Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue Stock Photos and Images
An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians . Oide] ^-^Small cornuCornu minus Great cornu -^^ Cornu majus Chondroglossus muscle— Chondropharyngeus muscleTrausversalis linguae muscle, ortransverse muscle of the tongue Lingualis inferior, Inferior lingualmuscle, or inferior longitudinal —muscle of the tongue W. longiludinalis inferior Hyoglossus muscle Genioglossus or geniohyoglossusmuscle Lingualis inferior, inferior Ungual muscle, or inferior longitudinal muscle of the tongue M. longitudinalis inferior Cut edge of the mucous membrane—of the tongue. Membranous attachment of the ^gen Stock Photo
RM2AJD4WY–An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians . Oide] ^-^Small cornuCornu minus Great cornu -^^ Cornu majus Chondroglossus muscle— Chondropharyngeus muscleTrausversalis linguae muscle, ortransverse muscle of the tongue Lingualis inferior, Inferior lingualmuscle, or inferior longitudinal —muscle of the tongue W. longiludinalis inferior Hyoglossus muscle Genioglossus or geniohyoglossusmuscle Lingualis inferior, inferior Ungual muscle, or inferior longitudinal muscle of the tongue M. longitudinalis inferior Cut edge of the mucous membrane—of the tongue. Membranous attachment of the ^gen
An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians . Vertical muscle of the tongue M verticalis lingua; Lingualis superior, superficial lingual muscle, or superior Icngitudinal muscle of the tongue W. longiiudinalis superior Hypoglossal nerve^ 1 Nervus hypoglossus .Lingualis inferior, inferior lingual muscle, or inferior longitudinal muscle of the tongue M, longitudinalis inferior ^ - Genioglossus or geniohyoglossus muscle Septum of the tongueSeptum lingua Fig. 677.—Coronal Section through the Body of the Tongue. Circumvallate papilla In the foramen caecum Mucous membrane of the tongue Tuni Stock Photo
RM2AJD3Y3–An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians . Vertical muscle of the tongue M verticalis lingua; Lingualis superior, superficial lingual muscle, or superior Icngitudinal muscle of the tongue W. longiiudinalis superior Hypoglossal nerve^ 1 Nervus hypoglossus .Lingualis inferior, inferior lingual muscle, or inferior longitudinal muscle of the tongue M, longitudinalis inferior ^ - Genioglossus or geniohyoglossus muscle Septum of the tongueSeptum lingua Fig. 677.—Coronal Section through the Body of the Tongue. Circumvallate papilla In the foramen caecum Mucous membrane of the tongue Tuni
. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. 420 CEPHALIC AND CERVICAL PORTIONS OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS Body of the hyoid bone Corpus ossis hyoidei "^--^ Small cornu Cornu minus ^ Great corau Cornu majus Chondroglossus muscle Chondropharyngeus muscle' Transversalis linguae muscle, or transverse muscle of the tongue —-' M. transvcrsas lingua: Lingualis inferior, inferior lingual muscle, or inferior longitudinal—' muscle of the tongue ^^ jM. longitudiiialis inlc-rior ^^ Hyoglossus muscle " Genioglossus or geniohyoglossus muscle Lingualis inferior, inferior lingua Stock Photo
RMRJY9F9–. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. 420 CEPHALIC AND CERVICAL PORTIONS OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS Body of the hyoid bone Corpus ossis hyoidei "^--^ Small cornu Cornu minus ^ Great corau Cornu majus Chondroglossus muscle Chondropharyngeus muscle' Transversalis linguae muscle, or transverse muscle of the tongue —-' M. transvcrsas lingua: Lingualis inferior, inferior lingual muscle, or inferior longitudinal—' muscle of the tongue ^^ jM. longitudiiialis inlc-rior ^^ Hyoglossus muscle " Genioglossus or geniohyoglossus muscle Lingualis inferior, inferior lingua
. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. CEt'HALIC AND CERVICAL FURTIUNS UF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS 421 Transversalis linguae muscle, or transverse muscle of the tongue M. transversus lingua Submucous fibrous stratum, or fascia of the tongue Fascia linguae Mucous membrane of the tongue. Tunica mucosa lingua: Lower surface of the toagu Facies inferior lingua;. Vertical muscle of the tongue M, verticalis lingua: Lingualis superior, superficial lingual muscle, or superior longitudinal muscle of the tongue M. longuudinalis superior Apical lingual gland (gland of Blandin, glan Stock Photo
RMRJY9DP–. An atlas of human anatomy for students and physicians. Anatomy. CEt'HALIC AND CERVICAL FURTIUNS UF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS 421 Transversalis linguae muscle, or transverse muscle of the tongue M. transversus lingua Submucous fibrous stratum, or fascia of the tongue Fascia linguae Mucous membrane of the tongue. Tunica mucosa lingua: Lower surface of the toagu Facies inferior lingua;. Vertical muscle of the tongue M, verticalis lingua: Lingualis superior, superficial lingual muscle, or superior longitudinal muscle of the tongue M. longuudinalis superior Apical lingual gland (gland of Blandin, glan
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