Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aktuell-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617180944.html
RM2XT30GG–Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aktuell-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617181148.html
RM2XT30RT–Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aktuell-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617181146.html
RM2XT30RP–Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aktuell-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617180794.html
RM2XT30B6–Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/aktuell-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617180924.html
RM2XT30FT–Aktuell 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Current 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/current-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617181149.html
RM2XT30RW–Current 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Current 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/current-9-5-1971-mork-myrmo-masters-two-favorites-won-the-norwegian-skiing-championship-at-the-weekend-everyone-had-expected-ingolf-mork-to-take-home-the-victory-in-jumping-and-it-was-also-not-unexpected-that-magne-myrmo-from-rennebu-won-his-first-nm-in-cross-country-skiing-norwegian-king-olav-photo-ivar-aaserudaktuellntb-photo-not-image-processed-image617180942.html
RM2XT30GE–Current 9 - 5 - 1971: Mork - Myrmo - Masters Two favorites won the Norwegian skiing championship at the weekend. Everyone had expected Ingolf Mork to take home the victory in jumping, and it was also not unexpected that Magne Myrmo from Rennebu won his first NM in cross-country skiing. Norwegian King Olav. Photo. Ivar Aaserud/Aktuell/NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Actual 44-5-1960: A handshake Two kings and two prime ministers present when 'Voksenåsen', the national gift to Sweden, was handed over. Two kings change prime minister. The picture is from the reception at the Swedish embassy in Oslo after the Norwegian national gift to Sweden had been handed over. King Olav V, King Gustaf VI Adolf, Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen and Prime Minister Tage Erlander. Photo: Aage Storløkken / Aktuell / NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/actual-44-5-1960-a-handshake-two-kings-and-two-prime-ministers-present-when-voksensen-the-national-gift-to-sweden-was-handed-over-two-kings-change-prime-minister-the-picture-is-from-the-reception-at-the-swedish-embassy-in-oslo-after-the-norwegian-national-gift-to-sweden-had-been-handed-over-king-olav-v-king-gustaf-vi-adolf-prime-minister-einar-gerhardsen-and-prime-minister-tage-erlander-photo-aage-storlkken-aktuell-ntb-photo-not-image-processed-image555866626.html
RM2R89WFE–Actual 44-5-1960: A handshake Two kings and two prime ministers present when 'Voksenåsen', the national gift to Sweden, was handed over. Two kings change prime minister. The picture is from the reception at the Swedish embassy in Oslo after the Norwegian national gift to Sweden had been handed over. King Olav V, King Gustaf VI Adolf, Prime Minister Einar Gerhardsen and Prime Minister Tage Erlander. Photo: Aage Storløkken / Aktuell / NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
Current 42-5-1960: Norway's technical incubator Norway's Technical University in Trondheim has celebrated strongly on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. There is no sleepy 50-year-old, but a college in violent expansion in the Old Town. The solemn marking of the 50th anniversary now. Anyone can judge whether the engineers have changed in the last 50 years. King Olav V and Crown Prince Harald are present. Photo: Aage Storløkken / Aktuell / NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED*** Stock Photohttps://www.alamy.com/image-license-details/?v=1https://www.alamy.com/current-42-5-1960-norways-technical-incubator-norways-technical-university-in-trondheim-has-celebrated-strongly-on-the-occasion-of-its-50th-anniversary-there-is-no-sleepy-50-year-old-but-a-college-in-violent-expansion-in-the-old-town-the-solemn-marking-of-the-50th-anniversary-now-anyone-can-judge-whether-the-engineers-have-changed-in-the-last-50-years-king-olav-v-and-crown-prince-harald-are-present-photo-aage-storlkken-aktuell-ntb-photo-not-image-processed-image555913153.html
RM2R8C0W5–Current 42-5-1960: Norway's technical incubator Norway's Technical University in Trondheim has celebrated strongly on the occasion of its 50th anniversary. There is no sleepy 50-year-old, but a college in violent expansion in the Old Town. The solemn marking of the 50th anniversary now. Anyone can judge whether the engineers have changed in the last 50 years. King Olav V and Crown Prince Harald are present. Photo: Aage Storløkken / Aktuell / NTB ***PHOTO NOT IMAGE PROCESSED***
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