Grape phylloxera leaf galls Black & White Stock Photos
. Horticulture; a text book for high schools and normals. Gardening; Vegetable gardening; Fruit-culture. THE GRAPEVINE ROOT-BORER 249 The grapevine phylloxera attacks both the leaves and the roots of the grapes. It is seldom serious except in California and in foreign grape growing regions. This is true at least of the root forms. Leaf-galls are often found on American grapes in other sections. When the roots are seriously attacked, they are appa- rently poisoned by the insect and decay follows. The vines are. Fig. 177- -Downy mildew disease causes green fruit to become hard and dry; the riper Stock Photo
RMRDXJM0–. Horticulture; a text book for high schools and normals. Gardening; Vegetable gardening; Fruit-culture. THE GRAPEVINE ROOT-BORER 249 The grapevine phylloxera attacks both the leaves and the roots of the grapes. It is seldom serious except in California and in foreign grape growing regions. This is true at least of the root forms. Leaf-galls are often found on American grapes in other sections. When the roots are seriously attacked, they are appa- rently poisoned by the insect and decay follows. The vines are. Fig. 177- -Downy mildew disease causes green fruit to become hard and dry; the riper
. Injurious insects : how to recognize and control them . Insect pests; Insect pests. Fig. 285. —Work of the Grape-phylloxera on roots. Original.. Fig. 286. — Galls on grape leaf caused by the Grape-phylloxera. Original. In control, in California, imported varieties are grafted on native eastern stocks, thus securing practical immunitj'. Infested ^nneyards are treated by flooding, applying water first for 10 days, just after the picldng season, again for a similar period a few weeks later, and for a thirty-day period in winter. Vines grown in nearly pure sand are not severely attacked.. Please Stock Photo
RMPG26B2–. Injurious insects : how to recognize and control them . Insect pests; Insect pests. Fig. 285. —Work of the Grape-phylloxera on roots. Original.. Fig. 286. — Galls on grape leaf caused by the Grape-phylloxera. Original. In control, in California, imported varieties are grafted on native eastern stocks, thus securing practical immunitj'. Infested ^nneyards are treated by flooding, applying water first for 10 days, just after the picldng season, again for a similar period a few weeks later, and for a thirty-day period in winter. Vines grown in nearly pure sand are not severely attacked.. Please
. Principles of economic zoo?logy. Zoology, Economic. Fig. 114.—Phylluxe'ra vastd'trix: a, Leaf with galls; b, section of gall showing mother louse at center with young clustered about; c, egg; d, larva; e, adult female; /, same from side, (a, Natural size; b-f, much enlarged). (Marlatt.). Fig. 115.—Phylloxe'ravasta'trix: a, Root-galls;?), enlargement of same, show- ing disposition of lice; c, root-gall louse, much enlarged. (Marlatt.) The grape Phylloxe'ra (Fig. 114) is a native aphid found upon the wild grapevines of the eastern United States. It was introduced into the south of France befor Stock Photo
RMRDT28Y–. Principles of economic zoo?logy. Zoology, Economic. Fig. 114.—Phylluxe'ra vastd'trix: a, Leaf with galls; b, section of gall showing mother louse at center with young clustered about; c, egg; d, larva; e, adult female; /, same from side, (a, Natural size; b-f, much enlarged). (Marlatt.). Fig. 115.—Phylloxe'ravasta'trix: a, Root-galls;?), enlargement of same, show- ing disposition of lice; c, root-gall louse, much enlarged. (Marlatt.) The grape Phylloxe'ra (Fig. 114) is a native aphid found upon the wild grapevines of the eastern United States. It was introduced into the south of France befor
. Injurious insects : how to recognize and control them . Insect pests; Insect pests. Fig. 285. —Work of the Grape-phylloxera on roots. Original.. Fig. 286. — Galls on grape leaf caused by the Grape-phylloxera. Original. In control, in California, imported varieties are grafted on native eastern stocks, thus securing practical immunitj'. Infested ^nneyards are treated by flooding, applying water first for 10 days, just after the picldng season, again for a similar period a few weeks later, and for a thirty-day period in winter. Vines grown in nearly pure sand are not severely attacked.. Please Stock Photo
RMRDAMG0–. Injurious insects : how to recognize and control them . Insect pests; Insect pests. Fig. 285. —Work of the Grape-phylloxera on roots. Original.. Fig. 286. — Galls on grape leaf caused by the Grape-phylloxera. Original. In control, in California, imported varieties are grafted on native eastern stocks, thus securing practical immunitj'. Infested ^nneyards are treated by flooding, applying water first for 10 days, just after the picldng season, again for a similar period a few weeks later, and for a thirty-day period in winter. Vines grown in nearly pure sand are not severely attacked.. Please
. Common insects affecting fruit-trees [microform]. Insect pests; Fruits; Insectes nuisibles; Fruit. Phylloxera galls on a grape-leaf. •n '"lisrworSVn^EcoJoSp^^ ''"7 remarkable one and may be found occupy more space than T^vaiaS^'"^^^^ '° fuHy describe it here woulS The figure will serve f„r the r-'..^"^ f^^ hardly to be necessary, term can be overcome by the us.''"f k"" ."!•?" ^^"- '^^^ root-infesting plan is to grow theTeMsLnt / ! of carbon, but the better grafted. ^ ^ ''''''"' '''^^' "" «hirh the choicer varieties m Stock Photo!quot-quot-root-infesting-plan-is-to-grow-thetemslnt-!-bsulphde-of-carbon-but-the-better-grafted-quot-quotquot-hirh-the-choicer-varieties-m-image232804286.html
RMREN46P–. Common insects affecting fruit-trees [microform]. Insect pests; Fruits; Insectes nuisibles; Fruit. Phylloxera galls on a grape-leaf. •n '"lisrworSVn^EcoJoSp^^ ''"7 remarkable one and may be found occupy more space than T^vaiaS^'"^^^^ '° fuHy describe it here woulS The figure will serve f„r the r-'..^"^ f^^ hardly to be necessary, term can be overcome by the us.''"f k"" ."!•?" ^^"- '^^^ root-infesting plan is to grow theTeMsLnt / ! of carbon, but the better grafted. ^ ^ ''''''"' '''^^' "" «hirh the choicer varieties m
. Common insects affecting fruit-trees [microform]. Insect pests; Fruits; Insectes nuisibles; Fruit. «s roots. p*rSg?wlrnir^r'UT ";!« ""^"S^'-ound and attacking the roots, and therffore t" fos, A"!!u^, "^"'^ '""'"^ «"d ^'^'^ of the the leaves, covering the J w th smaH ea^'a^n^ = *'' ''^'u". '°^'" «"-'^« "Si causing their destruction.. Phylloxera galls on a grape-leaf. •n '"lisrworSVn^EcoJoSp^^ ''"7 remarkable one and may be found occupy more space than T^vaiaS^'"^^^^ '° fuHy describe it here woulS T Stock Photo!-quotquotquots-ound-and-attacking-the-roots-and-therffore-tquot-fos-aquot!!u-quotquot-quotquotquot-quotd-of-the-the-leaves-covering-the-j-w-th-smah-eaan-=-uquot-quot-quot-quotsi-causing-their-destruction-phylloxera-galls-on-a-grape-leaf-n-quotlisrworsvnecojosp-quot7-remarkable-one-and-may-be-found-occupy-more-space-than-tvaiasquot-fuhy-describe-it-here-wouls-t-image232804291.html
RMREN46Y–. Common insects affecting fruit-trees [microform]. Insect pests; Fruits; Insectes nuisibles; Fruit. «s roots. p*rSg?wlrnir^r'UT ";!« ""^"S^'-ound and attacking the roots, and therffore t" fos, A"!!u^, "^"'^ '""'"^ «"d ^'^'^ of the the leaves, covering the J w th smaH ea^'a^n^ = *'' ''^'u". '°^'" «"-'^« "Si causing their destruction.. Phylloxera galls on a grape-leaf. •n '"lisrworSVn^EcoJoSp^^ ''"7 remarkable one and may be found occupy more space than T^vaiaS^'"^^^^ '° fuHy describe it here woulS T
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