Don't forget to respect the people behind the job. Stock Photo
RFMD01D5–Don't forget to respect the people behind the job.
The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . resultsof the decisions more useful to the Fellows atlarge. Here again the Journal will do goodservice. The work of the committee should belargely based on what is submitted to it as acommittee of reference by the Fellows, and notbe so dependent as it is on the good nature ofindividual members of the committee in bringingor forwarding matters for exhibition and discus-sion. New plants (species) should be submitted to asub-committee of this body with power to availthemselves of outside assistance, and Stock Photo
RM2AKKD98–The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . resultsof the decisions more useful to the Fellows atlarge. Here again the Journal will do goodservice. The work of the committee should belargely based on what is submitted to it as acommittee of reference by the Fellows, and notbe so dependent as it is on the good nature ofindividual members of the committee in bringingor forwarding matters for exhibition and discus-sion. New plants (species) should be submitted to asub-committee of this body with power to availthemselves of outside assistance, and
The Crimson rambler . PRES. H. D. HOOVER, PH. D. (Fraiutngfnr(CtttHrusliivi 115 illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^^ THE 1911 CRIMSON RAMBLER llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllillllllllllM m CARTHAGECOLLEGE 116. HERE are manyreasons wky yousKould make sure ofgetting all wool m yourclotkes. Tkere is noreason wky you skouldpay a kig price to getit wken we will sellyou an all-wool suitfor $10 to $25. ^ You are per fectlysafe in kuymg it, too,kecause witk it you geta guarantee of purewool, lasting skape,good tailoring and goodservice. ^ You ougkt t Stock Photo
RM2AN8GEK–The Crimson rambler . PRES. H. D. HOOVER, PH. D. (Fraiutngfnr(CtttHrusliivi 115 illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^^ THE 1911 CRIMSON RAMBLER llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllillllllllllM m CARTHAGECOLLEGE 116. HERE are manyreasons wky yousKould make sure ofgetting all wool m yourclotkes. Tkere is noreason wky you skouldpay a kig price to getit wken we will sellyou an all-wool suitfor $10 to $25. ^ You are per fectlysafe in kuymg it, too,kecause witk it you geta guarantee of purewool, lasting skape,good tailoring and goodservice. ^ You ougkt t
The book of gemsThe modern poets and artists of Great Britain . , be easyto select from the numerous poetical productions to which we refer, and which havebeen consigned to unmerited oblivion, specimens of merit sufficient to form a valuableand interesting volume ; and the Editor who undertakes such a task, will render goodservice to literature. That which Mr. Sergeant Talfourd describes as the freezingeffect of the scientific spirit of the age, has had its depressing influence upon the bestand greatest of our Poets: it has completely destroyed the ambitious hopes of thosewho were seeking afte Stock Photo
RM2ANHF6W–The book of gemsThe modern poets and artists of Great Britain . , be easyto select from the numerous poetical productions to which we refer, and which havebeen consigned to unmerited oblivion, specimens of merit sufficient to form a valuableand interesting volume ; and the Editor who undertakes such a task, will render goodservice to literature. That which Mr. Sergeant Talfourd describes as the freezingeffect of the scientific spirit of the age, has had its depressing influence upon the bestand greatest of our Poets: it has completely destroyed the ambitious hopes of thosewho were seeking afte
The Independent . tion of thechurch towards the present crisis.While in no degree relaxing their dis-approval of war, the Quakers areanxious to be of the greatest possibleservice to the country. The national or-ganization has urged all the young menof the church to undertake hospitalservice, relief work, agriculture or someuseful branch of industry. Similar goodservice has been done by the Quakersin the belligerent countries of Europe. Unhyphenated At San Francisco a.. large mass meeting J P of Japanese residents of the Pacific Coast states pledged theirsupport to the American Governmentand pr Stock Photo
RM2AKXGGW–The Independent . tion of thechurch towards the present crisis.While in no degree relaxing their dis-approval of war, the Quakers areanxious to be of the greatest possibleservice to the country. The national or-ganization has urged all the young menof the church to undertake hospitalservice, relief work, agriculture or someuseful branch of industry. Similar goodservice has been done by the Quakersin the belligerent countries of Europe. Unhyphenated At San Francisco a.. large mass meeting J P of Japanese residents of the Pacific Coast states pledged theirsupport to the American Governmentand pr
South Africa and the Transvaal war . Rhodesian Mining. The Dobie Mill with the diseases that affect domestic animals : thus horse-sicknessonce prevailed far to the south, and gradually has been driven northbefore advancing civilisation. The dreaded tsetse fly too, fatal tohorses and cattle, can only exist where the larger wild beasts abound,and vanishes with the latter wherever the white man establisheshimself The rinderpest, in killing off the wild buffalo, did one goodservice : the tsetse disappeared with the buffalo, and now onlyfrequents remote and unfrequented regions. From every point of Stock Photo
RM2AN7A53–South Africa and the Transvaal war . Rhodesian Mining. The Dobie Mill with the diseases that affect domestic animals : thus horse-sicknessonce prevailed far to the south, and gradually has been driven northbefore advancing civilisation. The dreaded tsetse fly too, fatal tohorses and cattle, can only exist where the larger wild beasts abound,and vanishes with the latter wherever the white man establisheshimself The rinderpest, in killing off the wild buffalo, did one goodservice : the tsetse disappeared with the buffalo, and now onlyfrequents remote and unfrequented regions. From every point of
. Hardware merchandising March-June 1917. In the cheaper line of paintthey would often complain that it didnot wear, or that it faded, or somethingelse went wrong. In the better line ofpaint they would come back and ask forthe same kind, because they were satis-fied with the way it stood the test. Oftenwe would ask them what they paid forit, but invariably thev did not rememberwhat they did pay. Thev were interestedprimarily in the fact that it gave goodservice. Ism confident it does not mat-ter how high the price of an article maybe, people will buy it as lon°: as theyfeel they are e-oiner to Stock Photo
RM2AGC5BK–. Hardware merchandising March-June 1917. In the cheaper line of paintthey would often complain that it didnot wear, or that it faded, or somethingelse went wrong. In the better line ofpaint they would come back and ask forthe same kind, because they were satis-fied with the way it stood the test. Oftenwe would ask them what they paid forit, but invariably thev did not rememberwhat they did pay. Thev were interestedprimarily in the fact that it gave goodservice. Ism confident it does not mat-ter how high the price of an article maybe, people will buy it as lon°: as theyfeel they are e-oiner to
South Africa and the Transvaal war . Rhodesian Mining. The Dobie Mill with the diseases that affect domestic animals : thus horse-sicknessonce prevailed far to the south, and gradually has been driven northbefore advancing civilisation. The dreaded tsetse fly too, fatal tohorses and cattle, can only exist where the larger wild beasts abound,and vanishes with the latter wherever the white man establisheshimself The rinderpest, in killing off the wild buffalo, did one goodservice : the tsetse disappeared with the buffalo, and now onlyfrequents remote and unfrequented regions. From every point of Stock Photo
RM2AN78WH–South Africa and the Transvaal war . Rhodesian Mining. The Dobie Mill with the diseases that affect domestic animals : thus horse-sicknessonce prevailed far to the south, and gradually has been driven northbefore advancing civilisation. The dreaded tsetse fly too, fatal tohorses and cattle, can only exist where the larger wild beasts abound,and vanishes with the latter wherever the white man establisheshimself The rinderpest, in killing off the wild buffalo, did one goodservice : the tsetse disappeared with the buffalo, and now onlyfrequents remote and unfrequented regions. From every point of
. The Saturday evening post. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Oil iIamI oTyiepiClothes 31 Trade Mark Rez.. Clothes of style and qualitymedium priced Most men are looking for just that thesedays. You can buy Styleplus with full confixdence that they are good clothes. Notonly are they famous for style, but theirall-wool fabrics are so carefully tailoredthat we guarantee them to give goodservice. Among all the clothes that are made,Styleplus stand out clear and distinct asthe topmost value at the medium pricesthat are asked. No matter what your age or build, thereare Styleplus suits and overcoats exactl Stock Photo
RM2AFKKM6–. The Saturday evening post. THE SATURDAY EVENING POST Oil iIamI oTyiepiClothes 31 Trade Mark Rez.. Clothes of style and qualitymedium priced Most men are looking for just that thesedays. You can buy Styleplus with full confixdence that they are good clothes. Notonly are they famous for style, but theirall-wool fabrics are so carefully tailoredthat we guarantee them to give goodservice. Among all the clothes that are made,Styleplus stand out clear and distinct asthe topmost value at the medium pricesthat are asked. No matter what your age or build, thereare Styleplus suits and overcoats exactl
Our own English Bible : its translators and their work : the manuscript period . thetown a royal charter, because of the gallantry and goodservice of the Malmesbury men in his great victory overthe Danes at Sodbury Hill, and he was buried here, nearto Aldhelm. They laid the devout king to his rest inOctober a.d. 949, not as his grandfather, the great Alfred,clad him as a boy, in a scarlet cloak, a diamond-studdedbelt, and a Saxon sword in a golden scabbard, but withall honour and decent pomp. Dishonour came afterwards, however, to this home ofone of the most famous of early EngUshmen, and one Stock Photo
RM2AWJYAB–Our own English Bible : its translators and their work : the manuscript period . thetown a royal charter, because of the gallantry and goodservice of the Malmesbury men in his great victory overthe Danes at Sodbury Hill, and he was buried here, nearto Aldhelm. They laid the devout king to his rest inOctober a.d. 949, not as his grandfather, the great Alfred,clad him as a boy, in a scarlet cloak, a diamond-studdedbelt, and a Saxon sword in a golden scabbard, but withall honour and decent pomp. Dishonour came afterwards, however, to this home ofone of the most famous of early EngUshmen, and one
The California fruits and how to grow them; . first to allow for the natural droopof the branches, and the result is seen in many young trees withslim stems and umbrella-like tops. It is better to develop a stoutstem by allowing for a time a low growth upon it and then raiseit later by removal of the lower growth which has done goodservice and outlived its usefulness. By wise underpruning it ispossible not only to secure a shapely and convenient tree butalso to so train the lower growth that it shall present good, lowbearing wood without groveling in the dust. Unquestionably the drooping habit Stock Photo
RM2AN1WG4–The California fruits and how to grow them; . first to allow for the natural droopof the branches, and the result is seen in many young trees withslim stems and umbrella-like tops. It is better to develop a stoutstem by allowing for a time a low growth upon it and then raiseit later by removal of the lower growth which has done goodservice and outlived its usefulness. By wise underpruning it ispossible not only to secure a shapely and convenient tree butalso to so train the lower growth that it shall present good, lowbearing wood without groveling in the dust. Unquestionably the drooping habit
Gleanings in bee culture . If you have to makethe air blue in order toget the prompt attentionyoure entitled to, youllhave to keep that sameair a dark blue in orderto keep on having goodservice. Some of you who readthis are not getting satis-factory service. If YOUjust send a trial order to that Ill take my chanceswith any one at holding your goodwill and retaining your custom. Whatever you can get anywherein the way of bee-supplies I canfurnish you. My new catalog will be mailed youon request. If in need of finest quality white-clover honey write for my monthlyquotations of the Indianapolis H Stock Photo
RM2AM10T2–Gleanings in bee culture . If you have to makethe air blue in order toget the prompt attentionyoure entitled to, youllhave to keep that sameair a dark blue in orderto keep on having goodservice. Some of you who readthis are not getting satis-factory service. If YOUjust send a trial order to that Ill take my chanceswith any one at holding your goodwill and retaining your custom. Whatever you can get anywherein the way of bee-supplies I canfurnish you. My new catalog will be mailed youon request. If in need of finest quality white-clover honey write for my monthlyquotations of the Indianapolis H
The North-west and North-east passages 1576-1611 . t in our lamp. This grease did us great goodservice, for by that means we still kept a lamp burningall night long, which before we could not do for wantof grease; and every man had means to burn a lampin his cabin for such necessaries as he had to do. Thebears skin was nine foot long, and seven foot broad. The 13 of February it was fair clear weather witha hard west wind, at which time we had more light inour house by burning of lamps, whereby we had meansto pass the time away by reading and other exercises,which before (when we could not dist Stock Photo
RM2AWJPR5–The North-west and North-east passages 1576-1611 . t in our lamp. This grease did us great goodservice, for by that means we still kept a lamp burningall night long, which before we could not do for wantof grease; and every man had means to burn a lampin his cabin for such necessaries as he had to do. Thebears skin was nine foot long, and seven foot broad. The 13 of February it was fair clear weather witha hard west wind, at which time we had more light inour house by burning of lamps, whereby we had meansto pass the time away by reading and other exercises,which before (when we could not dist
Pacific wine and spirit review . Frank L. Fowler will lie(lilted as Assemblyman for the Forty-sixth District. Mr. Fow-ler Inis served one term with signal ability and success. Hehas jiroved himself a conscientious and honest public servant inevery way. In the last session of the Legislature he was amongthe fW who came out of the Legislative Halls with honor :indwithout the slightest suspicion attaching to his name. Mr. Fowler was recognized in Sacramento two years ago asamong the brightest of the younger members. He rendered goodservice to the county and district he represents, and in secur-in Stock Photo
RM2AJ7GCM–Pacific wine and spirit review . Frank L. Fowler will lie(lilted as Assemblyman for the Forty-sixth District. Mr. Fow-ler Inis served one term with signal ability and success. Hehas jiroved himself a conscientious and honest public servant inevery way. In the last session of the Legislature he was amongthe fW who came out of the Legislative Halls with honor :indwithout the slightest suspicion attaching to his name. Mr. Fowler was recognized in Sacramento two years ago asamong the brightest of the younger members. He rendered goodservice to the county and district he represents, and in secur-in
. Dental electro-therapeutics. operation. Fig. 104 shows condition after amputation. Fig.105 case a year and a half after operation. The cavity hasbeen almost entirely replaced by newly formed bone.13 194 ELECTRO-PH YSICS Fig. 106. Left upper first molar four years after amputa-tion of anterior buccal root; tooth firm and is doing goodservice. The old theory that the roots of the deciduous teeth areabsorbed, owing to the pressure upon them by the eruptingpermanent teeth, has been conclusively disproved byradiography. For many x-rays have shown the roots ofdeciduous teeth to be partly or wholly Stock Photo
RM2AG2EWN–. Dental electro-therapeutics. operation. Fig. 104 shows condition after amputation. Fig.105 case a year and a half after operation. The cavity hasbeen almost entirely replaced by newly formed bone.13 194 ELECTRO-PH YSICS Fig. 106. Left upper first molar four years after amputa-tion of anterior buccal root; tooth firm and is doing goodservice. The old theory that the roots of the deciduous teeth areabsorbed, owing to the pressure upon them by the eruptingpermanent teeth, has been conclusively disproved byradiography. For many x-rays have shown the roots ofdeciduous teeth to be partly or wholly
. Dental electro-therapeutics. operation. Fig. 104 shows condition after amputation. Fig.105 case a year and a half after operation. The cavity hasbeen almost entirely replaced by newly formed bone.13 194 ELECTRO-PH YSICS Fig. 106. Left upper first molar four years after amputa-tion of anterior buccal root; tooth firm and is doing goodservice. The old theory that the roots of the deciduous teeth areabsorbed, owing to the pressure upon them by the eruptingpermanent teeth, has been conclusively disproved byradiography. For many x-rays have shown the roots ofdeciduous teeth to be partly or wholly Stock Photo
RM2AG2EPK–. Dental electro-therapeutics. operation. Fig. 104 shows condition after amputation. Fig.105 case a year and a half after operation. The cavity hasbeen almost entirely replaced by newly formed bone.13 194 ELECTRO-PH YSICS Fig. 106. Left upper first molar four years after amputa-tion of anterior buccal root; tooth firm and is doing goodservice. The old theory that the roots of the deciduous teeth areabsorbed, owing to the pressure upon them by the eruptingpermanent teeth, has been conclusively disproved byradiography. For many x-rays have shown the roots ofdeciduous teeth to be partly or wholly
Light[A journal of social Worcester and her neighbors] . ee OUR STYlES. And guarantee that the clothes we sell youwill cost you less for every week of goodservice than the kinds so often urged uponyou at less prices. THE WARE-PRATT CO. NON-SECRET ENDOWMENT ORDER.-A Great Fraternity. Do you believe in a system of co-operation in which the whole profit is divided among the members? Thenjoin the Non-Secret Endowment Order. It pays a sick benefit of J20 a week ; a death benefit of I400 ; an endow-ment benefit of Hsoo ; at COST. Incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts. State of the order July Stock Photo
RM2AM6PWF–Light[A journal of social Worcester and her neighbors] . ee OUR STYlES. And guarantee that the clothes we sell youwill cost you less for every week of goodservice than the kinds so often urged uponyou at less prices. THE WARE-PRATT CO. NON-SECRET ENDOWMENT ORDER.-A Great Fraternity. Do you believe in a system of co-operation in which the whole profit is divided among the members? Thenjoin the Non-Secret Endowment Order. It pays a sick benefit of J20 a week ; a death benefit of I400 ; an endow-ment benefit of Hsoo ; at COST. Incorporated under the laws of Massachusetts. State of the order July
How to play base ball . S No. DX First Basemens Mitt Mens size; a goodariicle at a moderateprice; made of oaktan specially selectedleather, laced allaround; a very easy-fitting mitt; strap-and-buckle fasteningat back.Each, $1.50 NO. EX First Basemens Mitt An excellent mitt forboys; made of goodquality white leather,laced all around;suitably padded andwill give very goodservice; strap-and-buckle fastening atback.Each, $1.00 Send for catalogue ofathletic sports. Free. & BROS. (L=, New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San,FranciscoBoston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New OrleansBuffalo Philadelp Stock Photo
RM2AXAMG1–How to play base ball . S No. DX First Basemens Mitt Mens size; a goodariicle at a moderateprice; made of oaktan specially selectedleather, laced allaround; a very easy-fitting mitt; strap-and-buckle fasteningat back.Each, $1.50 NO. EX First Basemens Mitt An excellent mitt forboys; made of goodquality white leather,laced all around;suitably padded andwill give very goodservice; strap-and-buckle fastening atback.Each, $1.00 Send for catalogue ofathletic sports. Free. & BROS. (L=, New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San,FranciscoBoston Minneapolis Baltimore Kansas City New OrleansBuffalo Philadelp
North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ssionarysociety in that church brought greet-ings from her society to ours. At 2:00 oclock our President, Mrs.B. T. Morris, was the leader. This isquite enough to say that we had a goodservice. There is no one more inter- Tetterine Cures Ringworm. Wysacking, N. C, June 2, 1903. Enclosed you will find fl.OOfor which jjleasesend me at once Tetterine. It is a dead .shoton ringworms. W. S. Dudley. Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm,Itching Piles, Rough Scaly Patches on the Face,Old Itching Sores. Dandrutt, Cankered Bcalp,Bunions, Corns, Chilblain Stock Photo
RM2AJD84E–North Carolina Christian advocate [serial] . ssionarysociety in that church brought greet-ings from her society to ours. At 2:00 oclock our President, Mrs.B. T. Morris, was the leader. This isquite enough to say that we had a goodservice. There is no one more inter- Tetterine Cures Ringworm. Wysacking, N. C, June 2, 1903. Enclosed you will find fl.OOfor which jjleasesend me at once Tetterine. It is a dead .shoton ringworms. W. S. Dudley. Tetterine cures Eczema, Tetter, Ring Worm,Itching Piles, Rough Scaly Patches on the Face,Old Itching Sores. Dandrutt, Cankered Bcalp,Bunions, Corns, Chilblain
Canadian grocer January-June 1910 . da. Moatreal: 7M-7M Eaatern Township* Bank Bids-London, Ens.: 88 Fleet St.. E.G. Toronto: It Front St. East. Wlnnipes: 511 Union Bank BoiMlf New York: Rooms 1109-1111. IM Broadway. VOL. XXIV. PUBLICATION OFFICE: TORONTO, MARCH 18. 1910. NO. 11. ^^^^^^mk .OXFORD . If our weekly talks on Keens Oxford Blue have induced you to try it—we will have done your customers a goodservice. And they will show their gratitude by bringing more and moreof their custom to your store. Keens is the best Laundry Blue. FRANK MAGOR & CO., ^^^1.^ MONTREAL Agents for the Dominion SI Stock Photo
RM2AJGDFB–Canadian grocer January-June 1910 . da. Moatreal: 7M-7M Eaatern Township* Bank Bids-London, Ens.: 88 Fleet St.. E.G. Toronto: It Front St. East. Wlnnipes: 511 Union Bank BoiMlf New York: Rooms 1109-1111. IM Broadway. VOL. XXIV. PUBLICATION OFFICE: TORONTO, MARCH 18. 1910. NO. 11. ^^^^^^mk .OXFORD . If our weekly talks on Keens Oxford Blue have induced you to try it—we will have done your customers a goodservice. And they will show their gratitude by bringing more and moreof their custom to your store. Keens is the best Laundry Blue. FRANK MAGOR & CO., ^^^1.^ MONTREAL Agents for the Dominion SI
The rivers of Great Britain, descriptive, historical, pictorical; rivers of the south and west coasts . Flujla: I. SUiIrr, Uandndnn. MOEI. SIAIIOI), IHOM Tin M.IT.WV f//. Jll). long boughs for scciinfy—a bridge erected in an emergoncy. and for a temporarypurpose, as one niidit guess; a bridge of perilous slo])e. lias dune goodservice- to more lliini one generatinn ol miners, clindiiiig up llie lilllside 1o llu-ndaily toil. »f liettws-y-(!oed—tlie i5ede House in tlie Wond — so nmeli is knnwn lliatlittle need^ in this pl.-iee to be said lieic is Iuiitv Iair. and a scene wliicli painting Stock Photo!oedtlie-i5ede-house-in-tlie-wond-so-nmeli-is-knnwn-lliatlittle-need-in-this-pl-iee-to-be-said-lieic-is-iuiitv-iair-and-a-scene-wliicli-painting-image338406730.html
RM2AJFN6J–The rivers of Great Britain, descriptive, historical, pictorical; rivers of the south and west coasts . Flujla: I. SUiIrr, Uandndnn. MOEI. SIAIIOI), IHOM Tin M.IT.WV f//. Jll). long boughs for scciinfy—a bridge erected in an emergoncy. and for a temporarypurpose, as one niidit guess; a bridge of perilous slo])e. lias dune goodservice- to more lliini one generatinn ol miners, clindiiiig up llie lilllside 1o llu-ndaily toil. »f liettws-y-(!oed—tlie i5ede House in tlie Wond — so nmeli is knnwn lliatlittle need^ in this pl.-iee to be said lieic is Iuiitv Iair. and a scene wliicli painting
. St. Nicholas [serial]. LYD1A. 4i5 416 A COMEDY IN WAX. [Mar. In the French style, mistress ? Yes, your royal Majesty. T is well. Do thy best, and we will notforget thee. Henry knows how to reward goodservice. Reward her now, Henry, said Mme. Tus-saud. You were ever generous. So be it, said Henry. What wilt thou. RICHARD CCEUR DE LION IS KEEPING AN EYE ON RICHARD 111,WHO, AS USUAL, IS NOT IN A VERY GOOD HUMOR. have, mistress ? A title — lands — money ? Mrs. Peckhams breath was almost taken awayat these words. Nay, thou shalt have themall. We create thee Marchioness of Barnet,and do bestow upo Stock Photo
RM2AG8M2K–. St. Nicholas [serial]. LYD1A. 4i5 416 A COMEDY IN WAX. [Mar. In the French style, mistress ? Yes, your royal Majesty. T is well. Do thy best, and we will notforget thee. Henry knows how to reward goodservice. Reward her now, Henry, said Mme. Tus-saud. You were ever generous. So be it, said Henry. What wilt thou. RICHARD CCEUR DE LION IS KEEPING AN EYE ON RICHARD 111,WHO, AS USUAL, IS NOT IN A VERY GOOD HUMOR. have, mistress ? A title — lands — money ? Mrs. Peckhams breath was almost taken awayat these words. Nay, thou shalt have themall. We create thee Marchioness of Barnet,and do bestow upo
Gleanings in bee culture . KITS ELM AN FENCE Sold direct to you at factoryprices ou 30 days trial. Savethe dealers profit. Farm, Hogand Poultry Fence at from 1 1^ CENTS A ROD UP. All wires are heavily galvanized 80 rod spool of Ideal galvanized Barbed Wire »1.40. Write to-day for large free Catalog showing different styles and heights of fencing 21 KITSELMAN BROS. MUNCIE, IND. SPECIAL OFFER on QUEENS We have on hand about 200 tested Italianqueens, one year old, that we will offer at75 cts. each; 6 for S4.25. These are queensfrom our very best stock, and will do goodservice lor at least two mor Stock Photo
RM2AJ21BK–Gleanings in bee culture . KITS ELM AN FENCE Sold direct to you at factoryprices ou 30 days trial. Savethe dealers profit. Farm, Hogand Poultry Fence at from 1 1^ CENTS A ROD UP. All wires are heavily galvanized 80 rod spool of Ideal galvanized Barbed Wire »1.40. Write to-day for large free Catalog showing different styles and heights of fencing 21 KITSELMAN BROS. MUNCIE, IND. SPECIAL OFFER on QUEENS We have on hand about 200 tested Italianqueens, one year old, that we will offer at75 cts. each; 6 for S4.25. These are queensfrom our very best stock, and will do goodservice lor at least two mor
. Swedish Day 1916. MODERN OUTSIDE ROOMS ONLY Rates 75c a Day and up with Private Bath $1.50 up Special Rates by Week or Month TelephonesHome 1311 or 1131; Main 3447 HOTEL HARVARD j The San Diego Hotel oo i ON BROADWAY A San Diegos New, Modern, Fireproof Hotel 2 75 rooms artistically furnished; everymodern convenience, comfort and goodservice. Large, airy Sample Rooms; spaciousLobby and Mezzanine, Sun Parlor andRoof Garden with fine Marine view. The San Diego is centrally located onBROADWAY. Convenient to the shopsand theaters. All car lines pass the hotel.Ideal for tourists and commercial tra Stock Photo
RM2AGBM7X–. Swedish Day 1916. MODERN OUTSIDE ROOMS ONLY Rates 75c a Day and up with Private Bath $1.50 up Special Rates by Week or Month TelephonesHome 1311 or 1131; Main 3447 HOTEL HARVARD j The San Diego Hotel oo i ON BROADWAY A San Diegos New, Modern, Fireproof Hotel 2 75 rooms artistically furnished; everymodern convenience, comfort and goodservice. Large, airy Sample Rooms; spaciousLobby and Mezzanine, Sun Parlor andRoof Garden with fine Marine view. The San Diego is centrally located onBROADWAY. Convenient to the shopsand theaters. All car lines pass the hotel.Ideal for tourists and commercial tra
Racquets, tennis, and squash . p^. 1 S m p^pq W S .^ .2 P^ fe ^ 5 3 o ^ Eii 3 ^ t i C 3 o ,:3 m « ^ 3 .1= g W -2 K* ? -^ ::- ?S,^ H .2 h5 CH. XXXIv] SERVICE 24S then clings close to the Side-wall. This is a goodService when there is a Hazard Chase, since it is hardto return the ball into any of the Galleries. Mr. J. B. Gribble has a Service of his own. He standsabout the middle of the Court, near the Last GalleryLine, and, letting the ball drop quite low down, he sendsa slow Twist-Service, which meanders along the Pent-house, and then, if it does not get the Nick, usually hitsthe floor and th Stock Photo
RM2AWHAHP–Racquets, tennis, and squash . p^. 1 S m p^pq W S .^ .2 P^ fe ^ 5 3 o ^ Eii 3 ^ t i C 3 o ,:3 m « ^ 3 .1= g W -2 K* ? -^ ::- ?S,^ H .2 h5 CH. XXXIv] SERVICE 24S then clings close to the Side-wall. This is a goodService when there is a Hazard Chase, since it is hardto return the ball into any of the Galleries. Mr. J. B. Gribble has a Service of his own. He standsabout the middle of the Court, near the Last GalleryLine, and, letting the ball drop quite low down, he sendsa slow Twist-Service, which meanders along the Pent-house, and then, if it does not get the Nick, usually hitsthe floor and th
. The Chicago amateur base ball annual and inter-city base ball association year book. g No. DX First Basemens Mirt Mens size; a goodardcle at a moderateprice; made of oaktan specially selectedleather, laced allaround; a very easy-fitting mitt; strap-and-buckle fasteningat back.Each, $1.50 NO. EX First Basemens Mitt An excellent mitt forboys; made of goodquality white leather,laced all around;suitably padded andwill give very goodservice; strap-and-buckle fastening atback.Each, $r.OO Send for catalogue ofathletic sports. Free. 5] A. C. SPALDING & BROS. g New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San F Stock Photo
RM2AFJF4K–. The Chicago amateur base ball annual and inter-city base ball association year book. g No. DX First Basemens Mirt Mens size; a goodardcle at a moderateprice; made of oaktan specially selectedleather, laced allaround; a very easy-fitting mitt; strap-and-buckle fasteningat back.Each, $1.50 NO. EX First Basemens Mitt An excellent mitt forboys; made of goodquality white leather,laced all around;suitably padded andwill give very goodservice; strap-and-buckle fastening atback.Each, $r.OO Send for catalogue ofathletic sports. Free. 5] A. C. SPALDING & BROS. g New York Chicago St. Louis Denver San F
. Swedish Day 1916. o o o o o o o o^o^o^o^o^o:>i .-:• o SECOND AND B STREETST. N. PETERSON, Prop. The only Swedish hotel proprietorin San Diego SAMHKO «nt 1. MODERN OUTSIDE ROOMS ONLY Rates 75c a Day and up with Private Bath $1.50 up Special Rates by Week or Month TelephonesHome 1311 or 1131; Main 3447 HOTEL HARVARD j The San Diego Hotel oo i ON BROADWAY A San Diegos New, Modern, Fireproof Hotel 2 75 rooms artistically furnished; everymodern convenience, comfort and goodservice. Large, airy Sample Rooms; spaciousLobby and Mezzanine, Sun Parlor andRoof Garden with fine Marine view. The San D Stock Photo
RM2AGBMG8–. Swedish Day 1916. o o o o o o o o^o^o^o^o^o:>i .-:• o SECOND AND B STREETST. N. PETERSON, Prop. The only Swedish hotel proprietorin San Diego SAMHKO «nt 1. MODERN OUTSIDE ROOMS ONLY Rates 75c a Day and up with Private Bath $1.50 up Special Rates by Week or Month TelephonesHome 1311 or 1131; Main 3447 HOTEL HARVARD j The San Diego Hotel oo i ON BROADWAY A San Diegos New, Modern, Fireproof Hotel 2 75 rooms artistically furnished; everymodern convenience, comfort and goodservice. Large, airy Sample Rooms; spaciousLobby and Mezzanine, Sun Parlor andRoof Garden with fine Marine view. The San D
. Electric railway journal . ways, etc. We are mentioning these points as examples, not withthe idea of depreciating the constructive work of othersalong these lines or of arrogating to ourselves morethan is our due. All have assisted, and this is the pointwhich we want to make, namely, that just as the trans-portation utility in any city can be helped to give goodservice by the co-operation of all, so it is in journalism.The converse of this is equally true in journalism andrailroading. This is that the welfare of the communityconcerned is correspondingly increased when it has aservice broad Stock Photo
RM2CH354N–. Electric railway journal . ways, etc. We are mentioning these points as examples, not withthe idea of depreciating the constructive work of othersalong these lines or of arrogating to ourselves morethan is our due. All have assisted, and this is the pointwhich we want to make, namely, that just as the trans-portation utility in any city can be helped to give goodservice by the co-operation of all, so it is in journalism.The converse of this is equally true in journalism andrailroading. This is that the welfare of the communityconcerned is correspondingly increased when it has aservice broad
. Electric railway journal . ting the right ofthe men to a wage which will provide for health andcomfort. The companies will pay that wage cheerfullyif they have the means with which to do so. Therailways must be kept in operation and must give goodservice, and one means for securing this is a contentedgroup of employees. But still another essential is thefinancial integrity of the properties. Unless this ispromptly assured, the award Will be disastrous to thenation which needs good service. State bodies moveslowly and the logical solution of the difficulty is federalaction, such as the appoin Stock Photo
RM2CRCMF3–. Electric railway journal . ting the right ofthe men to a wage which will provide for health andcomfort. The companies will pay that wage cheerfullyif they have the means with which to do so. Therailways must be kept in operation and must give goodservice, and one means for securing this is a contentedgroup of employees. But still another essential is thefinancial integrity of the properties. Unless this ispromptly assured, the award Will be disastrous to thenation which needs good service. State bodies moveslowly and the logical solution of the difficulty is federalaction, such as the appoin
. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 8.—Laryngoscope, gas-stand, mirror, condenser, and tubing.(After MacKenzie.) tallow candle, if nothing better can be obtained, may be of goodservice. For anterior rhinoscopy the nasal speculum is required, the ob-ject being to open the nostril painlessly to its widest capacity forthe admittance of light. Of this instrument there are many varieties,of which Figs. 9 to 13 are samples. Each surgeon must make his ownchoice. I have found those of an ovoid, cylindrical form much themost convenient, protecting the nostril and admitting abundance of 18 DISEASES Stock Photo
RM2CRRHJH–. Diseases of the nose and throat . Fig. 8.—Laryngoscope, gas-stand, mirror, condenser, and tubing.(After MacKenzie.) tallow candle, if nothing better can be obtained, may be of goodservice. For anterior rhinoscopy the nasal speculum is required, the ob-ject being to open the nostril painlessly to its widest capacity forthe admittance of light. Of this instrument there are many varieties,of which Figs. 9 to 13 are samples. Each surgeon must make his ownchoice. I have found those of an ovoid, cylindrical form much themost convenient, protecting the nostril and admitting abundance of 18 DISEASES
. A practical treatise on natural and artificial concrete; its varieties and constructive adaptations . ure of Capacity; 2nd, Hy-draulicity; 3rd, Tensile Strength. If unable to pass thechallenge of any of these tests, the cement was rejected. The above test, first instituted by the Metropolitan Boardof Works under the authors advice, has done much goodservice to engineers, as well as improved the quality of thecement and compelled the manufacturers to give more heedto the chemistry of their art. Owing to the comparativecostliness of the testing machines first introduced, and the 54 A PRACTICAL Stock Photo
RM2CH21BR–. A practical treatise on natural and artificial concrete; its varieties and constructive adaptations . ure of Capacity; 2nd, Hy-draulicity; 3rd, Tensile Strength. If unable to pass thechallenge of any of these tests, the cement was rejected. The above test, first instituted by the Metropolitan Boardof Works under the authors advice, has done much goodservice to engineers, as well as improved the quality of thecement and compelled the manufacturers to give more heedto the chemistry of their art. Owing to the comparativecostliness of the testing machines first introduced, and the 54 A PRACTICAL
. Handbook of railroad construction; for the use of American engineers. Containing the necessary rules, tables, and formulæ for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads, as built in the United States .. . tronger lateral bracing upon the convex, thanupon the concave side of the curve; and also in runningwater; in which cases, such a form as fig. 81 may do goodservice. (For pile-driving, and for proper dimensions, see chap.XII.) TRESTLING. 207. Trestling is a system of vertical posts, and of capsand braces, used both for temporary and for permanentw^orks; temporarily t Stock Photo
RM2CRHNPH–. Handbook of railroad construction; for the use of American engineers. Containing the necessary rules, tables, and formulæ for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads, as built in the United States .. . tronger lateral bracing upon the convex, thanupon the concave side of the curve; and also in runningwater; in which cases, such a form as fig. 81 may do goodservice. (For pile-driving, and for proper dimensions, see chap.XII.) TRESTLING. 207. Trestling is a system of vertical posts, and of capsand braces, used both for temporary and for permanentw^orks; temporarily t
. The Photographic history of the Civil War : thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities . zen-surgeon of their own selec-tion. The nursing was almost exclusively volunteer, but ra-tions were furnished in some cases by the Confederate Gov-ernment. Many of these were well conducted and did goodservice, particularly during that period before the general hos-pitals were built and the medical staff thoroughly organized. When the Medical Department became able to take careof all the sick and wounded, it seemed best, for obvious reasons,that all sick and wounded Stock Photo
RM2CGJ0BE–. The Photographic history of the Civil War : thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities . zen-surgeon of their own selec-tion. The nursing was almost exclusively volunteer, but ra-tions were furnished in some cases by the Confederate Gov-ernment. Many of these were well conducted and did goodservice, particularly during that period before the general hos-pitals were built and the medical staff thoroughly organized. When the Medical Department became able to take careof all the sick and wounded, it seemed best, for obvious reasons,that all sick and wounded
. Bell telephone magazine . presentingthe vast quantities of factual materialrequired will occupy the time and effortof many Bell System people over a periodof many months and probably severalyears. Those not directly concerned withthe case have a broader and equallycompelling directive—to maintain astandard of excellence in our service atall times. The complex matters which are atissue in this investigation are little under-stood or quickly forgotten by the public—our customers. The manner in which weserve each individual is the criterion bywhich we are ultimately judged. Goodservice, now as Stock Photo
RM2CRXAG4–. Bell telephone magazine . presentingthe vast quantities of factual materialrequired will occupy the time and effortof many Bell System people over a periodof many months and probably severalyears. Those not directly concerned withthe case have a broader and equallycompelling directive—to maintain astandard of excellence in our service atall times. The complex matters which are atissue in this investigation are little under-stood or quickly forgotten by the public—our customers. The manner in which weserve each individual is the criterion bywhich we are ultimately judged. Goodservice, now as
. The photographic history of the Civil War : in ten volumes . a citizen-surgeon of their own selec-tion. The nursing was almost exclusively volunteer, but ra-tions were furnished in some cases by the Confederate Gov-ernment. Many of these were well conducted and did goodservice, particularly during that period before the general hos-pitals were built and the medical staff thoroughly organized. When the Medical Department became able to take careof all the sick and wounded, it seemed best, for obvious reasons,that all sick and wounded should be brought under direct su-pervision of the Medical Stock Photo
RM2CGJ7KF–. The photographic history of the Civil War : in ten volumes . a citizen-surgeon of their own selec-tion. The nursing was almost exclusively volunteer, but ra-tions were furnished in some cases by the Confederate Gov-ernment. Many of these were well conducted and did goodservice, particularly during that period before the general hos-pitals were built and the medical staff thoroughly organized. When the Medical Department became able to take careof all the sick and wounded, it seemed best, for obvious reasons,that all sick and wounded should be brought under direct su-pervision of the Medical
. Bell telephone magazine . ng bettergrades of service as soon as facilitiesare available. Contrast between American tollrate schedules and those in effectabroad furnishes another illustrationof the relation of rate treatment toquality of service. Most foreign tollschedules provide for express andlightning calls at progressivelyhigher premiums over the rates forordinary service. The Americantoll system, in effect, provides light-ning service on all calls and no ratepremium is charged. Keeping Costs Down Neither the telephone company norits customers want to sacrifice goodservice in an effort t Stock Photo
RM2CRXG7T–. Bell telephone magazine . ng bettergrades of service as soon as facilitiesare available. Contrast between American tollrate schedules and those in effectabroad furnishes another illustrationof the relation of rate treatment toquality of service. Most foreign tollschedules provide for express andlightning calls at progressivelyhigher premiums over the rates forordinary service. The Americantoll system, in effect, provides light-ning service on all calls and no ratepremium is charged. Keeping Costs Down Neither the telephone company norits customers want to sacrifice goodservice in an effort t
. The Dental cosmos. To the GraduatingDentist— Next year you will need an electriclathe. You will want one that does itswork well. —Is convenient to use. —Will give you long years of goodservice. —Is moderate in price. You will find all these in the Westinghouse ElectricDental Lathe of famous Westinghouse qualitythroughout. Designed especially fordentists use. Prices include dental lathe, completeset of Ritter chucks, carborundum,buffing and brush wheels and double-grooved pulley. Direct Current, 115 volts . . $45230 44 ... 46Alternating Current, 110 volts. 50220 51 The set of Ritter chucks ca Stock Photo
RM2CEYNK0–. The Dental cosmos. To the GraduatingDentist— Next year you will need an electriclathe. You will want one that does itswork well. —Is convenient to use. —Will give you long years of goodservice. —Is moderate in price. You will find all these in the Westinghouse ElectricDental Lathe of famous Westinghouse qualitythroughout. Designed especially fordentists use. Prices include dental lathe, completeset of Ritter chucks, carborundum,buffing and brush wheels and double-grooved pulley. Direct Current, 115 volts . . $45230 44 ... 46Alternating Current, 110 volts. 50220 51 The set of Ritter chucks ca
. Baltimore and Ohio employes magazine . r instance, if a new way ofserving fruit comes into vogue, or if someparticular edible is especially plentifuland delicious, he is reminded of the fact.And the best stewards can easily showtheir superiority by the way they get uptheir Special Today slips, the way theyutilize their supplies, not only for goodservice, but for economy, etc. Next to the steward, the chef is themost important person in the dining car erally assigned by the chef or first cook,as he is sometimes called. Usually, how-ever, the second cook has charge of thepreparation of certain Stock Photo
RM2CH1KJC–. Baltimore and Ohio employes magazine . r instance, if a new way ofserving fruit comes into vogue, or if someparticular edible is especially plentifuland delicious, he is reminded of the fact.And the best stewards can easily showtheir superiority by the way they get uptheir Special Today slips, the way theyutilize their supplies, not only for goodservice, but for economy, etc. Next to the steward, the chef is themost important person in the dining car erally assigned by the chef or first cook,as he is sometimes called. Usually, how-ever, the second cook has charge of thepreparation of certain
. Electric railway journal . for in the final analysis the furnishing of goodservice implies that the company must keep its facili-ties in a well-maintained condition, and that it mustalso, by reason of a stable net earning power, be keptin a position at all times to meet reasonable demandsinvolving the investment of new capital. Entirely aside from the capital requirements to meetincreasing traffic demands, there is another very seriousfactor affecting investment which is not appreciated bythe general public. An electric railway companyhas a peculiarly intimate relation to the development oft Stock Photo
RM2CH0K22–. Electric railway journal . for in the final analysis the furnishing of goodservice implies that the company must keep its facili-ties in a well-maintained condition, and that it mustalso, by reason of a stable net earning power, be keptin a position at all times to meet reasonable demandsinvolving the investment of new capital. Entirely aside from the capital requirements to meetincreasing traffic demands, there is another very seriousfactor affecting investment which is not appreciated bythe general public. An electric railway companyhas a peculiarly intimate relation to the development oft
. The photographic history of the Civil War : thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities . f their own selec-tion. The mnsing was almost exclusively volmiteer, but ra-tions were finiiished in some cases by the Confederate (Gov-ernment. Many of these were well conducted and did goodservice, particularly during that ])eriod before the general hos-pitals were built and the medical staff thoroughly organized. When the ^Medical Dejjartment l)ecame able to take careof all the sick and wounded, it seemed best, for obvious reasons,that all sick and wounded should b Stock Photo
RM2CGJD4J–. The photographic history of the Civil War : thousands of scenes photographed 1861-65, with text by many special authorities . f their own selec-tion. The mnsing was almost exclusively volmiteer, but ra-tions were finiiished in some cases by the Confederate (Gov-ernment. Many of these were well conducted and did goodservice, particularly during that ])eriod before the general hos-pitals were built and the medical staff thoroughly organized. When the ^Medical Dejjartment l)ecame able to take careof all the sick and wounded, it seemed best, for obvious reasons,that all sick and wounded should b
. The Houblon family, its story and times. a gallant soldier, and foughtat Agincourt, where he did goodservice, for which he received apension of four marks per annum forhis life.^ Simons descendant, HenryArcher (who died at Coopersale inEssex in 1615) was the father of SirJohn Archer, one of the Judges of theCommon Pleas (born in 1598), and author of several thickmanuscripts on jurisprudence preserved at Hallingbury.^ By the annexed table may be observed the connection ^ Vincent, History of Essex. Memoirs of the Families of Archer., p. 43.Morant, Afttiqiiities of Essex., etc. ^ The Judge was Stock Photo
RM2CEND9P–. The Houblon family, its story and times. a gallant soldier, and foughtat Agincourt, where he did goodservice, for which he received apension of four marks per annum forhis life.^ Simons descendant, HenryArcher (who died at Coopersale inEssex in 1615) was the father of SirJohn Archer, one of the Judges of theCommon Pleas (born in 1598), and author of several thickmanuscripts on jurisprudence preserved at Hallingbury.^ By the annexed table may be observed the connection ^ Vincent, History of Essex. Memoirs of the Families of Archer., p. 43.Morant, Afttiqiiities of Essex., etc. ^ The Judge was
. Manual of physico-chemical measurements. f error may be avoided by passing thecoal-gas over (not through) water contained in a special bottle. After using this regulator for several years I have againgiven it up, as the mercuryregulator is easier to handle.I have described it here, how-ever, since it can render goodservice in special circumstancesand is independent of gravity. Thermostats with Solids.:—Solids are mostly used forconstructing thermostats ofsmall sensibility for high tem-peratures, since their coefficientof expansion is small. A re-gulator of this sort has beendescribed by von Stock Photo
RM2CEG38J–. Manual of physico-chemical measurements. f error may be avoided by passing thecoal-gas over (not through) water contained in a special bottle. After using this regulator for several years I have againgiven it up, as the mercuryregulator is easier to handle.I have described it here, how-ever, since it can render goodservice in special circumstancesand is independent of gravity. Thermostats with Solids.:—Solids are mostly used forconstructing thermostats ofsmall sensibility for high tem-peratures, since their coefficientof expansion is small. A re-gulator of this sort has beendescribed by von
. New York state's prominent and progressive men;. od, came to the United States, and several of them, set-tling in Washington, entered the Federal Army and did goodservice in the Civil War. Henry was the last of all to come. Helanded in this country on July 12, 1867, a boy of fifteen, with aGerman common-school education. He stayed in New York fora week, and then went to Washington, where he got employmentin a clothing store, at the salary of three and a half dollars aweek. He remained there four years, with various promotionsand increases of salary, until he was getting fifteen dollars aweek Stock Photo
RM2CECMXN–. New York state's prominent and progressive men;. od, came to the United States, and several of them, set-tling in Washington, entered the Federal Army and did goodservice in the Civil War. Henry was the last of all to come. Helanded in this country on July 12, 1867, a boy of fifteen, with aGerman common-school education. He stayed in New York fora week, and then went to Washington, where he got employmentin a clothing store, at the salary of three and a half dollars aweek. He remained there four years, with various promotionsand increases of salary, until he was getting fifteen dollars aweek
. The centennial history of Kutztown, Pennsylvania : celebrating the centennial of the incorporation of the borough, 1815-1915. THK BLvlCJi HORSE HOTEL The Itlack Hoiwe HoUl, onf of KulZlowns dldebt hcslelrieH, situated on the corner ofMain and Noble streets. J. E. Wentz Is the present proprietor who through his goodservice and conrtes.y has earned the reputation and title of being one of Lterks countys besthotel men. 227. THE KEYSTONE SHOE FACTORY Home of the Keystone Shoe Manufacturiiiss* Company, where 200.000 pairs of childrens.misses and srowinrj-sirls Koodyear velts are turned out annua Stock Photo
RM2CEEMF2–. The centennial history of Kutztown, Pennsylvania : celebrating the centennial of the incorporation of the borough, 1815-1915. THK BLvlCJi HORSE HOTEL The Itlack Hoiwe HoUl, onf of KulZlowns dldebt hcslelrieH, situated on the corner ofMain and Noble streets. J. E. Wentz Is the present proprietor who through his goodservice and conrtes.y has earned the reputation and title of being one of Lterks countys besthotel men. 227. THE KEYSTONE SHOE FACTORY Home of the Keystone Shoe Manufacturiiiss* Company, where 200.000 pairs of childrens.misses and srowinrj-sirls Koodyear velts are turned out annua
. Officers of the army and navy (regular) who served in the Civil War . e, accordingto the report of Admiral Porter, this vessel did goodservice; in the second attack was in temporary command.After Fort Fisher was captured, was in Cape Fear Riverworking through the obstructions there, at the bom-bardment of Fort Anderson and to the capture of Wil-mington. This river being cleared, the Pawtuxet wasordered to the James River, where she co-operated withthe army in the vicinity of Fort Darling and Dutch GapCanal in the closing scenes of the war ; then he com-manded the vessel for two months at var Stock Photo
RM2CGJWK8–. Officers of the army and navy (regular) who served in the Civil War . e, accordingto the report of Admiral Porter, this vessel did goodservice; in the second attack was in temporary command.After Fort Fisher was captured, was in Cape Fear Riverworking through the obstructions there, at the bom-bardment of Fort Anderson and to the capture of Wil-mington. This river being cleared, the Pawtuxet wasordered to the James River, where she co-operated withthe army in the vicinity of Fort Darling and Dutch GapCanal in the closing scenes of the war ; then he com-manded the vessel for two months at var
. History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry, formerly the Second Virginia Infantry, and of Battery G, First West Va. Light Artillery . ings. Col. Moran participated in all the cam-paigns of his regiment, until May 20, 1862. when he resigned hisoffice. His health had become so bad that he had to retire, and wasso worn down at the time, that he had to be hauleil in an ambulance toNew Creek, and it was weeks before he was able to reach his home.After his return home. Gen. Jones, of the confederate army, made a raidthrough Fairmont and that part of the state, and Col. Moran did goodservice in the Stock Photo
RM2CGMFTK–. History of the Fifth West Virginia Cavalry, formerly the Second Virginia Infantry, and of Battery G, First West Va. Light Artillery . ings. Col. Moran participated in all the cam-paigns of his regiment, until May 20, 1862. when he resigned hisoffice. His health had become so bad that he had to retire, and wasso worn down at the time, that he had to be hauleil in an ambulance toNew Creek, and it was weeks before he was able to reach his home.After his return home. Gen. Jones, of the confederate army, made a raidthrough Fairmont and that part of the state, and Col. Moran did goodservice in the
. Handbook of railroad construction; for the use of American engineers. Containing the necessary rules, tables, and formulæ for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads, as built in the United States .. . 180 HANDBOOK OP RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION. Fig 83. ought to be permanently used. A pile bridge upon a curvemay need stronger lateral bracing upon the convex, thanupon the concave side of the curve; and also in runningwater; in which cases, such a form as fig. 81 may do goodservice. (For pile-driving, and for proper dimensions, see chap.XII.) TRESTLING. 207. Trestling is Stock Photo
RM2CRHRN7–. Handbook of railroad construction; for the use of American engineers. Containing the necessary rules, tables, and formulæ for the location, construction, equipment, and management of railroads, as built in the United States .. . 180 HANDBOOK OP RAILROAD CONSTRUCTION. Fig 83. ought to be permanently used. A pile bridge upon a curvemay need stronger lateral bracing upon the convex, thanupon the concave side of the curve; and also in runningwater; in which cases, such a form as fig. 81 may do goodservice. (For pile-driving, and for proper dimensions, see chap.XII.) TRESTLING. 207. Trestling is
. The Varsity war supplement 1917. W. McCulloughwho was acting O.C. left with anotherdraft. Information has been received thatMr. McCullough has been wounded and isreturning to Canada). Captain Orde of Trinity College wasappointed Commanding Officer upon hisreturn from active service in France andMesopotamia, where he rendered goodservice. In May the Battery moved to Peta-wawa Camp, and throughout a summer ofthe most strenuous training under CaptainOrde established an enviable reputationfor smartness and efficiency. Lieut. FraserElliott took a further draft Overseas inAugust. Capt. Orde owing Stock Photo
RM2CEMRBG–. The Varsity war supplement 1917. W. McCulloughwho was acting O.C. left with anotherdraft. Information has been received thatMr. McCullough has been wounded and isreturning to Canada). Captain Orde of Trinity College wasappointed Commanding Officer upon hisreturn from active service in France andMesopotamia, where he rendered goodservice. In May the Battery moved to Peta-wawa Camp, and throughout a summer ofthe most strenuous training under CaptainOrde established an enviable reputationfor smartness and efficiency. Lieut. FraserElliott took a further draft Overseas inAugust. Capt. Orde owing
. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . years hasnever paid a cent to its stockholders orofficers. I tliought that I was at the end of mytroubles when I got this wreck into work-ing order, when I made its receipts risefrom $80,000 to $500,000 a year, and whenI arranged to make a contract whichwould insure to the people of the sectionof the State through which it passes goodservice, improvement costing another$500,000 and a chance to develop the re-sources of the country. I was surprisedwhen I learned that this bill was held up. maintenance—two Stock Photo
RM2CGW5WA–. Locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . years hasnever paid a cent to its stockholders orofficers. I tliought that I was at the end of mytroubles when I got this wreck into work-ing order, when I made its receipts risefrom $80,000 to $500,000 a year, and whenI arranged to make a contract whichwould insure to the people of the sectionof the State through which it passes goodservice, improvement costing another$500,000 and a chance to develop the re-sources of the country. I was surprisedwhen I learned that this bill was held up. maintenance—two
. Historical portraits ... VI, In this capacity Warwick won for theYorkists the first battle of the civil wars, at St. Albans, in 1455.After this victory poor Henry was obliged to make his enemy Captain of Calais, a position which gave him command of the onlyreally standing force in the English dominions. It also gave himcommand of a considerable fleet, with which, in 1458-9, he did goodservice against Spanish fleets in the Channel. In the same yearWarwick joined the Duke of York in the West of England, wasdefeated with him by the Lancastrians at Ludford and fled back toCalais by way of Guerns Stock Photo
RM2CEK9H0–. Historical portraits ... VI, In this capacity Warwick won for theYorkists the first battle of the civil wars, at St. Albans, in 1455.After this victory poor Henry was obliged to make his enemy Captain of Calais, a position which gave him command of the onlyreally standing force in the English dominions. It also gave himcommand of a considerable fleet, with which, in 1458-9, he did goodservice against Spanish fleets in the Channel. In the same yearWarwick joined the Duke of York in the West of England, wasdefeated with him by the Lancastrians at Ludford and fled back toCalais by way of Guerns
. A child's book of warriors . hip. Thenonce again the Wendish skeid came out to Olaf: Ourmen will fight for you, will gladly die or win with you,whichever way fortune goes. But the king wouldnot take their help. Yet you may be of goodservice to me, he said, if you will stay upon thespot where you have been all day. So the skeid returned to anchor; and Ironbeardcame again to the attack, and all about Dane andSwede darted and stung like a host of hornets.Great logs were hoisted and dropped on board theDragon till she took a heavy list to weatherward, andEriks men swarmed over the bulwarks. Thri Stock Photo
RM2CNKX90–. A child's book of warriors . hip. Thenonce again the Wendish skeid came out to Olaf: Ourmen will fight for you, will gladly die or win with you,whichever way fortune goes. But the king wouldnot take their help. Yet you may be of goodservice to me, he said, if you will stay upon thespot where you have been all day. So the skeid returned to anchor; and Ironbeardcame again to the attack, and all about Dane andSwede darted and stung like a host of hornets.Great logs were hoisted and dropped on board theDragon till she took a heavy list to weatherward, andEriks men swarmed over the bulwarks. Thri
. Centennial history and handbook of Indiana : the story of the state from its beginning to the close of the civil war, and a general survey of progress to the present time . d lay from thirtyto forty rods per day, at an expense of perhaps$200 per mile. The approximate total cost of aroad built of three-inch white oak planks wasgiven as $2,000 per mile. While Owen, with the bias of an advocate, per-haps, figures that a white oak road would do goodservice for at least twelve years, as a matter offact those constructed in this State would seemto be much shorter of life. Within ten years thedecad Stock Photo
RM2CGKGM6–. Centennial history and handbook of Indiana : the story of the state from its beginning to the close of the civil war, and a general survey of progress to the present time . d lay from thirtyto forty rods per day, at an expense of perhaps$200 per mile. The approximate total cost of aroad built of three-inch white oak planks wasgiven as $2,000 per mile. While Owen, with the bias of an advocate, per-haps, figures that a white oak road would do goodservice for at least twelve years, as a matter offact those constructed in this State would seemto be much shorter of life. Within ten years thedecad
. Heraldry, historical and popular . ee Chap. XVIII. Banneret, or Knight-Banneret; — a knight, who, for goodservice under the Eoyal Banner, was advanced by the King toa higher Order of Knighthood on the Field of Battle. From 94 MISCELLANEOUS NAMES AND TITLES. that time he would be entitled to bear, and would be distin-guished by a Banner instead of a Pennon. Baron:—a Husband, the Wife in Heraldry being styledFemme. Baron:—a Title and Bank of Nobility derived from theearly days of English History, and in a peculiar manner asso-ciated with the memories of the olden time. It correspondswith the T Stock Photo
RM2CHYFE7–. Heraldry, historical and popular . ee Chap. XVIII. Banneret, or Knight-Banneret; — a knight, who, for goodservice under the Eoyal Banner, was advanced by the King toa higher Order of Knighthood on the Field of Battle. From 94 MISCELLANEOUS NAMES AND TITLES. that time he would be entitled to bear, and would be distin-guished by a Banner instead of a Pennon. Baron:—a Husband, the Wife in Heraldry being styledFemme. Baron:—a Title and Bank of Nobility derived from theearly days of English History, and in a peculiar manner asso-ciated with the memories of the olden time. It correspondswith the T
. The street railway review . ce being 1.5 cents per mile when generatedby steam power at 2 cents per unit. We fear that thecompany will not do much more than undertake.When a storage battery has been found that can do goodservice on a street car running on smooth iron rails andmoderate grades it will be time to seriously consider theelectric bus for paved streets. The Lake Street Elevated, acting under a courtdecision, began extending its line from West Forty-eighthstreet, Chicago, to West Fifty-second street. The trolleywire of the Cicero & Proviso Electric Railway was dis-connected, to make Stock Photo
RM2CH23HK–. The street railway review . ce being 1.5 cents per mile when generatedby steam power at 2 cents per unit. We fear that thecompany will not do much more than undertake.When a storage battery has been found that can do goodservice on a street car running on smooth iron rails andmoderate grades it will be time to seriously consider theelectric bus for paved streets. The Lake Street Elevated, acting under a courtdecision, began extending its line from West Forty-eighthstreet, Chicago, to West Fifty-second street. The trolleywire of the Cicero & Proviso Electric Railway was dis-connected, to make
. Battles and leaders of the Civil War : being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate officers . ^^^^^ BKANCII OF HICKMANS CREEK NEAR JAMES CRISPS HOUSE—THE LEFTOF CiUNERAI- (. 1. SMITHS LINE. FROM A rUOTOGRVril TAKEN IS 1884. THE CAPTURE OF FORT DONELSON. 419. MCALLISTERS BATTERV IN ACTION. Captain Edward McAllisters Illinois battery did goodservice on tlie 13th. In his report he describes the man-ner of working the battery: I selected a point, andabout noon opened on the four-guii battery [see 402] through an opening in which I could see thefoe. Our tire was prompt Stock Photo
RM2CGJ63A–. Battles and leaders of the Civil War : being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate officers . ^^^^^ BKANCII OF HICKMANS CREEK NEAR JAMES CRISPS HOUSE—THE LEFTOF CiUNERAI- (. 1. SMITHS LINE. FROM A rUOTOGRVril TAKEN IS 1884. THE CAPTURE OF FORT DONELSON. 419. MCALLISTERS BATTERV IN ACTION. Captain Edward McAllisters Illinois battery did goodservice on tlie 13th. In his report he describes the man-ner of working the battery: I selected a point, andabout noon opened on the four-guii battery [see 402] through an opening in which I could see thefoe. Our tire was prompt
. Electric railway journal . Unique Front Loading Door of Calgary One-Man Car Front Vestibule of Calgary One-Man Car 566 Electric Railway Journal Vol. 52, No. 13. Looking Forward Calgary Lighting Arrangement Prevents Light Reflection Looking Backward in Front of Motorman March and April, with 45,000 a day in spring and sum-mer, it is evident that some things are inducing thepeople to use the cars. One of these things is goodservice; the other is a low rate of fare that is makingmoney for the municipality even in these days. Ofcourse, only the operation of the cars by one man insteadof two stil Stock Photo
RM2CRAMTD–. Electric railway journal . Unique Front Loading Door of Calgary One-Man Car Front Vestibule of Calgary One-Man Car 566 Electric Railway Journal Vol. 52, No. 13. Looking Forward Calgary Lighting Arrangement Prevents Light Reflection Looking Backward in Front of Motorman March and April, with 45,000 a day in spring and sum-mer, it is evident that some things are inducing thepeople to use the cars. One of these things is goodservice; the other is a low rate of fare that is makingmoney for the municipality even in these days. Ofcourse, only the operation of the cars by one man insteadof two stil
. The street railway review . eadway under which cars on any particular lineshould be run; longer cars on long headway do not give so goodservice as shorter cars on shorter headway. On all cars operating on the city lines having only cash fares ortransfers, two registers are used, one on which cash fares only areregistered, and the other, tickets and transfers. On all the otherlines having in excess of two classes of fares, the Ohmer fare reg-ister is used, in connection with identification checks to aid the con-ductor in knowing how far the passenger is culitlcd to ride. Additional car houses Stock Photo
RM2CGTWNP–. The street railway review . eadway under which cars on any particular lineshould be run; longer cars on long headway do not give so goodservice as shorter cars on shorter headway. On all cars operating on the city lines having only cash fares ortransfers, two registers are used, one on which cash fares only areregistered, and the other, tickets and transfers. On all the otherlines having in excess of two classes of fares, the Ohmer fare reg-ister is used, in connection with identification checks to aid the con-ductor in knowing how far the passenger is culitlcd to ride. Additional car houses
. The Street railway journal . inlength and should in appearance resemble the city service car. The standardization of trucks and electrical equipment is deter-mined largely by local conditions and the type of car body. Iffor city service under a 20-ft. body the single-truck with 7 ft. 6in., or 8 in. wheel base, with two 40-hp motors, should give goodservice. If for city service on long lines, under 28 ft. or 30 ft. carbodies, the double-truck, with 4 ft. 6 in. wheel base and four motorequipment will give satisfactory service. The trucks for interur-ban cars have been developed upon steam rail Stock Photo
RM2CGT5T8–. The Street railway journal . inlength and should in appearance resemble the city service car. The standardization of trucks and electrical equipment is deter-mined largely by local conditions and the type of car body. Iffor city service under a 20-ft. body the single-truck with 7 ft. 6in., or 8 in. wheel base, with two 40-hp motors, should give goodservice. If for city service on long lines, under 28 ft. or 30 ft. carbodies, the double-truck, with 4 ft. 6 in. wheel base and four motorequipment will give satisfactory service. The trucks for interur-ban cars have been developed upon steam rail
. Long Island and real life, Long Island railroad . J. B. PULLIS BAYSHORE, LONG ISLAND NEW ROOMS &PRIVATE BATHS IJeal in Fall One FurniihctICollage RatesThreeDollars Up SELECT FAMILY HOTEL 75 to 100 T HILLS INN FOKEST HILLSLONG ISLAND m 716, 47 COME people do notrealize that such acharming hotel as ForestHills Inn is located inthe City of New York,within fifteen minutes ofthe Pennsylvania Stationat Seventh Avenue and33d Street. A familyhotel that has establishedan enviable reputation byits excellent table, goodservice, and competentmanagement. Billiard Room, Golf, Tennis74 Electric Trauns Per Stock Photo
RM2CR7PPN–. Long Island and real life, Long Island railroad . J. B. PULLIS BAYSHORE, LONG ISLAND NEW ROOMS &PRIVATE BATHS IJeal in Fall One FurniihctICollage RatesThreeDollars Up SELECT FAMILY HOTEL 75 to 100 T HILLS INN FOKEST HILLSLONG ISLAND m 716, 47 COME people do notrealize that such acharming hotel as ForestHills Inn is located inthe City of New York,within fifteen minutes ofthe Pennsylvania Stationat Seventh Avenue and33d Street. A familyhotel that has establishedan enviable reputation byits excellent table, goodservice, and competentmanagement. Billiard Room, Golf, Tennis74 Electric Trauns Per
. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . t ofabout 8,937 lbs. It weighed in all 331/2tons. The boiler had a heating surfaceof 1,347 sq. ft., and the grate area wasin the neighborhood of 17 sq. ft. Theengines of which this is a type did goodservice in former days, and old No. i.a still earlier engine, has now an hnn- ft. The boiler pressure is 160 lbs. to thesquare inch. The carriages used when the railroadswere in their infancy were short four-wheel compartment vehicles with sidedoors. The second-class ones measured18 ft. 4 ins. by Stock Photo
RM2CRBDX4–. Railway and locomotive engineering : a practical journal of railway motive power and rolling stock . t ofabout 8,937 lbs. It weighed in all 331/2tons. The boiler had a heating surfaceof 1,347 sq. ft., and the grate area wasin the neighborhood of 17 sq. ft. Theengines of which this is a type did goodservice in former days, and old No. i.a still earlier engine, has now an hnn- ft. The boiler pressure is 160 lbs. to thesquare inch. The carriages used when the railroadswere in their infancy were short four-wheel compartment vehicles with sidedoors. The second-class ones measured18 ft. 4 ins. by
. Turner's North Carolina almanac : for the year of our Lord ... . 1 I i. PURE BRED SHEEP, BOGS and POULTRY. SOUTHDOWN and SHROPSHIRE Lambs. Yearling Bucks and Bred Ewes from importedPrize Winners POLAND CHINA, CHESTER WHITE and BERKSHIRE Hogs, Ail Ages. Extra GoodService Boars and Bred Sows, also Pigs 2, 3 and 4 months old. None better tobe had and prices right for the grade of stock I oflfer. All sheep and hogs eligi-ble to registry.Farmers Improve Your Stoc!<; Order a good Pure Bred Boar to day. Send and get a Five-Pound Package of my Special Swine Powder, which will make 20 lbs.of the B Stock Photo!lt-order-a-good-pure-bred-boar-to-day-send-and-get-a-five-pound-package-of-my-special-swine-powder-which-will-make-20-lbsof-the-b-image369998976.html
RM2CDXWD4–. Turner's North Carolina almanac : for the year of our Lord ... . 1 I i. PURE BRED SHEEP, BOGS and POULTRY. SOUTHDOWN and SHROPSHIRE Lambs. Yearling Bucks and Bred Ewes from importedPrize Winners POLAND CHINA, CHESTER WHITE and BERKSHIRE Hogs, Ail Ages. Extra GoodService Boars and Bred Sows, also Pigs 2, 3 and 4 months old. None better tobe had and prices right for the grade of stock I oflfer. All sheep and hogs eligi-ble to registry.Farmers Improve Your Stoc!<; Order a good Pure Bred Boar to day. Send and get a Five-Pound Package of my Special Swine Powder, which will make 20 lbs.of the B
. The Official hotel red book and directory . -■..,,.. The Palace Hotel COVERS AN ENTIRE CITY BLOCK-LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THEBUSINESS, THEATRE, AND SHOP-PING DISTRICT. FAMOUS FOR GOODSERVICE AND REASONABLE RATES EUROPEAN PLAN FROM $2.00 PER DAY UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PALACE HOTEL COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, * f San Fran-cisco Co. Pop. 416,J)12. (RR., S.P.; Santa Fe; Steamship Hues: WP.) Arlington Hotel. BALDWIN HOTEL (E. P.) $1.50 to $2.50. Henry Pelz,Prop. (See illustration andadvertisement on page 55.) CALIFORNIA—Contd 53 NOTE-CAPITALS show first-class houses.R. R. Indicates Railroad Lines Stock Photo
RM2CR962J–. The Official hotel red book and directory . -■..,,.. The Palace Hotel COVERS AN ENTIRE CITY BLOCK-LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THEBUSINESS, THEATRE, AND SHOP-PING DISTRICT. FAMOUS FOR GOODSERVICE AND REASONABLE RATES EUROPEAN PLAN FROM $2.00 PER DAY UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PALACE HOTEL COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, * f San Fran-cisco Co. Pop. 416,J)12. (RR., S.P.; Santa Fe; Steamship Hues: WP.) Arlington Hotel. BALDWIN HOTEL (E. P.) $1.50 to $2.50. Henry Pelz,Prop. (See illustration andadvertisement on page 55.) CALIFORNIA—Contd 53 NOTE-CAPITALS show first-class houses.R. R. Indicates Railroad Lines
. The Official hotel red book and directory . The Palace Hotel COVERS AN ENTIRE CITY BLOCK-LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THEBUSINESS, THEATRE, AND SHOP-PING DISTRICT. FAMOUS FOR GOODSERVICE AND REASONABLE RATES EUROPEAN PLAN FROM $2.00 PER DAY UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PALACE HOTEL COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, * f San Fran-cisco Co. Pop. 416,J)12. (RR., S.P.; Santa Fe; Steamship Hues: WP.) Arlington Hotel. BALDWIN HOTEL (E. P.) $1.50 to $2.50. Henry Pelz,Prop. (See illustration andadvertisement on page 55.) CALIFORNIA—Contd 53 NOTE-CAPITALS show first-class houses.R. R. Indicates Railroad Lines; Ry., Ra Stock Photo
RM2CR962T–. The Official hotel red book and directory . The Palace Hotel COVERS AN ENTIRE CITY BLOCK-LOCATED IN THE HEART OF THEBUSINESS, THEATRE, AND SHOP-PING DISTRICT. FAMOUS FOR GOODSERVICE AND REASONABLE RATES EUROPEAN PLAN FROM $2.00 PER DAY UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PALACE HOTEL COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO, * f San Fran-cisco Co. Pop. 416,J)12. (RR., S.P.; Santa Fe; Steamship Hues: WP.) Arlington Hotel. BALDWIN HOTEL (E. P.) $1.50 to $2.50. Henry Pelz,Prop. (See illustration andadvertisement on page 55.) CALIFORNIA—Contd 53 NOTE-CAPITALS show first-class houses.R. R. Indicates Railroad Lines; Ry., Ra
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