Director of the CIA, George H.W. Bush (who would later be the 41st President of the United States), on June 17, 1976 listening intently during a meeting following the assassinations in Beirut, Lebanon of U.S. diplomats Francis E. Meloy, Jr. and Robert O. Waring. Stock Photo
RMR65P7E–Director of the CIA, George H.W. Bush (who would later be the 41st President of the United States), on June 17, 1976 listening intently during a meeting following the assassinations in Beirut, Lebanon of U.S. diplomats Francis E. Meloy, Jr. and Robert O. Waring.
The Tilson genealogy from Edmond Tilson at Plymouth, N.E., 1638 to 1911; with brief sketches of the family in England back to 1066Also brief account of Waterman, Murdock, Bartlett [and other] families, allied with the parents of the author . uation. In Feb., 1880, he went to Memphis, Tenn.,and had charge of certain portions of the Waring system of sewer-age, under Col. George E. Waring, Jr. In Aug., 1880, he went toKalamazoo, Mich., where he made plans for a system of seweragefor that city, and superintended the construction of the same in1881. In Oct. of 1881 he went to Omaha, Neb., and had c Stock Photo
RM2AM5PJW–The Tilson genealogy from Edmond Tilson at Plymouth, N.E., 1638 to 1911; with brief sketches of the family in England back to 1066Also brief account of Waterman, Murdock, Bartlett [and other] families, allied with the parents of the author . uation. In Feb., 1880, he went to Memphis, Tenn.,and had charge of certain portions of the Waring system of sewer-age, under Col. George E. Waring, Jr. In Aug., 1880, he went toKalamazoo, Mich., where he made plans for a system of seweragefor that city, and superintended the construction of the same in1881. In Oct. of 1881 he went to Omaha, Neb., and had c
CAIRMEYER & SA YER 93 Liberty St. N. Y. STEAM PUMPS. STE AM ENGINES. The George Place Machinery Agency Pond's Tools HOLLO W SPINDLE LATHE. Baker Rotary Pressure Blower. WILBRAHAM BROS. 2818 Frankford Ave. $2500 PATENTS SOLD. LOFTS TO LET WITH STEAM POWER. BAILEY'S PATENT Hydrants & Street Washers. Bailey Farrell & Co. PITTSBURG PA. OR SELF-PRESERVATION. RUBBER TypEyinsaebsieofe12t5. PATENT MINERAL WOOL. A. D. ELBERS The Umiiire Measuring Jar. Agents Wanted. GEO. E. WARING Jr. Eureka Safety Power. Machinery of Every Description. BEAMS &GIRDERS We Employ no Agents or Canvassers. Plates sent by Stock Photo
RM2ABWHK3–CAIRMEYER & SA YER 93 Liberty St. N. Y. STEAM PUMPS. STE AM ENGINES. The George Place Machinery Agency Pond's Tools HOLLO W SPINDLE LATHE. Baker Rotary Pressure Blower. WILBRAHAM BROS. 2818 Frankford Ave. $2500 PATENTS SOLD. LOFTS TO LET WITH STEAM POWER. BAILEY'S PATENT Hydrants & Street Washers. Bailey Farrell & Co. PITTSBURG PA. OR SELF-PRESERVATION. RUBBER TypEyinsaebsieofe12t5. PATENT MINERAL WOOL. A. D. ELBERS The Umiiire Measuring Jar. Agents Wanted. GEO. E. WARING Jr. Eureka Safety Power. Machinery of Every Description. BEAMS &GIRDERS We Employ no Agents or Canvassers. Plates sent by
A manual of practical hygiene for students, physicians, and health officers . Siphon jet closet. Another form of siphon closet, which acts without the assistance of ajet is known as the Bececo. This is a very simple and efficient fixture,invented by the late Colonel George E. Waring, Jr. The receiver isvery deep, and maintains several inches of seal. The apparatus isTo assist in charging the siphon, a weir-chamber, shown in Fig. 83.Fig. 83. Fig. 84.. Dececo closet. Sanitas closet. situated below the receiver and just beneath the floor, is employed.Wlion the Hush is set in action, the water in Stock Photo
RM2AKCE47–A manual of practical hygiene for students, physicians, and health officers . Siphon jet closet. Another form of siphon closet, which acts without the assistance of ajet is known as the Bececo. This is a very simple and efficient fixture,invented by the late Colonel George E. Waring, Jr. The receiver isvery deep, and maintains several inches of seal. The apparatus isTo assist in charging the siphon, a weir-chamber, shown in Fig. 83.Fig. 83. Fig. 84.. Dececo closet. Sanitas closet. situated below the receiver and just beneath the floor, is employed.Wlion the Hush is set in action, the water in
A manual of practical hygiene for students, physicians, and health officers . iori hcfonicHth(!r(!hy hrokcii. llic. jiltcr-liiish rais(!M the vvat<;r level again to ilHoriginal poinl. Fkj. 82.. Siphon jet closet. Another form of siphon closet, which acts without the assistance of ajet is known as the Bececo. This is a very simple and efficient fixture,invented by the late Colonel George E. Waring, Jr. The receiver isvery deep, and maintains several inches of seal. The apparatus isTo assist in charging the siphon, a weir-chamber, shown in Fig. 83.Fig. 83. Fig. 84. Stock Photo!r!hy-hrokcii-llic-jiltcr-liiish-rais!m-the-vvatltr-level-again-to-ilhoriginal-poinl-fkj-82-siphon-jet-closet-another-form-of-siphon-closet-which-acts-without-the-assistance-of-ajet-is-known-as-the-bececo-this-is-a-very-simple-and-efficient-fixtureinvented-by-the-late-colonel-george-e-waring-jr-the-receiver-isvery-deep-and-maintains-several-inches-of-seal-the-apparatus-isto-assist-in-charging-the-siphon-a-weir-chamber-shown-in-fig-83fig-83-fig-84-image338950215.html
RM2AKCECR–A manual of practical hygiene for students, physicians, and health officers . iori hcfonicHth(!r(!hy hrokcii. llic. jiltcr-liiish rais(!M the vvat<;r level again to ilHoriginal poinl. Fkj. 82.. Siphon jet closet. Another form of siphon closet, which acts without the assistance of ajet is known as the Bececo. This is a very simple and efficient fixture,invented by the late Colonel George E. Waring, Jr. The receiver isvery deep, and maintains several inches of seal. The apparatus isTo assist in charging the siphon, a weir-chamber, shown in Fig. 83.Fig. 83. Fig. 84.
. Omaha illustrated : a history of the pioneer period and the Omaha of today embracing reliable statistics and information, with over two hundred illustrations, including prominent buildings, portraits, and sketches of leading citizens . tts,^1 lying his profession, meanwhile. In 1880 he received an appointmentunder Col. George E. Waring, Jr., the celebrated engineer, who at thattime was constructing an entire new system of sewerage for Memphis,Tennessee, which was made necessary lor sanitary reasons because of theterrible visitation of yellow fever thet^^ o previous years. The system atMemphi Stock Photo
RM2CDDN8H–. Omaha illustrated : a history of the pioneer period and the Omaha of today embracing reliable statistics and information, with over two hundred illustrations, including prominent buildings, portraits, and sketches of leading citizens . tts,^1 lying his profession, meanwhile. In 1880 he received an appointmentunder Col. George E. Waring, Jr., the celebrated engineer, who at thattime was constructing an entire new system of sewerage for Memphis,Tennessee, which was made necessary lor sanitary reasons because of theterrible visitation of yellow fever thet^^ o previous years. The system atMemphi
. Frank Leslie's scenes and portraits of the Civil War ... . GENERAL ASBOTH AND STAFF AT THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARK., MARCH 6th-8th, 1862. The gallantry displayed by General Asboth in the victory of Pea Ridge gives great interest to the spirited sketch of himself and staff which wepresent to our readers. Among the officers in the sketch were Acting Brigadier General Albert, Brigade Quartermaster McKay, the young commanderof the Fremont Hussars, Major George E. Waring, Jr., from New York city, formerly major of the Garibaldi Guards, and the generals aids-de-camp,Gillen and Kroll, etc. Among G Stock Photo
RM2CGJ76P–. Frank Leslie's scenes and portraits of the Civil War ... . GENERAL ASBOTH AND STAFF AT THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARK., MARCH 6th-8th, 1862. The gallantry displayed by General Asboth in the victory of Pea Ridge gives great interest to the spirited sketch of himself and staff which wepresent to our readers. Among the officers in the sketch were Acting Brigadier General Albert, Brigade Quartermaster McKay, the young commanderof the Fremont Hussars, Major George E. Waring, Jr., from New York city, formerly major of the Garibaldi Guards, and the generals aids-de-camp,Gillen and Kroll, etc. Among G
. Frank Leslie's scenes and portraits of the Civil War ... . SHIP ISLAND, NEAR THE MOUTH OF THE MISSISSIPPI—UNITED STATES WAR STEAMER MISSISSIPPI FIRING ON A CONFEDERATE STEAMER.. GENERAL ASBOTH AND STAFF AT THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARK., MARCH 6th-8th, 1862. The gallantry displayed by General Asboth in the victory of Pea Ridge gives great interest to the spirited sketch of himself and staff which wepresent to our readers. Among the officers in the sketch were Acting Brigadier General Albert, Brigade Quartermaster McKay, the young commanderof the Fremont Hussars, Major George E. Waring, Jr., f Stock Photo
RM2CGJ771–. Frank Leslie's scenes and portraits of the Civil War ... . SHIP ISLAND, NEAR THE MOUTH OF THE MISSISSIPPI—UNITED STATES WAR STEAMER MISSISSIPPI FIRING ON A CONFEDERATE STEAMER.. GENERAL ASBOTH AND STAFF AT THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE, ARK., MARCH 6th-8th, 1862. The gallantry displayed by General Asboth in the victory of Pea Ridge gives great interest to the spirited sketch of himself and staff which wepresent to our readers. Among the officers in the sketch were Acting Brigadier General Albert, Brigade Quartermaster McKay, the young commanderof the Fremont Hussars, Major George E. Waring, Jr., f
. The photographic history of the Civil War : in ten volumes . GrenvilleM. Dodge, Harrison Gray Otis, and Thomas T. Eckert, whohelped to develop American material resources; together withseveral, such as Henry Watterson, Carl Schurz, George E.Waring, Jr., and Francis A. Walker, whose influence has putmuch of our journalism and public life on a higher plane. As these lines are penned, no less than four Civil War sol-diers—two Union, two Confederate—are serving as membersof the highest American tribunal—the Sujireme Court:—ChiefJustice White and Justice Lurton (Confederate) ; JusticesHarlan and Stock Photo
RM2CJ8RH4–. The photographic history of the Civil War : in ten volumes . GrenvilleM. Dodge, Harrison Gray Otis, and Thomas T. Eckert, whohelped to develop American material resources; together withseveral, such as Henry Watterson, Carl Schurz, George E.Waring, Jr., and Francis A. Walker, whose influence has putmuch of our journalism and public life on a higher plane. As these lines are penned, no less than four Civil War sol-diers—two Union, two Confederate—are serving as membersof the highest American tribunal—the Sujireme Court:—ChiefJustice White and Justice Lurton (Confederate) ; JusticesHarlan and
. The photographic history of the civil war.. . group like GrenvilleM. Dodge, Harrison Gray Otis, and Thomas T. Eckert, whohelped to develop American material resources; together withseveral, such as Henry Watterson, Carl Schurz, George E.Waring, Jr.. and Francis A. Walker, whose influence has putmuch of our journalism and public life on a higher plane. As these lines are penned, no less than four Civil War sol-diers—two Union, two Confederate—are serving as membersof the highest American tribunal—the Supreme Court:—ChiefJustice White and Justice Lurton (Confederate) ; JusticesHarlan and Holme Stock Photo
RM2CGKTN5–. The photographic history of the civil war.. . group like GrenvilleM. Dodge, Harrison Gray Otis, and Thomas T. Eckert, whohelped to develop American material resources; together withseveral, such as Henry Watterson, Carl Schurz, George E.Waring, Jr.. and Francis A. Walker, whose influence has putmuch of our journalism and public life on a higher plane. As these lines are penned, no less than four Civil War sol-diers—two Union, two Confederate—are serving as membersof the highest American tribunal—the Supreme Court:—ChiefJustice White and Justice Lurton (Confederate) ; JusticesHarlan and Holme
. The photographic history of the civil war.. . Brevet Brigadier-General James Grant Wilson,Author nf Addresses on Lincoln, Grant, Hull,Farragut, etc.; President New York Gen. amiBiog. Soc. and of Am. Ethnological Society.. Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., Led aBrigade of Cavalry; Reorganized StreetCleaning System of New York City;Died in Havana, Cuba, Fighting Yel-low Fever. Breve t Brigadier-GeneralFrancis W. Palfrey, Registerin Bankruptcy in 1872; Au-thor of Antietam and Fred-ericksburg in 1882; Authorof Many Scholarly and Im-portant Papers. Lieutenant E. Benjamin An-drews: Wounded at Peters- Stock Photo
RM2CGKW23–. The photographic history of the civil war.. . Brevet Brigadier-General James Grant Wilson,Author nf Addresses on Lincoln, Grant, Hull,Farragut, etc.; President New York Gen. amiBiog. Soc. and of Am. Ethnological Society.. Colonel George E. Waring, Jr., Led aBrigade of Cavalry; Reorganized StreetCleaning System of New York City;Died in Havana, Cuba, Fighting Yel-low Fever. Breve t Brigadier-GeneralFrancis W. Palfrey, Registerin Bankruptcy in 1872; Au-thor of Antietam and Fred-ericksburg in 1882; Authorof Many Scholarly and Im-portant Papers. Lieutenant E. Benjamin An-drews: Wounded at Peters-
. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. BOOK OF THE FARM Or the Handy Book of Husbandry Containing Practical Infor- mation in regard to Buying or Leasing a Farm; Fences and Farm Buildings, Farm- ing Implements, Drainage, Plowing, Subsoiling, Manur- ing, Rotation of Crops, Care and Medical Treatment of the Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry; Manage- ment of the Dairy; Useful Tables, etc. By George E. Waring Jr. of Ogden Farm, author of "Draining For Profit and For Health," etc. New edition, thoroughly revised by the author. With 100 illustrations. 12mo. Size, 5J x 7J inches. 542 pages. Stock Photo
RMRH5N5E–. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. BOOK OF THE FARM Or the Handy Book of Husbandry Containing Practical Infor- mation in regard to Buying or Leasing a Farm; Fences and Farm Buildings, Farm- ing Implements, Drainage, Plowing, Subsoiling, Manur- ing, Rotation of Crops, Care and Medical Treatment of the Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry; Manage- ment of the Dairy; Useful Tables, etc. By George E. Waring Jr. of Ogden Farm, author of "Draining For Profit and For Health," etc. New edition, thoroughly revised by the author. With 100 illustrations. 12mo. Size, 5J x 7J inches. 542 pages.
. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. BOOK OF THE FARM Or the Handy Book of Husbandry Containing Practical Infor- mation in regard to Buying or Leasing a Farm; Fences and Farm Buildings. Farm- ing Implements, Drainage, Plowing, Subsoiling, Manur- ing, Rotation of Crops, Care and Medical Treatment of the Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry; Manage- ment of the Dairy; Useful Tables, etc. By George E. Waring Jr. of Ogden Farm, author of " Draining For Profit and For Health," etc. New p<lii,inn. thoroughly revised by the author. With 100 illustrations. 12mo. Size, 5J x 7* inches. 542 Stock Photo
RMRH7E9R–. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. BOOK OF THE FARM Or the Handy Book of Husbandry Containing Practical Infor- mation in regard to Buying or Leasing a Farm; Fences and Farm Buildings. Farm- ing Implements, Drainage, Plowing, Subsoiling, Manur- ing, Rotation of Crops, Care and Medical Treatment of the Cattle, Horses, Sheep, Swine and Poultry; Manage- ment of the Dairy; Useful Tables, etc. By George E. Waring Jr. of Ogden Farm, author of " Draining For Profit and For Health," etc. New p<lii,inn. thoroughly revised by the author. With 100 illustrations. 12mo. Size, 5J x 7* inches. 542
Past and present of Jasper County, Iowa . andike, W. R. 1232 Van Epps, Harmon V. 946 Van Kampen, Jacob, Jr. 1283 Vanscoy, Milton 1015 Vansice, John M. 1272 Varenkanip, John M. 1044 Veach, James T. 1218 Victoria Sanatorium 681 W Walker, George W 831 Waring, Emal L. 975 Warner, G. H. 650 Watt, William 817 Weaver, Jacob F. 570 Weaver, Gen. James B. 417 Welle, Henry 745 Wells, John P. 1235 Wells, L. A. 587 Wendt, August 478 Westfall, Lee C. 820 Wheatcraft, John 815 Wheeler, Orville A. 860 Wheeler, Vernon S. 999 Whitcomb, Daniel W. 614 Whitehead, Fred 9/0 Whitehead, George G. 1031 Whittaker, John E Stock Photo
RM2AJ5F9X–Past and present of Jasper County, Iowa . andike, W. R. 1232 Van Epps, Harmon V. 946 Van Kampen, Jacob, Jr. 1283 Vanscoy, Milton 1015 Vansice, John M. 1272 Varenkanip, John M. 1044 Veach, James T. 1218 Victoria Sanatorium 681 W Walker, George W 831 Waring, Emal L. 975 Warner, G. H. 650 Watt, William 817 Weaver, Jacob F. 570 Weaver, Gen. James B. 417 Welle, Henry 745 Wells, John P. 1235 Wells, L. A. 587 Wendt, August 478 Westfall, Lee C. 820 Wheatcraft, John 815 Wheeler, Orville A. 860 Wheeler, Vernon S. 999 Whitcomb, Daniel W. 614 Whitehead, Fred 9/0 Whitehead, George G. 1031 Whittaker, John E
. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. JERSEY, ALDERNEY AND GUERNSEY COWS By "Willis P. Hazard. Their History, Nature and Management. Showing how to choose a good cow; how to feed, to manage, to milk and to breed to the most profit. Edited from the writings of Edward P. Fowler, George E. "Waring Jr., Charles L. Sharp- less, Prof. John Gamgee, Fr. Guenon and others. Illustrated with engravings and diagrams, etc. Bound in full cloth. Size, 5| x 8£ inches 81.15. BREEDER AND SPORTSMAN, 36 GEARY ST., S. F.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been Stock Photo
RMRH7DWW–. Breeder and sportsman. Horses. JERSEY, ALDERNEY AND GUERNSEY COWS By "Willis P. Hazard. Their History, Nature and Management. Showing how to choose a good cow; how to feed, to manage, to milk and to breed to the most profit. Edited from the writings of Edward P. Fowler, George E. "Waring Jr., Charles L. Sharp- less, Prof. John Gamgee, Fr. Guenon and others. Illustrated with engravings and diagrams, etc. Bound in full cloth. Size, 5| x 8£ inches 81.15. BREEDER AND SPORTSMAN, 36 GEARY ST., S. F.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been