Photograph of a portrait of Gan Eng Seng Stock Photo
RMHR4J6X–Photograph of a portrait of Gan Eng Seng
. English: A photograph of a portrait of Gan Eng Seng (1844 – 9 September 1899) in the possession of Gan Eng Seng School, Singapore: see 'Gan Eng Seng School - Portrait of founder and philanthropist Gan Eng Seng at Anson Road site' at the National Archives of Singapore website (accession number: 51162; negative number: 86,019/19; media and image number: 19980005041 - 0078). before 9 September 1899.. Unknown; originally uploaded to en.wikipedia by Aldwinteo (Aldwin Teo). 984 Photograph of a portrait of Gan Eng Seng Stock Photo
RMMP8MRC–. English: A photograph of a portrait of Gan Eng Seng (1844 – 9 September 1899) in the possession of Gan Eng Seng School, Singapore: see 'Gan Eng Seng School - Portrait of founder and philanthropist Gan Eng Seng at Anson Road site' at the National Archives of Singapore website (accession number: 51162; negative number: 86,019/19; media and image number: 19980005041 - 0078). before 9 September 1899.. Unknown; originally uploaded to en.wikipedia by Aldwinteo (Aldwin Teo). 984 Photograph of a portrait of Gan Eng Seng
Jul. 07, 1958 - Cambodian Ambassador Sacked: The Cambodian Ambassador in London, his Excellency, Mr. Sam Sary, has been sacked for beating a nursemaid at the Embassy. He is admitted beating her but claimed he had the right to do so under Cambodian law. The Cambodian Government apologized to the British Government yesterday for MR. Sary's behavior.Mr. Sary left for Cambodia a fortnight ago. 22-year old IV Eng Seng, the nurse whom Mr. Sary beat, fled from the Embassy with her three-month old baby and the Cambodian now married to a 35-year old London barrister, Mr Stock Photo
RME0R8HM–Jul. 07, 1958 - Cambodian Ambassador Sacked: The Cambodian Ambassador in London, his Excellency, Mr. Sam Sary, has been sacked for beating a nursemaid at the Embassy. He is admitted beating her but claimed he had the right to do so under Cambodian law. The Cambodian Government apologized to the British Government yesterday for MR. Sary's behavior.Mr. Sary left for Cambodia a fortnight ago. 22-year old IV Eng Seng, the nurse whom Mr. Sary beat, fled from the Embassy with her three-month old baby and the Cambodian now married to a 35-year old London barrister, Mr
. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 6.—Hong Chun was once a peacock and was the brother ofEng Seng (No. 7). He took the first literary degree. Hiswhole family were massacred by the Chinese. He marriedSiang Chiow (No. 23). Hong Chun was born again as Kong Beng. Stake onHong Chun, Kong Beng, Han Hun and Ban Kim when youdream of a flower, a man ploughing, a bamlm shoot, geese orducks, a marriage ceremony, a girl worshipping idols, or abuffalo. 212 HUA-HOEY LOTTERY.. 7.—Eng Seng was originally a goose. His mother was KunGiok (No. 22). He took the same honours as his broth Stock Photo
RM2CEEA00–. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 6.—Hong Chun was once a peacock and was the brother ofEng Seng (No. 7). He took the first literary degree. Hiswhole family were massacred by the Chinese. He marriedSiang Chiow (No. 23). Hong Chun was born again as Kong Beng. Stake onHong Chun, Kong Beng, Han Hun and Ban Kim when youdream of a flower, a man ploughing, a bamlm shoot, geese orducks, a marriage ceremony, a girl worshipping idols, or abuffalo. 212 HUA-HOEY LOTTERY.. 7.—Eng Seng was originally a goose. His mother was KunGiok (No. 22). He took the same honours as his broth
Jul. 07, 1958 - Cambodian Ambassador Sacked: The Cambodian Ambassador in London, his Excellency, Mr. Sam Sary, has been sacked for beating a nursemaid at the Embassy. He is admitted beating her but claimed he had the right to do so under Cambodian law. The Cambodian Government apologized to the British Government yesterday for MR. Sary's behavior.Mr. Sary left for Cambodia a fortnight ago. 22-year old IV Eng Seng, the nurse whom Mr. Sary beat, fled from the Embassy with her three-month old baby and the Cambodian now married to a 35-year old London barrister, Mr Stock Photo
RME0R8HN–Jul. 07, 1958 - Cambodian Ambassador Sacked: The Cambodian Ambassador in London, his Excellency, Mr. Sam Sary, has been sacked for beating a nursemaid at the Embassy. He is admitted beating her but claimed he had the right to do so under Cambodian law. The Cambodian Government apologized to the British Government yesterday for MR. Sary's behavior.Mr. Sary left for Cambodia a fortnight ago. 22-year old IV Eng Seng, the nurse whom Mr. Sary beat, fled from the Embassy with her three-month old baby and the Cambodian now married to a 35-year old London barrister, Mr
. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. d in the ordinary lists. Each character is asso-ciated with a particular part of the human frame and thisdiagram is extensively used in interpreting dreams. Thus ifyou dream of ears you should stake on Thai Peng or Kun Giok,if of the neck on Jit San, and so on. The characters are hereclassified as follows :— Four of the highest degree (Chong Guan), viz. :— Tan Hong Chun, Tan Eng Seng, Tan Pan Kwi andGaw Cham Khoi. Seven Traders, viz. :— Ang Yu Li, Chu Kong Beug, Chan Hok Sun, Liong KengSu, Hong Mow Lim, Teh Pit Taik and Loh Chit Tal Stock Photo
RM2CEE4FC–. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. d in the ordinary lists. Each character is asso-ciated with a particular part of the human frame and thisdiagram is extensively used in interpreting dreams. Thus ifyou dream of ears you should stake on Thai Peng or Kun Giok,if of the neck on Jit San, and so on. The characters are hereclassified as follows :— Four of the highest degree (Chong Guan), viz. :— Tan Hong Chun, Tan Eng Seng, Tan Pan Kwi andGaw Cham Khoi. Seven Traders, viz. :— Ang Yu Li, Chu Kong Beug, Chan Hok Sun, Liong KengSu, Hong Mow Lim, Teh Pit Taik and Loh Chit Tal
Jul. 07, 1958 - Cambodian Ambassador sacked. The Cambodian Ambassador in London, His Excellency, Mr. Sam Sary, has been sacked for beating a nursemaid at the Embassy. H is admitted beating her but claimed he had the right to do so under Cambodian law. the Cambodian Government apologised to the British Government yesterday for Mr. Sary's behaviour. Mr. Sary left for Cambodia a fortnight ago. 22-year old IV Eng Seng, the nurse whom Mr. Sary beat, fled form the Embassy with her three-month old baby and the Cambodian Government has asked the Foreign Ofice to regard Mr Stock Photo
RME0R8HP–Jul. 07, 1958 - Cambodian Ambassador sacked. The Cambodian Ambassador in London, His Excellency, Mr. Sam Sary, has been sacked for beating a nursemaid at the Embassy. H is admitted beating her but claimed he had the right to do so under Cambodian law. the Cambodian Government apologised to the British Government yesterday for Mr. Sary's behaviour. Mr. Sary left for Cambodia a fortnight ago. 22-year old IV Eng Seng, the nurse whom Mr. Sary beat, fled form the Embassy with her three-month old baby and the Cambodian Government has asked the Foreign Ofice to regard Mr
. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 7.—Eng Seng was originally a goose. His mother was KunGiok (No. 22). He took the same honours as his brother (No.6). Eng Seng was born again as Ban Kim. Stake on Eng Seng,Ban Kim and Hong Chun when you dream of drinking tea,killing poultry, an examination, selling spirits, a flea, a pen, apair of candles, a water-lily, or giving an animal its life. IIUA-HOEY LOTTERY. 213. 8.-—Cham Khoi was a white fish. He took the first militaryand literary degree and became judge of three provinces. Heand his whole family, more than 300 in number, Stock Photo
RM2CEE9K7–. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 7.—Eng Seng was originally a goose. His mother was KunGiok (No. 22). He took the same honours as his brother (No.6). Eng Seng was born again as Ban Kim. Stake on Eng Seng,Ban Kim and Hong Chun when you dream of drinking tea,killing poultry, an examination, selling spirits, a flea, a pen, apair of candles, a water-lily, or giving an animal its life. IIUA-HOEY LOTTERY. 213. 8.-—Cham Khoi was a white fish. He took the first militaryand literary degree and became judge of three provinces. Heand his whole family, more than 300 in number,
. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 32.—Ban Kim was formerly a snake. He was the son ofSam Wei (No. 2) and the younger brother of Hap Hai (No.27) and Guan Kiat (No. 19). He led a retired life. Ban Kim was born again as Eng Seng. Stake on Ban Kim,Eng Seng and the five dragons when you dream of a rich man,much money, collecting rent, a pair of gold flowers, a tortoise,a slave burning a coffin, or putting out a light. 238 HUA-HOEY LOTTERY.. 33.—Cheng Li was a turtle. His house of business havingbeen burnt down he turned priest. Cheng Li was born again as San Wei. Stake o Stock Photo
RM2CEE5BC–. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. 32.—Ban Kim was formerly a snake. He was the son ofSam Wei (No. 2) and the younger brother of Hap Hai (No.27) and Guan Kiat (No. 19). He led a retired life. Ban Kim was born again as Eng Seng. Stake on Ban Kim,Eng Seng and the five dragons when you dream of a rich man,much money, collecting rent, a pair of gold flowers, a tortoise,a slave burning a coffin, or putting out a light. 238 HUA-HOEY LOTTERY.. 33.—Cheng Li was a turtle. His house of business havingbeen burnt down he turned priest. Cheng Li was born again as San Wei. Stake o
. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. h) tA j t •*,->.:,,.-..?.,:... 2 :;,, « ....... i^M^IMg I 28.— Hoey Kwan was a cluck. His elder brother was KiuKwan (No. 4). He became a Judge. His whole family weremassacred by the Chinese. Hoey Kwan was born again as Kun Giok. Stake on HoeyKwan, Kiu Kwan, Kun Giok, Eng Seng and Mow Lim whenyou dream of a coffin on fire, a house on fire, a Magistrate ap-proaching, a kitchen fire, burning crackers, righting, a Magis-trate seeing blood, the light of a lantern, a burning corpse, ora person dressed in cotton. 23i HTJA-HOEY LOTTERY,. Stock Photo
RM2CEE67H–. Journal of the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. h) tA j t •*,->.:,,.-..?.,:... 2 :;,, « ....... i^M^IMg I 28.— Hoey Kwan was a cluck. His elder brother was KiuKwan (No. 4). He became a Judge. His whole family weremassacred by the Chinese. Hoey Kwan was born again as Kun Giok. Stake on HoeyKwan, Kiu Kwan, Kun Giok, Eng Seng and Mow Lim whenyou dream of a coffin on fire, a house on fire, a Magistrate ap-proaching, a kitchen fire, burning crackers, righting, a Magis-trate seeing blood, the light of a lantern, a burning corpse, ora person dressed in cotton. 23i HTJA-HOEY LOTTERY,.