Statue of Judge Baylor on the campus of Baylor University in the State of Texas, USA; Waco, Texas, United States of America Stock Photo
RM2J3K36J–Statue of Judge Baylor on the campus of Baylor University in the State of Texas, USA; Waco, Texas, United States of America
The round-up . ss you is the old-fashioned sum-ming up of sincere affection, without the leastsmirk of studied civility. Olla High School, 1910; Memphis Med-ical College, 11, 12, 13; Entered Baylor,Fall 1914. E. E. BROWN, Gustine, Texas. To judge human character rightly, a manmay sometimes have very small experience,provided he has a very large heart. Gustine High School, 1909; EnteredBaylor, Fall 1911; first year, treasvirer. WM. S. CHAPMAN, Sulphur Springs, Tex. The wisest and the best is wiser and betterfor the friends he has. Oak Grove High School, Birthright, Tex-as, 1907; Emerson College Stock Photo
RM2AJ5N8R–The round-up . ss you is the old-fashioned sum-ming up of sincere affection, without the leastsmirk of studied civility. Olla High School, 1910; Memphis Med-ical College, 11, 12, 13; Entered Baylor,Fall 1914. E. E. BROWN, Gustine, Texas. To judge human character rightly, a manmay sometimes have very small experience,provided he has a very large heart. Gustine High School, 1909; EnteredBaylor, Fall 1911; first year, treasvirer. WM. S. CHAPMAN, Sulphur Springs, Tex. The wisest and the best is wiser and betterfor the friends he has. Oak Grove High School, Birthright, Tex-as, 1907; Emerson College
Statue of Judge Baylor on the campus of Baylor University in the State of Texas, USA; Waco, Texas, United States of America Stock Photo
RM2J3K349–Statue of Judge Baylor on the campus of Baylor University in the State of Texas, USA; Waco, Texas, United States of America
The round-up . ^^?V£ie^ B. N. ARD, Pickton, Texas. Every man feels instinctively that all thebeautiful sentiments in the world weigh lessthan a single lovely action. East Texas Normal College, B. S.Entered Baylor, Fall 1911. First year,Councilman; second year, president; thirdjear, editor; fourth yea., secretary. A. M. BLAKE, Olla, Louisiana. God bless you is the old-fashioned sum-ming up of sincere affection, without the leastsmirk of studied civility. Olla High School, 1910; Memphis Med-ical College, 11, 12, 13; Entered Baylor,Fall 1914. E. E. BROWN, Gustine, Texas. To judge human character Stock Photo
RM2AJ5NC8–The round-up . ^^?V£ie^ B. N. ARD, Pickton, Texas. Every man feels instinctively that all thebeautiful sentiments in the world weigh lessthan a single lovely action. East Texas Normal College, B. S.Entered Baylor, Fall 1911. First year,Councilman; second year, president; thirdjear, editor; fourth yea., secretary. A. M. BLAKE, Olla, Louisiana. God bless you is the old-fashioned sum-ming up of sincere affection, without the leastsmirk of studied civility. Olla High School, 1910; Memphis Med-ical College, 11, 12, 13; Entered Baylor,Fall 1914. E. E. BROWN, Gustine, Texas. To judge human character
Statue of Judge Baylor on the campus of Baylor University in the State of Texas, USA; Waco, Texas, United States of America Stock Photo
RM2J3K344–Statue of Judge Baylor on the campus of Baylor University in the State of Texas, USA; Waco, Texas, United States of America
. Baylor's history of the Baylors; a collection of records and important family data . ommandrr of a lioily of (ontiiiflitaltroops. Kohrrt Ba.vlor was in ••ommand of a IhmIv of Con-f«M|rratr i-avalry. and (trnrial .lolin . Baylor, had rliarjr**(dalarp- l»ody of (ont«>d<ratr troops dnrintr tin-Civil War. Bfsidrs hiinir nu-n n war. our an«*«stors wi-n* also Ji-adiTH introduction in social and public life. John Baylor was Lieutenant ofOrange County, in Virginia, and was a member of thehouse of Burgesses. Judge Kobert E. B. Baylor was a not-ed lawyer and judge, while George Baylor, of Cha Stock Photo
RM2CH8E6G–. Baylor's history of the Baylors; a collection of records and important family data . ommandrr of a lioily of (ontiiiflitaltroops. Kohrrt Ba.vlor was in ••ommand of a IhmIv of Con-f«M|rratr i-avalry. and (trnrial .lolin . Baylor, had rliarjr**(dalarp- l»ody of (ont«>d<ratr troops dnrintr tin-Civil War. Bfsidrs hiinir nu-n n war. our an«*«stors wi-n* also Ji-adiTH introduction in social and public life. John Baylor was Lieutenant ofOrange County, in Virginia, and was a member of thehouse of Burgesses. Judge Kobert E. B. Baylor was a not-ed lawyer and judge, while George Baylor, of Cha