Arnold Arthur Berthold 1803-1861 German Scientist Physiologist Zoologist Stock Photo
RMRB86ED–Arnold Arthur Berthold 1803-1861 German Scientist Physiologist Zoologist
Monstrum hermaphroditicum quatuor brachijs & totidem cruribus, Aldrovandi, 1642, 17th century, renaissance, Europe Stock Photo
RMB1C5TW–Monstrum hermaphroditicum quatuor brachijs & totidem cruribus, Aldrovandi, 1642, 17th century, renaissance, Europe
. Outlines of zoology. glandular endostyle, and adorsal fold (Tunicates) or groove {Amphioxus), connectedanteriorly to the endostyle by means of a ciliated band. On the other hand, the Ascidians differ from the lanceletsin many ways, e.g. the sessile habit, the presence of thetest, of a heart, and of genital ducts; the absence of seg-mentation, of nephridia, and any trace of ccelom in theadult; the U-shaped alimentary canal; the power of budding,so common in sedentary animals; and the hermaphroditism. The detailed study of development yields similar seriesof facts — marked resemblances coupled Stock Photo
RM2AGDWJT–. Outlines of zoology. glandular endostyle, and adorsal fold (Tunicates) or groove {Amphioxus), connectedanteriorly to the endostyle by means of a ciliated band. On the other hand, the Ascidians differ from the lanceletsin many ways, e.g. the sessile habit, the presence of thetest, of a heart, and of genital ducts; the absence of seg-mentation, of nephridia, and any trace of ccelom in theadult; the U-shaped alimentary canal; the power of budding,so common in sedentary animals; and the hermaphroditism. The detailed study of development yields similar seriesof facts — marked resemblances coupled
. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. URIXOGENITAL ORGANS 365 phores, which pass into a large vesicula seininalis at the base of the vas deferens; the Miillerian ducts are complete in the male, though small. Hernutplinidittsm occurs amongst Fishes. InMyxiiie the posterior part of the gonad usually first gives rise to spermatozoa, and subsequently the anterior part til ova, so that self-fertilisation is prevented. Serranus and Chryso- phrys, again, are hermaphrodite, and hermaphroditism has been occasionally observed in various other Fishes {e.g., Gadus mor Stock Photo
RMPG2M0R–. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. URIXOGENITAL ORGANS 365 phores, which pass into a large vesicula seininalis at the base of the vas deferens; the Miillerian ducts are complete in the male, though small. Hernutplinidittsm occurs amongst Fishes. InMyxiiie the posterior part of the gonad usually first gives rise to spermatozoa, and subsequently the anterior part til ova, so that self-fertilisation is prevented. Serranus and Chryso- phrys, again, are hermaphrodite, and hermaphroditism has been occasionally observed in various other Fishes {e.g., Gadus mor
Monstrum hermaphroditicum biceps aliud Aldrovandi 1642 17th century renaissance Europe Stock Photo
RMB1CDTA–Monstrum hermaphroditicum biceps aliud Aldrovandi 1642 17th century renaissance Europe
. A text-book of invertebrate morphology. Invertebrates. 402 INVERTEBBATE MOEPHOLOGT. that, on the assumption of a sessile life hermaphroditism became character- istic of the order, the bisexualism of these boring forms being secondarily acquired. The fact that the pigmy males present larval characters sug- gests the idea that their occurrence may be an extreme case of proterandry. If in the hermaphrodite forms it is a rule that the spermatozoa mature earlier than the ova, thus preventing self-fertilization, it is conceivable that this early maturation of the testes might be carried back almos Stock Photo
RMRE07NC–. A text-book of invertebrate morphology. Invertebrates. 402 INVERTEBBATE MOEPHOLOGT. that, on the assumption of a sessile life hermaphroditism became character- istic of the order, the bisexualism of these boring forms being secondarily acquired. The fact that the pigmy males present larval characters sug- gests the idea that their occurrence may be an extreme case of proterandry. If in the hermaphrodite forms it is a rule that the spermatozoa mature earlier than the ova, thus preventing self-fertilization, it is conceivable that this early maturation of the testes might be carried back almos
. The diseases of the genital organs of domestic animals. Veterinary medicine. Hermaphroditism 159. > Iâ« > O o a o Pi a be a o m o â d o u P. m. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Williams, Walter Long, 1856-1945; Williams, Walter Wilkinson, 1892- joint author. Ithaca, N. Y. , The author Stock Photo
RMPG2N80–. The diseases of the genital organs of domestic animals. Veterinary medicine. Hermaphroditism 159. > Iâ« > O o a o Pi a be a o m o â d o u P. m. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Williams, Walter Long, 1856-1945; Williams, Walter Wilkinson, 1892- joint author. Ithaca, N. Y. , The author
. Outlines of zoology. Zoology. GENERAL NOTES ON CRUSTACEANS. 277 is an organised method of getting rid of some waste products. There are many peculiarities connected with reproduc- tion—thus parthenogenesis for prolonged periods is common among " water-fleas " ; hermaphroditism is frequent, occur- ring, for example, in barnacles, acorn-shells, etc., and it is often complicated by the simultaneous existence of " pigmy " complemental males. When separate the two sexes are often very diverse. The spermatozoa are usually exceptional in being very slightly motile. In both sexes Stock Photo
RMRDP01M–. Outlines of zoology. Zoology. GENERAL NOTES ON CRUSTACEANS. 277 is an organised method of getting rid of some waste products. There are many peculiarities connected with reproduc- tion—thus parthenogenesis for prolonged periods is common among " water-fleas " ; hermaphroditism is frequent, occur- ring, for example, in barnacles, acorn-shells, etc., and it is often complicated by the simultaneous existence of " pigmy " complemental males. When separate the two sexes are often very diverse. The spermatozoa are usually exceptional in being very slightly motile. In both sexes
. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. 498 FRESH-WATER BIOLOGY 54 (53) Male supplementary organs protusile tubes. Aphanolaimus de Man. Genus of fresh-water nematodes, of which nearly a dozen species are known. Hermaphroditism occurs. Representative species. Aphanolaimus spiriferus Cobb 1914.. â¢5ff« â 3.1' 55 (52) Viviparous. Two embryos and de- veloping egg have been seen in each uterus at the same time. Eggs, about as long as body is wide, and less than half as wide as long. Habitat: Potomac River, Wash- ington, D. C. Fig. 801. Aphanolaimus spiriferus. I, lateral view, anterior end of f Stock Photo
RMPFYJN8–. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. 498 FRESH-WATER BIOLOGY 54 (53) Male supplementary organs protusile tubes. Aphanolaimus de Man. Genus of fresh-water nematodes, of which nearly a dozen species are known. Hermaphroditism occurs. Representative species. Aphanolaimus spiriferus Cobb 1914.. â¢5ff« â 3.1' 55 (52) Viviparous. Two embryos and de- veloping egg have been seen in each uterus at the same time. Eggs, about as long as body is wide, and less than half as wide as long. Habitat: Potomac River, Wash- ington, D. C. Fig. 801. Aphanolaimus spiriferus. I, lateral view, anterior end of f
. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. URIXOGENITAL ORGANS 365 phores, which pass into a large vesicula seininalis at the base of the vas deferens; the Miillerian ducts are complete in the male, though small. Hernutplinidittsm occurs amongst Fishes. InMyxiiie the posterior part of the gonad usually first gives rise to spermatozoa, and subsequently the anterior part til ova, so that self-fertilisation is prevented. Serranus and Chryso- phrys, again, are hermaphrodite, and hermaphroditism has been occasionally observed in various other Fishes {e.g., Gadus mor Stock Photo
RMRDG9GE–. Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Anatomy, Comparative. URIXOGENITAL ORGANS 365 phores, which pass into a large vesicula seininalis at the base of the vas deferens; the Miillerian ducts are complete in the male, though small. Hernutplinidittsm occurs amongst Fishes. InMyxiiie the posterior part of the gonad usually first gives rise to spermatozoa, and subsequently the anterior part til ova, so that self-fertilisation is prevented. Serranus and Chryso- phrys, again, are hermaphrodite, and hermaphroditism has been occasionally observed in various other Fishes {e.g., Gadus mor
. The Cambridge natural history. Zoology. EPICARIDA LIFE-HISTORY OF ENTONISCIDAE 135 into adult females, though all the adult females have passed through a male stage in which the male genital ducts are not formed. The hermaphroditism, there- fore, in these animals at any rate is absolutely useless from a reproductive point of view, and this justifies our looking for some other explanation of it, such as was suggested on p. 105. The Bopyrus fixes in the gill- chamber of the host and becomes con- verted into the adult female by a series of transformations. As these changes P take place it invag Stock Photo
RMRDKH33–. The Cambridge natural history. Zoology. EPICARIDA LIFE-HISTORY OF ENTONISCIDAE 135 into adult females, though all the adult females have passed through a male stage in which the male genital ducts are not formed. The hermaphroditism, there- fore, in these animals at any rate is absolutely useless from a reproductive point of view, and this justifies our looking for some other explanation of it, such as was suggested on p. 105. The Bopyrus fixes in the gill- chamber of the host and becomes con- verted into the adult female by a series of transformations. As these changes P take place it invag
. The Cambridge natural history. Zoology. TEMPORARY HERMAPHRODITISM 103 This is well exemplified in the case of the ordinary males of Inach'US mauritanicus, of some other Oxyrhynchoi;s crabs, and of the Crayfish Cambarus} During the breeding season the males of /. mauritanicus fall into three chief categories: Small males with swollen chelae (Fig. 73, A), middle-sized males with flattened chelae (B), and large males with enormously swollen chelae (C). On dissecting specimens of the first and third categories it is found that the testes occupy a large part of the thoracic cavity and are full of Stock Photo
RMRDKH67–. The Cambridge natural history. Zoology. TEMPORARY HERMAPHRODITISM 103 This is well exemplified in the case of the ordinary males of Inach'US mauritanicus, of some other Oxyrhynchoi;s crabs, and of the Crayfish Cambarus} During the breeding season the males of /. mauritanicus fall into three chief categories: Small males with swollen chelae (Fig. 73, A), middle-sized males with flattened chelae (B), and large males with enormously swollen chelae (C). On dissecting specimens of the first and third categories it is found that the testes occupy a large part of the thoracic cavity and are full of
. The diseases of the genital organs of domestic animals. Veterinary medicine. Hermaphroditism 159. > Iâ« > O o a o Pi a be a o m o â d o u P. m. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Williams, Walter Long, 1856-1945; Williams, Walter Wilkinson, 1892- joint author. Ithaca, N. Y. , The author Stock Photo
RMRDFXH0–. The diseases of the genital organs of domestic animals. Veterinary medicine. Hermaphroditism 159. > Iâ« > O o a o Pi a be a o m o â d o u P. m. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Williams, Walter Long, 1856-1945; Williams, Walter Wilkinson, 1892- joint author. Ithaca, N. Y. , The author
. A textbook of invertebrate morphology [microform]. Invertebrates; Morphology (Animals); Invertébrés; Morphologie (Animaux). 403 INVERTEBRATE MORPHOLOGY. I W I that, on the assumption of a sossile life hermaphroditism became character- istic of the order, tlio biseximlism of tiieso boring forms being secondarily acquired. The fact that the pigmy males present larval characters sug- gests the idea tluit their occurrence may be an extreme ease of proterandry. If in the hermaphrodite; forms it is a rule tliat the spermatozoa mature earlier than the ova, thus preventing self-fertilization, it is Stock Photo
RMRJ4BHN–. A textbook of invertebrate morphology [microform]. Invertebrates; Morphology (Animals); Invertébrés; Morphologie (Animaux). 403 INVERTEBRATE MORPHOLOGY. I W I that, on the assumption of a sossile life hermaphroditism became character- istic of the order, tlio biseximlism of tiieso boring forms being secondarily acquired. The fact that the pigmy males present larval characters sug- gests the idea tluit their occurrence may be an extreme ease of proterandry. If in the hermaphrodite; forms it is a rule tliat the spermatozoa mature earlier than the ova, thus preventing self-fertilization, it is
. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. 498 FRESH-WATER BIOLOGY 54 (53) Male supplementary organs protusile tubes. Aphanolaimus de Man. Genus of fresh-water nematodes, of which nearly a dozen species are known. Hermaphroditism occurs. Representative species. Aphanolaimus spiriferus Cobb 1914.. â¢5ff« â 3.1' 55 (52) Viviparous. Two embryos and de- veloping egg have been seen in each uterus at the same time. Eggs, about as long as body is wide, and less than half as wide as long. Habitat: Potomac River, Wash- ington, D. C. Fig. 801. Aphanolaimus spiriferus. I, lateral view, anterior end of f Stock Photo
RMRDAX1W–. Fresh-water biology. Freshwater biology. 498 FRESH-WATER BIOLOGY 54 (53) Male supplementary organs protusile tubes. Aphanolaimus de Man. Genus of fresh-water nematodes, of which nearly a dozen species are known. Hermaphroditism occurs. Representative species. Aphanolaimus spiriferus Cobb 1914.. â¢5ff« â 3.1' 55 (52) Viviparous. Two embryos and de- veloping egg have been seen in each uterus at the same time. Eggs, about as long as body is wide, and less than half as wide as long. Habitat: Potomac River, Wash- ington, D. C. Fig. 801. Aphanolaimus spiriferus. I, lateral view, anterior end of f
. Outlines of zoology. Zoology. GENERAL NOTES ON TUNIC ATA. 407 respiratory current as in the Ascidians, and the gill-slits may be few in N M DO. Fig. 176A.—" Nurse" of Doliohim m&lleri. —After Uljanin. I., inhalant, E., exhalant aperture; C, ciliated band round pharynx (P); En., endostyle; O., otocyst; N., nerve-gang- lion; H., heart; CE., (esophageal opening; D., stomach; A., anus; CI., cloaca; DO., dorsal organ ; M., muscle bands. number, or, as in Salpa, may be represented by two large holes in the walls of the pharynx. Further, the hermaphroditism is modified by the. Please Stock Photo
RMRDNYRY–. Outlines of zoology. Zoology. GENERAL NOTES ON TUNIC ATA. 407 respiratory current as in the Ascidians, and the gill-slits may be few in N M DO. Fig. 176A.—" Nurse" of Doliohim m&lleri. —After Uljanin. I., inhalant, E., exhalant aperture; C, ciliated band round pharynx (P); En., endostyle; O., otocyst; N., nerve-gang- lion; H., heart; CE., (esophageal opening; D., stomach; A., anus; CI., cloaca; DO., dorsal organ ; M., muscle bands. number, or, as in Salpa, may be represented by two large holes in the walls of the pharynx. Further, the hermaphroditism is modified by the. Please
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