Globe Thistle Echinops ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue Stock Photo
RFE5NH69–Globe Thistle Echinops ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue
Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle in Dobrogea, Romania Stock Photo
RF2GF40E9–Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle in Dobrogea, Romania
Echinops ruthenicus M Bieb Echinops ruthenicus M Bieb. Stock Photo
RM2BX9AFE–Echinops ruthenicus M Bieb Echinops ruthenicus M Bieb.
Vector drawing ECHINOPS RUTHENICUS. Hand drawn illustration. The Latin name is ECHINOPS RITRO L. Stock Photo
RF2RBAJ2G–Vector drawing ECHINOPS RUTHENICUS. Hand drawn illustration. The Latin name is ECHINOPS RITRO L.
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer.. Nursery Catalogue. HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WlTOIiESAXE PKICK 1.1b i 10 Tr. Echinops Ruthenicus EryaKlum Amethystlnum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets Eupatorlum Fraserl. Fine white flowers useful for cutting Ageratoldes Coelestinum Oaillardia Qrandlflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials compacta A dwarf variety . Kermesina splendens .... Sulphurea oculata Oeum AtrosanKulneum, fl. pi. Grasses, Ornamental. Grianthus ravennae (Ameri- can Pampas* Eulalia Japonlca Variegata Zebrlna Qynerlum argenteum (Pampas Grass) P Stock Photo
RMREWWX9–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer.. Nursery Catalogue. HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WlTOIiESAXE PKICK 1.1b i 10 Tr. Echinops Ruthenicus EryaKlum Amethystlnum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets Eupatorlum Fraserl. Fine white flowers useful for cutting Ageratoldes Coelestinum Oaillardia Qrandlflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials compacta A dwarf variety . Kermesina splendens .... Sulphurea oculata Oeum AtrosanKulneum, fl. pi. Grasses, Ornamental. Grianthus ravennae (Ameri- can Pampas* Eulalia Japonlca Variegata Zebrlna Qynerlum argenteum (Pampas Grass) P
Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . dreerswholesalep1912dree Year: HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WlTOIiESAXE PKICK 1.1b i 10 Tr. Echinops Ruthenicus EryaKlum Amethystlnum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets Eupatorlum Fraserl. Fine white flowers useful for cutting Ageratoldes Coelestinum Oaillardia Qrandlflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials compacta A dwarf variety . Kermesina splendens .... Sulphurea oculata Oeum AtrosanKulneum, fl. pi. Grasses, Ornamental. Grianthus ravennae (Ameri- can Pampas* Eulalia Japonlca Variegata Zebrlna Qynerlum argenteum (Pa Stock Photo
RMT03K2P–Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . dreerswholesalep1912dree Year: HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WlTOIiESAXE PKICK 1.1b i 10 Tr. Echinops Ruthenicus EryaKlum Amethystlnum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets Eupatorlum Fraserl. Fine white flowers useful for cutting Ageratoldes Coelestinum Oaillardia Qrandlflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials compacta A dwarf variety . Kermesina splendens .... Sulphurea oculata Oeum AtrosanKulneum, fl. pi. Grasses, Ornamental. Grianthus ravennae (Ameri- can Pampas* Eulalia Japonlca Variegata Zebrlna Qynerlum argenteum (Pa
. Dreer's wholesale price list autumn edition September to December 1901 : bulbs plants flower and vegetable seeds, fertilizers, tools, insecticides etc . CYCLAMEN PERSICUM GIGANTEUM. Dracitna australis, broad green foliage indivisa, narrow leaved . . " lineata mixed choice varieties ... Echinops ruthenicus (Globe Thistle) Ferns. Mixed—all sorts, l/2 tr. 60 cts. Gaillardia grandiflora superba perennial " compacta (new) " Kermesina splendens f new " Sulphurea oculata (new) . Gaura Lindheimeri Geum atrosanguineum. fl. pi Glaucium luteum (Horn Poppy) Gloxinia, hy. grandiflora Stock Photo
RMMACJ9X–. Dreer's wholesale price list autumn edition September to December 1901 : bulbs plants flower and vegetable seeds, fertilizers, tools, insecticides etc . CYCLAMEN PERSICUM GIGANTEUM. Dracitna australis, broad green foliage indivisa, narrow leaved . . " lineata mixed choice varieties ... Echinops ruthenicus (Globe Thistle) Ferns. Mixed—all sorts, l/2 tr. 60 cts. Gaillardia grandiflora superba perennial " compacta (new) " Kermesina splendens f new " Sulphurea oculata (new) . Gaura Lindheimeri Geum atrosanguineum. fl. pi Glaucium luteum (Horn Poppy) Gloxinia, hy. grandiflora
Globe Thistle Echinops ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue Stock Photo
RFE5NH6D–Globe Thistle Echinops ruthenicus 'Platinum Blue
Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle in Dobrogea, Romania Stock Photo
RF2GF40EB–Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle in Dobrogea, Romania
Set of vector drawing ECHINOPS RUTHENICUS in various colors. Hand drawn illustration. The Latin name is ECHINOPS RITRO L. Stock Photo
RF2RBAJ4N–Set of vector drawing ECHINOPS RUTHENICUS in various colors. Hand drawn illustration. The Latin name is ECHINOPS RITRO L.
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer.. Nursery Catalogue. HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA. PA., WHOLESALE PRICE LIST 15 Tr. pkt. Oz. Echinops Ruthenicus 15 $0 40 Eryneium Amethystlnum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets 40 2 00 Eupatorium Fraseri. Fine white flowers useful for cutting 15 40 Ageratoides 20 75 Coelestinum 20 75 Galllardla Grandiflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials 10 30 ** compacta A dwarf variety . 15 40 *⢠Kermesina splendens .... 20 75 Sulphurea oculata 20 75 Geum Atrosangulneum, fl. pi 20 75 Coccineum, Mrs. Bradshaw. New. Double bright scarlet. Stock Photo
RMREWG0K–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer.. Nursery Catalogue. HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA. PA., WHOLESALE PRICE LIST 15 Tr. pkt. Oz. Echinops Ruthenicus 15 $0 40 Eryneium Amethystlnum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets 40 2 00 Eupatorium Fraseri. Fine white flowers useful for cutting 15 40 Ageratoides 20 75 Coelestinum 20 75 Galllardla Grandiflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials 10 30 ** compacta A dwarf variety . 15 40 *⢠Kermesina splendens .... 20 75 Sulphurea oculata 20 75 Geum Atrosangulneum, fl. pi 20 75 Coccineum, Mrs. Bradshaw. New. Double bright scarlet.
Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle in Dobrogea, Romania Stock Photo
RF2GF40EE–Echinops ritro, the southern globethistle in Dobrogea, Romania
Dreer's garden book : seventy-fourth annual edition 1912 . DORONICUM. Digitalis (Foxglove). ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plantswith globular heads of flowers, which canbe dried and remain attractive for a longtime. Banaticus. Metallic blue flowers; 2 to3 feet.Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet.Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous-blue; 4 feet.Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 25 cts. each; $2.50 per doz. One each of the 4 sorts for 85 cts. EPIMEDIUM (Barren-wort. Bishops Hat). Dwarf-growing plants, with leathery foliage and panicles of intere Stock Photo
RM2AXD1WE–Dreer's garden book : seventy-fourth annual edition 1912 . DORONICUM. Digitalis (Foxglove). ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plantswith globular heads of flowers, which canbe dried and remain attractive for a longtime. Banaticus. Metallic blue flowers; 2 to3 feet.Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet.Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous-blue; 4 feet.Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 25 cts. each; $2.50 per doz. One each of the 4 sorts for 85 cts. EPIMEDIUM (Barren-wort. Bishops Hat). Dwarf-growing plants, with leathery foliage and panicles of intere
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . CYCLAMEN PERSICUM GIGANTEUM. Dracaena australis, broad green foliage indivisa, narrow leaved . . '' lineata mixed choice varieties Echinops ruthenicus {Globe Thistle) Ferns. Mixedâall sorts, ^ tr. 60 cts. Gaillardia grandiflora superba perennial " compacta (new) . " Kermesina splendens " Sulphurea oculata (new Qaura Lindheimeri Qeum atrosanguineum. fl. pi. QIaucium luteum {Horn Poppy) . Tr. pkt. Oz. $0 20 %o 75 10 30 15 SO IS I 00 IS 25 ) 17 17 10 IS 10 50 50 40 I 00 Qioxinia, hy. grandiflora mixed . . " " spotted mixe Stock Photo
RMMACF52–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . CYCLAMEN PERSICUM GIGANTEUM. Dracaena australis, broad green foliage indivisa, narrow leaved . . '' lineata mixed choice varieties Echinops ruthenicus {Globe Thistle) Ferns. Mixedâall sorts, ^ tr. 60 cts. Gaillardia grandiflora superba perennial " compacta (new) . " Kermesina splendens " Sulphurea oculata (new Qaura Lindheimeri Qeum atrosanguineum. fl. pi. QIaucium luteum {Horn Poppy) . Tr. pkt. Oz. $0 20 %o 75 10 30 15 SO IS I 00 IS 25 ) 17 17 10 IS 10 50 50 40 I 00 Qioxinia, hy. grandiflora mixed . . " " spotted mixe
. Dreer's 1913 garden book. ENA. Dragon Plant. II R PKT 2386 Indivisa. Beautiful ornamental-leaved plants; long, narrow, greenfoliage; indispensable for vases andhouse decorations LO ECHINOCYSTIS. (Wild Cucumber Vine.) 2401 Lobata. One of the quickest-grow-ing annual vines we know of; splen-did for covering trellises, old trees,fences, etc Clean, bright green foli-age and sprays of white flowers dur-ing July and August. (See rut.)Per oz., 30 cts 5 ECHINOPS. (Globe Thistle.)2404 Ruthenicus. Striking hardy per-ennial plants, with handsome silverythistle-like foliage and fine steel-blueflowers in Stock Photo
RM2AG9MT2–. Dreer's 1913 garden book. ENA. Dragon Plant. II R PKT 2386 Indivisa. Beautiful ornamental-leaved plants; long, narrow, greenfoliage; indispensable for vases andhouse decorations LO ECHINOCYSTIS. (Wild Cucumber Vine.) 2401 Lobata. One of the quickest-grow-ing annual vines we know of; splen-did for covering trellises, old trees,fences, etc Clean, bright green foli-age and sprays of white flowers dur-ing July and August. (See rut.)Per oz., 30 cts 5 ECHINOPS. (Globe Thistle.)2404 Ruthenicus. Striking hardy per-ennial plants, with handsome silverythistle-like foliage and fine steel-blueflowers in
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . DOUBLE HOLLYHOCKS HYBRID DELPHINIUMS Tr. pkt. Oz. DIanthus Plumarlus (Pheasant Eye Pink). Single mixed 15 $0 50 Double mixed 30 1 50 Double Dwarf Erfurt 50 4 00 " Semperflorens (Double Clove Pink) 50 3 00 Latlfolius atrococclneus, fl. pi. Bright fiery red 15 50 " double mixed 15 50 Digitalis Gloxinlaeflora, Lilac 15 60 Purple 15 60 Rose 15 60 White 15 60 Mixed. All colors 15 50 Grandlflora. Light yellow 15 50 Maculata Superba. Fine spotted strain .... 20 75 Monstrosa (Mammoth Foxglove). Mixed .... 25 1 00 Echinops Ruthenicus , 15 40 Stock Photo
RMMAC8W2–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . DOUBLE HOLLYHOCKS HYBRID DELPHINIUMS Tr. pkt. Oz. DIanthus Plumarlus (Pheasant Eye Pink). Single mixed 15 $0 50 Double mixed 30 1 50 Double Dwarf Erfurt 50 4 00 " Semperflorens (Double Clove Pink) 50 3 00 Latlfolius atrococclneus, fl. pi. Bright fiery red 15 50 " double mixed 15 50 Digitalis Gloxinlaeflora, Lilac 15 60 Purple 15 60 Rose 15 60 White 15 60 Mixed. All colors 15 50 Grandlflora. Light yellow 15 50 Maculata Superba. Fine spotted strain .... 20 75 Monstrosa (Mammoth Foxglove). Mixed .... 25 1 00 Echinops Ruthenicus , 15 40
Dreer's wholesale price list 1906 : bulbs plants seasonable flower seeds and vegetable seeds grass seeds fertilizers, tools, etc., etc . rain which won the gold medal at Boston, 1904 50 Dianthus Plumarius (Pheasant Eye Pink) single mixed 10 double mixed 25 Dwarf Erfurt 50 Semperflorens (Double Clove Pink) 25 Latifolius mixed 15 Digitalis Gloxlniaeflora, White 15 Rose 15 Lilac 15 Purple 15 Mixed . .... 10 Grandiflora. Light yellow . 10 Maculata Superba. Fine spotted strain 15 Monstrosa. Mixed 25 Echinops sphaerocephalus 10 Ruthenicus 15 Banaticus 10 Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to Stock Photo
RM2AN43R2–Dreer's wholesale price list 1906 : bulbs plants seasonable flower seeds and vegetable seeds grass seeds fertilizers, tools, etc., etc . rain which won the gold medal at Boston, 1904 50 Dianthus Plumarius (Pheasant Eye Pink) single mixed 10 double mixed 25 Dwarf Erfurt 50 Semperflorens (Double Clove Pink) 25 Latifolius mixed 15 Digitalis Gloxlniaeflora, White 15 Rose 15 Lilac 15 Purple 15 Mixed . .... 10 Grandiflora. Light yellow . 10 Maculata Superba. Fine spotted strain 15 Monstrosa. Mixed 25 Echinops sphaerocephalus 10 Ruthenicus 15 Banaticus 10 Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . CYCLAMEN PERSICU.M GIGANTEUM. Tr. Pkt. Oz. Dracsena australis, broad green foliage . . $o 20 Jo 75 indivisa, tiai'raiv leaved . 10 30 " lineata : 15 50 mixed choice varieties 50 Echinops ruthenicus ( C/<?/v Thistle) .... 15 50 Ferns. Mixedâall sorts, yi tr. 60 cts I 00 Qaillardia grandiflora superba perennial ... 15 40 " compacta (new) 25 I 00 " Kermesina splendens ( new) 17 " Sulphurea oculata (new) . 17 Qaura Lindheimeri 10 25 Qeum atrosanguineum. fl. pi 15 50 QIaucium luteum [Horn Poppy) 10 25 % Tr. Tr. â kt. Pkt. Glo Stock Photo
RMMACF0C–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . CYCLAMEN PERSICU.M GIGANTEUM. Tr. Pkt. Oz. Dracsena australis, broad green foliage . . $o 20 Jo 75 indivisa, tiai'raiv leaved . 10 30 " lineata : 15 50 mixed choice varieties 50 Echinops ruthenicus ( C/<?/v Thistle) .... 15 50 Ferns. Mixedâall sorts, yi tr. 60 cts I 00 Qaillardia grandiflora superba perennial ... 15 40 " compacta (new) 25 I 00 " Kermesina splendens ( new) 17 " Sulphurea oculata (new) . 17 Qaura Lindheimeri 10 25 Qeum atrosanguineum. fl. pi 15 50 QIaucium luteum [Horn Poppy) 10 25 % Tr. Tr. â kt. Pkt. Glo
. Dreer's 1913 garden book. 3 inches across.Excelsum. Large orange-yellow; 3J inches across. 25 cts. each; $2.50 per doz.; $l5.00 per 100. Set of 3 varieties for 65 cts. ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plants with globular heads of flowers, which canbe dried and remain attractive for a long time.Banaticus. Metallic-blue flowers; 2 to 3 feet.Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet.Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous blue; 4 feet.Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 25 cts. each; $2.50 per doz. One each of the 4 sorts for 85 cts. EOMECON (Eastern Poppy). Stock Photo
RM2AG60T2–. Dreer's 1913 garden book. 3 inches across.Excelsum. Large orange-yellow; 3J inches across. 25 cts. each; $2.50 per doz.; $l5.00 per 100. Set of 3 varieties for 65 cts. ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plants with globular heads of flowers, which canbe dried and remain attractive for a long time.Banaticus. Metallic-blue flowers; 2 to 3 feet.Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet.Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous blue; 4 feet.Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 25 cts. each; $2.50 per doz. One each of the 4 sorts for 85 cts. EOMECON (Eastern Poppy).
. Dreer's wholesale price list : 1908 bulbs plants seasonable flower and vegetable seeds, fertilizers, tools, etc., etc . GAILLARDIA GRANDIFLORA Tr. pkt. Oz. GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA Digitalis aioxinleeflora, White " kose Lilac '• Purple " Mixed Qrandiflora. Light yellow Maculata Superba. Fine spotted strain Monstrosa. Mixed Echinops sphaerocephalus . Ruthenicus Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets Bupatorium Fraserl. Fine white flowers, useful for cutting Ageratoides Coelestinum Qaillardia Qrandiflora superba. One of the best perennials . ... " compac Stock Photo
RMMACDXN–. Dreer's wholesale price list : 1908 bulbs plants seasonable flower and vegetable seeds, fertilizers, tools, etc., etc . GAILLARDIA GRANDIFLORA Tr. pkt. Oz. GYPSOPHILA PANICULATA Digitalis aioxinleeflora, White " kose Lilac '• Purple " Mixed Qrandiflora. Light yellow Maculata Superba. Fine spotted strain Monstrosa. Mixed Echinops sphaerocephalus . Ruthenicus Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets Bupatorium Fraserl. Fine white flowers, useful for cutting Ageratoides Coelestinum Qaillardia Qrandiflora superba. One of the best perennials . ... " compac
. ECHINOPS RlTRO. DORONICUM.' ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plants with globular heads of flowers, which can be dried and remain attractive for a long time. Banaticus. Metallic-blue flowers; 2 to 3 feet. Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet. Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous-blue; 4 feet. Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 20 cts. each; £2.00 per doz. One each of the 4 sorts for 75 cts. EPIMEDIUM. (Barren-wort, Bishop's Hat.) Dwarf-growing plants, with leathery foliage and panicles of interesting flowers; the foliage of all the varieties offer Stock Photo
RMMCH2YX–. ECHINOPS RlTRO. DORONICUM.' ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plants with globular heads of flowers, which can be dried and remain attractive for a long time. Banaticus. Metallic-blue flowers; 2 to 3 feet. Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet. Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous-blue; 4 feet. Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 20 cts. each; £2.00 per doz. One each of the 4 sorts for 75 cts. EPIMEDIUM. (Barren-wort, Bishop's Hat.) Dwarf-growing plants, with leathery foliage and panicles of interesting flowers; the foliage of all the varieties offer
. Dreer's wholesale price list : seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds, fungicides, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, sundries, etc. Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Garden tools Catalogs. 44 HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES AND CCELESTINUM Echinops. (Globe Thistle.) Per doz. Banaticus. 4-inch pots |i 25 Hamulus Cyanea. 4-inch pots i 25 Ritro. 4-inch pots i 25 Ruthenicus. 4-inch pots i 25 Stock Photo
RMREX3WA–. Dreer's wholesale price list : seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds, fungicides, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, sundries, etc. Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Garden tools Catalogs. 44 HENRY A. DREER, PHILADELPHIA, PA., WHOLESALE PRICE LIST. EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES AND CCELESTINUM Echinops. (Globe Thistle.) Per doz. Banaticus. 4-inch pots |i 25 Hamulus Cyanea. 4-inch pots i 25 Ritro. 4-inch pots i 25 Ruthenicus. 4-inch pots i 25
. ECHIIVOCYSTIS (WUd Cucumber Vine). PER PKT. 2401 Lobata, One of the quickest growing vines we know of; splendid for covering trellises, old trees, fences, etc. (See cut.) Per oz., 30 cts... 5 ECHINOPS (Olobe Thistle). Striking hardy perennial plants, with handsome silvery thistle-like foliage and fine blue flowers in round heads, which can be used for cutting. Excellent for the back of the hardy border among other tall plants ; 3 to 5 feet. 2404 Ruthenicus. Steel-blue flowers ; the best variety for cutting 10 2405 Sphagrocephalus. Pale blue, globular flowers 10 ERYIVGIUM (Sea Holly). 2421 Am Stock Photo
RMMCJF9P–. ECHIIVOCYSTIS (WUd Cucumber Vine). PER PKT. 2401 Lobata, One of the quickest growing vines we know of; splendid for covering trellises, old trees, fences, etc. (See cut.) Per oz., 30 cts... 5 ECHINOPS (Olobe Thistle). Striking hardy perennial plants, with handsome silvery thistle-like foliage and fine blue flowers in round heads, which can be used for cutting. Excellent for the back of the hardy border among other tall plants ; 3 to 5 feet. 2404 Ruthenicus. Steel-blue flowers ; the best variety for cutting 10 2405 Sphagrocephalus. Pale blue, globular flowers 10 ERYIVGIUM (Sea Holly). 2421 Am
. Dreer's wholesale price list : seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds, fungicides, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, sundries, etc. Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Garden tools Catalogs. EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES AND CCELESTINUM Echinops. (Globe Thistle.) Per doz. Banaticus. 4-inch pots |i 25 Hamulus Cyanea. 4-inch pots i 25 Ritro. 4-inch pots i 25 Ruthenicus. 4-inch pots i 25 Sphsrocephalus. 4-inch pots i 25 Per 100 $8 00 8 00 8 00 8 Stock Photo
RMREX3W9–. Dreer's wholesale price list : seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds, fungicides, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, sundries, etc. Bulbs (Plants) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Nurseries (Horticulture) Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Garden tools Catalogs. EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES AND CCELESTINUM Echinops. (Globe Thistle.) Per doz. Banaticus. 4-inch pots |i 25 Hamulus Cyanea. 4-inch pots i 25 Ritro. 4-inch pots i 25 Ruthenicus. 4-inch pots i 25 Sphsrocephalus. 4-inch pots i 25 Per 100 $8 00 8 00 8 00 8
. Dreer's wholesale price list : seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds, fungicides, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, sundries, etc . EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES AND CCELESTINUM Echinops. (Globe Thistle.) Per doz. Banaticus. 4-inch pots |i 25 Hamulus Cyanea. 4-inch pots i 25 Ritro. 4-inch pots i 25 Ruthenicus. 4-inch pots i 25 Sphsrocephalus. 4-inch pots i 25 Per 100 $8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 Chionantha. Eomecon. 3-inch pots . (Eastern Poppy,) Epilobium. (Willow Herb.) I 50 AnKustifoIium. 4-inch pots Hirsutum. 4-inch pots " Album. 4-inch pots Epimedium. Stock Photo
RMMACD30–. Dreer's wholesale price list : seeds for florists plants for florists bulbs for florists vegetable seeds, fungicides, fertilizers, implements, insecticides, sundries, etc . EUPATORIUM AGERATOIDES AND CCELESTINUM Echinops. (Globe Thistle.) Per doz. Banaticus. 4-inch pots |i 25 Hamulus Cyanea. 4-inch pots i 25 Ritro. 4-inch pots i 25 Ruthenicus. 4-inch pots i 25 Sphsrocephalus. 4-inch pots i 25 Per 100 $8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 8 00 Chionantha. Eomecon. 3-inch pots . (Eastern Poppy,) Epilobium. (Willow Herb.) I 50 AnKustifoIium. 4-inch pots Hirsutum. 4-inch pots " Album. 4-inch pots Epimedium.
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer.. Nursery Catalogue. COREOPilS LANCEOLATA GRANDIFLORA. GOLD MEDAL DELPHINIUM Tr. pkt. Oz. Echinops Ritro 15 $0 50 Ruthenicus 15 40 Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets .SO 1 50 Eupatorium Fraseri. Fine white flowers useful for cutting 15 40 Ageratoides 15 50 Gaillardia Grandiflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials 10 40 compacta. A dwarf variety 15 40 " Kermesina splendens .... 20 75 Geum Atrosanguineum, fl. pi 20 75 Grasses, Ornamental. Erianthus ravennae (Amer- ican Pampas) 10 25 Eulalia Japonica Vari Stock Photo
RMREXG4G–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer.. Nursery Catalogue. COREOPilS LANCEOLATA GRANDIFLORA. GOLD MEDAL DELPHINIUM Tr. pkt. Oz. Echinops Ritro 15 $0 50 Ruthenicus 15 40 Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets .SO 1 50 Eupatorium Fraseri. Fine white flowers useful for cutting 15 40 Ageratoides 15 50 Gaillardia Grandiflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials 10 40 compacta. A dwarf variety 15 40 " Kermesina splendens .... 20 75 Geum Atrosanguineum, fl. pi 20 75 Grasses, Ornamental. Erianthus ravennae (Amer- ican Pampas) 10 25 Eulalia Japonica Vari
. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . GOLD MEDAL DELPHINIUM Tr. pkt. Oz. Echinops Ritro 15 $0 50 Ruthenicus 15 40 Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets .SO 1 50 Eupatorium Fraseri. Fine white flowers useful for cutting 15 40 Ageratoides 15 50 Gaillardia Grandiflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials 10 40 compacta. A dwarf variety 15 40 " Kermesina splendens .... 20 75 Geum Atrosanguineum, fl. pi 20 75 Grasses, Ornamental. Erianthus ravennae (Amer- ican Pampas) 10 25 Eulalia Japonica Variegata 10 25 Gynerium argenteum (Pampas Grass) 10 25 Stock Photo
RMMABMGP–. Dreer's wholesale price list / Henry A. Dreer. . GOLD MEDAL DELPHINIUM Tr. pkt. Oz. Echinops Ritro 15 $0 50 Ruthenicus 15 40 Eryngium Amethystinum. A beautiful flower to use in dried bouquets .SO 1 50 Eupatorium Fraseri. Fine white flowers useful for cutting 15 40 Ageratoides 15 50 Gaillardia Grandiflora superba. Mixed. One of the best perennials 10 40 compacta. A dwarf variety 15 40 " Kermesina splendens .... 20 75 Geum Atrosanguineum, fl. pi 20 75 Grasses, Ornamental. Erianthus ravennae (Amer- ican Pampas) 10 25 Eulalia Japonica Variegata 10 25 Gynerium argenteum (Pampas Grass) 10 25
. Dreer's garden book : seventy-third annual edition 1911. Seeds Catalogs; Nursery stock Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs. ECHINOPS RlTRO. DORONICUM.' ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plants with globular heads of flowers, which can be dried and remain attractive for a long time. Banaticus. Metallic-blue flowers; 2 to 3 feet. Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet. Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous-blue; 4 feet. Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 20 cts. eac Stock Photo
RMRCAXFF–. Dreer's garden book : seventy-third annual edition 1911. Seeds Catalogs; Nursery stock Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs. ECHINOPS RlTRO. DORONICUM.' ECHINOPS (Globe Thistle). Interesting and showy thistle-like plants with globular heads of flowers, which can be dried and remain attractive for a long time. Banaticus. Metallic-blue flowers; 2 to 3 feet. Ritro. Flowers deep metallic-blue; 3 feet. Ruthenicus. Flower heads glaucous-blue; 4 feet. Sphaerocephalus. White flower heads; 5 to 7 feet. 20 cts. eac