The Law of corporations: containing the laws and customs of all the corporations and inferior courts of record in England Stock Photo
RMW58MCG–The Law of corporations: containing the laws and customs of all the corporations and inferior courts of record in England
Europe. Bailiwick. or the court of a bailiff of the king. Medieval justice. Engraving. Stock Photo
RM2H69FAX–Europe. Bailiwick. or the court of a bailiff of the king. Medieval justice. Engraving.
The Outbreak in Jamaica: the Governor's House, Spanish Town, 1865. Engraving from a sketch by Mr. C. Royle, showing '...the plain but commodious mansion which is the residence of the Governor at Spanish Town. That town, the official capital of the island, is nevertheless very inferior, both in size and population, to Kingston, the commercial metropolis, already mentioned, from which it is distant, by railway, about ten miles. The proceedings of the [British] Executive Government, Legislative Council, and House of Assembly, and the superior courts of judicature, are, indeed, the only business t Stock Photo
RM2XAP7EA–The Outbreak in Jamaica: the Governor's House, Spanish Town, 1865. Engraving from a sketch by Mr. C. Royle, showing '...the plain but commodious mansion which is the residence of the Governor at Spanish Town. That town, the official capital of the island, is nevertheless very inferior, both in size and population, to Kingston, the commercial metropolis, already mentioned, from which it is distant, by railway, about ten miles. The proceedings of the [British] Executive Government, Legislative Council, and House of Assembly, and the superior courts of judicature, are, indeed, the only business t
. The American educator; completely remodelled and rewritten from original text of the New practical reference library, with new plans and additional material. m of seven years.The judges of two special courts iu Kennebecand Cumberland counties, known as superiorcourts, and the judges of the inferior courts,except the probate courts, are also appointedby the governor and council. The probate^judges are chosen at popular election for a.term of four years. The attorney-general iselected biennially by joint ballot of thelegislature. .Maines general elections are held in Oc-tober, and in all other Stock Photo
RM2AFP62N–. The American educator; completely remodelled and rewritten from original text of the New practical reference library, with new plans and additional material. m of seven years.The judges of two special courts iu Kennebecand Cumberland counties, known as superiorcourts, and the judges of the inferior courts,except the probate courts, are also appointedby the governor and council. The probate^judges are chosen at popular election for a.term of four years. The attorney-general iselected biennially by joint ballot of thelegislature. .Maines general elections are held in Oc-tober, and in all other
. The earth and its inhabitants .. . and thirty-five arrondissements, besides five superior courts, and a Supreme Court of fifteen members. All judges, except those of inferior courts, are irremovable. The Eeformed Church was disestablished in 1870, although the vast majority of the inhabitants belong to it. The Roman Catholics are in a majority in the provinces of Limburg and Brabant, and generally carry the elections, for religious differences largely enter into politics. Jews are numerous in the larger towns.* The Army is partly recruited by voluntary enlistment, partly by conscription. * I Stock Photo
RMMAAJ1X–. The earth and its inhabitants .. . and thirty-five arrondissements, besides five superior courts, and a Supreme Court of fifteen members. All judges, except those of inferior courts, are irremovable. The Eeformed Church was disestablished in 1870, although the vast majority of the inhabitants belong to it. The Roman Catholics are in a majority in the provinces of Limburg and Brabant, and generally carry the elections, for religious differences largely enter into politics. Jews are numerous in the larger towns.* The Army is partly recruited by voluntary enlistment, partly by conscription. * I
Tennessee historical magazine [serial] . awn up the previous year andbased upon the one of North Carolina, provided for a gover-nor, elected by the people for a period of two years, a GeneralAssembly of two Houses, a treasurer and a secretary of state,appointed by the General Assembly, and a judicial powervested in such superior and inferior courts as the legislatorsshall from time to time direct. The judges were chosen bythe General Assembly, and the judicial districts were Wash-ington, Hamilton and Mero.13 This constitution lasted forthirty-eight years, being replaced in 1834 by a new one, a Stock Photo
RM2AWNRDG–Tennessee historical magazine [serial] . awn up the previous year andbased upon the one of North Carolina, provided for a gover-nor, elected by the people for a period of two years, a GeneralAssembly of two Houses, a treasurer and a secretary of state,appointed by the General Assembly, and a judicial powervested in such superior and inferior courts as the legislatorsshall from time to time direct. The judges were chosen bythe General Assembly, and the judicial districts were Wash-ington, Hamilton and Mero.13 This constitution lasted forthirty-eight years, being replaced in 1834 by a new one, a
. North Dakota history and people; outlines of American history. ith a general supervising control over all inferior courts.This control is restricted, however, by such regulations and limitations as maybe prescribed by law. The constitution further empowered the Supreme Court to issue originalwrits of injunction, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such otherremedial writs as may be necessary in the exercise of its jurisdiction. No jury can be allowed in the Supreme Court, but in proper cases wherequestions of fact must be settled before the court can finally decide the issues,it may c Stock Photo
RM2CEMKEB–. North Dakota history and people; outlines of American history. ith a general supervising control over all inferior courts.This control is restricted, however, by such regulations and limitations as maybe prescribed by law. The constitution further empowered the Supreme Court to issue originalwrits of injunction, mandamus, quo warranto, habeas corpus, and such otherremedial writs as may be necessary in the exercise of its jurisdiction. No jury can be allowed in the Supreme Court, but in proper cases wherequestions of fact must be settled before the court can finally decide the issues,it may c
. The Constitution of the United States . Article III.The Judicial Department. SECTION I. I. The judicial power of theUnited States shall be vestedin one Supreme Court, and insuch inferior courts as Con-gress may, from time to time,ordain and establish. Thejudges, both of the supremeand inferior courts, shall holdtheir offices during good be-havior; and shall, at statedtimes, receive for their ser-vices a compensation, whichshall not be diminished duringtheir continuance in office. SECTION 2. I. The judicial power shallextend to all cases in law and it %t/. Stock Photo
RM2CNP6RG–. The Constitution of the United States . Article III.The Judicial Department. SECTION I. I. The judicial power of theUnited States shall be vestedin one Supreme Court, and insuch inferior courts as Con-gress may, from time to time,ordain and establish. Thejudges, both of the supremeand inferior courts, shall holdtheir offices during good be-havior; and shall, at statedtimes, receive for their ser-vices a compensation, whichshall not be diminished duringtheir continuance in office. SECTION 2. I. The judicial power shallextend to all cases in law and it %t/.
. A course in civil government. feriorcourts of the United States. It may modify its own de-cisions, but its judgment is final. 219. Inferior Courts of the United States.—TheConstitution empowers Congress to establish United Statescourts inferior to the Supreme Court. Under this author-ity it has established sixty-three District Courts, nineCircuit Courts, nine Appellate Courts, the court of the Dis-trict of Columbia, Territorial Courts, the Court of Claimsand Consular Courts.* * The sixty-three districts are—Alabama, New York, Texas, three each;Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Stock Photo
RM2CEY5GE–. A course in civil government. feriorcourts of the United States. It may modify its own de-cisions, but its judgment is final. 219. Inferior Courts of the United States.—TheConstitution empowers Congress to establish United Statescourts inferior to the Supreme Court. Under this author-ity it has established sixty-three District Courts, nineCircuit Courts, nine Appellate Courts, the court of the Dis-trict of Columbia, Territorial Courts, the Court of Claimsand Consular Courts.* * The sixty-three districts are—Alabama, New York, Texas, three each;Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan,
. Annual report of the American Historical Association . GEORGIA LOCAL ARCHIVES. 589 60 alllfl H is i^ P- OS . c3 O 03 q; O)■Wf O aj cQ sss 0«OCOT-it--*OCOT-ICCii^ ss^ o Phk> CO pi be ^cSPl oQ pioQ o02 OQ O to 03 .. 590 AMERICAlSr HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. [Augusta Chron. April 30,1820] A list of free persons of color who have registered their names in Clerkof the Inferior Courts office, Burke County, Georgia 28th Februaryto 6th March Name Age Where born When came in State Profession Geo.Millan 24 27 1 9132724 2 51 9 223312 9 85621 4313024414976 361216 9 7 5 21 mos505635181630312115 91050 Mar Stock Photo
RM2CGHMAG–. Annual report of the American Historical Association . GEORGIA LOCAL ARCHIVES. 589 60 alllfl H is i^ P- OS . c3 O 03 q; O)■Wf O aj cQ sss 0«OCOT-it--*OCOT-ICCii^ ss^ o Phk> CO pi be ^cSPl oQ pioQ o02 OQ O to 03 .. 590 AMERICAlSr HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. [Augusta Chron. April 30,1820] A list of free persons of color who have registered their names in Clerkof the Inferior Courts office, Burke County, Georgia 28th Februaryto 6th March Name Age Where born When came in State Profession Geo.Millan 24 27 1 9132724 2 51 9 223312 9 85621 4313024414976 361216 9 7 5 21 mos505635181630312115 91050 Mar
The public services of Gouverneur Morris to 1787 . e executive pov;er in aclause which provided that Congress may by law vest the appoint-ment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the Presidentalone, in the courts of lav/, or in tne heads of departments (4). Morriss motives in the establishment of the execu-tive were purely nationalistic ones. A strong, firm, and indepen-dent exec^.itive meant to him a national government; therefore heopposed anything which was inimical to such strength, firmness,orindependence. Many of Morriss contemporaries had keen remembrancesof the misuse of Stock Photo
RM2AKFPP5–The public services of Gouverneur Morris to 1787 . e executive pov;er in aclause which provided that Congress may by law vest the appoint-ment of such inferior officers as they think proper in the Presidentalone, in the courts of lav/, or in tne heads of departments (4). Morriss motives in the establishment of the execu-tive were purely nationalistic ones. A strong, firm, and indepen-dent exec^.itive meant to him a national government; therefore heopposed anything which was inimical to such strength, firmness,orindependence. Many of Morriss contemporaries had keen remembrancesof the misuse of
Beginner's civics for North Dakota . ^ have formed with-out fear, favor, or partiality. Federal Courts.—The Constitution creates one Fed-eral court, the Supreme Court. It places on Congressthe responsibility of creating, as the country develops,such inferior Federal courts as are needed. We nowhave four kinds of Federal courts, as follows: Supreme Court.—This court consists of nine mem-bers; one is called the Chief Justice, and the othereight are called Associate Justices. Our most famous 128 THE JUDICIARY 129 Chief Justice was John Marshall, a warm friend ofGeorge Washington, who was for thir Stock Photo
RM2AJ6PBJ–Beginner's civics for North Dakota . ^ have formed with-out fear, favor, or partiality. Federal Courts.—The Constitution creates one Fed-eral court, the Supreme Court. It places on Congressthe responsibility of creating, as the country develops,such inferior Federal courts as are needed. We nowhave four kinds of Federal courts, as follows: Supreme Court.—This court consists of nine mem-bers; one is called the Chief Justice, and the othereight are called Associate Justices. Our most famous 128 THE JUDICIARY 129 Chief Justice was John Marshall, a warm friend ofGeorge Washington, who was for thir
. Architecture, classic and early Christian . merous other courts and halls, one of which has noless than one hundred columns to support its roof, but theheight of this building was much inferior to that of theChehil Minar. The existence of these columns leaves nodoubt that these buildings were covered with flat roofs;and that over part of them was a raised talar or prayer-platform is rendered probable from the introduction of sucha feature into the sculptured representation of a palacefa§ade which forms the entrance to the rock-tomb ofDarius, which was cut out of the mountain at the backof th Stock Photo
RM2CE0T17–. Architecture, classic and early Christian . merous other courts and halls, one of which has noless than one hundred columns to support its roof, but theheight of this building was much inferior to that of theChehil Minar. The existence of these columns leaves nodoubt that these buildings were covered with flat roofs;and that over part of them was a raised talar or prayer-platform is rendered probable from the introduction of sucha feature into the sculptured representation of a palacefa§ade which forms the entrance to the rock-tomb ofDarius, which was cut out of the mountain at the backof th
. Cyclopedia of American government . tion. The judicial power of the state is vested inthe senate as a court of impeachment, a su-preme court, district courts, justices of thepeace, and other inferior municipal courts. Local governmental divisions include coun-ties, townships, precincts, school and road dis-tricts, and municipalities. County commis-sioners are three in number and hold office forfour years. Municipal corporations are classi-fied by population, with differing lists of offi-cers. Under a law passed in 1909 cities may cast for the Republican ticket in 1892, for theDemocratic in 1 Stock Photo
RM2CDK3GG–. Cyclopedia of American government . tion. The judicial power of the state is vested inthe senate as a court of impeachment, a su-preme court, district courts, justices of thepeace, and other inferior municipal courts. Local governmental divisions include coun-ties, townships, precincts, school and road dis-tricts, and municipalities. County commis-sioners are three in number and hold office forfour years. Municipal corporations are classi-fied by population, with differing lists of offi-cers. Under a law passed in 1909 cities may cast for the Republican ticket in 1892, for theDemocratic in 1
. Choice selections in seeds and plants. Nurseries (Horticulture) New York (State) Tarrytown Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. PIERSGN'S CELEBRATES EMERALD GREEN LAM GRASS SEED THE BEST MIXTURE MADE FOR AMERICAN LAAVNS, LAWS TENNIS COURTS, GRASS PLATS, ETC. Nothing adds so much to the attractiveness of a country place as a well-kept velvety lawn. In order to secure this it is necessary that, the proper grasses should be sown. More disappointment results from sowing inferior Stock Photo
RMRJ55A2–. Choice selections in seeds and plants. Nurseries (Horticulture) New York (State) Tarrytown Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. PIERSGN'S CELEBRATES EMERALD GREEN LAM GRASS SEED THE BEST MIXTURE MADE FOR AMERICAN LAAVNS, LAWS TENNIS COURTS, GRASS PLATS, ETC. Nothing adds so much to the attractiveness of a country place as a well-kept velvety lawn. In order to secure this it is necessary that, the proper grasses should be sown. More disappointment results from sowing inferior
. Choice selections in seeds and plants. Nurseries (Horticulture) New York (State) Tarrytown Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. PIERSQN'S GELcEBRATCD EMERALD GREEN LfAWN GRASS SEED. THE BEST MIXTURE MADE FOR AMERICAN LAWNS, LAWN TENNIS COURTS, GRASS PLATS, ETC. Nothing adds so much to the attractiveness of a country place as a well-kept velvety lawn. In order to secure this it is necessary that the proper grasses should be sown. More disappointment results from sowing inferior seed Stock Photo
RMRJ64E2–. Choice selections in seeds and plants. Nurseries (Horticulture) New York (State) Tarrytown Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. PIERSQN'S GELcEBRATCD EMERALD GREEN LfAWN GRASS SEED. THE BEST MIXTURE MADE FOR AMERICAN LAWNS, LAWN TENNIS COURTS, GRASS PLATS, ETC. Nothing adds so much to the attractiveness of a country place as a well-kept velvety lawn. In order to secure this it is necessary that the proper grasses should be sown. More disappointment results from sowing inferior seed