N/A. Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 15 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Oper 'Fedra incoronata' von J. C. Kerll, aufgeführt zum 'Churfürstlich Bayerischen Frewden-Fest' 1662 in München; Bühnenbild von Francesco Santurini II. Akt, III. Bild, Insel der Sirenen . 1662. Melchior Küssel, Matthäus Küssel 138 Arolsen Klebeband 15 099 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-grafik-aus-dem-klebeband-nr-15-der-frstlich-waldeckschen-hofbibliothek-arolsen-oper-fedra-incoronata-von-j-c-kerll-aufgefhrt-zum-churfrstlich-bayerischen-frewden-fest-1662-in-mnchen-bhnenbild-von-francesco-santurini-ii-akt-iii-bild-insel-der-sirenen-1662-melchior-kssel-matthus-kssel-138-arolsen-klebeband-15-099-image210066786.html
RMP5NA96–N/A. Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 15 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Oper 'Fedra incoronata' von J. C. Kerll, aufgeführt zum 'Churfürstlich Bayerischen Frewden-Fest' 1662 in München; Bühnenbild von Francesco Santurini II. Akt, III. Bild, Insel der Sirenen . 1662. Melchior Küssel, Matthäus Küssel 138 Arolsen Klebeband 15 099
Costume design for the opera Fedra by Ildebrando Pizzetti, 1917. Artist: Bakst, Léon (1866-1924) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/costume-design-for-the-opera-fedra-by-ildebrando-pizzetti-1917-artist-image60407069.html
RMDE7NR9–Costume design for the opera Fedra by Ildebrando Pizzetti, 1917. Artist: Bakst, Léon (1866-1924)
Stage Set for La Fedra, Anonymous, Italian, 19th century, 1800–1900 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-stage-set-for-la-fedra-anonymous-italian-19th-century-18001900-162456946.html
RMKC8FDP–Stage Set for La Fedra, Anonymous, Italian, 19th century, 1800–1900
Carolina Bassi in Meyerbeer's Il Crociato in Egitto Adelaide Tosi in Mayr's Fedra Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/carolina-bassi-in-meyerbeers-il-crociato-in-egitto-adelaide-tosi-in-mayrs-fedra-image268834667.html
RMWHADA3–Carolina Bassi in Meyerbeer's Il Crociato in Egitto Adelaide Tosi in Mayr's Fedra
Stage Set for the Opera Fedra, Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche: inventate ed eseguite per il R. Teatro alla Scala Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-the-opera-fedra-raccolta-di-varie-decorazioni-sceniche-inventate-ed-eseguite-per-il-r-teatro-alla-scala-image220697780.html
RMPR1J7G–Stage Set for the Opera Fedra, Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche: inventate ed eseguite per il R. Teatro alla Scala
Fedra Lorente attends the Delivery of the Maria de Villota Awards in Madrid, December 2, 2019 Spain (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-lorente-attends-the-delivery-of-the-maria-de-villota-awards-in-madrid-december-2-2019-spain-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image488917655.html
RM2KBC3CR–Fedra Lorente attends the Delivery of the Maria de Villota Awards in Madrid, December 2, 2019 Spain (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
Title page for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Theseus and two women grieve at the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car that killed Hippolytos, and in the background the bull and the troubled horses, (story of) Hippolytus, accident with animal-drawn vehicle, horse, ox, Reinier Vinkeles (I) (mentioned on object), Amsterdam, paper, engraving, h 141 mm × w 90 mm Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/title-page-for-jean-baptiste-racine-fedra-1770-theseus-and-two-women-grieve-at-the-dead-body-of-hippolytos-in-the-foreground-a-part-of-the-fallen-car-that-killed-hippolytos-and-in-the-background-the-bull-and-the-troubled-horses-story-of-hippolytus-accident-with-animal-drawn-vehicle-horse-ox-reinier-vinkeles-i-mentioned-on-object-amsterdam-paper-engraving-h-141-mm-w-90-mm-image261405883.html
RMW581TB–Title page for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Theseus and two women grieve at the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car that killed Hippolytos, and in the background the bull and the troubled horses, (story of) Hippolytus, accident with animal-drawn vehicle, horse, ox, Reinier Vinkeles (I) (mentioned on object), Amsterdam, paper, engraving, h 141 mm × w 90 mm
Art inspired by Stage Set for La Fedra, 1800–1900, Watercolor, 9-5/8 x 7-1/2 in, Drawings, Anonymous, Italian, 19th century, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/art-inspired-by-stage-set-for-la-fedra-18001900-watercolor-9-58-x-7-12-in-drawings-anonymous-italian-19th-century-classic-works-modernized-by-artotop-with-a-splash-of-modernity-shapes-color-and-value-eye-catching-visual-impact-on-art-emotions-through-freedom-of-artworks-in-a-contemporary-way-a-timeless-message-pursuing-a-wildly-creative-new-direction-artists-turning-to-the-digital-medium-and-creating-the-artotop-nft-image462988705.html
RF2HW6XPW–Art inspired by Stage Set for La Fedra, 1800–1900, Watercolor, 9-5/8 x 7-1/2 in, Drawings, Anonymous, Italian, 19th century, Classic works modernized by Artotop with a splash of modernity. Shapes, color and value, eye-catching visual impact on art. Emotions through freedom of artworks in a contemporary way. A timeless message pursuing a wildly creative new direction. Artists turning to the digital medium and creating the Artotop NFT
Phaedra, (Phaidra or Fedra), a Cretan princess, writing to her stepson Hippolytus or Hippolyt, from the Heroides (the Heroines) or Epistulae Heroidum (Letters of Heroines), poems composed by Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), Greek and Roman mythology, digitally edited after Robinet Testard Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-phaidra-or-fedra-a-cretan-princess-writing-to-her-stepson-hippolytus-or-hippolyt-from-the-heroides-the-heroines-or-epistulae-heroidum-letters-of-heroines-poems-composed-by-ovid-publius-ovidius-naso-greek-and-roman-mythology-digitally-edited-after-robinet-testard-image631622133.html
RM2YKGTD9–Phaedra, (Phaidra or Fedra), a Cretan princess, writing to her stepson Hippolytus or Hippolyt, from the Heroides (the Heroines) or Epistulae Heroidum (Letters of Heroines), poems composed by Ovid (Publius Ovidius Naso), Greek and Roman mythology, digitally edited after Robinet Testard
Phaedra depicted in the Roman fresco from the House of Jason (Casa di Giasone) in Pompeii (20-25 AD), now on display in the National Archaeological Museum (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli) in Naples, Campania, Italy. Phaedra, tormented by unrequited love for her step-son Hippolytus, hands to the nurse the letter that will make the accusations against him that will mean his death, a punishment inflicted on him by Aphrodite for not having given in to the temptation of love. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-depicted-in-the-roman-fresco-from-the-house-of-jason-casa-di-giasone-in-pompeii-20-25-ad-now-on-display-in-the-national-archaeological-museum-museo-archeologico-nazionale-di-napoli-in-naples-campania-italy-phaedra-tormented-by-unrequited-love-for-her-step-son-hippolytus-hands-to-the-nurse-the-letter-that-will-make-the-accusations-against-him-that-will-mean-his-death-a-punishment-inflicted-on-him-by-aphrodite-for-not-having-given-in-to-the-temptation-of-love-image216743428.html
RMPGHECM–Phaedra depicted in the Roman fresco from the House of Jason (Casa di Giasone) in Pompeii (20-25 AD), now on display in the National Archaeological Museum (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli) in Naples, Campania, Italy. Phaedra, tormented by unrequited love for her step-son Hippolytus, hands to the nurse the letter that will make the accusations against him that will mean his death, a punishment inflicted on him by Aphrodite for not having given in to the temptation of love.
Costume design for the opera Fedra by Ildebrando Pizzetti. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/costume-design-for-the-opera-fedra-by-ildebrando-pizzetti-museum-private-collection-image212292431.html
RMP9AN4F–Costume design for the opera Fedra by Ildebrando Pizzetti. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
Original Film Title: FEDRA. English Title: FEDRA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. Film Director: MANUEL MUR OTI. Year: 1956. Stars: MELINA MERCOURI. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/original-film-title-fedra-english-title-fedra-the-devils-daughter-film-director-manuel-mur-oti-year-1956-stars-melina-mercouri-image206832723.html
RMP0E16Y–Original Film Title: FEDRA. English Title: FEDRA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. Film Director: MANUEL MUR OTI. Year: 1956. Stars: MELINA MERCOURI.
Phaedra, Cretan princess in Greek mythology. According to legend, she was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and second wife of Theseus. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Johannes Franck after an illustration by Joachim von Sandrart from his L’Academia Todesca, della Architectura, Scultura & Pittura, oder Teutsche Academie, der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Kunste, German Academy of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, Jacob von Sandrart, Nuremberg, 1675. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-cretan-princess-in-greek-mythology-according-to-legend-she-was-the-daughter-of-king-minos-of-crete-and-second-wife-of-theseus-fedra-copperplate-engraving-by-johannes-franck-after-an-illustration-by-joachim-von-sandrart-from-his-lacademia-todesca-della-architectura-scultura-pittura-oder-teutsche-academie-der-edlen-bau-bild-und-mahlerey-kunste-german-academy-of-architecture-sculpture-and-painting-jacob-von-sandrart-nuremberg-1675-image551464400.html
RM2R15AD4–Phaedra, Cretan princess in Greek mythology. According to legend, she was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and second wife of Theseus. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Johannes Franck after an illustration by Joachim von Sandrart from his L’Academia Todesca, della Architectura, Scultura & Pittura, oder Teutsche Academie, der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Kunste, German Academy of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, Jacob von Sandrart, Nuremberg, 1675.
FEDRA Filobus 1 stazione 1929 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-fedra-filobus-1-stazione-1929-139861459.html
RMJ3F6M3–FEDRA Filobus 1 stazione 1929
Phaedra, Cretan princess, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, sister of Ariadne, and wife of Theseus, king of Athens. Head of a woman with her hair tied up in a simple band. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Etienne Picart after Giovanni Angelo Canini from Iconografia, cioe disegni d'imagini de famosissimi monarchi, regi, filososi, poeti ed oratori dell' Antichita, Drawings of images of famous monarchs, kings, philosophers, poets and orators of Antiquity, Ignatio de’Lazari, Rome, 1699. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-cretan-princess-daughter-of-minos-and-pasiphae-sister-of-ariadne-and-wife-of-theseus-king-of-athens-head-of-a-woman-with-her-hair-tied-up-in-a-simple-band-fedra-copperplate-engraving-by-etienne-picart-after-giovanni-angelo-canini-from-iconografia-cioe-disegni-dimagini-de-famosissimi-monarchi-regi-filososi-poeti-ed-oratori-dell-antichita-drawings-of-images-of-famous-monarchs-kings-philosophers-poets-and-orators-of-antiquity-ignatio-delazari-rome-1699-image537892966.html
RM2P733Y2–Phaedra, Cretan princess, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, sister of Ariadne, and wife of Theseus, king of Athens. Head of a woman with her hair tied up in a simple band. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Etienne Picart after Giovanni Angelo Canini from Iconografia, cioe disegni d'imagini de famosissimi monarchi, regi, filososi, poeti ed oratori dell' Antichita, Drawings of images of famous monarchs, kings, philosophers, poets and orators of Antiquity, Ignatio de’Lazari, Rome, 1699.
Fedra by Adolfo de Carolis, 1909. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-by-adolfo-de-carolis-1909-image329624674.html
RM2A47KHP–Fedra by Adolfo de Carolis, 1909.
The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-french-most-celebrated-theatre-actress-sarah-bernhardt-in-fedra-by-racine-attrice-teatro-theater-diva-divina-vamp-belle-epoque-archivio-gbb-image539221149.html
RM2P97J25–The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB
The Queen in a D ' Annunzio Tragedy The distinguished Italian artist Teresa Franchini as ' Queen Fedra ' in D ' Annunzio tragedy ' Fedra ' which was superbly performed at the Stadium Patationo 28 October 1922 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-queen-in-a-d-annunzio-tragedy-the-distinguished-italian-artist-teresa-franchini-as-queen-fedra-in-d-annunzio-tragedy-fedra-which-was-superbly-performed-at-the-stadium-patationo-28-october-1922-image359830808.html
RM2BWBKT8–The Queen in a D ' Annunzio Tragedy The distinguished Italian artist Teresa Franchini as ' Queen Fedra ' in D ' Annunzio tragedy ' Fedra ' which was superbly performed at the Stadium Patationo 28 October 1922
Apr. 04, 1960 - Party conference of the Christian democrats : the conference of the German Christ democratic party was opened in Karlsruhe, photo show ( Left to right) prime minister of Schleswig Heistei Kai Uwe Von Hassel (Kai Uwe Von hassel) and fedra chancellor Dr Konard Adenauer. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/apr-04-1960-party-conference-of-the-christian-democrats-the-conference-image69363649.html
RME0RP15–Apr. 04, 1960 - Party conference of the Christian democrats : the conference of the German Christ democratic party was opened in Karlsruhe, photo show ( Left to right) prime minister of Schleswig Heistei Kai Uwe Von Hassel (Kai Uwe Von hassel) and fedra chancellor Dr Konard Adenauer.
N/A. Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 15 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Oper 'Fedra incoronata' von J. C. Kerll, aufgeführt zum 'Churfürstlich Bayerischen Frewden-Fest' 1662 in München; Bühnenbild von Francesco Santurini Prolog, I. Bild, Hebe und Diana in den Wolken; Iris überreicht das Buch der Oper den kurfürstlichen Herrschaften . 1662. Melchior Küssel, Matthäus Küssel 138 Arolsen Klebeband 15 117 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/na-grafik-aus-dem-klebeband-nr-15-der-frstlich-waldeckschen-hofbibliothek-arolsen-oper-fedra-incoronata-von-j-c-kerll-aufgefhrt-zum-churfrstlich-bayerischen-frewden-fest-1662-in-mnchen-bhnenbild-von-francesco-santurini-prolog-i-bild-hebe-und-diana-in-den-wolken-iris-berreicht-das-buch-der-oper-den-kurfrstlichen-herrschaften-1662-melchior-kssel-matthus-kssel-138-arolsen-klebeband-15-117-image210066813.html
RMP5NAA5–N/A. Grafik aus dem Klebeband Nr. 15 der Fürstlich Waldeckschen Hofbibliothek Arolsen Oper 'Fedra incoronata' von J. C. Kerll, aufgeführt zum 'Churfürstlich Bayerischen Frewden-Fest' 1662 in München; Bühnenbild von Francesco Santurini Prolog, I. Bild, Hebe und Diana in den Wolken; Iris überreicht das Buch der Oper den kurfürstlichen Herrschaften . 1662. Melchior Küssel, Matthäus Küssel 138 Arolsen Klebeband 15 117
Caves of the Underworld. Opera Fedra incoronata by J. C. Kerll on 24 September 1662 in Munich, 16 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/caves-of-the-underworld-opera-fedra-incoronata-by-j-c-kerll-on-24-september-1662-in-munich-16-image186164538.html
RMMPTENE–Caves of the Underworld. Opera Fedra incoronata by J. C. Kerll on 24 September 1662 in Munich, 16
Jul. 07, 1962 - Last night took place at Taormina in the beautiful background of greek - roman theatre the ceremony of ''David di Donatello'' award to foreign and italian actors for their best pictures. were present to the ceremony cinema personalities, actresses, actors. Photo shows famous actress Marlene Dietrich receiving the ''David of Donatello'' for her role in ''Fedra'' the film of Jules Dessin presented at the Festival. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/jul-07-1962-last-night-took-place-at-taormina-in-the-beautiful-background-image69401473.html
RME0WE81–Jul. 07, 1962 - Last night took place at Taormina in the beautiful background of greek - roman theatre the ceremony of ''David di Donatello'' award to foreign and italian actors for their best pictures. were present to the ceremony cinema personalities, actresses, actors. Photo shows famous actress Marlene Dietrich receiving the ''David of Donatello'' for her role in ''Fedra'' the film of Jules Dessin presented at the Festival.
Tommaso Fedra Inghrami 1516 by Raphael Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/tommaso-fedra-inghrami-1516-by-raphael-image557825151.html
RM2RBF3JR–Tommaso Fedra Inghrami 1516 by Raphael
Jul. 07, 1952 - Rome, 30th July 1952. Last night took place at Taormina in the beautiful background of Greek-Roman theatre the ceremony of David di Donatello award to foreign and Italian actors for their best pictures. Were present to the ceremony cinema personalities, actresses, actors. OPS: Antony Perkins, receiving the David of Donatello for his role in Fedra directed by Jules Dassin. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/jul-07-1952-rome-30th-july-1952-last-night-took-place-at-taormina-image69279507.html
RME0KXM3–Jul. 07, 1952 - Rome, 30th July 1952. Last night took place at Taormina in the beautiful background of Greek-Roman theatre the ceremony of David di Donatello award to foreign and Italian actors for their best pictures. Were present to the ceremony cinema personalities, actresses, actors. OPS: Antony Perkins, receiving the David of Donatello for his role in Fedra directed by Jules Dassin.
Fedra Lorente attends the Delivery of the Maria de Villota Awards in Madrid, December 2, 2019 Spain (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-lorente-attends-the-delivery-of-the-maria-de-villota-awards-in-madrid-december-2-2019-spain-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image488917648.html
RM2KBC3CG–Fedra Lorente attends the Delivery of the Maria de Villota Awards in Madrid, December 2, 2019 Spain (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
The actress Mrs. Ziesenis as Fedra, dressed in Greek garb, singing. Print from a series of ten with Dutch actors and actresses in various roles, Mrs. Ziesenis in the role of Fedra Fedra performed by Mrs. Ziesenis. Actors and actresses in various roles , print maker: Johannes Jelgerhuis, Amsterdam, 1805 - 1836, paper, etching, h 213 mm × w 172 mm Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-actress-mrs-ziesenis-as-fedra-dressed-in-greek-garb-singing-print-from-a-series-of-ten-with-dutch-actors-and-actresses-in-various-roles-mrs-ziesenis-in-the-role-of-fedra-fedra-performed-by-mrs-ziesenis-actors-and-actresses-in-various-roles-print-maker-johannes-jelgerhuis-amsterdam-1805-1836-paper-etching-h-213-mm-w-172-mm-image472214962.html
RM2JC7702–The actress Mrs. Ziesenis as Fedra, dressed in Greek garb, singing. Print from a series of ten with Dutch actors and actresses in various roles, Mrs. Ziesenis in the role of Fedra Fedra performed by Mrs. Ziesenis. Actors and actresses in various roles , print maker: Johannes Jelgerhuis, Amsterdam, 1805 - 1836, paper, etching, h 213 mm × w 172 mm
Fedra Lorente and Miguel Morales attend 'Urubu' premiere at the Callao cinema on September 10, 2020 in Madrid, Spain (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-lorente-and-miguel-morales-attend-urubu-premiere-at-the-callao-cinema-on-september-10-2020-in-madrid-spain-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image489257965.html
RM2KBYHEN–Fedra Lorente and Miguel Morales attend 'Urubu' premiere at the Callao cinema on September 10, 2020 in Madrid, Spain (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
Warszawa 04.1978. Teatr Wielki, przedstawienie baletowe pt. Fedra do muzyki Georges'a Aurica w choreografii Serge'a Lifara. js PAP/Jan Morek Dok³adny dzieñ wydarzenia nieustalony. Warsaw, April 1978. The Grand Theatre, a ballet performance of Fedra, music Georges Auric, choreography Serge Lifar. js PAP/Jan Morek Event day unknown Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/warszawa-041978-teatr-wielki-przedstawienie-baletowe-pt-fedra-do-muzyki-georgesa-aurica-w-choreografii-sergea-lifara-js-papjan-morek-dokadny-dzie-wydarzenia-nieustalony-warsaw-april-1978-the-grand-theatre-a-ballet-performance-of-fedra-music-georges-auric-choreography-serge-lifar-js-papjan-morek-event-day-unknown-image453888008.html
RM2HACAP0–Warszawa 04.1978. Teatr Wielki, przedstawienie baletowe pt. Fedra do muzyki Georges'a Aurica w choreografii Serge'a Lifara. js PAP/Jan Morek Dok³adny dzieñ wydarzenia nieustalony. Warsaw, April 1978. The Grand Theatre, a ballet performance of Fedra, music Georges Auric, choreography Serge Lifar. js PAP/Jan Morek Event day unknown
the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-actress-lolita-flores-during-the-fedra-performance-at-the-teatro-la-latina-in-madrid-spain-september-12-2018-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image488674460.html
RM2KB1178–the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
Caves of the Underworld. Opera 'Fedra incoronata' by J. C. Kerll on 24 September 1662 in Munich. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/caves-of-the-underworld-opera-fedra-incoronata-by-j-c-kerll-on-24-september-1662-in-munich-museum-private-collection-image211766756.html
RMP8EPJC–Caves of the Underworld. Opera 'Fedra incoronata' by J. C. Kerll on 24 September 1662 in Munich. Museum: PRIVATE COLLECTION.
Original Film Title: FEDRA. English Title: FEDRA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. Film Director: MANUEL MUR OTI. Year: 1956. Stars: MELINA MERCOURI. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/original-film-title-fedra-english-title-fedra-the-devils-daughter-film-director-manuel-mur-oti-year-1956-stars-melina-mercouri-image206703879.html
RMP084WB–Original Film Title: FEDRA. English Title: FEDRA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. Film Director: MANUEL MUR OTI. Year: 1956. Stars: MELINA MERCOURI.
Vestigia delle Terme di Tito. Hipolit going to hunt. Quadro from the decoration of the room of the room 21; Carlone, Marco (1742-1796), Smuglewicz, Franciszek (1745-1807), Manna, Pietro (17 ..- 18 ..); after 1776 (2nd edition of black and white) (1776-00-00-1801-00-00);Fedra, Hipolit, Rome, Sas-Zubrzycki Jan, collection, Vestigia delle Terme di Tito, 1776, illustration, archeology, antiquity, purchase (provenance) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/vestigia-delle-terme-di-tito-hipolit-going-to-hunt-quadro-from-the-decoration-of-the-room-of-the-room-21-carlone-marco-1742-1796-smuglewicz-franciszek-1745-1807-manna-pietro-17-18-after-1776-2nd-edition-of-black-and-white-1776-00-00-1801-00-00fedra-hipolit-rome-sas-zubrzycki-jan-collection-vestigia-delle-terme-di-tito-1776-illustration-archeology-antiquity-purchase-provenance-image598863923.html
RM2WP8H17–Vestigia delle Terme di Tito. Hipolit going to hunt. Quadro from the decoration of the room of the room 21; Carlone, Marco (1742-1796), Smuglewicz, Franciszek (1745-1807), Manna, Pietro (17 ..- 18 ..); after 1776 (2nd edition of black and white) (1776-00-00-1801-00-00);Fedra, Hipolit, Rome, Sas-Zubrzycki Jan, collection, Vestigia delle Terme di Tito, 1776, illustration, archeology, antiquity, purchase (provenance)
Vestigia delle Terme di Tito. Hipolit going to hunt. Quadro from the decoration of the room of the room 21; Carlone, Marco (1742-1796), Smuglewicz, Franciszek (1745-1807), Mirri, Ludovico (1738-1786); 1776 (1776-00-00-1776-00-00);Artemis, Desa - collection, Fedra, Hipolit, Kadmos, King of Thebes, Rome, Italy, town, Terme di Tito, Tezeusz, Umiastowski, Roman, collection, Venus, Golden House of Nero, Amazon, antique, architecture, archeology, relief, decorations , lens, purchase (provenance) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/vestigia-delle-terme-di-tito-hipolit-going-to-hunt-quadro-from-the-decoration-of-the-room-of-the-room-21-carlone-marco-1742-1796-smuglewicz-franciszek-1745-1807-mirri-ludovico-1738-1786-1776-1776-00-00-1776-00-00artemis-desa-collection-fedra-hipolit-kadmos-king-of-thebes-rome-italy-town-terme-di-tito-tezeusz-umiastowski-roman-collection-venus-golden-house-of-nero-amazon-antique-architecture-archeology-relief-decorations-lens-purchase-provenance-image598815418.html
RM2WP6B4X–Vestigia delle Terme di Tito. Hipolit going to hunt. Quadro from the decoration of the room of the room 21; Carlone, Marco (1742-1796), Smuglewicz, Franciszek (1745-1807), Mirri, Ludovico (1738-1786); 1776 (1776-00-00-1776-00-00);Artemis, Desa - collection, Fedra, Hipolit, Kadmos, King of Thebes, Rome, Italy, town, Terme di Tito, Tezeusz, Umiastowski, Roman, collection, Venus, Golden House of Nero, Amazon, antique, architecture, archeology, relief, decorations , lens, purchase (provenance)
Fedra und Hippolytos, Sohn des Theseus und der Amazone Hippolyte, griechische Mytholgie, aus Calcografia di Roma, Serafino Giovannini, 1779, Rom, Italien / Fedra and Hippolytus, son of Theseus and the Amazon Hippolyte, Greek mythology, Historisch, historical, digital improved reproduction of an original from the 18th century / digitale Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, Originaldatum nicht bekannt Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-und-hippolytos-sohn-des-theseus-und-der-amazone-hippolyte-griechische-mytholgie-aus-calcografia-di-roma-serafino-giovannini-1779-rom-italien-fedra-and-hippolytus-son-of-theseus-and-the-amazon-hippolyte-greek-mythology-historisch-historical-digital-improved-reproduction-of-an-original-from-the-18th-century-digitale-reproduktion-einer-originalvorlage-aus-dem-18-jahrhundert-originaldatum-nicht-bekannt-image434805681.html
RF2G7B329–Fedra und Hippolytos, Sohn des Theseus und der Amazone Hippolyte, griechische Mytholgie, aus Calcografia di Roma, Serafino Giovannini, 1779, Rom, Italien / Fedra and Hippolytus, son of Theseus and the Amazon Hippolyte, Greek mythology, Historisch, historical, digital improved reproduction of an original from the 18th century / digitale Reproduktion einer Originalvorlage aus dem 18. Jahrhundert, Originaldatum nicht bekannt
The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-french-most-celebrated-theatre-actress-sarah-bernhardt-in-fedra-by-racine-attrice-teatro-theater-diva-divina-vamp-belle-epoque-archivio-gbb-image539221230.html
RM2P97J52–The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB
Roma, Italia. 04th Mar, 2020. Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami called Fedra. Ritratto di Tommaso Inghirami detto Fedra. Rome March 4th 2020. Quirinal Stables. Exhibition 'Raffaello 1520-1483'. Photo Samantha Zucchi Insidefoto Credit: insidefoto srl/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/roma-italia-04th-mar-2020-portrait-of-tommaso-inghirami-called-fedra-ritratto-di-tommaso-inghirami-detto-fedra-rome-march-4th-2020-quirinal-stables-exhibition-raffaello-1520-1483-photo-samantha-zucchi-insidefoto-credit-insidefoto-srlalamy-live-news-image346261510.html
RM2B39G2E–Roma, Italia. 04th Mar, 2020. Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami called Fedra. Ritratto di Tommaso Inghirami detto Fedra. Rome March 4th 2020. Quirinal Stables. Exhibition 'Raffaello 1520-1483'. Photo Samantha Zucchi Insidefoto Credit: insidefoto srl/Alamy Live News
Phaedra woos stepson Hippolytus, Roman Phaedra Hippolytus sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd century, Antiquity, Camposanto Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-woos-stepson-hippolytus-roman-phaedra-hippolytus-sarcophagus-sarcofago-romano-fedra-e-ippolito-2nd-century-antiquity-camposanto-image559665320.html
RM2REEXR4–Phaedra woos stepson Hippolytus, Roman Phaedra Hippolytus sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd century, Antiquity, Camposanto
. Capellani Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 419 Phaedra (Bakst) 11 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/capellani-projet-de-costume-pour-fedra-collection-centre-pompidou-1923-bakst-419-phaedra-bakst-11-image189171081.html
RMMYNDJ1–. Capellani Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 419 Phaedra (Bakst) 11
Stage Set for La Fedra, 1800-1900. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-la-fedra-1800-1900-image374695844.html
RM2CNGTAC–Stage Set for La Fedra, 1800-1900.
Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami called Fedra by Raffaello Sanzio known as Raffaello (1483-1520) 1510-1512 Oil on wood panel Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/portrait-of-tommaso-inghirami-called-fedra-by-raffaello-sanzio-known-as-raffaello-1483-1520-1510-1512-oil-on-wood-panel-image364525654.html
RM2C51G5A–Portrait of Tommaso Inghirami called Fedra by Raffaello Sanzio known as Raffaello (1483-1520) 1510-1512 Oil on wood panel
Stage Set for La Fedra 1959 by Anonymous, Italian, 19th century Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-la-fedra-1959-by-anonymous-italian-19th-century-image575097715.html
RM2TBHY03–Stage Set for La Fedra 1959 by Anonymous, Italian, 19th century
27 September 2023, Hesse, Frankfurt/Main: Soccer: DFB, press conference with Sports Director Hannes Wolf, focusing on changes in children's and youth soccer and the training philosophy. Press spokesman Jan Fedra, Hannes Wolf, Antonio Di Salvo and Hanno Balitsch watch recorded video sequences. Photo: Jürgen Kessler/dpa Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/27-september-2023-hesse-frankfurtmain-soccer-dfb-press-conference-with-sports-director-hannes-wolf-focusing-on-changes-in-childrens-and-youth-soccer-and-the-training-philosophy-press-spokesman-jan-fedra-hannes-wolf-antonio-di-salvo-and-hanno-balitsch-watch-recorded-video-sequences-photo-jrgen-kesslerdpa-image567288241.html
RM2RXX5X9–27 September 2023, Hesse, Frankfurt/Main: Soccer: DFB, press conference with Sports Director Hannes Wolf, focusing on changes in children's and youth soccer and the training philosophy. Press spokesman Jan Fedra, Hannes Wolf, Antonio Di Salvo and Hanno Balitsch watch recorded video sequences. Photo: Jürgen Kessler/dpa
Carola Guber as Fedra rehearses a scene of the opera 'Fedra' by Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968) during the dress rehearsal in Erfurt, Germany, 21 May 2008. The opera based on the homonymous tragedy by Gabriele d'Annunzio (1909) premiered in 1915 and will celebrate its Germany premiere in Erfurt on 24 May 2008 directed by Guy Montavon. Photo: Martin Schutt Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-carola-guber-as-fedra-rehearses-a-scene-of-the-opera-fedra-by-ildebrando-54417506.html
RMD4EX2A–Carola Guber as Fedra rehearses a scene of the opera 'Fedra' by Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968) during the dress rehearsal in Erfurt, Germany, 21 May 2008. The opera based on the homonymous tragedy by Gabriele d'Annunzio (1909) premiered in 1915 and will celebrate its Germany premiere in Erfurt on 24 May 2008 directed by Guy Montavon. Photo: Martin Schutt
Illustratie voor Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770 Theseus and two women mourn over the dead body of Hippolytos. On the front part of the fallen car Where: crashed along Hippolytos, and in the background the bull and the troubled paarden. Manufacturer : printmaker: Reinier Vinkeles (I) (listed building) Editor: David Cliff Pink (listed property) Place manufacture : Amsterdam Date: 1771 Physical characteristics: etching and engra material: paper Technique: etching / engra (printing process) Measurements: plate edge: h × 140 mm b 89 mmToelichtingIllustratie for: Racine, Jean Baptiste. Fedra, t Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/illustratie-voor-jean-baptiste-racine-fedra-1770-theseus-and-two-women-mourn-over-the-dead-body-of-hippolytos-on-the-front-part-of-the-fallen-car-where-crashed-along-hippolytos-and-in-the-background-the-bull-and-the-troubled-paarden-manufacturer-printmaker-reinier-vinkeles-i-listed-building-editor-david-cliff-pink-listed-property-place-manufacture-amsterdam-date-1771-physical-characteristics-etching-and-engra-material-paper-technique-etching-engra-printing-process-measurements-plate-edge-h-140-mm-b-89-mmtoelichtingillustratie-for-racine-jean-baptiste-fedra-t-image348450062.html
RM2B6W7H2–Illustratie voor Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770 Theseus and two women mourn over the dead body of Hippolytos. On the front part of the fallen car Where: crashed along Hippolytos, and in the background the bull and the troubled paarden. Manufacturer : printmaker: Reinier Vinkeles (I) (listed building) Editor: David Cliff Pink (listed property) Place manufacture : Amsterdam Date: 1771 Physical characteristics: etching and engra material: paper Technique: etching / engra (printing process) Measurements: plate edge: h × 140 mm b 89 mmToelichtingIllustratie for: Racine, Jean Baptiste. Fedra, t
Warszawa 04.1978. Teatr Wielki, przedstawienie baletowe pt. Fedra do muzyki Georges'a Aurica w choreografii Serge'a Lifara. Nz. Lifar (L) podczas próby z odtwórczyni¹ g³ównej roli, primabalerin¹ Teatru Wielkiego Bo¿en¹ Kocio³kowsk¹. js PAP/Jan Morek Dok³adny dzieñ wydarzenia nieustalony. Warsaw, April 1978. The Grand Theatre, a ballet performance of Fedra, music Georges Auric, choreography Serge Lifar. Pictured: Lifar (L) during a rehearsal with the leading lady, prima ballerina of the Grand Theatre. js PAP/Jan Morek Event day unknown Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/warszawa-041978-teatr-wielki-przedstawienie-baletowe-pt-fedra-do-muzyki-georgesa-aurica-w-choreografii-sergea-lifara-nz-lifar-l-podczas-prby-z-odtwrczyni-gwnej-roli-primabalerin-teatru-wielkiego-boen-kociokowsk-js-papjan-morek-dokadny-dzie-wydarzenia-nieustalony-warsaw-april-1978-the-grand-theatre-a-ballet-performance-of-fedra-music-georges-auric-choreography-serge-lifar-pictured-lifar-l-during-a-rehearsal-with-the-leading-lady-prima-ballerina-of-the-grand-theatre-js-papjan-morek-event-day-unknown-image453887998.html
RM2HACANJ–Warszawa 04.1978. Teatr Wielki, przedstawienie baletowe pt. Fedra do muzyki Georges'a Aurica w choreografii Serge'a Lifara. Nz. Lifar (L) podczas próby z odtwórczyni¹ g³ównej roli, primabalerin¹ Teatru Wielkiego Bo¿en¹ Kocio³kowsk¹. js PAP/Jan Morek Dok³adny dzieñ wydarzenia nieustalony. Warsaw, April 1978. The Grand Theatre, a ballet performance of Fedra, music Georges Auric, choreography Serge Lifar. Pictured: Lifar (L) during a rehearsal with the leading lady, prima ballerina of the Grand Theatre. js PAP/Jan Morek Event day unknown
the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-actress-lolita-flores-during-the-fedra-performance-at-the-teatro-la-latina-in-madrid-spain-september-12-2018-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image488674472.html
RM2KB117M–the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
Stage Set for La Fedra. Artist: Anonymous, Italian, 19th century. Dimensions: 9-5/8 x 7-1/2 in. Date: 1800-1900. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-la-fedra-artist-anonymous-italian-19th-century-dimensions-9-58-x-7-12-in-date-1800-1900-museum-metropolitan-museum-of-art-new-york-usa-image213175864.html
RMPAPYYM–Stage Set for La Fedra. Artist: Anonymous, Italian, 19th century. Dimensions: 9-5/8 x 7-1/2 in. Date: 1800-1900. Museum: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
Original Film Title: FEDRA. English Title: FEDRA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. Film Director: MANUEL MUR OTI. Year: 1956. Stars: RAF VALLONE; MELINA MERCOURI. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/original-film-title-fedra-english-title-fedra-the-devils-daughter-film-director-manuel-mur-oti-year-1956-stars-raf-vallone-melina-mercouri-image206703881.html
RMP084WD–Original Film Title: FEDRA. English Title: FEDRA, THE DEVIL'S DAUGHTER. Film Director: MANUEL MUR OTI. Year: 1956. Stars: RAF VALLONE; MELINA MERCOURI.
unbestimmt (Engraver) Cardinal Fedra Engine Segre Die Leone X .. Copper engraving print around 1715 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/unbestimmt-engraver-cardinal-fedra-engine-segre-die-leone-x-copper-engraving-print-around-1715-image573032088.html
RM2T87T7M–unbestimmt (Engraver) Cardinal Fedra Engine Segre Die Leone X .. Copper engraving print around 1715
FEDRA Filobus 2 stazione Desenzano 1930 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-fedra-filobus-2-stazione-desenzano-1930-139901316.html
RMJ3H1FG–FEDRA Filobus 2 stazione Desenzano 1930
Stage Set for La Fedra 1800–1900 Anonymous, Italian, 19th century Italian. Stage Set for La Fedra 390388 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-la-fedra-18001900-anonymous-italian-19th-century-italian-stage-set-for-la-fedra-390388-image458558302.html
RM2HJ13P6–Stage Set for La Fedra 1800–1900 Anonymous, Italian, 19th century Italian. Stage Set for La Fedra 390388
Stage Set for the Opera Fedra, Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche: inventate ed eseguite per il R. Teatro alla reimagined Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-the-opera-fedra-raccolta-di-varie-decorazioni-sceniche-inventate-ed-eseguite-per-il-r-teatro-alla-reimagined-image230262372.html
RFRAHA04–Stage Set for the Opera Fedra, Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche: inventate ed eseguite per il R. Teatro alla reimagined
The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA ( PHEDRE ) by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-french-most-celebrated-theatre-actress-sarah-bernhardt-in-fedra-phedre-by-racine-attrice-teatro-theater-diva-divina-vamp-belle-epoque-archivio-gbb-image539221440.html
RM2P97JCG–The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA ( PHEDRE ) by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB
Mrs. Wiensis in the role of Fedra, Johannes Jelgerhuis, 1805 - 1836 print The actress Mrs. Ziensenis as Fedra, dressed in Greek robe, singing. Print from a series of ten with Dutch actors and actresses in different roles. Amsterdam paper etching actor (on the stage) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/mrs-wiensis-in-the-role-of-fedra-johannes-jelgerhuis-1805-1836-print-the-actress-mrs-ziensenis-as-fedra-dressed-in-greek-robe-singing-print-from-a-series-of-ten-with-dutch-actors-and-actresses-in-different-roles-amsterdam-paper-etching-actor-on-the-stage-image592878795.html
RM2WCFXXK–Mrs. Wiensis in the role of Fedra, Johannes Jelgerhuis, 1805 - 1836 print The actress Mrs. Ziensenis as Fedra, dressed in Greek robe, singing. Print from a series of ten with Dutch actors and actresses in different roles. Amsterdam paper etching actor (on the stage)
Side view, Roman Phaedra Hippolytus sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd c., Antiquity, Camposanto Monumentale, Miracles Square Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/side-view-roman-phaedra-hippolytus-sarcophagus-sarcofago-romano-fedra-e-ippolito-2nd-c-antiquity-camposanto-monumentale-miracles-square-image559665346.html
RM2REEXT2–Side view, Roman Phaedra Hippolytus sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd c., Antiquity, Camposanto Monumentale, Miracles Square
. Capellani Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 479 Phaedra (Bakst) 11 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/capellani-projet-de-costume-pour-fedra-collection-centre-pompidou-1923-bakst-479-phaedra-bakst-11-image187479488.html
RMMW0C00–. Capellani Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 479 Phaedra (Bakst) 11
Milan, Parabiago, Italy. 01st Feb, 2020. Milan, Parabiago Italy Isabella Ferrari godmother of DONNE IN CANTO 2020 with the recital FEDRA by Ghiannis Ritsos In the photo :: Isabella Ferrari Credit: Independent Photo Agency/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/milan-parabiago-italy-01st-feb-2020-milan-parabiago-italy-isabella-ferrari-godmother-of-donne-in-canto-2020-with-the-recital-fedra-by-ghiannis-ritsos-in-the-photo-isabella-ferrari-credit-independent-photo-agencyalamy-live-news-image342126917.html
RM2ATH6AD–Milan, Parabiago, Italy. 01st Feb, 2020. Milan, Parabiago Italy Isabella Ferrari godmother of DONNE IN CANTO 2020 with the recital FEDRA by Ghiannis Ritsos In the photo :: Isabella Ferrari Credit: Independent Photo Agency/Alamy Live News
Eric Wright and Fedra Fateh attend The Ailey Spirit Gala on June 16, 2022 at The David H Koch Theatre in Lincoln Center in New York, New York, USA. Robin Platzer/ Twin Images/ Credit: Sipa USA/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/eric-wright-and-fedra-fateh-attend-the-ailey-spirit-gala-on-june-16-2022-at-the-david-h-koch-theatre-in-lincoln-center-in-new-york-new-york-usa-robin-platzer-twin-images-credit-sipa-usaalamy-live-news-image472692313.html
RM2JD0YT9–Eric Wright and Fedra Fateh attend The Ailey Spirit Gala on June 16, 2022 at The David H Koch Theatre in Lincoln Center in New York, New York, USA. Robin Platzer/ Twin Images/ Credit: Sipa USA/Alamy Live News
Sarah Bernhardt in Fedra - litografia - Henry Toulouse Lautrec - 1893 - Atene, Herakleidon Museum Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/sarah-bernhardt-in-fedra-litografia-henry-toulouse-lautrec-1893-atene-herakleidon-museum-image472551322.html
RF2JCPG0X–Sarah Bernhardt in Fedra - litografia - Henry Toulouse Lautrec - 1893 - Atene, Herakleidon Museum
27 September 2023, Hesse, Frankfurt/Main: Soccer: DFB, press conference with Sports Director Hannes Wolf, focusing on changes in children's and youth soccer and the training philosophy. Press spokesman Jan Fedra, Hannes Wolf, Antonio Di Salvo and Hanno Balitsch watch recorded video sequences. Photo: Jürgen Kessler/dpa Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/27-september-2023-hesse-frankfurtmain-soccer-dfb-press-conference-with-sports-director-hannes-wolf-focusing-on-changes-in-childrens-and-youth-soccer-and-the-training-philosophy-press-spokesman-jan-fedra-hannes-wolf-antonio-di-salvo-and-hanno-balitsch-watch-recorded-video-sequences-photo-jrgen-kesslerdpa-image567288212.html
RM2RXX5W8–27 September 2023, Hesse, Frankfurt/Main: Soccer: DFB, press conference with Sports Director Hannes Wolf, focusing on changes in children's and youth soccer and the training philosophy. Press spokesman Jan Fedra, Hannes Wolf, Antonio Di Salvo and Hanno Balitsch watch recorded video sequences. Photo: Jürgen Kessler/dpa
Carola Guber as Fedra (C) and the choir rehearse a scene of the opera 'Fedra' by Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968) during the dress rehearsal in Erfurt, Germany, 21 May 2008. The opera based on the homonymous tragedy by Gabriele d'Annunzio (1909) premiered in 1915 and will celebrate its Germany premiere in Erfurt on 24 May 2008 directed by Guy Montavon. Photo: Martin Schutt Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-carola-guber-as-fedra-c-and-the-choir-rehearse-a-scene-of-the-opera-54417511.html
RMD4EX2F–Carola Guber as Fedra (C) and the choir rehearse a scene of the opera 'Fedra' by Ildebrando Pizzetti (1880-1968) during the dress rehearsal in Erfurt, Germany, 21 May 2008. The opera based on the homonymous tragedy by Gabriele d'Annunzio (1909) premiered in 1915 and will celebrate its Germany premiere in Erfurt on 24 May 2008 directed by Guy Montavon. Photo: Martin Schutt
Fedra e Nutrice - affresco - Pompei, Casa del Giasone, cubicolo, parete sud - I sec. d.C. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-e-nutrice-affresco-pompei-casa-del-giasone-cubicolo-parete-sud-i-sec-dc-image502107687.html
RF2M4TYDB–Fedra e Nutrice - affresco - Pompei, Casa del Giasone, cubicolo, parete sud - I sec. d.C.
Fedra Aldana Luna Sambran of Argentina competing in the 5000m heats on day five at the World Athletics Championships at the National Athletics Centre Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-aldana-luna-sambran-of-argentina-competing-in-the-5000m-heats-on-day-five-at-the-world-athletics-championships-at-the-national-athletics-centre-image566454204.html
RF2RWG638–Fedra Aldana Luna Sambran of Argentina competing in the 5000m heats on day five at the World Athletics Championships at the National Athletics Centre
Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid Featuring: Lolita Flores Where: Madrid, Spain When: 12 Sep 2018 Credit: Oscar Gonzalez/WENN.com Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lolita-flores-during-the-fedra-performance-at-the-teatro-la-latina-in-madrid-featuring-lolita-flores-where-madrid-spain-when-12-sep-2018-credit-oscar-gonzalezwenncom-image222126477.html
RMPWAMGD–Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid Featuring: Lolita Flores Where: Madrid, Spain When: 12 Sep 2018 Credit: Oscar Gonzalez/WENN.com
the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-actress-lolita-flores-during-the-fedra-performance-at-the-teatro-la-latina-in-madrid-spain-september-12-2018-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image488674447.html
RM2KB116R–the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
Phaedra, Cretan princess in Greek mythology. According to legend, she was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and second wife of Theseus. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Johannes Franck after an illustration by Joachim von Sandrart from his LAcademia Todesca, della Architectura, Scultura & Pittura, oder Teutsche Academie, der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Kunste, German Academy of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, Jacob von Sandrart, Nuremberg, 1675. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-cretan-princess-in-greek-mythology-according-to-legend-she-was-the-daughter-of-king-minos-of-crete-and-second-wife-of-theseus-fedra-copperplate-engraving-by-johannes-franck-after-an-illustration-by-joachim-von-sandrart-from-his-lacademia-todesca-della-architectura-scultura-pittura-oder-teutsche-academie-der-edlen-bau-bild-und-mahlerey-kunste-german-academy-of-architecture-sculpture-and-painting-jacob-von-sandrart-nuremberg-1675-image571845883.html
RM2T69R77–Phaedra, Cretan princess in Greek mythology. According to legend, she was the daughter of King Minos of Crete and second wife of Theseus. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Johannes Franck after an illustration by Joachim von Sandrart from his LAcademia Todesca, della Architectura, Scultura & Pittura, oder Teutsche Academie, der Edlen Bau- Bild- und Mahlerey-Kunste, German Academy of Architecture, Sculpture and Painting, Jacob von Sandrart, Nuremberg, 1675.
Sgt. Thomas Sneed, a Houston native and a water treatment specialist with 121st Brigade Support Battalion, and Sgt. Fedra Toy, an El Paso, Texas, native and a medic with 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, spar during boxing night, Sept. 16, at the Sprung Fitness Center at Contingency Operating Base Adder. Soldiers strike at Adder fights 208349 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-sgt-thomas-sneed-a-houston-native-and-a-water-treatment-specialist-129475725.html
RMHEJ3H1–Sgt. Thomas Sneed, a Houston native and a water treatment specialist with 121st Brigade Support Battalion, and Sgt. Fedra Toy, an El Paso, Texas, native and a medic with 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, spar during boxing night, Sept. 16, at the Sprung Fitness Center at Contingency Operating Base Adder. Soldiers strike at Adder fights 208349
Italy, Lazio, Rome, Roman Archaeology, underground of Basilica St. Clemente - Sarcophagus with Phaedra and Hippolytus Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/italy-lazio-rome-roman-archaeology-underground-of-basilica-st-clemente-sarcophagus-with-phaedra-and-hippolytus-image240408660.html
RMRY3FKG–Italy, Lazio, Rome, Roman Archaeology, underground of Basilica St. Clemente - Sarcophagus with Phaedra and Hippolytus
Sgt. Fedra A. Toy, a medic with Headquarters and Headquarters Company 4/1 Armored Division, and resident of El Paso, Texas, instructs Iraqi soldiers on how to properly administer an intravenous injection during a five-day Combat Life Saver course at Contingency Operating Base Adder, Iraq, June 17. Sustainers Partner to Provide Iraqi Army Medic Training 187054 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-sgt-fedra-a-toy-a-medic-with-headquarters-and-headquarters-company-129472639.html
RMHEHYJR–Sgt. Fedra A. Toy, a medic with Headquarters and Headquarters Company 4/1 Armored Division, and resident of El Paso, Texas, instructs Iraqi soldiers on how to properly administer an intravenous injection during a five-day Combat Life Saver course at Contingency Operating Base Adder, Iraq, June 17. Sustainers Partner to Provide Iraqi Army Medic Training 187054
Agrigento, Sicily (Italy): detail view of the marble sarcophagus inside of the Cathedral of San Gerlando Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/agrigento-sicily-italy-detail-view-of-the-marble-sarcophagus-inside-of-the-cathedral-of-san-gerlando-image474467848.html
RM2JFWTG8–Agrigento, Sicily (Italy): detail view of the marble sarcophagus inside of the Cathedral of San Gerlando
Stage Set for the Opera Fedra, Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche: inventate ed eseguite per il R. Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Castellini, Giuseppe, Sanquirico, Alessandro, 1777-1849, Aquatint, hand colored, 1832, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Photography inspired by futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stage-set-for-the-opera-fedra-raccolta-di-varie-decorazioni-sceniche-inventate-ed-eseguite-per-il-r-teatro-alla-scala-di-milano-castellini-giuseppe-sanquirico-alessandro-1777-1849-aquatint-hand-colored-1832-reimagined-by-gibon-design-of-warm-cheerful-glowing-of-brightness-and-light-rays-radiance-classic-art-reinvented-with-a-modern-twist-photography-inspired-by-futurism-embracing-dynamic-energy-of-modern-technology-movement-speed-and-revolutionize-culture-image350082746.html
RF2B9FJ36–Stage Set for the Opera Fedra, Raccolta di varie decorazioni sceniche: inventate ed eseguite per il R. Teatro alla Scala di Milano, Castellini, Giuseppe, Sanquirico, Alessandro, 1777-1849, Aquatint, hand colored, 1832, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Photography inspired by futurism, embracing dynamic energy of modern technology, movement, speed and revolutionize culture.
The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA ( PHEDRE ) by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-french-most-celebrated-theatre-actress-sarah-bernhardt-in-fedra-phedre-by-racine-attrice-teatro-theater-diva-divina-vamp-belle-epoque-archivio-gbb-image539221333.html
RM2P97J8N–The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA ( PHEDRE ) by RACINE - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE ---- Archivio GBB
Illustration for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Reinier Vinkeles (I), 1771 print Theseus and two women mourn the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car with which Hippolytos crashed, and in the background the bull and the restless horses. Amsterdam paper etching / engraving (story of) Hippolytus. accident with animal-drawn vehicle. horse. ox Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/illustration-for-jean-baptiste-racine-fedra-1770-reinier-vinkeles-i-1771-print-theseus-and-two-women-mourn-the-dead-body-of-hippolytos-in-the-foreground-a-part-of-the-fallen-car-with-which-hippolytos-crashed-and-in-the-background-the-bull-and-the-restless-horses-amsterdam-paper-etching-engraving-story-of-hippolytus-accident-with-animal-drawn-vehicle-horse-ox-image595167010.html
RM2WG85GJ–Illustration for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Reinier Vinkeles (I), 1771 print Theseus and two women mourn the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car with which Hippolytos crashed, and in the background the bull and the restless horses. Amsterdam paper etching / engraving (story of) Hippolytus. accident with animal-drawn vehicle. horse. ox
The celebrated french actress SARAH BERNHARDT ( Paris 1844 - 1923 ) in Phèdre by RACINE - ATTRICE - TEATRO DRAMMATICO - THEATER - BELLE EPOQUE - FEDRA - THEATRE ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-celebrated-french-actress-sarah-bernhardt-paris-1844-1923-in-phdre-by-racine-attrice-teatro-drammatico-theater-belle-epoque-fedra-theatre-archivio-gbb-image527070654.html
RM2NHE3YX–The celebrated french actress SARAH BERNHARDT ( Paris 1844 - 1923 ) in Phèdre by RACINE - ATTRICE - TEATRO DRAMMATICO - THEATER - BELLE EPOQUE - FEDRA - THEATRE ---- Archivio GBB
. Capellani Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 480 Phaedra (Bakst) 11 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/capellani-projet-de-costume-pour-fedra-collection-centre-pompidou-1923-bakst-480-phaedra-bakst-11-image187926787.html
RMMWMPEY–. Capellani Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 480 Phaedra (Bakst) 11
The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA ( PHEDRE ) by RACINE , Hearst Greek Theatre at University of California, Berkeley , California , May 17, 1906 , Act 3 - attrice - TEATRO all'aperto - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE - arena - Amphitheaters - ANFITEATRO ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-french-most-celebrated-theatre-actress-sarah-bernhardt-in-fedra-phedre-by-racine-hearst-greek-theatre-at-university-of-california-berkeley-california-may-17-1906-act-3-attrice-teatro-allaperto-theater-diva-divina-vamp-belle-epoque-arena-amphitheaters-anfiteatro-archivio-gbb-image539222112.html
RM2P97K8G–The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT , in FEDRA ( PHEDRE ) by RACINE , Hearst Greek Theatre at University of California, Berkeley , California , May 17, 1906 , Act 3 - attrice - TEATRO all'aperto - THEATER - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - BELLE EPOQUE - arena - Amphitheaters - ANFITEATRO ---- Archivio GBB
The Roman Phaedra Hippolytus Sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd c., Antiquity, Camposanto Monumentale, Miracles Square, Piazza dei Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-roman-phaedra-hippolytus-sarcophagus-sarcofago-romano-fedra-e-ippolito-2nd-c-antiquity-camposanto-monumentale-miracles-square-piazza-dei-image559665342.html
RM2REEXRX–The Roman Phaedra Hippolytus Sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd c., Antiquity, Camposanto Monumentale, Miracles Square, Piazza dei
The french playwriter and dramatist JEAN RACINE ( 1639 - 1699 ) , author of : ANDROMAQUE ( Andromaca ) , BRITANNICUS , IPHIGENIE ( Ifigenia ) , PHEDRE ( Fedra ) , ESTHER , ATHALIE and PLAIDEURS . Engraving portrait . - LETTERATO - SCRITTORE - LETTERATURA - Literature - drammaturgo - TEATRO - THEATRE - commediografo - parrucca - wig - curls - boccoli - riccioli - rouches ---- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-french-playwriter-and-dramatist-jean-racine-1639-1699-author-of-andromaque-andromaca-britannicus-iphigenie-ifigenia-phedre-fedra-esther-athalie-and-plaideurs-engraving-portrait-letterato-scrittore-letteratura-literature-drammaturgo-teatro-theatre-commediografo-parrucca-wig-curls-boccoli-riccioli-rouches-archivio-gbb-image537523862.html
RM2P6E94P–The french playwriter and dramatist JEAN RACINE ( 1639 - 1699 ) , author of : ANDROMAQUE ( Andromaca ) , BRITANNICUS , IPHIGENIE ( Ifigenia ) , PHEDRE ( Fedra ) , ESTHER , ATHALIE and PLAIDEURS . Engraving portrait . - LETTERATO - SCRITTORE - LETTERATURA - Literature - drammaturgo - TEATRO - THEATRE - commediografo - parrucca - wig - curls - boccoli - riccioli - rouches ---- Archivio GBB
Milan, Parabiago, Italy. 01st Feb, 2020. Milan, Parabiago Italy Isabella Ferrari godmother of DONNE IN CANTO 2020 with the recital FEDRA by Ghiannis Ritsos In the photo: Isabella Ferrari Credit: Independent Photo Agency/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/milan-parabiago-italy-01st-feb-2020-milan-parabiago-italy-isabella-ferrari-godmother-of-donne-in-canto-2020-with-the-recital-fedra-by-ghiannis-ritsos-in-the-photo-isabella-ferrari-credit-independent-photo-agencyalamy-live-news-image342125174.html
RM2ATH446–Milan, Parabiago, Italy. 01st Feb, 2020. Milan, Parabiago Italy Isabella Ferrari godmother of DONNE IN CANTO 2020 with the recital FEDRA by Ghiannis Ritsos In the photo: Isabella Ferrari Credit: Independent Photo Agency/Alamy Live News
1894 , Paris , FRANCE : The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT ( 1844 - 1923 ) in PHEDRE ( Fedra ) by RACINE, portrait by Paul NADAR , Paris - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - THEATRE - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - ART NOUVEAU - THEATRE - BELLE EPOQUE - pearls - perla - perle - velo - veil - HISTORY - costume di scena ----- Archivio GBB Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/1894-paris-france-the-french-most-celebrated-theatre-actress-sarah-bernhardt-1844-1923-in-phedre-fedra-by-racine-portrait-by-paul-nadar-paris-attrice-teatro-theater-theatre-diva-divina-vamp-art-nouveau-theatre-belle-epoque-pearls-perla-perle-velo-veil-history-costume-di-scena-archivio-gbb-image541231255.html
RM2PCF5YK–1894 , Paris , FRANCE : The french most celebrated theatre actress SARAH BERNHARDT ( 1844 - 1923 ) in PHEDRE ( Fedra ) by RACINE, portrait by Paul NADAR , Paris - attrice - TEATRO - THEATER - THEATRE - DIVA - DIVINA - VAMP - ART NOUVEAU - THEATRE - BELLE EPOQUE - pearls - perla - perle - velo - veil - HISTORY - costume di scena ----- Archivio GBB
particolare da “ Fedra e Nutrice “ - affresco - Pompei, Casa del Giasone, cubicolo, parete sud - I sec. d.C. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/particolare-da-fedra-e-nutrice-affresco-pompei-casa-del-giasone-cubicolo-parete-sud-i-sec-dc-image502107706.html
RF2M4TYE2–particolare da “ Fedra e Nutrice “ - affresco - Pompei, Casa del Giasone, cubicolo, parete sud - I sec. d.C.
Fedra Aldana Luna Sambran of Argentina competing in the 5000m heats on day five at the World Athletics Championships at the National Athletics Centre Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/fedra-aldana-luna-sambran-of-argentina-competing-in-the-5000m-heats-on-day-five-at-the-world-athletics-championships-at-the-national-athletics-centre-image566454200.html
RF2RWG634–Fedra Aldana Luna Sambran of Argentina competing in the 5000m heats on day five at the World Athletics Championships at the National Athletics Centre
Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid Featuring: Lolita Flores Where: Madrid, Spain When: 12 Sep 2018 Credit: Oscar Gonzalez/WENN.com Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/lolita-flores-during-the-fedra-performance-at-the-teatro-la-latina-in-madrid-featuring-lolita-flores-where-madrid-spain-when-12-sep-2018-credit-oscar-gonzalezwenncom-image222126470.html
RMPWAMG6–Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid Featuring: Lolita Flores Where: Madrid, Spain When: 12 Sep 2018 Credit: Oscar Gonzalez/WENN.com
the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto) Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/the-actress-lolita-flores-during-the-fedra-performance-at-the-teatro-la-latina-in-madrid-spain-september-12-2018-photo-by-oscar-gonzaleznurphoto-image488674470.html
RM2KB117J–the actress Lolita Flores during the FEDRA performance at the Teatro La Latina in Madrid. Spain. September 12, 2018 (Photo by Oscar Gonzalez/NurPhoto)
Phaedra, Cretan princess, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, sister of Ariadne, and wife of Theseus, king of Athens. Head of a woman with her hair tied up in a simple band from a bronze medal. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Etienne Picart after Giovanni Angelo Canini from Iconografia, cioe disegni d'imagini de famosissimi monarchi, regi, filososi, poeti ed oratori dell' Antichita, Drawings of images of famous monarchs, kings, philosophers, poets and orators of Antiquity, Ignatio deLazari, Rome, 1699. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/phaedra-cretan-princess-daughter-of-minos-and-pasiphae-sister-of-ariadne-and-wife-of-theseus-king-of-athens-head-of-a-woman-with-her-hair-tied-up-in-a-simple-band-from-a-bronze-medal-fedra-copperplate-engraving-by-etienne-picart-after-giovanni-angelo-canini-from-iconografia-cioe-disegni-dimagini-de-famosissimi-monarchi-regi-filososi-poeti-ed-oratori-dell-antichita-drawings-of-images-of-famous-monarchs-kings-philosophers-poets-and-orators-of-antiquity-ignatio-delazari-rome-1699-image571811409.html
RM2T68781–Phaedra, Cretan princess, daughter of Minos and Pasiphae, sister of Ariadne, and wife of Theseus, king of Athens. Head of a woman with her hair tied up in a simple band from a bronze medal. Fedra. Copperplate engraving by Etienne Picart after Giovanni Angelo Canini from Iconografia, cioe disegni d'imagini de famosissimi monarchi, regi, filososi, poeti ed oratori dell' Antichita, Drawings of images of famous monarchs, kings, philosophers, poets and orators of Antiquity, Ignatio deLazari, Rome, 1699.
Sgt. Fedra Toy, an El Paso, Texas, native and a medic with 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, trains with Staff Sgt. Aaron Martinez, a native of Des Moines, Iowa, and a combatives instructor with 4th BCT, 1st Armd. Div. during boxing night, Sept. 16, at the Sprung Fitness Center at Contingency Operating Base Adder. Soldiers strike at Adder fights 208355 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-sgt-fedra-toy-an-el-paso-texas-native-and-a-medic-with-4th-brigade-129475724.html
RMHEJ3H0–Sgt. Fedra Toy, an El Paso, Texas, native and a medic with 4th Brigade Combat Team, 1st Armored Division, trains with Staff Sgt. Aaron Martinez, a native of Des Moines, Iowa, and a combatives instructor with 4th BCT, 1st Armd. Div. during boxing night, Sept. 16, at the Sprung Fitness Center at Contingency Operating Base Adder. Soldiers strike at Adder fights 208355
Italy, Lazio, Rome, Roman Archaeology, underground of Basilica St. Clemente - Sarcophagus with Phaedra and Hippolytus Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/italy-lazio-rome-roman-archaeology-underground-of-basilica-st-clemente-sarcophagus-with-phaedra-and-hippolytus-image240408672.html
RMRY3FM0–Italy, Lazio, Rome, Roman Archaeology, underground of Basilica St. Clemente - Sarcophagus with Phaedra and Hippolytus
Roman fresco depicting Phaedra, tormented by the unrequited love of his stepson Hippolytus, delivers a letter in which he accuses him and what will lead to his death. House of Jason (20-25). Pompeii. National Archaeological Museum. Naples. Italy. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/stock-image-roman-fresco-depicting-phaedra-tormented-by-the-unrequited-love-of-168624652.html
RMKP9ED0–Roman fresco depicting Phaedra, tormented by the unrequited love of his stepson Hippolytus, delivers a letter in which he accuses him and what will lead to his death. House of Jason (20-25). Pompeii. National Archaeological Museum. Naples. Italy.
Agrigento, Sicily (Italy): detail view of the marble sarcophagus inside of the Cathedral of San Gerlando Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/agrigento-sicily-italy-detail-view-of-the-marble-sarcophagus-inside-of-the-cathedral-of-san-gerlando-image474467802.html
RM2JFWTEJ–Agrigento, Sicily (Italy): detail view of the marble sarcophagus inside of the Cathedral of San Gerlando
Title page for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Theseus and two women grieve at the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car that killed Hippolytos, and in the background the bull and the troubled horses, (story of) Hippolytus, accident with animal-drawn vehicle, horse, ox, Reinier Vinkeles (I) (mentioned on object), Amsterdam, paper, engraving, h 141 mm × w 90 mm, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Photography inspired by futurism, embracing dynamic energy of mo Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/title-page-for-jean-baptiste-racine-fedra-1770-theseus-and-two-women-grieve-at-the-dead-body-of-hippolytos-in-the-foreground-a-part-of-the-fallen-car-that-killed-hippolytos-and-in-the-background-the-bull-and-the-troubled-horses-story-of-hippolytus-accident-with-animal-drawn-vehicle-horse-ox-reinier-vinkeles-i-mentioned-on-object-amsterdam-paper-engraving-h-141-mm-w-90-mm-reimagined-by-gibon-design-of-warm-cheerful-glowing-of-brightness-and-light-rays-radiance-classic-art-reinvented-with-a-modern-twist-photography-inspired-by-futurism-embracing-dynamic-energy-of-mo-image350009335.html
RF2B9C8DB–Title page for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Theseus and two women grieve at the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car that killed Hippolytos, and in the background the bull and the troubled horses, (story of) Hippolytus, accident with animal-drawn vehicle, horse, ox, Reinier Vinkeles (I) (mentioned on object), Amsterdam, paper, engraving, h 141 mm × w 90 mm, Reimagined by Gibon, design of warm cheerful glowing of brightness and light rays radiance. Classic art reinvented with a modern twist. Photography inspired by futurism, embracing dynamic energy of mo
Collier's new encyclopedia : a loose-leaf and self-revising reference work ..with 515 illustrations and ninety-six maps . reement of Rapollo. He was the authorof many successful plays. Notable areThe Dead City) (1898); La Gioconda(1898); Francesca da Rimini (1901);Junos Daughter (1904); Fedra(1909). His later fiction includesNovella della Pescara (1902); LeChevrefeuille (1913), etc. DANTE, ALIGHIERI (danta a-le.ge-are), the greatest of Italian poets;born in Florence about the end of May,1265, of a family belonging to the lowernobility. His education was confided tothe learned Brunetto Latini. Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/colliers-new-encyclopedia-a-loose-leaf-and-self-revising-reference-work-with-515-illustrations-and-ninety-six-maps-reement-of-rapollo-he-was-the-authorof-many-successful-plays-notable-arethe-dead-city-1898-la-gioconda1898-francesca-da-rimini-1901junos-daughter-1904-fedra1909-his-later-fiction-includesnovella-della-pescara-1902-lechevrefeuille-1913-etc-dante-alighieri-danta-a-lege-are-the-greatest-of-italian-poetsborn-in-florence-about-the-end-of-may1265-of-a-family-belonging-to-the-lowernobility-his-education-was-confided-tothe-learned-brunetto-latini-image343069025.html
RM2AX4415–Collier's new encyclopedia : a loose-leaf and self-revising reference work ..with 515 illustrations and ninety-six maps . reement of Rapollo. He was the authorof many successful plays. Notable areThe Dead City) (1898); La Gioconda(1898); Francesca da Rimini (1901);Junos Daughter (1904); Fedra(1909). His later fiction includesNovella della Pescara (1902); LeChevrefeuille (1913), etc. DANTE, ALIGHIERI (danta a-le.ge-are), the greatest of Italian poets;born in Florence about the end of May,1265, of a family belonging to the lowernobility. His education was confided tothe learned Brunetto Latini.
Title page for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Reinier Vinkeles (I), 1770 print Theseus and two women mourn the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car with which Hippolytos crashed, and in the background the bull and the restless horses. Amsterdam paper etching / engraving (story of) Hippolytus. accident with animal-drawn vehicle. horse. ox Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/title-page-for-jean-baptiste-racine-fedra-1770-reinier-vinkeles-i-1770-print-theseus-and-two-women-mourn-the-dead-body-of-hippolytos-in-the-foreground-a-part-of-the-fallen-car-with-which-hippolytos-crashed-and-in-the-background-the-bull-and-the-restless-horses-amsterdam-paper-etching-engraving-story-of-hippolytus-accident-with-animal-drawn-vehicle-horse-ox-image595194801.html
RM2WG9D15–Title page for: Jean Baptiste Racine, 'Fedra', 1770, Reinier Vinkeles (I), 1770 print Theseus and two women mourn the dead body of Hippolytos. In the foreground a part of the fallen car with which Hippolytos crashed, and in the background the bull and the restless horses. Amsterdam paper etching / engraving (story of) Hippolytus. accident with animal-drawn vehicle. horse. ox
ANTHONY PERKINS, PHAEDRA, 1962 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/anthony-perkins-phaedra-1962-image240429063.html
. Six Suppliantes Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 419 Phaedra (Bakst) 10 Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/six-suppliantes-projet-de-costume-pour-fedra-collection-centre-pompidou-1923-bakst-419-phaedra-bakst-10-image189171079.html
RMMYNDHY–. Six Suppliantes Projet de costume pour 'Fedra' Collection Centre Pompidou . 1923. Bakst 419 Phaedra (Bakst) 10
Side view, Roman Phaedra Hippolytus sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd c., Antiquity, Camposanto Monumentale, Miracles Square Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/side-view-roman-phaedra-hippolytus-sarcophagus-sarcofago-romano-fedra-e-ippolito-2nd-c-antiquity-camposanto-monumentale-miracles-square-image559665324.html
RM2REEXR8–Side view, Roman Phaedra Hippolytus sarcophagus, Sarcofago romano, Fedra e Ippolito, 2nd c., Antiquity, Camposanto Monumentale, Miracles Square
Tommaso Inghirami, 1470 – 1516, a Renaissance humanist and orator Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/tommaso-inghirami-1470-1516-a-renaissance-humanist-and-orator-image441293822.html
RM2GHXJNJ–Tommaso Inghirami, 1470 – 1516, a Renaissance humanist and orator
Milan, Parabiago, Italy. 01st Feb, 2020. Milan, Parabiago Italy Isabella Ferrari godmother of DONNE IN CANTO 2020 with the recital FEDRA by Ghiannis Ritsos In the photo: Isabella Ferrari Credit: Independent Photo Agency/Alamy Live News Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/milan-parabiago-italy-01st-feb-2020-milan-parabiago-italy-isabella-ferrari-godmother-of-donne-in-canto-2020-with-the-recital-fedra-by-ghiannis-ritsos-in-the-photo-isabella-ferrari-credit-independent-photo-agencyalamy-live-news-image342124963.html
RM2ATH3TK–Milan, Parabiago, Italy. 01st Feb, 2020. Milan, Parabiago Italy Isabella Ferrari godmother of DONNE IN CANTO 2020 with the recital FEDRA by Ghiannis Ritsos In the photo: Isabella Ferrari Credit: Independent Photo Agency/Alamy Live News