. Theearly varieties of sweet corn do not, as a rule,yield as heavily as the later sorts; Stock Photo
RM2AKRE4R–Garden and farm manual : 1905 . w Sweet CornPEEP 0 DAY The two points of this remarkable corn areits extraordinary earliness and unparalleledsweetness, surpassing in these particulars anyother known variety, early or late, so that withthis corn the usual practice of planting severalvarieties in succession is unnecessary, as youcan now plant the PEEP 0 DAY exclusively,arranging the plantings a week or two apart, soas to have this delicious corn throughout theentire season. It is also wonderfully productive. Theearly varieties of sweet corn do not, as a rule,yield as heavily as the later sorts;
. Currie Bros.' horticultural guide : spring 1888. Nursery stock Wisconsin Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. CORN—Continued. Perry's Hybrid—The largest early Sweet Corn we know of, coming into use a few clays later than Marblehead. It is a twelve-rowed variety, with very large and tender kernels. The stalk grows about six feet high and each etalk pro- duces two perfect ears. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 15 cts.; quart, 30 cts.; peck, $1.50; bushel 6.00 Crosby's Early—A favor Stock Photo
RMPFW9W5–. Currie Bros.' horticultural guide : spring 1888. Nursery stock Wisconsin Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. CORN—Continued. Perry's Hybrid—The largest early Sweet Corn we know of, coming into use a few clays later than Marblehead. It is a twelve-rowed variety, with very large and tender kernels. The stalk grows about six feet high and each etalk pro- duces two perfect ears. Pkt., 5 cts.; pint, 15 cts.; quart, 30 cts.; peck, $1.50; bushel 6.00 Crosby's Early—A favor
. FARM SEEDS ARE SENT BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS at customer's expense. We pack carefully and deliver to transportation company here, and always make shipment via best and quickest route. PRICES ON ALL FARM SEEDS ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES. YELLOW FIEUJ CORN. Sow 8 quarts to the acre early in May. Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. (See cut.) At the Chester County, Pa., Cora Show, Mr. Pusey Cloud, the originator, was awarded the prize for this variety; also prizes at both the National and Pennsylvania Corn Shows. It matures in 100 to 110 days and has yielded 75 to 100 bushels of shelled Corn to an acre. T Stock Photo
RMMCHTYF–. FARM SEEDS ARE SENT BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS at customer's expense. We pack carefully and deliver to transportation company here, and always make shipment via best and quickest route. PRICES ON ALL FARM SEEDS ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES. YELLOW FIEUJ CORN. Sow 8 quarts to the acre early in May. Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. (See cut.) At the Chester County, Pa., Cora Show, Mr. Pusey Cloud, the originator, was awarded the prize for this variety; also prizes at both the National and Pennsylvania Corn Shows. It matures in 100 to 110 days and has yielded 75 to 100 bushels of shelled Corn to an acre. T
Archive image from page 22 of Currie's farm and garden annual. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1918 43rd year curriesfarmgarde19curr 1 Year: 1918 ( LIST OF TESTED GARDEN SEEDS FOR l91g 17 One pound to 250 bills; 10 to 14 lbs. (8 to 10 quarts) to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET FIRST EARLY SORTS. 1 pound equals l-/r, pints; 45 pounds, 1 bushel, ex- cept as noted. If tno or more pounds are nanted by Mail, add postage at Parcel Post rates. See table, page 1. EARLY MAYFLOWER—A new variety in the West, but raised in large quantities in some of the Eastern States, where it is by ten days th Stock Photo
RMW9F8D7–Archive image from page 22 of Currie's farm and garden annual. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1918 43rd year curriesfarmgarde19curr 1 Year: 1918 ( LIST OF TESTED GARDEN SEEDS FOR l91g 17 One pound to 250 bills; 10 to 14 lbs. (8 to 10 quarts) to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET FIRST EARLY SORTS. 1 pound equals l-/r, pints; 45 pounds, 1 bushel, ex- cept as noted. If tno or more pounds are nanted by Mail, add postage at Parcel Post rates. See table, page 1. EARLY MAYFLOWER—A new variety in the West, but raised in large quantities in some of the Eastern States, where it is by ten days th
Losses to corn, what to look for and where to find it . in a young stalkof corn is very clearly indicated by the wilting, breakingdown, and death of the top and by the presence of a roundhole in the side of the stalk plugged with the l)rowii excre-ment of the caterpillar within. The borer infests a great variety of plants in a pre-cisely similar way. It is most noticeable in early si)ring inbluegrass by roadsides or around the borders of a field, itspresence being indicated by the whitening of single headswhile all the rest of the plant is green. At this time it isof small size and finds suffi Stock Photo
RM2AN686C–Losses to corn, what to look for and where to find it . in a young stalkof corn is very clearly indicated by the wilting, breakingdown, and death of the top and by the presence of a roundhole in the side of the stalk plugged with the l)rowii excre-ment of the caterpillar within. The borer infests a great variety of plants in a pre-cisely similar way. It is most noticeable in early si)ring inbluegrass by roadsides or around the borders of a field, itspresence being indicated by the whitening of single headswhile all the rest of the plant is green. At this time it isof small size and finds suffi
. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1930. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Golden Bantam. CURRIE'S SELECTED SUGAR CORN 1 lb. will plant 100 hills; 12-15 lbs. to the acre. If Sugar Corn is wanted by parcel post, add for postage as follows : 20c for 5 lbs.; 30c for 10 lbs.; larger quantities by express or freight. CURRIE'S EARLY MARKET. Early Mayflower. Page S. i tnty-tu o The earliest white variety of sweet corn in existence, maturing Stock Photo
RMPFYBK2–. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1930. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. Golden Bantam. CURRIE'S SELECTED SUGAR CORN 1 lb. will plant 100 hills; 12-15 lbs. to the acre. If Sugar Corn is wanted by parcel post, add for postage as follows : 20c for 5 lbs.; 30c for 10 lbs.; larger quantities by express or freight. CURRIE'S EARLY MARKET. Early Mayflower. Page S. i tnty-tu o The earliest white variety of sweet corn in existence, maturing
. DREER'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn was first introduced by us a few years ago. It is a reliable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats of Newport, R.I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn hat came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is ; n extra early variety, ripening with the Ccry; stalks grow 4 to 6 feet high and ears are of large size, measur- ing 8 to 10 i Stock Photo
RMMCHTF3–. DREER'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn was first introduced by us a few years ago. It is a reliable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats of Newport, R.I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn hat came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is ; n extra early variety, ripening with the Ccry; stalks grow 4 to 6 feet high and ears are of large size, measur- ing 8 to 10 i
Archive image from page 28 of Descriptive catalog of vegetables (1933). Descriptive catalog of vegetables . descriptivecatal1933asso Year: 1933 A Block of Inbred Sweet Corn on our Milford, Connecticut, Seed Farms The ears are covered with bags to prevent cross fertilization Height Length Days from of stalk of ear planting to ' feet inches eating stage HOWLING MOB 6 to 7 6]/2 to 8 85 A popular, prolific, second early variety, with large ear, for home and market garden. Ears 12 to 16 rowed, thick butts, strong husks with green streamers. Kernels clear white, plump, and of fair quality. Kendel Stock Photo
RMW14WEX–Archive image from page 28 of Descriptive catalog of vegetables (1933). Descriptive catalog of vegetables . descriptivecatal1933asso Year: 1933 A Block of Inbred Sweet Corn on our Milford, Connecticut, Seed Farms The ears are covered with bags to prevent cross fertilization Height Length Days from of stalk of ear planting to ' feet inches eating stage HOWLING MOB 6 to 7 6]/2 to 8 85 A popular, prolific, second early variety, with large ear, for home and market garden. Ears 12 to 16 rowed, thick butts, strong husks with green streamers. Kernels clear white, plump, and of fair quality. Kendel
Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing; for the farmer and student of agriculture, a text-book for agricultural colleges and high schools . ris almost cylindrical. FARMERS RELIANCE. H. H. Connell, of Deep River, Iowa,IS the breeder of this corn, which is the result of a cross, his objectbeing an extra early corn, yet as large as it could be made. As Prideof the North has been improved, he has allowed Farmers Relianceto become somewhat larger and also later. It is now medium early,a strong, rapid grower, and a sure cropping variety. The ears aremedium in size, tapering, with firm, Stock Photo
RM2AX06T8–Corn; growing, judging, breeding, feeding, marketing; for the farmer and student of agriculture, a text-book for agricultural colleges and high schools . ris almost cylindrical. FARMERS RELIANCE. H. H. Connell, of Deep River, Iowa,IS the breeder of this corn, which is the result of a cross, his objectbeing an extra early corn, yet as large as it could be made. As Prideof the North has been improved, he has allowed Farmers Relianceto become somewhat larger and also later. It is now medium early,a strong, rapid grower, and a sure cropping variety. The ears aremedium in size, tapering, with firm,
. Descriptive catalog of vegetables. Commercial catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Herbs Catalogs. 38 ASSOCIATED SEED GROWERS, INC. CORN-Continued Height Length of stalk of ear feet Carmelcross (y) ST/2 A second early variety developed by the Connecticut Experi- ment Station, New Haven, for market, canning or home garden use. Vigorous and heavy yielding in comparison to its earli- ness. Medium sized, gently tapering ears, with 12-14 rows of yellow kernels. COGENT HYBRID 19 x 24 (w) 8 Another Country Gentleman hybrid of our br Stock Photo
RMPFA00T–. Descriptive catalog of vegetables. Commercial catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Herbs Catalogs. 38 ASSOCIATED SEED GROWERS, INC. CORN-Continued Height Length of stalk of ear feet Carmelcross (y) ST/2 A second early variety developed by the Connecticut Experi- ment Station, New Haven, for market, canning or home garden use. Vigorous and heavy yielding in comparison to its earli- ness. Medium sized, gently tapering ears, with 12-14 rows of yellow kernels. COGENT HYBRID 19 x 24 (w) 8 Another Country Gentleman hybrid of our br
. Ca- CORN SALAD. (Fetticus.) Ackersalat, odcr Lammersalal, GEE. Mache, Fe. nonigos 6 Veniricost, Sp. Used as a salad throughout the winter and spring, and extensively grown for market. Sow in spring, in drills 1 foot apart; it will mature in 6 to S weeks. For winter and early spring use, sow in drills in August and Sep- tember. Cover with straw on the approach of winter, the same as Spinach. Large Seeded. Large leaved, the best variety. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 10 cts., i lb. 30 cts., lb. $1.00. Stock Photo
RMMCGXAE–. Ca- CORN SALAD. (Fetticus.) Ackersalat, odcr Lammersalal, GEE. Mache, Fe. nonigos 6 Veniricost, Sp. Used as a salad throughout the winter and spring, and extensively grown for market. Sow in spring, in drills 1 foot apart; it will mature in 6 to S weeks. For winter and early spring use, sow in drills in August and Sep- tember. Cover with straw on the approach of winter, the same as Spinach. Large Seeded. Large leaved, the best variety. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 10 cts., i lb. 30 cts., lb. $1.00.
Archive image from page 37 of Descriptive catalogue, new and standard. Descriptive catalogue, new and standard fruits : seed corn, potatoes, oats, garden roots, and other farm seed . descriptivecatal1895wnsc Year: 1895 30 Choice New Fruits. Carman No. I. Originated with E. S. Carman (Editor Rural New Yorker). Very large, scarcely any small ones; possesses great productiveness and superior table qualities. This is a No. 1 market sort, and all should try it. $2 per bu.; $5 per bbl. Early Rose. Choice stock at $1 per bu.; $2.50 per bbl. Beauty of Hebron. An early, rapid growing variety; excellen Stock Photo
RMW1BCYW–Archive image from page 37 of Descriptive catalogue, new and standard. Descriptive catalogue, new and standard fruits : seed corn, potatoes, oats, garden roots, and other farm seed . descriptivecatal1895wnsc Year: 1895 30 Choice New Fruits. Carman No. I. Originated with E. S. Carman (Editor Rural New Yorker). Very large, scarcely any small ones; possesses great productiveness and superior table qualities. This is a No. 1 market sort, and all should try it. $2 per bu.; $5 per bbl. Early Rose. Choice stock at $1 per bu.; $2.50 per bbl. Beauty of Hebron. An early, rapid growing variety; excellen
Vick's garden & floral guide : spring edition . ng out Flint varieties. Up to a few years ago it wasnot supposed that Dent varieties would ripen in this climate and we be-lieve that Vicks Early Wonder White Dent is the first variety introduc-ed which can safely be planted in climates similar to that of Rochester.We tested out numerous highly recommended strains and we are confi-dent that Early Wonder is the earliest, most productive and all-roundmost satisfactory Dent corn ever grown. It grows an abundance of stalk and leaf and, therefore,will yield greater tonnage of fodderthan any Flint vari Stock Photo
RM2AJC102–Vick's garden & floral guide : spring edition . ng out Flint varieties. Up to a few years ago it wasnot supposed that Dent varieties would ripen in this climate and we be-lieve that Vicks Early Wonder White Dent is the first variety introduc-ed which can safely be planted in climates similar to that of Rochester.We tested out numerous highly recommended strains and we are confi-dent that Early Wonder is the earliest, most productive and all-roundmost satisfactory Dent corn ever grown. It grows an abundance of stalk and leaf and, therefore,will yield greater tonnage of fodderthan any Flint vari
. Descriptive catalog of vegetables. Canning and preserving Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Commercial catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Herbs Catalogs. A Block of Inbred Sweet Corn on our Milford, Connecticut, Seed Farms The ears are covered with bags to prevent cross fertilization Height Length Days from of stalk of ear planting to ' feet inches eating stage HOWLING MOB 6 to 7 6]/2 to 8 85 A popular, prolific, second early variety, with large ear, for home and market garden. Ears 12 to 16 rowed, thick butts, strong husk Stock Photo
RMPFC0HF–. Descriptive catalog of vegetables. Canning and preserving Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Commercial catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Herbs Catalogs. A Block of Inbred Sweet Corn on our Milford, Connecticut, Seed Farms The ears are covered with bags to prevent cross fertilization Height Length Days from of stalk of ear planting to ' feet inches eating stage HOWLING MOB 6 to 7 6]/2 to 8 85 A popular, prolific, second early variety, with large ear, for home and market garden. Ears 12 to 16 rowed, thick butts, strong husk
. E. H. Hunt : seedsman . GOBY Cory. The earliest Sweet Corn In the world. This excellent and remarkably early variety of sweet corn is fully a week or ten days ahead of Early Marhlchcad r .Minnesota, which have always been considered two of the earliest varieties of sugar corn. The stalks arc dwarf In growth, but strong and hardy; ears set low down, generally two or three good ears to the stalk; carry their thickness well up to the point. Is very productive, of excellent quality, and owing to extra earliness and remarkably good quality, always brings the highest price in the market. Pkt.,5c; Stock Photo
RMMA7GNY–. E. H. Hunt : seedsman . GOBY Cory. The earliest Sweet Corn In the world. This excellent and remarkably early variety of sweet corn is fully a week or ten days ahead of Early Marhlchcad r .Minnesota, which have always been considered two of the earliest varieties of sugar corn. The stalks arc dwarf In growth, but strong and hardy; ears set low down, generally two or three good ears to the stalk; carry their thickness well up to the point. Is very productive, of excellent quality, and owing to extra earliness and remarkably good quality, always brings the highest price in the market. Pkt.,5c;
Archive image from page 27 of Descriptive vegetable list (1946). Descriptive vegetable list . descriptiveveget1946ferr Year: 1946 Detasseling one of the parents of our Golden Cross Bantam corn. The pollen parent is Purdue 51. The detasseled parent is Purdue Bantam. CORN-SWEET OR TABLE VARIETIES (Cont.) Carmel Golden 85 days. Dwarf, second early variety, popular in California, Large, thick, 12-rowed ears. • CHARLEVOIX (Gold Standard) 86—88 days. The standard of excellence in sweet corn; equally valuable for home garden, market garden and canning. Plants 5}/2—6 ft. tall, commonly bear 2 ears. E Stock Photo
RMW14W2H–Archive image from page 27 of Descriptive vegetable list (1946). Descriptive vegetable list . descriptiveveget1946ferr Year: 1946 Detasseling one of the parents of our Golden Cross Bantam corn. The pollen parent is Purdue 51. The detasseled parent is Purdue Bantam. CORN-SWEET OR TABLE VARIETIES (Cont.) Carmel Golden 85 days. Dwarf, second early variety, popular in California, Large, thick, 12-rowed ears. • CHARLEVOIX (Gold Standard) 86—88 days. The standard of excellence in sweet corn; equally valuable for home garden, market garden and canning. Plants 5}/2—6 ft. tall, commonly bear 2 ears. E
Johnson's garden & farm manual : 1910 . United States Departmentof Agriculture. The roots grow to a very large size, perfectly white, and suited to almostany soil. Roots set in April will yield a large crop in October. Grows muchmore rapidly than the old variety, and its flavor is the very best; especiallyis the difference noticeable in early fall, when the old variety would be too-green for use. It is a profitable crop for the farmer, and should be plantedin every home garden, as it can be grown as easily as potatoes or corn,-simplyby sticking down the cuttings in rows, cultivating same as ca Stock Photo
RM2AWGX9X–Johnson's garden & farm manual : 1910 . United States Departmentof Agriculture. The roots grow to a very large size, perfectly white, and suited to almostany soil. Roots set in April will yield a large crop in October. Grows muchmore rapidly than the old variety, and its flavor is the very best; especiallyis the difference noticeable in early fall, when the old variety would be too-green for use. It is a profitable crop for the farmer, and should be plantedin every home garden, as it can be grown as easily as potatoes or corn,-simplyby sticking down the cuttings in rows, cultivating same as ca
. Descriptive vegetable list. Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs. Detasseling one of the parents of our Golden Cross Bantam corn. The pollen parent is Purdue 51. The detasseled parent is Purdue Bantam. CORN-SWEET OR TABLE VARIETIES (Cont.) Carmel Golden 85 days. Dwarf, second early variety, popular in California, Large, thick, 12-rowed ears. • CHARLEVOIX (Gold Standard) 86—88 days. The standard of excellence in sweet corn; equally valuable for home garden, market garden and canning. Plants 5}/2—6 ft. tall, commonly bear 2 ears. Ears handsome, 6 Stock Photo
RMPFAM79–. Descriptive vegetable list. Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs. Detasseling one of the parents of our Golden Cross Bantam corn. The pollen parent is Purdue 51. The detasseled parent is Purdue Bantam. CORN-SWEET OR TABLE VARIETIES (Cont.) Carmel Golden 85 days. Dwarf, second early variety, popular in California, Large, thick, 12-rowed ears. • CHARLEVOIX (Gold Standard) 86—88 days. The standard of excellence in sweet corn; equally valuable for home garden, market garden and canning. Plants 5}/2—6 ft. tall, commonly bear 2 ears. Ears handsome, 6
. E. Fred Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower & kitchen garden for 1880 . .50 Dolly Dutton. New. A very dwarf, early growing sort, stalks from three to four feet high. Ears small, averaging from four to five inches in length; kernels of good size, tender, very sweet, and delicious. Per pkt., 10 cents; selected ears, 15 cents each .50 Washington Market. New. This is, without exception, the best of the large varieties of sweet Corn, and when better known, will, we are confident, become a standard variety for general cultivation. It is highly recom- mended for canning purposes Stock Photo
RMMA7JG3–. E. Fred Washburn's amateur cultivator's guide to the flower & kitchen garden for 1880 . .50 Dolly Dutton. New. A very dwarf, early growing sort, stalks from three to four feet high. Ears small, averaging from four to five inches in length; kernels of good size, tender, very sweet, and delicious. Per pkt., 10 cents; selected ears, 15 cents each .50 Washington Market. New. This is, without exception, the best of the large varieties of sweet Corn, and when better known, will, we are confident, become a standard variety for general cultivation. It is highly recom- mended for canning purposes
Dreer's market gardeners' wholesale price list : vegetable seeds, garden requisites, implements, fertilizers, etc . dreersmarketgard1905henr Year: 1905 DREER'S MARKET GARDENERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CORN—Sweet or Sugar. (Ger, Maiz,) Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of early Sweet Corn has been grown for some years past by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. 1. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest sweet corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all Stock Photo
RMT0127X–Dreer's market gardeners' wholesale price list : vegetable seeds, garden requisites, implements, fertilizers, etc . dreersmarketgard1905henr Year: 1905 DREER'S MARKET GARDENERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CORN—Sweet or Sugar. (Ger, Maiz,) Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of early Sweet Corn has been grown for some years past by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. 1. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest sweet corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all
1913 Griffith and Turner Co: farm and garden supplies . TRUCKERS EARLY CORN.TRUCKERS EARLY SUGAR CORN.—This is the most de-sliable variety of sugar corn for truckers and gardeners toplant early. As its many excellent qualities are becominggenerally known, it has come to be one of the standard sorts.It is ten days earlier than Evergreen, very productive, grow-ing two to four ears to the stalk. The ears set low, are largeand well filled, the grain long and narrow, similar to Ever-green, out smaller. It is one of the most productive varietiesla cultivation. Pt., 15c. Qt., 25c. Pk., $1.00. Bus., $ Stock Photo
RM2ANCDAG–1913 Griffith and Turner Co: farm and garden supplies . TRUCKERS EARLY CORN.TRUCKERS EARLY SUGAR CORN.—This is the most de-sliable variety of sugar corn for truckers and gardeners toplant early. As its many excellent qualities are becominggenerally known, it has come to be one of the standard sorts.It is ten days earlier than Evergreen, very productive, grow-ing two to four ears to the stalk. The ears set low, are largeand well filled, the grain long and narrow, similar to Ever-green, out smaller. It is one of the most productive varietiesla cultivation. Pt., 15c. Qt., 25c. Pk., $1.00. Bus., $
. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894. Nurseries (Horticulture) Nebraska Fairbury Catalogs; Vegetables Nebraska Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs. BROOM CORN. Evergreen — The best variety for general culti- vation, on account of color and quali- ty of brush; rip- ens very early, 7 to 9 "feet liigh. Brush of good length, fine and st^-aight. and al- ways of green ap- pearance w li e n ripe. It never gets red under any circumstances and without center stalk, which is a most desirable point to broom corn raisers and m a n u f a cturers. La Stock Photo
RMPFMBJM–. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894. Nurseries (Horticulture) Nebraska Fairbury Catalogs; Vegetables Nebraska Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs. BROOM CORN. Evergreen — The best variety for general culti- vation, on account of color and quali- ty of brush; rip- ens very early, 7 to 9 "feet liigh. Brush of good length, fine and st^-aight. and al- ways of green ap- pearance w li e n ripe. It never gets red under any circumstances and without center stalk, which is a most desirable point to broom corn raisers and m a n u f a cturers. La
. GOI.DBN DA^VN SUOAR CORN A few years back there was much prejudice against yellow-grained Sugar Corn, but because of its delicious quality this has been overcome, and now there are large quantities grown each year. "Golden Dawn" is an extra early yellow-grained variety, but when one gets the sweet, delicious taste, the color of grain is forgotten. Stalks about 5 feet high and bear 2 and 3 ears, free from smut and filled out to the extreme tip. Pkt., 10 cts., by mail. By express or freight, at purchaser's expense, lb., 40 cts.; 2 lbs., 70 cts. (If wanted by Parcel Post add as stated Stock Photo
RMMCHR0N–. GOI.DBN DA^VN SUOAR CORN A few years back there was much prejudice against yellow-grained Sugar Corn, but because of its delicious quality this has been overcome, and now there are large quantities grown each year. "Golden Dawn" is an extra early yellow-grained variety, but when one gets the sweet, delicious taste, the color of grain is forgotten. Stalks about 5 feet high and bear 2 and 3 ears, free from smut and filled out to the extreme tip. Pkt., 10 cts., by mail. By express or freight, at purchaser's expense, lb., 40 cts.; 2 lbs., 70 cts. (If wanted by Parcel Post add as stated
Dreer's market gardeners' wholesale price list : reliable vegetable seeds, garden requisites, implements, fertilizers, etc . dreersmarketgard1907henr Year: 1907 DREER'S MARKET GARDENERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CORN—Sweet or Sugar—(Oer. Maiz.) Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of early Sweet Com has been grown for some years past by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest sweet corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of Stock Photo
RMT020T2–Dreer's market gardeners' wholesale price list : reliable vegetable seeds, garden requisites, implements, fertilizers, etc . dreersmarketgard1907henr Year: 1907 DREER'S MARKET GARDENERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CORN—Sweet or Sugar—(Oer. Maiz.) Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of early Sweet Com has been grown for some years past by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest sweet corn that came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of
. Seed annual 1913. early sorts: also it has time toattain its large size. Perhaps no other variety of corn exemplifies so perfectly the possibilities in plant develop-ment. Nowhere is the difference between the product of modern com breeding and the old roasting ear moreclearly shown than in this triumph of patient skill. The market gardener who is able to supply his patronswith Avon Evergreen will have the distinction of furnishing the best evergreen corn that grows. Ears cylindrical, about nine inches long, well filled at ends, fourteen or sixteen even rows. Grain very•white, tender, delici Stock Photo
RM2AG3JYE–. Seed annual 1913. early sorts: also it has time toattain its large size. Perhaps no other variety of corn exemplifies so perfectly the possibilities in plant develop-ment. Nowhere is the difference between the product of modern com breeding and the old roasting ear moreclearly shown than in this triumph of patient skill. The market gardener who is able to supply his patronswith Avon Evergreen will have the distinction of furnishing the best evergreen corn that grows. Ears cylindrical, about nine inches long, well filled at ends, fourteen or sixteen even rows. Grain very•white, tender, delici
. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894. Nurseries (Horticulture) Nebraska Fairbury Catalogs; Vegetables Nebraska Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs. CORN. 1 cmart for 300 hills. A rich, warm, alluvial soil is the best, and immediat., * ing this should be as deeply and thoroughly woi-k( Plant for a succession of crops every three weeks frtV July, in hills three feet apart each way.. IMI'KOVED WHITE SPINE. Early Ku.s.sian—The earliest variety; it .sets in pair.s. Pkt., 5c; o/.., lOc; i lb., '2oc; lb., 75c. Early Frame, or Short Green—A popular Stock Photo
RMPFNTT6–. Delano Bros.' seed catalogue of everything for the farm and vegetable garden for 1894. Nurseries (Horticulture) Nebraska Fairbury Catalogs; Vegetables Nebraska Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs. CORN. 1 cmart for 300 hills. A rich, warm, alluvial soil is the best, and immediat., * ing this should be as deeply and thoroughly woi-k( Plant for a succession of crops every three weeks frtV July, in hills three feet apart each way.. IMI'KOVED WHITE SPINE. Early Ku.s.sian—The earliest variety; it .sets in pair.s. Pkt., 5c; o/.., lOc; i lb., '2oc; lb., 75c. Early Frame, or Short Green—A popular
. Golden Beauty. Golden Ifeuilty. Very large handsome yellow grains. The ears are filled out to the extreme end ; the cob is un- usually small ; it matures very early, and its yield is enormous. Dozen cars 50 cts., qt. 15 cts., peck 50 cts., bu. $1.50. Early Yellow Canada, or Flint. A ninety day corn, used principally for replanting where the other varieties fail to come up, and then maturing at the same time with the common field varieties; good for northern latitudes. Dozen ears 50 cts., qt. 15 cts., bu. $1.50. Early Large White Flint. The old Hominy eight- rowed variety; very early, product Stock Photo
RMMCGTRY–. Golden Beauty. Golden Ifeuilty. Very large handsome yellow grains. The ears are filled out to the extreme end ; the cob is un- usually small ; it matures very early, and its yield is enormous. Dozen cars 50 cts., qt. 15 cts., peck 50 cts., bu. $1.50. Early Yellow Canada, or Flint. A ninety day corn, used principally for replanting where the other varieties fail to come up, and then maturing at the same time with the common field varieties; good for northern latitudes. Dozen ears 50 cts., qt. 15 cts., bu. $1.50. Early Large White Flint. The old Hominy eight- rowed variety; very early, product
Dreer's garden book 1918 (1918) Dreer's garden book 1918 dreersgardenbook1918henr Year: 1918 DREER'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn was first introduced by us a few years ago. It is a reliable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats of Newport, R.I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn hat came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is ; n extra early variety, ripening w Stock Photo
RMT0BCRB–Dreer's garden book 1918 (1918) Dreer's garden book 1918 dreersgardenbook1918henr Year: 1918 DREER'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn was first introduced by us a few years ago. It is a reliable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats of Newport, R.I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn hat came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is ; n extra early variety, ripening w
Catalogue of seeds, agricultural & horticultural supplies and guide for the garden, field & farm . Stowells Evergreen. Early Mammoth. Per 100 lbs. r b. Black Mexican, the sweetest, richest, and tenderest of all sweet corn; it is remarkably productive. Our California climate suits it exactly. Second early; it is very white when suitable for cooking, but the kernels are bluish-black when ripe §12 00 15c Cory, a new variety resembling the Marblehead in appearance, but larger and a few days earlier; one of the best for market gardeners... 10 00 15cCrosbys Early Sweet, very early, sweet and product Stock Photo
RM2AWMAEW–Catalogue of seeds, agricultural & horticultural supplies and guide for the garden, field & farm . Stowells Evergreen. Early Mammoth. Per 100 lbs. r b. Black Mexican, the sweetest, richest, and tenderest of all sweet corn; it is remarkably productive. Our California climate suits it exactly. Second early; it is very white when suitable for cooking, but the kernels are bluish-black when ripe §12 00 15c Cory, a new variety resembling the Marblehead in appearance, but larger and a few days earlier; one of the best for market gardeners... 10 00 15cCrosbys Early Sweet, very early, sweet and product
. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1918 43rd year. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. LIST OF TESTED GARDEN SEEDS FOR l91g 17 One pound to 250 bills; 10 to 14 lbs. (8 to 10 quarts) to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET FIRST EARLY SORTS. 1 pound equals l-/r, pints; 45 pounds, 1 bushel, ex- cept as noted. If tno or more pounds are nanted by Mail, add postage at Parcel Post rates. See table, page 1. EARLY MAYFLOWER—A new variety in the West Stock Photo
RMPFY61N–. Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1918 43rd year. Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants) Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. LIST OF TESTED GARDEN SEEDS FOR l91g 17 One pound to 250 bills; 10 to 14 lbs. (8 to 10 quarts) to the acre, in hills. CORN-SWEET FIRST EARLY SORTS. 1 pound equals l-/r, pints; 45 pounds, 1 bushel, ex- cept as noted. If tno or more pounds are nanted by Mail, add postage at Parcel Post rates. See table, page 1. EARLY MAYFLOWER—A new variety in the West
. Dreer's wholesale price list : tools, fertilizers, insecticides, sundries, etc . ZIG-ZAG EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. CHICORY, Large Rooted and Common, each CORN. Sweet Varieties. Metropolitan Kendel's Early Giant Early Champion Early Evergreen Dreer's First of All Adam's Extra Early White Cob Cory, Extra Early Crosby's Extra Early Stabier's Extra Early Potter's Excelsior Triumph Roslyn Hybrid, . Egyptian, Country Gentleman Stowell's Evergreen . . Zig Zag Evergreen Late Mammoth EGG PLANT. New York Improved (Dreer's Se- lected Strain) Black Pekin ENDIVE. Qiant Fringed. Best variety . . Qreen Curled Stock Photo
RMMACGXM–. Dreer's wholesale price list : tools, fertilizers, insecticides, sundries, etc . ZIG-ZAG EVERGREEN SWEET CORN. CHICORY, Large Rooted and Common, each CORN. Sweet Varieties. Metropolitan Kendel's Early Giant Early Champion Early Evergreen Dreer's First of All Adam's Extra Early White Cob Cory, Extra Early Crosby's Extra Early Stabier's Extra Early Potter's Excelsior Triumph Roslyn Hybrid, . Egyptian, Country Gentleman Stowell's Evergreen . . Zig Zag Evergreen Late Mammoth EGG PLANT. New York Improved (Dreer's Se- lected Strain) Black Pekin ENDIVE. Qiant Fringed. Best variety . . Qreen Curled
Dreer's market gardeners' wholesale price list : reliable vegetable seeds, flower seeds, garden requisites, implements, insecticides, etc . dreersmarketgard1914henr Year: 1914 DREER'S MARKET GARDENERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CORN—Sweet or Sugar^iGer, Maiz.) If wanted sent by mail, add 10 cents per quart for postage. Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of Sweet Corn was grown for a number of years by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus hav- ing a monopoly, and as it was the finest early Stock Photo
RMT0202N–Dreer's market gardeners' wholesale price list : reliable vegetable seeds, flower seeds, garden requisites, implements, insecticides, etc . dreersmarketgard1914henr Year: 1914 DREER'S MARKET GARDENERS' WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. CORN—Sweet or Sugar^iGer, Maiz.) If wanted sent by mail, add 10 cents per quart for postage. Dreer's Aristocrat. This variety of Sweet Corn was grown for a number of years by a gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats at Newport, R. I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus hav- ing a monopoly, and as it was the finest early
Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1915 . est of All he would have had ho Cornat all that year. If you live in a section whereeven the earliest of the heavier yielding Dent sortscannot be depended upon to mature a crop, you willfind Curries Earliest of All a highly profitablevariety to grow. Your crop will not be tremendous,but it will be very satisfactory. Quart 20c; peck $1.00; bushel $3.00. PRIDE OF THE NORTH—No variety of Corn hasbeen more extensively grown in the NorthwesternStates than this. It is early, with a fairly large earand small cob, closely set with deep kernels; color,bri Stock Photo
RM2AX7Y8C–Currie's farm and garden annual : spring 1915 . est of All he would have had ho Cornat all that year. If you live in a section whereeven the earliest of the heavier yielding Dent sortscannot be depended upon to mature a crop, you willfind Curries Earliest of All a highly profitablevariety to grow. Your crop will not be tremendous,but it will be very satisfactory. Quart 20c; peck $1.00; bushel $3.00. PRIDE OF THE NORTH—No variety of Corn hasbeen more extensively grown in the NorthwesternStates than this. It is early, with a fairly large earand small cob, closely set with deep kernels; color,bri
. Descriptive catalogue : trees plants seeds.. Trees Catalogs; Flowers Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Texas Fort Worth; Trees; Flowers; Vegetables; Commercial catalogs. CELERY An excellent and popular variety. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 25 cts. White Plume. Self-blanch- ing to a great extent. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35 cts. CORN, Our Corn is all northern grown, and must not be con- founded with Texas-grown stock, as it is from 10 to 15 days eai-lier. p. Early Minnesota. A standard early variety. oc-' Pkt. 5 cts., pt. lOcts., qt.20 cts., pk. 85 cts., bus. $3.25. Early Adams. The most popul Stock Photo
RMPFDN81–. Descriptive catalogue : trees plants seeds.. Trees Catalogs; Flowers Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Texas Fort Worth; Trees; Flowers; Vegetables; Commercial catalogs. CELERY An excellent and popular variety. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 25 cts. White Plume. Self-blanch- ing to a great extent. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35 cts. CORN, Our Corn is all northern grown, and must not be con- founded with Texas-grown stock, as it is from 10 to 15 days eai-lier. p. Early Minnesota. A standard early variety. oc-' Pkt. 5 cts., pt. lOcts., qt.20 cts., pk. 85 cts., bus. $3.25. Early Adams. The most popul
. E)reer's Kirst of All. ® I ® s THE EARLIEST SWEET CORN. HIS excellent very early sweet Corn was first introduced by ns last year, and has given general satisfaction to our customers' who have tried it. It is a selection from the Cory, and is similar in appearance, but of superior quality, and ripens a week earlier than the jiarent variety. The ears are of medium size (as shown 'n the above illustration, which is of a full sized ear) well filled to the tip; very tender and sweet. Per pkt., 10 cts.; qt., 50 cts. ; peck, $2.50. Add for postage on Beans 15 cts. per qt ; on Corn 12 cts. per qt. ( Stock Photo
RMMCGX3R–. E)reer's Kirst of All. ® I ® s THE EARLIEST SWEET CORN. HIS excellent very early sweet Corn was first introduced by ns last year, and has given general satisfaction to our customers' who have tried it. It is a selection from the Cory, and is similar in appearance, but of superior quality, and ripens a week earlier than the jiarent variety. The ears are of medium size (as shown 'n the above illustration, which is of a full sized ear) well filled to the tip; very tender and sweet. Per pkt., 10 cts.; qt., 50 cts. ; peck, $2.50. Add for postage on Beans 15 cts. per qt ; on Corn 12 cts. per qt. (
Dreer's garden book 1917 (1917) Dreer's garden book 1917 dreersgardenbook1917henr Year: 1917 46 inHfflRTADRKR-PHILAKLPHIA'i'Am RELIABLE FARM SEEDS FARM SEEDS ARE SENT BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS at customer's expense. We pack carefully and deliver to transportation company here, and always make shipment via best and quickest route. PRICES ON ALL FARM SEEDS ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES. YELLOW FIEUJ CORN. Sow 8 quarts to the acre early in May. Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. (See cut.) At the Chester County, Pa., Cora Show, Mr. Pusey Cloud, the originator, was awarded the prize for this variety; also p Stock Photo
RMT0BEN9–Dreer's garden book 1917 (1917) Dreer's garden book 1917 dreersgardenbook1917henr Year: 1917 46 inHfflRTADRKR-PHILAKLPHIA'i'Am RELIABLE FARM SEEDS FARM SEEDS ARE SENT BY FREIGHT OR EXPRESS at customer's expense. We pack carefully and deliver to transportation company here, and always make shipment via best and quickest route. PRICES ON ALL FARM SEEDS ARE SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES. YELLOW FIEUJ CORN. Sow 8 quarts to the acre early in May. Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. (See cut.) At the Chester County, Pa., Cora Show, Mr. Pusey Cloud, the originator, was awarded the prize for this variety; also p
H.W Buckbee seed and plant guide : 1905 . DONT WASTE MONEY ON CHEAP SEEDS WHEN BUCKBEE SELLS THE BEST SO REASONABLY. H. W. BUCKBEE, ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. 78. THOROUGHBRED FIELD SEEDS. BROOM CORN. Backbees ImprovedSuperior Evergreen.—The best variety for generalcultivation, on acconnt ofcolor and quality of brush.Ripens early. Grows about8 to 10 ft. high. Brush goodlength, fine and straight.Postpaid, Hlb. 15c.; lb.25c. By express or freightat purchasers expense, lOlbs. 60c; 25 lb8. $1.25;100 lbs. 83.75. Stock Photo
RM2AJEMCP–H.W Buckbee seed and plant guide : 1905 . DONT WASTE MONEY ON CHEAP SEEDS WHEN BUCKBEE SELLS THE BEST SO REASONABLY. H. W. BUCKBEE, ROCKFORD, ILLINOIS. 78. THOROUGHBRED FIELD SEEDS. BROOM CORN. Backbees ImprovedSuperior Evergreen.—The best variety for generalcultivation, on acconnt ofcolor and quality of brush.Ripens early. Grows about8 to 10 ft. high. Brush goodlength, fine and straight.Postpaid, Hlb. 15c.; lb.25c. By express or freightat purchasers expense, lOlbs. 60c; 25 lb8. $1.25;100 lbs. 83.75.
. Descriptive catalogue : trees plants seeds.. Trees Catalogs; Flowers Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Texas Fort Worth; Trees; Flowers; Vegetables; Commercial catalogs. EARLY FRAME AND LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS. Half Dwarf.. CELERY An excellent and popular variety. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 25 cts. White Plume. Self-blanch- ing to a great extent. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35 cts. CORN, Our Corn is all northern grown, and must not be con- founded with Texas-grown stock, as it is from 10 to 15 days eai-lier. p. Early Minnesota. A standard early variety. oc-' Pkt. 5 cts., pt. lOcts., qt.20 cts., p Stock Photo
RMPFCPKF–. Descriptive catalogue : trees plants seeds.. Trees Catalogs; Flowers Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Commercial catalogs Texas Fort Worth; Trees; Flowers; Vegetables; Commercial catalogs. EARLY FRAME AND LONG GREEN CUCUMBERS. Half Dwarf.. CELERY An excellent and popular variety. Pkt. 5 cts., oz. 25 cts. White Plume. Self-blanch- ing to a great extent. Pkt. 5c, oz. 35 cts. CORN, Our Corn is all northern grown, and must not be con- founded with Texas-grown stock, as it is from 10 to 15 days eai-lier. p. Early Minnesota. A standard early variety. oc-' Pkt. 5 cts., pt. lOcts., qt.20 cts., p
. Early Yellow Canada. Blount's Prolific White. (Ensilage Corn.) This variety bears 4 to 6 ears per stalk, grain plump and white ; it is very productive, and is also considered the best variety for making ensilage. Dozen ears 50 cts., qt. 1.5 cts., bush. $L50. Learning Gourd Seed. One of the best and most pro- ductive varieties, having very deep grains and hardly any cob. A reliable sort, and one that should be planted largely. Dozen ears 50 cts., qt. 15 cts., bush. $1 50. Self-Husking. Ears 10 to 12 inches long, cob very small, grains amber-colored. To its productiveness it adds the peculiar Stock Photo
RMMCGYJ4–. Early Yellow Canada. Blount's Prolific White. (Ensilage Corn.) This variety bears 4 to 6 ears per stalk, grain plump and white ; it is very productive, and is also considered the best variety for making ensilage. Dozen ears 50 cts., qt. 1.5 cts., bush. $L50. Learning Gourd Seed. One of the best and most pro- ductive varieties, having very deep grains and hardly any cob. A reliable sort, and one that should be planted largely. Dozen ears 50 cts., qt. 15 cts., bush. $1 50. Self-Husking. Ears 10 to 12 inches long, cob very small, grains amber-colored. To its productiveness it adds the peculiar
Dreer's garden calendar : 1891 . dreersgardencale1891henr Year: 1891 fliwrn E)reer's Kirst of All. ® I ® s THE EARLIEST SWEET CORN. HIS excellent very early sweet Corn was first introduced by ns last year, and has given general satisfaction to our customers' who have tried it. It is a selection from the Cory, and is similar in appearance, but of superior quality, and ripens a week earlier than the jiarent variety. The ears are of medium size (as shown 'n the above illustration, which is of a full sized ear) well filled to the tip; very tender and sweet. Per pkt., 10 cts.; qt., 50 cts. ; pe Stock Photo
RMT01XAB–Dreer's garden calendar : 1891 . dreersgardencale1891henr Year: 1891 fliwrn E)reer's Kirst of All. ® I ® s THE EARLIEST SWEET CORN. HIS excellent very early sweet Corn was first introduced by ns last year, and has given general satisfaction to our customers' who have tried it. It is a selection from the Cory, and is similar in appearance, but of superior quality, and ripens a week earlier than the jiarent variety. The ears are of medium size (as shown 'n the above illustration, which is of a full sized ear) well filled to the tip; very tender and sweet. Per pkt., 10 cts.; qt., 50 cts. ; pe
. Gregory's honest seeds. /2lbs.(Kpk-)85c.,131bs.(lpk.)$1.50.. 775 Mammoth White Cory. Some claim this to be as earlyas the original Cory, with thegreat advantage of being de-cidedly larger in both ear andkernel. It is king of the market,for no other variety can competewith it as an extra early. 780 Quincy Market Corn. Our own growing. We wantevery one of our patrons to besure to plant sufficient of thisexcellent early Corn to test itsmerits, and if they do not findit of decidedly superior qualityto the average of early varietieswe will cheerfully refund theirmoney. There is no variety ofsecon Stock Photo
RM2AG4BNN–. Gregory's honest seeds. /2lbs.(Kpk-)85c.,131bs.(lpk.)$1.50.. 775 Mammoth White Cory. Some claim this to be as earlyas the original Cory, with thegreat advantage of being de-cidedly larger in both ear andkernel. It is king of the market,for no other variety can competewith it as an extra early. 780 Quincy Market Corn. Our own growing. We wantevery one of our patrons to besure to plant sufficient of thisexcellent early Corn to test itsmerits, and if they do not findit of decidedly superior qualityto the average of early varietieswe will cheerfully refund theirmoney. There is no variety ofsecon
. GOLDEN DAWN SWEET CORN. An extra early yellow-grained variety, but when one gets the sweet, delicious taste, the color of grains is forgotten. Stalks about five feet high and bear 2 and 3 ears, free from smut and ' filled out to the extreme tip. There have been other yellow- grained varieties of Sweet Corn offered, but none have ever been equal to the "Golden Dawn" either in flavor or productiveness. Pkt., 10 cts.; pt., 20 cts. (postpaid. 25 cts.); qt., 30 cts. (post- paid, 40 cts.); 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.50. KLONDIKE CUCUMBER. This valuable variety is one of the best for slicing Stock Photo
RMMCJDPX–. GOLDEN DAWN SWEET CORN. An extra early yellow-grained variety, but when one gets the sweet, delicious taste, the color of grains is forgotten. Stalks about five feet high and bear 2 and 3 ears, free from smut and ' filled out to the extreme tip. There have been other yellow- grained varieties of Sweet Corn offered, but none have ever been equal to the "Golden Dawn" either in flavor or productiveness. Pkt., 10 cts.; pt., 20 cts. (postpaid. 25 cts.); qt., 30 cts. (post- paid, 40 cts.); 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.50. KLONDIKE CUCUMBER. This valuable variety is one of the best for slicing
Dreer's garden book 1918 (1918) Dreer's garden book 1918 dreersgardenbook1918henr Year: 1918 DREER'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn was first introduced by us a few years ago. It is a reliable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats of Newport, R.I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn hat came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is ; n extra early variety, ripening w Stock Photo
RMT0BCRC–Dreer's garden book 1918 (1918) Dreer's garden book 1918 dreersgardenbook1918henr Year: 1918 DREER'S ARISTOCRAT SUGAR CORN This delicious Sweet Corn was first introduced by us a few years ago. It is a reliable extra early sort, which was for many years controlled by a prominent gardener who supplies truck to the aristocrats of Newport, R.I. He would not allow any of the seed to get into the hands of his competitors, thus having a monopoly, and as it was the finest Sweet Corn hat came to the market, he found no difficulty in disposing of all he raised. It is ; n extra early variety, ripening w
Allen's strawberry catalogue for 1904 . from the time it peepsthrough the ground, it will mature itscrop. This is no doubt the best of anyquick maturing variety of corn grownto-day The introducer of. this valua-ble variety claims to have received agreat many flittering testimonials inregard to it This variety was origi-nated in Erie County, Ohio. It has thelargest grain and smallest cob of anyyellow dent corn, fully as early asLearning, and in yield not excelled byany other sort. It makes a stronggrowth of stock and handsome ear.With the unusual yield of shelled corn,insured by great depth of Stock Photo
RM2AJG9Y7–Allen's strawberry catalogue for 1904 . from the time it peepsthrough the ground, it will mature itscrop. This is no doubt the best of anyquick maturing variety of corn grownto-day The introducer of. this valua-ble variety claims to have received agreat many flittering testimonials inregard to it This variety was origi-nated in Erie County, Ohio. It has thelargest grain and smallest cob of anyyellow dent corn, fully as early asLearning, and in yield not excelled byany other sort. It makes a stronggrowth of stock and handsome ear.With the unusual yield of shelled corn,insured by great depth of
. The Cumberland Cucumber. SWEET CORN, METROPOLITAN. This variety of extra early Sweet Corn is of recent introduc- tion, and is far superior in every way to the well-known Early Cory. It does not smut, and, although but a few days later in ripening, its large ears are closely filled with 10 to 12 rows of beautiful, deep grains, even to the extreme tip. The quality and flavor is all that could be desired, being equally as sweet and sugary as any of the late varieties. Pkt., 10 cts.; pt., 25 cts. (postpaid, 30 cts.); qt, 40 cts. (postpaid, 50 cts.); 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.50, by express. Stock Photo
RMMCFA8T–. The Cumberland Cucumber. SWEET CORN, METROPOLITAN. This variety of extra early Sweet Corn is of recent introduc- tion, and is far superior in every way to the well-known Early Cory. It does not smut, and, although but a few days later in ripening, its large ears are closely filled with 10 to 12 rows of beautiful, deep grains, even to the extreme tip. The quality and flavor is all that could be desired, being equally as sweet and sugary as any of the late varieties. Pkt., 10 cts.; pt., 25 cts. (postpaid, 30 cts.); qt, 40 cts. (postpaid, 50 cts.); 4 qts., $1.00; peck, $1.50, by express.
E. H. Hunt : seedsman ehhuntseedsman1895hunt Year: 1895 GOBY Cory. The earliest Sweet Corn In the world. This excellent and remarkably early variety of sweet corn is fully a week or ten days ahead of Early Marhlchcad r .Minnesota, which have always been considered two of the earliest varieties of sugar corn. The stalks arc dwarf In growth, but strong and hardy; ears set low down, generally two or three good ears to the stalk; carry their thickness well up to the point. Is very productive, of excellent quality, and owing to extra earliness and remarkably good quality, always brings the highes Stock Photo
RMRYF2J8–E. H. Hunt : seedsman ehhuntseedsman1895hunt Year: 1895 GOBY Cory. The earliest Sweet Corn In the world. This excellent and remarkably early variety of sweet corn is fully a week or ten days ahead of Early Marhlchcad r .Minnesota, which have always been considered two of the earliest varieties of sugar corn. The stalks arc dwarf In growth, but strong and hardy; ears set low down, generally two or three good ears to the stalk; carry their thickness well up to the point. Is very productive, of excellent quality, and owing to extra earliness and remarkably good quality, always brings the highes
Richard Frotscher's almanac and garden manual for the southern states . ree years. Blunts Prolific Field Cora» iXew.) This is aver-excellentvariety either for the field or for the table, it is very prolific, pro^Jucingfrom four to six ears of corn; they are of mediimi size but well filled,and heavy. It is second early. CRESS. Ceesso>, iFr.t Kbesse, (Ger.) Beeeo, Sp.)Used for salad during winter and spring. Sow broad-cast or indiills six inches apart. Curled or Pepper Grass. Xot much used in this section.Broadiea ved. This variety is extensively cultivated for the mar-ket. It is sown from e Stock Photo
RM2AWFDJC–Richard Frotscher's almanac and garden manual for the southern states . ree years. Blunts Prolific Field Cora» iXew.) This is aver-excellentvariety either for the field or for the table, it is very prolific, pro^Jucingfrom four to six ears of corn; they are of mediimi size but well filled,and heavy. It is second early. CRESS. Ceesso>, iFr.t Kbesse, (Ger.) Beeeo, Sp.)Used for salad during winter and spring. Sow broad-cast or indiills six inches apart. Curled or Pepper Grass. Xot much used in this section.Broadiea ved. This variety is extensively cultivated for the mar-ket. It is sown from e
. E. H. Hunt : seedsman . COUNTRY GEN'TLE.MAN. COUNTRY Gtmimm or IMP. NE PLUS ULTRA. This new Sweet Corn possesses the same excellent qualities as the old Ne Plus Ultra, viz., deep, narrow grains, irregularly set on a very small cob. The ears are however much larger, the plant a stronger grower and more productive, frequently yielding 3 good ears to a stalk. It is one of the sweetest of all Sweet Corns, and we can recommend it for use in the home garden to those who want something good. It IS not an early variety, but is ready for use a few days in advance of Stowells Evergreen. Pkt., 5c. â¢â Stock Photo
RMMA7GXC–. E. H. Hunt : seedsman . COUNTRY GEN'TLE.MAN. COUNTRY Gtmimm or IMP. NE PLUS ULTRA. This new Sweet Corn possesses the same excellent qualities as the old Ne Plus Ultra, viz., deep, narrow grains, irregularly set on a very small cob. The ears are however much larger, the plant a stronger grower and more productive, frequently yielding 3 good ears to a stalk. It is one of the sweetest of all Sweet Corns, and we can recommend it for use in the home garden to those who want something good. It IS not an early variety, but is ready for use a few days in advance of Stowells Evergreen. Pkt., 5c. â¢â
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