First Lady Jacqueline Kennedyu0027s (JBK) luncheon for Senatorsu0027 wives. Guests attend a luncheon for senatorsu2019 wives, given by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy in the State Dining Room of the White House, Washington, D.C. Clockwise around table (from top): Alice Saltonstall (wife of Senator Leverett Saltonstall of Massachusetts); Margaret Schwarzenbach Beall (wife of Senator James Beall of Maryland); Katie Malone (wife of Senator George W. Malone of Nevada); three unidentified women; Estelle Cadorette McGrath (wife of former Senator J. Howard McGrath of Rhode Island); Nancy Pigott Kefa Stock Photo
RM2EC26XE–First Lady Jacqueline Kennedyu0027s (JBK) luncheon for Senatorsu0027 wives. Guests attend a luncheon for senatorsu2019 wives, given by First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy in the State Dining Room of the White House, Washington, D.C. Clockwise around table (from top): Alice Saltonstall (wife of Senator Leverett Saltonstall of Massachusetts); Margaret Schwarzenbach Beall (wife of Senator James Beall of Maryland); Katie Malone (wife of Senator George W. Malone of Nevada); three unidentified women; Estelle Cadorette McGrath (wife of former Senator J. Howard McGrath of Rhode Island); Nancy Pigott Kefa
Confederate veterans reunited for group portrait: Crawfordville, Florida Stock Photo
RMD537XM–Confederate veterans reunited for group portrait: Crawfordville, Florida
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