close up look of a hub dynamo of a bike, to generate electricity for bike lighting. Stock Photo
RMCTN951–close up look of a hub dynamo of a bike, to generate electricity for bike lighting.
A bicycle dynamo Stock Photo
RFGK8DRD–A bicycle dynamo
. Scientific American Volume 84 Number 05 (February 1901) . Economical Gas Engine Igniters of every description forStationary, Marine orAutomobile Engines,Dynamos, Magnetos,Starters, Coils and^ Plugs for either touch EJS^ or jump spark. Dayton Electrical Mfg. Co., 80 St. Clair St., Dayton, 0. r>E.FIANCEl MACHINE WORKS DEFIANCE, OHIO.U.S.A. ^ BUILOELP.S OF -^-f IV HUB. SPOKE.,7! WHEEL., BENDING, WAGON, CARRIAGE. IN MACHINERY I 5END rOR CftTAUOGUL. Stock Photo!-wheel-bending-wagon-carriage-in-machinery-i-5end-ror-cfttauogul-image372223869.html
RM2CHG79H–. Scientific American Volume 84 Number 05 (February 1901) . Economical Gas Engine Igniters of every description forStationary, Marine orAutomobile Engines,Dynamos, Magnetos,Starters, Coils and^ Plugs for either touch EJS^ or jump spark. Dayton Electrical Mfg. Co., 80 St. Clair St., Dayton, 0. r>E.FIANCEl MACHINE WORKS DEFIANCE, OHIO.U.S.A. ^ BUILOELP.S OF -^-f IV HUB. SPOKE.,7! WHEEL., BENDING, WAGON, CARRIAGE. IN MACHINERY I 5END rOR CftTAUOGUL.
. The Street railway journal . ted load be thrown offthe electromotive force will rise 6 per cent with constant speed KEY A > « Laminated field magnetsCast iron ri ugRolled steel webLaminated armature cureCast iron armature frameSteel hub excite the alternators. The five direct-current dynamos areconnected to the organization of switching apparatus in sucha way that each unit may be connected at will either to the ex-citing circuits or to the circuits through which auxiliary mo-tors are supplied. SWITCHING APPARATUSWhere the power to be controlled is so great, the potentialso high, and the Stock Photo
RM2CGRE6M–. The Street railway journal . ted load be thrown offthe electromotive force will rise 6 per cent with constant speed KEY A > « Laminated field magnetsCast iron ri ugRolled steel webLaminated armature cureCast iron armature frameSteel hub excite the alternators. The five direct-current dynamos areconnected to the organization of switching apparatus in sucha way that each unit may be connected at will either to the ex-citing circuits or to the circuits through which auxiliary mo-tors are supplied. SWITCHING APPARATUSWhere the power to be controlled is so great, the potentialso high, and the
. Electric railway gazette . s for the Ryan dynamos of what-ever capacity, and whether wire-wound or bar-wound,are constructed on the same general style. The coresare built of thin plates of a special steel, the distinctivefeature of which is its unusually low hysteresis loss.The plates are stamped out in the form of rings, and aseries of long slots are punched near the edges. Theserings are then clamped firmly to a central hub or spiderby means of brass end plates. There are no bolts pass-ing through the laminated core, and no iron comes incontact with these plates. As a consequence of thisth Stock Photo
RM2CGY964–. Electric railway gazette . s for the Ryan dynamos of what-ever capacity, and whether wire-wound or bar-wound,are constructed on the same general style. The coresare built of thin plates of a special steel, the distinctivefeature of which is its unusually low hysteresis loss.The plates are stamped out in the form of rings, and aseries of long slots are punched near the edges. Theserings are then clamped firmly to a central hub or spiderby means of brass end plates. There are no bolts pass-ing through the laminated core, and no iron comes incontact with these plates. As a consequence of thisth
. Electric railway gazette . econd story, as shown in the illustration. At the time of the accident the engine was runningfour 50 arc-light dynamos, four street railway generators,and one small machine on a stationary motor circuit. The fly-wheel was 17 feet in diameter, with 52-inch face,and weighed 50,000 pounds. It was made up of eightsections, secured to each other by eight i^-inch boltsthrough flanges. In the middle of each segment was apad to which the arm was bolted with four i^-inch bolts.The arms were secured under the hub by three i^-inchbolts each. The sections separated by breaking Stock Photo
RM2CH1K13–. Electric railway gazette . econd story, as shown in the illustration. At the time of the accident the engine was runningfour 50 arc-light dynamos, four street railway generators,and one small machine on a stationary motor circuit. The fly-wheel was 17 feet in diameter, with 52-inch face,and weighed 50,000 pounds. It was made up of eightsections, secured to each other by eight i^-inch boltsthrough flanges. In the middle of each segment was apad to which the arm was bolted with four i^-inch bolts.The arms were secured under the hub by three i^-inchbolts each. The sections separated by breaking