ITY letter logo design for technology company. ITY logo design black and white color combination. ITY logo, ITY vector, ITY design, ITY icon, ITY alph Stock Vector
RF2YT1J81–ITY letter logo design for technology company. ITY logo design black and white color combination. ITY logo, ITY vector, ITY design, ITY icon, ITY alph
. Highland Echo 1915-1925. The work that was begfunby pioneers like JosephHenry is being carried onby the scientists in the Re-search Laboratories of theGeneral Electric Company.They are constantly search-ing for fundamental prin-ciples in order that electric-ity may be of greaterservice to mankind. When Henry rang the bell If any bell was ever heard around theworld, Joseph Henry rang it in hisfamous experiment at the AlbanyAcademy. The amazing developmentof the electrical industry traces backto this schoolmasters coil of insulatedwire and his electro-magnet that lifteda ton of iron. Four year Stock Photo
RM2AFKN5X–. Highland Echo 1915-1925. The work that was begfunby pioneers like JosephHenry is being carried onby the scientists in the Re-search Laboratories of theGeneral Electric Company.They are constantly search-ing for fundamental prin-ciples in order that electric-ity may be of greaterservice to mankind. When Henry rang the bell If any bell was ever heard around theworld, Joseph Henry rang it in hisfamous experiment at the AlbanyAcademy. The amazing developmentof the electrical industry traces backto this schoolmasters coil of insulatedwire and his electro-magnet that lifteda ton of iron. Four year
ITY logo. ITY letter. ITY letter logo design. Initials ITY logo linked with circle and uppercase monogram logo. ITY typography for technology, busines Stock Vector
RF2RCTPNN–ITY logo. ITY letter. ITY letter logo design. Initials ITY logo linked with circle and uppercase monogram logo. ITY typography for technology, busines
ITY circle letter logo design with circle and ellipse shape. ITY ellipse letters with typographic style. The three initials form a circle logo. ITY Ci Stock Vector
RF2RJ9HR9–ITY circle letter logo design with circle and ellipse shape. ITY ellipse letters with typographic style. The three initials form a circle logo. ITY Ci
Perfected for Ignition No. 313 St. Paul Street . Baltimore. Md. PAINE'S PERFECT PIPE THE'BEST'LIGHT Outshines the Sun. THE BEST LIGHT COMPANY wiry RAZOR 1Patents Trade Marks Solic tors A Money Maker for Agents sight. Best qual ity raaor oteel THE CANTON CUTLERY CO. 1244 W. Tenth Street Canton Ohi The Hobart Electric Mfg. Co. A.W. FABER Reade Street New York N. Y. GRAND PRIZE. Highest Award. PARIS. 1900. TIE CLIPPER CLIP CLIPPER MFG. C 401 West 124th St. The CLEVELAND STONE CO., scientific american, 1903-11-07 Stock Photo
RM2ABXTHD–Perfected for Ignition No. 313 St. Paul Street . Baltimore. Md. PAINE'S PERFECT PIPE THE'BEST'LIGHT Outshines the Sun. THE BEST LIGHT COMPANY wiry RAZOR 1Patents Trade Marks Solic tors A Money Maker for Agents sight. Best qual ity raaor oteel THE CANTON CUTLERY CO. 1244 W. Tenth Street Canton Ohi The Hobart Electric Mfg. Co. A.W. FABER Reade Street New York N. Y. GRAND PRIZE. Highest Award. PARIS. 1900. TIE CLIPPER CLIP CLIPPER MFG. C 401 West 124th St. The CLEVELAND STONE CO., scientific american, 1903-11-07
ITY circle letter logo design with circle and ellipse shape. ITY ellipse letters with typographic style. The three initials form a circle logo. ITY Ci Stock Vector
RF2RJ2E6J–ITY circle letter logo design with circle and ellipse shape. ITY ellipse letters with typographic style. The three initials form a circle logo. ITY Ci
Harper's encyclopædia of United States history from 458 A.Dto 1906, based upon the plan of Benson John Lossing .. . wwas made prohibiting theatrical enter-tainments, because, as it was expressedin the preamble, they tended not only todiscourage industry and frugality, butlikewise greatly to increase immoral-ity, impiety, and a contempt for religion.Regular theatrical performances were in-troduced into America soon afterwards,when, in 1752, a. company of actors fromLondon, led by William and Lewis Hal-lam, played (a part of them) the BeauxStratagem at Annapolis. Soon afterwardsthe whole brought Stock Photo
RM2ANFNGR–Harper's encyclopædia of United States history from 458 A.Dto 1906, based upon the plan of Benson John Lossing .. . wwas made prohibiting theatrical enter-tainments, because, as it was expressedin the preamble, they tended not only todiscourage industry and frugality, butlikewise greatly to increase immoral-ity, impiety, and a contempt for religion.Regular theatrical performances were in-troduced into America soon afterwards,when, in 1752, a. company of actors fromLondon, led by William and Lewis Hal-lam, played (a part of them) the BeauxStratagem at Annapolis. Soon afterwardsthe whole brought
Scientific American Stevens-Duryea' Automobile Starts From The Seat J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY 925 Main Street Chicopee Falls. Massachusetts Volt Ammeters FOR GUNSMITHS TOOL MAKERS EXPERI MENTAL & REPAIR WORK ETC. F A J. kiAHNrs Co. Gasoline Engine Co. Scientific America BUILD TAEF INCUBATOR Automobil INCUBATORS Chican New York or Boston. JANUARY 30 1904 A SPECIAL Vehicle body F. H. Bolts 749658 THE B. F. BARNES WATER EMERY TOOL GRINDER Swings a 24x2.1neh WheeL NOISELESS Bevel Pinions THE NEW PROCESS RAWHIDE CO. Syracuse N. Y. Home Mechanics for Amateurs Metal Working Model Engines and Stock Photo
RM2ABXTWW–Scientific American Stevens-Duryea' Automobile Starts From The Seat J. STEVENS ARMS & TOOL COMPANY 925 Main Street Chicopee Falls. Massachusetts Volt Ammeters FOR GUNSMITHS TOOL MAKERS EXPERI MENTAL & REPAIR WORK ETC. F A J. kiAHNrs Co. Gasoline Engine Co. Scientific America BUILD TAEF INCUBATOR Automobil INCUBATORS Chican New York or Boston. JANUARY 30 1904 A SPECIAL Vehicle body F. H. Bolts 749658 THE B. F. BARNES WATER EMERY TOOL GRINDER Swings a 24x2.1neh WheeL NOISELESS Bevel Pinions THE NEW PROCESS RAWHIDE CO. Syracuse N. Y. Home Mechanics for Amateurs Metal Working Model Engines and
The War Cry . New nraterriiiy Hospits! OMMISSIOJiEEandMr Cuoinbs are always we come in the East. Er route, we had the plea: ure of the company c the Immigration Secrrabs eould not be with the Cora iiwiur, having to proceed to Hali to findliio arraiigements tor th ™g u! ii,e :!a™ Jisisrr.ity an, . «<» Home. The Tneetrne was heb Hhe Academy of Musie, which, is th i public building in the towrj speeiai serviee made o. profoum ^^ipiession upon the AurHesce, .man; ^^^B»g moved to tears. jutncral Manager:s Courtesy.ges soidiers ? and friends were ilepted to see their leiidar iiik-a sioff!I^Ws had Stock Photo!-ommissiojieeandmr-cuoinbs-are-always-we-come-in-the-east-er-route-we-had-the-plea-ure-of-the-company-c-the-immigration-secrrabs-eould-not-be-with-the-cora-iiwiur-having-to-proceed-to-hali-to-findliio-arraiigements-tor-th-g-u!-iie-!a-jisisrrity-an-lt-home-the-tneetrne-was-heb-hhe-academy-of-musie-which-is-th-i-public-building-in-the-towrj-speeiai-serviee-made-o-profoum-ipiession-upon-the-aurhesce-man-bg-moved-to-tears-jutncral-managers-courtesyges-soidiers-and-friends-were-ilepted-to-see-their-leiidar-iiik-a-sioff!iws-had-image338305262.html
RM2AJB3PP–The War Cry . New nraterriiiy Hospits! OMMISSIOJiEEandMr Cuoinbs are always we come in the East. Er route, we had the plea: ure of the company c the Immigration Secrrabs eould not be with the Cora iiwiur, having to proceed to Hali to findliio arraiigements tor th ™g u! ii,e :!a™ Jisisrr.ity an, . «<» Home. The Tneetrne was heb Hhe Academy of Musie, which, is th i public building in the towrj speeiai serviee made o. profoum ^^ipiession upon the AurHesce, .man; ^^^B»g moved to tears. jutncral Manager:s Courtesy.ges soidiers ? and friends were ilepted to see their leiidar iiik-a sioff!I^Ws had
1 Combination of Irresiatible E-rcellence 'HARTFORDS' and 'DUNLOPS' She Dunlop Double-Tube Hartford Single-Tube has ever been regarded as e. strictly high-grade equip ment. Its great speed strength are a guarantee of its uniform quality and care in construction Is made of only the finest materials ity a.nd high-grade construction of these two tires made them supreme in their respective fields We have In stock. and will supply. the proper tare and weight tires for any kind of best adapted to your needs Users of our tires will save delay by dealing with our branch houses In all principal Stock Photo
RM2ABXP6D–1 Combination of Irresiatible E-rcellence 'HARTFORDS' and 'DUNLOPS' She Dunlop Double-Tube Hartford Single-Tube has ever been regarded as e. strictly high-grade equip ment. Its great speed strength are a guarantee of its uniform quality and care in construction Is made of only the finest materials ity a.nd high-grade construction of these two tires made them supreme in their respective fields We have In stock. and will supply. the proper tare and weight tires for any kind of best adapted to your needs Users of our tires will save delay by dealing with our branch houses In all principal
. Boone County Recorder . ying. Herewith are given some ideas forhoppers which are adaptable for smallor large flocks as dry feed receptaclesor for wet feed If the trough part isof metal. Any handy man can makethem of wood. If of metal, the help T. W. SPINKS COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Sand, Grovel, Brick, Cement, Lime, Plaster,Hair, Laths, Sewer Pipe, Etc. Bote Phones { ^£^49 ItiMffl, Ity. Hopper No. 1 is a useful style in apoultry house having an alley-waywith a partition between it and thepoultry compartments. It is arrangedso that the feeding trough for thefowls 1b replenished from the Stock Photo
RM2CE53B2–. Boone County Recorder . ying. Herewith are given some ideas forhoppers which are adaptable for smallor large flocks as dry feed receptaclesor for wet feed If the trough part isof metal. Any handy man can makethem of wood. If of metal, the help T. W. SPINKS COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Sand, Grovel, Brick, Cement, Lime, Plaster,Hair, Laths, Sewer Pipe, Etc. Bote Phones { ^£^49 ItiMffl, Ity. Hopper No. 1 is a useful style in apoultry house having an alley-waywith a partition between it and thepoultry compartments. It is arrangedso that the feeding trough for thefowls 1b replenished from the
. The centennial history of Kutztown, Pennsylvania : celebrating the centennial of the incorporation of the borough, 1815-1915. KtlTZTOWX MOTOR CAR COMPANYS (iARAGK The Kiit/town Motor Car Company, composed of Dr. N. Z. Dunkelberger, pre.sident,and A. K. Lesher. secretary and general manager, began to do business in 1912. Thegarage is one of the most modern in Berks county. 236 B. &. J. SAYLOR PENN SQUARE, READING, PA. For nearly half the life of Kutztown the nameB. & J. Say lor has stood for pure foods and forthe highest value in food stuffs, consistent with qual-ity and excellence. For many Stock Photo
RM2CEEJ3T–. The centennial history of Kutztown, Pennsylvania : celebrating the centennial of the incorporation of the borough, 1815-1915. KtlTZTOWX MOTOR CAR COMPANYS (iARAGK The Kiit/town Motor Car Company, composed of Dr. N. Z. Dunkelberger, pre.sident,and A. K. Lesher. secretary and general manager, began to do business in 1912. Thegarage is one of the most modern in Berks county. 236 B. &. J. SAYLOR PENN SQUARE, READING, PA. For nearly half the life of Kutztown the nameB. & J. Say lor has stood for pure foods and forthe highest value in food stuffs, consistent with qual-ity and excellence. For many
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. EASTER LILIES | We will have plenty of flrst-class Lilies = for Easter. Let us supply you. = DrfDOrTRil f fr TI?C Our Rubrum LiUes are of excellent qual- E KUDKUIVI ijlijllLd ity. It will pay you to push them. = We have a large cut of CARNATIONS. Quantity lots our specialty. = I A L RANDALL COMPANY [ I WABASH AVENUE AT LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. | aiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinii iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiinHi iiiiiniimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiB Mention Tbe Berlew when yoo write.. Please note that these images are e Stock Photo
RMRRKN4E–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. EASTER LILIES | We will have plenty of flrst-class Lilies = for Easter. Let us supply you. = DrfDOrTRil f fr TI?C Our Rubrum LiUes are of excellent qual- E KUDKUIVI ijlijllLd ity. It will pay you to push them. = We have a large cut of CARNATIONS. Quantity lots our specialty. = I A L RANDALL COMPANY [ I WABASH AVENUE AT LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. | aiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinii iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiinHi iiiiiniimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiB Mention Tbe Berlew when yoo write.. Please note that these images are e
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. EASTER LILIES | We will have plenty of flrst-class Lilies = for Easter. Let us supply you. = DrfDOrTRil f fr TI?C Our Rubrum LiUes are of excellent qual- E KUDKUIVI ijlijllLd ity. It will pay you to push them. = We have a large cut of CARNATIONS. Quantity lots our specialty. = I A L RANDALL COMPANY [ I WABASH AVENUE AT LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. | aiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinii iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiinHi iiiiiniimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiB Mention Tbe Berlew when yoo write.. CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS RUSSELL-OPHELI Stock Photo
RMRRKN40–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. EASTER LILIES | We will have plenty of flrst-class Lilies = for Easter. Let us supply you. = DrfDOrTRil f fr TI?C Our Rubrum LiUes are of excellent qual- E KUDKUIVI ijlijllLd ity. It will pay you to push them. = We have a large cut of CARNATIONS. Quantity lots our specialty. = I A L RANDALL COMPANY [ I WABASH AVENUE AT LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. | aiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiniiiiiinii iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiinHi iiiiiniimiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiimimiiiiiimiiiiB Mention Tbe Berlew when yoo write.. CHICAGO HEADQUARTERS RUSSELL-OPHELI
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. AuuusT 11, 1921 The Florists^ Review 131 I'LL bet that before the greenhouse men get through with -'' me they'll nickname me Sunny Jim 'cause I'm going to bring them sunshine and pleasure every time they use my JIM'S ELASTIC. My glazing material really lasts years and years and stays elastic and sticks tight to the side bar and the glass. Black glazing material is fine stuff if you never have to take it off; but my JIM'S ELASTIC is fine stuff and YOU CAN REMOVE IT EASY WHEN NECESSARY. The name of the company I am working for is THE QUAL- ITY BRANDS Stock Photo
RMRRC9F4–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. AuuusT 11, 1921 The Florists^ Review 131 I'LL bet that before the greenhouse men get through with -'' me they'll nickname me Sunny Jim 'cause I'm going to bring them sunshine and pleasure every time they use my JIM'S ELASTIC. My glazing material really lasts years and years and stays elastic and sticks tight to the side bar and the glass. Black glazing material is fine stuff if you never have to take it off; but my JIM'S ELASTIC is fine stuff and YOU CAN REMOVE IT EASY WHEN NECESSARY. The name of the company I am working for is THE QUAL- ITY BRANDS
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. YOUR ORDERS for the holidays or any other occasions always will receive Prompt and Careful attention.. ^'"iJ^f"" CHICAGO Anderson Floral Company Lebanon, Tennessee Personal Attention to P. T. D. Orders not been so scarce for many years. The markets are cleaned up early each day. What remains of the late chrysanthe- mums finds a good demand and the qual- ity of the stock is good. A few Major Bonnaffons are seen, but the majority are Chadwick and Golden Chadwick and Eaton. The supply of violets is suffi- cient to meet present demands, Stock Photo
RMRRKN4H–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. YOUR ORDERS for the holidays or any other occasions always will receive Prompt and Careful attention.. ^'"iJ^f"" CHICAGO Anderson Floral Company Lebanon, Tennessee Personal Attention to P. T. D. Orders not been so scarce for many years. The markets are cleaned up early each day. What remains of the late chrysanthe- mums finds a good demand and the qual- ity of the stock is good. A few Major Bonnaffons are seen, but the majority are Chadwick and Golden Chadwick and Eaton. The supply of violets is suffi- cient to meet present demands,
. The butterflies of the eastern United States and Canada [microform] : with special reference to New England. Butterflies; Butterflies; Papillons; Papillons. riF.RIXAK; EIRYML'S PIIILOniCi;. 111!) elglit oxamplcsâthus illiiKtrntlng the irrcKiilar appearaiicf nf the ('(ilimlcsâfour of Whh'h wcro captiircd bctwopii Hrii;htim and l.owi's in Sussex ; mid a similar niinitnT in the vicinity of Ycirk, as I am informed l)y Mr. ('o<iperâtlieso Inst were fonnci in Sep- temberâthe (itliers in company witli (', liyale and ednsa. Since writing the ftl)ove, 1 llnd. Ity tlie liutterlly-Colleclors Vaile-M Stock Photo!-elglit-oxamplcsthus-illiiktrntlng-the-irrckiilar-appearaiicf-nf-the-ilimlcsfour-of-whhh-wcro-captiircd-bctwopii-hriihtim-and-lowis-in-sussex-mid-a-similar-niinitnt-in-the-vicinity-of-ycirk-as-i-am-informed-ly-mr-oltipertlieso-inst-were-fonnci-in-sep-temberthe-itliers-in-company-witli-liyale-and-ednsa-since-writing-the-ftlove-1-llnd-ity-tlie-liutterlly-colleclors-vaile-m-image234841628.html
RMRJ1XW0–. The butterflies of the eastern United States and Canada [microform] : with special reference to New England. Butterflies; Butterflies; Papillons; Papillons. riF.RIXAK; EIRYML'S PIIILOniCi;. 111!) elglit oxamplcsâthus illiiKtrntlng the irrcKiilar appearaiicf nf the ('(ilimlcsâfour of Whh'h wcro captiircd bctwopii Hrii;htim and l.owi's in Sussex ; mid a similar niinitnT in the vicinity of Ycirk, as I am informed l)y Mr. ('o<iperâtlieso Inst were fonnci in Sep- temberâthe (itliers in company witli (', liyale and ednsa. Since writing the ftl)ove, 1 llnd. Ity tlie liutterlly-Colleclors Vaile-M
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. ABUNDANTLY PREPARED A1 AU TIMES Edwards Floral Hall Company 1716 Pacific Avenue ATLVNTICCITY, NEW JERSEY Nurseries: Mediterranean and South Carolina Aves. Member Florists' Telegraph Delivery Ass'n Germantown and Chestnut HiU ORDERS Carefully executed with taste and promptness. FRANK Re HASTINGS 8 West Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Masslllon, Ohio A. weaver; Florist in Rotary price. Sweet peas are of splendid qual- ity, with a wide price range from 50 cents to $2. Practically all varieties of tulips and narcissi are obtainable, Dar- Stock Photo
RMRRM8RB–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. ABUNDANTLY PREPARED A1 AU TIMES Edwards Floral Hall Company 1716 Pacific Avenue ATLVNTICCITY, NEW JERSEY Nurseries: Mediterranean and South Carolina Aves. Member Florists' Telegraph Delivery Ass'n Germantown and Chestnut HiU ORDERS Carefully executed with taste and promptness. FRANK Re HASTINGS 8 West Chelten Avenue, Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Masslllon, Ohio A. weaver; Florist in Rotary price. Sweet peas are of splendid qual- ity, with a wide price range from 50 cents to $2. Practically all varieties of tulips and narcissi are obtainable, Dar-
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 88 The Florists' Review April 20. 1922 something like $300,000 on overdrafts, using the company's paper as security. Then I borrowed some money on per- sonal notes and other security." He admitted that the company in 1921, on a business of $500,000, made ten per cent i)rofit. According to the state's attorney, he used the company to float a $500,000 stock issue. For this purpose, he is reported to have said he deliberately falsified his bank state- ment so as to qualify under the blue sky laws. Mr. Peacock stated he gave as secur- ity, besides Stock Photo
RMRRAF20–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. 88 The Florists' Review April 20. 1922 something like $300,000 on overdrafts, using the company's paper as security. Then I borrowed some money on per- sonal notes and other security." He admitted that the company in 1921, on a business of $500,000, made ten per cent i)rofit. According to the state's attorney, he used the company to float a $500,000 stock issue. For this purpose, he is reported to have said he deliberately falsified his bank state- ment so as to qualify under the blue sky laws. Mr. Peacock stated he gave as secur- ity, besides
. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. ESTABLISHED 1867 S. WILKS MFG. COMPANY Manufacturers of WILKS HOT WATER BOILERS i FOR GREENHOUSE HEATING I 3517-3539 Shields Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. Mention The Review when you write. '^RIXON-S ,->!St PAINT Lasts longer; i;ives longest service; is the most economical; saves labor and material; has a reputation of over fifty years for economy; made in FIRST QUAL- ITY only. Booklet 64-B Joseph Oixoi Crucible Company Jersey City. N. J. Est. 1827.. " Whit* Coal". Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may hav Stock Photo!st-paint-lasts-longer-iives-longest-service-is-the-most-economical-saves-labor-and-material-has-a-reputation-of-over-fifty-years-for-economy-made-in-first-qual-ity-only-booklet-64-b-joseph-oixoi-crucible-company-jersey-city-n-j-est-1827-quot-whit-coalquot-please-note-that-these-images-are-extracted-from-scanned-page-images-that-may-hav-image238178994.html
RMRRDYMJ–. Florists' review [microform]. Floriculture. ESTABLISHED 1867 S. WILKS MFG. COMPANY Manufacturers of WILKS HOT WATER BOILERS i FOR GREENHOUSE HEATING I 3517-3539 Shields Ave., CHICAGO, ILL. Mention The Review when you write. '^RIXON-S ,->!St PAINT Lasts longer; i;ives longest service; is the most economical; saves labor and material; has a reputation of over fifty years for economy; made in FIRST QUAL- ITY only. Booklet 64-B Joseph Oixoi Crucible Company Jersey City. N. J. Est. 1827.. " Whit* Coal". Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may hav
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