Alchemist at work (with book resting on skull) -After 1620 – before 1690 - by Teniers, David (1610-1690 ) Stock Photo
RM2F72MA4–Alchemist at work (with book resting on skull) -After 1620 – before 1690 - by Teniers, David (1610-1690 )
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Young male scientist or tech makes notes in histopathology laboratory with light microscope and a laptop. Shallow DOF, focus on the right hand, Stock Photo
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. The locomotive engineer . s, but since the introdmotionof steel DO maker or no road can be found who willuse wroughMron. simjily because the steel is saferand better, although it costs more. We venture the assertion that, in tenyearsfromDOW, cast-iron car wheelw made in the commonchill will stand just about the same in comparisonwith those made in contracting chills, as wrought-iron tin* sland with steel. The tontracling^cbill is not an esperiment; it actually gets smaller whenIt get.s hot, and hugs the wheel, makingiideep, uni-form chill, and insuring unifomiily in size androundily. 80.O00. Stock Photo
RM2CR2G4P–. The locomotive engineer . s, but since the introdmotionof steel DO maker or no road can be found who willuse wroughMron. simjily because the steel is saferand better, although it costs more. We venture the assertion that, in tenyearsfromDOW, cast-iron car wheelw made in the commonchill will stand just about the same in comparisonwith those made in contracting chills, as wrought-iron tin* sland with steel. The tontracling^cbill is not an esperiment; it actually gets smaller whenIt get.s hot, and hugs the wheel, makingiideep, uni-form chill, and insuring unifomiily in size androundily. 80.O00.