ROSES. Mrs. John Laing 1903 old antique vintage print picture Stock Photo
RFMHPHX6–ROSES. Mrs. John Laing 1903 old antique vintage print picture
Housing estate built by John Laing & Co, Cricklewood, London, 1930. Creator: Aerofilms. Stock Photo
RMPTA64A–Housing estate built by John Laing & Co, Cricklewood, London, 1930. Creator: Aerofilms.
. Rawson's garden manual / W.W. Rawson & Co.. 127 ^ BEST SELECTION HYBRID PERPETUAL, continued •SMRS. JOHN LAING. Soft pink ; large; fine form; a good grower ; aljuiidant bloomer late in the season.»MRS. R. G. SHARMAN-CRAWFORD. Clear rosy pink, the outer petals sliadeii with pale flesh. Very free-flowering, and one of the best. »PAUL NEYRON. The largest-flowered in cultiva-tion and one of the most prolific bloomers ; colordeep, clear rose; very fresh and attractive. Theplant is an exceptionally good grower. «PRINCE CAMILLE DE ROHAN. Deep velvetycrimson-maroon, full and of superb form. Generall Stock Photo
RM2AG517C–. Rawson's garden manual / W.W. Rawson & Co.. 127 ^ BEST SELECTION HYBRID PERPETUAL, continued •SMRS. JOHN LAING. Soft pink ; large; fine form; a good grower ; aljuiidant bloomer late in the season.»MRS. R. G. SHARMAN-CRAWFORD. Clear rosy pink, the outer petals sliadeii with pale flesh. Very free-flowering, and one of the best. »PAUL NEYRON. The largest-flowered in cultiva-tion and one of the most prolific bloomers ; colordeep, clear rose; very fresh and attractive. Theplant is an exceptionally good grower. «PRINCE CAMILLE DE ROHAN. Deep velvetycrimson-maroon, full and of superb form. Generall
Employment Exchange and RD Hewitt & Co ironmongers, Victoria Viaduct, Carlisle, Cumbria, 1907. Artist: John Laing. Stock Photo
RMMPTY32–Employment Exchange and RD Hewitt & Co ironmongers, Victoria Viaduct, Carlisle, Cumbria, 1907. Artist: John Laing.
Mauretania window St Nicholas Cathedral Newcastle Stock Photo
RMFM0E2E–Mauretania window St Nicholas Cathedral Newcastle
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 14/12/1957. A clown entertaining children at the Kids Christmas party at Mill Hill. Stock Photo
RM2H9876F–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 14/12/1957. A clown entertaining children at the Kids Christmas party at Mill Hill.
. PURITAN. Dew Hybrid Perpelu^!.! 1(0565. CLARA COCHET. A new Hybrid Perpetual Rose of great promise, bearing â very large and full flowers, of a clear satin rose, with bright centre. Highly spokeu of by both French and English growers. 50 cts. each. MRS. JOHN LAING. An exquisite pink Hybrid Perpetual. A remarkably strong grower, very fragrant and a free bloomer. The stems are long and surmounted by well-shaped buds of large size. An excellent variety for forcing or summer blooming. .50 cts. each. SILVER QUEEN. A very distinct and lovely Hybrid Perpi tual, bearing flowers of a silvery blush co Stock Photo!!-10565-clara-cochet-a-new-hybrid-perpetual-rose-of-great-promise-bearing-very-large-and-full-flowers-of-a-clear-satin-rose-with-bright-centre-highly-spokeu-of-by-both-french-and-english-growers-50-cts-each-mrs-john-laing-an-exquisite-pink-hybrid-perpetual-a-remarkably-strong-grower-very-fragrant-and-a-free-bloomer-the-stems-are-long-and-surmounted-by-well-shaped-buds-of-large-size-an-excellent-variety-for-forcing-or-summer-blooming-50-cts-each-silver-queen-a-very-distinct-and-lovely-hybrid-perpi-tual-bearing-flowers-of-a-silvery-blush-co-image179851747.html
RMMCGXMK–. PURITAN. Dew Hybrid Perpelu^!.! 1(0565. CLARA COCHET. A new Hybrid Perpetual Rose of great promise, bearing â very large and full flowers, of a clear satin rose, with bright centre. Highly spokeu of by both French and English growers. 50 cts. each. MRS. JOHN LAING. An exquisite pink Hybrid Perpetual. A remarkably strong grower, very fragrant and a free bloomer. The stems are long and surmounted by well-shaped buds of large size. An excellent variety for forcing or summer blooming. .50 cts. each. SILVER QUEEN. A very distinct and lovely Hybrid Perpi tual, bearing flowers of a silvery blush co
. Canadian grocer July-December 1896. THE CANADIAN GROCER 39 Great Expectations Are all fully realized in our goods. There is never dissappoint-ment, because we have caused the public to rely upon first-classgoods, and we have never broken faith.. LAING PACKING & PROVISION GO. MONTREAL AGENTS Messrs. T. G. Williamson & Co., Toronto, Ont. Mr. Alfred Powis, Hamilton, Ont. Mr. Wm. G. Coles, London, Ont. CANADIAN TOMATO GHUTNEE For Soups, Gravies, Curries, Fish, Game, etc.Used foi lunch and breakfast as sandwichesHighly recommended by H. R. H. PrincessLouise and by the late Sir John A. Macdonald.F Stock Photo
RM2AFP5N9–. Canadian grocer July-December 1896. THE CANADIAN GROCER 39 Great Expectations Are all fully realized in our goods. There is never dissappoint-ment, because we have caused the public to rely upon first-classgoods, and we have never broken faith.. LAING PACKING & PROVISION GO. MONTREAL AGENTS Messrs. T. G. Williamson & Co., Toronto, Ont. Mr. Alfred Powis, Hamilton, Ont. Mr. Wm. G. Coles, London, Ont. CANADIAN TOMATO GHUTNEE For Soups, Gravies, Curries, Fish, Game, etc.Used foi lunch and breakfast as sandwichesHighly recommended by H. R. H. PrincessLouise and by the late Sir John A. Macdonald.F
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 13/12/1958. Two men, dressed as clowns, entertaining children at a children's Christmas party at Mill Hill. Stock Photo
RM2H98773–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 13/12/1958. Two men, dressed as clowns, entertaining children at a children's Christmas party at Mill Hill.
. Dreer's wholesale price list of seeds, plants, bulbs, etc . MISCELLANEOUS ROSES All Supplied in ^j Strong Two-Year-Old Plants i For Descriptions i See Our Garden Bool< for 1915 Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Per 100 American Beauty $30 00 Anna de Deisbach 25 00 Baron de Bonstettin 25 OO Baroness Rothschild 25 00 Captain Christy 25 00 Captain Hayward 25 00 Frau Karl Druschkl 25 00 Qeorge Arends 30 00 Qeneral Jacqueminot 25 00 Qloire de Chedanne Quinolsseau 30 00 " de Lyonaisse 25 CO J. B. Clark 25 00 Ma^na Charta 25 00 Mrs. R. a. Sharman Crawford 25 00 Mrs. John Laing .... 25 00 Paul Neyron Stock Photo
RMMACAX0–. Dreer's wholesale price list of seeds, plants, bulbs, etc . MISCELLANEOUS ROSES All Supplied in ^j Strong Two-Year-Old Plants i For Descriptions i See Our Garden Bool< for 1915 Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Per 100 American Beauty $30 00 Anna de Deisbach 25 00 Baron de Bonstettin 25 OO Baroness Rothschild 25 00 Captain Christy 25 00 Captain Hayward 25 00 Frau Karl Druschkl 25 00 Qeorge Arends 30 00 Qeneral Jacqueminot 25 00 Qloire de Chedanne Quinolsseau 30 00 " de Lyonaisse 25 CO J. B. Clark 25 00 Ma^na Charta 25 00 Mrs. R. a. Sharman Crawford 25 00 Mrs. John Laing .... 25 00 Paul Neyron
The Florists' exchange : a weekly medium of interchange for florists, nurserymen, seedsmen and the trade in general . ries. Twenty-five Liberty, winning Penn cup—A. Faren-wald. Twenty-five each of Bride and Bridesmaid—FirstGeorge C. Harbeson. Twentv-five Killarney^First, W. H. Elliott. Twenty-five Richmond—First. W. H. Elliott. Twenty-five Enchanter-^R. Simp.son Twelve Gut Blooms. Mrs. John Laing—Second, John McFarland. Twelve Bridesmaid, winning R. & J. Farquhar & Co.cup—W. C. Rust. Sweepstakes. Best vase of roses in the exhibition,winning Welch Bros. cup—Exeter Rose Conservatories. Plants. C Stock Photo
RM2AJA0KM–The Florists' exchange : a weekly medium of interchange for florists, nurserymen, seedsmen and the trade in general . ries. Twenty-five Liberty, winning Penn cup—A. Faren-wald. Twenty-five each of Bride and Bridesmaid—FirstGeorge C. Harbeson. Twentv-five Killarney^First, W. H. Elliott. Twenty-five Richmond—First. W. H. Elliott. Twenty-five Enchanter-^R. Simp.son Twelve Gut Blooms. Mrs. John Laing—Second, John McFarland. Twelve Bridesmaid, winning R. & J. Farquhar & Co.cup—W. C. Rust. Sweepstakes. Best vase of roses in the exhibition,winning Welch Bros. cup—Exeter Rose Conservatories. Plants. C
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 14/09/1974. Three women admiring the runner beans on display at the 15th Annual Laing Horticultural and Handicraft Exhibition. Stock Photo
RM2H9877D–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 14/09/1974. Three women admiring the runner beans on display at the 15th Annual Laing Horticultural and Handicraft Exhibition.
. Dreer's wholesale price list : tools, fertilizers, insecticides, sundries, etc . Per 100. $20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 IS GO 15 00 15 00 15 00 IS 00 20 00 IS 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 GO 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 CO 20 00 20 CO 20 00 25 00 20 CO 20 GO 20 00 IS 00 20 00 15 00 IS 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 50 so SO 50 SO SO SO 2 00 2 50 Mrs. J. S. Crawford 2 Margaret Dickson 2 Mabel Morrison 2 *Mme. Gabriel Luizet. 2 Merveille de Lyon . 2 Mrs. John Laing 2 *Magna Charta . 2 *Mme. Plantier Marshall P. Wilder.... ... Mme. Hardy 2 50 Marie Bauman 2 50 *Princess Adelaide 2 00 *Paul Ne Stock Photo
RMMACJE3–. Dreer's wholesale price list : tools, fertilizers, insecticides, sundries, etc . Per 100. $20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 IS GO 15 00 15 00 15 00 IS 00 20 00 IS 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 GO 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 CO 20 00 20 CO 20 00 25 00 20 CO 20 GO 20 00 IS 00 20 00 15 00 IS 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 20 00 50 so SO 50 SO SO SO 2 00 2 50 Mrs. J. S. Crawford 2 Margaret Dickson 2 Mabel Morrison 2 *Mme. Gabriel Luizet. 2 Merveille de Lyon . 2 Mrs. John Laing 2 *Magna Charta . 2 *Mme. Plantier Marshall P. Wilder.... ... Mme. Hardy 2 50 Marie Bauman 2 50 *Princess Adelaide 2 00 *Paul Ne
Canadian grocer January-June 1892 . grocer, Montreal, hasassigned. J. W. Powell, grocer, Toronto, has assignedto John B. Laing H. Wilson & Co., fruit dealers, etc., Win-nipeg, have assigned. J. T. Wilson, dealer in bankrupt stocks,Winnipeg, has assigned. C. H. Coffin, general merchant, Barring-ton, N.S., has assigned. C. A. Whitman, general merchant, Tre-home, Man., has assigned. Wm. Dunn, merchant, Blenheim, Ont.,has assigned to Geo. Foster. Duncan Cameron, general merchant, St.Peters, N.S., has assigned. H. H. Ogilvie, general merchant, UpperStewiacke, N.S., has assigned. John S. Funk, polis Stock Photo
RM2AJ62T1–Canadian grocer January-June 1892 . grocer, Montreal, hasassigned. J. W. Powell, grocer, Toronto, has assignedto John B. Laing H. Wilson & Co., fruit dealers, etc., Win-nipeg, have assigned. J. T. Wilson, dealer in bankrupt stocks,Winnipeg, has assigned. C. H. Coffin, general merchant, Barring-ton, N.S., has assigned. C. A. Whitman, general merchant, Tre-home, Man., has assigned. Wm. Dunn, merchant, Blenheim, Ont.,has assigned to Geo. Foster. Duncan Cameron, general merchant, St.Peters, N.S., has assigned. H. H. Ogilvie, general merchant, UpperStewiacke, N.S., has assigned. John S. Funk, polis
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 21/12/1968. A group of young children receiving presents from Santa Claus at Mill Hill children's Christmas party. Stock Photo
RM2H98779–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 21/12/1968. A group of young children receiving presents from Santa Claus at Mill Hill children's Christmas party.
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 16/12/1978. Two young boys in matching outfits holding presents and party hats at the Laing children's Christmas party at Mill Hill. Stock Photo
RM2H9877F–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 16/12/1978. Two young boys in matching outfits holding presents and party hats at the Laing children's Christmas party at Mill Hill.
The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . e, Edinburgh—Farm Seeds. TooiiOOD & FiNLAvsoN, Southampton—AgriculturalSeeds. Thomas Kennedy & Co., lOS, High Street, Dumfries,N.B.—Agricultural Seeds. William Watt, Cupar-Fife and Ierth, N.B.—FarmSeeds. Vii.morin-Andrieux & Co., 4, Quai de la Megisserie,Paris—Seed of Trees, Shrubs, and GreenhousePlants. John Laing & Sons, Forest Hill, London, S.E.—New Chrysanthemums. CoMMlNICATlnxs RKCEnT.n. — Ch. v.—W. n. H., Cork,—P. N. — Dr. Costerus, Amsterdam. — T. H., — II. J. R., Flo-r.nce.—R. V. S.—A. C—.1. H Stock Photo
RM2AKKTK7–The Gardeners' chronicle : a weekly illustrated journal of horticulture and allied subjects . e, Edinburgh—Farm Seeds. TooiiOOD & FiNLAvsoN, Southampton—AgriculturalSeeds. Thomas Kennedy & Co., lOS, High Street, Dumfries,N.B.—Agricultural Seeds. William Watt, Cupar-Fife and Ierth, N.B.—FarmSeeds. Vii.morin-Andrieux & Co., 4, Quai de la Megisserie,Paris—Seed of Trees, Shrubs, and GreenhousePlants. John Laing & Sons, Forest Hill, London, S.E.—New Chrysanthemums. CoMMlNICATlnxs RKCEnT.n. — Ch. v.—W. n. H., Cork,—P. N. — Dr. Costerus, Amsterdam. — T. H., — II. J. R., Flo-r.nce.—R. V. S.—A. C—.1. H
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 17/12/1955. A ventriloquist entertaining children at a Christmas party. This Christmas party was held for the children of Laing staff who worked at the Mill Hill office. Stock Photo
RM2H98751–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 17/12/1955. A ventriloquist entertaining children at a Christmas party. This Christmas party was held for the children of Laing staff who worked at the Mill Hill office.
. Wrigley's Saskatchewan directory, 1921/22 . Oil Ltd .loliii Laing agtKimball H J liiUiardsKimball J F agt Sask .*! Western lOlevator CoKimball W F mgr .Vorcniar Co-()p Grain Growers Assn LtdKirton Ross engineerI.,aing John agt Imperial Oil LtdLaing J agt Sask Co-Op lOb-v Co LtdLee E J mgr Rank of TorontoMcKillican J W blacksmithMcLaughlin Elevator Co M P Prad- burn agtMc-i.jnarrie Robt garage and impltsMonarch Limber Co 10 11 Chesney mgr.New York Cafe CoXon-mac Co-Op (irain fJrowers Assn Ltd AV F Kimball mgr gen storeNoremac Rural Tel Co agts Sask Govt TelsXorlli Star tirain Co J J Schmidt Stock Photo!-western-lolevator-cokimball-w-f-mgr-vorcniar-co-p-grain-growers-assn-ltdkirton-ross-engineeriaing-john-agt-imperial-oil-ltdlaing-j-agt-sask-co-op-lob-v-co-ltdlee-e-j-mgr-rank-of-torontomckillican-j-w-blacksmithmclaughlin-elevator-co-m-p-prad-burn-agtmc-ijnarrie-robt-garage-and-impltsmonarch-limber-co-10-11-chesney-mgrnew-york-cafe-coxon-mac-co-op-irain-fjrowers-assn-ltd-av-f-kimball-mgr-gen-storenoremac-rural-tel-co-agts-sask-govt-telsxorlli-star-tirain-co-j-j-schmidt-image370040241.html
RM2CE0P2W–. Wrigley's Saskatchewan directory, 1921/22 . Oil Ltd .loliii Laing agtKimball H J liiUiardsKimball J F agt Sask .*! Western lOlevator CoKimball W F mgr .Vorcniar Co-()p Grain Growers Assn LtdKirton Ross engineerI.,aing John agt Imperial Oil LtdLaing J agt Sask Co-Op lOb-v Co LtdLee E J mgr Rank of TorontoMcKillican J W blacksmithMcLaughlin Elevator Co M P Prad- burn agtMc-i.jnarrie Robt garage and impltsMonarch Limber Co 10 11 Chesney mgr.New York Cafe CoXon-mac Co-Op (irain fJrowers Assn Ltd AV F Kimball mgr gen storeNoremac Rural Tel Co agts Sask Govt TelsXorlli Star tirain Co J J Schmidt
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 17/12/1955. Children seated for tea at a Christmas party. This Christmas party was held for the children of Laing staff who worked at the Mill Hill office. Stock Photo
RM2H98750–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 17/12/1955. Children seated for tea at a Christmas party. This Christmas party was held for the children of Laing staff who worked at the Mill Hill office.
. Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory . es. Hougen :vlercantile Co, John W Ogrenreceiver, cen store. Imperial Elevator Co, A H Moon agt,grain, lumber, fuel and feed. Johnson Anton N. drayman. Jones Fred W. justice. Killalea t^L- Halgrimson (Sadie Halgrimson>. restaurant. Knudson Knute O. phys. Laing Elmer A. farm imnts. Lincoln State Bank (capital $10,000).O W Healy, pres; E S Healy. cashr. Lindsay Wm M, propr Golden West Ho-tel. Lord Bertram E. r^hys. McKay Charles H. drugs. r^lcLane James L. pool and billards. Minneapolis v!c North Stock Photo!c-north-image370173355.html
RM2CE6RTY–. Minnesota, North and South Dakota and Montana gazetteer and business directory . es. Hougen :vlercantile Co, John W Ogrenreceiver, cen store. Imperial Elevator Co, A H Moon agt,grain, lumber, fuel and feed. Johnson Anton N. drayman. Jones Fred W. justice. Killalea t^L- Halgrimson (Sadie Halgrimson>. restaurant. Knudson Knute O. phys. Laing Elmer A. farm imnts. Lincoln State Bank (capital $10,000).O W Healy, pres; E S Healy. cashr. Lindsay Wm M, propr Golden West Ho-tel. Lord Bertram E. r^hys. McKay Charles H. drugs. r^lcLane James L. pool and billards. Minneapolis v!c North
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/04/1958. Looking up at Laing's Bristol Sycamore helicopter with J M Laing and a party of men on board. Laing's helicopter was used to photograph and inspect progress on their construction sites such as the London to Yorkshire Motorway (M1 Motorway). Stock Photo
RM2H98772–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/04/1958. Looking up at Laing's Bristol Sycamore helicopter with J M Laing and a party of men on board. Laing's helicopter was used to photograph and inspect progress on their construction sites such as the London to Yorkshire Motorway (M1 Motorway).
. Michell's highest quality seeds. Nursery stock Pennsylvania Philadelphia Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Agricultural implements Catalogs. m> N? 1018 Market St. Philadelphia,Pa. 45. Water Lilies. Hermosa. Pink. La France. Pink. Maman Cochet. Mrs. John Laing.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Henry F. Michell Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Stock Photo
RMRFM4F1–. Michell's highest quality seeds. Nursery stock Pennsylvania Philadelphia Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Agricultural implements Catalogs. m> N? 1018 Market St. Philadelphia,Pa. 45. Water Lilies. Hermosa. Pink. La France. Pink. Maman Cochet. Mrs. John Laing.. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Henry F. Michell Co; Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 18/12/1971. Children wearing party hats, having tea at a Christmas Party. This party in the Laing staff canteen at their Mill Hill office was laid on for over 150 children, with food provided by the catering department. Stock Photo
RM2H9877A–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 18/12/1971. Children wearing party hats, having tea at a Christmas Party. This party in the Laing staff canteen at their Mill Hill office was laid on for over 150 children, with food provided by the catering department.
. Catalogue of the Cox Seed and Plant Co. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. Begonia. BEGONIAS (Tuberous-Rooted). We have imported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England, new Single and Double Begonia Boots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems, and oftenexceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can ex- ceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and summer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations Stock Photo
RMRFA4EF–. Catalogue of the Cox Seed and Plant Co. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. Begonia. BEGONIAS (Tuberous-Rooted). We have imported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England, new Single and Double Begonia Boots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems, and oftenexceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can ex- ceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and summer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/12/1984. Young children doing the conga during a children's Christmas party held in the canteen of Laing's Mill Hill offices. This Christmas party was for children aged four to seven years old. Stock Photo
RM2H9877J–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/12/1984. Young children doing the conga during a children's Christmas party held in the canteen of Laing's Mill Hill offices. This Christmas party was for children aged four to seven years old.
. Catalogue of the Cox Seed and Plant Co. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. Begonia. BEGONIAS (Tuberous-Rooted). We have imported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England, new Single and Double Begonia Boots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems, and oftenexceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can ex- ceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and summer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations Stock Photo
RMRF2A0W–. Catalogue of the Cox Seed and Plant Co. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. Begonia. BEGONIAS (Tuberous-Rooted). We have imported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England, new Single and Double Begonia Boots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems, and oftenexceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can ex- ceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and summer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/04/1958. J M Laing with a party of men on board Laing's Bristol Sycamore helicopter. Laing's helicopter was used to photograph and inspect progress on their construction sites such as the London to Yorkshire Motorway (M1 Motorway). Stock Photo
RM2H9876Y–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/04/1958. J M Laing with a party of men on board Laing's Bristol Sycamore helicopter. Laing's helicopter was used to photograph and inspect progress on their construction sites such as the London to Yorkshire Motorway (M1 Motorway).
. Cox seed and plant co. catalogue. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. BEGONIA. BEGONIAS (Tube, -ous-Rooted) — We have im- ported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England „ new Single and Double Begonia Roots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems and often exceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can exceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and sum- mer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations Stock Photo
RMRE71NN–. Cox seed and plant co. catalogue. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. BEGONIA. BEGONIAS (Tube, -ous-Rooted) — We have im- ported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England „ new Single and Double Begonia Roots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems and often exceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can exceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and sum- mer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 13/12/1986. A young boy receiving a gift from Father Christmas during a children's Christmas party at Laing's Mill Hill offices. This Christmas party was for children aged four to seven years old. Stock Photo
RM2H9877N–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 13/12/1986. A young boy receiving a gift from Father Christmas during a children's Christmas party at Laing's Mill Hill offices. This Christmas party was for children aged four to seven years old.
. Cox seed and plant co. catalogue. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. BEGONIA. BEGONIAS (Tube, -ous-Rooted) — We have im- ported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England „ new Single and Double Begonia Roots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems and often exceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can exceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and sum- mer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations Stock Photo
RMRE71NW–. Cox seed and plant co. catalogue. Seed industry and trade Catalogs; Seeds Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Trees Catalogs. BEGONIA. BEGONIAS (Tube, -ous-Rooted) — We have im- ported direct from Mr. John Laing, of England „ new Single and Double Begonia Roots. The flowers are borne on upright stiff stems and often exceed 5 inches in diameter when well grown. Nothing can exceed the brilliancy of their waxy flowers. Will do well in the open air during the spring and sum- mer months. They make a fine plant for window or conservatory decorations
A view of Eggborough Power Station from the south-west, showing a front-loader tractor working in the field in the foreground. This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20. Stock Photo
RM2HFK3MX–A view of Eggborough Power Station from the south-west, showing a front-loader tractor working in the field in the foreground. This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20.
. The Conard-Pyle Co. : star rose growers [autumn 1930]. Rose culture; Roses; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Seeds Catalogs. Mrs. John Laing All these H. P. Roses are hardy in Alaska V V V See others in this class on pages 18 and 19 ' K **. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection; Conard-Pyle Co. West Grove, Pa. : Conard-Pyle Co. Stock Photo
RMREC86K–. The Conard-Pyle Co. : star rose growers [autumn 1930]. Rose culture; Roses; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Seeds Catalogs. Mrs. John Laing All these H. P. Roses are hardy in Alaska V V V See others in this class on pages 18 and 19 ' K **. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Catalog Collection; Conard-Pyle Co. West Grove, Pa. : Conard-Pyle Co.
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/12/1984. Young children eating at long tables during a children's Christmas party held in the canteen of Laing's Mill Hill offices. This Christmas party was for children aged four to seven years old. Stock Photo
RM2H9877K–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/12/1984. Young children eating at long tables during a children's Christmas party held in the canteen of Laing's Mill Hill offices. This Christmas party was for children aged four to seven years old.
. The Conard-Pyle Co. : star rose growers [autumn 1930]. Rose culture; Roses; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Seeds Catalogs. Mrs. John Laing All these H. P. Roses are hardy in Alaska V V V See others in this class on pages 18 and 19 ' K **. 11 each -MDFFER F26. These 5 Superb Hybrid Perpetual Roses for $6.50, delivered. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Cat Stock Photo
RMREC86E–. The Conard-Pyle Co. : star rose growers [autumn 1930]. Rose culture; Roses; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Seeds Catalogs. Mrs. John Laing All these H. P. Roses are hardy in Alaska V V V See others in this class on pages 18 and 19 ' K **. 11 each -MDFFER F26. These 5 Superb Hybrid Perpetual Roses for $6.50, delivered. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.. Henry G. Gilbert Nursery and Seed Trade Cat
Two Laing workers brushing mosaic tiling around 'CIS' lettering on the service tower of the Co-operative Insurance Society Building in Manchester. This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20. Stock Photo
RM2GGE8A2–Two Laing workers brushing mosaic tiling around 'CIS' lettering on the service tower of the Co-operative Insurance Society Building in Manchester. This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20.
. Choice selections in seeds & plants. Nursery stock New York (State) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. CHOICE SELECTIONS IN PLANTS. F. R. PIERSON CO., TARRYTOWN-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. 5 HARDY HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES STRONG FIELD-GROWN PLANTS READY FOR IMMEDIATE FLOWERING. Mrs. John Laing. We offer an exceptionally large stock of Hardy Roses, varieties selected with a view to suit critical customers, who want the very best obtainable. We believe they will bear the most rigid scrutiny Stock Photo
RMRFM14Y–. Choice selections in seeds & plants. Nursery stock New York (State) Catalogs; Flowers Seeds Catalogs; Vegetables Seeds Catalogs; Fruit Catalogs; Plants, Ornamental Catalogs; Gardening Equipment and supplies Catalogs. CHOICE SELECTIONS IN PLANTS. F. R. PIERSON CO., TARRYTOWN-ON-HUDSON, N. Y. 5 HARDY HYBRID PERPETUAL ROSES STRONG FIELD-GROWN PLANTS READY FOR IMMEDIATE FLOWERING. Mrs. John Laing. We offer an exceptionally large stock of Hardy Roses, varieties selected with a view to suit critical customers, who want the very best obtainable. We believe they will bear the most rigid scrutiny
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 27/03/1953. Miss A Hatch playing an accordion at the Sports Club annual dinner. The Sports Club annual dinner was held in the canteen at Laing's Mill Hill office. Following the dinner, entertainment included a piano accordion recital, and concluded with a sing-song. Stock Photo
RM2H9874Y–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 27/03/1953. Miss A Hatch playing an accordion at the Sports Club annual dinner. The Sports Club annual dinner was held in the canteen at Laing's Mill Hill office. Following the dinner, entertainment included a piano accordion recital, and concluded with a sing-song.
. H. H. Berger & Co.'s price list. Nurseries (Horticulture), California, Catalogs; Flowers, Seeds, Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants), Catalogs. WHOLESALE CATALOGUE OF BULBS, SEEDS AND PLANTS. 13. LOW-BUDDED ROSES. Extra-fine stock. Hybrid Perpetual 2-year-old. ROSE and PINK. Anna de Diesbach, Baroness Rothschild, Captain Christy, Caro- line Testout, Duke of Edinburgh, Jules Margottin, La France, Mme. Gabrielle Luizet, Mme. Eugenie Verdier, Magna Charta, Mrs. John Laing. DEEP ROSE and CARMINE. Marshall P. Wilder, Marie Baumann, Paul Neyron, Ulrich Brunner, Victor Verdier. VELVETY CRIMSON and SCARLET Stock Photo
RMRFK1JD–. H. H. Berger & Co.'s price list. Nurseries (Horticulture), California, Catalogs; Flowers, Seeds, Catalogs; Bulbs (Plants), Catalogs. WHOLESALE CATALOGUE OF BULBS, SEEDS AND PLANTS. 13. LOW-BUDDED ROSES. Extra-fine stock. Hybrid Perpetual 2-year-old. ROSE and PINK. Anna de Diesbach, Baroness Rothschild, Captain Christy, Caro- line Testout, Duke of Edinburgh, Jules Margottin, La France, Mme. Gabrielle Luizet, Mme. Eugenie Verdier, Magna Charta, Mrs. John Laing. DEEP ROSE and CARMINE. Marshall P. Wilder, Marie Baumann, Paul Neyron, Ulrich Brunner, Victor Verdier. VELVETY CRIMSON and SCARLET
John Laing holding a Rolleiflex camera outside Bournemouth train station, 30/05/1953. A portrait of John Laing holding a Rolleiflex camera outside Bournemouth train station, during a staff outing of Laing's London office to Bournemouth. Stock Photo
RM2H986Y8–John Laing holding a Rolleiflex camera outside Bournemouth train station, 30/05/1953. A portrait of John Laing holding a Rolleiflex camera outside Bournemouth train station, during a staff outing of Laing's London office to Bournemouth.
. Chase fruit and fowers in natural colors;. Fruit; Flowers; Nursery stock. General Jacqueminot {H. P.) A favorite red Rose, widely used for garden culture; color brilliant and glowing; flowers fra- grant, not full, but large and very attractive; an earlv bloomer. Mn. John Laing (H. P.) Shell pink, flowers beauti- fully formed, finely colored, extremely fragrant and borne on strong stems. Splendid for cutting. A thorougfily good variety. One of tfie best pinks in tfie H . P. class.. 1W2. by Chase Brolhers Co. 56. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may hav Stock Photo
RMRJ7HPK–. Chase fruit and fowers in natural colors;. Fruit; Flowers; Nursery stock. General Jacqueminot {H. P.) A favorite red Rose, widely used for garden culture; color brilliant and glowing; flowers fra- grant, not full, but large and very attractive; an earlv bloomer. Mn. John Laing (H. P.) Shell pink, flowers beauti- fully formed, finely colored, extremely fragrant and borne on strong stems. Splendid for cutting. A thorougfily good variety. One of tfie best pinks in tfie H . P. class.. 1W2. by Chase Brolhers Co. 56. Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may hav
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 10/12/1983. An audience of children participating during the entertainment at the Laing children's Christmas party at Mill Hill. This photograph was published in January/February 1984 in Laing's monthly newsletter 'Team Spirit'. It shows children of Laing sports club members participating in entertainment provided by 'Poz' the magician at their annual Christmas party. Stock Photo
RM2H9877H–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 10/12/1983. An audience of children participating during the entertainment at the Laing children's Christmas party at Mill Hill. This photograph was published in January/February 1984 in Laing's monthly newsletter 'Team Spirit'. It shows children of Laing sports club members participating in entertainment provided by 'Poz' the magician at their annual Christmas party.
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 14/12/1978. Four women in evening gowns on the dance floor at the Laing Senior Citizens Christmas dinner and dance at Mill Hill. The dinner and dance was held in the restaurant at Laing's Mill Hill office. There was a three-course turkey dinner, dancing and tombola draws throughout the evening. Stock Photo
RM2H9877E–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 14/12/1978. Four women in evening gowns on the dance floor at the Laing Senior Citizens Christmas dinner and dance at Mill Hill. The dinner and dance was held in the restaurant at Laing's Mill Hill office. There was a three-course turkey dinner, dancing and tombola draws throughout the evening.
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 19/04/1984. H Wills at work in one of Laing's research and development labs, applying coloured concrete to a piece of carved stonework. The work that was carried out in this particular lab involved preparing colour matching concretes for the repair of stone for Laing's specialist activities such as Laing Stonemasonry. The process involved mixing many different types and colours of sand to find the best match. Stock Photo
RM2HFK337–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 19/04/1984. H Wills at work in one of Laing's research and development labs, applying coloured concrete to a piece of carved stonework. The work that was carried out in this particular lab involved preparing colour matching concretes for the repair of stone for Laing's specialist activities such as Laing Stonemasonry. The process involved mixing many different types and colours of sand to find the best match.
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 19/04/1984. H Wills at work in one of Laing's research and development labs, applying coloured concrete to a piece of carved stonework. The work that was carried out in this particular lab involved preparing colour matching concretes for the repair of stone for Laing's specialist activities such as Laing Stonemasonry. The process involved mixing many different types and colours of sand to find the best match. Stock Photo
RM2HFK3H5–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 19/04/1984. H Wills at work in one of Laing's research and development labs, applying coloured concrete to a piece of carved stonework. The work that was carried out in this particular lab involved preparing colour matching concretes for the repair of stone for Laing's specialist activities such as Laing Stonemasonry. The process involved mixing many different types and colours of sand to find the best match.
A group portrait of the tunnel team on the Co-operative Society CIS/CWS contract. From left to right; M. Lynch, L. Tague, J. McCabe, M. Mannion, W. Kowalzyk, J. Crabbe and C. White. This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20. Stock Photo
RM2GGE89J–A group portrait of the tunnel team on the Co-operative Society CIS/CWS contract. From left to right; M. Lynch, L. Tague, J. McCabe, M. Mannion, W. Kowalzyk, J. Crabbe and C. White. This image was catalogued as part of the Breaking New Ground Project in partnership with the John Laing Charitable Trust in 2019-20.
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Children playing on the bouncy castle at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. Stock Photo
RM2HTCNKM–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Children playing on the bouncy castle at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco.
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Children playing on the bouncy castle at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. Stock Photo
RM2HTCNR0–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Children playing on the bouncy castle at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco.
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. A small child enjoying the merry-go-round ride at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. Stock Photo
RM2HTCNRC–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. A small child enjoying the merry-go-round ride at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco.
Wembley Town Hall, Forty Lane, Brent, London, 22/06/1962. E L Davies shaking hands with Sir John Laing during an award for 25 years of service at a long service and retirement presentation held in Wembley Town Hall. The long service and retirement presentation was held at Wembley Town Hall after an Annual General Meeting of the company. The presentations were made by W K Laing (Kirby) and J M Laing (Maurice) with Sir John Laing in attendance. Stock Photo
RM2HTCRJ0–Wembley Town Hall, Forty Lane, Brent, London, 22/06/1962. E L Davies shaking hands with Sir John Laing during an award for 25 years of service at a long service and retirement presentation held in Wembley Town Hall. The long service and retirement presentation was held at Wembley Town Hall after an Annual General Meeting of the company. The presentations were made by W K Laing (Kirby) and J M Laing (Maurice) with Sir John Laing in attendance.
Paternoster Square, City of London, 16/01/1964. Looking north-east across the Paternoster development during its construction, showing completed blocks and some under construction including Sudbury House. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consiste Stock Photo
RM2HFK3WE–Paternoster Square, City of London, 16/01/1964. Looking north-east across the Paternoster development during its construction, showing completed blocks and some under construction including Sudbury House. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consiste
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/03/1987. Mrs Joan Kirby posed holding a bouquet with a group of friends and colleagues during her retirement presentation at Mill Hill. Joan Kirby joined Laing in 1955 as a secretary for Mr Waldrum, who was in charge of personnel. She went on to work for various other individuals including John Renshaw. Joan joined Laing's Welfare Department in 1982 and retired from the Company in 1987, after 32 years of service. Stock Photo
RM2H9877P–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/03/1987. Mrs Joan Kirby posed holding a bouquet with a group of friends and colleagues during her retirement presentation at Mill Hill. Joan Kirby joined Laing in 1955 as a secretary for Mr Waldrum, who was in charge of personnel. She went on to work for various other individuals including John Renshaw. Joan joined Laing's Welfare Department in 1982 and retired from the Company in 1987, after 32 years of service.
Filton Airfield, South Gloucestershire, 30/04/1950. Rapid Concrete Breaking Co Ltd trucks at Filton Airfield during construction of a runway, with construction work in progress beyond. Laing extended the runway westwards at Filton Airfield to accommodate the Bristol Brabazon airliner, which was being built at the airfield. Work began in July 1946 on the new runway, which was 2,725 yards long and 100 yards wide. The work required the requisitioning and removal of Charlton village and a temporary flying strip was laid, for use while the new runway was under construction. Stock Photo
RM2HFK37H–Filton Airfield, South Gloucestershire, 30/04/1950. Rapid Concrete Breaking Co Ltd trucks at Filton Airfield during construction of a runway, with construction work in progress beyond. Laing extended the runway westwards at Filton Airfield to accommodate the Bristol Brabazon airliner, which was being built at the airfield. Work began in July 1946 on the new runway, which was 2,725 yards long and 100 yards wide. The work required the requisitioning and removal of Charlton village and a temporary flying strip was laid, for use while the new runway was under construction.
Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 28/06/1968. Two women working in the computer room of Laing's construction site at the Aylesbury Estate. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as ‘Jespersen’ (also called 'Jesperson'). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Laing's Southern Region started building the Aylesbury Estate in 1967. Stock Photo
RM2HFK301–Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 28/06/1968. Two women working in the computer room of Laing's construction site at the Aylesbury Estate. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as ‘Jespersen’ (also called 'Jesperson'). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Laing's Southern Region started building the Aylesbury Estate in 1967.
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. The audience of children and their parents for the Punch & Judy show at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. Stock Photo
RM2HTCNHR–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. The audience of children and their parents for the Punch & Judy show at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco.
Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 07/09/1976. Looking over low-rise blocks of flats and maisonettes during the topping out ceremony of the Southwark Whites contract on the Aylesbury Estate. The Southwark Whites contract was carried out by Laing's South London Region. In an article published in October 1976 in Laing's monthly newsletter 'Team Spirit', the site is described as the last housing development to be built by Laing in the 10 year redevelopment of the Aylesbury Estate. It was also to be the last housing development to be built using the 12M Jespersen scheme as the John Lai Stock Photo
RM2HFK30P–Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 07/09/1976. Looking over low-rise blocks of flats and maisonettes during the topping out ceremony of the Southwark Whites contract on the Aylesbury Estate. The Southwark Whites contract was carried out by Laing's South London Region. In an article published in October 1976 in Laing's monthly newsletter 'Team Spirit', the site is described as the last housing development to be built by Laing in the 10 year redevelopment of the Aylesbury Estate. It was also to be the last housing development to be built using the 12M Jespersen scheme as the John Lai
Hulme, Manchester, 01/08/1967. A block of 12M Jespersen flats under construction in Hulme, showing a wall panel with inset windows about to be hoisted into position. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. This site in Hulme was built in 1967 with parts supplied by the John La Stock Photo
RM2HFK3MG–Hulme, Manchester, 01/08/1967. A block of 12M Jespersen flats under construction in Hulme, showing a wall panel with inset windows about to be hoisted into position. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. This site in Hulme was built in 1967 with parts supplied by the John La
Queensgate Centre, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 19/04/1982. An interior view of Queensgate Shopping Centre taken from the Central Square escalator, showing the entrance to British Home Stores. The contract for the Queensgate Centre, located in the heart of Peterborough, was awarded to Laing in 1975. Various planning enquiries and design changes delayed the start of the work however the inauguration ceremony finally took place in April 1978. The multi-level shopping centre was designed with a large car park and a new bus station, and many well-known retailers such as John Lewis, British Home S Stock Photo
RM2HTCNRN–Queensgate Centre, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 19/04/1982. An interior view of Queensgate Shopping Centre taken from the Central Square escalator, showing the entrance to British Home Stores. The contract for the Queensgate Centre, located in the heart of Peterborough, was awarded to Laing in 1975. Various planning enquiries and design changes delayed the start of the work however the inauguration ceremony finally took place in April 1978. The multi-level shopping centre was designed with a large car park and a new bus station, and many well-known retailers such as John Lewis, British Home S
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/11/1968. Catering staff standing beside a buffet laid on for former director WM Johnson and his wife at their Golden Wedding anniversary party. The Golden Wedding celebration laid on by Laing for former director, W M Johnson, took place over 3 days and included a directors' lunch, a private dinner party in town and a buffet lunch held at Mill Hill. An article on the event was published in January 1969 in Laing's monthly newsletter Team Spirit. Stock Photo
RM2H98777–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/11/1968. Catering staff standing beside a buffet laid on for former director WM Johnson and his wife at their Golden Wedding anniversary party. The Golden Wedding celebration laid on by Laing for former director, W M Johnson, took place over 3 days and included a directors' lunch, a private dinner party in town and a buffet lunch held at Mill Hill. An article on the event was published in January 1969 in Laing's monthly newsletter Team Spirit.
Paternoster Square, City of London, 14/12/1962. Looking up at a tower crane against a maze of scaffolding during the construction of the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping Stock Photo
RM2HFK3R8–Paternoster Square, City of London, 14/12/1962. Looking up at a tower crane against a maze of scaffolding during the construction of the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping
Paternoster Square, City of London, 23/06/1965. A view of tables and seating in an empty restaurant at the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping precinct, an extensive piazza Stock Photo
RM2HFK3TD–Paternoster Square, City of London, 23/06/1965. A view of tables and seating in an empty restaurant at the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping precinct, an extensive piazza
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 23/09/1979. The winning team of a Mixed Triples Bowls Tournament being presented with a shield by Terry Eves, representing event sponsors Scottish and Newcastle Breweries, with club treasurer Ron Homewood on the right. A similar image was published in November 1979 in Laing's monthly Team Spirit newsletter. From left to right: Terry Eves of Scottish and Newcastle Breweries; Laing winning triples: Bob Loudon, Jean Bowden and John Cannon; and Ron Homewood. Stock Photo
RM2HFK3BW–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 23/09/1979. The winning team of a Mixed Triples Bowls Tournament being presented with a shield by Terry Eves, representing event sponsors Scottish and Newcastle Breweries, with club treasurer Ron Homewood on the right. A similar image was published in November 1979 in Laing's monthly Team Spirit newsletter. From left to right: Terry Eves of Scottish and Newcastle Breweries; Laing winning triples: Bob Loudon, Jean Bowden and John Cannon; and Ron Homewood.
Hulme, Manchester, 04/05/1967. A view over the construction site of three-storey flats in Hulme, built using the 12M Jespersen system, with the Manchester skyline in the distance including Manchester Central Railway Station. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. These flats Stock Photo
RM2HFK3M8–Hulme, Manchester, 04/05/1967. A view over the construction site of three-storey flats in Hulme, built using the 12M Jespersen system, with the Manchester skyline in the distance including Manchester Central Railway Station. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. These flats
Barbican Centre, Silk Street, City of London, 01/03/1982. An exterior view of the main entrance to the Barbican Arts Centre. John Laing & Son Ltd were responsible for the construction of Phase V of the Barbican development, which included the Barbican Arts Centre and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. The Barbican Centre is a huge performing arts centre which houses a library, theatre, concert hall, cinemas, conservatory, seminar rooms and more. On Wednesday 3rd March 1982, the Barbican Centre was ceremonially opened by Queen Elizabeth II, who unveiled a commemorative plaque to mark Stock Photo
RM2HFK31D–Barbican Centre, Silk Street, City of London, 01/03/1982. An exterior view of the main entrance to the Barbican Arts Centre. John Laing & Son Ltd were responsible for the construction of Phase V of the Barbican development, which included the Barbican Arts Centre and the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. The Barbican Centre is a huge performing arts centre which houses a library, theatre, concert hall, cinemas, conservatory, seminar rooms and more. On Wednesday 3rd March 1982, the Barbican Centre was ceremonially opened by Queen Elizabeth II, who unveiled a commemorative plaque to mark
Severn Bridge, M48, Aust, South Gloucestershire, 12/12/1961. Laing workers using a truck-mounted drilling rig on the temporary pontoons at the site of the foundations for the Beachley tower of the Severn Bridge. This photograph was used in the January 1962 issue of Team Spirit, the Laing company newsletter, with the caption 'Ground Engineering Limited: rock-drilling in connection with the Severn Bridge'. The contract for the construction of the foundations for the Severn Bridge was won by John Howard and Company but part of the Laing group seems to have been subcontracted for the investigation Stock Photo
RM2HTCPAM–Severn Bridge, M48, Aust, South Gloucestershire, 12/12/1961. Laing workers using a truck-mounted drilling rig on the temporary pontoons at the site of the foundations for the Beachley tower of the Severn Bridge. This photograph was used in the January 1962 issue of Team Spirit, the Laing company newsletter, with the caption 'Ground Engineering Limited: rock-drilling in connection with the Severn Bridge'. The contract for the construction of the foundations for the Severn Bridge was won by John Howard and Company but part of the Laing group seems to have been subcontracted for the investigation
Paternoster Square, City of London, 26/08/1963. A view looking west showing various multi-storey blocks under construction as part of the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping Stock Photo
RM2HFK3T4–Paternoster Square, City of London, 26/08/1963. A view looking west showing various multi-storey blocks under construction as part of the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping
Paternoster Square, City of London, 23/06/1965. The reception area of an office building at the Paternoster development, showing a desk between four large columns. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shoppin Stock Photo
RM2HFK3T6–Paternoster Square, City of London, 23/06/1965. The reception area of an office building at the Paternoster development, showing a desk between four large columns. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shoppin
Victoria Park Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, Cheshire, 18/04/1968. Three girls standing beside a stone wall, looking towards flats in the distance at the Victoria Park development, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Th Stock Photo
RM2HTCRDH–Victoria Park Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, Cheshire, 18/04/1968. Three girls standing beside a stone wall, looking towards flats in the distance at the Victoria Park development, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Th
Craigshill, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland, 01/10/1965. A team of Laing workers lowering a prefabricated concrete staircase into position at a Jespersen construction compound, probably at the Craigshill development in Livingston. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Stock Photo
RM2HFK3C0–Craigshill, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland, 01/10/1965. A team of Laing workers lowering a prefabricated concrete staircase into position at a Jespersen construction compound, probably at the Craigshill development in Livingston. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Professor Alexander the Punch & Judy man gathering an audience for his next show at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. Stock Photo
RM2HTCNJ7–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Professor Alexander the Punch & Judy man gathering an audience for his next show at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco.
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. A woman sitting astride a spinning balance beam over a tank of water whilst wet sponges are thrown at her, part of the 'It's a Knockout' competition at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. This photog Stock Photo
RM2HTCNJ8–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. A woman sitting astride a spinning balance beam over a tank of water whilst wet sponges are thrown at her, part of the 'It's a Knockout' competition at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. This photog
Sir John Laing Building, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 18/05/1981. The exterior of the front entrance to the Sir John Laing Building, Mill Hill, showing the octagonal glass Conference Centre to the left. The Sir John Laing Building, named in honour of the company's president who died in January 1978 at the age of 98, was built between 1977 and 1980 having been planned since 1974. The building completed a phase of development at Laing's Mill Hill headquarters complex, an area that the firm had occupied since moving from Carlisle in 1922. By 1988 however a major restructuring of the Stock Photo
RM2HTCPK1–Sir John Laing Building, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 18/05/1981. The exterior of the front entrance to the Sir John Laing Building, Mill Hill, showing the octagonal glass Conference Centre to the left. The Sir John Laing Building, named in honour of the company's president who died in January 1978 at the age of 98, was built between 1977 and 1980 having been planned since 1974. The building completed a phase of development at Laing's Mill Hill headquarters complex, an area that the firm had occupied since moving from Carlisle in 1922. By 1988 however a major restructuring of the
County High School, Gedling Road, Arnold, Gedling, Nottinghamshire, 29/07/1959. The main courtyard at Arnold County High School seen from the south-east corner, showing hexagonal paving and raised flower beds in the foreground. Work began on the site in March 1958 and construction was completed for the new school term in September 1959. The co-educational grammar school accommodated 720 pupils. In the mid 1960s another school was built nearby and in 1974 the two were amalgamated into a comprehensive. The Laing built school buildings were eventually demolished in 2017. Stock Photo
RM2HFK3CB–County High School, Gedling Road, Arnold, Gedling, Nottinghamshire, 29/07/1959. The main courtyard at Arnold County High School seen from the south-east corner, showing hexagonal paving and raised flower beds in the foreground. Work began on the site in March 1958 and construction was completed for the new school term in September 1959. The co-educational grammar school accommodated 720 pupils. In the mid 1960s another school was built nearby and in 1974 the two were amalgamated into a comprehensive. The Laing built school buildings were eventually demolished in 2017.
Paternoster Square, City of London, 23/06/1965. A woman walking down a winding staircase in a building at the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping precinct, an extensive piaz Stock Photo
RM2HFK3T8–Paternoster Square, City of London, 23/06/1965. A woman walking down a winding staircase in a building at the Paternoster development. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted of a series of office blocks, a shopping precinct, an extensive piaz
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 11/05/1966. A photographer taking a photo of a model in the studio of the new Sports Club centre soon after the centre's opening. By 1966, membership of the Laing Sports Club had reached 2,500 throughout the country. A new Sports Club wing opened at John Laing and Son Ltd's offices at Mill Hill on 28th April 1966. The new centre had two floors which a billiards room, club rooms, sports shop, photographic studio, and offices. A coffee lounge, table tennis hall and TV lounge were separated by folding doors and could be converted Stock Photo
RM2H98774–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 11/05/1966. A photographer taking a photo of a model in the studio of the new Sports Club centre soon after the centre's opening. By 1966, membership of the Laing Sports Club had reached 2,500 throughout the country. A new Sports Club wing opened at John Laing and Son Ltd's offices at Mill Hill on 28th April 1966. The new centre had two floors which a billiards room, club rooms, sports shop, photographic studio, and offices. A coffee lounge, table tennis hall and TV lounge were separated by folding doors and could be converted
Victoria Park Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, Cheshire, 18/04/1968. Four boys sitting on a stone wall, looking towards flats in the distance at the Victoria Park development, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Victo Stock Photo
RM2HTCRDT–Victoria Park Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, Cheshire, 18/04/1968. Four boys sitting on a stone wall, looking towards flats in the distance at the Victoria Park development, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Victo
Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 06/10/1969. A lorry delivering precast concrete panels from Laing's factory in Andover to a block of flats on the Aylesbury Estate, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Laing's So Stock Photo
RM2HFK322–Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 06/10/1969. A lorry delivering precast concrete panels from Laing's factory in Andover to a block of flats on the Aylesbury Estate, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Laing's So
St George's Hospital, Blackshaw Road, Tooting, Wandsworth, London, 07/08/1985. A lorry delivering light weight aggregate to the St James Wing construction site at St George's Hospital, Tooting. 'Lytag' was a light weight aggregate manufactured from pulverised fuel ash from power stations and used in concrete building materials. Lytag Ltd developed the product in 1961 and was a subsidiary of John Laing Ltd until 1982 when it was bought by Pozzolanic Ltd. Pozzolanic Ltd was in turn acquired by the BORAL Group, as shown by the truck's livery. Stock Photo
RM2HTCPMK–St George's Hospital, Blackshaw Road, Tooting, Wandsworth, London, 07/08/1985. A lorry delivering light weight aggregate to the St James Wing construction site at St George's Hospital, Tooting. 'Lytag' was a light weight aggregate manufactured from pulverised fuel ash from power stations and used in concrete building materials. Lytag Ltd developed the product in 1961 and was a subsidiary of John Laing Ltd until 1982 when it was bought by Pozzolanic Ltd. Pozzolanic Ltd was in turn acquired by the BORAL Group, as shown by the truck's livery.
County High School, Gedling Road, Arnold, Gedling, Nottinghamshire, 23/02/1959. A view looking south-west from an upper window in the science block at Arnold County High School, showing workers spreading gravel on the roofs of lower school buildings. Work began on the site in March 1958 and construction was completed for the new school term in September 1959. The co-educational grammar school accommodated 720 pupils. In the mid 1960s another school was built nearby and in 1974 the two were amalgamated into a comprehensive. The Laing built school buildings were eventually demolished in 2017. Stock Photo
RM2HFK3BT–County High School, Gedling Road, Arnold, Gedling, Nottinghamshire, 23/02/1959. A view looking south-west from an upper window in the science block at Arnold County High School, showing workers spreading gravel on the roofs of lower school buildings. Work began on the site in March 1958 and construction was completed for the new school term in September 1959. The co-educational grammar school accommodated 720 pupils. In the mid 1960s another school was built nearby and in 1974 the two were amalgamated into a comprehensive. The Laing built school buildings were eventually demolished in 2017.
CIS Building, Cooperative Insurance Society Tower, Miller Street, Manchester, 16/10/1962. The main entrance foyer featuring an abstract wall mural in the Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) Building in Manchester. In 1959, the Laing Company began work on the construction of two office blocks for the Co-operative Society in Manchester. The Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) tower was over 350ft high when completed in 1962, and was the tallest office block in the country at the time. On an adjacent site, a smaller 14-storey high office block for the Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS) was co Stock Photo
RM2HFK3GA–CIS Building, Cooperative Insurance Society Tower, Miller Street, Manchester, 16/10/1962. The main entrance foyer featuring an abstract wall mural in the Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) Building in Manchester. In 1959, the Laing Company began work on the construction of two office blocks for the Co-operative Society in Manchester. The Co-operative Insurance Society (CIS) tower was over 350ft high when completed in 1962, and was the tallest office block in the country at the time. On an adjacent site, a smaller 14-storey high office block for the Co-operative Wholesale Society (CWS) was co
Queensgate Centre, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 19/04/1982. An interior view of British Home Stores within Queensgate Shopping Centre, showing clothing displayed on mannequins. The contract for the Queensgate Centre, located in the heart of Peterborough, was awarded to Laing in 1975. Various planning enquiries and design changes delayed the start of the work however the inauguration ceremony finally took place in April 1978. The multi-level shopping centre was designed with a large car park and a new bus station, and many well-known retailers such as John Lewis, British Home Stores and Little Stock Photo
RM2HTCNRP–Queensgate Centre, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, 19/04/1982. An interior view of British Home Stores within Queensgate Shopping Centre, showing clothing displayed on mannequins. The contract for the Queensgate Centre, located in the heart of Peterborough, was awarded to Laing in 1975. Various planning enquiries and design changes delayed the start of the work however the inauguration ceremony finally took place in April 1978. The multi-level shopping centre was designed with a large car park and a new bus station, and many well-known retailers such as John Lewis, British Home Stores and Little
Victoria Park Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, Cheshire, 18/04/1968. A kitchen diner in a flat at the Victoria Park development, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Victoria Park development in Macclesfield, lying bet Stock Photo
RM2HTCRDN–Victoria Park Estate, Macclesfield, Cheshire East, Cheshire, 18/04/1968. A kitchen diner in a flat at the Victoria Park development, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Victoria Park development in Macclesfield, lying bet
Pooles Park, Finsbury Park, Islington, London, 20/05/1970. Two children playing on posts in a playground besides blocks of flats at Pooles Park, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Pooles Park development was built by Lai Stock Photo
RM2HTCNRF–Pooles Park, Finsbury Park, Islington, London, 20/05/1970. Two children playing on posts in a playground besides blocks of flats at Pooles Park, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. The Pooles Park development was built by Lai
Victoria Joinery Works, Magdalen Street, Earlsfield, Wandsworth, London, 25/11/1966. The interior of Victoria Joinery Works, showing a team of men at work on the manufacture of wooden staircases for 12M Jespersen dwellings. Victoria Joinery Ltd was originally part of the Holloway Brothers group, acquired by John Laing & Son Ltd in 1964. The works was on Magdalen Street in Earlsfield but has since been demolished and housing now occupies the site. The photograph is part of a batch showing staircases manufactured at the works, later to be installed in Laing's 12M Jespersen homes. Stock Photo
RM2HTCRDF–Victoria Joinery Works, Magdalen Street, Earlsfield, Wandsworth, London, 25/11/1966. The interior of Victoria Joinery Works, showing a team of men at work on the manufacture of wooden staircases for 12M Jespersen dwellings. Victoria Joinery Ltd was originally part of the Holloway Brothers group, acquired by John Laing & Son Ltd in 1964. The works was on Magdalen Street in Earlsfield but has since been demolished and housing now occupies the site. The photograph is part of a batch showing staircases manufactured at the works, later to be installed in Laing's 12M Jespersen homes.
Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 01/05/1971. A young girl seated on a bench in front of a recently completed block of flats on the Aylesbury Estate, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Laing's Southern Region st Stock Photo
RM2HFK2WA–Aylesbury Estate, Walworth, Southwark, London, 01/05/1971. A young girl seated on a bench in front of a recently completed block of flats on the Aylesbury Estate, built using the 12M Jespersen system. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system for flats known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and money. Laing's Southern Region st
Craigshill, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland, 01/10/1965. Two surveyors at work on a Jespersen construction compound, probably at the Craigshill development in Livingston, with a crane in the background unloading a pallet from a trailer. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and mone Stock Photo
RM2HFK3AW–Craigshill, Livingston, West Lothian, Scotland, 01/10/1965. Two surveyors at work on a Jespersen construction compound, probably at the Craigshill development in Livingston, with a crane in the background unloading a pallet from a trailer. In 1963, John Laing and Son Ltd bought the rights to the Danish industrialised building system known as Jespersen (sometimes referred to as Jesperson). The company built factories in Scotland, Hampshire and Lancashire producing Jespersen prefabricated parts and precast concrete panels, allowing the building of housing to be rationalised, saving time and mone
Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High Street, Kensington, London, 22/11/1961. Sir James Robertson, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Commonwealth Institute (right) and two other men drinking beer at the topping out ceremony reception. Laing built the Commonwealth Institute between October 1960 and October 1962 to replace the former Imperial Institute that was to be demolished to make way for new facilities at Imperial College. The building consisted of a four-storey administrative block housing a library, restaurant, board room and conference hall and a separate two-storey b lock co Stock Photo
RM2HFK3CW–Commonwealth Institute, Kensington High Street, Kensington, London, 22/11/1961. Sir James Robertson, Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Commonwealth Institute (right) and two other men drinking beer at the topping out ceremony reception. Laing built the Commonwealth Institute between October 1960 and October 1962 to replace the former Imperial Institute that was to be demolished to make way for new facilities at Imperial College. The building consisted of a four-storey administrative block housing a library, restaurant, board room and conference hall and a separate two-storey b lock co
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/12/1973. An entertainer with a ventriloquist's dummy speaking to two young girls at the annual children's Christmas party held by the Laing Sports Club at John Laing and Son Ltd's Mill Hill offices. The Laing Sports Club held its annual children's Christmas party on Saturday 15th December. The party was for 120 children aged under 7 years; older children saw a pantomime of Cinderella at Wembley. The children's party at the Mill Hill offices featured games, a traditional tea and a cartoon show, followed by a visit from Fathe Stock Photo
RM2H9877B–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/12/1973. An entertainer with a ventriloquist's dummy speaking to two young girls at the annual children's Christmas party held by the Laing Sports Club at John Laing and Son Ltd's Mill Hill offices. The Laing Sports Club held its annual children's Christmas party on Saturday 15th December. The party was for 120 children aged under 7 years; older children saw a pantomime of Cinderella at Wembley. The children's party at the Mill Hill offices featured games, a traditional tea and a cartoon show, followed by a visit from Fathe
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. A man falling off a spinning balance beam into a tank of water, part of the 'It's a Knockout' competition at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. The 'It's a Knockout' competition was won by a team fro Stock Photo
RM2HTCNRA–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. A man falling off a spinning balance beam into a tank of water, part of the 'It's a Knockout' competition at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. The 'It's a Knockout' competition was won by a team fro
Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Three people throwing wet sponges at a man attempting to cross a spinning balance beam over a tank of water, part of the 'It's a Knockout' competition at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. The 'It's Stock Photo
RM2HTCNR5–Laing Sports Ground, Rowley Lane, Elstree, Barnet, London, 11/06/1988. Three people throwing wet sponges at a man attempting to cross a spinning balance beam over a tank of water, part of the 'It's a Knockout' competition at the 1988 Family Day at Laing's Sports Ground. Attractions at that year's Family Day included; a parade of vintage cars, helicopter rides, plate smashing, stalls, an 'It's a Knockout' style competition and tennis and six-a-side football tournaments. The event was opened by John Conteh, former world light heavy weight champion and ended with a barbecue and disco. The 'It's
Westway Flyover, A40, Paddington, City of Westminster, London, 28/07/1970. Representatives from the Greater London Council, G Maunsell & Partners and John Laing & Son at a dinner to celebrate the opening of the Westway Flyover. Work on site for the Western Avenue Extension began on 1st September 1966, and the Westway as it became known was officially opened on 28th July 1970. The elevated highway connecting the A40 at White City to Marylebone Road in Paddington, at around 2 ½ miles, was the longest in Europe. Consulting engineers G Maunsell & Partners designed the road project Stock Photo
RM2HTCRX4–Westway Flyover, A40, Paddington, City of Westminster, London, 28/07/1970. Representatives from the Greater London Council, G Maunsell & Partners and John Laing & Son at a dinner to celebrate the opening of the Westway Flyover. Work on site for the Western Avenue Extension began on 1st September 1966, and the Westway as it became known was officially opened on 28th July 1970. The elevated highway connecting the A40 at White City to Marylebone Road in Paddington, at around 2 ½ miles, was the longest in Europe. Consulting engineers G Maunsell & Partners designed the road project
Paternoster Square, City of London, 14/01/1963. A night-time view looking south-east across the Paternoster development, showing the site during construction with St Paul's Cathedral in the background. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted o Stock Photo
RM2HFK3T5–Paternoster Square, City of London, 14/01/1963. A night-time view looking south-east across the Paternoster development, showing the site during construction with St Paul's Cathedral in the background. Work on the Paternoster development was carried out in a joint venture by John Laing Construction Limited, Trollope and Colls Limited, and George Wimpey and Company Limited. The scheme involved the redevelopment of a seven acre site on the north side of St Paul’s Cathedral. The site had been almost entirely devastated during an incendiary raid in December 1940. The development consisted o
Hahnemann Court, Carley Hill Road, Southwick, Sunderland, 10/10/1966. An access balcony on a low rise development of 'Sectra' flats at Hahnemann Court, with residents tending plants in window boxes outside their flats. 'Sectra’ was a French prefabricated steel formwork design for flats which John Laing and Son Ltd acquired the British rights to in 1962. Hahnemann Court was built by Laing for Sunderland County Borough Council. The contract was approved in 1964 and the flats took 18 months to construct. There were 208 flats in four blocks with a quadrangle at the centre. The flats were bu Stock Photo
RM2HFK35B–Hahnemann Court, Carley Hill Road, Southwick, Sunderland, 10/10/1966. An access balcony on a low rise development of 'Sectra' flats at Hahnemann Court, with residents tending plants in window boxes outside their flats. 'Sectra’ was a French prefabricated steel formwork design for flats which John Laing and Son Ltd acquired the British rights to in 1962. Hahnemann Court was built by Laing for Sunderland County Borough Council. The contract was approved in 1964 and the flats took 18 months to construct. There were 208 flats in four blocks with a quadrangle at the centre. The flats were bu
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/03/1987. Mrs Joan Kirby, with a group of friends and colleagues, posed in the middle of cutting the cake during her retirement presentation at Mill Hill. Joan Kirby joined Laing in 1955 as a secretary for Mr Waldrum, who was in charge of personnel. She went on to work for various other individuals including John Renshaw. Joan joined Laing's Welfare Department in 1982 and retired from the Company in 1987, after 32 years of service. The typewriter beside the cake in this image was presented to Joan as a retirement gift. Stock Photo
RM2H9877R–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 30/03/1987. Mrs Joan Kirby, with a group of friends and colleagues, posed in the middle of cutting the cake during her retirement presentation at Mill Hill. Joan Kirby joined Laing in 1955 as a secretary for Mr Waldrum, who was in charge of personnel. She went on to work for various other individuals including John Renshaw. Joan joined Laing's Welfare Department in 1982 and retired from the Company in 1987, after 32 years of service. The typewriter beside the cake in this image was presented to Joan as a retirement gift.
New Kent Road, Newington, Southwark, London, 12/06/1973. A 60-tonne Gargantua crane lowering the central section of deck into place during the construction of a footbridge over New Kent Road, Southwark. The police closed the road from 8pm on the 12th of June 1973 until 5.30am on the 13th to allow Laing's Southern Region division to build the footbridge. It linked the Heygate Estate of Jespersen flats to the north side of the road. The central box section concrete beam was 14m long and weighed 30 tonnes, the largest single unit produced by the John Laing Concrete factory in Andover at the time. Stock Photo
RM2HFK32K–New Kent Road, Newington, Southwark, London, 12/06/1973. A 60-tonne Gargantua crane lowering the central section of deck into place during the construction of a footbridge over New Kent Road, Southwark. The police closed the road from 8pm on the 12th of June 1973 until 5.30am on the 13th to allow Laing's Southern Region division to build the footbridge. It linked the Heygate Estate of Jespersen flats to the north side of the road. The central box section concrete beam was 14m long and weighed 30 tonnes, the largest single unit produced by the John Laing Concrete factory in Andover at the time.
Sir John Laing Building, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 18/05/1981. The circular fountain and U-shaped stair tower by the front entrance to the Sir John Laing Building, Mill Hill. The Sir John Laing Building, named in honour of the company's president who died in January 1978 at the age of 98, was built between 1977 and 1980 having been planned since 1974. The building completed a phase of development at Laing's Mill Hill headquarters complex, an area that the firm had occupied since moving from Carlisle in 1922. By 1988 however a major restructuring of the company and meant a whole Stock Photo
RM2HTCPK3–Sir John Laing Building, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 18/05/1981. The circular fountain and U-shaped stair tower by the front entrance to the Sir John Laing Building, Mill Hill. The Sir John Laing Building, named in honour of the company's president who died in January 1978 at the age of 98, was built between 1977 and 1980 having been planned since 1974. The building completed a phase of development at Laing's Mill Hill headquarters complex, an area that the firm had occupied since moving from Carlisle in 1922. By 1988 however a major restructuring of the company and meant a whole
Sir John Laing Building, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/05/1981. A fountain outside the front entrance of the Sir John Laing Building, Mill Hill. The Sir John Laing Building, named in honour of the company's president who died in January 1978 at the age of 98, was built between 1977 and 1980 having been planned since 1974. The building completed a phase of development at Laing's Mill Hill headquarters complex, an area that the firm had occupied since moving from Carlisle in 1922. By 1988 however a major restructuring of the company and meant a wholesale relocation out of the Mill Stock Photo
RM2HTCPJK–Sir John Laing Building, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 15/05/1981. A fountain outside the front entrance of the Sir John Laing Building, Mill Hill. The Sir John Laing Building, named in honour of the company's president who died in January 1978 at the age of 98, was built between 1977 and 1980 having been planned since 1974. The building completed a phase of development at Laing's Mill Hill headquarters complex, an area that the firm had occupied since moving from Carlisle in 1922. By 1988 however a major restructuring of the company and meant a wholesale relocation out of the Mill
John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 11/05/1966. A woman crouching beside a record player in the coffee lounge of the new Sports Club centre at the Mill Hill offices of John Laing and Son Ltd, soon after the centre's opening. By 1966, membership of the Laing Sports Club had reached 2,500 throughout the country. A new Sports Club wing opened at John Laing and Son Ltd's offices at Mill Hill on 28th April 1966. The new centre had two floors which a billiards room, club rooms, sports shop, photographic studio, and offices. A coffee lounge, table tennis hall and TV lo Stock Photo
RM2H98775–John Laing and Son Limited, Page Street, Mill Hill, Barnet, London, 11/05/1966. A woman crouching beside a record player in the coffee lounge of the new Sports Club centre at the Mill Hill offices of John Laing and Son Ltd, soon after the centre's opening. By 1966, membership of the Laing Sports Club had reached 2,500 throughout the country. A new Sports Club wing opened at John Laing and Son Ltd's offices at Mill Hill on 28th April 1966. The new centre had two floors which a billiards room, club rooms, sports shop, photographic studio, and offices. A coffee lounge, table tennis hall and TV lo
County Hall, A6352, Aykley Heads, Durham, County Durham, 03/08/1960. Councillor JS Goodwin, Chairman of Durham County Council, with a group of dignitaries ceremonially laying the foundation stone for the County Offices at Durham. John Laing and Son Ltd were contracted to build new county offices at Aykley Heads, Durham. The difficult task of levelling the hilltop site began in November 1959. The work was completed in 1963 and HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, officially opened the county offices on 14th October. The complex included committee rooms, a main office block, hexagonal counc Stock Photo
RM2HFK3B3–County Hall, A6352, Aykley Heads, Durham, County Durham, 03/08/1960. Councillor JS Goodwin, Chairman of Durham County Council, with a group of dignitaries ceremonially laying the foundation stone for the County Offices at Durham. John Laing and Son Ltd were contracted to build new county offices at Aykley Heads, Durham. The difficult task of levelling the hilltop site began in November 1959. The work was completed in 1963 and HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh, officially opened the county offices on 14th October. The complex included committee rooms, a main office block, hexagonal counc
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