Nov. 27, 1972 - Roger Grenier won the Prix Feina for his book ''Cine Roman'' which was published by Gallimard, while Maurice Clavel won the Prix Medicis for his book ''Le Tiers des Etoiles' Stock Photo
RME10HH4–Nov. 27, 1972 - Roger Grenier won the Prix Feina for his book ''Cine Roman'' which was published by Gallimard, while Maurice Clavel won the Prix Medicis for his book ''Le Tiers des Etoiles'
La feina ben feta Stock Photo
RMKW410N–La feina ben feta
Bildnummer: 53968270 Datum: 22.04.2010 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (100422) -- DOHA, April 22, 2010 (Xinhua) -- On behalf of Chinese director Liu Feina, Wang Jian (R) receives Jury Prize for medium films for Liu s film Yanjing Naxi People during the awarding ceremony of the Aljazeera International Documentary Film Festival in Doha, capital of Qatar, April 22, 2010. The film festival closed here on Thursday. (Xinhua/Chen Shaojin) (gxr) (2)QATAR-DOHA-DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL-CLOSING PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN People Film kbdig xcb 2010 quer o0 Preisträgerin, Trophäe, Objekte, Preisverleihung Verleihu Stock Photo
RM2RK84C1–Bildnummer: 53968270 Datum: 22.04.2010 Copyright: imago/Xinhua (100422) -- DOHA, April 22, 2010 (Xinhua) -- On behalf of Chinese director Liu Feina, Wang Jian (R) receives Jury Prize for medium films for Liu s film Yanjing Naxi People during the awarding ceremony of the Aljazeera International Documentary Film Festival in Doha, capital of Qatar, April 22, 2010. The film festival closed here on Thursday. (Xinhua/Chen Shaojin) (gxr) (2)QATAR-DOHA-DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL-CLOSING PUBLICATIONxNOTxINxCHN People Film kbdig xcb 2010 quer o0 Preisträgerin, Trophäe, Objekte, Preisverleihung Verleihu
Protest of the indignants (spanish revolution) and clashes with police in Barcelona near the Catalan Parliament, Parc Ciutadella Stock Photo
RMCFDGB3–Protest of the indignants (spanish revolution) and clashes with police in Barcelona near the Catalan Parliament, Parc Ciutadella
. Bestioles amiques per Affonso Lopes-Vieiva; I. Ribera- Rovira; Farran Maristany; . 67/ BESTIOLES AMIGUES I al pobre gripau, gojósDe la seva feina ingrata,Li diuen lleig, fatigós,I algú el perseguix i el mata! Però les flors, enfadades,Ploren i diuen per fi:— «Ell ens té tan ben guardadesI encara el tracteu així?» Perxò, quan, a mitja nit,El gripau esporuguitPassa i vigila el seu troç,Per consolar-lo, les flors. Amb un xiuxiueig dabella. Li diuen maco, a lorella... 69. 71 Els OCE.11S Stock Photo!-per-les-flors-enfadadesploren-i-diuen-per-fi-ell-ens-t-tan-ben-guardadesi-encara-el-tracteu-aix-perx-quan-a-mitja-nitel-gripau-esporuguitpassa-i-vigila-el-seu-troper-consolar-lo-les-flors-amb-un-xiuxiueig-dabella-li-diuen-maco-a-lorella-69-71-els-oce11s-image374732774.html
RM2CNJFDA–. Bestioles amiques per Affonso Lopes-Vieiva; I. Ribera- Rovira; Farran Maristany; . 67/ BESTIOLES AMIGUES I al pobre gripau, gojósDe la seva feina ingrata,Li diuen lleig, fatigós,I algú el perseguix i el mata! Però les flors, enfadades,Ploren i diuen per fi:— «Ell ens té tan ben guardadesI encara el tracteu així?» Perxò, quan, a mitja nit,El gripau esporuguitPassa i vigila el seu troç,Per consolar-lo, les flors. Amb un xiuxiueig dabella. Li diuen maco, a lorella... 69. 71 Els OCE.11S
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HWX–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
. Papitu . s, però tenien bon humor. Sobre totquan lOctavi comensà a guanyarse bè la vida correntcotons. Aleshores en Lluis se consagrà ja de plè al artde la pintura y lOctavi actuà de Mecenes. Més enLluis no volia servir de càrrega. Barcelona es moltgran. Y en Lluis travallà, escandellà, intrigà, conse-guint que li encarreguessin feina seguida, marines aquinze pessetes. Solució divina! Cercaren una apacibledispesa y en Lluis llogà un taller; per primera provi-dencia hi entraren dues automanes; després els altresaparells de pintura. Eren felissos. Bevien cervesa en el Petit Pelayo,ballaven cad Stock Photo!-cercaren-una-apacibledispesa-y-en-lluis-llog-un-taller-per-primera-provi-dencia-hi-entraren-dues-automanes-desprs-els-altresaparells-de-pintura-eren-felissos-bevien-cervesa-en-el-petit-pelayoballaven-cad-image369658863.html
RM2CDBBJ7–. Papitu . s, però tenien bon humor. Sobre totquan lOctavi comensà a guanyarse bè la vida correntcotons. Aleshores en Lluis se consagrà ja de plè al artde la pintura y lOctavi actuà de Mecenes. Més enLluis no volia servir de càrrega. Barcelona es moltgran. Y en Lluis travallà, escandellà, intrigà, conse-guint que li encarreguessin feina seguida, marines aquinze pessetes. Solució divina! Cercaren una apacibledispesa y en Lluis llogà un taller; per primera provi-dencia hi entraren dues automanes; després els altresaparells de pintura. Eren felissos. Bevien cervesa en el Petit Pelayo,ballaven cad
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HTJ–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
. Papitu . s com sescau la feina, de bon matí, avans de clarejarres presenta a casa seva, es muda, senclenxina y sen va aguerrejar amb els cunills. AUavors devé un mal esperit. Sense hàbcr de mantenirgossos te tots els que vol. En el turó més proper al veinatenjega lescopeta enlaire llensant un udol de gosses que faestremir els gamarussos dins les caborques dels suros mile-naris. Y aqueix udol lallarga, el repeteix, el modula, el fadesesperat com un toc de somatén fins quarreplega la mésbrillant canilla ques pugui imaginar. Quan te reunidaaquella facció de voluntaris parteix vers les afraus mé Stock Photo
RM2CDA8PT–. Papitu . s com sescau la feina, de bon matí, avans de clarejarres presenta a casa seva, es muda, senclenxina y sen va aguerrejar amb els cunills. AUavors devé un mal esperit. Sense hàbcr de mantenirgossos te tots els que vol. En el turó més proper al veinatenjega lescopeta enlaire llensant un udol de gosses que faestremir els gamarussos dins les caborques dels suros mile-naris. Y aqueix udol lallarga, el repeteix, el modula, el fadesesperat com un toc de somatén fins quarreplega la mésbrillant canilla ques pugui imaginar. Quan te reunidaaquella facció de voluntaris parteix vers les afraus mé
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HWB–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
. Papitu . ELS «BULL-DOGS. —Aristòcrata aquet xlmolet? Ja no mhauria saludat tant afablement. ^•v Acort perfecte — Oh! senyor Martí! Quant temps sense veurel. — Ja ho pot ben dir. He passat una temporada queno mhe entès de feina. — Vostè sempre enfeinat. Es lo que dic jo; el se»nyor Martí no senten de feina. — Creguim qués un malament. Sinó qués allò quediem: quan un té fills y esposa, ho ha de fer. —Es una vritat; quan un te fills y esposa ho hade fer. — Què shi farà. Ben mirat, també si no fos el tre-vall, la vida seria mol aburrida. — Y tal, figuris, una vida sense trevall. Jo ja hoveig, ha Stock Photo!-senyor-mart!-quant-temps-sense-veurel-ja-ho-pot-ben-dir-he-passat-una-temporada-queno-mhe-ents-de-feina-vost-sempre-enfeinat-es-lo-que-dic-jo-el-senyor-mart-no-senten-de-feina-creguim-qus-un-malament-sin-qus-all-quediem-quan-un-t-fills-y-esposa-ho-ha-de-fer-es-una-vritat-quan-un-te-fills-y-esposa-ho-hade-fer-qu-shi-far-ben-mirat-tamb-si-no-fos-el-tre-vall-la-vida-seria-mol-aburrida-y-tal-figuris-una-vida-sense-trevall-jo-ja-hoveig-ha-image370140630.html
RM2CE5A46–. Papitu . ELS «BULL-DOGS. —Aristòcrata aquet xlmolet? Ja no mhauria saludat tant afablement. ^•v Acort perfecte — Oh! senyor Martí! Quant temps sense veurel. — Ja ho pot ben dir. He passat una temporada queno mhe entès de feina. — Vostè sempre enfeinat. Es lo que dic jo; el se»nyor Martí no senten de feina. — Creguim qués un malament. Sinó qués allò quediem: quan un té fills y esposa, ho ha de fer. —Es una vritat; quan un te fills y esposa ho hade fer. — Què shi farà. Ben mirat, també si no fos el tre-vall, la vida seria mol aburrida. — Y tal, figuris, una vida sense trevall. Jo ja hoveig, ha
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HTY–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HR5–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
. Arthur and Fritz Kahn Collection 1889-1932. Kahn, Fritz 1888-1968; Kahn, Arthur David 1850-1928; Natural history illustrators; Natural history. »â ^ iihuMJi^. 31k[l[[(rW(à #(EiiUIl(Ãtoi»3B^ätojj(g kir j,3illäWm f (r^p^^ §eraiiÃcjegeben oon S'Jad) einer lüal^rcn SecjeOenfjeit. Hur ein 90115 bcfonöercs Ereignis, 6as alle (5cmüter erregte, fontiic 6ie beiSen nad)barinncn unö 2Io6fein6inncn <Ãiltc fiüpein un6 Ked)Ie SprniMing reranlaffcn, 5U glcidjer ^cit an 6en offenen ;Jenftern iljrer ^egenüberliegenben ^äufer 5U erfd?einen. 3" ^^^ 9an5en 3w^^"9cntge feinöfdjaften unt Stock Photo
RMRK1CBT–. Arthur and Fritz Kahn Collection 1889-1932. Kahn, Fritz 1888-1968; Kahn, Arthur David 1850-1928; Natural history illustrators; Natural history. »â ^ iihuMJi^. 31k[l[[(rW(à #(EiiUIl(Ãtoi»3B^ätojj(g kir j,3illäWm f (r^p^^ §eraiiÃcjegeben oon S'Jad) einer lüal^rcn SecjeOenfjeit. Hur ein 90115 bcfonöercs Ereignis, 6as alle (5cmüter erregte, fontiic 6ie beiSen nad)barinncn unö 2Io6fein6inncn <Ãiltc fiüpein un6 Ked)Ie SprniMing reranlaffcn, 5U glcidjer ^cit an 6en offenen ;Jenftern iljrer ^egenüberliegenben ^äufer 5U erfd?einen. 3" ^^^ 9an5en 3w^^"9cntge feinöfdjaften unt
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HRC–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HPR–Chef Toni Sala and his team in the kitchen of the Fonda Sala. This restaurant was awarded with a Michelin star (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Interpretation center of the Collbató oil mill. Hydraulic pump from the 1930s (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2WJRD06–Interpretation center of the Collbató oil mill. Hydraulic pump from the 1930s (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Secador de fuets en Cataluña Stock Photo
RM2G79HK8–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Secador de fuets en Cataluña
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Secador de fuets en Cataluña Stock Photo
RM2G79HJX–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Secador de fuets en Cataluña
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F7E–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F78–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EN9–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79ENT–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79ET9–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GXA–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F5P–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd with his sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees. Meadows near Olost (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79FYD–A shepherd with his sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees. Meadows near Olost (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Spain)
Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. Various mill tools (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia Spain) ESP: Centro de interpretación molino Collbató Stock Photo
RM2WJRCW4–Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. Various mill tools (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia Spain) ESP: Centro de interpretación molino Collbató
Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2WJRD1F–Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2WJRCW3–Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2WJRD1D–Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2WJRD1C–Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GFM–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GFW–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GF7–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GCN–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GK0–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79HF9–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GD3–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HNB–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HPK–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HN1–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HMJ–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79HMC–Catalan fuet dryer at the Embotits Vilardaga company in Alpens, Lluçanès, with Josep Vilardaga (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FFN–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F2C–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F24–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EMA–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EMM–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd with his sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees. Meadows near Olost (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79FRK–A shepherd with his sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees. Meadows near Olost (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79ETN–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F2J–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79ETW–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EG4–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EGC–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EP3–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EXE–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EG9–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Shop and workshop of the Forn Borràs bakery, in Esparreguera (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Tienda y obrador de una panadería Stock Photo
RM2WC0T7T–Shop and workshop of the Forn Borràs bakery, in Esparreguera (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Tienda y obrador de una panadería
Shop and workshop of the Forn Borràs bakery, in Esparreguera (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Tienda y obrador de una panadería Stock Photo
RM2WC0T7P–Shop and workshop of the Forn Borràs bakery, in Esparreguera (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Tienda y obrador de una panadería
Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2WJRCW1–Collbató Oil Mill Interpretation Center. In the photo, an old traditional animal-drawn mill (Baix Llobregat, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Long pork sausages (longaniza) and cold meat (fuet) in a pork butcher's in Prats de Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Embutidos Stock Photo
RM2HHYYPJ–Long pork sausages (longaniza) and cold meat (fuet) in a pork butcher's in Prats de Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Embutidos
Long pork sausages (longaniza) and cold meat (fuet) in a pork butcher's in Prats de Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Embutidos Stock Photo
RM2HHYYKX–Long pork sausages (longaniza) and cold meat (fuet) in a pork butcher's in Prats de Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Embutidos
Long pork sausages (longaniza) and cold meat (fuet) in a pork butcher's in Prats de Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Embutidos Stock Photo
RM2HHYYKB–Long pork sausages (longaniza) and cold meat (fuet) in a pork butcher's in Prats de Lluçanès (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) ESP: Embutidos
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GMG–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GBY–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79HFP–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79G8Y–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GC3–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79G6J–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79HGP–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79GFD–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79G9G–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79HG8–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain Stock Photo
RM2G79G97–Cal Pujals bakery in Sant Boi de Lluçanès, one of the few bakeries with a wood-fired oven. Sergi Pla is preparing the cakes, brioches and bread, Spain
Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79TAM–Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79T8H–Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79T8W–Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79T96–Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79T91–Orchard of Les Vinyes farmhouse in Lluçanès, where a permaculture project is practiced (Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EH8–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FHN–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep in Santa Creu de Jutglar during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79FKR–A shepherd and his flock of sheep in Santa Creu de Jutglar during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FHG–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EGT–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees, passing through Beulaigua village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79FA5–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees, passing through Beulaigua village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FFB–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep in Santa Creu de Jutglar during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79FJG–A shepherd and his flock of sheep in Santa Creu de Jutglar during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EFC–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FF9–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FF3–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79ED6–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia) Stock Photo
RM2G79FHP–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance towards the Pyrenees. Passing through Olost village (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79EY9–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F5M–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain) Stock Photo
RM2G79F5J–A shepherd and his flock of sheep during the transhumance between inland Catalonia and the Pyrenees (Lluçanès, Osona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain)
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