An eelworm possibly Ditylenchus sp in rotten timber of an ornamental tree Stock Photo
RMB710TM–An eelworm possibly Ditylenchus sp in rotten timber of an ornamental tree
An eelworm possibly Ditylenchus sp in rotten timber of an ornamental tree Stock Photo
RMB7242W–An eelworm possibly Ditylenchus sp in rotten timber of an ornamental tree
Leek plant damaged by caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia, Acrolepiopsis assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species Stock Photo
RF2HJCG6K–Leek plant damaged by caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia, Acrolepiopsis assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species
Stem Eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci swollen stem damage to field bean Vicia faba Stock Photo
RMAJP10K–Stem Eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci swollen stem damage to field bean Vicia faba
Nematode worm (median bulb detailed view), from a garden puddle water sample, horizontal field of view is about 0.24mm Stock Photo
RM2C9MK0N–Nematode worm (median bulb detailed view), from a garden puddle water sample, horizontal field of view is about 0.24mm
Microscopic free-living nematode worm, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is approximately 235 micrometers Stock Photo
RM2ANMX5M–Microscopic free-living nematode worm, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is approximately 235 micrometers
Stem bulb eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci nematodes in swollen field bean stem Stock Photo
RMAJP16M–Stem bulb eelworm Ditylenchus dipsaci nematodes in swollen field bean stem
Microscopic free-living nematode worm from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is about 0.56mm Stock Photo
RM2HHC3N4–Microscopic free-living nematode worm from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is about 0.56mm
Microscopic free-living nematode worm from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is about 1.1mm Stock Photo
RM2HHC3MN–Microscopic free-living nematode worm from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is about 1.1mm
Field slug parasitised by nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita shown by distorted mantle Stock Photo
RMBMYGEX–Field slug parasitised by nematode Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita shown by distorted mantle
Microscopic free-living nematode worm (with an egg inside) from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is about 1.1mm Stock Photo
RM2HHC3MR–Microscopic free-living nematode worm (with an egg inside) from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., horizontal field of view is about 1.1mm
Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne sp.) swollen knots on a lettuce root, Portugal Stock Photo
RMBHD75P–Root knot nematode (Meloidogyne sp.) swollen knots on a lettuce root, Portugal
Microscopic free-living nematode worm from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., dark field micrograph, horizontal field of view is about 1.1mm Stock Photo
RM2HHC3MT–Microscopic free-living nematode worm from garden soil, possibly Panagrellus sp., dark field micrograph, horizontal field of view is about 1.1mm
Stubby root nematode (Trichodorus spp) damage to a pea crop Stock Photo
RMBHCAPW–Stubby root nematode (Trichodorus spp) damage to a pea crop
Root nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) on rice plant root Stock Photo
RMBHD7R0–Root nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola) on rice plant root
Tulips in bud in an English garden with a white painted wall in soft focus in the background. Stock Photo
RFE1KKMJ–Tulips in bud in an English garden with a white painted wall in soft focus in the background.
Stubby root nematode (Trichodorus spp) damage to a pea crop Stock Photo
RMBHC995–Stubby root nematode (Trichodorus spp) damage to a pea crop
Leek plant damaged by caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia, Acrolepiopsis assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species Stock Photo
RF2HJCG6G–Leek plant damaged by caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia, Acrolepiopsis assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species
Vegetable garden, ripe onions just pulled and left to dry in the sun. Stock Photo
RMW71787–Vegetable garden, ripe onions just pulled and left to dry in the sun.
The roots invaded by the nematodes Stock Photo
RFFX3K2F–The roots invaded by the nematodes
Leaves showing discolouration caused by eelworms Stock Photo
RMPFPDE7–Leaves showing discolouration caused by eelworms
Onion attacked by onion eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci Stock Photo
RFDB1YE8–Onion attacked by onion eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci
Eelworm - Potato Cyst Eelworm showing effect on leaves.- - (Heterodera sp.) DIS047907 Photos H Stock Photo
RMGGJ878–Eelworm - Potato Cyst Eelworm showing effect on leaves.- - (Heterodera sp.) DIS047907 Photos H
Vector Illustration of a Human Intestinal Parasites Stock Vector
RFM7XKDG–Vector Illustration of a Human Intestinal Parasites
Bilze De Nieuwe Natuurgeneeswijze F.E. Bilz copyright 1923 Stock Photo
RFC4NY3W–Bilze De Nieuwe Natuurgeneeswijze F.E. Bilz copyright 1923
Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait Stock Photo
RM2RDH93X–Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait
The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . Rhizoctonia solani,Heterodera radicicola (eelworm), Lita solanella(Potato moth), scabs and dry rot attri-butable to bacteria and fungi. The certificatemust also show the date of the crop, the quantityor weight of the Potatos, the name of the growerand of the person to whom they will be shipped.In the event of any of the above diseases beingdiscovered the affected consignment will be re-shipped or destroyed. Certificates will be recog-nised as sanitary certificates which are issuedby the foreign author Stock Photo
RM2AXGKMM–The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . Rhizoctonia solani,Heterodera radicicola (eelworm), Lita solanella(Potato moth), scabs and dry rot attri-butable to bacteria and fungi. The certificatemust also show the date of the crop, the quantityor weight of the Potatos, the name of the growerand of the person to whom they will be shipped.In the event of any of the above diseases beingdiscovered the affected consignment will be re-shipped or destroyed. Certificates will be recog-nised as sanitary certificates which are issuedby the foreign author
Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, angular leaf spotting on an ornamental anemone plant leaves Stock Photo
RMDGGT0G–Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, angular leaf spotting on an ornamental anemone plant leaves
. Animal parasites and human disease. Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts of the wor Stock Photo
RMPG0KAE–. Animal parasites and human disease. Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts of the wor
. Fig. i6%.—Helerodera radicifola (eelworm), forming jj; tomato root; slightly reduced. the disease, are recommended by the Board of Agriculture, in Leaflet No. 75. I. To destroy these eehvorms the soil must be thoroughly Stock Photo
RMMCKBXP–. Fig. i6%.—Helerodera radicifola (eelworm), forming jj; tomato root; slightly reduced. the disease, are recommended by the Board of Agriculture, in Leaflet No. 75. I. To destroy these eehvorms the soil must be thoroughly
Diseases of cultivated plants and Diseases of cultivated plants and trees diseasesofcultiv00massuoft Year: [1910?] 55= DISEASES OF CULTIVATED PLANTS to perform its function of supplying water to the above-ground portion of the plant. The following measures for sterilising soil and checking Fig. i6.—Helerodera radicifola (eelworm), forming jj; tomato root; slightly reduced. the disease, are recommended by the Board of Agriculture, in Leaflet No. 75. I. To destroy these eehvorms the soil must be thoroughly Stock Photo
RMT1KB9Y–Diseases of cultivated plants and Diseases of cultivated plants and trees diseasesofcultiv00massuoft Year: [1910?] 55= DISEASES OF CULTIVATED PLANTS to perform its function of supplying water to the above-ground portion of the plant. The following measures for sterilising soil and checking Fig. i6.—Helerodera radicifola (eelworm), forming jj; tomato root; slightly reduced. the disease, are recommended by the Board of Agriculture, in Leaflet No. 75. I. To destroy these eehvorms the soil must be thoroughly
Sampled pea plants with damage to roots by stubby root knot nematode (Trichodorus sp.) Stock Photo
RMBHCBCJ–Sampled pea plants with damage to roots by stubby root knot nematode (Trichodorus sp.)
Leek plant damaged by caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia, Acrolepiopsis assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species Stock Photo
RF2HJCG72–Leek plant damaged by caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia, Acrolepiopsis assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species
A vine weevil larva (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) parasitised by and releasing nematodes Stock Photo
RMBMYG44–A vine weevil larva (Otiorhynchus sulcatus) parasitised by and releasing nematodes
Moth of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2HJEP0F–Moth of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
Stem nematodes Ditylenchus dipsaci in damaged sectioned stem of Vicia bean plant Stock Photo
RMABH7E8–Stem nematodes Ditylenchus dipsaci in damaged sectioned stem of Vicia bean plant
Moth of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2F6YKNX–Moth of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
Western flower thrips killed by a parasitic nematode Steinernema feltiae Stock Photo
RMA52YDG–Western flower thrips killed by a parasitic nematode Steinernema feltiae
The roots invaded by the nematodes Stock Photo
RFGG19RB–The roots invaded by the nematodes
Slug with swollen mantle parasitised by Phasmarhabditis nematodes Stock Photo
RMBHD7W3–Slug with swollen mantle parasitised by Phasmarhabditis nematodes
Onion attacked by onion eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci Stock Photo
RFDB1YEM–Onion attacked by onion eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana female cysts erupting on roots of a field bean plant Stock Photo
RMACR0NJ–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana female cysts erupting on roots of a field bean plant
Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait Stock Photo
RM2RDH941–Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait
Snail pest parasitised by nematodes Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita Stock Photo
RMAJX2YP–Snail pest parasitised by nematodes Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita
Sweet peas and how to grow them . stroyers, Vaporite, Slugene, Kilogrub, Alphol for both of thesepests and I think I can say with good results. Sulphate of iron isalso exceedingly valuable against eelworm, and for this reason FIG. 10.—SWEET PEA PLANTS INFESTED BY STEM EELWOEM {Tylenilnii devastatrix) F, infested plant; e, top growth stunted ; cl, collar, or ground level, above which eelworms are seldom found in stem of Sweet Pea; e, under-ground or root stem, usually somewhat swollen, and in which eelwormsare found when plant is in a state of decay; /, shell of seed; g,nodosities on roots caus Stock Photo
RM2AN5PJE–Sweet peas and how to grow them . stroyers, Vaporite, Slugene, Kilogrub, Alphol for both of thesepests and I think I can say with good results. Sulphate of iron isalso exceedingly valuable against eelworm, and for this reason FIG. 10.—SWEET PEA PLANTS INFESTED BY STEM EELWOEM {Tylenilnii devastatrix) F, infested plant; e, top growth stunted ; cl, collar, or ground level, above which eelworms are seldom found in stem of Sweet Pea; e, under-ground or root stem, usually somewhat swollen, and in which eelwormsare found when plant is in a state of decay; /, shell of seed; g,nodosities on roots caus
Snails pest parasitised by nematodes (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita) Stock Photo
RMBHCAGJ–Snails pest parasitised by nematodes (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita)
Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, angular leaf spotting on an ornamental anemone plant leaves Stock Photo
RMDGGT0K–Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, angular leaf spotting on an ornamental anemone plant leaves
. Fungoid and insect pests of the farm. Agricultural pests. XIII] Eelworvfis Remedial Measures. 169 Deep ploughing or ploughing with a skim coulter is recommended for this disease. Such crops as red clover and oats, which are very hable, should not be taken for some time on land containing their respective eelworms. When possible the refuse of diseased crops should be destroyed.. Kg. 53. Ear cockles of wheat caused by Tylenchus scandens. The dark grains somewhat lesemble bunted grains. Ear Cockles in Wheat. Another disease caused by an eelworm is that known as "purples" or "ear Stock Photo
RMPG45N8–. Fungoid and insect pests of the farm. Agricultural pests. XIII] Eelworvfis Remedial Measures. 169 Deep ploughing or ploughing with a skim coulter is recommended for this disease. Such crops as red clover and oats, which are very hable, should not be taken for some time on land containing their respective eelworms. When possible the refuse of diseased crops should be destroyed.. Kg. 53. Ear cockles of wheat caused by Tylenchus scandens. The dark grains somewhat lesemble bunted grains. Ear Cockles in Wheat. Another disease caused by an eelworm is that known as "purples" or "ear
. Fig. 7.—The appearance of rust: A, lower surface of leaves ; B, upper surface. Rust pustules are usually most conspicuous on the undersides of the leaves. (From Cir. 326.) crop is much reduced both in quality and quantity. The same treatment is recommended as for leaf spot. Stem Nematode.—This nematode, or eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci (see p. 68), lives in the stems of the alfalfa aboveground, with the effect that some of the stalks and branches are short, swollen, and deformed (fig. 8). The yield is reduced and the life of the stand shortened. This parasite is a strain of the bulb nematode, Stock Photo
RMMCK9N5–. Fig. 7.—The appearance of rust: A, lower surface of leaves ; B, upper surface. Rust pustules are usually most conspicuous on the undersides of the leaves. (From Cir. 326.) crop is much reduced both in quality and quantity. The same treatment is recommended as for leaf spot. Stem Nematode.—This nematode, or eelworm, Ditylenchus dipsaci (see p. 68), lives in the stems of the alfalfa aboveground, with the effect that some of the stalks and branches are short, swollen, and deformed (fig. 8). The yield is reduced and the life of the stand shortened. This parasite is a strain of the bulb nematode,
Diseases of crop-plants in the Diseases of crop-plants in the Lesser Antilles diseasesofcroppl00nowe Year: 1923 DISEASES OF BANANA 249 subject to attacks on a large scale by a disease believed to be due to the infestation of the roots and rootstock with a nematode worm, Tylenchus musicola, recently described as a new species from Grenada material by N. A. Cobb. The bluggoe is probably identical with the moko of Trinidad, but the disease under description is quite distinct from the bacterial disease of the moko described by J. B. Rorer The closely related eelworm, Tylenchus Fig. 95 Tylench Stock Photo
RMT1JF81–Diseases of crop-plants in the Diseases of crop-plants in the Lesser Antilles diseasesofcroppl00nowe Year: 1923 DISEASES OF BANANA 249 subject to attacks on a large scale by a disease believed to be due to the infestation of the roots and rootstock with a nematode worm, Tylenchus musicola, recently described as a new species from Grenada material by N. A. Cobb. The bluggoe is probably identical with the moko of Trinidad, but the disease under description is quite distinct from the bacterial disease of the moko described by J. B. Rorer The closely related eelworm, Tylenchus Fig. 95 Tylench
close, food, aliment, leaf, macro, close-up, macro admission, close up view, Stock Photo
RFJA30H5–close, food, aliment, leaf, macro, close-up, macro admission, close up view,
Moth of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2F6YKNK–Moth of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2F6YKMY–Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
The roots invaded by the nematodes Stock Photo
RFGG19PP–The roots invaded by the nematodes
Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2F6YKMK–Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2F6YKPR–Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait Stock Photo
RM2RDH94A–Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait
. Report of observations of injurious insects and common farm pests, during the year ... : with methods of prevention and remedy . frequent accompaniment of presence of attack of T. devasta-trix, commonly known as Stem Eelworm, in cases of Tulip-root in Oatplants, and Stem-sickness in Clover, and which was noticeable in thestems of Eelworm-infested Beans sent me in 1890. Where attack has been long established, and the stems are muchhollowed, and much coated with the yellowish or brown powder, it isvery possible that there may not be any, or at least very little, Eelwormpresence found in it, fo Stock Photo
RM2CD9XB4–. Report of observations of injurious insects and common farm pests, during the year ... : with methods of prevention and remedy . frequent accompaniment of presence of attack of T. devasta-trix, commonly known as Stem Eelworm, in cases of Tulip-root in Oatplants, and Stem-sickness in Clover, and which was noticeable in thestems of Eelworm-infested Beans sent me in 1890. Where attack has been long established, and the stems are muchhollowed, and much coated with the yellowish or brown powder, it isvery possible that there may not be any, or at least very little, Eelwormpresence found in it, fo
Slug with swollen mantle parasitised by Phasmarhabditis nematodes Stock Photo
RMBHCDJB–Slug with swollen mantle parasitised by Phasmarhabditis nematodes
Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, angular leaf spotting on an ornamental anemone plant leaf underside Stock Photo
RMDGGT0W–Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, angular leaf spotting on an ornamental anemone plant leaf underside
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana female cysts erupting on roots of a field bean plant Stock Photo
RMACR0NP–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana female cysts erupting on roots of a field bean plant
. Fig. i-jo.—Apheleiichus olesistus. i, surface view of fragment of frond, showing eelworms under the surface of the epidermis. It will be observed that the size of the stomal opening is sufficiently large to admit the passage of the eelworm ; highly mag. ; 2, Pteris droog- mansiana ; 3, Adiantnm capilhis-veneris, form fissa ; 4, Lygodium voliibile. In the last three figs, the dark portions are caused by eelworms ; reduced. are placed in fairly dry air, the migration is checked. I have never seen eggs in the tissues of infested plants, and imagine that they are deposited in the soil in which t Stock Photo
RMMCKBX7–. Fig. i-jo.—Apheleiichus olesistus. i, surface view of fragment of frond, showing eelworms under the surface of the epidermis. It will be observed that the size of the stomal opening is sufficiently large to admit the passage of the eelworm ; highly mag. ; 2, Pteris droog- mansiana ; 3, Adiantnm capilhis-veneris, form fissa ; 4, Lygodium voliibile. In the last three figs, the dark portions are caused by eelworms ; reduced. are placed in fairly dry air, the migration is checked. I have never seen eggs in the tissues of infested plants, and imagine that they are deposited in the soil in which t
Diseases of flowers and other Diseases of flowers and other ornamentals diseasesofflower118smit Year: 1940 Wm Fig. 14.—Narcissus leaves showing stem-nematode effect. a planting of bulbs of mosaic, whereas carelessness about the disease may soon bring about the ruin of the entire stock. Nematode, Eelworm, Stem Nematode.—Affected leaves are yellow and twisted and show yellowish, elongated, raised streaks or ridges on the surface (fig. 14). When the bulb is cut across, dark-brown rings are prominent in the scales. Living worms (Ditylenchus dipsaci) may be seen with a low-power microscope or Stock Photo
RMT1H6BF–Diseases of flowers and other Diseases of flowers and other ornamentals diseasesofflower118smit Year: 1940 Wm Fig. 14.—Narcissus leaves showing stem-nematode effect. a planting of bulbs of mosaic, whereas carelessness about the disease may soon bring about the ruin of the entire stock. Nematode, Eelworm, Stem Nematode.—Affected leaves are yellow and twisted and show yellowish, elongated, raised streaks or ridges on the surface (fig. 14). When the bulb is cut across, dark-brown rings are prominent in the scales. Living worms (Ditylenchus dipsaci) may be seen with a low-power microscope or
Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu Stock Photo
RF2F6YKP4–Pupa of leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis assectella) family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive speciesa pest of leek crops. Larvae feed on Alliu
Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait Stock Photo
RM2RDH94G–Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait
Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives. Stock Photo
RF2PKP9D7–Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives.
. Report of observations of injurious insects and common farm pests, during the year ... : with methods of prevention and remedy . flock, 92; maggotdoes not enter the brain, and does notcause the diseases known as Gid,or Staggers ; notes of serviceablepreventive applications, 94 Short Notices, 99-108 Skim-coulter, attached to plough, usefulto turn down and bury infested sur-face of ground, 36 Soft-soap, spraying with, 99Stem Eelworm in Beans, 32-37 T. Tortrix, Mottled Fruit Tree, 75-78;great resemblance of P. variegana toP. pruniana,—descriptions of mothsof above species, 75, 76 ; habits ofcat Stock Photo
RM2CD9PYY–. Report of observations of injurious insects and common farm pests, during the year ... : with methods of prevention and remedy . flock, 92; maggotdoes not enter the brain, and does notcause the diseases known as Gid,or Staggers ; notes of serviceablepreventive applications, 94 Short Notices, 99-108 Skim-coulter, attached to plough, usefulto turn down and bury infested sur-face of ground, 36 Soft-soap, spraying with, 99Stem Eelworm in Beans, 32-37 T. Tortrix, Mottled Fruit Tree, 75-78;great resemblance of P. variegana toP. pruniana,—descriptions of mothsof above species, 75, 76 ; habits ofcat
Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, coming from an Anemone leaf immersed in dilute detergent Stock Photo
RMDGGT10–Foliar nematode, Aphelenchoides spp, coming from an Anemone leaf immersed in dilute detergent
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower Stock Photo
RMACR0KH–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower
. Fig. 14.—Narcissus leaves showing stem-nematode effect. a planting of bulbs of mosaic, whereas carelessness about the disease may soon bring about the ruin of the entire stock. Nematode, Eelworm, Stem Nematode.—Affected leaves are yellow and twisted and show yellowish, elongated, raised streaks or ridges on the surface (fig. 14). When the bulb is cut across, dark-brown rings are prominent in the scales. Living worms (Ditylenchus dipsaci) may be seen with a low-power microscope or hand lens (fig. 15) if bits of leaf or bulb tissue are crushed in water. Badly infested stocks should be entirely Stock Photo
RMMCK9HA–. Fig. 14.—Narcissus leaves showing stem-nematode effect. a planting of bulbs of mosaic, whereas carelessness about the disease may soon bring about the ruin of the entire stock. Nematode, Eelworm, Stem Nematode.—Affected leaves are yellow and twisted and show yellowish, elongated, raised streaks or ridges on the surface (fig. 14). When the bulb is cut across, dark-brown rings are prominent in the scales. Living worms (Ditylenchus dipsaci) may be seen with a low-power microscope or hand lens (fig. 15) if bits of leaf or bulb tissue are crushed in water. Badly infested stocks should be entirely
Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait Stock Photo
RM2RDH945–Onions( Allium cepa) laid out in a row drying before storage. Natural close up food plant portrait
Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives. Stock Photo
RF2PKP9D3–Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives.
Red onion abstract food photograph Stock Photo
RMPX5445–Red onion abstract food photograph
. Animal parasites and human disease. Parasites; Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts Stock Photo
RMRN51XA–. Animal parasites and human disease. Parasites; Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower Stock Photo
RMACR0KN–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower
Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives. Stock Photo
RF2PKP9DH–Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives.
Red onion abstract food photograph Stock Photo
RMPX543W–Red onion abstract food photograph
. Animal parasites and human disease. Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts of the wor Stock Photo
RMRD9K3N–. Animal parasites and human disease. Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts of the wor
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower Stock Photo
RMACR0KX–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower
Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives. Stock Photo
RF2PKP98F–Detailed closeup on the small Leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella sitting on leaves, onion chives.
Red onion abstract food photograph Stock Photo
RMPX543B–Red onion abstract food photograph
Caterpillar of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species a pest of leek crops. Stock Photo
RF2HGMX4P–Caterpillar of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species a pest of leek crops.
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower Stock Photo
RMACR0MH–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower
. Animal parasites and human disease. Insects as carriers of disease; Medical parasitology. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelwormj j4scaris lumbricoides (Fig. IWJ. ^scaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. Thejnales are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. JThey occur in all parts of the w Stock Photo
RMRN4P60–. Animal parasites and human disease. Insects as carriers of disease; Medical parasitology. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelwormj j4scaris lumbricoides (Fig. IWJ. ^scaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. Thejnales are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. JThey occur in all parts of the w
Red onion abstract food photograph Stock Photo
RMPX5432–Red onion abstract food photograph
Onion leaves damaged by leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis, Acrolepia assectella) family Acrolepiidae. Stock Photo
RF2HGMX6E–Onion leaves damaged by leek moth or onion leaf miner (Acrolepiopsis, Acrolepia assectella) family Acrolepiidae.
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower Stock Photo
RMACR0JR–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower
. Animal parasites and human disease. Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts of the wor Stock Photo
RMRN4DC3–. Animal parasites and human disease. Medical parasitology; Insects as carriers of disease. ASCARIS 273 Ascaris or Eelworm. — Of greatest importance of these lesser intestinal parasites is the eelworm, Ascaris lumbricoides (Fig. 106). Ascaris is one of the largest nematode parasites known, the female averaging about ten inches in length, and occasion- ally measuring a foot and a half, while in diameter the body is about as large as an ordinary lead pencil. The males are usually several inches shorter. These worms are among the most fre- quent human parasites. They occur in all parts of the wor
Red onion abstract food photograph Stock Photo
RMPX543E–Red onion abstract food photograph
Caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species a pest of leek crops. Stock Photo
RF2HGMX7C–Caterpillars of leek moth or onion leaf miner Acrolepia assectella family Acrolepiidae. It is Invasive species a pest of leek crops.
Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower Stock Photo
RMACR0JY–Pea cyst nematode Heterodera gottingiana damage to field bean crop in flower