The chemical mixture of iron filings and sulphur in an ignition tube, being separated with a magnet, prior to being heated to create iron sulphide Stock Photo
RFT01E02–The chemical mixture of iron filings and sulphur in an ignition tube, being separated with a magnet, prior to being heated to create iron sulphide
Separation of sulphur and iron filings using a magnet Stock Photo
RMFDMBD4–Separation of sulphur and iron filings using a magnet
Iron sulphate in an ignition tube produced by heating sulphur with iron filings Stock Photo
RF2AFER7Y–Iron sulphate in an ignition tube produced by heating sulphur with iron filings
Iron filings and sulphur labelled Stock Photo
RMAW7CXK–Iron filings and sulphur labelled
Iron filings and sulphur powder on glass dish Stock Photo
RMPFD3J3–Iron filings and sulphur powder on glass dish
Separation of sulphur and iron filings using a magnet Stock Vector
RFP1K6BP–Separation of sulphur and iron filings using a magnet
Elements of chemistry : including the applications of the science in the arts . mixture of 4 parts of coarse sulphur and 7 of iron J filings or borings in a covered stoneware or cast-iron crucible. The sulphide of iron, thus obtained, isbroken into lumps, and acted upon by diluted sul-phuric acid in a gas-bottle (fig. 141), exactly as zincis treated in the preparation of hydrogen gas.Hydrosulphuric acid is evolved without the appli-cation of heat, and should be collected over waterat 80° or 90°; or if collected in a gasometer orgasholder, the latter may be filled with brine, inwhich this gas Stock Photo
RM2AM6P2R–Elements of chemistry : including the applications of the science in the arts . mixture of 4 parts of coarse sulphur and 7 of iron J filings or borings in a covered stoneware or cast-iron crucible. The sulphide of iron, thus obtained, isbroken into lumps, and acted upon by diluted sul-phuric acid in a gas-bottle (fig. 141), exactly as zincis treated in the preparation of hydrogen gas.Hydrosulphuric acid is evolved without the appli-cation of heat, and should be collected over waterat 80° or 90°; or if collected in a gasometer orgasholder, the latter may be filled with brine, inwhich this gas
weight of tube with iron filings and sulphur AFTER heating and reacting see AWT79P for BEFORE heating Stock Photo
RMANA2BE–weight of tube with iron filings and sulphur AFTER heating and reacting see AWT79P for BEFORE heating
Removing iron filings from sulphur mixture with magnet, close-up Stock Photo
RMPFD3JM–Removing iron filings from sulphur mixture with magnet, close-up
Separation of sulphur and iron filings using a magnet Stock Vector
RFP1K6CJ–Separation of sulphur and iron filings using a magnet
Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering . ng of the joints is lead; with hot air, an iron cement mustbo used. This cement is made of 99 parts of iron filings, sifted fine, and 1 part of powdered sal am-noniac, intimately mixed, dry. When used, as much water is added as will make a stiff paste. Flow-ers of sulphur, sometimes recommended, in no way contributes to the efficiency of the mixture, butrather to the contrary. The pipes are sometimes laid under ground and covered over; but this mode is not to he recom-mended ; they should be always accessible. If hot Stock Photo
RM2AJ1XW6–Appleton's dictionary of machines, mechanics, engine-work, and engineering . ng of the joints is lead; with hot air, an iron cement mustbo used. This cement is made of 99 parts of iron filings, sifted fine, and 1 part of powdered sal am-noniac, intimately mixed, dry. When used, as much water is added as will make a stiff paste. Flow-ers of sulphur, sometimes recommended, in no way contributes to the efficiency of the mixture, butrather to the contrary. The pipes are sometimes laid under ground and covered over; but this mode is not to he recom-mended ; they should be always accessible. If hot
Weighing mixture of sulphur and iron filings on a top pan balance BEFORE heating see ANA2BE for AFTER heating Stock Photo
RMAWT79P–Weighing mixture of sulphur and iron filings on a top pan balance BEFORE heating see ANA2BE for AFTER heating
. Essentials of medical and clinical chemistry. With laboratory exercises . —Fe2(S04)3.— Tersiclphate is made by adding iron and gunpowder into alcohol burning m a dinner-plate and note that theiron burns with bright scintillations, while the gunpowder falls through theflame and is not ignited uniil the alcohol is burned away to the surface of theplate. (***) Make an iron gunpowder by mixing I Gm. of reduced iron, 2 Grn.of sulphur and 3 Gm. of KN03, and note that it burns as quickly and morebrilliantly than ordinary gunpowder. 2 5Ferrous Salts. Dissolve iron filings in warm dilute H2SO,. Allow Stock Photo
RM2CHXNEY–. Essentials of medical and clinical chemistry. With laboratory exercises . —Fe2(S04)3.— Tersiclphate is made by adding iron and gunpowder into alcohol burning m a dinner-plate and note that theiron burns with bright scintillations, while the gunpowder falls through theflame and is not ignited uniil the alcohol is burned away to the surface of theplate. (***) Make an iron gunpowder by mixing I Gm. of reduced iron, 2 Grn.of sulphur and 3 Gm. of KN03, and note that it burns as quickly and morebrilliantly than ordinary gunpowder. 2 5Ferrous Salts. Dissolve iron filings in warm dilute H2SO,. Allow
. Scientific American Volume 06 Number 21 (May 1862) . ld render it a nuisance toexhaust the tank in the public streets of a city. Cement ion .Joints of Petboleum Stills.—j-t corre-spondent states that refiners of petroleum are muchtroubled to obtain a suitable cement for their stillsso as to form ;i tight and durable joint. The cementused for cast iron, made with iron filings, sal ammo-niac and sulphur, has been tried and found wanting ;Lead makes a tight joint, but is liable to melt outwith the high heat used. Copper also makes a tightjoint, but it soon corrodes and becomes useless. Va-rious Stock Photo
RM2CHGPEF–. Scientific American Volume 06 Number 21 (May 1862) . ld render it a nuisance toexhaust the tank in the public streets of a city. Cement ion .Joints of Petboleum Stills.—j-t corre-spondent states that refiners of petroleum are muchtroubled to obtain a suitable cement for their stillsso as to form ;i tight and durable joint. The cementused for cast iron, made with iron filings, sal ammo-niac and sulphur, has been tried and found wanting ;Lead makes a tight joint, but is liable to melt outwith the high heat used. Copper also makes a tightjoint, but it soon corrodes and becomes useless. Va-rious
. Essentials of medical and clinical chemistry. With laboratory exercises . lphur). 57 In a small glass flask, a little sulphur is heated to boiling. If now a bun-dle of fine copper wire or a piece of sodium, in a combustion spoon, be previ-ously heated and then lowered into the vapor, it burns brilliantly. 58 Mix in a dish equal parts of iron filings and flowers of sulphur.: moistenwith water and set aside. Within a half hour it gets hot, vaporizes the water,and is converted into a black mass of FeS. 59 Into a side-neck test-tube, or better a flask with funnel and delivery tube,Fig. 19, put a Stock Photo
RM2CHYG32–. Essentials of medical and clinical chemistry. With laboratory exercises . lphur). 57 In a small glass flask, a little sulphur is heated to boiling. If now a bun-dle of fine copper wire or a piece of sodium, in a combustion spoon, be previ-ously heated and then lowered into the vapor, it burns brilliantly. 58 Mix in a dish equal parts of iron filings and flowers of sulphur.: moistenwith water and set aside. Within a half hour it gets hot, vaporizes the water,and is converted into a black mass of FeS. 59 Into a side-neck test-tube, or better a flask with funnel and delivery tube,Fig. 19, put a