. Elements of geology, or, The ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geological monuments. Geology. Ch. XIV.] MIOCENE STRATA OF BELGIUM. 237 Koninck. Among them Leda (or Nucula) Deshayesiana (see fig. 170) is by far the most abundant; a fossil unknown as yet in the Fig. 170.. Leda Desliayesiana. Nyst. Syn. Nucula Deshayesiana. English tertiary strata, but when young resembling Leda amygdaloides of the London clay proper (see fig. 256 p. 294). Among other char- acteristic shells are Pecten Hoeninyhausii, and a species of Cassidaria, and several of the genus Pleuroto Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/elements-of-geology-or-the-ancient-changes-of-the-earth-and-its-inhabitants-as-illustrated-by-geological-monuments-geology-ch-xiv-miocene-strata-of-belgium-237-koninck-among-them-leda-or-nucula-deshayesiana-see-fig-170-is-by-far-the-most-abundant-a-fossil-unknown-as-yet-in-the-fig-170-leda-desliayesiana-nyst-syn-nucula-deshayesiana-english-tertiary-strata-but-when-young-resembling-leda-amygdaloides-of-the-london-clay-proper-see-fig-256-p-294-among-other-char-acteristic-shells-are-pecten-hoeninyhausii-and-a-species-of-cassidaria-and-several-of-the-genus-pleuroto-image231469077.html
RMRCG94N–. Elements of geology, or, The ancient changes of the earth and its inhabitants as illustrated by geological monuments. Geology. Ch. XIV.] MIOCENE STRATA OF BELGIUM. 237 Koninck. Among them Leda (or Nucula) Deshayesiana (see fig. 170) is by far the most abundant; a fossil unknown as yet in the Fig. 170.. Leda Desliayesiana. Nyst. Syn. Nucula Deshayesiana. English tertiary strata, but when young resembling Leda amygdaloides of the London clay proper (see fig. 256 p. 294). Among other char- acteristic shells are Pecten Hoeninyhausii, and a species of Cassidaria, and several of the genus Pleuroto